r jg -,-i tanaanMi "TrprWMt. DAILY OAPITAIi JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1007. :- L-vr.-j' ? Cv-vl :.V;v:X avoid ALUM an Unseen danger in Food TO GUARD 'SHIPS against the unseen dangers at $ea, the United States Government maintains, lighthouses. s To guard your home against the un seen dangers of food products, the Govern ment has enacted a pure food law. The law compels the manufacturers of baking powder to print the ingredients on the label of each can. The Government has made the label your protection so that you can avoid alum read it carefully, if it docs not say pure cream of tartar hand it back and Sap plainly If VIAE. POWDER ROYAL is a pure, cream of tartar baking powder a pure product of grapes aids the digestion adds to the health fulness of food. SMILES Hx-Congressmnn t Stevenson, of, Wisconsin, is likely to bo elected to succeed to the vacant United States senatorshlp. That awful man, La Follette, Is back of him. At tho first election under univer sal manhood suffrage In Austria, the Liberal party has lost many seats In parliament, und the Socialists gained lhls mnrket. d nt less than the The Socialist party has got to beiE00ds uro now filing hero. Tim .... nnnrnof nntiinnn1t n .!., .... nuoiisncu some way. Offers to Sell Atnerlcm. n.Z Now York, May IC.-Tho China buyer of cotton goods has complex ly turned the tables on the America.' seller, and is offerlnc tn Boi ,- market American sheeting which ., now offered In China for iesg monv than present open market quotations """" l8 '"0 nrsl time In tho history of tho trade that goods shin. pocV to China have boon nntimii.. .. feretl for re-sale and resiling... i' ,... . . . i'.vm, lo SMj KVt J?' morroittr; NV. J , ".' lor. M.,,7 V. "1 tn-. . " leM . z:'"!. the Mlnft 'mtm)J: van . - l Scarcity of food Is causing brov! riots In Teheran, tho capital of Per sia. Why don't they climb a broad fruit tree and defy tho worldi. Drynn's cousln has failed for $300,000 'as manager of an Illinois bank. But that isn't Bryan. Ho knows no such word as failure when It comos to making politics pay good divlddnds. Tilman, LaFollette and sovral other strong-minded and thlifty American statesmen have solved tho problem of making the ifoar people pay In advanco for pri vate information nbout public affairs. Salem business men keep "reBo looting' 'about street Improvements. iimi. tiuo uuuu uuuu iur juura. jjiu " w mur- don't thoy know that the millionaires ikot to tho orfocfc Umt throo houses nearest approach to this commtm, ". auairs was scon during th0 Sully boom when China buyers who had purchased cotton goods a long time ahead sold their' contracts for dellv cry at a handsome profit In this mar ket. Now, however, tho tradb Is fac ing a condition of affairs whore tho Chinaman offers to roshln nmi tn,. down in this market American unn-u for less money than tho American manufacturers can sell tho goods In tho domestic mnrket here. Tho of fers, according to tho cables received comprise 3.25 yard southern sheet ings, and tho Chinaman Is willing to sell In this market at C cents; also 3 yard sheotlngs ot G cents. South cm 3-yard shootings nro quoted in this market at G to G cents, and 3.25 yard goods at G'l cents. On top of theso cnblos roports aro cur rent in some, qunrters of tho mar comPeUtoriBJ, :anii7, o n"l 75 member ',, , e fl founder. .VUttSn Si" fishers' dnh , i annual d.. 'Tbi S"fiL run in ih, -,i to thin-,,. U a newgamnB,..,'t returns .- " V" nmrlom..""'" sportsmen. xt.v. .' Boston and Ne1 also In attends uuti i knu; iuiuh luul uiu millionaires. " " muujb of tho oltv urn nirninBt aimii . urn. handling Southern goods linvo hnnlf -. ... v o"'""V uuv u I'tV I -- w. cecduro. The mllllonnlro who haa,0(l ordorB for 4000 bales of 3.2G and i o ..u.i 11. i. been made rich by tho sweat of the business man, who gets tho cream of the community In high rontB and IS'KW O. A. C. IMIKSIDHNT. tVlint Salt Lake NcuHiinpor Hnld of Jllni A Ih'iiioiiHtnitloii by Loral Ht'uilunlH. Editorial In Salt Lake Tologram, iMay Gtli: Tho multltudo of frlondt of Prof. W. .1. Kerr will rojoico to learn that a wire from Corvnllls, Or. was jonulvuil In this city yestordny uiinoiiticlng that by an unnnlmout) voto of tho regents, (ton regontB and Oovornor Clmmborlnln), ho w'nB ulectod pnmldent of tho Oregon Agri cultural collogo at Corvnllls nt it nalary of 5000 pur annum. Tho Telegram warmly congratu lates tho profoHBor; It has hMII warm or congratulations for Oregon, her ItareutH and oltlldron. Tho professor hns porformodi n Hit porb work In Logitn, ho has brought tho college from att humble station without much organization. Into n Hploudldly equipped and thoroughly organized Institution, nnd has given It Htiuh a Htaudlng that Is has Btu donts front a dozen outHldos Httttos nnd at least nno foreign country. We fear It wiih n nilHfortuno to Utah when Hitah roHtrletlotiB wore drawn nrouiuV him that ho wiib forcod to ro Hlgn, but It auri-Jy will bo a groat gain to Oregon to have him nt tho bond of Uh agricultural school, for Prof. Kurt la not only nit ontlnont educator, but ho hau tho wtgnclty niul admlulHtratlvo ability which would make him fntiiouu at tho hend of any great IndiiHtrlnl ontorprlso At least thin Is tho opinion of Mr W. 8. McCmilck, who ltita for ninny years boon Ititlntatoly connected with him In ttioJuiBliietiti of tho Logan col logo. Ho will carry to tho now field nor feet equipment for the place, bnokd by yenra of Htudy uiul oxporloneo In n BlmUar aphero, audi in a cllmnto nnd upon hoII whero nlmnst any ox porltnent can bo tried, with n cer tainty that genoroiiu iohuUh will fol low. Tito Gorvnllla school hns nbout twlco tho land of tho Logan school nnd It Is In tho very heart of tho The Mazjimns will climb Mt. Jof' wonuerilll WlliamoitO Vaiioy. TWOtl loruon hub yuur. mu imrijr ui iiiouu CAN DRAW CHECKS. . . Chocking account)) cnnblo folks to deposit their monoy and ro colvo n pnaabook, agalnat those accounU thoy nro portnlttod to draw checks. OliQckd may bo glvon to partltM for such suiu'j as desired, thus avoiding frequent trips to the bank. If Intorested call and soe ui. Salem State Bank Ik K. VAQK, FrlmU K. W. Jf AXARD, Cfauliter. ty-olght years ago, when tho Secra moil to valloy waB nB parched, and (lend ns tho Novadn dosort, In the mlddlo of Docoinbor tho Wlllamorto valley lloldB woro as green iib a well kopt lawn, nnd riding from Portlnnil to KoBoburg tho train ran throimh long linos or orchnrds, whoro the big red npploB iillod the troos mid cuniborcd tho ground. It 1b thoro thnt tho Corvnllls col logos Ib located; tho valley nround It Ib luxuriant In vogotntlon nil tho year around, whllo tho Wlllnmotto flowB piiBt, nnd towering overhead Is tho coaHt rango with tho Throo SUtora nnd old Mount Hood kooplng tholr Hontlnol wntch. It Is ono of tho fairy spots of tho west, n plnco for big thoughts and high nBplrntloiiB. Agniu wo congrntulato Dr. Kerr. and onco moro congrntulato Orogon and tho town nnd collogo of Corvnllls on tho ncqiilBtlon of n Btorllng mnn n most nccompllshnd Hoholar, tonchor and ChrlHtlnn gontloiunn. Prof Korr will lonvo Logan at tho onrt of IiIb torni In Juno, nnd tnko ehargo at Corvallis July 1. nomoiiNtmllnii by Students. Dispatch In Salt Lake Telegram: President W. J. Kerr, of tho ngrlcttl turn I collogo Iuib rocolvod a tologram from tho socrotnry of tho board o? rogontB of tho agricultural collogo of Oregon Informing him thnt Iiq had boon olected proBldont of that Insti tution, his torni of ofllco to bogln July 1. Tho nowa wns moBt gratifying to tho rosldonta of Logan nnd In the college chnpol, when President Korr was speaking, tho student body made n demonstration In his honor Btich as had nover boon wltnosses in tho col lego. Thoro was no mistaking the loyalty of students and faculty to Proaldont Korr. President Korr hnB been with the Institution sovon yenrs. In that tlmo tho nttondnnco hna boon moro than doubled, buildings have boon erected at groat cost and tho Institution equipped for offoctlvo work with fa cilities Btioh as fow similar Institu tions onjoy. It Is rognrdod hero as most tin fortunuto to tho Institution that con- uuioiiB could not hnvo boon rnadt uioh that President Korr could lion. (Onibly hnvo romnlnodv with the col logo to continue tho splondld work that ho hnB boon doing for tho state. Ho resigned sovoral wooks ago when Govornor Cutler's now board wont In. It Is not known whethor Dr. Korr will nccopt tho proBldoncy of tho Ore gon Agricultural Collogo. Ho has taken tho offer under advisement. Tho Orogon Institution has offered him a salary of $5000 which is $2000 moro than the Incumbent ot tho post tlon receives. tain climbers will gather In Albany, nnd stny over night, making tho ac tual start from that plnco. It Ib ex pected that the trip will commence on July 15, and contlntio until July O Growing Aches nnd Pains. MrB. Joslo Sumner, Dromond, Tox. writes, April 15, 1902: "I havo usod Ballard's Snow Liniment In my fam ily for throo years. I would not bo without It In tho houso. I havo used It on my llttlo girl for growing pains nnd nehes In hor knoos. I havo also UBcd It for frost bltton toot, with good buccoss. It Is tho bast llmlment I ovor used." 2Cc, 50c and $1.00. Sold by D. J. Fry. o -A Honroo Honk. Lawyor And you sny tho nolso mndo by this dofondliint with his mo tor caused your horso to tnko fright nnd run nwny? Whnt made tho iioIbo? Fnrntor I dunno, but It Bounded llko a sawmill with tho grip. Balti more American. o . Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea. Itcmcdy. Thoro la probnbly no medlclno mndo that Is rolled upon with moro Implicit confidonco than Charabor latn's Colic, Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Romody. During tho third of a con tury In which It has boon uso, poo plo havo loarned that it Is tho one romody that novor falls. When re ducod with wator and Bwootoned It Is pleasant to tnko. For salo by Dr. Stono'a drug Btoro. o JitHt Carfless, Mother Jimmy, thoro woro tliroa Jars of jolly In the cupboard and now thoro Is only one. How is that? Jimmy 1 don't know. ma. uniess I overlooked It. Illustrated Bits. o For stomach troubles, biliousness and constipation try Chamberlain's biomacii nnd Liver Tablets. Many romarkablo euros hnvo boon effected by thorn. Prlco 25 cents. Samples free. For salo by Dr. Stone's dug store o i bank deposits, don't wnnt to lot go of any of his hard-earned wealth for iiuijiiiy iiuih uvuiimiuH, o uon i ou- llovo In strootB and sidewalks that,solutoly wllhoul 3 ynrd southern shootings for Chinn nccount, deliveries In throo months Upon bolng run down tho roporls emanating from ono qunrtorB to the effect that orders had boon bookd for 4000 bnloB woro found to hn nil. foundation. Tho muvu in aiiuuiu unu HiuuwaiKB mail " " " can bo imnd hv fhn tuii.iin ntwi, tunt' hope thnt China would bo In tho mar glvo-tho laborer a clmnco to cot Into kot for supplies of goods Inter on In n homo of his own. Thoy want rent ers, lot of thorn, tho pooror tho bet tor. Why rosoloot again tho mlll lonnlro, poor man? Tho Albany Domocrat likes Presi dent W. J. Korr, tho now president of tho stnto agricultural collogo. In 8pIto of tho fight of certain Interest ed parties, to provo that ho was once a Mormon, tho press of tho Btnto sooms to rally for Korr. Ho Is well rocolvod. If ho wears half ns woll, ho will bo a good man for tho Corvnl lls school. Tho Domocrat man who Ib not glvon to prnlslng nnyono too much, snys: "Prof. Korr Is a flno looking gontlomnn, bIx fcot tall, 45 yoars of ago, with on opon, fearlenB coiintcnanco, of tho clean cut ordor, dignified but very nppronchablo. :i man ovorybody Ib bound to llko an thoy got ncqualntot' with him, nnd tho Domocrnt prodlctB becomes a vory populnr man with tho student body of tho O. A. C. Ho Is unnttes- tlonnbly n progressive un-to-dnto tho year scorns to bo a forlorn hop now, nnd nothing can ho expected from that quarter for months to como If tho conditions now reported nro anyway correct. o- Arrested Development In Market Now York, May 1G. -In describing the present situation In the drosa goods trndo It may bo termed n case of arrestee development. Tho un favorable weather all soring hns minimized rotnll ovor-tho-countor trade, and this In return has led re tailors to bo cnutlous In tho mntter of placing final re-orders with Job bors. As matters stand at present, manufacturers hnvo been tho only, division of tho trndo thnt hns suc ceeded In doing nB much business on spring nnd summer linos ns thoy did n yonr ngo. On woolons nnd worsteds both plnln nnd fnncy, tho cuttors-up havo taken a smaller porccntngo of cloth. Thoy nro now entirely out of tho market for any clnss of n l"'d """i rain, um Onrlnf. '"".N ---- Wi0 wurifl ( I.. - IV "8 according lo tb M of A. W. Stanton, iL stockman, failed to yZ to schedule and . . ' Prophet and hli haitoJI nro loft nennltMi ..i 2 Stanton recent i...i .3 tlon" that the hit ha, J lnnJ o.t .i.. .. "tl u ",,u .nevorlJutii lftstliig bow-wowioaVht in on this Inspiration bj 1 I'roperiy, worth Mwiitti, cellars, for 1150 mi iu. on suburban hill there, Hi uiscipics, no has beenprtjrt self for the traailttbjt,! For the last ten dinti.i band has been almoit eou2 prayer. Stanton !i tkil uumusi in nis Der(bBttMkl no may baTe become tbi dates. dross fnbrlc oxcopt whlto goods nnd wash educator, particularly woll versed ln?,ues' AB tno nvcrnB ,)Uyor g all affalra connected with agrlcm-l1 u t0 ,)0 cnut,0UB' tn0 VroBOnt tttraland Industrial education, bring-1!"11 ,n trftdo ,8 -1romPt!"R ,nnn' ,0 Ing hero now ldonR nn,t n ...n M,nflbo ovor-cnutlons In placing ro-order? will count for much In M,n m,vi,lon tM lr088 80tl8- A fow Jobber will count for much In tho growth of tho college." Mrs. Clara B. Waldo Ib lining up tho stnto coNogos to do something nro taking worsteds for tnllor suits But tho gonornl movement Is not nt Inst year's May records. This condi tion Is truo of cloaklngs nnd accounts f ., .. .. . i tor aomo recent nnco rovisions in "" j"b moil uuu women uo-i .... w .. ., sides nil their hoadB with all tho dlf-1 Btnp,, Hn0B- In onmorftt,nB the t ....... .. .., .... . nonular fabrics for fall cuttors-uit luiuui kiiiub oi iricKS ana "Ologlos." Cooking, sowing, wood working, metal working, gardening and JohborB glvo tho first placo to the smooth surfaced goods. Tho dnrk mixtures and plaids of almost som- and oven common low-down farming' "ux",rcs ana "?" ! n m ., nnd frnlr .rrnwln, ) f i l bro huo nr0 80,l,nR frcrt' to th and fruit growing wouldl not bo poor stuff to havo taught at tho unlvorsl- tlos, normal schools, and oven pub lie schools. Let us back up Sister Waldo. Ten ThouMndfUftfjUh! Richmond, Vi., Mir Itit Baptists have orenhelaii so that even the tntli mado for the enlerUhMi guests of this (It;, tfdk'i capabilities In the art of i (fttlng outsiders, hu be i best to glvo each rltltor 1 1 his head. Dot la itti&c hotels nnd boardlcg-bntv, i vato houses of anr mteA boon thrown open, aOUt i chnmbers are folly otraM. convention Is comlderel ttt Ip over hold In the Unite ! Ilclous Deonle. mil 1m hither nil the Baptist tho Eouth. while the Urt d I Is truly a remaruMe . on's Missionary UnloaliiSe.'i slon The convention tS i until the 20th iodrilrt o - ft'iirrnl AMTBiblr of Dlrmlngharo, All, X l"' genbril assembly oi tMRwn church convened here W ' concral assembly Ji w i hodV of the Presbyterlu I Inn nnA will bt In K Mil- for ten or twehe Jl . count of the moy n nn... .nnfrnnllnf thatiUa! ngwlllbeofspecIilUtJi The propcsN nnrtftnee bettor class of suit manufacturers. of the southern " " It Ib noted by agents that fancy wool- byterlan church vltl j.-..i i.i i ..., ..i ivmcMeratloa. W un uru aecitning tsoinuwmu hi iaiui(imoi w- of Jobbers, nndl aro being supplauted brings here a rery Wffl by fancy worstods nnd staplo broad-1 ministers, and soasoiw w r --- , ij, - . by fancy worstods nnd staplo broad cloths, Borgca nnd Panamas. ,...!.. ihiipa IM IS tU ' QIVIUCS l -" . tton. The opeoiajs tan,ix hr i rery W T Clmutauqua t Houston. Lni0 from this city W1 TTniiBtnn Tnvrio XTnv 1 fi The i In AllblSU. W "" siimmor Chniiinnniin hecan hero to .luinnt cities In te lm ilnv. nnH will nn nun until thO 2ZP rtit.A tt.i. m.i. Ant .MM eniiirnH i mi-.Mid Baamh i iiu uiiiuii iuuuijiuuiu vino tvm - Wf for those dates. Tho program In- san Antoalo, w Ex-Attornoy-Gonornl C. M. Idlomnn of Portland has Just roturnod from an extended visit In California nnd has discovered what ovorybody knows, and) what ho also perhaps know boforo making his Journey, that Orogon Ib tho most Illy adver tised of nil the western states. Pendleton Tribune bo mistaken. Hasn Richardson spending money llkaSninnm Th'o wimin mtn nnd some nnn for 190$. Tte "., of tho ndiolnlnu states aro furnishing CODrened In W8 ...ss i. Idloman must eludes a largo number of distinguish- Antonio I BJallBS!lM n't Oregon TomGd lecturers, educators and enter- fort to secore tbj WJ line: IllOneV llkfl Inlnnro rrl.r. n-linln atnin nnfl ROITie nn fnr 1S08. T " ' . water? A girl who has fallen heir to one ot thoso Rocky Mountain Tea com ploxtoas Is to be envied. Girls whosa motkr a&d grasdmothters took Hoi lister' Reeky MouHtala Tea. convey ed a bleetlBg on their children. For Xoxt Host Thing. "Franklo, donr, I don't think you havo wosheiY your fnco and hands, na I told you to." "No, ma, but I've dusted thnm carofully. "---London Punch. o Girls will smllo through tho years, Tholr oyos will always glisten with glee, Thoy will novor bo hidden by tears, If they tako Rocky Mountain Tea. For salo nt Dr. Stono store. Ellon Torry has a young husband. nnu Mnbol Gllntan has an old ono. PuinUng Them Green. Undo Sam is putting on a next coat of greon paint on the city mall boxes which adds much to their np-pearance. BmmO EP,.- r m m "Wl v NM Ul IUO UUjUtUIIlB BIUH.-0 nil) uimw a COUIKUV" - " . .-.Stf .i.. ..j. . j.iii.i.j with ..- iFitloa ro'" mo auuuora, wuo nro uihui-u " suook Hliifil the nrst class entertnlnmont proviaeu compose v '". j, m . miiiioi unman nas an old ono. bv Mm intniiPotimi nrovlders. tirsi nisn from b n.l Rllfin linrl umnlll, i... , , . ' . , ii . ... .i. oliiftlOS ,M J " "-" ti.vw, uuu coum class talent nas ueen socureu m vu , vocnie .uv-- i, havo her, choice. Mabel had monoy onol Sobleskl, tho Polish prlnco ors- t0 the scene. " jml to got, nnd had to tako what aim inr nn,i 0nnmnn whn hna traveled imrshlD is alvar iro . ... jjri coul get. lvoai..Ai. ,! ia wWoiv known ns wweh InduoVs p9" j vAibuuuvi;, uuu .u ...-., . ..- .ilir H- n lecturer. Ho Is said to have travel-, frora , Tw pjstinWj luo "l"or oi mo Kick Carter flc-'ed moro miles, delivered more iec- places sec 6Sn, tlon has been adjudged temnorarllv'tnma nn.t nrAiii moro neop'o nirmingh'D c.! ," w i .v.tvt ... --- - - w. wr- tnsnno nt iola, Kansas. Ho was than any other lecturer on tho plat Nashlli "Tt11" grinding out ono a week, and found form. Amomr others who will appear The Bspt.it co Vrtl on tho urogram aro Miss Frank Mill- meet u"7ta4wUt-' or, a costumo lecturer; Charles F will brlas w g, sf ' aiaiK, carioonisi auu tui - - u - Jrtoes'" O. D. Meigs, Prof. John G. Illff, and ( Bade alresan , I . nQ TT... onmnnnir nnd the HOW eateS IB m - v.,u vM w. vw.,.-., - w- ard-Payno quartet. Tho receptm i- - tho Chautauqua wHl bo dtovoted to( - ARIi tho building fund for tho proposed- f A J J WJJI nnw Vnnni Wnnmn'a Christian asso- VV,, W PT. elation rooms, tq complete the de-j I M&t a roady salo. Make It permanent. -o- Blotohes, pimples, fleah worms, black heads, aro unsightly and de- noto impuro blood. Holllster'a Mountain Tea will drlvo them away, carrying people clear to tho ton floor or nealtu and happiness. 35 ceats, Tea or Tablets. For salo at Dr. Stono's store. O ; O taitU . Mt r o are. nc -&. . lWrMHsWSMi elation rooms, iq comptem w -- -toiio- Thin nhaiitniinna Is In l'no ft. IfkM ...ui. 4t.nBn i.f opa in ba held In i Texas cities this siiiamer, being for tu ..- - -j..naMn. touether ef( Mle at Dr. Stoat's store. J i-3&r I &$&&& Vila jiuijiuw i iv.v.r, -- with eatertalaaeat aad arauementi t v