siw, ."v ' e ' " DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON FIUDAY, MAY 17, 1007. L STOCKTON THE OLD WHITE CORNER Tomorrow will be the day for bargains at the busy 1 tore. ALL REMNANTS HALF PRICE Ids and Ends of All Sorts Reduced For Friday iuy Something At Our Store Friday ist to Convince Yourself That the ly is .TRULY A BARGAIN DAY., Milwaukee Snultorlum Opened. Milwaukee, May 15. Tho Mil waukee snultorlum for tuberculosis opened today, and received patients, a Inrgo number nnnhlne for admis sion. While tho pavilions nro not rendy for occupancy at this time, tho alterations of tho central buildings havo been concluded, and It ns well as tho tont cottages, will bo used at once, giving accommodations for from 12 to 15 patients. Tho busi ness men have organized for tho purpose of helping tho sanltorlum association In Its campaign for tho sum of $20,000 It ncecli. Tho sup port of a free bed for a year Is J300 Up to tho prosont tlioro Is not n slnglo free bed for tuberculosis supported In Milwaukee. There nro over n thousand In Now York City, and from 400 to 500 In Chicago, and they aro not adequate to tho needs. THE DAILY SPORTING SUMMARY INGER GRAND! MONDAY, MAY 20 iur Act Comedy Drama he World Against Him" Hgham Stock Co. Prices 1 5 and 25c. KxpoHltton Nut Completed. Jamestown, Va., May 17. This wns tho day when tho exposition was to bo completed but it Ib far from that. Thoro aro thoso who say it won't bo completed until July, nnd somo oven dcclnro that It won't bo completed at all. Certainly every thing is nt loose ends, nndi thoro Is an nlr of Incompleteness that is very painful. Tho loaning to tho exposi tion of 5400,000, tho sum asked by tho managers, by Thomas J. Rynn, hns holpod Its progress to n marked degree, but thoro has beon too much to bo done, nnd Its completeness still j romnlns In tho far dlutnnt vista. Tho managers, however, consider tlmt I they havo mado good progress and aBsuro tho nubile that I ho oxnnni. id Wilder for National onice. t!on .- t0(lnv ... o0ll rnniimni. hn City, Tonn., Mny 17. Tho I 0 encampment of thoxdopnrthient Tho Life Insurance nnessce, O. A. H mot nt tho Muddlo has started tho public to ra' homo today nnd will tomor- thinking. Tho wonderful success n annual session, Qon. John T. thnt has mot nnllard'u Horohonnd r. commander, of Knoxvllle, Syrun ln lt8 cruBndo on couuhs. In- IDE The gnthorlng Ib tho Inrg- fluonzn, Bronchitis nnd nil Pulmon- rwni j ears, wnicn is uonovou -- troubles hna Btnrted tho nubile to thinking of this wondorful prepa ration. They nro all using it. Join tho procosslon and down with sick no8S. Prlco 25c, GOc and $1-00. Sold by D. J. Fry. becvi'i' It Is callod nt tho sol hrro The Teunossoo dopart I living tho oloctlon of Con. r a i mmnnder of tho natlonnl uin, which moots In August. al nij'on, of Missouri nnd Oon- Hurro'ighs, of Now Jprsoy, nro a!y c; lonents to Genornl Wlldor e r"f It is said that all tho oa an I tho Illinois veterans aro ient.ul Wlldor, as woll as nil th ei uth IIo hns many ndmlr mong tho veterans In all tho i. us during tho wnr ho mot tho from all tho northern statos tho lino of battle. Many of Ul support him for tho place mman'fcr Gonernl Wlldor Is ' the last volunteer generals of I wa. and ltwrlln' Colic. Cholera diarrhoea Remedy. r is probably no medicine tt is rolled upon with more tit confidence than Chamber- Colic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Jr. During the third of a con- a which It has been use, poo "e learned that It la tho one T that never falls. When ra 'h water and sweetened It want to take. For salo by Dr. '' drug store. Special Mct'llug Tonight. Tho Snlom Hoard of Trado moots at Its now quarters this, Friday, ev ening to tako up tho Fourth of July and other important mnttors. For stomach troubles, biliousness nnd ' constipation try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Many remarkable cures ptivo beon effected by them. Prlco 35 conts. Samples free. For salo by Dr. Stone's drug Btore. i Mer Trarels tlio Wide Whlto Way. Y' k Mav 17 A sttlrMn In Bn ar g dross was found at towm this morning. Tho re- a unldontiaed. Clrcum- W Icduate that it was Rov. vr. who eloned with Florot- !' a Inno Tolnnrl linlrnil I a-d Cowing Aches aHd Tains. Js.'1'e Sumnop Ttrnmnnil TT Api ib, 1902; "i have used ' Snow Liniment In my fam- ree years. I would not bo !l 't In the house. I have used a7 little girl for growing pains b la her knees. I have al&o It for frost blttea feet, with aeceu. It Is the heat llmlmeni BMd" 25c, 50c and $1.00. ' D J Fry, r o VOKXA.. WILLAMKTTK Fit UIT AND IMtODVCK CO. Wholesalo dealers and commission morchants. Cash pnld for nutter, Eggs, Poultry, etc. W. R. Cummlngs an C. A. Witcrnft. Cottlo block, Sa lem, Or.: J. C. Stapleton, 86 Union Avenue, Portland. Cuts Olllc Force. Atlnntn, Gn., May 17. Today tho Southern Hallway made n genornl cut of Its ofllco force. It hns not been announced whether this Ib done ln nccordnnco with tho policy of economy or is simply tho usual re duction that comes every spring pro paratory to tho lighter summer busi ness departments throughout tho southern nnd westorn divisions, of which Atlnntn Is tho hendtquartors, and tho northern nnd eastern, of which Washington Is tho hendquar tors, will fool tho effect of tho re duction. Just how many men will bo laid off or lose n sharo of wngos, is not known, but tho probability is that each office will loso four to six men. o Trial of Mrs. llrurilcy. Wnshjngton, Mny 17. Mrs. Ann M. Drndloy, tho slayer of former Sonntor Drown, of Snlt Lake, at tho Raleigh hotol last December, will bo put on trial on tho Indlctmont for murder todiic I lor uttornoys have boon urging nn onrly trlnl on account of tho frnll health of tho prisoner. o A Narrow Kncnic. O. W. Cloyd, a merchant, of Plunk, Mo., had a narrow oscapo four years ago, when ho rnn a jlmson bur Into his thumb. IIo says: "Tho doc tor wnnfnl to nmputnto It but I would not consent. I bought a box of Ducklon'a Arnica Salvo and that curod tho dnngorous wound," 25c nt J. C. Perry's, druggist. Notice to Real Ktttnto Drwlers o Proposals for Painting, Proposals aro hornby rcquostod for OBtlmntcs on nalntlnir tho roof. windows nnd metal work on main building at tho Btnto roform school. All painting mntorlnl to bo furnish ed by tho stato. Dlds must bo sent to tho ofllco of tho superintendent on or beforo May 10, 1007, In formation nnd specifications enn bo had on application. Ton por cont cortiflod check of nmount, must ac company bid. N. H. LOONBY, 5-S-7t Superintendent, o Call for IlldH. nids will bo rccolvod by tho City Rocordor up to 5 o'clock p. m. Monday, May 20, 1007, for tho con struction of a comont concroto walk on Twolfth atroot, in Salem, Orogon In front of tho south 45 feet of lot No. 1, In block No, 3, In Yew Park addition to tho City of Salem, Oro gon. W. A. MOORES, 5-9-10 Recorder Tho Orogon University nlno do fonted Jay McCormick'B.tenm nt Eu- gene. H. Ton Eyck, now with tho Unlvor- slty of Wisconsin, in coaching tho Philadelphia Dnrgo club tho prqsoat season. Jnck Sheridan, tho veteran umpire,-says thnt Lajolo hna a find In lilobhart. Tho old umpire opines thnt tho youngster hna a splttor working ns woll ns Chosbro ovor had, nnd besides ho has tho head nnd con trol. Tho Thomas Auto Company, In tho East, hnvo Just turned out tho now- Hi i m i m n m 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 . CURRENT EVENTS! If T T r..! ...- ... . . ... uurjmiua ns uccn miss- Thomas flyer racing runabout. ML in iiiiihi i ii ii nn n i it it it m ' .-. ........... ...u uiiuvi:viuui ma uviu nbouts aro cxplnluod by tho Portlnnd Konnol club's annual show. Sllverton nnd Rnrkloy high schools will play at Willamette Falls field Saturday. Tho Salem high school baseball team goos to Chomnwa this nftornoin to play tho Indians. In tho last gnmo Inst season 8. H. S. bont tho red boys by only n Binall score, nnd It will no doubt bo n hot gnmo this afternoon, Tho Hnrrlmnn system on Will amctto floldi showed up tho officials of tho stato house last night by n scoro of 14 to 1. Tho S. P. company aro hard to boat In any wny. Tho San Frnnclsco Fly Casting club Is to hnvo n now club house erected on tho Truckeo river. It Is to ho modern nnd roomy, built of un finished Btnlned lumber, with n largo club room and stono flroplnco. Los Angeles' pitcher, Wnllaco II. Naglo, la to bo married Saturday to Miss Lcota Pedlgo, of Santa RoBn. Ho says this will not Interforo with his playing In tho series of gnmos nt San Frnnclsco. It has been stated that Ynlo will enter Kb second crow In tho Henley Thomas says that tho cars hnvo mado 73 miles, nnd will mnko ntaensntton nil ovor tho country. Tho Royal Tourist people hnvo built Bovornl specially designed cars for tho mining district of Novndn. Tho cars carry four besides a full camping nnd prospoctlng outfit nnd nn oxtrn supply of gnsollno. Sovornl of- theso now cars nro now nt Tono nnl. Tho Fresno Automobllo Associa tion will hold their first racing moot noxt Saturday nnd Sunday. Daruey Oldflold Is ono of tho ontrlos for tho 11000 purse. TRACK AND FIELD MH1-JT TOMORROW. Wlllnmotto Will Enter Htron ngnliiNt tlio McMliiuvlllo Collo Athh-te.M. Tho Wlllnmotto Unlvorslty and McMlnnvlllo Collogo nthlotos moot hero tomorrow on tho W. U. flold In n flold meet thnt promises to bo Interesting. Tho Wlllnmotto men hnvo boon gottlng In Bomo good work Intoly. ntwl ii it tint pPfiltinM ITrtfitnt Itntrrt regntta nt Ihllndolphla on May 25th,,)OOI', rf0VoIoplng Into good' form. nlo 'varsity rlofontcd hor second olght last Saturday by loss than n length, nnd of tho two crows tho 'vnrBlty Is not much ahead. Albany high school won ovor tho Albnny collogo bnsobnll lentil Wed nosday 12 to 4. Tho Wlllnmotto girls should opoh tho gates and chargo ndmlsslon wlion Thoy havo tholr flolit moots. Thoy would probably moro than pay ox ponsos. Coorgo Ilorborts, of Vnllojo, and Young ChoynBkl, of San FranclBCO, linvu boon signed to fight nt Vnllojo on tho night or Mny 20th. Frod I'lnlstodi well-known In row ing circles, hns taken tho plnco of E Ilontur snyn that ho oxpeetB to boo somo bettor records than In tholr previous moot with Pacific collogo. Cummlngs, Kornlck, Shanks, ForhoB, Unnih, Rndor, Wlnslow, Dol knap, NoIbou nnd Naco will bo tho mon to roriUit Wlllnmotto tomor row; Tho ovontB nro 100, 320, nnd 440 yard daBhou; 120-yard high nnd 220 yard low hurdloi; hnlf-mllo nnd mlto runs; polo vnult; brand nnd hlqh jumiui; 10-potimli shot-put; hnmmor throw and discus throw. Tho Eagles wilt hold n big open air May carnival nt Pendleton. Tho man who robbed tho Solwood poatoffico was sontenccd to prison for nlno years. Ills accomplices got ono yenr each. Tho submarine hontsr "Lake" nnA "Octopus' Btnyod' urid,or wntor the full 24 hours. -, : j European crop reports-nro unfa vorable, nnd In Russia winter wheat la nlmost n totni failure. Amortcan reliot organisations nro saving thousands of Starving Chi nese Aftor n long struggle in the courts, Ahrnhnm Hummoll, tho Now York law crook, will sorvo a torm of one year at Dlnckwoll'a Island. , Eugtnnd will bulldl two moro war ships of tho Drondnnught typo. Tho now pansongor enrs manufac tured by tho Union Pacific shops, at Omaha, will hnvo side doors, InBtoad of entrance nt tho ends. A. J, Mltcholl, of San Diego, has challenged for tho Llpton cup. A, D, Jones, a Now York architect foil out ot bed nnd wan fatally ln Jurod by striking on n china cuspidor. S. S. Ilalloy a well-known horse man, la III nt Albany. A motorman on tho Chicago ele vntod rnllroadl proved a hero by staying nt his post and saving tfcs lives of a largo earful ot passenger nfter his clothes woro on fire, An Orogon City court holds doc torn cannot collect a bill for work. Row Clark, who raarrlod the o torloiiB Mnbollo Oilman to Millionaire Corey, hns rCpontod and sent back tho 11000 mn,rrlngo foo given him. Portlnnd Iluhrowa hnvo organized a political club. Tho Austrian govornmont proposes to prosccuto tho 50,000 non-votors w,hn rofrnlnod from nttondlnr 'to polls nt tho recent oloctlon, Portlnnd will colobrnto. Ttie Texas Wenffer. Cures all kidney, Bladder aa4 raeuMHtlo trouble; seld by all drMg gists, or two woatks' treatmeat fcy mall tor $1. Dr. H. W. Hall, SBSI Olive street, It. Louts, Me. B for tettlmoBlals . Bold y Itose'e drug Btore. iw-lr M m 44 t 2$a SOMETHING NEW In Bifocal! Lenses Lot us show you a neat, up-to-date lens for near and far-seeing. It U eually as good as the oxpenlilvo kind, and half tho cost. Don't throw away your brokeu glasse. Brine them to us. We can duplicate any part, with little ex pense. Chas. H. Hinges Graduate OfUcJau 1SS Commercial Street, next door to Capital Natioaal IUalc .HlltlHIIIIIIIilllHIH jj Eat What? The good siirff- senred daily and ;: bowrly at the WHITE HOUSE RESTAURANT CASTOR I A ?er lafaats and Cklldrem. Tin KN Yn Havt Always Bi(M &L Bear ta Signature of JIrf Mm Room Making Sale" "WONDERFUL JtZr iHi AiiJimJ T BftjLJIma baiT XmA W Saturday morning we will place the entire shoe stock of IRVIN &c CO. on sale at a GREATLY REDUCED PRICE. THIH BALK WILL CONTINTl ALL THIS l'OLM)VL0 VVKKIC, AND HTOOIC MUST IIU HOLD It OAItDLIXS Ol' PRICK. TDK STOCK COX TAINS HOMK Ol Till: l"OLM)Vl.NO WKLL KNOWN SHOKHi FLORSHEIM'S in Men's C. P Foifdis in Women's MALLONY'S in Misses' and Chilen's KVKUVTI UNO ON JIAItOAIN COfNTKH 1XH MKN AND WOMKN OOIW AT $J.OO Pal QUALITY TALKS Talk about pretty demonstra tors Introducing domoitlc arti cles, thoro Is ono that has the host demonstrators, and they aro tho Oregon housewives who use It dally. Epptey's Perfection Baking Powder They know It's the best be cause they aro demonstrating the fact every day. It's the best and It's made In Salem. C. M. EPPLEY Satan, OrcM MIKHKH' HHOKH AT. 50c Pai AUK TUTTING IN HTOCJK TO MARK Tin: aiievi: kiioiw wk iiavk in alilimtiikjcm ami all hi'hh. wi: FntHT.OLAKH LINIiH OP HIIOK8, AND WK ML'HT CLIJAN OUT Til K I'lllfRKNT IIOO.M lOlt TDK NKW OOODH, WHICH AHK AltUIVINO KVKHV DAV, OL'lt 5IOTIO WILL UKl Honest Shoes at Honest Prices" IT WILL IIP. oril AW TO I'LKAKK KVUUVDODV AND Ol'll HTOCK WILL CONTAIN ONLY' rilK IU1ST IAKKH OK SHOIiS. T1IOH. MAI'LhTIIOHl' WILL JIOVB IN AND TAKK CIIAItOK OP T1IIJ IlKPAIKINO DICI'AHT MKNT. UK WILL WAIT ON I1IH I'HIKNDH AND LOOK AITKK TIIKIH 1NTKHIWTH AH OPVOKK. DO NOT FORGET SATURDAY, MAY 1 8th IRVIN & CO.'S OLD STAND Salem. Shoe Store G. W. EYRE, Manaxer tfZZSk jimiiimmuiH tr