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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1907)
DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1007. HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS Has been proving for 5.1 years Its wonderful abil ity. TO RESTORE THE APPETITE TO AID DIGESTION TO OPEN CLOGGED ROWELS TO RELIEVE CRAMPS TO CURE SICK HEADACHE If you suffer from any of these ailments wo.urgo you to commence Inking the Hitters nt once. De lay only makes your condition worse and bo much hardor to euro. You'll find it tho best stomach mcdtclno you havo over taken, and that It also cures and provonts Poor Appetite, Belching, -Sour RIs lugs, Heartburn, Costlvcness, Indi gestion DyHpepsIn, Fcnmle Ills Liver Troubles mid Miliaria, Fever and Ague. It la also a splendid mcdtclno to strengthen tho . aged and iiiflrni, tho most dcllcato system being ablo to retain It. Insist on having Hostct- tor's.. , It Is absolutely pure. HBHHNanMHHV I FROM HARNEY COUNTY. What a Few Citizens There Have to Say About Portland. I Mi BREAKING UP LAND MONOPLYI CGan the Holdings of tho 0. & G. Rail roaji Go. Be Attacked? Up nnd down tho Wlllnmotto vnl "Uoy tho pooplo nro ugltnted over tho nucutlon, can tho S. P. Co., or tho 0. & C. Ry Co. bo forced to Bell Its lands for f 2.150 por aero? Congressman Hnwloy and Sonator llourno think thoy can bo forcod to oII. Othors Bay thoy cannot. Tho' Albany Herald of May 10th has this: "Just now tho topic of general conversation among thoso looking 'or InvcHtmontH Ih tho bind grant to Mho O. & G, II. R now bolng hold by tho Southern Pacific Company, Bnj'B tho Eugene Reglstor. Ono hears It uvorywhoro, and thoro Is much spec ulation an to tho ptobablo outcomo of tho efforts bolng mado to got tho matter Into tho court for llnnl ncV judication. Tho agitation thus start tid Is Just tho thing necessary to lirlng tho matter to tho attention or department of tho gonoral govern ment, for, In nur opinion, thoro Ih Avhoro tho hiho will havo to cotn monco. tTho failure of tho company to uoinply with tho provisions of tho i;rnnt Ih not, In our opinion, hiicIi :i Qironch of covenant an nu individual ultlzon can lako advnutngo of, but Iho romodlal action, if thoro Is any, i'nn only bo brought by that roal par-1 1y at Intoitmt, and that Ih tho Unltnd HtntoH govornmoiit ttsolf, and thlH I van only bu done by n milt brought In the liamo of the United States by the uttornoy-gonorul In tho Hiipromo vmirt, which Iiiih original Jurisdiction In Hiirh amort. Wo bollovo It would talto much poi-mianlou on tho part of Iho pooplo and our roprosoutntlvoB In vongruHH to luilucu the proHont admin iHtrutlon to do thin. Kurthor, wo bollovo tho rnllroiid uomiiany should not Ioho anything by tho forfolturo, Dthor than tho laud ttsolf, and If It woro decided thnt tho grant wna for feited, tho conu'iuiy Bhotild bo rolin hunted for tho tax It has paid on Htild IiiiiiIh bIiico thoy hnvo boon pat ontod. and tho IiuuIh should bo eith er thrown Into tho national foroat ro norvo or put Into tho market with iithor irovornmout land upon tho tiaino tornis as Ih gonorally dlpood r. It I argued 'that tho statuto of limitation will cut out any notion by tho government as patents for laud linvo boon issued longer than tho tlmo spool lied by stntuto within which actlonH for rocovery of roal property nhall bo brought. In an- CAN DRAW CHECKS. . . Chocking accounts euublo folks to doposlt their money and ro- against thoso pormltted to draw chdoks. Ciiooks may bo given to parties for such sums as doslred, thus avoiding frequent trips to the bank. If interested call and see us. colvo a passbook, t account thoy nro swer, 1L mny bo said under tho old English lnw It was tho prerogative of tho king that no action could bo out lawed, and tho same principle has been held truo In tho laws of this country as against tho general gov prnmont. Its right In this mnttor always remains nnd cannot bo alien ated or nullified by tlmo or by tho net of tho party against whom tho nctlon lies. A llttlo moro ngltntlon and cnll Ing tho President's nttontlon may re sult In a caBo bolng brought by tho nttornoy-gonornl, which will sottlo tho. mnttor much moro quickly nnd sntlsfnctorlly than for tho .Indlvldu- nls to tnko It up. o If You Don't Succeed tho first tlmo uso Horblno nnd you will got instant roliof. Tho greatest llvor regulator. A positive euro for Constipation, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Chills and all llvor com plaints. Mr. C , of Emory, Texas, writes: "My wlfo has boon using Horblno for horsolf and chlldron for flvo yonrs. It Is a suro euro for con stipation nnd malaria fovor, which l substantiated by what it has dono for my family." Sold by D. J. Fry. o The Fnm of 8th Grade Graduation. Tho Stafford correspondent of tho Orogon City Star has this to say: "Tho class Is putting In Its host licks to grmluato from tho eighth grndc. All tho samo this Idea of graduating at tho eighth grade Ih a mighty detriment to nlno-tonths of tho pupils In u country school. Why? IlccnuBO thoy havo boon grnd tinted; no iiho of studying moro. Bettor tho old way whon boys nnd glrln gladly nttondodf whonovor thoy could until thoy woro 20 yonrs old. What do many of thoso olghtlf grndo chlldron ronlly know? Somo cannot oven road bo as to bo a pIouhui-q to themsolvoq or to tholr frlonds. Again lot mo Hiiy, It Ih a mistaken Idoa for country schools. Toachora nro not to blnmo In nil caaos. Who Is?" A girl who has fallon holr to one of thoBQ Rocky Mountain Tea com plexions Is to bo onvlod. Girls wIjoho mothors nnd grandmothers took IIol lister's Rocky Mountain Tea conveys od a blosslng on tholr chlldron. For snlo at Dr. Stono's storo. o , ,. , Soro Nipples. Any mothor who has had oxnorl onco with this distressing ailment will bo pleased to know that a euro mny bo offoctod by applying Cham borlaln'a Salvo as soon as tho child is dono nursing. Wlpo it off with o solf cloth boforo allowing tho bab) to nurso. Mnny trained nurses uae this salvo with best rosults. For 8alo by Dr. Stono's drug storo. Salem State Bank li. K. PACK, IYJ4L K. W. HAXAKD, Cj!r. All porsons doing a roal estate bualnoaa Insldo tho city limits arc horoby notlflod that a $10 llconso U duo from each ono, nnd thoy nro re quested to call at tho city hall nnd pay tho samo at onco. W. A. MOORES, C-H-3t City Rocordor o .. . IVoposnls for llrlek Asylum Wing. Snlom, Orogon, Mny 13, 1907. Sealed proposals, ondorsod on the outsldo of onvolopo, "Proposals for Rrlok Asylum Wing,, Snlom, Ore gon," nnd nddrossod to W. Is Gat- ons. clork of asylum board, will bo recolved at tho oxecutlvo otllce, state cnpltol, Snlom, Orogon, until o'clook p. m. of May 27, 1907, for furnishing mntorinls and Inbor re quired to construct nnd completo n brick asylum wing with plumbing, hot water heating, gas nnd olectrlc light, wntor nnd sower connections, in strict accordance with plans, spec Ideations and Instructions to bidders, which may bo oxamlned at tho gover nor's office, capltol building, and "W D, Pugh, Salon), Oregon, For furth er information apply to V. D. Pugh, architect, Salem, Oregon. W. N. GATENS, 5.14-1S-21-S5. Clwk Burns, Or., May' 10. To the Edi tor). While this letter is intended for tho Intelligent reading public, It Is especially directed to tho various classes of persons who Inhabit that onnul-produclng region enveloped! in continuous fogs, wafted Into It from Its western side from tho nearby Ben. Tho peculiar ldlocrasy of quite n number of those porsons leads them to tho conclusion that they inhabit all Oregon. To them there Is no north, no south, no cast and no west, and to others whose minds aro not so dense admitting that thoro Is some moro of Oregon nnd then ngain somo moro oven then it has no right which thoy nro bound to respect, but only nnnexodl territory for economic political and commercial convenience Woro It not for agencies other than created of, couscd by, such pes simists, Shylocks and Marplots, the Greater Oregon would never have boon In reality exploited and de veloped but In tho fnco of advorso circumstances It now appears on the map of human progress, nnd tho30 Doubting Thomnses and Whispering Smiths flnc'i solaco and comfort snoar Ing, snubbing nnd discouraging everything nnd anything thnt tends to tho public upbuilding and better ment of this part of tho stato. W'.on tho Junketing commorclnl bodies of tho metropolis visit tho towns that contrlbuto to their wealth (In tho outlying districts) thoy can hardly bo Induced to leave tholr Pullmans, nnd only condicscond to Invito the business men off tho main lino to pay thorn ,a visit, and leave their own nffalrs to tako caro of themselves. And for whoso bonoflt wo nsk.only to bo Jollied Into tho support of giving thoso solf-Bnmo oily Gam mons a monopoly of through freight rutos to tho ond of tho rond, to bo pnld ngoln by tho swindled rotaller, by the unfair nnd unjust freight tar iff discrimination. Urlnh Heap porsonalltlos porvado tho nowspnpors also nt tho metropo lis. In n rccont Monday Issuo of the Oregonlnn, containing nn olnborate andi highly Illustrated .special tour ists' and homescokors' edition, ovory urttclo was dovotcd to tho country weM of tho Cnscndos and Bluo moun tain rnngo. Tho grcnt inland empire was not glvon n lino. Now thnt tho rnllroadB aro acHinl ly bolng p"ofictod Into this vaBt onv pit', It Is bolng whispered to capital ists and Btrnngors thnt "no road will bo built nothing enn bo prodtucod In thnt doBort land oxcopt cattlo, coyotes, JackrobbltB nnd despern doos." Ilarnoy county today hns moro ncros of lnondow lands, moro good building stone, moro forost rosorvo (thanks to tho land thlovos and grafters on tho wost sldo of tho Btnto), moro horsos, cattlo, shop, moro monoy por capita, poys nnr.e por cnplta Into tho stnto tronsury nnd gets loss out nnd loss credit thnn any othor county In tho stato Wo havo moro lnnd for tho land loss mnn, progressive towns, good Bohools, church orgnnlzntlons, nc cordlMg to population, nnd last but not least, tho best pooplo on earth. For obvious reasons wo do not possoss tho "pull" with tho "dirty iVjzoh" who control both tho political nnd financial schemes, nnd whon wo demand only our duo wo nro Invari ably tprnod down, somotlmos, of courso, uccompanled with tho cour tesy of rogrotB. But wo aro rohonrslng pnst history now lot cupidity pur-bllndnoss and Imboolllty tnko notice. Wo will nsl: no favors ncr grant quartors In any frictions which may hereaftor arlso. You oppose progress, wo Invito It, you flght Hnrrlman, we nbet him Tho llfitrlmnn Intorests havo don moro In a twolvo-month to clear awav falso impressions regarding this country than all of tho moving agen cies of that pioneer land havo ovor done, by expending thousands of dol lars in initiation of tho great rail way system that will In tho near fu ture gridiron this vast region. This prophecy Is mado conscienti ously nnd advisedly, for with our ever-Increasing prosperity In another decade, Harney county will, without advice or assistance from tho out side, Join tho Harrlman peoplo and completo what they havo so wisely inaugurated. Wo aro not prono to soccde not of that kind nor aro wo rcblllous. Wo nro modern Mark Tapolys, know ing our power nnd ully realizing our importance nnd well knowing that the slough of despond known ns "Tho Volley" is so wedded to Its Idols thnt It will romaln undeveloped nlong tho lines of modern progress. "Lift wo tho twilight curtains of tho past, And turning from familiar sights and sound Sadly and full of rovoronco, lot us cast A glanco upon tradition's shadowy ground; Led by tho fow palo lights which glimmering round That dim otrnngo land of EldV seems dying fast." Until In comparison It will elicit our Btnypathlcs, rather than oxclto our criticism nnd contempt. Very truly yours, (Dct. II. W. J.) F. C. JACKSON, .1. C. GAMS, J. T. GARRETT, W. C. BROWN, GEORGE S. SIGEMON, P. T. RANDALL, H. B. MACE, J. C. TOURNEY, II. M. IIORTON, H. W. JACKSON, I. S. GEER, O. A. REMBOLD, L SCHWARTZ, J. H. GULP, V. J. HOPKINS, JAMES SMITH, J. GEMBERLING, H. J. HANSON, F. E. FELTON, R. p. BURROWS, M. D W. E. HUSTIN, WILLIAM HANLEY, J. O. WILCOUN, JR., A. F. B. GEORGE, M. L. LEWIS, GEORGE W. YOUNG, o I '""m H0PE& VmulcrbJlt Cup Hce New York, May 17.-Jefferson De. Mont Thompson, chairman of n1P racing bonrdi of the' American Auto mobile nssoclation, expects to nn" nounco todny the condltiona estnl llshed for yjo Vanderbllt cup race Last year tho entries for the Vander' bllt cup rnco closed on July l 'but this year tho lists will not be dosed until July 15 or August 1, with a probablo provision that belated en tries will bo accepted afterward up on pnyment of an increased entry fee following the practice In vogue abroad for tho big French nnd Ger mnn contests. Though no Attn i,- been definitely sot for either the Vanderbllt rnco, or for tho trluU to select tho Amorlcnn team for thn contest, Mr. Thompson said that he ravored a dato about two weeks later than usual, as tho weather Is more liKoiy to bo favorable then. It Is possible that tho American olmlnn. jtlon trials will bo run on tho Satur- uuy uuioro mo main event. InatPnii of two weeks boforo, as had been tho caso horotoforo. This however, has not boon decided upon definite ly, but will bo settled when tho bonrdi meotH. Mr. Thompson has most nil tho conditions worked, out, with tho exception of n fow detnlls regarding tho weight limit to bo Im posed. Ho Bald that ho did not ex pect thoro would bo any radical changes In tho weight limit, howovor, ns most of tho foreign racers under construction nro declared! to be of about tho samo weight as that which has horotoforo boon imposed in nil groat International contests 2,201 pounds, or 1000 klles. Rm uu. .. VrTfW " risli te . OulrlWK.T" r2rw 'ld T roa !.:? 10 carry nccdM ?:? 'M nerve-. rhpn ,Ti of slew, " 'u" ? ... . "-"" ao HJ.J.. Z "!?, L0r- OWMChtMThn h tells 01," follews: m,,;ttl!lIb4 "r ..-.,.. rosed t: .t wa Irregular In a, i" I 8UDDQ80 thl. w. .." sickness, at mX J Don't Pay Alimony To bo divorced from your nppondlx. Thoro will bo no occasion for it If you kcop, your bowels regular with Dr. King's Now Llfo Pills. Tholr nctlon is so gentlo thnt tho nppondlx f novor hns causo to mako tho least bo running on tho rond iinuiuing wits Bot nBldo for work on 'tho raring cars. complaint. Guaranteed by J. O Perry, druggist. 2 Co. Try them Opening of Oswego Cnnnl. Albany, N. Y., May 17. Tho Os wego cannl opons todny. Thoro was a question whothor tho Oswego cnnal bo oponed for navigation this sea son, ns Moslor & Summers, contrac tors for bnrgo canal work, havo pro tested that It could not bo dono with out Borlously Interfering with tholr contrnct nt Fulton. Tho sunorln- tondlont hold thnt under tho law tho department has no authority to Btop tho canal closed navigation betweon Mny in nnd Novombor 15. Supt. Stovons thoroforo notlflod tho con tractors to 'placo tho canal In condi tion for nnvlgatlon, nnd It opens today. o . Dragon Racers Ready. Philadelphia, May 17. Tho Drag on Automobllo company has mado ffuch progross on tho two Drngoa racors built for Uio Vanderbllt cup rnco, thnt they hnvo finished them In tlmo for tho completion of toats on tho flnishodl engines. July 1 Is tho (Into arrnngod when tho cars will A special I had got so bad ut to Quit work m ,; I had a ennd jt... .. Idno fnlllifi,ii., i.. "-.Miuiij nnr .i. iBBTonphope tlfZ -' "viganori tw surely going lo dl. i iJ. ng spells that It I, , ari uuuered laAi, i ti-aao Dealing, i tal "" uj- leu side at all Kj .. ...cvu BBaiOflJtk After reading ibott m Pink Tllll. I- . " .un. ihi in a Btvsptftrii io iry them and! the; n(j, exactly. Dcfore losrleaKt Improvement and afttfolij uu enurei; aM. i io raaKO tnu iLttemotuI could causo CTery isluv I ur. Williams' Pint pin. Dr. Williams' PltlraU simply deaden pain; foj i troublo which catiMt&t4 aro guaranteed to cosltk i cotlc, stlmulantor opliU, who tako them rtu to forming any drug bill art directly on lh MM only through the blotf medicine can reach tkja ; nro usefull In a iftdili women nnd growlo; (Irk, Dr. Williams' PUk fAM by all druggists, or Mt, on receipt of price, 50 oj six boxes for 2 50. by ti 1 Mcdtclno Company, N. Y. o - OA0VOH7 Blsitsn of nitiiMt;iinnimiint mt istmggit c !! Dishes 1 1 k !i Less than n I! Cost AT H. M. lUUNSON'S uroccry storo, 432 Stato t Btrcot. Closing out lino of dishes, crockorywnro and glassware. Alao a full lino of staplo and fancy groceries. Call early and tako advantage1 f nt t.lo i ..... ui 'a tivt uiiiuriuniiy. H. M. BRANSON Phon131. 432 Stale St f ft BISHOP READY TAILORED CLOTHII Every new model and all wc fabrics of latest weaves are here si thisJpopMlar clothing, which manyi the best dressed men of the a wear in preference to expensive measure-made clothes. Come see the remarkable values we in Spring and Summer Sack $8.50 to $30.00 NEW .ATTRACTIONS IN H DASHERY.are to be seen here1 Late arrivals worth while sew Now Cnrinc Shirts. Plain Hose, Light and Medium Wek "RORFRTS RFST ti OO HAT ON EA" m m w' mr m m K M r i ' m &r SJP - Michaels-stern FINE CLOTHING HICMIU, nit) A CO. Salem Woolen Mill SgS i. i