DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALKM, OREGON. FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1007. iCKACHE AND DESPONDENCY .both symptoms of organic tle- teement, ana nature s .mug vo Ken of a troablo whjcli will soon ZL i.r declare itself. IlW often do wo hear women say, twems as though iny back would Lir Yet they conuuuo to urag off and Buncr wiu. uw.. u ..0 ,y ttm back, pain low down in i side, dragging sensations, ncrv .... nml no ambition. fTher do not realize that the back It l, TT1I111"BI'..mm " " w ' R .. . ...- . - .. . and i nulckly Indicates by aching JYili5 LE.NA NAEL llseased condition of tho feminine organs or kidneys, and that aches painS W1H couviuuu uum iuu tuuao n itmuvtu, rdia E. Finkham s vegetable Compound uio from nativo roots and herbs has been for many years tho most ,,-.ful remedy in such cases. No other medicine has Buck a record ..a of feminino ills. Miss LcnaNngcl, of 117 Morgan St., Buffalo, N. Y., writes-.- '! was Mn!telr worn out auu on iuc verge oi nervous proamnion, my bade bed all the tlmo. I hod dreadful periods of pain, was Bubjoot to fits crylng ana cxircma nurvonauuoa, nuu was niways weaK ami urea, dla K. Piukham's Vcgetablo Compound completely cured mo." E. Pink-ham's vejrotablo Compound cures Female Comnlninta. 't.Ia . v. ,- ..1. TC..11 tw .3 Tle1n m..n.. . . ..m.1 nil fV....l YaI h 83 UBCKuwiic, j'uwjujj 4Bjiwwm.uw, uuu uii vsiguuiu .libcoscb. nlTPs and exnclB Tumors at an early stage. It strengthens and ses tho Stomach. Cures Headache and Indigestion and invigorates I trhnlft feminine system. Irs. Pinkham's Standing Invitation to Women Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to ite Mrs rinltnain, j-ynn, moss, ucr auvico is tree. f)AdvuttiiK-' ' School. hy have you tnken your school without asking r (a grocer) But they worn hlni I wish to bring htm fcarry on my business, and thoy teaching him that there aro 10 In a pound. Transatlantic DAXGKU IN DELAY. DNcas.cs Aro Too Dangerous Salem Peojile to Noulect. n'? . i roc grcnt danger of cs is tnnt tucy got n urin noi tho sufferer recognizes them Is gradually undermined. Ichc, hendncho, ncrvouBncBd, less, soreness, lumbago, urinary lex, ilropB)', dlabots and Bright': ic follow in merciless bucccs- Den t neglect your kidneys . tho kidneys with tho cortnlni , safe remedy, Doan'B Kidney Good which has cured pcoplo riglit In Salem. Foundation of Japan. pon Every February 11 Is celebrated pot- in Japan tho grent nnmtnl festival or Kigonsctsu, tho anniversary of the foundation of tho emplro by tho first emperor, Jlmnm-tenno, B. C, COO The Japaneso reckon tholr present crn as from this (Into, and lUwns on February 11, 1889, that Mutsuhlto, tho ono hundj-ed nnd twenty-first of tho dynasty, promulgated tho prosont constitution of tho emplro of Jnpnn, tho fuudnmontnl principle of which Is cloarly stated In Its first nrtlclo, "Tho empire of Japan shall bo rolgnod ovtr and governed by a lino of omporom ... . i unbroken from nsos ctornnl." Tho Kiunuy , ,. organization of n parllnmont took nco In 1890, which In tho Jnpnnoio rockonlng would bo 2550 from Jim- ; mu's setting up IiIb capital at Knshl ; warn, In tho provlnco of Ynmnto, 1 which In rogardod by Japnnoso his torians as tho beginning of the em plro. o Words for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, Dannln AniwnAPA tnlrn nlnn an pft W. Drown, of 374 Summer St. , - ' liniitiM x Chnmborlaln's Cough Remedy. Mrs. Edward Phillips of Barclay, Md., writes: "I wish to toll you that 1 can recommend Chnmborlaln's Cough Or, says: "Threo years of fright work in a sulphuric foe- ihen It was necessary to por. repairs In poisonous gases nn.l nAM AAinnnllnil rt ftllr 11 ::::r '".::: , remedy. My little girl, Catherine. p IIUBIIIUU UUU BUmHV- ..-. ikln, It not tho causo of my iy trouble, at least helped to do- thes? organs. I sufforcd from ocnc:3 and soreness across inv of my back nnd about tw lbs ago when suffering In this tar attention was cnuea to it Klilnry Pills and I sent to Dr s'l divg storo and procured n l)r Altrr taking this romorty, backacl o and soreness across the ent"; y disappeared, as also other r .irked symptoms of kid- ftrou' Doan's Kldnoy PIH rorby f tho confidence of any- usn- i with bacbacho or Kia socr"a.nt " or sale by all dealers, Prlco 50 F s'rr-Milburn Co., Buffalo, Ycrk, solo agents for tho Uni- Elates pmccitfr tho namo Doans and no c"'" o ery Niur It. ' nvr ou ought to have mar a t ' f B -ham -I did tho host C a- Chicago Daily News o who Is two yonrs old, has boon taking this remedy whonovcr sho has bad a cold sinco sho was two months oli. About a month ago I contracted n dreadful cold inyaolf, but I took. Chamborlaln's Cough Remedy and was soon as woll as ovor." This rem edy la for snlo by Dr. Stono's drug dtoro. o Oil nnd Gas. Boring operations hnvo begun on option Holds on both sldos of Snnko river, between Pnyotto nnd Ontario for both oil nnd gns. Minneapolis mon are behind tho doal with funds nvallablo for oxhaustlvo toats, long contlnuod If nooessnry. Ono Ontano rosidonco Is now suppllod with natur al gas for boating and lighting pur poses, and hundrodB of foot of ga aro going to waeto ovory day from look of system to prosorvo tho flow. Shormnn Obsorvor. o 1 Relief From Rheumatic Pains. I "I differed with rheumatism for I over two yearB," says Mr. Rolland Curry, a patrolman, of Key Wet, Fla. "Sometimes it settled In my knees and lamed mo so I could hard- Ston Grumhllnir. ou suffer from nheumatlsm or ly walk, nt other times It would ba . ,nnrfl . .vn ,. I'" ----- f r Lallard's 8now Liniment In my feet ami nanas so i was in- monthn ttt leftgtf ; brlcc ni.irv ruf u la n aura canaclteed for duty. Ono night wnen SLEEPING Oin OK DOORS IN ALL KINDS OK WEATHER (Correspondent of the Sacrnmonto Bee.) We wore trout fishing somo years ago nonr tho hoad of tho Yubn river We had Just finished making our bed of tnmnrnok boughs, when one of the party, who was unpacking tre provisions, sat down on n norr by log, and commenced rending from a piece of mngnzlno rolled around a tomato enn, romntklng ns ho reni "What do you think of this? A win dowless, house nnd in tho midst ct a heavy Gorman winter tho snow flnkos drifting In at tho window openings; the tempornture around zero; tho tenants of tho houso con sumptives, ami bolng cured of their disease by this very fresh air treat ment." By tho cnmflro that night wo dis cussed out-of-door slooplng in its dif ferent phnsos nnd ono membor of the party rosolvod that, it consumi -tlveg could so Uvo In tho depths of n Thiirglnn wlntor, honlthy peoplo could sleep out of doors In a Sacra mento Docombor. This wns tho gunlslB of whnt final ly evolved Into our prosont out-of-door bedroom; something I am engor to tell about, for I feol that tho good that has como from ours, and thosr pntterned nftcr It, to one, Mvo, ton twenty pcoplo can nnd ought to bo enjoyed by hundreds nnd thou snnds. Wo hnvo slopt In ourfl every night In tho yonr summer winter north winds rnlny weather foga that would mnko tho bedding qulto wot oven In tho cold weather of InBt win tor, whon wo hnd tho trnco of snow Tho cBSontlnIs are: First Walls and roof of screen ing; galvanlzod In tjio most economi cal. Second Rollor curtnlns of canvas. Thoeo can bo made by somo tout nnd awning maker. Thoy can bo low orod to shut out rntn or wind from ono Bltlo. Thlrd--In wlnter: . (a) A lomavnhlo rainproof roof of tho matorlnl thnt is UBod In nml;-1 Ing buggy tops. ' (h) Pnpor blnnkots (cost 2i cents onch In dozon IoIb, plim frolght). Thoy nro plnced botweonj tho folds of wonlon blankets. Thoy glvo warmth without unnoccHHiiry weight. The ndvantngCB nre: Comploto rest. Thoro Is a roat that comes to tho out-of-door sleeper thnt tho In-door slumborcr docs not know. I will glvo only two llluatrn tlonH. One womnn Bald, nftor tho first wook out-of-doorB: "I hnvo had In tho last wook. sovon nights of sloop In which I did pot awnkon onco. Boforo this, I did not know a comploto night's rest for Bovornl years." Another Bald: "Formerly It took mo Bovoral hours to fall asleep. Now I am lost In dcepcat Blumbor In five mlnutoB." I Second Tho fact Is thnt all night 'long only tho purest nnd freshoBt air U being bronthod. Bvon thoso who Hloop with opon windows will bo sur prised to find tho dlfforonco out-door slooplng mokes. It Incronsos ono' capacity for work for tho Joy of liv ing. Ono ofllco mnu of my ncqunlu tnnco who had boon on tho point of n norvouB breakdown, nnd finding that tho San Francisco disaster had brought him additional work and burdonB, us an omorgoncy mnttor j tried tho out-of-door bodroom, nnd to this ho nttrlbutOB tho fact thnt In Bplto of increased work ho has recovered and fools today physically porfeot. This nrtlolo Is wrltton ns n dlr chargo of a ol7Jc duty with the hop that many may bo Induced to enjoy the benefits of out-door-sleoplng. Iu Sacrnmonto It Is a poaslhllty 3 On days in tho yonr. Anyono who has tried the oxporlmont will never again In the summer Some attractive dishes are made with Lard. It's like serving indigestion with a sugar coating How can you expect digestible tlte world fnr superior to lard or food to be made from a product ob- cooking butter, tained from swine? It isn't reasonable Cotiotcne is a vegetable, not an to expect. And yet many people keep animal product. on using lard an enemy of good For your stomach's sake, use digestion tlirougb. ignorance of some- Cottolcne for cooking. You'll never go tiling better. It doesn't pay. Your back to lard. Cotlolcnc is never sold stomach is your best friend, and 'twill in bulk it comes only in scaled white be a sorry day for you when it goes tin pails with a red label and band. In back on you. the center of the label is our trade Cottolcne is the product which will mark a steer's head in cotton plant set you right It is the best and pur- wreath. est frying and shortening medium in Take no substitute. COTTOLENE was granted a GRAND PRIZE (highest possible award) over all other cooking fats at the recent Louisiana Purchase Exposition, and food cooked with COTTOLENE another GRAND PRIZE. "Hem Httfii" a beek of 300 cneec redpn, aJHeJ by Mn. Rerr, ! your for a 2 etnt stamp, if you aJdri$ The N. K, Fairbanh Company, Chicago A NEW FEATUREThe patent alr-Uakt tep on tkU pall It far the purpose ef keeplag- COTTOLENE clean, fronh attd wheletema) It alia prevents it from absorbing all dKtafTeeabla odara el the grocery, such as fish, 11, etc Nature's Gift from the Sunny South Spent wisely is the source of much satisfaction. Why not spend a little of it wisely now buying groceries of usT Baker, Lawrence & Baker. SuroAiwrs to Horritt Si Lavrreaea. The Fashion Stables JTonawly Mbibmb's Stable. Upto-dato llvtry and eb Una Funeral turnouts a specialty. Tally ao tor plenlei and excursions. Pbo 44. CIIA8. W YANNKK, Trop 47 aad 840 Hlgk Street. A SQUARE DEAL AM) A PAlll TltlAI OV Ol'lt KAHM IMPLKMI3NTH AND MACIIINKIIV OV ALL KINDS. IF YOU AltlC NOT HATIHPIHI) WITH A I'WIU THIAL YOU NKKD NOT IlUY. I HULL TUAOTION AND HT ATlONKItY HNOINKS, NIOIIOIS AND HHIU'AUD'H IIKI) 1UVKH HKI'AHATOItH, HAY IIALKHH, HTIIKIfT AND HOAD GIIADINO MACJIINIZHY. WK IIANDLI3 TIMS I1YUI) WAdONH, i:.N(li:U ltUUGIHB, IIACKH AND CAimiAOICH. WK AUK AOKNTH IX)H TDK ADIUANOK, UUCKKYK MOW KUH, CLII'l'KIt I'IX)WB AND ULUK HIUItON CUITIVATOH, AISO BOMK HKCOND HAND KAHM IMl'LKMKNTH AND WAOONH VKUY OlIKAI. ' PAINTS, OILS AND VAHNINIIKH AT U'HOLKHALH AND RK TAIL, GLAHB AND HTAINH OC ALL KINDK. AND 1'AINTKUS HUI'I'LllW. 1IUGOV TOrS, I)AH!UK)AUIS. WHIPS, UOI1KH, I0TO. COHItICSPONDKN(,K HOIilCITKII, niU't'ItAIM AND DKHCItlP TIVK CATALOOUKH PUHNIHIIKD OV APPLIOATION. GEO. B. JACOB, Pop . PHONK 101 MAIN KHI. ritONT AND PINK friTMMtTS MPI -o t:t S;ralna, Rheumatism, Con- I was In sovere pain and lamo from iv,.nrt. (tt ointments for Catarrh ed M-Efles and all pains and it my wife went to tno drug eiori That contain M-rrury, p tho reach of all. Prlco 2 Be, hero and came back with a bottle of n8 moreurr wnl ,uroiy destroy th V ri OR. Smith, Teneha, Chamberlaln'a Pain Halm. I wa tQagQ of Bme Btjd cornpletoly do-r:- "I have uaed Dallard'u rubbed with it and found the pain rang0 tbo wbo,0 By8t0m wbon ontor. L'tlment In my family for bd nearly gone during mo nigm. a ,ng Jt througa tho mucous surfaeea ai bare found It a fine rem- kept on using it for a little moro Buoh artjcjM ahould never bo used or a'.l pains and aches. I rec- than two weeks and found It drove cxcopt on pregCrptJon from reputn fienl u for Dalna In the cheat." the rheumatism away. I nave noi b,0 Dby,j0iaa. ns tbo damage they r D J pry. had any trouble from that disease for x.m do ,f ten foJd t tbo good yofi or Ml D' ur' can possibly dertvo from them. .Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured Cheney & Vot So 3luch. ur house," said Tommy w ve got a baby that Jest 1 finer night." rrtorted little Elsie dls that Isn't anything stylish- fa f rxnion thinp. nnr v&ah- "1 got ana." PhlladelDhla (over throe months." Stone's drug store. o by P. J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo. O. Vanity. contain no mercury, itnd is taken ln Wtt.M said Farmer KornUP. ternally. acting dlrocUy upon the "tbar ain't nothin' thot Rube MsU bjooj an(j mucous surfaces of the dars loves more'n newspaper netorle- ytem. In buying Hall's Catarrh ty." Cure be sure you get the genuine. "Wat's he bin a-doln now!" asfc- It u ukm internally and made In ed his wife. I Toledo, Ohio, by F J. Cheney ts. Co. "Palntin his barn agin an' tiar Testimonial free. T1IK NKWIWT HHAPICH I'OH YOINO LAD1KH wo'ro talking about sIiobb now nr( to bo had here. Maybe wo ought to say stylos, for tho young woman of todny Is athletio onough to look out for her own shape. For Fall and Wlntor wear, then, ws will sliow any maiden a shoe to rival In dulntlnoss her own foot, and It will be comfortable, too even as to tho price we'll ask. JACOB VOGT Oppoalto Patton' DKk Htoro 345 State St. Salcrn, Oregon Hall's Fey In now opou and roady for bust' neas. Road excellent on both side of rlvor. A. D PBTTYJOHN, 5-10-lm-d Proprietor ST06K FANCY GOODS AT BIG SALE otchw, In'l nn nrnimlnn fur It. 'oftflt tCW Pimples, flesh worms,! , th "Phlla. b -"- - - -, beads, are unsightly and de- g ' Impure blood. Hollistersr Uln Tea will drlra them avraT. Jiag people cl&ur to the top floor Jta and fcappinss. 35 cents, r Tablets. r ale at Dr. ' store. o jk. m ns? o am x jC. -Smmsu ftstostanmsiit VfUtam G&ffibZSk Sold by all druggists. Price, lie per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. o StpMJ. .MVOMXJl,. fllidiHtMjmh0 SJT sJTl-A-A. eaoef3eeMeeeeesas MEALS 15c AT THK Salem Restaurant OOUMT STIIKCT. Call sad try tbom. Meals 16c. .Board per week ?3.7. also furaUhsd rooms verr rswwsHtaals. MIIIIMIItllllllHWIIIII We nr showing tho Dasi values on the Pacific const in tho following! goeds: Pine Hllk, Witiili Drt'kN (JimmU, Wlilto IjiWii itml Dolt-l KtvUtf, IitwiN In nil illirnrriit colorw, DlmlthtK, CIuiIIIm, PoiigtM'iM, OrgiiiMllim, CrjMlalluo null Wlifl Hi'avy DrtvtH Linen, DdiiM-KllcM In nil KIihIm, Illlilioim, Imvv, Hinliriildt'rlcw, , 1'itrMiM, Iti'ltM, Uiirkroiiihi, HamllmgM, (lurtvm, llotui HuijMriK, (!orMr(t4 and Ilo-dory, !iii Olovtm In nil hion, TruiikM, Tfilffci'ojHtN tmtl Knit Cmmj, At a viry low irlc. HUIE WING SANG CO. Chinese nnd Japanese Bazaar 346 Court Street Salem, Oregon l'B SELF RISING B. Be Be Flour For HoUoh HrowM KrI, OrkMU Oakt, MhMms M PI fniiliif. At&XX'K H, H. V. FLOUK CO., IXO., MAX Js, CM. (W 3 HI 1 i