ci: r 8 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1007. wm I f INCORPORATED STREETS ARE 6EING IMPROVED READY-TO-WEAR SUITS AND COATS Pretty spring suits nt greatly reduced prices. Suits of fine- Panama Plaid's and Checks are being offered at liberally reduced prices. It Is our way of cleaning up the broken llnoft In sizes nnd colors, and our method gives you an opportunity early In tho season of se curing splendid suits much below their value. Every garmont of this season's designing In tho most approved and fashionable material. JjllG.OO values Arc now reduced to. .kjp P" ,$2 .$5 $20 DETAILS OF. COST OF OILING Mayor and Street Committee Trying to Meet Demands of Obstructionists 918.00 vuluett nro now reduced to. .1 $2ii.u0 values nro now reduced to. ,1 JjiilO.OO.vnlucfl nro now reduced to Dfcss Goods Now and oxcluslvo designs and weaves in wanted shades In tho nowest fabrlcn In dress goods, Things that cannot bo obtained in any other storo are to bo found in tho Dig Storo. Prices most reasonable. Summer Skirts and Petticoats Now styles In light and wanted materials In fashlonablo petti coats for summer woar. You need not tako tho tlmo to niako them whon thoy can bo had In all sizes and at olniost any price. Ready-to-wea Clothing Clothing for (lio Hnrd-to-PlcoHO Hard to plcaso people aro the ones wo aro most pleased to so becauso thoy aro tho ones who best npprcclato tho features that ninko our clothes superior to any on tho market. Tho m08t Pnlnn- taking work of tho clovorcst ex perts in clothes craft make our clothing worthy of approval. All tho nowest styles In the finest mntorlals and colors nro to bo soon In our grnnd showing. Values hero aro suporlor to those shown anywhoro olso for tho prlco askod. Wo want to show you tho nowest stylos nnd effects from $10 tp to $35 laying of tho wator mains, nnd all arrangements aro being made for tho rapidj completion of tho work. Notice There will be a special meeting to morrow night In tho Doard of Trade rooms at 8 o'clock of all the commlt- tco and other business men and citi zens interested in the special celebra tion on July 4th. A largo attend ance Is requested. Fallen by the "Wayside Mr. Catterlln, tho well-known real cstato man, while walking on fientar and Capital streets last night found a brand new hat. Tho covering is ft flno one, but does not exactly fit Mr. Catterlln, who says If the owner will explain how tho hat came to bo lost on tho sidewalk at that unusual hour ho will deliver up the property, and promise to keep tho facts con corning tho case to himself. Stale Printer Moves Office State Printer Duniway has moved from his apartments on tho cuBt side of tho hall in tho north wing of the and servo tho public thus faithfully stato house to tho now offices Jut The streets aro being Improved In all across tho corridor. Tho rooms which wero vacated Ov'lll bo occu pled by Stato Engineer Lewis. Mayor Itodgers and the Btreot com mittee aro pushing hard to get as much of the streets oiled ns possible to get bb many residence Btreets lm proved qs possible, ancV to got tho paving of at least ono permanent streof under headway. All this work is done by these gentlemen free gratis to the public, and it is re markable that business men will tako their tlmo from their own af fairs as much ns theso gentlemen do Stolner's Market Moved From Stato street to 321 North Commercial street. Phono 125. Mr. Pratt wishes to thank his cus tomers for thoir liboral patronage. I Hoping thoy will contlnuo with him at his now stand, which Is comploto in ovory respect, nnd no bottor fish market known in tho city. C-ll-5t Notice I will bo responsible for no bllld unless ordorcd by mo. Geo. W. ,Gob ser. G-13-5t Hop Trainers "Wanted EVANGELIST HAUDENSCHIEU) AT THE FIRST METHODIST CHURCH TONIGHT directions, and tho slow process of ono street a year, or a few blocks In a summer Beems to have given way to more rapid mothodo. Tho mayor and city council may not bo doing Just what everyone expects, but thoy are certainly doing more than has ever boon done before, and Bhowing that thoro Is llfo and ontorprlso loft in a portion of tho citizens. Tho objec tions aro mot ono by ono and gradu ally overcome, but it is at best n slow process. "What Oiling Costs. Two coats of oiled street wlH cost from ?2.50 to $3.00 per store front. In tho rcstdonco district it will cost nbout three cents per running foot of property front, depending some what on tho width of tho street. On AND EVERY NIGHT Service begins at 7:30 o'clock. Don't miss the opening song. Mr. Haudenschield is a singer cliortK i preacher of great ability and you will el ment of the service. m ! SEATS FREE EVERY NIGHJ PERSONALS. Tomorrow IS RK.UNANT DAY Short lougths of seasonable nnd dopomliiblo goods at HALF PRICE Men, women nnd boys, for the tho business streots ono coat Is put Holmes yard. Long job. Can board on, and! a sdcond cont a fow days or camp. Will move you out if do- later. On tho residence Btreots only slrodl Thono 109. T. A. LIvcsloy & ono cont will bo necessary. It has Company. G-15-tf CITY NEWS A Collection of Important Par agrnpliH for Vour Consideration New Debating League At a mooting of tho student body of tho Willamette Unlvorslty yester day it was proposed by Clark Bul knap to form a triangular debuting longuo botweon Whitman College, Paclflo University nnd Willamette Unlvorslty. Tho proposition was favorably received and) tho dobntlm; council wan given powor to mnko tho New Putor nt McMinnvllIe Rov. A. M. Williams, formorly of Albany, is to bo instnllcd ns pastor of tho First Prosbyterlan church. Ho Ih Almost Eighty boon found that tho carload of oil will go farthor than expected, and will coat with ono enr nearly 20 blocks, and pormanontly lay tho dust for the summer. A Heavy Base Oil. Mnyor Rodgors explains that th!? oil Is a heavy baso quality, 80 per cont nsphalt, and It does not ovapor Undo James Dntchelor celebrated ato so readily as tho fuel oil, and, 1Ib 79th birthday this woolc, and Is after It Is down a fow days, It Is al halo and hearty for n veteran of tho most odorless. From GOO to 1000 Grnnd Army. J gnllons nro used on a block to oil both sides of tho street, Including Tongues of Fire This rollglouB organization Is re- tho crossings. Tho work Is dono un dor Streot Commissioner Martin, who ported to bo holding meotlngs ovory collects tho money, and pays tho night nt Albany, and attract 'tho usu-, frolght bills for tho oil, and tho city al crowd of sightseers. Wauled Wo Htlll lmvu n number of nhicvn nccossnry arrangements for a schod for bright, energetic ladlcii. Wo ulo of debates and tho formation of want to inula) it thorough lunuu tho lunguo. Tho contests will bo to ItfiiiKti i'iiiivunh. TIiIm Ih not ax dlf. arranged for both tho irlrla nnil tho limit n ono might think.. We of- boya toanm nnd will doubtless bo of tho Btftt0 from Ntron. They quit fer von innnv advniitnireM. We don't uroat vnluo to all IntorcRtml In tbntlHOVOrnl ,nonths ago, but aro HOW to Nk you to work on commission, but lino of work. pay you a good salary and expenses Wo don't requlro you to 1h cvierl Jeffe romi Ih Progressing eneedj It Ih im advantage, perhaps, j, Roland, tho liiBurnnco man, nut If you nave asNuranee ami a lit- was in Jofforsou yostordny. and ro Is not out a dollar. Under thlB ByB torn thoro will bo n. grent Improvo mont In tho surfne'o of tho Btreots, but It Is not Intended that this oil- Cross Stato Railroad Col. Rankin, with a corps of survey ors, Is roported duo any day now to Ing shall tako tho placo of perraanout tako up tho work of surveying across Btreot Improvement. Nursing the Objectors. fnm1inia t li ntHnn4 .M.lli n t a. ii v i I vMiuvio ui niu Dllt'Ut I'UIUIUllll' .....a.. u.u .... iron, matron 10 un- hnvo be(m tryInB to ,mvo ft confer, lllllU. FiicliH-Klliiger tho energy It will mora than make ,IOrts groat progross being' mndo In '"."m?8 ,,C0n" t0, no"1 8 Fmlx' d In getting tho objectors up for your lark of experience. Wo hH old homo town. Mr. Rolamll has ?. Angel, aged J-, nndi Collno B0 fnP uut hnvo canvnssed nro nOt llMdlllT YOU tO WOl'lf for IM'llll Invn frti. Ma nl.l Ani.nnnltv miiiiw cheap concern. Hemeiuber you and Is moro than glad to sco It go ! Muur,co Kllngor witness. ro woiKing ror ouu or tiiu bent forward. ArrangcmontB havo Just houses In tho country, and selling n boon porfoctod for tho Installing of product that Ih nxed by every house, a wator nnd lighting systom. Partlos onco with Mr. nush, Fred Hurst, Chnrlos Gray nnd a fow others who nrn nhtooHnir in ihn Imnmiximnni f County Clork Allen has issued a stnt0 Btrectt Thoy hnvo not Bllccoed. togothor Kllngor, of Mt. Angol, aged 29, .iivM.inllv. tw nMf tn ., I changes In the curb lino, nnd tl.o j mayor and Btreot commltteo havo ns I Hlimrt tllOrtl tlmt lllnv wilt Innvn v.,. Tho Journal tomorrow will havo preaont curl)8 nnd guarantoo thoro Mrs. F. H. Collins has returned from a visit in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gray loft to day for a Bhort visit in Portland. Mrs. H. M. Patrick, of Portland, is visiting Salem friends. Miss Bortha Allen left this morn ing for a visit at tho reform school H. 13. Chapman wont to Portland this morning on business. George Dorcas, tho wellcnown hop man, Is hero on business. Mr. nnd Mrs. T. D. Jackson, of Portlnnd, nro visiting In tho city. Mrs. E. W. St. Plorre went to Portlnnd for a abort business trip todny. Mrs. George Pcarco went to Al bany Inst ovonlng for a fow daya visit. Mrs. W. D. Tallon and little daughter aro tho gucBts of Albany friends for a fow dnys. W. W. Elder, commander of the Soldiers' Home nt Roseburg, Is In th? city on buslnoss. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Baker loft thl3 morning for Portland, whoro they will rcsldo. Miss Roso Kensoher, of Portland Is In tho city, tho guest of relatives and) friends. Mrs. Pennington, of Albany, oftfr Jr;M route for varlong pout, , , ton. After a thort k thoy wm return to PorSh Superintendent ol Patlij j LIUI1 APVnrmA.. l-i .t ' , """"u iii mi, bi iuiuo lonuendatewkmi wklnl. I. I.. ... ia ut-ing ne d thar. ti.' ho will go to Philomath n3 UUOIUt'33. ' -1 Board of Tmoc Endorw f . I m. "I1 llio Sftlem Board of TrU pJ roBoiuuons npproTlng the ttti the city council In 1U efforU fa nioto tho Improrementioitli business nnd reildenc tt-m. pledged to tho membori ot fc(l council its moral iopprt k work undurlnkcn. Tho text of the moltUoti "Whereas, The coshoc this city Is rnaklac etritit accomplish tho paritf o( Important buslncM itiNtt, bo It Resolved, Hj the Bm4 i that wo heartily tiw tM projects already Bs4rtti, pledgo tho city coukII mt port, and bo It further Resolved, That e factious, frivolous or lections to the Drowtdl a visit here, has returned to herjnonts and n oa iiidu ,l0,U0, stand for progress ted to ; Mrs. M. S. Blden nnd son, of Med- from nil acts which taiUi ford, orp tho gucatfl of Mr. Henry tho growth and proprkf Watch for It- lond Issue which m "lll?11lom, b"00 b'?r0' uan'1 change or expense In that matter t. Last ovcijIiir. '" "will havo o offer. Watch for Thon tho objectors raise now objec- o council, bid ,t;'U!a th0" p,roflt by " ,Th0 ',Inco tions, and. whon they aro mot, thv ho sale of tho w,' . enUr0l: rfnovntod' aml th0 havo BUM others. Tho objectors final wife. Wo will further mid that till havo mndo a proposition, 'and tho ,tho f" nnno'incoinent of tho open- Bnn l)0 no oxpon80 whatever for any ' f III' nf Mm flnlnlil Glmn CIa.a nn.l . " our eunvasNei-H nro in rliarge or a city has ordorcd a bond Issue which , ;,. ,,.. . " ovu,' """ change or oxpenso In that matter lady, and that their phynlral nnd will put It Into effect moral welfare. Ih safeguarded In ov nt a mooting of tho erV ItOSslllle Wit V. IH'IIuVO tllllt wnni nnnnml fnc tint - ' ..- ,.w... w. ..v miu v i..... . i... ...... .... when you have had thin nuitter thor- bonds, nnd tho Orogon Stato Bank, of D,""",h """ ""'J ,l pienso ma w- Bay tl,oy wnnt ,nnca(iaW 8Uch u oughly eIalit(Hl you will In only to that town, was awarded tho bonds. " . fc """""b ". v.eo. w. willing to become ono of our canvass. na tholrB was tho host of throo bld3 , yro ,nnnnBor. er. Please call fr an interview. J A rosorvolr will bo constructed on II. lliwwi, Willamette Hotel, or tho hill oust of tho city, from which, l,"ry "olf Am,stwl MNh IJ. M. Cnbb, Cottago Hotel, tho wator will bo brought by gravity.' A wa"nnt wns sworn out this 5-16-tf Tho ditches aro being dug for tho morn nR .by " n' Latrop for tho Brophy, of this city. Mrs. R. L. Reed, after n visit hero, has returned to her homo Jn Sllvorton. Mrs. Provoklurt, oi Tncomn, ar rived In tho city this morning to visit hor sister, Mrs. Ruth Sayro. clt. Bntl sVsuten f OABTORI 1MIMWMI oil iiur oiaiur, .urn. mini oujiu. vt . V ft - 17U Mrs. X. E. Taylor and Miss M. Norwich UlllOfl m Uwnactl Frank Meredith, R" Office with Wm.Bron 129 Commercial tr. MfiNEY TO Vm THOWBt OverUdd&Bwk' 8?" I The Foundation of a Correct Costume Is a Stylish Pair of Shoes Wo mil showing tho most attractive array of spring footwear pumps, rlblHtn and (ilbson ties, blechers, but ton OxronVs, etc., (lint tho most rvlN aide manufacturers ever made. They're rtMiuirkaldo not alone for style, hut for wear and comfort. DejR'Md upon It T1IKV CANNOT UK HKATKN. Welts and Thihb S3 to Jf-l, SALEM'S BIG SHOE STORE OREGON SHOE CO. THE SHOERS nrrost of Henry Wolf, charged with ithrontonlug to kill. It is alleged jthut Wolf last night, whllo lntoxicat od ontorod Into a dlsputo with La throp, and throatonod to tako his llfo. Tho affair took plnco In tho Bullock restaurant on Commercial Btreot. Wolf will bo arraigned In Justlco Wobator's court this afternoon. Van Fleet-McCmcken County Cl-k Allon Issued a mar rlngo license yostordny to Chester A. Van Fleot, of this city, aged 23, and Miss Vada C. McCrnckon, of Salem, aged 23, R. M. Hoover witness. Tho couple wore married last evening ut S o'clock at tho residence of R. N. Hoover, In Englowoodi An account of tho wedding will appear in Satur day's social column. o . An oxenango says Orogon needs peoplo and railroads. This is putting mo cart beioro tho horse. Wo neei railroads. Tho people will follow. The sooner Oregon quits preaching xnoro peopio aud gets In an hustles for tho things that will bring us add. ed population tho hotter It will bo for the stats. Eugeue Register. Is on South Commercial Btreot, and some of thorn Bay wo havo now tho llnest gravel streets In tho world. It Is tho intention of tho city authori ties to moot all tho objections falrlv and If It is tho unanimous wish of tho property owners on Stato street to havo tho street macadamized: that will bo done. But there is no such petition boforo tho council. So far but llttlo progross has been made In harmonizing tho objectors and tho city authorities, but tho mayor and street commltteo aro doing all in their powor to hear what is proposed by tho objectors. Their main objec tion Is tho oxpenso, and they say the city Is not ready for anything better thnu crushed rock at present. NEW TODAY .. .. . CNrn-rrtOIB barn. Enquire C. C V Fashion Stable". tno lato Mrs. Miner. I iwfood Miss Anna Sepmeyer, who has been For UV visiting Mrs. J. L. Munson, loft this iAV 6. W.A.Birki lliiker Pious to Celebrate. Baker City Plans aro now well under way for ono of tho largest Fourth of July celebrations ever held in this city. Committees havo been appointed by all of the local depart ment leagues and they will soon meet to perfect plans for tho great even. That something new shall be the order of tho day seems the deslro of the committee, o Frank Pavey RHys Paper. Tho Harney County News, which has been suspended for three weeks. has been purchased by Prank Davey, 91 balem, and the first issue under ata control will appear today. Winn loft today for Wooi'fourn to visit relatives. Mrs. H. D. Kimball and Mrs. It. H. Washburno left this morning fb" Portland for a short visit. Mrs. Harry Rowo left this morn ing for a visit In Philomath to her parents. L. S. Hydo, of tho firm of Gamblo, Hyde & Co., loft this morning for Corvnllls on business. Mrs. T. Homlor and Mrs. Al. Mey ers left thlB mornlne for a Bhort visit in Philomath. Mrs. H. H. Ragan went to Tumor this morning to attend tho funeral of tho lato Mrs. Miller, n .., rirrt C P50, n lnft thlrf UM'"' " ... n.irl. I '"-. ... ).- ;jj l-: morning for her homo In Portland. , miiia. ' Mrs. O. Goodnough and son, Fre.l die, left yestorday for Mill City, whoro thoy will spend the summer. E. Wninscott of Salem arrived In Baker yesterday and is looking some business interests in this com munty. Bnker City Herald. I Mrs. Osphronla Jessup left tbU 2 morning for Bolso, Idaho, where she will visit her son, Dr. Albert Jessup, who Is located in that city. Mrs. Kuttner and Mrs.' Fred Lem- enwobor, who havo been guests of S .... ...... !,-.! .Mr. ana airs, james wiuson, this morning for their home in Port land. A. L. Brown returned this morn- trie from n trln tft Marion. Hfl brought with him Bomo flno sam ples of grain which was grown tberejj this season. I Hon, Frank Waters returned tniSj morning from Eugene, whoro ho has been in tho interest of the new elec tric road, which Is being construct ed up the Santlam. Dr. R. R. Hamilton, one of the 1907 graduates of the medical de nartment of the Willamette Uni versity, left thla saooila for Vale, Or., where he will locate. r I Strawberries The Best D"" 15c per box ! -..ta! a"'" look like ..Vir JICB1 - arethak-t illHr iFri . &