DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1007. L. S T G C K TONl51 RABIES STRONG SENTIMENTS FOR IMPROVING STREETS J. THE OLD WHITE CORNER FOR ELECTRIC ROAD TO COOS BAY 7gyj(f'j)Y3''IitYlCft?f!T'JWy, UWiVlilf t Tomorrow will be the day for bargains at the busy store. ALL REMNANTS HALF PRICE Odds and Ends of All Sorts Reduced For Friday Buy Something At Our Store Friday Just to Convince Yourself That the lay is The Public Spirited Citizens Subscribe One Hundred Thousand Dollars in Twenty-four Hours Roseburg Si8o!nl: The Roscburg evidence of good faith In order thot rind Coos Bay Rnllrond will bo bulU.whon tho committee goes to Mnrsh Tho future of tho Quuoit City of field Friday Its members can say to Southern Orogon Is safe. Tho crisis tho Coos county peeple: "Gontto has been bravely mot and safoly passed. Tho committee has secured subscriptions to tho capital stock from Koseburg citizens amounting to mon, we will moot you hnlf way.' Koseburg is expected to Invest hoavlly in this road, because tho cap italists of this city aro looking for Tho Business Men of Salem tndorso the Progress and Roast tho TcchnN col Objections Rosttlonco streets aro bolng Im proved In North Snlom at a rapid rate. Work will soon begin on tho bltu llthlo pavement of Stnto stroot, al though lUia understood technical ob Jocttons aro being dbvlsed. A number of business streets aro bolng troatod to light coatings of oil to lay tho dust for tho summer, but not as a nubstltuto for paving. $100,000. This wns nil that was good Invostmonts, and It has been asked for nt this tlmo and Insures tho speedy construction of tho lino. clearly shown that this will provo to bo ouo of tho best and safest. Prom There Is no uso In denying tho the very boglnnlng It Is bollovod tho fact. Tho fnto of this city has road will pay 10 per cont on Its long been hanging In tho balance, stock after paying Interest on any u nns got to uuuuiuus or sonto oiner.iuuney u may uo necessary to Dor- road or sink Into obscurity. Tho business peoplo of Koseburg nro noi doing any sinking or shrinking Just now, nml the ronri to Coos Hay will I bo built immediately. J Within loss tlmo thnn twenty-four .hours, tho public spirited cltlzuns Fl IfiFWF . fall. K ORDINANCE (Continued from pngo one). row, and paying for tho cost of op eration. As tho terminal cltlos grow nurt tho fortllo country along tho lino develops, this porcontngo will very materially bo Increased. A glanco at tho subscription list will show that tho business peoplo of Kosoburg can bo doponded upon to TITlS II A " li r A IHvl r am. S 0I uoBeiiurg smiBcriucu iuu,uuu 10 ", mu u uuiuimuu upon w IKfiilY A tsAKClAIlM lAV Kitho capital stock of tho RoHoburg "' nny omorgoncy thnt nrlsos In ... Iwa- I l-rlVJini lSr I B'nntl Coos Day railroad. Tho commit o affairs of tho city. It will bo scon liritXEl) TO DEATH. our Children, u Bnby and Mother Ilootpi With HuniH Incendiarism. ; ;! niiiii n- H-tl IIIIIHH'1 ii CURRENT EVENTS!'.' tee, consisting of W. 11. Flshor, A. C.it,ln ninny of tho heaviest liivostoru Mnrsters, F. 13. Alloy, W. L. Cobb ,ftro "n f modorato means, and I11nn wnnm mnnnr la Mml m lit tltnlt. "- " " .. ,' .1. ...U!. Walla Walla, Wash, May 1C. In ffiro which broko out In tho upper oms of James Lelghtlo's residenco North Palouso streot, near Web- I's tannery, at 9 o'clock Tuesday ght, a G-year-old boy was burned to ll!IIIHIHIlllimt Tho American wnrshlps now In Contrnl American waters will bo re tained there. Tho Great Northern rnllrond an nounces reductions In Its passenger rates for tho wholo system. Tho Anaconda Copper Company, of Montana, announces profits of f 8,- nth. and. In rescuing an 11-ycar-ol 1 ty, tho father was bo badly burned 000,000 In ono year. at It Is feared ho cannot live. Tho At Bradford, 11. I. two submarine Bcr boy wns sovorely burned on boats nro making n 24-hour trial nrms, but will recover. test undor wator with 24 men on Mrs. Lclghtlo escaped downstairs board of them. Tho American Immigration com mission to Invcstlgnto sources of for eign immigration has gono nbrond to carry on Its work. Tho Pennsylvania legislature ad- Irs when tho flro broko out In tho, Journed today. It paBsod' a two-cont i" room from nn unknown cause i'nro u "" crentcu a railroad com- Ith a baby In her arms, Sho wan vcrely but not dangoro'usly burned. fur other children escaped with ly slight burns. LTho wholo family vyns sleeping up- hen tho father awoko his night- be was on flro and tho Btalrway ablaze. Ho carried out tho old- boy and attempted to go back fori younger boy, but tho flmes were fierce and ho wns driven back. light was burning in tho house kJ the origin of tho flro Is a mys- rr At tho M. K. Cliurclu A gccJ-slzed audlenco was prosont tho First Methodist church last Rht for tho opening mooting of tho angcllstlc campaign by Evangelist It. Haudenschleldl After a short os service, tho evangelist wns In- Jucc4 by tho pastor of tho church, H Scllck, and at onco produced 'itorablo Improsslon by his splou- baritone voice In tho leading of chorus. During the evening Hnudenschleld o on tho topic "What Shall I do 'Be Saved," from Luko 18:2C. His "ess was full of humor, and at tho us time had much of seriousness force. Thoro is no doubt but t the Methodists bavo Becured a aan to conduct their revival r'CC3 and that miidi tronrt ll! 't frcn bis visit. He will speak T n'ght except Saturday, with ree sen ices on Sunday. o The Unlucky Thirteen. na Cruz, May 1C- Tho body of SOk Jnca vlrtlm nr lnat vtmr'a lquako disaster at Loroa Prlet- fWi' a Hinckley gulch, was found n'gV Only ono moro of the hnrlcl ly tho landslide remains to loarj mission. Tho DnroncBs do Massoy, convicted of manslaughter In killing Gustnv Simon, wns sentenced totay for sev en years. Prosldont Roosovolt wns toJny mado a life momhor of tho National Association of Professional Baseball Loaguos. Ho was presontod with a gold card conferring Ufa member ship nnd entry to 256 cities, compris ing tho association, o IVimil Contort. 'lhi Salnru Mllltar:' Band gave n delightful program la-t night In Will son avonue Notwithstanding tho cltllllnesa of tho weather, thoro was a largo and appreciative crowd pres ent. Tho next concert will bo given In Marlon squaro Sunday afternoon. Tho program rendered Inst ovenlng was as follews: March, "March Royal" Bagloy Ovorturo,, "Morning Noon and Night" . .Suppo Waltz, "The Spirit of Lovo". . .Hull Schotttah, "Goodbye, Jennie Jones" O'Connor Selection, "Tho Sho Gun" . .Lutlora Characteristic march, "Rig Chief Rattle Axe" Allen March, "Chicago Tribune" Chambers March "Gloria" Losey and J. II, Booth', started out wP.h tho subscription pnpor Mondiiy af ternoon nt 3 o'clock and secured 67,000 boforo tho close of business thnt day. This afternoon tho re mainder wns raised. This moans thoro Is no longor any doubt tho rond will ho constructed, nnd tho work will bo douo spoodlly. MnrBhfleld citizens hnvo already con tributed J100.000 ns a starter and nro willing to do moro. Tho commltto thnt did tho excel lent work of rnlslng tho funds 'will loavo RoBohurg Thursday or Friday for Coos Day nnd will moot Marsh field Saturday with committees from that city, North Homli, Coqulllo, Han don nnd Myrtlo Point to plan tho details for the building of tho lino. At this meeting It Is expected that tho company will bo organize!' nnd all tho details of tho ontorprlso bo dotormlucd upon. It Is probnhlo that tho construction work will bo bogun nt both ends of tho lino until pushed to completion ns rapidly as possible. As soon as a few miles nro built nt each end, rnrs will ho put on and tho people will begin to dorlvo practical bonlflts from tholr prog ress boforo tho rond Is completed. Tho 5100,000 subscribed by Hoso- cveryday business. Yet tholr faith In this project nnd In tho futuro of tho city Is so groat they hnvo boon wlllllng to mako somo sacrifices. Whllo tho money asked for was raised In nn Incredibly short tlmo, It meant n great doal of hard and olll- clont work on tho part of tho mem bers of this committee, and tholr sor vlco to this city Is ono thnt will not soon bo forgotten. Cooi liny Ready. Coos Hny Is ready to rccolvo the now electric rond. A company haB already been organized to build a terminal rond that will conuoct nil tho string of bny towns nnd whon tho lino first reaches tho coast connec tion will hnvo already boon provided for nil tho Coos points. F. H. Wnlto, of Mnrshflold, who Is a member or tho Mnrshflold com mittee, was In Kosoburg todny. Speaking of tho road "Mils morning, ho said: "Wo hnvo organized a local com pany for an olcctrlo road terminal to extend from tho mouth of Doop crook on,8unsot bny through Hmplro, North Rend nnd Marshlleld to tho head of Isthmus slough. "Tho fooling In Coos county for nn oloctrlo road connecting Douglas and Tho Judgo hands down both nn opinion and a Judgment. Tho formor la n very oxlmuatlvo docu ment, which show tho mntter must hnvo boon thoroughly Investigated. ns numerous authorities nro quotod1Jl,B that tho Judgment rendered liquors Is Invalid aud for that rea son tho conviction of Bergor must M. ' Tho Judgment. Jnko Borgor, plalntlfT, vs. tho City of Eugene, a munlolpnl corporation, dofondnnt. Tho above cnuso canto on to ha hoard, tho plaintiff appearing by Its attornoy, L. 13. Bonn, city attorney, and J. M, Williams. Aftor hearing tho argument of counsol, tho court reserved said cnin?o for furthor con sideration nnd bolng now advised In tho promises. , It Is ordered considered and ad on onch statement or conclusion of lnw. Tho Opinion. In brief tho opinion Is practically this: Tho plaintiff. Jako norgor. wan against nmN sontonco Imposed upon. tho said Jack Borgor on tho 9th day of February, 1007, In tho recorder' court for tho city of Kugono in the cauBo whoroln tho city of Rugone wan plaintiff and Jnko Borgor wns do- cnuvlctod In tho recorder's court of,toln.. ho nnd Bald Judgment and . ...... i nurg citizens in n few hours by no Coos countlos, Is outhuslnstlo nnd moans represents nil that RoBohurg our peoplo aro very anxloiiB to co- will Invost In this enterprise Thli oporato with tho pooplo of Douglas umoiint was subscribed moroly ns an In building tho rond." tho city of ISugono for a violation of section 8 of ordlnanco No, 053 and a record of said conviction was brought to this court by a wrli of review. Tho opinion sots forth tho ronsoiiB for tho writ of rovlow and assigns nl leged errors undor nix sopnrato para graphs: 1. That tho charter does not glvo authority to pass tho ordlnnnco. 2. That tho ordlnanco conflicts with soctlon 0 of nrtlclo 1 of tho con stitution of tho state of Orogon. 3. Thnt tho ordlnnnco conflicts with tho local option lnw. Ordlnnnco No. 053 contains nlno sections nnd hero tho opinion rccltos tho gist of tho ordlnanco section by section. Tho complaint upon which Burger was tried nnd convicted Is bnsod upon section 8 of tho ordlnnnco, which do- clnros nil places In Kugono whoro In toxicating liquors aro kept forstor- ago, barter or salo to ho a public nui sance, nnd nil persons rofuslng to sontonco nro hereby annulled. o- circus in men di:ai. Peculiar Death of Ajm1 Performer , In ClrcHft ltlnjc. A Now York nowspapor says an ol.l man giving tho namo of John Morris soy nnd who said ho was a formor clrcuB rider, dlod Btiiltlonly whllo glv Ing an exhibition In a circus In that city. Tho man had nppllcd to the proprietor for hid saying: "Lot mo work to earn It. I can .rldo for you If you'll lot mo. It' boon my trndo. My namo Is John Morrlssoy." Ho was sent to tho cook tont and Inter wob glvon n pony and told to show what ho could do. To tho eur- prise of tho porforruera Morrlssoy wont through feat aftor feat. The shabby old' man hecamo transfigured on tho hnrso. Sovoral times he Iniighnd aloud ns tho othor perform- nbnto samo shall bo doomed guilty of era applauded IiIb riding. a misdemeanor. Suddenly tho won flung his head Tho cttiiso wan not brought up on Into nlr, ntrugglod an Instant as If Ijiw Commencement. Stalwart Quartot, Tho law dopnrtmont of Wlllnmotte 1JonHctlon EpHorth Lcairaa Convention. UK-read, L. I., May 16. Tho iag r-nvcntlon of the Epworth cf the Methodist church for d 5r ft opened hero today. It li'-sJcd by a large and represent- Pe ty Tho getupandgettheroatlvepess of The Dalles Commercial club was re cently demonstrate whon tho prosl dont announced that the sum of f 450 was needed to provido for tho wants of tho club, and this amount nnd 60 additional was subscribed before tho secretary could flguro up tho in dividual contributions Orogon City Star. Steamship Uxa Broken shaft. sw York, May 16. The Italian f C?tx de NapolJ. bound In from "r with 2000 immigrant. Blgnalled morning, saying her shaft was tea. lw and Mw. Ute an learn. We lire an' kkV np, a? Foaa4 out tag sew Uat tk Bclck- SOMCTHING NEW In Bifocal Lenses Let us show you a neat, up-to-date lens for near and far-seeing. It U eually as good as the expenslre kind, and half the cost. Don't throw away your brokeu rlaaces. Brine them to us. We can duplicate any part, with little ex pease. Chas. H. Hinges QfwJmaAm OyWeli. IM Cwmrriml Street. BMMtt deer le --"- tr-M -1 WglV Unlvorslty will hold Its commeuco mont exorcises Saturday evening in tho First M. 13. church of this city. Tho following excellent program has been nrranged: Gulraud Processional March Cautlor T. S. Roberts. Invocation. Vocal selection, "Good Night, Oood Night. Boloved" Plnsutl Misses Ketchum nnd Hales, Messrs Blahoo and Strang. Address.. Hon. Alfred F. Sears, Jr. Vocal solo, II Bacelo, "Valso Brilllauto" Ardltl Mernle A. Hug. Presentation of class. Conferring of degrees. Vocal selection, "Tho Long Day Closos" Sullivan QUALITY TALKS Talk about pretty demonstra tors Introducing domestic arti cles, there Is ono that has the best demonstrators, and they aro tho Oregon housewives who use It dally. Eppfey's Perfection Bafclag Powder They know It's tho host be cause thy are 4emonstratlng the fact every day. It's the best and It's made in Salem, Great crelt Is duo Doan Reynolds and tho eutlro lnw faculty for tho ox collont showing mado by tho 1007 olass. Tho clasH Is composed of able young mon, who hnvo bright lognl careers boforo them. The members of tho 1007 chiBs are: Max Hulnrloh Gohlnar. James Oarfleld Hultzol. Hugh Lewis Parcel. Andrew Marker. George Barton Simpson. Warren Wood. mnm MKKT TIIIH MORMNn. Willanit-titi fljrls Hold I'Jrlil Mwl Befort) Hmikfiuit on tho W. U. I'UI.l. C. M. EPPLEY Mufctrer Sdm,- OrefM Several records woro broken this morning whou tho Willamette glr's hold ono of the most Interesting Hold meets that was over wltneswod on the cJunpuH. Nearly nil of tho stunts that aro commonly listed In a flold meet wero said to havo beon per formed with dexterity hy tho fair co-oc. As tho affair took plnoe he hind barred gatos all tho reaors could not he obtained, but It Is said that all the contestants cntue In on tlmo, and a most enjoyablo devia tion was enjoyed. Tho queen of the broad Jump aroso fairly on the mark and did) not come down until 11 lin eal feet wero covered. Tho record of 3 feet, 9 Inches was made by tho fair high Jumpers, and previous half mild records were cut all to pieces. Tho costumes were appropriate for tho day's exercises. Moat of the ladles of the track, having basketball cos tumes, and those who wero not so for tunato succeeded In borrowing for the occasion. It 1 srepoitcd that Manager 8patdiBg, of the department of law, Is Misting a dress suit from kl wardr&W, aad grave feara ara Mtertale4 m to lt pretest c,di-tie. appeal but on n writ of rovlow and n h such tho only questions to ho con sidered nre: 1st. Whothor tho Inforlor court oxoeedod Its Jurisdiction, and Off Willi llOH nt ftil Mm txtanvJ. er's court oxorclscd Kb Judicial funo tlons orronoously (that la, Illegally and rontrnr:' to tho course of procod uro appllcnhlo to tho matter boforo It). The court then gnos on to state what a nuisance Is undor tho dcllnl tlon of tho lnw, diBcusscss fully the powor of tho legislature to doctor.) what aro and what aro not nuisances, and also the power of a city council under Its charter to do tho samo. Ho states that ho has diligently searched and fou ml no authority glvon tho city to declare a plaru simply used for tho "storage" of liquors a nul sance. That part of tho ordlnanco which gives tho power of search andi solz tiro Is also completely rovlewod. Tho court conoludos that tho city has uo power under Its charter to allow a warrant to bo Usuod either upon the simple desire of odluors, much los without an oath or nmrniatlou of a complaining wltnoss. In support of seotlon 9 of artlolo I of thu stuto constitution Is quoted, which rends as follews: "No law shall vlolato tho right of tho pooplo to ho secure In their per sons, houses, papors and effects against unreasonable search or selv tiro, and no warrant shall issue hut upon probable causo, supported hy oath or affirmation." In concluding tho opinion tho Judge says: That part of section 8 of tho ordl nanco which relates to the storago of IIKIIIIIIIIHItlHIItltH ;;EATIT! iiEatWtat? The good tff : : Mnreal daily aad '' korIy at the WHITE HOUSE RESTAURANT to retail his lialnnco nnd then pitched headlong Into tho ring. A physician who was summoned irnltti tho man dlod almost Instnntly. Nothing Is known about tho old clrciiB rldor, und hits body was car ried to tho morgue, 'O ... Mfo of lllnck Hear. Tho blnok hoar has hor cubs, from ono to throe, In hor don during tho mouths of March nnd April, and It Is nn Interesting thing to know that sho has tho powor to glvo birth to hor young nt leant two weeks before tho proper tlmo if drlvon from ker don. Sho will return to hor cubs If lot alohe. In tho don sho cores for hor young until tho snows of tho north country havo sufficiently melt ed to permit of hor getting about, whon sho "hits tho trail" again. Sho oats nothing during tho five months that sho hibernates, except that from tlmo to tlmo sho will lap tho Icicle which Is mado hy tho freezing of her breath on hor paws. She ventures forth as soon as tho snow has suffic iently molted to permit of her getting about and for sovoral days will eat nothing hut hemlock bark and certain roots, which not ns a physic. Whou In her normal stato of health again sho Is ravenously hungry and will dlllRontly fish tho brooks and stream In soured of a dinner of trout, will htjtit up tho carcasses of dor cr mooso which havo been overcount by the sevorlty of tho winter or will prey upon porcupines by quickly putting her paw under tho stomach and roil ing tho poreupluo on Its back, then with a slap tear out thu entrails aad oscapo tho quIIU.Flohl and Stream. o Havo m Hair Cut. Whllo transferring somo bees from ono hive to another, a Drain man's mosquito bar costumo caught Are from tho smoker and burned oX tk remaining dozen hairs from bis head, leaving him as bald as a doorknob, says tho Nonparlol. o Thu BU-wiIhjc of ChUtkwt. "Your wlfo used to slag aad play a great deal. I have sot heard kr lately." "Since we have kad eklWre ; kaa kad i Uie.M "Ah. child rw mr suck a klussasfH -PklUdeljlo t: FlUef WttK HhMM-f H-HI MM i II 11 5