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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1907)
;r. FAIR TONIGHT AND FRIDAY AILY CAPITAL JOUENAL SALKM, OHKGOX, THURSDAY, MAY 10, 11)07. NO. 118. :ne JAPANESE SAILORS IN NEW YORK PRESIDENT WILL TAKE A REST GILMAN HAYWOOD TRIAL IS DELAYED RUEF WILL TELL ALL HE KNOWS LIQUOR. ORDINANCE COREY WEDDING VALID BY JUDGE HARRIS not Empower Officer. Vilh ht of Search and Seizure lie, May 1C (Spcclnl to Tho Journal) Judge Harris i down his decision In tho caos Berger vs. tho City of Eu- iken to tho circuit court on a review from tho Judgment of tr Dorrls, by v horn Derger nnd guilty of tho provisions Dance No. 0C3 and fined $150 fudge's decision Is In Dergor's ind the Judgment of tho re- annulled. Certain parts of llnance nrc held, to bo Illegal, Irefore Invalid. oTtUwdnPago5t)S' . o Struck by Live wire. Bburn, May 16. At Wood- rhlle using tho rond grader ay afternoon on a pleco of rtween Townsend station and Supervlslor Fred Hcsslng tar losing his life. Tho grnd ck a rotten electric lino polo, fell to tho ground nnd struck ervlsor and throo horses, at- to tho grndor. Tho animalr nstnntlv killed by tho live tod Supervisor' HcBsIng was clous for Eomo ttmo from tho but finally enmo to. The belonged to John Lontz, Clins. fee nnd Mr. Zollwcbbcr. Men Trom the Marine Escort the Lit tle Brown Fighters Westpoint, May 16. Goueral Ku rokl and party are guests hero todny. They arrived at 10 o'clock by the prlvato yacht "Prlvateer,,, under os cort of Goncral Wood and three re tired offlcers of the U. S. A. Three ofllcers of the Argentine army aro accompanying them, Seeing Uie Ilowciy. New York, May 16. Ovor 700 Japaneso Jackles from tho visiting warships of Japan nro nshoro hero today. Under guldanco of tho ma rines from tho battleship Maino they visited tho Bowery. A luncheon by tho Twenty-second reglmont was giv en at tho armory at noon. Tho Hip podromo was visited this afternoon, nnd many ofllcors visited Coney Island as the guests of American of ficers. Report of Interstate Commerce Com mission Goes to Att'y-General Sv-MlnMfr Conger III. dena, Cnl , May 16. Ex-Mln- Dugcr, of China, passed a rest- bt Hopes aro now cntortnlno.1 uHltnnto recovery. WHEAT GOES UP 5 TO 6 GTS. Chlcngo, Ma 16. After a day of comparative recessions, tho bulls and buying public generally tho last half hour boosted wheat flvo and six, conts. Tho last fow minutes woro tho most exciting slnco tho present cnmpalgn was Inaugurated. July opened at 92 4 and cloged at 9 8 '.A September sold nt $1.03 nnd closed at 99 Mi. Corn 51 to G3, onta 40 to 44. MCAGO STORE PEOPLES BARGAIN' HOUSE o e Are Now Showing GRANDEST ASSORTMENT OF LIVE, NEW TO DATE MERCHANDISE SHOWN IN SA- K AND AT PRICES YOU WILL FIND HARD BEAT. YOU CAN JUDGE BY THE CROWDS T VISIT OUR STORE DAILY THAT WE E DOING THE BUSINESS OF SALEM. Bar- is In every department greater than ever. Read en: l'e show tho Ixwt values on Pacltlc Toast In tho following Vlb, SILKS FINK MlKSS GOODS VMM DRESS GOODS Willi I, GOODS LAWNS tiDirrn.s IK)MrSTICS tU kinds RmiKiNs KlimoiDKIUES I 'HESS TRIMMINGS !JIISL1X UNDERWEAR ; OOItSETS I UOSIUiv UDIES' SHOES ; XOTIOXS IXG GLOVES iWXCV GOODS Trices Mlcetl mvny down on tho following goeds: INDIES' COATS, SUITS, MIL LINHRY, DRKSS SKIRTS, SHIRT WAISTS AND PETTICOATS. Washington, May 1G. Tho Presi dent and Mrs. Roosevelt will go to Pine Knot tomorrow for four or flvo days' rest. Washington, May 1C Tho dis closure of Harrlmnn's practices and tho recommendations of Kellogg anil Scvernnco In tho matter, mny haston action In a suit to forco Harrlman to nnswor tho questions ho refused) to answer In tho Inquiry. Papers will all bo turned over to tho attornoy--general, to tako such action as ho sees fit. o Causes Minister Who Marries Them to Lose Ills Job State Fighting Hard to Hold Witnesses In Line JOSEPH B. FORAKEK. Ohio statesman who led inquiry in matter of president's disclmrgo of brttalion of colored troops. "" "" " ... Merger of Theological School. Cincinnati, O., Mny 1C. A mer- gor Involving Presbyterian propor- tics aggregating millions of dollars, Is to be brought up In tho gouorul assembly of tho Prcsbytorlan church of tho United Statos, which opens In . Columbus, Ohio, todny. Tho propo sition Is tho consolidation of tho Lane theological somlnary, tho Mc Cormlck theological somlnnry In Chi cago, and tho Wostorn thootoglcol Bomlnary In Pittsburg. Tho Bending I of Robort Lnldlaw by tho Cincinnati prosbytory as ono of tho lay dole- 'gates has groat significance Mr. (Lnldluw Is ono of tho truteos of thi Lane Romlnnry, and Dr. Klbbln, prosl dent of tho Institution, snld that ho (nominated him so that Mr. Lahflaw I cour roprosunt Lane In tho nogotln I tlons. I consolidation I mnj Prosbytorlan pulpits. t Now York. Mny 1C. Fenrlng his dismissal as pnstor of tho Bushwlck Avonuo Congrogntlonnl church, Brooklyn, Rev. John L. Clark, ac cording to statements of tho trustees today, offered his resignation nt a meeting of the trustees called to con for over Dr. Boynton's denunciation of Clark's action In marrying Corey and Gllman. "0 COLORADO GRABBERS INDICTED Donvo'r, Mny" 10. Tho fodornl grandi jury has roportod Indlctmentn against 12 nion nccusod of land frauds. It ordered their immodlnto arrest, but tho names aro suppressed until the accused aro npprchomloJ Down In the Kiibiiuu'lui'N. Newport, It. I Mny 1(5. Signal from tho submnrlnos, "Lake" nnd "Octopus," now uiidorgolng a 21 hour test nt tho bottom of tho sen, say's tho air romalnu good, nnd the crows nre porfoctly comfortnblo. Ar cordlng to plans tho boats will re main at tho bottom until Into this nftornnon. Boise, Idaho, Mny 1G. Fnlluro to hold court this morning makes It un likely that tho actual taking of cl donco In tho Haywood trial will be gin boforo next week. It Is now cer tain that tho Btato won't call moro than half tho number of witnesses whoso nnmoB nro endorsed on tho Indlctmonts. A number of theso ar rived! la town today, and It la ex pected will bo secretly Interrogated by tho Btnto's lawyers, In ordor that thoir stories mny bo known bofore they tnko tho stand. Cite, if J jLV WILLIAM PINKNEY WHYTE Who Huct;eedod tho. Into Arthur V. M. C. A. nt AiigitNtH. Augusta, M., Mny""" 'lO. Tho Young Men's Chrlitinn association la holding Its annual stato convention puo Gorman iih United Statca-ucn- in tins city. 1 no mooting win con 1 f i 1 1 tlnuo threo rtnys. Much business Is. tlor lrom "nO'n" bolng transacted, nnd tho delegate havo received most hospltnblo we! co mo and ontortnlnmont. o SPORTING SUMMARY. HE SLEPT WELL ALL LAST NIGHT Was Taken Out for a Spta by Burns in Ills Auto This Morning Snn Francisco, Mny 10. Tho graft prosecution, with tho nssurnnco that Ruef will toll nil ho known whon ho is callod to tho stand, began laying its linos this morning for gathorluir In tho big tlsh. There la goneral ex pectation that tho long-delayed In dlctmonts against high officials of tho publlo utility corporations will soon bo returned. Chlof ot Dotco tivou Burns called at Knot's prison early, and had a long talk with tho fallen boss, later taking the con fessed corruptlonlst out in bis auto. Their destination was not nmdo known, but tho trip Is bolloved to havo homo connection with ltuof'n promised! exposure. At Knot's pris on It 7nu roportod that Kuet slopt woll last night, nnd was In a cheer ful mood whon ho awoko this morn ing. Ho was greatly concorncd, howovor ovor tho condition ot his ngod fnthor and inothor. Ho nskod that Inquiries regnrdlng them bo mndo ni onco. IIo wna considerably relieved whon Informed that thoy stood! tho shock of his ploa ot guilty qulto well. Mayor Schmlts continual to deny hliUHOlf to newspaper men. Schmlts to lie Arret'I. 8an Francisco, May 10. Kuof will go boforo tho grand Jury this nftor noon and tell what ho known can- corning tho United Hallways fran chise and tolophono and gas donlu. Probably ho will bo boforo tho grand Jury all tho nftornoon. If tworo are any revolutions of a startling nature a night Hcsslon of tho graatl Jury mar Jio held. Schmlts will probably bo plncodi la custody next Monday with tho opening of his trlnl on tho chargo IttmnrtH frnill 111,, tinnltiintlnrv that Orchard Is breaking down BI0JJ wliloh lluof ontorod n pliiii of icull denied. Ills wlfo has told tho stito that she will testify If wanted. Now detective have arrived In town and ovorybodtr mixed up In tho enso In Tho Hnrrlmnns will play tho Stn'.oi HoiiHO basoball toain this evening, in complaining of strict esplonugo. tho Salem championship series. ProinlM'ri IlHcf NothlBg. After roturiiliig Root to his prison II..M-. ..... ..... - .-. . . ... Tho flnnl tryo-out for tho Y. M. 0. ujo A.IJo.mimn.t it,(i.Ur Hoi.,Ihu. "".," r"". ",v " """" " wuiwi A Innn, nlnr llm rntnv rnnn nnt i ii.i.i...m ,.. ,,. 'IH UeniOU tllttt UlO prOHOCUtlOU Imd ... .-... ,w ..,w. ..... .-..-, . , ....,,, ..,, 1 ., ,uj IU. IH" ,,. I. ,..l !.... .. , ... . Rntnr.W vlll m hnl.l M ihn I.nnn hm.lmnn .. .!. l, M... i i"" K" ",,ul ""'"iy II IIU WOIIIII -""-"'" "- """ - "" -- J .. uii wt itv itJ II, t, ,1, It jKIVltfc ty. This lino of action U open to tint district attorney, and It is expoctod ho will do this. Oak track todny, ot tho fair grounds. qunndVy ns to tho Into adjournbout Tho Y. M. C. A. oxpects to enter of tho legislature, which Is so much strong. I lator than usiinl that thoy havo not Prof. Tillman, profossor of physloa hoon able to accommodate several and chomlstry at Willamette, Bpoko orgnnUntloiiH that nimoiinced thor s. Tho threo seminaries, whose ,ftat n,,Bht,r.n f1,1.0 8U,,joct ,f Bo "en nI,I"m' "'. Pc r ,, jolldatlon Is urged, graduto tho'nB ft L,fo Work nl R ,noot,nK r ll'8 , " ct room bocauno tho )r orlty of tho young mlnUtem fori -J " 'A' . , . w , l,B'ttt0 occupy rooms that tho thnl ,vnrinn nniniiM San Franclsoo bent Portland Wed- nion of tho ordurs want and nooj. !.,,. FlimiireH AsHurfil. Tacoma men Jntorosted In tho con structlon of tho Mucklor-Wrlghtmnii Intorurban oloctrlc lino from Tncomn to Sonttlo state that tho financing of tho project bns nt last boon assurod Capitalists from Alaska have guar anteed the inonoy to build tho line it Is stntetf. if other partlos with nosday, In Portland, by a scoro or r Hnth tho lk nnd tho Knight of to 3. It scorns as though Portland tho Ooldon HdkIo, were Mcheduled to should havo droppod baseball at tho bring crowds hero, and tho hotel eloso of last soason, when hor nnino man fear that thoy will bo ploked up was good. J by othor towns but tho Klks shifted Tho auto mon of Tnooma nro hav- thoir date tHI Juno, and will bo here ing a fight for speed rogulatlnr.s. then. Thoy seom t'o be getting what they '. o want quietly though, and tho now I'mimi! Dinvtom iiimI I'riilwlinorx. regulations, which will bo pnisod by Snn Anlonlo, Toxas, May lC.Tln tho olty council, will probably bo sat- twenty-first annual convention of thi plead guilty mid turn iitute's ovl ("slice. Ho pro tn I nod nothing to eith er Ruof or nnyono In tho graft enso. Ho snld Ruef probably had his own roaBons for pleading guilty to tho ohargo of extortion, but tho prosecu tion promised him neither Immunity leniency for doing ho. TJ10 fact Ruof pleaded guilty to th , chargo of extorting inonoy from tho Dolmnnlcii restaurant may or may not menn tho end of his trlnl, Ho may bo sontenoed for (IiIh, or, If tho court wills It, tho enso can bo sot nsldo, and Ruof may be tried on nuy of tho other Indlotmentu pondlti? against him. Ladles' Suits, $8.50. $11.50. $12.50. $3.50. LaAes' Coats, $6.90. Dress Skirts, $4.90. $2.90. $4.50. $3.90. SALEM'S FASTEST GROWING STORK. McEVOY BROS. COlOCEBCIAIi AXD COURT iTRKKTg. iALKM, OR. whom Messrs. Mucklor nnd Wight- (sfaotory to all concorned. It is said Toxas Funeral Dlruotors and Urn man havo been nogotlnting fall to that a speed regulation of 12 nnd 1C tmlmors' association met today for a put up tho necossary cash. Many miles pur hour on cortaln buslnosH three days' eosslon at Beethovou hall Tacoma business men havo pur-Btroets nnd 20 on rMldonao streots Is president L. W. Cquoh culled the chased proporty along tho lino of tho to bo adopted, and no ono under 10 convontlon to ordor. Thero worn proposed road, and they nre greatly years of ago shall be allowed to uddrosses of woloomu anil rospotiso ly Interested in Its completion. Tn coma Lodger. o- lift; Ci'lebmtloif In Norfolk. Norfolk, Va., May 1C Pickett Buchanan Camp, Confodorato voter ans, are celebrating Memorial day in this city with much colat. The un mighty rugged; fighter, but that NuJ drlvo a car. by ox-Prosldirtt Sutherland, Corsl- Jlmmy Brltt Is keeping away from oana. On tho third day of tho sos- tho public oye at iirosent, but ho is Hlon of the Btato board of ombalmora getting tho fighting fever again, anil will oxamlno for lloenso to praollce otheru are reporlml still has a 20-rotmd bout with Nel embalming in oonuoctlon with tho Bon on his mind. (euro and disposition ot dead human Brltt says that Thompson is .a, bodies. Q - ' veiling ot the bronxe Btatuo of the son Is a betotr man in tho ring, and I Hnrrlmnii Into Chlingo, Confederate oolor-bearor by Couper. Is cleverer than many giro him erodlt Chloago, May 1C Tho United will tako place today. This statue for. States Trust Company of tho Now surmounts tho Confederate monu- Albany high school will not play York, Ilaltlinoro Ohio railroad fo ment on Commercial Place, and the, Salem high -ohoo! here Friday, an day asked tho court to order the sale oratory for the two events, It Is felt ( has been expected. Tho game is of tho Chicago terminal traniMr can bo combined in ono calibration probably off for good. The S. H. H. railroad, with valuable depot faolll to the advantage of each. Iroanagers will try and get a gamo at ties, to satisfy monetary obligations. " - Monmouth for Saturday. It Is understood tho Harrlmir inter- fiirong Fight la Pmbj ti.ry. Trainer Hayward, of U. of O., haa ejts Intend to buy It for tho eutry of Chartotto, Tenn., May Id. The selected his team to meot Washing- their eastern roads Into Chloago. presbytery of tho Cumberland Trw ton BUte Collego Friday. Tho men .. o byterians convened In Dickson to- are In good) shape, and tho Pullman Htreet Cur Htriko In 'Frisco, day. A lively fight Is ahead, as the men, who are now here, promise to San Francisco, May IS. Tho "Royalists," have carried on an ao- put up a better and harder fight than Btrct oar strike situation is utt- tire campaign In anticipation of the they did at O. A. C. Coming out ot changed. Another line was opened . sesilos, and the consideration of the the mountain country, ax they did, today, maklnr nine in operation. The question of union proposed to be set tnoy were not la any condition to number of passenger is gradua'ly tied at the meeting. Dlckton county' meet O. A. C, and it would not be 'increasing. Tho union buaees are as the birthplace ot tho first Cumber-'surprising if they took moro point' receiving fine patronage. There wcro land body has been closely canvass- J than wott peopl talteve they will jycral slight disturbance tbia mort cd. here. Eutjeae Guar. I 1b and three arrest. Wreek nt Holding. Following telegram from Redding. Calif., explains why tho northbound overland train, duo at 3:30 p. m yohterdny dirt not pass Kalem: Tho northbound Portland pai senger train, No. 12, on the Honth orn Pneldo was run Into by two light engine at Copley Inst night. William Joimm of Haoramnnto, tho brakomnn was Instantly killed and several injured. Thi daputy coroner and a Beotlon crow left thi olty In a special train at I) o'olook for the noooo. Tho pasvenger train had stoppc4 for water and tho dnglnuM, apparent ly unaware of tho train aheadv shot around a nurvo and down a hundred feet of straight track, colliding with a crash. Jones was between tho mall ear and engine mid waa crushod ta death. Passengere wru tUown from their soata and n panic onsued. According to the latest reports, no ono was Injured except Jones. Both engine woro wrecked and tho mail and baggago car woro badly dam pged. Dr. J. F. COOK THM HOTANICAl TKHTTOK, MOVKD TO ( UMKWTY JITKBUrT FOR ANY IHKAX QAM OK WL, COOK, CX)XULTATOX WUHt.