frER: PA,R TONIGHT, THURSDAY PAIR AND COOLER. AILY CAPITAL JOURNAL SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESD Y, M VY 15, 1007. NO. 117. ARRIMAN HELD UP ngshoremen Win Strike Boodler Ruef Pleads Guilty Roseburg Raising $200,000 iEBURG PEOPLE AROUSED NEW YORK STRIKERS VICTORIOUS HIDED $100,000 FIRST DAY BRING THE GOMPANIES TO TIME cme Will Be Held Next Satur- day at Coos Bay eburg, May 15. ( Special to jpltal Journal) Tho citizen i' tee has secured $ll(,ouo subscription townrda construe- tho electric lino to Coos Bay Mil rrobably Bccuro onough !o make It 200,000 beforo the s over. Mnrshflold hns put up 00 and other cities on tho line (paring to do likewise. There a meeting of five dologatc? well clt on tho lino, to bo held rihflcld Saturday next nt 1 p hen a general plan of procod- 111 bo adopted. Tho peoplo arc ling Interested In helping them- as never before. Phllidclpilia Longshoremen Will Not Unload Yessels Taken There Now York, May 15. Following tho two big vlctorlos today, the longHhoromen claim that beforo the end of tho wook every BtonuiBhlp line will bo whipped Into lino nnd glad to get tho mon bnck nt tho tncronsed wages demanded;. Tho surrondor of tho Itnllnn line, which took tho men back nt tho now ucnle, nnd signing nn ngreomont with Pntrick Townoy, one of thd Inrgost employes of Btove dorcs. Coining vobbuIh nro causo of tho two victories which encouraged tho strikers. Philadelphia long Hhoromen havo given nssurnnco they will not unload vessels usually dock- I1ICAG0 STORE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE e Are Now Showing : GRANDEST ASSORTMENT OF LIVE, NEW TO DATE MERCHANDISE SHOWN IN SA- AND AT PRICES YOU WILL FIND HARD BEAT. YOU CAN IUDGE BY THE CROWDS IAT VISIT OUR STORE DAILY THAT WE IE DOING THE BUSINESS OF SALEM. Bar- is in every department greater than ever. Read en: fe allow tho lst vnlnwj on I'aritlc Coast in tho following ilj i HXK SILKS FIVE DRESS GOODS WASH DRESS GOODS WHITE GOODS U VS DIM1TII.S i)onsTics Of nil kinds KlimONS EMnllOlUERIES LACES UttKsS TRIMMINGS MISUX UNDERWEAR CORSETS HOSIERY LADIES' SHOES SOXIOXS j LONG GLOVES pAXCT GOODS Prices sliced away down on tho following goeds: LADIES' COATS, SUITS, MIL LINERY, DRESS SKIRTS, SHIRT WAISTS AM) PETTICOATS. Lutes' Suits. $8.50. $11.50. $12.50. Ladles' Coats. $3.50, $4.50. $6.90. Dress SUrts. $2.90, $3.90, $4.90. SALEM'S FASTEST GROWDfO STORK. McEVOY BROS. iCLlIi AXS COURT OTREKW. ULKftf , OR. INTERSTATE G0MMERGE COMMISSION REPORTS FINDINGS ON MERGER CASE Government Lays foundations for Suits to Dissolve the Greatest of Mergers Ever Accomplished nimmuniinnin-MHt Miinmmiiiiiuni ti NEW YORK, MAY in. THE EVENING TELEGRAM TODAY PUBLISHED WHAT IT BAYS IS A NABSTHACT OK THE KIND. INGS OK THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION DURING ITS INVESTIGATION OK THE HARRIMAN ROADS. THE TEL. EGRAM CALI.S THE REPORT THE MOST SENSATIONAL ONE THE COMMISSION HAS EVER ISSUED. IT STATES THAT THE COMMISSION FOUND RAILROAD COMPETITION CHOKED OFK ENTIRELY IN AN ERA EQUAL TO ONE-THIRD OK THE UNIT ED STATES; THAT IN THIS ARE HARRIMAN WAS ABSOLUTE ; MASTER. IT FIMIS THAT HtUHI.MA.VN I'O.Vl'HAtT WITH J. j THE ROCK ISLAND, SOUTHERN PACIFIC, SANTA FE, ILLI. ' NOIS CENTRAL AND SAN PEDRO ROADS VIOLATES THE ! ANTI-THUST ACTS, AND RKCMMENRS THAT THE ATTORNEY. ; GENERAL PROCEED AGAINST THEM. IT FINDS THAT THE PURCHASE OK SHARES OK ONE ROAD BY ANOHER IS A BAD I PRACTICE AND SHOULD HE STOPPED, THAT THE PROFITS ; OF THE GREAT ROADS WEST ARE BEING USED TO BUY 1 STOCK AND CONTROL THE SYSTEMS OF THE EAST, INSTEAD I OF DEVELOPING THE WEST. THE REPORT CALLS THE HARRIMAN' REORGANIZATION "ONE OF THE MOST REMARK. ABLE CARES OF MANIPULATION AND STOCK WATERING EVER KNOWN." IT DEMANDS LAWS TO PROTECT HEPETI TIONS. THE REPORT CONCLUDES: "HARRIMAN IS ABSO LUTE LSTER OF THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL. AND SO POWER FUL IN THE SANTA FE AS TO PREVENT COMPETITION WITH HIS ROADS IN COMBINATION WITH THE UNION PACIFIC AND SOUTHERN PACIFIC, AND SO POWERFUL AS TO SUP 1'KESS ALL COMPETITION AND PREVENT THE BUILDING OF THE SAN PEDRO LINE TO LOS ANGELES. THE GOVERNMENT WILL INSTITUTE MANY GREAT SUITS UPON THIS REPORT TO DISSOLVE THE MERGER OK THE UNION PACIFIC AND SOUTHERN PACIFIC AND OTHER SUITS UPON THE MANIPU LATION OF WESTERN ROADS. H I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 1 I H 4-4-H- 1 1 I I I I I I M H I I I I I I I I H I I WALL STREET G0RNERING THE WHEAT HOLDING ALL AVAILABLE SUPPLY BOODLE BOSS OF BAY CITY Price May Go Above the Dollar Mark and Stick Thcro Chicago, May IB. There Ib much oxcltoiiiout ntill In tho big wheat mnrkets. Tho opposing forces nro lighting for mnstery. Wnll street nnd outHldors hold nil tho nvnllablo supply, nnd nro still buying. Tho In Hide Ib trying to forco prices down nnd ro-oHtalillHh their trade. Whont lost H4c at tho oponlng on favor nblo wunthor reports front tho North. woHt. On account of scnrolty It. Europe it Is bulleved that prices will eventually go above (ho dollnr mark and (jtlclt, whether craps nro produc tive in this country or not, Chicago, .May 10. Whont 05 I I3m. corn B2 fB2 4 , cornH 4 iP 2 43ft. ' o ' I ST. LOUIS JUSTICE SAYS NO ADMITS GUILT ON 0N CHARGE llcnoy Has tho Machine Politicians of California On1 tho" Run San FrnnclHCo, May 15. Aftor overruling a motion for a chnngo of vonuo, Judgo Dunne this morning or dered their taking of tcfltlmony to proceod In tho Ruof trial, llonoy n't jieurcd nn chief counsel for tho prone otttloii. To tho great aurprluo of nil Ituof by bin nttorncyH, entered n plon of guilty to tho clmrgu of extortion. It In belloved there Ih n general bronltdown of tho dofenMO. Whether Ruof gotii any Immunity nnd him turned ngnluMt the Inrgor fish re mnlun to be neon. ing in Now York, If uont to Philadel phia. Tho Incoming fleot of llnors duo Friday, la tho largest since the beginning of tho strike Tho '1-Yinro Strike. oan rrunuiscu, .-uy iu, wi. - oporatlng on six lines today, and. thoro has been no serious disorders j Tho btrlko loaders conforred today, with tho heads of tho unions rupre sonted in tho Unltod Railroad' ATTORNEYS DREW THE REPORT Washington, May 15. It Ib statod today at tho nincos of tho interstate barns and shops on tho suhjoot of a commerce commission that it has not gonornl strike, which it la believed y8t, no(C( UI,on tj10 reeommondatlonB will bo ordered. HUGHES WILL BE CANDIDATE mado to tho commission in tho report of its attorneys, Kellogg and Sever anoe, extracts of which woro pub llshod in Now York today. Tho nt torneya hnd copies prlntod for private gatlonul perusal ot trie oommusionora, anus K is supposed they took ovary safe guard against publicity. , o ' Albany, May 15. Tho Hughe public utility bill unanimously passed tho assembly today. This undoubtedly means that Hughes will be New York's candldato for presl dent. The bill Is assured of passage through tho senato next week. LABOR MINISTERS WANT Itlfr.K. PARADE CANCELLED,11 Indianapolis, May 16. Tho may or today ordered tho cbiof of pollcJ to prevent tho demonstration and parado planned! for Friday night by boJor hono p0W0P Forbidding Them to Marry Output of DIrorro Court. Chicago, May 15. A numbor of organised Jabor, as a protest against generator has recently boon installed St. Louis, Mny IB. 11. Clnv Ploreo, proslduut of tho Waters Pleroe Oil Cnmpnny, must return to ToxnH to answer ehnrgas of perjury. Fodoral Judgo AduniH has refused n writ of huheaa corpus, nnd ordored thq prisoner remanded to tho cus tody of tho police. Sheriff Matthowj will take him to ToxnH at once. o Hesciml from Gypslm, Denver, Mny 15. Marthn Woolen, aged 12, stolen u your ugo nt Hutto waa resouoif from gypsies today. Sim claims sho was held oh a slnvo nnd forced to beliovo sho was married tc a 12-year-old boy. Sho will ho ro turned to hor parents, ' o War Ovrr llio Wrddliig. Now York, May IB. Hav. Dr Clark's officiating at tho Coroy-Otl-iniin wedding, following with hi public defotiHo, In which he mado somu broad-mlndod statement1 on the Hiibject, Is likely to onuso a war and may involvo tho entire Congrc- church. Dr. Nehomlnh Iloynton, of tho Clinton avenuo ohuroh, today donouncod Glark's stand. Ho said: "Inasmuch as Clark camo over from tho Prosbyto rinns a few months ago, it make matters worse Vigorous steps will, bo taken that Clark's action not pais undecdod." Hoynton denounced the wedding. Icctric Light Plant IniprmciiR'nts. Tho two largo 125 horso powor boilers which woro ortforod from, Portland for tho local light plant haro arrived, and are being set up They will bo la working order In u few weeks, and wit hthelr 250 horse powor tho plant will havo a 120Q A new motor Ruef DoNcrtod by CohhhcI. 'Aftorono of tho most desporato Itf. Ital tmttloB to nvold punishment for crime In tho history of California Abraham Ruef todny" entered a plea, of guilty to the Indictment, charging him with extorting money from tho French restnurnnts on pain of having their liquor licenses revoked.'' Tho plun cntno as a thunder clap, fol lowed by defeat of dofoiuo In Its Inst Htnnd In an effort to securo n chntigo of vonuo. When tho motion waa do nlcxj defenso sought n continuance but It was also denied. Ruef then naked for time in which to hold u conference with Ills attorneys. This was granted. At tho expiration of naif an hour Ruef and couunol, who hud withdrawn o the Judge's chain bore, reappenred. Ah soon as tho court rapped for on'tor, Attorney!) Aoh and Bhortrldge, in turn, nn nounccd their withdrawal from tho enso. Attorney Murphy thon nrosu stating that he HorlaiiHly dlsagrood with tho action his client was about to tnka, and declared ho would stay with hltn. Tho saino action was tnk en by Attorney Falrall. Aftor nt tornoya hud conclude! tholr state monts, tho prisoner, hollow-oycd pnlo and trembling, arose with u mnnusorlpt In his hand. He ap peared hardly ublo to stand up, and" while rending from a manuscript his voice faltered, his face twitched, and ho frequently brake down com pletely, drank oup alter cup of water, and spoke very alowly. Ilia statement was lengthy, und began with un apology to tho nttorncyH for what he was about to do. Ho closed with ii plua of guilty. After conclud ing the reading of tho statement Ruef. In a voice hardly to bo hoard threw hlmsolf upon the mercy of the court, auu fell Into a chair In a stato of almost complete collapse. Ruef1 SluU'iiieiil. His stutoinont was na follows "With tho permission of tho court T doslro to muko tho following state ment, against tho protest of my at torneys, to tho public. 1 havo only ft feeling of tho greatest klndnosa for them, and here wish to make format statement declaring they havo always fully believed mo Innocent of alt charges against mo. My personal condition is such that I cannot stand tho tcrrlblo strain of another thrco (Continued oa pajce Jive). Congregational ministers are trying the enforced aalo ordored by a foder to get the Congregational Association a! court of tho union men' propert- to adopt rules forbidding Congrega tional preachers marrying divorcees The crusade was caused by th enotor lety of the Corey-OllsstH weddlsg. ty, to defray costs of Injunction pro cecdings successfully prosecuted by the Pope-Waverly Cowpany, dowp rs was oa the program to paV, and will add materially to tho light Ing servlco. A new voltago regula tor has bees promised the local com pany This wilt steady tho lighting systew, and be a valuabjo addition to the Boachlaery of the plant. Dr. J. P. COOK TMM MOTANIOAL IMXTfOK, HOVXD TO UHMHTif UTKHHT FOR ANY IMJiKASB OAIJi OK D. COOK. COXMULTATfON WtstM.