DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. THURSDAY, MAY 10, 1007. HOFER BROS., Phers and Proprietors E. IIOFEB, Editor. A. P. nOFER, Manager. THE JOURNAL STANDS FOR PROGRESS, DEVELOPMENT, GOOD GOVERNMENT. AND NO DEGRADHD LABOR. HOW OLD SQUIRHS PITIED HIS PONY. (A truo story by W. S. Gordon of Gardiner, Oro.) Old Squlera weighed two hundred pounds And thirty more to Bpard, But his boy wna Hko his mother's folks , , ., ' All peaked, palo and fair. j And ho drove an old Bucksln maro, Hlpshot and) lamo beside, But the road would never get too steep For Squlers himself to ride. And ovory tlmo ho passed our houso, They had n hill to climb, And Squlers would mako the boy got out And walk up ovory tlmo. "For 'tis a dirty Bhame," ho Said, As ho stopped to let her blow, "For us big follors both to ride, "Andl pull tho critter so." Tho Suuiora trlbo are not all dead Thoy want tho weak to climb, Whllo their big hulks of twlca tho weight Must ride tip, ovory time. How much a residence like that built by Mrs. F. A. Wiggins TENDS TO BEAUTIFY A CITY. Mako Salem a more beautiful city by building more artistic homes in all partB of tho city. They cost but little more than the plain, box-liko structure, that re veals so much aesthetic impoverishment. In this mild climate "there should be more bungalows, more Swiss chal ets, more ornamontat and cosy-like homes. BIG ORDER FOR ROLLING STOCK COMING EVENTS. May 24 Oregon Hood River. Juno 4-7 Washington stato grange, State Southern Pacific officials Vote to Ex pend $0,188,000 This Year. (San Francisco Chronicle.) Six million one hundred and elgthy. Grange, Lyndon. thousand dollars worth of new rol'- Juno 10 Oregon Pioneers' asso- Ing stock for tho Pacific system of elation, Portland. "NEW DEAL" AN "OPEN SECRET." Tho Orogonlan has a ringing editorial standing by tho now deal at Vim ulnln ncrrlriiltiirnl rnllnen. It upholds manfully tho now prosidont of that Institution, against tho iincnllod for attacks on tho stato agricultural college It Is an open secret that tho grangoH of Oregon felt suro thoro was to bo a now doal nt that institution until refrained from criticising tho large appropriation mndo for that institution. Salem Journal. Aro wo to Imply from this assertion from tho Journal that under tho now deal plan that a largo appropriation for tho stato agricultural col logo Is to bo hold nbovo critislcm hut a slmllnr appropriation of Ore won'fl unlvorBlty is to bo held up to criticism. In othor wordB is the iiow deal tq bo anything but a squnro doal botwoon stato institutions? If Bomobody doos not brldlo Hofor's tonguo ho will glvo tho wholo knocking scheme away and mako It look protty badl for tho referendum- . ... nii.m mn 111.1 IV AV Ron and A FEW STATU PAPERS THAT A HI-; suitusij aw " THE NEW DEAL. TIiobo who aro Hooking to array tho unlvorBlty of Eugene an 1 tho Cor vallls collogo agnlnHt onch othor aro In small business and such a "now doal" won't go In Orogon. TIIK ULTERIOR MOTIVES HACK OF A FEW THINGS EDUCATIONAL ARE BICGINNING TO SHOW THEIR HYDRA HEADS. Eugene Rcglstor. ' Tho nbovo from tho Eugene paper roqulros a lllttlo elucidation. THE PEOPLE REHIHtVE THE RIGHT TO PASS UPON ANY INSTI TUTION AND ANY APPROPRIATION. If tho pooplo want to tako tho referendum on tho whole legislature thoy havo a perfect right to do bo. Tho "now deal" roforred to by The Capllal Journnl was Blmply io '.forrlng to tho Btato agricultural collogo. 'O'lio people and tho rogontH woro anxious that a man bo chosen from outside tho Htato political machine, WHICH SEEMS TO HAVE ITS HEADOUARTKHS AT EPGHNK. Tho pooplo wnntocH tho bonoflt of competition and tho right to solect n prosidont for tho Hlato agricultural collogo from nnywhoro in tho Uni ted States. Thoy wnntod tho host man for tha nioiioy paid that could bo obtained Inatoiul of iiiihhIiik n fat ollleo up to suiio favorlto of THE POLITICAL COMBINATION THAT DOMINATED Till? LAST LEGISLATURE. That Ih tho now doal that was mi opon sooret among tho grnngors. Thoy woro willing to glvo a now mnn n fair trial, but If ho proves to be n mora polltloal lobbyist thoy cut tbwn his omolumonts, and roduco hi uuppllu of BiuokuluBH powdur to a mlultnum. o SOWII AMERICAN TRADE. Tho liulirfuronco of proHpoioiiH Amorlca to tho luro of rorolgn trndo In rovanlud In the latent totals or th commorco of the Bouthorn hnlf of this heiulrtphoro. The rupubltoH south of tho iHtlnmu of Panama havo pllod up n forolgr. trado vnluod at no loss than $ 1 ,'J7S,S3:t.O0O. Of that the United Stntoa has but l'JOD.07 1,000. And nioro than 00 por cant of our trado with South Amorloa Is made1 up OF Till-: COMMODITIES WE BUY FROM THAT CONTINENT. Tho foreign trade of Argontlna conspicuously rovoalB tho opportunity Amorlca Ih missing. Tho ImporU Into that ropubllc In 1!)0G nmountod In value to over $2G9, 000,000, which was about four timed tho value of tho exports from the Uult9tf Sliitos to nil tho ropulfllos at South Amorlca. o A WORD FOR. THE MUCH-ABUSEI) BULL A YainhlM county farmer n Just boon killed by n Jwrsay bull. There, aro ninny victims of tho bull la tho courso of tho yonr, BUT THERE IS ALWAYS A CAUSE. Has It over occurred to you that mnny of thoso mtlmula nro kopt in cloau conllnonumt until thoy nro noarly lusano? There Ih no domestic nnlmul troatod so unuaturnlly and Inhumanly as tho avorago bull. Thoy aro often kopt In n close stall all summor long, In filth, nttnckod by llltw. plagued by lice, AND NOT HVK.V GIVEN DECKNT RATIONS. Tho writer was on tho proinlsoa of a state institution within a yonr mid saw a mngullloiint bull kopt In a stockndu In mud noarly knee deep. What an outrage for an Intolllgout man, supposed to bo worthy to bo ant rust od with the care of animals, to koop a bull 1 nsuch a place! Bulls want tho freedom of u pasturo, want n cloan plnco to Ho and nueow to water, and oxorelao, and propor- food. As a rule they are denied all this and ofton gtvon tho vory opposite, AND TIINX PKOPLE ABE SUPR1SKD IF THEY KILL SOMK ONE. It U a wuiulor moro pooplo aro not klllod by bulls tho way they arc HQlit as a rule. If the bull could spoak ho would frame an Indict mont against many nn gwnor that would causo tho creator to blush that ho made thorn. o MAKI-2 SALEM A MORE BEAUTIFUL OITY. A strungar awaiting for tho train nt tho S. P. Co. station romarkod that Salem was n vory pretty city. Nature has dono much in tho way of affording A BEAUTIFUL SITE TOR A CITY WHERE SALEM IS LOCATED. Thoro aro many beautiful buildings In this city, and some very spa clous grounds about thorn. Tho streets nro wide, and thoro aro many beautiful trees that cannot 1)0 much improved upon. Thoro nro a. fow substantial residences with A MULTITUDE OF PLAIN, SQUARE BOX HOUSES. Salem would bo far moro beautiful It thoro wero loss plain painfully plain homo architecture. the Southern Pacific was yesterday voted by tho olllclala of that com pany. Thla onormoua order will soon bo plnced with various eastern con cerns. It conalsts of 75 new loco motives, 1G7 passenger coachea and 5350 new freights enra to bo added to tho Pacific aystom, which consists of a total of 4194 mllea of main lino, radiating from San Francisco to Fl Paso, Tex., SuarkB, Nov., and Ash land, Or. Tho wholo order Is to be comploted and nddodi to tho service within a year. Tho great addition to the transpor tation facilities of tho western end of tho big Harriman Bystom mean?, In effoct, that tho Patlflc system's present totnl of 1200 locomotives Ii to bo Increased ( por cent; thut tho 12 GO pnsscngor cars aro to be nugmentcd 13 por cent, and that tho 25,000 freight cars of tho Pa cific system aro to bo augmented by 20 por cont. In adrfltlon to all those, 55 pns songor coachos and GOO olltank cars are still duo on this year's $G,000, 000 order, which hna otherwise been filled. Only 25 of tho G25 now oil tank cars havo as yet como from the" fnctorlcs. Tho Harriman syBtom, so called, consiBtB of nn nggrognto of 19,500 mllea, made up of tho following lines: Union Pacific, 7858 miles; Oregon Short Lino, 2431 miles; Ore gon Itnllroad and Navigation Com pany, 1771 miles; Texas Pacific, 320G miles; nnd tho Pacific syBtom, 4194 miles. Tho Pnclflc system la there foro about 30 por co nt of tho whole Hnrrlmnn system. With slmllnr additions to tlu othor branches pt tho Hnrrlmnn Bya torn tho gront rnllwny corporation boa practically issued an ordor for $20,000,000 worth of now rolling stock to copo with tho onromous In crenso In business. Tho aopnrato Items of expenses for the Pnclflc syBtom, which focusos nt San Francisco, Ib shown in tho fol lowing tnble: ROLLING STOCK. Locomotlvos, 75 No.. Cost. Consolidations ... 10 $142,000 Moguls 30 3G0.000 Swltchors 20 214,000 Pacific typo 15 230,000 Total 75 $4G,000 PaBsongor CarB, 157 Coaohos 125 $GGO,000 Bnggago 20 70,000 Diners 10 125,000 Observation 2 2G.000 Totnl 157 $SS7,000 Frolght Cars, 5350 Box 2500 $2,125,000 Flat 1300 880,000 Stook 750 5G0.000 Gondola 500 415,000 OHtank 300 375,000 Totnl 5350 $4,355,000 Grand total cost $G.1S8,000 o . Tho Llfo Insurance Muddlo has etartod tho public to thinking. Tho wonderful success that has mot Ballard's Horohound Syrup In Its crusndo on Coughs, In jluonrn, Bronchitis and all Pulmon ary troubles has started tho publlo to thinking of this wondorful prepa ration. They nro all using It. Join tho procession and down with sick ness. Prlco 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by D. J. Fry. The Capita National Bank SOLICITS YOUR BUSINESS WHETHER IT BE LARGE OR SMALL. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO LADIES AND OTHERS WHO ARE UNFAMILIAR WITH BANK ING MJTTHODS. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT PAYS INTEREST ON DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR OR MORE. J.H.Albert JOS. H. Albert President Cashier July 10-15 Interntalonal Chris tian Endeavor convention, Seattle. July 15-20 Grand Lodgo Elks Philadelphia. July 9-13 Knights Templar con clave, Saratoga, N. Y. o If You Don't Succeed tho first tlmo uso Herbino and you will got InBtant rollof. Tha greatest liver regulator. A positive euro for Constipation, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Chills and all liver complaints.- Mr. C , of Emory, Texas, writes: "My wifo has boon using Herbino for horsolf and children for five years. It Is a suro euro for con stipation and malaria fever, which 1 substantiated by what It has done for my family." Sold by D. J. Fry. o Tlio Benson for tho Quiet. Swollup (after tho dinner) Yds, I told that protty girl next to me everything I know. Rival I noticed you woro protty quiet over at that end of tho tnblo Detroit Freo Press. My Best Friend. Alexander Benton, who lives on rural route 1, Fort Edward, N Y says: "Dr. King's New Discovery is my best earthly friend, it cured rn? of asthma six years ago. It has also performed a wondorful cure of in cipient consumption for my son's wife. The first bottle ended tho ter rible cough, and this accomplished tho other smyptoms loft one by one until sho was perfectly well. Dr' King's New Discovery's power over coughs and colds Is simply marvel ous." No other remedy has ever equaled it. Fully guaranteed by J C. Perry, druggist; 50c and $1.00 Trial bottlo free. r. 25? Bids for Wood. Sealed bids will bo recolved by the directors or scnool district No. 24, for Salem, Oregon, ut tho ofilco of district clerk in tho Murphy block, at Salem, Orogon, until tho 18th day og May, 1907, at 5 p. m. Bids to bo opened at tho high school building at 7:30 p. m. of said dato for cord wood for tho different school build ings, as follews: High school building, 75 cords of fir. Yow Park school, 70 cda. fir nnd 5 cda. of oak. Lincoln school, 34 cds. of fir and G cds of oak. North school, GO cds. of Or. East school, 140 cds. fir. Tho board resorves tho right to re ject any or all bids. II. A. JOHNSON, Jr., G-13-Gt. District Clerk. Don't Pay Alimony To bo divorced from your appendix. Thoro will bo no occasion for It it you koop your bowolB rogular with Dr. King's Now Lifo Pills. Tholr action Is so gentlo that tho appendix novor has causo to mako tho least complaint. Guaranteed by J. C Perry, druggist. 25c. Try thom. o Llttlo Helen, at tho close of her evening prnyor, Bald: "And, O God. mnko mo it irnod clrl. I naked you to yesterday, but you didn't." o A Narrow Escape. G. W. Cloyd, n morchnnt, of Plunk, Mo., had n narrow oscapo four years ago, when ho ran a Jlmson bur into his thumb. Ho says: "Tho doc tor wanted to amputate It but I would not conBont. I bought a box of Bucklon's Arnica Salvo and that cured tho dangoroiiB wound." 25c nt J. C. Perry's, druggist. Notice to Real Estato Dealers o All porsons doing n real estate buslnoss Insldo tho city limits nro horoby notified that a $10 llconso is duo from each ono, and thoy aro ro quostod to call at tho city hall and pny tho same nt onco. W. A. MOORES, 5-14-3t City Recordor. CHESTERFIELD Special Low Fee for a Few Days Only 50c 50c Proposals for Brick Asylum Wing. Salem, Oregon, Mny 13, 1907. Soalcd proposals, endorsed on the outsldo of onvolopo, "Proposals for Brick Asylum Wing,, Salem, Ore gon, and nddressod to w. N, Gat ons, clork of nsylum board, will bo recolved at tho oxecutlvo ofilco, stato capltol, Salem, Orogon, until 2 o'clock p. m. of May 27, 1907, for furnishing materials and lnbor re quired to construct nnd comploto t brick nsylum wing with plumbing, hot wutor heating, gas and oloctrio light, water and sowor connections, In strict nccordanco with plans, spec ifications nnd Instructions to blddors, which mny bo oxamlned at tho govor nor's ofilco, capltol building, and W D. Pugh, Salem, Oregon. For furth er Information apply to W. D. Pugh,i architect, Salem, Orogon. W. N. GATENS, 5-14-18-21-25. Clork o Proposals for Painting. Proposals aro hereby requested for estimates on painting tho roof, windows and metal work on main building at tho stato roform school. All palutlng material to bo furnish ed by tho stato. Bids must bo sent to tho ofilco of tho superintendent on or beforo May 16. 1907. In formation and specifications can bo had on application. Ten per cent certified check of amount must ac company bid. N. II. LOONEY, 5-8-7t. Superintendent. Psychic, Palmist and Clairvoyant I will toll your namo, your ago, nnd tho date of your birth, also of changes that nro In store for you, whothor or not you should mako thorn and If you will bo successful. I toll also of failures BUCC0BS08, deaths, travols, mnr- rlngoB, divorces, homo nnd heart affairs, talonts and questions tfcat portnin to tho futuro. I tench tho profession to othors. MediumlBtlc persons dovoloped. Pnrlorc In tho Hughes block 4GG Stato street. Houra 9 n. m. to9 p. m. dally and Sunday. w w m. . FronrafUfn.n.rJ of our hmk. .""IHI money. ' m -wviJAilJ l Land Plaster A Del Carload of tho fitnotu On easier, wsgmtfetli land restorer. Q better than anjriy, nuro. Try It oa j j buiut'uj ana luti l great inrestmtat oa m Special prices la lirni TILLSON 151 WSj MM IIMHMMIIM awwtf J. W. BOLLEN Manager Salem Undertaking Co. Funeral DIroctor and ' Embalmor. Calls answered day or night. Phnnn 7ft SRS Court St.. SalOIO & ii Salem Fence Wire Headquarters for Wovea Wire Fencing. Nottlng, Pickets, Gates, Shingles, P. & B. Ready Roofing, Screen Doors and Adjustlblo Window Scroens All at lowest price. Walter Morley 250 Court St Satem, Ore 25,000 New Words aro added to tho last edition of Web ster's International Dictionary, The Gazetteer of tho World, and the Biographical Dictionary, have been rLi-V.i.. ..:,l rfyt Interna tional is always kept abreast of the times. It take3 constant work, ex pensive work and worry, but it is tho only way to keep tno aicuimwj tho Standard Authority of tho English-speaking war.Jd; Other dictionaries follow. Webster, leads. , . . , It is tho favorite with Judges, Scholars, Educators, Printers, etc, in this and foreign countries. tup nniND PRIZE (Highest Award) was given at the World's Fair, St. t-ouis. A postal card will bring you in teresting specimen pages, etc. G.&C.MERRIAMCO., Springfield, Mass, PUBLISHERS Of WEBSTER'S ITCPMATipNALJ DICTIONARY 1).IS7Y(0W- iMwu's prefer oir ouh phone ordtrs nabs i attention as thonorJmtH no. cm, States Street MrW I S vT IU '1 TKv iKhi uft DANGER It0' When your Utw"' i.n nt?d od witk w nlnmblnc. Swll,, -mm in winter ttul cauaaveatIUUoaIf,J' wilt ward oS dim" closets, raurow. - .j . tor dIdM C" makeaPKUltrefM;j ,BS and do It reasonible pne A. L. yg State S1 fl Send the Ml Wasnws .ndiwnww?!! " doae 'i'Sr1 to end the --!.'-: Ask about otflj SWH ll iKl pfce- SAU2 Sf I-" ' If J