IEH: SHOWERS TONIGHT AND SATUItDAY. AILY CAPITAL JOURNAL .xvn. SALKM, OREGON, FRIDAY, LYY 17, 1007. NO. 11. AYOR IX-. tft r-BS&J ,, ,--: 'w i V ST"HIUIIT7 TO CONFESS GRAfTED ALL BROTHELS AND PLUTES in Francisco to Be Ruled by a Vigilance Committee of Citizens IR SGHMITZ IESIGNATION AT MIDNIGHT riRNS ON HIS COLLEAGUES (it Road Ahead Tor the Bood- i San Quentin Or the Morgue Pranclsco, Mny 17. when nclsco awoko this morning it lowardtho residence of Mnyor following in tho direction by tho accusing finger of Abo Uound tho clty'B chief exoc- utlvo, brnndod by his mentor no n graftor of tho most Bordld kind, now centers tho storm raised by tho ox boss and his confession, and when Ruof Bhnll have completed tho story of tho looting of tho city by Schmltz and tho interest that centers In him ho will Inovltnbly bo transferred to San Quontln or a sulcido's gravo. Early In tho day rumors of all sorts circulated. Ono of tho first to go tho rounds was In effect that tho mayor had committed suicide. This, of course, was untrue, although many nro only too ready to nccopt It as truo. Auothor, which was glvon equal crcdonce, is to tho ofTect that tho mayor hnd drawn up a letter of resignation, and wouldi today hand It to tho commlttco of citizens, who mado a domand on Rudolph Sprcck les and Prosecutor Honey Thursday for lmmcdlnto restoration of civic health. All night long a squad of tllCAGO STORE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE; c Are Now Showing : GRANDEST ASSORTMENT OF LIVE, NEW ro DATE MERCHANDISE SHOWN IN sa ANn AT PRTCRS YOU WILL FIND HARD beat. YOU CAN JUDGE BY THE CROWDS IT VISIT OUR STOKE DAILY lJtiAl wn DOING THE BUSINESS OF SALEM. Bar i in every department greater than ever. Read en: how tho befit values on dflc Const in tho following INK SILKS INK DRKSS GOODS "ASH DRESS GOODS HITK GOODS UoS HMrnrs OMESTICS t all kinds. tniioxs IBROIUEIUES ICES KSS TRIMMINGS I'SUJf UNDERWEAR MtSETB SIERY tIES SHOES fTIOXS XG GLOVES IXCY GOODS Prices fil!rI away down on tho following goeds: LADIES' COATS, SUITS, MIL LINERY, DRESS SKIRTS. SHIRT WAISTS AND PETTICOATS. lm - CIA a 4 Ues' Salts. $8.50. $11.50, $12.50. ladies Coats. $3.50. $4.50. $6.90. Dress SMrts. $2.90. $3.90. $4.90. &AJLKH'g FASTEST GROWING STORK. McEVOY BROS. akw coukt wrauratTS. SAXBtf, OK. Burns' secret servlco men Btood guard ahout tho Schmltz mansion, nnd had tho mayor nmiVj n movo that had tho least resemblance of nn at tempt to cscapo ho would havo boon arrested. Lights In Schmltz's room burned until far p.iBt midnight, giv ing rlso to tho rumor that ho was conferring with his attorneys as to tho form in which ho should framo his lcttor of resignation. Ruof's nBtnundlng continuation of tho charge that Schmltz rocolved n largo Bhiiro of tho overhead trolloy brlbo la Bulllclontly nauseating; hut thnt tho mayor accepted protection money from tho brothels Is nnlio lloved by his bitterest enemies. Tho stamp of truth given this chnrgo by Htiof has disgusted' oven thoso who stood by tho mayor through thick and thin. In tho faco of the posi tive statement mado under onth by Ituer that high officials of tho United Hallways paid an immense sum for tho overhead franchise. Calhoun, Mullally and Attorney Ford contlnuo to make stronuous denials. As much Interest con torB In today's -meeting of tho cltlrons commlttco of seven ns In n Bvsslon of tho grand Jury. Mem bers of the commlttco fcol confident that liuforo tho day Is over Schmltz will liavo relinquished his power and turned over to tho commit too tho au thority to administer tho affairs of tho city. New Hoard of Public Workx. In this connection It is stated by Hcnoy that, so far us tho prosecu tion is concerned, the supervisors will not ho forced to roslgn. Tho In tlmntlon that Chlor or Police Dlnnn nnd Prosldont of tho Hoard of Works Duffoy, will bo ousted, Is followed by tho rumor that they will quit their offices- beforo tho citizens' com mlttco has a chnnco to kick thorn out. Ruof arose early this morning, and nftcr a goodl breakfast was tak en out for an auto ride by Wggy. Tho tremendous strain tho ox-boss Is laboring under Is telling on him luilimbly every day, and whim ho walked down tho steps of his prison to enter tho automobllo this morning there was a painful dragging of his feet, and ho carried hlmsolf with an air of ItstlossncBs. Ills oijoo Jet black locks Boomod to havo grown whiter ovur night. Riief Getting Sympathy. Telegrams of sympathy contlnuo to pour In on Huef. Many wero ro- loolved this morrrrnn from women. sovoraJ from old collegomatos. Ruof finds great strength and consolation in thoso expressions of sympathy and Intends to savo all. Thoro Is a continued softening of sontlment against Ruef, oren Honey, whom he hates with tho deadliest hnjrod, showing a disposition to bo magnani mous with a man whoso spirit and power ho has broken. Schmltt (a ItttlgH OMrr. San Francisco, May 17. It was 'rumored last night that a movement Is on fool to bring about a change In the municipal administration by forcing the resignation of Mayor Schmltz and choosing In his stead Frederick W. Dohrmann, a promi nent wholesale merchant as mayor. Mora iHtMctmcwU. As the result of Abo Ruef's testi mony before tho grand Jury, It Is un derstood that Indictment wore pro pared against Mayor Schmiu, Presl dent Patrick Calhoun, of tho United Railways, and TJery L. Ford, chief counsel for the samo corporation. On bis testinoay Ruef said taat be haM glvea $8,0 ia curreacy to GOVERNOR GOODING MAY SUFFER rOR GETTING ORDERED INTERVIEW Led Newspaper Men Into llw Con fessed Assassin's Cell Uolse, Mny 17. A sonsntloual climax to the action of Governor Gooding pornonally conducting nn excursion of nowspapor men to seo Orchard en mo today, whoa Judge Wood denounced tho matter from tho bunch, nnd Intimated that It w contempt of court, and askod con buI what should bo done. Il was final WHEAT MARKET Chldngo, May 17. Cash whoat olosodl at 114 to 2 ccntn hlghor. July closud at-$1.00 and Septem ber nt fl.OOU. Mny 08. For tho llrtit tlmo lu tho prosont campaign July closed nbovo n dollar. It lit generally predicted thnt tho high prices will remain. Tho pit Is hys terical. 'GoihthI Quotation, Whont D8tt!bl.001ti corn 52H tho supervisors, $55,000 to Schmltz and retained $55,000 for hlmsolf. Schmltz Abdicate Onico. Mqyor Schmltz signed nn ngrco ment to bo guided In his appoint ments during tho rest of lila term by n commlttoo of sovon. This commit too Is composed of roproBontntlvon of local commercial associations, and Is made up of tho following men: F. H. Anderson, prcsldout of tha Hank of California; F. W. Von Slck len, prcslOiiut of Dodge, Sweeney ft Co., n largo commission linn; F. W. Dohrmann, head of n hlg crockery company nnd a member of tho relief commltteo: Percy W. Morgan, presi dent of tho California Wlno Associa tion; LowIb Rnsonfcld, n local capi talist; F. W. llontley, lycBldont of j tho chnmhor of commorco, nnd Judgo 81nck.'n leading lawyor, formerly n I Judgo of tho superior bench. All the arrangoments wero mado In socrut, and no formnl nnnoutco mqnthas "boon mado. . Schmltz from now an will bo may- ,'or Innnmuonly. Ho willingly slgnort ' referred! to tho county attorney tho ngreoment, as ho Is u norvous r investigation. RIchnrdHoh and wreck and unnblo to carry on tho Dnrrow, counsel for tho dofeiiBO, do- a Til Irs Of tho City. iiuiincuu inu uiiiiiur ill iiiiiiiiiiiiiuu j neToro concluding nrrnngemonts tortna, Thoy said It was n dollhorato with Schmltz, tho commlttoo callod uttomiit to Inlluonco the Jury. Thoy fl Frnnclco May 17 - In all upon F. J. Honey and explained Its openly charged that tho governor In- ', Qro 'J ; plans. Mr. Honey alfl It would not tonde, to make certain tho accused fa enpH,ont. conlllct with tho graft prosecution. jhouW not havo a fair trial In Idfeiho CnIh b f J Tho practical abdication of tho ""vloy and Ilorah agreed that tho , n.inn.ont ,, ftt ,ho. mnyor will result In tho appointment "'"iter was bad nnd unwarranted, J ' roS. T ho Son n cko , of persons riding on the cars and' firms by which thoy wuro omployod, with tho vlow of boycotting nil flrina whoso employes porslst In using tlto cars. Many 'nrgo establishments hnvo already notified their oniployoH- S.MQRE. PS RUNNING ' IN TRISOft rostoro order nnd a now workH com- ornor. wiillu regrottnuie, liml uot mlsslonor to clonn tho city nnd ropnlr l,oon ,ukon wlth ' consent. Tho tho stroots. More drnstlo actions rounty attorney was called In, and discussion arose as to whether tho , will then follow Mayor Htluiiltz Hold On. matter was Intended, to lulluuiico tho Mayor Schmltz nrrlved at his of- prospective Jurors. Tho defense do- n -.1 a .. ... ii.. .. inn tut rut tfifir Hnnil Inrr ItJi tin til u (mil ncu niiuriiy iieiuro nuun. nu ruiuui n " i "not In iimii tha rum wlilln Ihn utrlkr. to make a statement a., to Ruef. to for contempt. Ron,., defended tho ! "' , , l "" j. . . . . . .......r.M I. Hum I nnltf i.l...l Mini I' ,.-...-. , ,..,.,. ...,.v iimony, oiii iook occasion 10 ueny " i ii imiu iw that ho hnd surrendered tho funo- ' "mttor might bo taken up by tho tlons of hlH offlco to a commlttoo of county attorney, and tho governor seven. .mm uiuurn wuu wuro runiiuiiBiuiu reported this morning. n IVdemtiOH of Wohihi'm Jl u lit. Hut Ho Want- CMnf. will bo piUilshedV This closed the , ' tiot ' W V Schmltz wants to confess. Tho dU-'lnoldont. nnd tho trial proceeded. XJ S",".' XSSlh aco,l mnyor is moving heaven nnd Tho prosecution claims thnt it bus j,0"1 Vthe nuibir rth to secure immunity In return located -Jack Slmpklns, chief of tho "" " J,, " lh "J "' " hTS grnco earth to secure immunity for n complete statement of tho part tour indicted for tho inurilor of ho, took In tho stupendous graft Bteunonborg. Tho dofonso profoss gamo, but Honoy Is Immovablo. Not " to knowi nothing of Blmpklns' only will ho mayor not bo grarrtod whereabouts. Tim court took a ro immunlty. or bo given ft promise of coss without tho Boats of flvo holujt .... ... ... . us... l ....i.ff ii. r a nglit sentenco. but ho will ho pun-invu. jmihuuiuiuh ui uiu ui lilt to the limit. Tho mayor evon chard Intorvlow has biased many promised to stop down and out, but Ivunlrmon. Tho work of securing a iJingdon nnd Honoy turned u doaf Jury may now take weeks. The ear to all of Sohmltz's propositions, county attorney has instituted a s i . a . ..... i i. . 'uAAMiililiiif nnitltttlst I tt I t t Iki .- nnu are ueierminvu 10 proseeuio mm ,''" "" '" "" to tho ndl CoiiftTfiin With Hniey, A sub.committcio of tho citizens' coinmmitteo hud a long canforenoa with Honey this morning on tho mat ter of co-operating with tho commit tee lu tho administration of tho city's affairs when Schmltz steps out. prlety of GooAlug' actions. H ux pact n completo investigation to hu made, and will bo ready to report to the court tomorrow or Monday. Home One Will KulTir. Ho deal I n es ubsolutoly to forecast his Intended notion, but tha deter mined attitude of Wood (ndlcatca Neither sldo will discuss tho result, that somo ono will bo punished. beyond saying that ended satisfactory. - n the confcionco While Rluhardson and narrow were denouncing tho governor and repre sentatives of tho Associated Pruss, New York Bun and Times, Wood list- Ho was flerco Cont, VlollwUt Di-ttil. Vallejo, May 17. Professor Paul 'toned very attentively Iloulon, a violinist known on tho and looked stern In countenance, con t, suffered an attack of heart failure at a banquet at tho opening of a Masonic hall last night, and dlod au hour later. No FfmtrwM, Hut Fish. Washington, Hay 17,Tho Presi dent, his wife and son, Archlo, Sec retary Latta and guards left at 11 o'clock for PIa Knot. Latta's headquarters will be at tho mall sta tion! Cbsrlottsvlll, while tho fan. lly la la the couatry, Taty Uko no frearws, bat expfect to sUk. OWrlal Crime In Itwsl. lAtttte, May 17. Forty-flvo oM clals and workmen at the Kuttnor Springs mills were shot down by Cos sacks today because terrorists at tacked tho mall wagon. ... ' ' o i PImMi ItavolHtloHtan. St. Petersburg, May 17, Klovcn arrests woro mado la Finland follow lag tho discovery of the supposed plot la the regiment of guards to a- aaMiaate tk war. of 02 nlubs. Theso clubs art) Inter est (kl In educational, philanthropic and social Improvement work. C servativu men consider the Itera tion ot Women's clubs a potent fac tor In I'lty, stato and national gov ernment, especially where thoro lit house-cleaning to bo donu. To fur ther the cause of public education. from the kindergarten to tho uul verslty, tho Tonnoasoo Federation or Women's clubs, created! Immediately after Its organization, lu 1800, nn educational department. o I'ordum Hntpltnl Ojtmnt, Now York, May 17. Tho forty pa tients of Fordatu hospital wero re moved last week to tho $650,000 building which the tlty has construct" ed opposite tho Uronx Park tit South ern lK)iiluvard and Crotona avonuo, adlolnlng Bt. John's collegn. ThU' coromonles to mark the official opon- ing of tho now Fordum hospital nro being hold today, Mayor McGlellau, Superintendent Armstrong, of llell vuo liotpltal, and all offclals of tho Hronx aro present, and much gratlfl- cation was expressed at tho appear and and completeness that char acterises the building. Dr. J. F. COOK TKH IKrTAXlOAL WOCTTOK, movm to t4 unewn: wnumr yOK AXY WtUtAIMi VAUi (W I. coox. comvurATto?;