DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALKM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, MAY IB, 1007. "Blessings Brighten as They Take Their Right" .. .. !- tinier so much nrized as when .l!nH intrrforAe with insure or work. When the stomach is sick, the digestion weak, the ves unstrung, u,c "" " " ", "'6 ucshhuic , ,ounj mind in a healthy body. Keep stomach, liver and bowels njood order with EECHAM'S PILLS nc you will rarely lose n day's work or an evening's pleasure through Bctoess. These pills are a saie corrective anu a general ionic, me good i .. utnYt nr felt throughout the entire bodv. Whennvrr von nn rj-i:nir ni vour best, take Bcecham's Pills. Thev relieve constioa. tQt reinove bilious conditions, improve Uic digestion, Create Appetite, Restore Sleep and Bring Back Health In boxes wltu lull dtrcetioas, 10c mad 25c. lrltou and His Empire. other words, he knows nothing lndn. Ic remains tor mm nnj fcost of us Just a uriumnL m- Un You who rend tills and fare ultimately rcaponslblo for Ms tolng done In your nnmo un ite Hlmnlyns nnd Cape Co md who would fight to tho Vo lcep tho BrltlBh Hnj Intact, not give a clalr outline of even of the thousand iascinaiintj as that face tho rulers of that country. A Durbar nuiy r rfi STONE'S HEAVE DROPS. eatest known remedy for heaves. $1. To cxprois oinces away Salem I pay 25 cents on express mi. ilghland, Oregon, Oct. 31, 1902. it to certify that I gnvo my ono bottlo of "Stono's Hcuve i ' and cured nor of heaves. was Inst winter and sho has not afflicted since. 0. Wallace. )r. S. C. STONE. Snlctu, Ore. sn!o by all drucKlste. :SSKS FITTED, LARGE STOCK you don't think I would mnko a fool of myself twice In the same way." Chicago News. o- A Durst of Sentiment. "I've got a good notion," said Plodding Pcto, "to join dls forestry association." "What fur?" "I want do trees prosorvod In nil delr vonornblo bonuty. I want to see do monnrchs of de wlldornoss left undisturbed In dolr poacoful majes ty. It's tlmo dls practice of handln' n man an ax an' tcllln' him to chop wood was stopped." Washington Star. lor , i j the BEcmrr f t I rmil la In nnnh rlnmnnri i'3 flnr quality, llghtnoss and DSt . wh IB flavor In that it Id Je f- m choice Winter whoat and "the Jog your Interest, a frontier war may excite It, nnd some confused notion that IliiBsIn needs watchlnc Is nrob nbly hlways more or less at work at tho back of your mind. But when India Is neither particularly spec tacular, nor particularly at war, nor particularly harassed by "Russian designs," you find It frankly dull. I am not urging this ns a reproach Far from It. 1 repolco at tho healthy and judicious Indlfforonco of ou1 people. It shows that they possess tho truo secret of empire. I can tmagtno nothing moro fatal than that India should become a topic on which ovory Englishman felt bound to hnve an opinion, nnd when I say Indin I moan, of course, every country In which wo aro ruling orlontnls by ways wo do not apply to ourselves. Every Englishman for nearly a 100 yoars hns folt bound to have nn opin ion on Irolnnd, which Is a country not without Its Btronks of orientalism and look at tho rosultl Our na tional genius for not bothorlng about tho principles and dally detailed workings of our imperial rule hn- been tho grontest safoguard of tho omplrc. Tho empty benches In the houso of commons when such sub Jects aro up aro on overwhelming demonstration of political common sense. But thoro nro signs that the com mon sonBo Is nnsslnR from ub, nnd h bolng rcplnced by an unpollt'c curiosity. Moro nnd moro memberB nro growing fatally Interested In tho omplro, nro beginning to Bk for streams of fact, aro fusBing over lit tlo, Incidonts, nro prying Into thU and questioning thnt, and are doing what they can to convert tho suprem acy of tho houso of commons ovor our allon dapondonclos form a neces sary fiction into nn inquisitorial fact Mr. Byles and Mr. Robertson nnd tholr friends typify tho spirit and the scopo of those notlvltlos. Thoy bring to tho problem of orientalism groat pnrnostnuss a collossal nltulsm, no Imagination, n profound faith In the democratic idoa, and no local knowl Mge. This Is an Impossible oqulpmont for Imporlnl statesmanship, and It Incronslng fnvor among our radical Bontlmontnllsts Is a danger of the first magnitude. Whon wo find In tho houso of commons a growing numbor of mon whoso conscience will not allow thorn to bo democratic at homo and nutocratic abroad, who will novor bo persuaded that ono na tion's meat may bo nnothor nation's poUon, who regard all mon nnd an societies ns oqually capable of self government, who aro obsessed by n mania for political proselytlam, and whose Instinct Is to govern India, nno Umatilla Swells Roll nt Salctn. Pendleton. May 15. Judco Bonn, of tho circuit court, has added three moro mon to tho ponltentlnry roll. Thomns Jefferson was glvon a son- tenco of one yonr for taking a horso from a hitching rack In Echo recent ly. Later he stnkod out tho nnlmnl In n field In such n mnnner that It beenmo entangled In tho ropo nnd wbb strangled to donth. Ho pleaded cullty to tho chnrge. James Brown and Forrel Pope also agreed that the Information filed against them by tho district attorney won qulto truthful and got tho snmo sentence ns their jail compnnlon. Thoy were sentenced for stealing soino clothing from n boxcar at Mcncham a fow days ago Good Words for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Pcoplo ovorywhero tako pleasure In testifying to tho good qunlttlos of Chamborlatn's Cough Rotnody. Mrs. Edward Phillips of Barclay, Md., wrltes: "I wish to toll you that 1 can recommond Chamborlaln's Cough Romcdy. My llttlo girl, Cathorlne, who Is two yenrs old, has boon taking this romcdy whonovor sho has hnd a cold slnco sho was two months oil. About a month ago I contracted n dreadful cold myoolf, but I took Chamborlaln's Cough Romcdy nnd was soon ns well as ovor." This rom cdy is for solo by Dr. Stono'B drug store o Fortune" In Fur. Snblos nio unfortunntoly becoming vory rnro and, on account of tho cront domnnd for thorn, hnvo risen considerably In prlco during tho lnet fow yenrH. A coat that about two years ago would have cost $20,00 would now bo worth nt lonHt $30, 000. Tho omprosB of Russia possosB.is ono of tho most bonutlful sable coots In oxlBtonce. It Is mudo from tho most splendid sables procurablo and Is valued at $300,000 or $400,000 Queen Maud of Norway Is onothor quoon conHort who is lucky enough to posFosR mngnlflcout snblcs, and tho coat composed of this bcnutlftil polt which was so groatly admlro.l during hor recent visit to England ic said to bo worth between $150,000 nnd $200,000. o Revival Campaign. Tho preparatory servlco at tho First Methodist church Monday even ing was woll attendod, and those prosont oxproBsod much enthusiasm ovor tho revival cnmpntgn that Is o bogln on Wodnosday night under Evangelist Haudonsohlold. Rov. W II. Selleok spoko Inst night on "HoM Yo Away tho Stone," and a special ronsocratlon sorvlco for members of tho church wns hold. Mr. Houden schlold arrived in Salem lust night nnd will tako chargo of tho meetings on this evening. tie ' methods known in baking Kf.ypt nmi the Malay states on the She reunion and enjoymont of ljneg n mowhat larger Warwick- Ubbu h. sarao tlmo. If you nro,Bh,ra w0 ,nay b Bure England i" t U r - 1 ll.im'a li rfid trv It. I ' .. . .nnn.mlnl' I llom'H bread try it. C U'lTAL BAKERY, C. ULLOM, Trop. HARPER i VHISKYS won on the road to connrming Froudo's dictum that "free peoples cannot govern subject races." Syd ney Brooks In London Mall. o Anhlo Devp. 'Mr Murphy. Mr. Murphy I" cried an excited farm hand to his master who was just emorglng ' from the i dairy, "will ye be sending six mon I with mo. with spades? , has stuck In tho bog." I ..... ... . -- ! "Well," rosponuea nis manr, i blm walk out." But." cried MIoky, "he's up to bis ankles'" "An' what of that? As I said. lt him walk out." "But, bogorrah, sir, lie's In head first Illustrated Bits. Eagles Devour Young lMgs, Pullman, Wash., May 15. That eagles nro carrying off young pigs Is tho declaration of Lou Kcgley, son of C. B. Kegley, whoso farm lies 10 miles southwest of Pullmnn. Mr. Kegley states that there are a number of ongles I if tht tclnlty nnd that thoy have had tholr homo thoro for years nnd hatch tholr young onch soason. Mr. Kegloy, Sr., killed n mammoth eaglo on his ranch lnat spring and brought It to Pullmnn nnd presented it to tho Washington stnto college. It wns stuftod and placed in the eoltoge museum. Lou Kegloy says that a numbor of small er eagles hnvo boon killed on his rnther's farm nnd In that vicinity Tho eagles have carried oft n number of pure bred Poland China pigs from tho Kegley ranch nnd tho loss Is con siderable. Attempts nro to bo made to kill all of tho englos In that dis trict, but the taBk Is rognrdod as a hard one, as tho birds aro qulto wild and difficult to approach. o ' Will Meet Tonight. Both sections of tho Y. M. C. A. boys clus will moot tonight in joint session for tho purpose or nrranglng tholr bosobnll teams for the sensor nnd planning a "Country Fair" to bo hold in tho gynnnlum on May 31st Tho club has obout 1C0 members and It is expected that ot IcoBt 100 of them will bo at tho mooting tomor row night. o "Trial by Jury" nt Chenumn. Tho high school gleo club will present "Trial by Jury" at tho Cho mawa Indian Bchool noxt Saturday ovonlng. Tho Bnmo oxcollont talent will bo used as npponrcd In tho piece whon It wnB proBonted at tho Snlom high school. Tho proceeds will be UBod for tho bonoflt of tho Chemawa athletic dopnrtmont nnd ns nil tho proformors Including Dr. Eploy, the dlroctor, will donnto tholr norvlco?, tho nthlotle fund of tho Chomnwn BtudontB will doubtloBs bo IncronRod matorlally. o Slop Grumbling. If you suffor from Rhoumntlsm or pains, for Ballard's Snow Llnlmont will brine aulclc rollof. It Is a sure euro for SprainB, Rhoumntlsm, Con tractcd Muscles and nil palnB and within tho rench of all. Prlco 25r. 50c, $1.00. O. It. Smith, Tonohu, Tox., wrltes: "I havo used Ballard' Snow Llnlmont In my fnmlly for years and havo found it a flno rom cdy for all pains nnd aches. I roc ommond it for pnlnB In tho cheat." Sold by D. J. Fry. o CASTOR IA For Infant, and Children. Tht Kind You Have Always Couglit dLrffj3bEt The Change op Life Sensible Advice to Women from Hrs. Henry Lee firs. Fred Certia and firs. Pinkham. MRS HENRY LEE Owlntf to modern methods of living not ono woman In tv thousand ap proaches this perfectly natural change without oxporlonolng a train of very luuioyinfr and sometimes painful symptoms. . ThU is tho most critical porlod of her vf hole existence nnd ovory woman who ncglectn tho care of her health at this urns Invites disease nnd pain. When her system is In a deranged condition or nho Is predisposed to tc IlltAlv boat of nervous Irritations make life a burden. At this tlmo also concern and tumors are more liable to form and begin their destructive work. Such warning eyroptotrui as senso of suffocation, not flashes, hendachos, bnokaohos, molancholla, dread of Im- f lending evil, palpitation of tho heart, regularities, constipation and dltzl nesa aro promptly heeded by intel ligent women who aro approaching tho porlod of life when this groat chango may bo oxpeoted. Mrs. Fred Cerlla, 1014 So. Lafayctto Street, So, Bend, 1ml., writes: Dmf Mm Plnklmtn i K. r nklmm'i vtHtoiniiie uom tuon or nno in prcaiBHBQ m ilexy or congestion of any organ, tendenoy U at this period y to become aotlvo and with a MRS, FRED CERTIA nn pawing throunh Clrnnco of Uf. For ovoml months I mtftoml from hot flwues, axtrtmo nrrroumteM, headache and woep lwwnww. I hftd no appetite and uM twt lyr. I hml mad tin my mind thoro was no holn for rao until 1 Ixfinn to um Lydla B. nnktuunl Vnctabl Cooud. Biy bad yrnptoma Cfaixd, and it brought nafly tbrouRh taa danger perlal. built up my ijnitem and 1 am In axcolleiit bnuHl rconlldw Lyitia JE. rinktiarn'o VestH Compound unturpawed for women during thU trying jeriol of life," Mrn. Henry Lcc, 60 Winter Btreat, Now llttven, Conn,, writcai Dear Mrs. rinkhams m , M "After KufTering untold mltvry for three Yeam durliiK Chango of Llfo I heard of Lydla 15. rinkhaaVi Vegetable CoHipound. I wrota yon of my condition, awl rgan to take Lydla R. rinkhama VegetaMe Com- rwnd and followed your advlco, and to-day am ell and happy. I can now walk any wh re nnd work aa well a anyone, and for year previous I hnd tried bill could not get around without help. I coi'Mder your medi cine a sovereign bain for Riffoi lng woBieB," Women panning through this critical oorlod nhould rely upon Lydla K. VlnUhnm'nVegotuble Compound. If thcro in anything about your case you don't understand write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mann., for ndvlco, It in freo and nan guided thousands te health. T.r.lln nminii ( tho Monl mnllclne for women who Whon a modioino hits beon BuccoBStui in rostorintr to iienuu, Roltmlly thouwuitls of womon. you cannot woll Bay without trying It, "I do not boliovo it will holn mo." It to yonr duty to yournolf And family to try Lydia E. Piukhum's VoKotnblo Comjxmud. SELF RISING B. B. B. Flour For Ronton Brown Ilrttul, Grlddlo Cakon, Munins anil PIhiii Pudding-. . ALLK.VH II. II. II. FI.OUR CO., INC., SAN Jonc, Cal. i Bears the Blgnataro MMM Often The Kidneys Are Weakened by Over-Work, Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure blood. It used to be considered that onlv urinary and bladder troubles Mere to be traceu 10 uic kiuiiob but now modern Kicnce proves thut nearly all diseow have their beginning in the disorder of these most mijwrtant organs. The kidnays Alter and purify the blood mat is weir wor oaa at home for Orations pt; liSBOW all o.cr "yoria. For le oy At,CHRKIBi, Sale T,.fnr utifn vnurkiilnuxiareMoak or out of order, you can understand how , quiCKiy your cuurc uuy ii.-. " Pat Dwaney i,owery organ Mms to fail to do its If you arc sick or "feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, It. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as soon as your kidneys are well they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. If you are sick you can make no mis take by first doctoring ur kulnci. The mild and the extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmers Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest for lU vomhrrful cures No Cnu for Alarm. I ... ,. ,, ,,i er-f. .. . ..a ....r, , "" "". "."... : libera ine aoavfmvuu u """""" druggists in my-ccnt bumps. ' and one-dollar size .v.. bnn Tn,n m m ! voMnK bottles. You may ' ' ti.viiA 4ttir1 Vwflft .. fiMfiiPnrlf wife, "that I usod to bo your tyP6- w mail free, also a pamphlet telling ou writer." how to find oat if you have kidney or ITmyos grunted John. 'bladder trouble. Mention this paper rrrrM i. , ntintiMi T wiih Ton! btn wriUngto Dr. Kilmer Be Co.. Hmg. TV ell. the continued, I wlsl yon N $ mikc Bny Utakc, would discharge tho girl you naro but rctacabr the tume, Swamp-Koot, bow and biro a man In her plaee." Dr. Kilsser'a Swaasp-Root, asd the ad. "Huh!" rejoined bubby. "I hope dxes,IHKUo,N.Vos every bottle f Gold Dttst Flotir Made by TUB 8YDNBT TOW BS COMPANY, Bldney. Oregon. 2 ,Mado tor family use. Ask your J, A I. J I . iA groctr lor u iraa nu uiurii nlwfayt on band P. B. Wallace AGENT " A SQUARE DEAL AND A FAIR TRIAL OK OUR FARM IMPLliMKNTB AND MACIIINKRY OF ALL KINDH. IF YOU ARK NOT HATIHF1KD WITH A FAIR TRIAL YOU NIJIJI) NOT 1IUY. I HULL TRACTION AND STATIONARY KNOINKH, NICHOL'S AND HIIKPARD'H Itr.D RIVICR HIU'ARATORH, HAY DALKHH, BTIVKI7r AND ROAD GRADING MACHINICUV. VM HANDLI5 T'"3 IIYIW WAOONH, KNGKR 1IUGG11KH, IIACKH AND CAHHIAara. wk ark aflunth for tiiu adrianoic, 1iuokkyk mow i:rh, clipi'kr vijowh and ului: riiiiion ouitivatoiu, AI-HO BOMK HUCOND HAND FARM IMl'LiaiUNTH AND WAOONfl VKHV CIIKAI. FAINTS, OILS AND VAItNISIIKS AT WHOL1WALK AND UK. TAIL, GLASS AND STAINS OF ALL KINDS, AND PAINTKH8 SUI'FLIKH. lll'nOY TOPS, DASHHOAIU18, WIIII'H, HOIIKH, KTO, CORIirilPONDnNnS SOLICITKD, CIRCULARS AND DKUOItlF' T1VK OATAIX1GUKS FlltNISUKD ON AFl'LIOATION. GEO. B. JACOB, Prop. I'ilONi; 1(11 LIN COR. FRONT AND l'INH HTKKHTR sf Spout wisely is the sourco of muct satisfaction. Why not spond a llttlf of It wisely now buying groceries of us? Baker, Lawrence & Baker. SMeueon to JUrrltt ai Lawrase TtcFasfiion Stables rrmrly Btopaon's Btable. Up-to-date livery and eab 11ns FBEral turnouts a specialty, Tally ko fdr pleaies and ezearsioDS, Pkoa U. GHAS. W YANNKK, Prop til ad ZW niffs StrMt Ul tiii in l 1 . K n .'! I . . .....hifra'j ?flHlf(f RENCH FKJL UUhMPlLL8. iiwvmitki. t. ' " rt i M s lAtfM. mtjk .., sAmm - u SoW Ih Stm ky Dr. S. C. Slant FOR SALE! jg Wo nro uow in a position to mako prices on vacant lots, also hotisos and lots In Highland addition, nloni; tho flulom-I'ortland now oloctrlo lino This proporty has not boon offored for solo boforo slnco tho complolloo of tho road, nnd wo hnvo some x coptlonnlly good buys. Derby & Willson Salem Fence Wire HeadquMrli-ra for Woven Wire IVnrliig. Netting. IMokets, Oatos, Shingles, P k. II. Ready Roofing. Hereon Door and Adjustlblo Window floroons All at lowest price. Walter Morley 250 Court St. Salem, Ore j0m .A Xl "BSSSSBS Rocky Mountmn Tea Nuggets A But KcMm Ut buy Fm!i. Mil OoUia Hutk iki Kt(twi Sign. X inside turOjUti-nimu. Ii1i4Ueu, 14tK aiul KJJor TrounlM. 1ai)l-. Hni, Iinput UU1 ILt-i UimtlU, Hlnl'gHit 1!0U, )(r;lCl o4 lUckKtlio l'R ty;jDUlaTrlnlt. n torm. Vi cbi a Uix. (imuin iuad by II.)U4r bmo Cummht. UniUo, WU, WLOEM KJOQETS fCR SALLCW rC0rVt "CJVf f TIIU NKWKHT HIIAIMUI 11)11 YOUNG LADIK wo'ro talking about shoos now are to bo had here. Mnybo wo ought to say stylos, for tho young woman of today Is nthlotle enough to look out for hor own shapo. For Fall and Winter wear, then, we wliL show any maiden a shoo to rival i dalutiuoss hor own foot, and it will be cornfortablo, too evon as to lht prico wo'il ak, JACOB VOGT Opposite l'tttbmb' I look Storo 345 State St. Salem, Oreson Hallos Fenify la uow open and ready fr biMl. noss, Road ozcelleat oa btk s444 of rtyer. A. P, PHTTYJOWK. 6-10-lm-d PreprleUr, i 71 Ih 'fl 1 Jl w