DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1007. ron-alcoholici 1 1 wsapariua IRAGON RACERS BUILDING Compete In the Vanderbllt Auto. mobile Gup Contests tXew York, May 1G. Tho Dragon atomobllo Company has mado pub- the namo of the driver and' con ductor of tho two racing cars which to blng built for tho Vandorbltt op Race by this concorn. Ho Is Charles Konon, n French designer experience, who wob for ninny Urs connected with tho prominent nropean factories having been with arracq, and for threo yenrs each Htb. Clement and Draslcr. He also construction work In this coun for about threo yenrs nnd has ono a great dtenl of special design for well-known manufacturing pneernn. no is mucn interested in icing and was o prominent flguro In rraond Bench moot of 1900. Ho is jelectod by tho Dragon Company at of n list of eighteen designers on ount of his Ideas nnd thorough lining and tho fact that ho has ado a specialty of rnclng cars from ko technical standpoint. Mr, Kenen has been at work for Is months on tho Dragon racer? ml is at present attondlng to tho bembling of tho engines which ho ipects to complcto about tho 2Cth May. In tho mqan tlmo tho con traction of frnniCB nnd running gear tr the racers Is being pushed for ward nt tho Philadelphia factory. ad it is expected that tho cars will ready for their first testing upon to roau on July l. ah this is wording to schodulo of plnns mado John Kano Mills, president of the ompany, bcroro tho first of tho ear. Tho Drngon cars aro four-cylln- cr dslgn nnd nro an ciilargomjnt tho new 1908 modol of tho Drng- car, Tho fan that thoy differ onildorably from tho 1907 Dragon roduct bring to light tho Informu- Ion that tho now stock models of be compnny will havo valves on on Ide Instead of tho present arrange- Rent of valves on tho opposlto sldtos the. cnglno. This chnugo was pado largely on tho advlso of Mr. fencn who holds that whllo valvos oproslto sldos malco a hotter bal- need and smoother running motor, be y stem of placing valvoa on tho arao side effocts economy In weight, Raking only ono oam-shnft noccs- ry. and making tho enr easier to mid In this connection It Is stated .iMli.iiWWWWHWillwiMm..' mm i1., iiijai.'j . jga gjU AYefictabicPrcparatioalbr As similating teToodandRetf ula ling theSlojucfas and Bowels of i 1 1 twwrnrrnvwrn Rrmote3Tfigestton.Cieerrul ows and ItestCoaUlns neither OptumsMorpWne florlfioaaL ot Narcotic. V afeXJ&SWlZUVVWl -"- f.frr tiffin . fKfmjttJ. A perfect Rcmcdv for Cnnsllna- hon, Sour Stom&ch.Diarrhoea, "orms.Convulsions.Fcvensa ncss end Loss of Sleep. TicSuwJe Signature of NEW "YOHK. kact copy or wapfcb. you think you need a tonic, ask your doctor. If you think you need something for your blood, ask your doctor. If you think you would like to try Aycr's non-alcoholic Sarsaparilla, ask your doctor. WattnblUhthafarmnlu J.C.AyrCo., of U onr prpirttoni. Iowll.Mti. by Mr. Mills that tho real situation Is that the company will build two typos next year instead! of one, tho flrst being a car similar to tho pres ent Dragon with a larger boro and stroke. This . has already been worked out and n car of this type Is running nrond tho streets of Phil adelphia. The company will, how ever, put out a rather largo car In addition, nnd It Is on enlargement of thla new typo which will bo built for tho Vanderbllt raco struggle. Tho now racors aro quoted as 110 H. P. but Mr. Mills says that thla rating Is used becnuso "phonetically, It Is a smooth running collection of words." As a matter of fact these cars will (according to Fronch measurement), dovdlopo almost 135 H. P. at ono thousand englno rev olutions per minute. Tho early plans for the enr woro based on tho under8tanllng that a similar courso to that of last year would bo used and thcroforo Mr. Konon was In structed to design a car which would take cornors at n tremendous speed. Tho cars woro therefore geared down to n maximum speed of 110 miles an hour, and will take hills llko that at Manhnssottt with practically no diminishing of speed. Tho fact that tho Long IeHnnd Park wny will bo ready in tlmo for tho rnco might possibly havo led tho de signer to carry his cars to a high speed but as onq of thorn Is nlroad sold to a customer who, after tho raco will uso it In tho far West among tho mountains, It was decided that a speed of practically two miles a minuto wns fast enough. Speaking of tho new racors Mr. Konon snys: "As tho object of tho Vanderbllt race, llko all contest, Is to givo manufacturers cxpcrlcnco In order that thoy may Improvo tholr product, It Booms to mo that It in moro rea sonable to build a. car thnt will nt all times bo nppllcablo to all road conditions rather than n mechanical freak which will bo of no vnluo ns n futuro product. "I havo cut tho wheel baso of tho car down to 90 Inches, nndl havo nlso given tho car a rather narrow tread. This will mako It very easy to run. Tho transmission Is of tho solcctlvo tjllding gear type, "threo Bpeeds for ward and rovorse, geared respective ly 110, 75 and 4C miles an hour. Following tho regular Dragon cus tom this car will hnvo n rolatlvo low8W compression, but oven thou I expect that It will require two inon to crank hor with tho pot cocks cloRod. I ox poet to have tho onglnos on tho block within a few wooks, nnd thoro Is no ronson why ears shouhV not bo ns Bomblcd within n month nftor that, oxcopt that duo to tho fact of spo clrtl offsots on tho frnmc, thla osson tial part will bo delayed, and will probably bo tho last complotod. I fully expect to havo tho cars on tin' CASTORIA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA Tut ttxrtMm tHmetwr, mtm rr. gh M AW road tho first of July, as I deem It necessary to havo nt least threo months for tuning up tho cars. Al though two cars will be entered In the race, parts for threo cars have been ordered with sparo cylinders, etc. This sparo enr will not bo as sembled until late, ancS will bo used as a reserve car In case a telegraph polo happens to make love to tho ra diator." . o Bownro of Ointments for Catarrh Thnt Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy tha sense of smell nnd complotoly de- rnngo tho wholo system when enter ing It through tho mucous surfaces. Such articles should never bo used except on prescription from reputa blo physicians, ns tho dnmago thoy will do Is ton fold to tho good you can possibly dorlvo from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.. contains no mercury, nnd Is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure bo Buro you got tho gonulno. It Is tnkon Internally nnd mndo In Toledo, Ohio, by F .J. Cheney & Co. Testimonial freo. Sold by all druggists. Price, 7Bo per bottlo. Tako Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. 1 1 1 n 1 1 in 1 1 n 1 1 1 it 1 1 1 1 n ' jj THE MARKETS. ;; . . Mako Salem a flood Home . I : Market, ; iiiiiiiiiii; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 b 1 1 1 1 1 SALEM MARKET. Stelncr'a Market, Donlors In fish, gnmo and poultry. Highest cash price paid for eggs, Prompt dollvory. Stato stroot. Loral Wliolittalo Market. HonB 12c; young chickons, lie. HonB 13c; young chickons, 11. lie. Ducks 10c; geoso, 8c; turkoys, l3lCc. Butter 22 Mc; fnt, 20 Wc Local whoat 08 70c. Local wheat OS 70c. Onts 3 8 40c. Barley $22 $23. Flour $3.3G3 $3.50. Mill feed limn, $20; short, $22. liny cuoat nnd olovor, $7 por ton; timothy, $11.00 $12.00 per ton. Onions $2.00 por cwt; potatoes, 80c por cwt. Hops Cholco, 10llc; prima to cholco, 8 9c; medium to prlmo. Chtttlm bark 50o. Tropical Fruits. Bannnns $C.JG. Oranges $3$4. Lomons $0.00 $.G0. Retail Market. Oats $28; wheat, 80c por bu.; rolled barley, $27, Eggs 20c dor.; 2 doz, 3Gc. Apples $3.00. Uutter Country, 20c; crcamory, 30c. Flour $1.05 por sack. nrnn CGo por saok; $21 por ton, Hay Timothy, 75c por owL; cheat and clover, GOo por cwt.; shorts, 9Go por cwt. Livestock. HogB Fat, 7c, Cattlo 1100 & 1200 lb stoers, 4Wc. Lighter steers 4c, Cows and heifers 900 1000 Id, Stock Hogs-5c, Hog Fat, 0V4c. Lambs Co, Veal Droaaed, G7a PORTLAND MARKET. Whoat Club, 8O081c; valley, 80c; blue stem, S3 84c. Oats Cholco white, 29c. Mlllstufr Bran, $17. Hay Timothy, $16 $IC; alfalfa $11. GO. Votch $7.60 $8.00. Poultry Hont, 14, mixed chlek ons 13 V4; droaaed ohookens, lif? 154c; turkeys, Hvo, 130 14c; ducka. 17ft 18o; plgoona, $ie$1.25. Pork Dreaaed. 0Mt IJeef Dreued, 6tf Cc. Mutton 6 7c. Hops 9 10 He lb, according to quality. Wool Valloy, coarse to medium, 29 23c; eiatern Oregon, 13 2M8c. Sore Nipples, Any mother wbo has bad experi ence with this dlstreaiing aliment will bo pleased to know that a cure may be effected by applying Cham berlain's Salve as soon as the child la done nursing. Wipe It oX with a solf clotb before allowing the babe to nurse. Many trained nurses ate this salve with beet reealU. Fer ale ky Dr. IMam's 4rwg s4re. jlHlllllllllllllllllHIII OFFICIAL DIRECTORY ni it iiiiiiiminiiimi Delcgntlou hi Congress. Senator Chas. W. Fulton, Astoria. Senator Jonathan Bourne, Jr., Portland. Ropresentatlvo W. C. Hawley, Sa lom. Ropresentatlvo W. R. Ellis, Pondlo ton. Stnto Officials. Governor, Qeorgo E. Chomborlnln. Soretary of 8tate, Frank W. Don son, Stato Treasurer, George A. Steele. Superintendent ot Publlo Instruo Uon, J, H. Ackormnn. Attorney General, A. M. Crawford. Stato Printer, W. 8. Dunlway. Stato Labor Commissioner, O. P Hotf. Supremo Conrt. Chief JuBtlco, Robort S. Dean. Assoclato Justice, Frank A. Mooro. AsBoclnto Justlco, Robort Eakln. Commissioners, W. T. Slater, W. R. King. Clerk, J. J. Murphy. Reportor, R. G. Morrow. Bailiff, P. H. Raymond. Circuit Judges, Geo. II. Burnett, Snlom; William Galloway, McMlnn- vlllo. District Attornoy, John II. Mo Nnry, Salem. Other Stnto Oniclals. J. W. Bnlloy, Food nnd Dairy Com missioner, Portland. J. W. Baker, Gnmo nnd Forostry warden, Cottngo Grove. Robt. C. Yonny, Stnto Health Ofll cer, Portland. J. II. Lowls, Stnto Englnoor, Sn lom. E. Gllllnghnm, Stnto Librarian, Sa lonv. II. G. Van Duboii, Stato Fish Com missioner, Astoria. Chas. V. Galloway, Stato Land Agont, Salem. W. W. Eldor, Commnndor BoldlorB Home, Itosoburg. Mnrlon County Oniclals. John II. Scott, County and Probate Judge. II. D. Allen, Clerk of Courts. "W. J. Culver, 8horlff. V. V. RIchardBon, Troasuror. E. T. Moores, Suporlntondont of Schools. F. J. Rice, Assessor, II. I). Horrlck, Jr., Survoyor. J. C. Noodham, W. II. Goulot, Com mlsslonors. A. M. Clough, Coroner. D. a, Drngcr, Recordor. Knloiii CKy Olllclals. Goo. F. Rodgors, Mayor. W. A. Moores, Recorder nnd Police Judge.- D. W. Gibson, Mnrshal and Chlof of Pollco. Frnnk Morodlth, City Treasurer. A. O. Condlt, City Attornoy. Jns. W, Martin, Street Commis sioner. Mnrk Snvago, Chlof Flro Depart mont. W. C. Smith, Honlth Ofllcor. City Kt.imliiiK Coiuiiiltteo. Ways and Moans Jacob, Waldo, Churchill. Ordlnnncos Groonbaum. Low. Goodo. Accounts and Curront Exponeca Churchill, Itadolirr, Bayno. Streets Downing, Stockton, Stolt. Publlo Buildings Stockton, Stole, Goanor. Boworngo, Btoli, Jacob, Low. Plumblug Fraser, Downing, Oos uor. Flro and Water Low, IUdolltf, Goodo. Bridges aesner, Churchill, Fras- or. Health and Police Ilnua, Jacob Waldo. Lights Goode, Haaa, Greenbaum. Printing Itadollff, Haas, Fraser. Public Parks Bayno, Qroenbaum, Stockton. Hoard of Kduratlon. W. II. Byrd, Chairman. A. A. Leo, If. C. Eploy, E. M Grolsan, Directors. H. A. Johnaou, Jr., Clerk. J. M. Powers, City Supt. Sohoola, w nr o aPt3TJs."S HtU BVfaaUM ef IMUMYMHiiiJUsirs O C. T. Co. -STEAMERS POMO.YA AND OHF.GO.VA LKAVM POKTLAND MO.VDAV, WKDNMH DAY AND FRIDAY AT 111 A. M., TUmDAY, THURSDAY AND SATUKDAYsl AT HM A. M. FOK COKVAU TUH8DAY, THTTHiiDAY AND 8ATUKDAY AHOUT P. M. P. H. BALDWIN, Agt. srBT,w,TWaFTwTwYwaw CLASSIFIED Bmaiiaii;iiiaiiiiiiiiiititjiiagM FOB RAUS tr ie Salom-Inuopondonco-Mon mouth stngo lino, fully equipped. Inquire of Capital Commission Company, Salem. 4-5-tf For Salc Old pnpors, 10 cents per hundred. Inqulro Journal oQIco. For Sale 150 good reasoned oak fenco posts, at 15 cents each, tt taken at ouco. Wm. ABcherman, Routo No. 6. C-14-3t "" ' ' " i i i mm FORRKNT tror went, Throo furnished rooms for light housokooplng. Uso ot bath and phono. No. 4.S6 North Llborty stroot. rhono 1403. G-lG-3t For Rent Houso and four lots, gnr don and barn. Xll kinds of fruit. Apply at 345 Union street. Phone G91. .4.w For Rent Sovon-room houso, hot nnd cold wntor, electric light, bath room. Inqulro of Aug. Schrolb or, 5 CO North High stroot. 3-25-tf MUSICAL. iiiuiir iuu ii-wcn leaoiop r.r n ano; touch, technlch, Interpreta tion. Thorough preparatory course Advancod atudonts proparcd for publlo appearance Residence 058 Contor St. Tol. Main 526. 2-28-tf. LOST. Lost Ulnek, part spaniel dog. A swors to namo of "Don," Roturn to B. Hofor, South Salem. 4-17-tf Lost, Lndy'a gold watch, hunting enso, atomwlndor, with gold watch fob. Finder plonBo roturn to Sa lem hotol and rocolvo reward. 5-14-lwk LODQIC8. Foresters of America Court Sher wood Forosters, No. 19. Meets Tuesday In Hurat hall, State street Loo Abble, O. R.; A. L. Brown, F. 8. Central Lodgo No. 18, K. of I. Castle Hall In Holman block, cor ner State and Liberty streets. Tuesday ot each week at 7: SO p. m. Oscar Johnson, O. C; E. II. Andorson, K. of R. nnd 8. Modern Woodmen of Ainerlm Ore gon Cedar Camp No. G246. Moeti ovory Thursday evening at 8 o'clock In Holman hall. W. W. 1II1I, V. C; F. A. Turner, Clerk. Woodmen of-World Moot every Fri day night at 7:30, In Holman hall J. A. Dlckoy, C. B.; P, L. Frailer, Clork. Lincoln Annuity Union. flics, acci dent and ponalon Insurance; $!!, 000,000 plodgod; ovory claim paid Oood agents wantod. J. II. O, Montgomery, supremo organizer, Box 432 Salem, Oregon, R. R. Ryan, socrectary, G46 Stato stroot 'i; " " ii I WAKTXD. Wuntcl Wido-nwnko collector nnd aolocltor for Salem. Salary $ll por wook nnd commission. Apply at Cottago hotol from 0:30 to ! p. m. J. Ludman. 0-14-31 Wunliil Laco curtnlns wnahod nnd Ifoned. Will call for nnd roturn all orders. Mrs. Walter Ross, Phono Suburban 94 5-10-lwk WantedTo borrow $1000 on the beat of real citato security. Ap ply to "J. P.," caro Journnl offlco. 4-20-tt HlgliMt Cash Price Paid for chick ens at Wlllamotto Hotol. 4-19-tf WanttMl Boy to run elevator. In qulro at Willamette hotel. C-13-tf Wanted Situation by young man experienced In offlco work, Includ Ing bookkeeping, sinography mid typewriting. Can furnish boat 634 North Winter stroot. Phone 1303. 6-13-2t MINKH. nvtiNtor Wishes to purchaao min ing claim, undeveloped or par tially developed, but indications tnuat bo good. Will also finance one or two good proposition!. What havo youT Addreaa P. O Box 161, Grants Pnas, Or, G-2-6t BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth more than any other bread, yet the priee U no higher. For sale at your grexer's. OAL1POKNIA MAKssits. The maa 4 CeeJjr, Tt, f Itltflfi DEPARTMENT M1SOELIuN!OU8, I'Ihho Tuneiw-Lr LTwoodi, plaao . pert tuning, repairing and pollsk Ing. Leave orders at Geo. O, Wills' tnuslo store, Salem. 2- 9-lyr CoHcrcte Work. Got my price efc sidewalks, curbs, septic tanks aa4 comont work of any klad. AH work guaranteed flrat-claM. K. Ward, Highland add. Phone 8 St. G-ll-tl IlBtte Wetiderath Flae wU, liquors and cigars. We handle ike colobrated Kellogg and Castle whtsklos. Cool and refreshing beer, constantly oa drough. IohUI Commercial street 9-3-lyr Salem Iron Works. Founders, chlnlsts and blacksmiths. Masm facturera ot all kinds ot tawmlH machinery. Hop and fruit drylftg atoTes, etc. Manufacturers ot Uw Salem Iron Works Hop Pree. Salem Box Lumber Co. -Removed from South Halem to 14th street near the 8. P. dopoL Boxes, Berry Crates, Fruit Trays and Perfection Fruit Evaporators. Phone 201. Enlarged- Our meat Market on Bast State Btroot has bees doubled In slse aa we are better prepared than ever t sorvo oustomers. Prompt service asi the boat of meats our motto. Call or phone 199. B, B. Edwards, Prop, SaliMii IudcciHleuca MonmoMtli Stngo lino. Leaves IndependeaM dnlly (oxcopt Sunday) at 8:09 o'clock n. m. Returning, leaves Snlom from Wlllamotte Hotel at S p. m arriving Rt Independence In tlmo for 0:15 motor for Moa mouth nnd Dallas. Phone Mala 170. " ' - Wo Aro Crtnh Purchasers Of poul try, eggs, nnd all kinds ot farm produco. Borry crates made up in unllmltod quantities, Capital Commission Co., 207 South Com mercial stroot, Salem. Phone Mats 170. JU Acres Flno soil, half timber, halt cultivation, ltf miles frew Salem, nno unobstructed view ef Salem, rlvor, mountains, etc. Kb tlroly enclosod with new wire fenco, House and barn old. Ap pics, pears, plums, prune, peach ns, ehorrlos, berried full bearlag. This Is for you, Mr. Bargain Hunt er. Call on or wrlto to "II.," caw Journal. 5-10-3wk A. J. AndcriiOH, -Contractor and Builder, 41G Court stroot. Phoae 544. 5-11-tt Flno Pasture Chonp, noar town. Ia qulro of I. Daunignrtlnor, near fair grounds. 6-13-3t HiNMMMMIHMMWHnnHIMM TLVMMVSM. TIjw). M. lUrr Pluuiblag, not waiM and steam heating and tlaalag, 104 Commercial street, Pk Main 192. 8-1-ly M. J. reteel Plumblsg, stssm t.4 gas attlag. ucMor te Kar Murphy, C2 Cowmrelal street. 'Phone Mala 17. -.yAiK A1?.000 AOTOEaw. rraak K. Brew-MBufaeMirw K Mali, doors, atotddlfiff. All klaia 4 aouM Maltfc aad sard weed werk. Frost ttittl, hot. State sad Cewt Make all eomplalaU at tb oM, DHAYMKN, Cummins Bros.' Transfer CompaMy All kinds of transfor work done, Furnlturo and pianos boxed ready for shlpmont. Prompt service It our motto. Stand and once at 263 South Commercial street. Phono 210. Resldonco Phone 988. FOR SALE! Wo aro now In a position to mako prices on vacant lots, also houses and lots In Highland addition, along tho Saletn-Portlaud now oloctrlo lln. This property has not boon offered for salo boforo aluco tho completion of tho road, and wo have some ex ceptionally good buys. Derby & Willson 1 i. S44 k Stkm by Dr. 5, C 3hm i