DAILY OAPITAIi JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON WEDNESDAY, MAY l!, 1007. sJ J. L. STOCKTON THE OLD WHITE CORNER RAILROAD HEADED FOR COOS BAY ENOUGH SAID pF .HiHr BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBjriBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKT Strong Committee Will Meet Coos Citizens Backed Up $100,000 in Roseburg Cosh MKM'OIID CRATER LAKE illrond Sold nt Receiver's Sale to KMcs mill Stryker for $H2,n00. fhe Medford & Crater Lake rail- id was sold at recolvor's snlo to- r. tho closing bid being JS2.C00. rho gale opened at 2 o'clock, the of Messrs. Kates and Strykor M with the recelvor being an- unccd as tho opening bid. HVo are offered $7Q,000," said tin elver Stephen Carver scon tho bid and ed V un even hundred. Mr. Esto" ted Urn bid to $75,000. Thla pnght another hundred dollar rnlao m Cm. r. Estoa bid $77,500 and When tipped tho bid another htm- thereupon Mr. Estos bid R0, Stephen mookly whispered to attornna and ralaod It anothor adred Then thu play stopped fh a bid of $82,500 from Mr. He. Carver had shot hla wnd and the c osrd with Mr. Estes aa tho pablo i urchascr of tho road. Jr KstCB stated that hlB associates this enterprlBo aro Portland bank- and i radical railroad men, and t they propose to conduct tho on- Prlso along bualnes8 lines.' Corn- tat engineers and a roaster mtv anle who will havo chargo of the ftlve power of tho road havo al ly been Becured and their names a guarantee of their ability to aage the affairs entrusted to them be most economical and eatlsfao manner, pa conclusion Mr. Kstea stated that terrain js of tho road would not Butte Falls, aa many had been to supposo, but that tho line Bid bo built to Klamath Falls an Wly as men and money could do work nlnilnatlon of tho long drawn ttraffto. for tho rehabilitation of deLn.t road elves general satis- "on r . n la Coneral Point, whero or Pj'c-rson had commenced a rT f ' a branch lino to connect bu-' rg'vuiago with tho onion t I igle Point. Medford Trl- le I Relay Saturday. Tho Y. M. C. A. boys nro confident thnt they will win tho relay raco that I hnB boon arranged for next Saturday I between tho muto school, reform school and Y. M. C. A. boys' club runners. Tho raco will start from tho asylum farm at 2:45 and finish at tho Y. M. C. A. building. Ench boy will run n mile, tho winning team to recotvo a shield nnd moduli. Tho course la six mlloa nnd tho win nor will probably roach tho goal about 3:30 p. in. o Growing Aches nnd Pains. Mrs. JobIo Sumner, Dremond, ,Tox. wrltos, April 15, 1902: "I havo usod Ballard's Snow Llnlmont In ray fam ily for throo ycara. 1 would not bo without It In the house. I havo used It on my little girl for growing pains nnd nchos In hor knoes. I havo also used It for frost bitten foot, with good success. It Is tho best Umlment I over used." 25c, 60c nnd $1.00. Sold by D. J. Fry. Q Tho Orogonlan Is too particular It objects to Circuit Judgo Uonson also bolng acting secretary of stato In Marlon county wo can ovon havo acting road supervisors. sU-rlaln's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. "fo It probably no medicine e ttat is relied upon with more it confidence than Chamber- M Co.i, Cholera and Diarrhoea Wj. During tho third of a cen- la which It has been uso, peo- learned that It Is tho one r that never falls. When r- with water and sweetened It eunt to take. For sale br Dr. ' drug jtore. ,--la?C t4 TWItl4VMlM zm5i For stomach troubles, biliousness and constipation try Chamborlatn's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Many remarkable cures havo been effected by them. Prlco 25 cents. Samples free. For salo by Dr. Stone's drug store. Mayor Rodgers Is smooth. Ho be lieves in tho llboral uso of oil. - o- A Narrow Kscap. O. W. Cloyd, a merchant, of Plunk, Mo., had a narrow escape four years ago, when bo ran a Jlmson bur into his thumb. Ho says: "Tho doc tnr want-vl to amputate it but I would not consent. I bought a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve and that cured tho dangerous wound." 25c at J. C. Perry's, druggist. SOMETHING NEW In Bifocal Lenses Let us show you a neat, up-to-date lens for near and far-seeing. It l eually as good as tho expensive kind, and half the cost. Don't throw away your brokeu glasses. Bring them to us. We can duplicate any part, with littlo ex pense. Chas. H. Hinges Gra4aa4 OpUeUsu 1 jkS Cowwurdal Street, wwt do CttaI XstMtn1 fcudc . Roseburg. Mny 15. (Special.) Roseburg will bIiow hor faith In tho railroad to Coos Hay by hor work?. The committee appointed to confer with tho Coos county committees, cotuposod of W. II. Fisher, A. C. Mnrators, F. E. Alley, J. H. Booth and V. L. Cobb, will go down to tho shores of the western sea backed .up with at loast $100,000 In cash. To day 1b tho day sot apart to ralso tho monoy here toward building tho roat? and today tho members of the commltteo has socured $115,000 many of tho capitalists and business people of Roseburg on tho subject nnd received such oncourngemunt thnt thoro is no doubt tho sum men tioned and perhaps a much larger amount will bo secured. It was not tho original Intention to take any stopB toward raising money for construction until nftor tho Cooq Bay conference nnd tho organization i of a company, but Boos county hns pledged over $100,000 and tho mom- bora of the commltteo from Rosuburg did not want to meet -the otnurprlstng rltl7iMia nt Pnna iinlnna tlinv lind samothlng subBtnnlnl to show. "Evorybody Holpa!" Tho commltteo will not go to Coob Bny empty ha ml oil when thoy moot with tho contmitteos from Marsh Hold, North Bend, Bandon, Coaulllo nnd Myrtle Point, to tnko definite steps towards building tho railroad from this city to Coos Bny. 'Todny hns boon flxod bb tho day to ralso tho monoy nnd from personal conversations hold yosterday morn ing with vnrlouB roprosoutntivo clll zou8, tho members of tho committee feel that they will havo no difficulty whntevor In procuring nt loast $100. 000. Flvo or six cltUons of Robc burg havo nlroady oxprosscd them uclvoa na willing to subscrlbo $10,000 each and theso liberal takcrB of stock do not comprlHo tho wealthiest men In tho city either. Louis Rnrzoo, Bocrotary of the Merchants' Protcctlvo iiBsoclatloii, this morning sent tho names of the Roseburg commltteo to tho various committoos In Cons county nnd tho dlfforont mombors from tho various towns will fix tho time nnd place for the general conforoncc. Whilo Rose burg has oxtondod tho cnurlosloH of this city. It is bollovnd tho mooting will probably bo hold at Marshilold and tho date will bo booh. At this meeting It Is oxpoctod u general plan will be out lined for tho building of tho road nnd perhaps tho company organized to do tho work. Many oltlzons thought it wns iis'j loss to attempt to rnlso money for tho construction of tho road until a company was nrgnnlzod nnd n general plan outllnod, but whon Coos Bay buslnosa mon nnnouncod thnt thoy had nlroady put up ovor $100,000 and put it up to Roseburg, tho com mitteemen from this city decide' thoy did not caro to moot tho Coos Bay citizens until thoy had something substantial to show their wosteru nolghbors. A vory littlo Informal talk on tho streets soon convinced thorn that thoy may take plodgos tn Coos Bay whon thoy go amounting to ovor $100,000. With an ovonhalf dozen men subscribing $10,000 each a larger numbor nt $5,000 ench and some of tho wenlthotr cltlzons not yet soon who will perhaps glvo even larger sums than thoso, tho road should soon bo undor way. However, tho members of th commltteo roallzo that they have work to do and do not oxpoct all the money nocossnry for the construction of tho lino to bo subscribed wlthou solicitation. It will be a strenuou campaign antj evory citizen of tho rliy and surrounding country will be ask ed to take capital stock In Just as larg blocks ns possible. , It will bi a campaign whero "ovorybody helps " The members of the committee alto realize that It will bo the small con tributions from mon In moderate cir cumstances that will make up the amount required to build the road. Men In aettvo business with mod erate capital and having all their means tied up In their business will havo to make some sacrifices to con struct the road and maintain Rose burg as the southern Oregon metrop olis, but theso aro tho men who will do It. They feel that the Increased business the road will bring wld more than compensate (or any Incon venience, not to mention the fact that taking stock In tbU road Is a gilt edgo Investment In Itself. BO VXD OVER TO CIRCUIT COURT Robert Bateon Charged With Grave Crime Han EurnNhcd Bonds fur Higher Court. Robert Bnteson, tho young man who was arrosted recently on the ohnrgo of rnpo wns yesterday after noon nrrnlgned In Justice Webster's court nnd nftor tho evidence was takon was bound ovor for circuit court. His bonda woro fixed nt $500 nnd woro furnished by his father. Tho ovldonco was of a Bonaatlonnl nnturo nnd showed by tho testimony of sovernl that tho Moulotto faml'y havo been principles In much troublo In tho neighborhood In which they live. Sevornl witnesses aworo that Loulso Moulotto, tho girl on whom tho crime la said to havo boon por potuatod Is oldor than what la sot forth tn tho complaint. Tho warrant for tho nrrost of young Bnteson was sworn out by Mrs Motilett, tho mother of Miss Loulso. o If You Don't Succeed tho first tlmo uso Horblno nnd you will got lnstnnt rollof. Tho greatest liver regulator. A positive euro for Constipation, Dyspopsln, Malaria, Chills and nil liver com plaints. Mr. C , of Emory, Toxns, wrltes: "My wlfo has boon using Horblno for herself nnd children for flvo years. It la n Buro euro for con atlpatlon and malaria fever, which U substantiated by what It has done for my fnmlly." Sold by D. J. Fry. o Will Slug Sat unlay Night. Morulo A. Hug nnd tho .Stnlwart quartot havo boon engaged to slug nt tho commencement exorcises of tho lnw dopnrtmont of tho Willamette University which will bo held Sat urday evening. o Tho lilfo Insurance Muddlo has started tho public to thinking. Tho wonderful success thnt haa mot Ballard's Horohound Syrup In Ita crusndo on Cougha, In fluenza, Bronchitis nnd nil Pulmon ary troubles hns Btartod tho publlo to thinking of this wondorful propa rntlon. They nro all using It. Join tho procession nnd down with sick uess. Prlco 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by D. J. Fry. o Why ahoulcili't tho nubile Bchoola bo turned ovor to ovory rnggod col ored religious crank who cornea nlong nnd wants to harrnnguo thorn? What aro tho public achoo.j for, anyway? Is thla no longer a fro country? o Tho Tcxhs Wonder. Cures all kldnoy, bladder and rhoumatio troublo; sold by all drug gists, or two months' treatment by mnll for $1. Dr. H. W. Hall, 2926 Olivo stroot, St. Louis. Mo. Bend for testimonials. Bold by Stone's drug store. dw-lyr O' Niw Powilor In Town. J. B. Brown, nsslsted by Miss E M. Cobb, and a crow of lady demon- Btrntora, aro at prosont working Sn lorn In tho Inturosts of Clovoland'a Baking Powdor. From tho nggros hIvo way they aro going nt things It looks na though Cleveland's linking Powdor had como to stay. No mat ter which way wo turn wo nro con fronted with a wlniUiw display of Clovoland'a or by posters telling of Its good qunlltlcs. Oood luck to Glovoland's Baking Powdor. o Don't Pay Alimony To bo divorced from your appendix. Thoro will bo no occasion for It If you keop your bowels regular with Dr. King's Now Life Pills. Their action Is so gontle that tho appendix nover has causo to make the least complaint. Guaranteed by J. G Perry, druggist. 25c. Try them. r THE SEASON FOR DAINTY SUMMER FOOTWEAR IS HERE. THERE'S XOTfUXfl MORE DESIRABLE THAN A PAIR OF LIOHT, DRESSY OXFORD TIES. . l2C''iCi5lCQ?S.,r,ie cw "Svrtng" lasts nro shaped White House low CUTS For . V A nV gpr to lit tho foot comfortably, nnd thc-y glvo tho shoo a flnappy, styl Nh appearance. You'll ilnd our lino of Women's, Misses' and Men's LOW SHOES COMPLETE OUR SHOE DEPARTMENT feQmSvQsCiJ& iriPffTt bb mm Contain tho vory Iwst values In nit grades of Footwear, "T. i jn" i v,i usssssavii 7k . r rjiita KrfK 1 sW Nl "fejHiOyiW -t IF 1.1 l . HS T i'ii tin vhiMt iiiinlttv 1h tho .. ww;cuT5 orijTonin nro always lower than nt "regular tort'." qd .z? . s a xj&rs'st&i &Zdfi ueafe Have you noticed those HAMMOCKS we're showing this season? nooDLC doss or bay city (Contlnuod from pago ono). Marvelous Results To thoso who use Perfection Raking Powdor. Home using it say there ts no bettor, whilo others say It has no flqunl, so glvo it a trial Lay away your many complaints by using Epplcy's Perfection Baking Powder It Is manufactured on Btato street and contains the purest mater ials. Bold by all Grocers, and put up In all slxe of glass Jars which aro forever useful. C M. EPPLEY Manufacturer Satem, Orefoti or four months In court. Nightly conforonco With ntlornoys, long hours ovor law books and dully nppuaranco In court hnvo rondorod my honlth so thnt It would bo boyond my physic al powora of ond-uranco. Moroovor tho strain upon thoso who uro noar and dear to mo Is hhoIi thnt tholr honlth Is undermined, nnd thoy nro In n Hlnto of vital collnpso. Tholr lhns aro In danger. I havo occupied n prominent position In this city 1 havo long homo nn honored nnl roHpeotod nmno. My prlvato profos slonnl llfo Ih without a slain. I havo hohK up my bond among my fol low cltlzons, ami JiiHtly. Until th! oleotlon of 1905 no notion or mino wan such that It might henr out In any way tho charges mado agnlnst mo In tho newspaporB. Until that oloctlon my llfo was clean and true to tho high Idoals I had always hold But tho deslro to hold togothor -. vast political maohluo, built up at ox tromo cost and grent personal sner,!- flco caused mo to lower mo4e iiik f IdonlH, whloh I hnd hold up to that, tlmo so sacred Now I have but ono. courso beforo nfo to offer. Ropnra- tlon Is my only courso. Whntovor. my futuro may bo, no master In Whut lowly linos It may bo cast; I hopo some tlmo again to ro-enlUt under tho banner of good citizenship, and again uxort all my efforts to that high Ideal whloh I deserted. I nm now prepared to mnko tho greatest saorlflco a man can mako to society I do this to mako what wrong I havo ilonn right. I reached this final de termination Into last night. My at torneys did not know I contomplatod this action. I mako this statement so tho wholo world may know the ix aot status of Abraham Ruof's ruso. I am not guilty of thu orlmo charged In this Indictment, but, In view of tho other charges against me, and for tho reasons stated above, I deslro to havo the court allow, mo to change my ploit of not guilty and substitute that of guilty. I also movo tho court to dlsohargo tho Jury, and throw my self upon tho mercy of tho comt." Honey Immediately consonted to his motion. Tho Judgo discharged tho Jury. Ruef was led away In chr.rgo of otcitivo Burns. Ho shook hands with a number of newspaper mon. His eyes woro full of tears and his hand shook. Hoclal nt Macleay. Tho Grango will glvo a chicken plo soclnl at Macleay hull on Friday, May 17th, nt 8 p. in, Ono of the novel featured will bo a country Btoro, conducted by thu Bpocknoodlo family. Grandma and grandpa will norvu n homo-browed punch, while Ma and Pn Bpockdoodlo nnd tholr lovnblo twItiH manngo tho C, 10 and 20-cont department of tho storo. Tho program will bo songs, reci tations, a pantomime and u comedy. Tho lattor, ontltlod "A Box of Mon keys." will bo prosontod by Mlssert Edith Waldo, Elva nnd Luvllln llumnsou, Rev. Hiram Vroomnu and Harry Wonts, of Portland, Whonov or Mncloay Grango opons tin doom tho wholo country turns out and has a delightful tlmo. Wo hoar of six carriage loads going from Bnlom. o A girl who has fallen holr to one of thoso Rocky Mountain Toa com ploxlonit is to bo onvlod. Girls whoso mothorM and grandmothors took Hoi. tutor's Rocky Mountain Toa convey od a blowing on tholr children. For snlo nt Dr. fltono'a store. The Kugeno G. A. It. commander, Charles II. Baker, doe sot seem te be afraid to haw a casap of Sobs of Veterans organlxcd there. Notlco to Rut! Eittto IJcaler All persons doing a real estate business Insldo tho city limits are horeby notified thnt a 110 llconse Is duo from each ono, and thoy aro re quested to call nt the city ball and pay tho samo at onco, W. A. MOORKS, C-H-3t City Rocordor. e i i Dishes Less than Cost AT II. M. IlllANHON'fl Grocery itoro, 433 Btato street. Closing out lino of dlshotf, crockorywaro and glassware Also a full lino of staple and fancy groceries, Call early and take advantage of this great opportunity, H. M. BRANSON i PbXHj131. 432StalSt niimniiiiiiiniiimi