4, DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON Tl'KSDAY, MAY II, 1 007. Made from pure grape cream of tartar, and absolutely free from lime, alum and ammonia. b ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. SMILES l II I 1 1 1 1 1 111 1 ! I I I i I I 1 i I I I That JImtown oxpo. will Ijo a flat fnlluro without tho nretty OrogoniT girls. f THE MAIL BAG A beautiful Baltimore hollo Books n divorce. Sho Is apparently too beautiful to bo happy, though mar I I 1 H C I I I I I I I I 1 C H H I M I Following citizens of Ashland, Or egon, Bubscrlbe to Tho Capital Jour nal's direct legislation campaign to apply tho referendum to nbout half a million to a million of tho appro priations of tho last legislature: 1i If T1fnntniinU Tnnnn HTrtntn T r.,rt ni.n..i1.nJnn nHMntnla1 ULU , tl V 1,1 L, JDUUl illUUiVf U. ,' " mr :rr" ,'., ' nmiW. Oash, C. J. Lane, Rufus King, A WILL ENLARGE BAND TO THIRTY MEN merely natural musical ability will bo accepted. Young mon who wish to take up tho study of tho flute, baas clarlmt, oboe, saxophone and many other of tho wind Instruments will have an excollont opportunity to do velop their talents. The wind In strumentB are not only beneficial to health, If rightly used, but also profit able If ono wishes to make music a profession. Any who aro interested In music and have a llttlo time which they can devote to practice will do well to seo H. N. Stoudenmoyer, di rector of tho Salem Military Band. -o RIO BOYS' CONFERENCE. To the only political hustlors llko Bill StouBloff, of Salem. Ho has no room i L. Cross, J. E. Crowson, Geo. W , . ,, ,,,, . .. i Lowe, Frank King, John Biggie, Tor dead mon on his political pay-', .' .. , .' ,,,..,.. T ,, ., , ...I in , i Frank Crowson, Win. Mclutyro, J. roll. Perhaps this habit has Bumo-l . lt ..... thing to do with his buccosb. Slxty-ono miles In 100 minutes Ii crnlnM ttntttit tet n Itnntflf ftflln iMlfflt ru'"h " , , . a, , , nnd helping thcniBolvos Ih tho record of tho Shrlnor'B apoclal . ' " , n ., . , . ,. . ... ' , specifications." Tho Oreg VIlllU KIIIUII .. DHL UIUI1 LUU IIUUJUV can't travel fast enough, m Bourne, as United Stntoa senator, ncoins to bo making good. Ho may mnko better, 11KST. Mnbol Oilman was mnrrlod to tho inllllonnlro Bteol magnnto at 1:30 thlB morning. Had to got hint whon lio wns Holier. A Portland lawyor was nuulo the victim of two bunco men. Good! Portland lawyors hnvo been bunco Ing tho whole Htato for 150 years. If You Don't Succocd tho 11 rat tlmo uho Herblno nnd you will got Instant rollof. Tho greatest Uvor rogulator. A positive euro for Constipation, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Chills and all Uvor com plaints. Mr. C , of Emory, Toxai, wrlteB: "My wlfo has boon ubIiii; Ildrbluo for horsolf nnd children for llvo years. It Is n Biiro euro for con stipation and malaria fevor, which Is Cnvanngh. It scorns that thoro nre Home pooplo, oven In tho normal I school towns who do not npprovo of tho machluo combination getting in "without Oregon tnxpay- orH aro a patient, ronsonablo and fair mlndod lot of peoplo who want what Is right, and aro willing to bo tnxed for tho support of higher education, But they do m and that thoro bo a ahow nindo of at loaBt what tho mon ey Is wanted for. C. P. Jones, Jr., who la tho live Kocrotnry of tho Cottago Grove Com rtiorclal Club, writes that tho annual mooting of tho WlllnmoUo Valloy Development League will bo hold at ' that city at boiuo tlmo between Juno 19 and 20. Fred Lockloy, formorly of Tho Capital Journal, Is now assistant ed itor of tho Pacific Monthly, of Port laud. o Htato (iniiul Lodge. Tho state grand lodgo of Odd Fol Iowb will moot In La Grando, Tues- i day, Juno 21. Thoro aro 193 Odd FoIIowb lodgoa In tho atnto of Oro gon, nnd each lodgo will aeml at least An Excellent Opportunity Is Offered Young Men Who Wish to Study Various Instruments Music is not merely a suporflotib accomplishment, it Is a necessity to nny progressive community. Music not only gives tho porformor an In contlvo for higher Ideas and nn un derstanding of tho beauties of nature nnd sentiment, but nil thoso who como In contact with tho higher har monies must of necessity ho bene fitted In sympathy nnd knowledge. Bo Held nt Snlcm During Week Ending May 25th. Arrangemonta for the Y. M. C. A. boys' conference aro progressing rapidly, and everything points to a largo number of visitors. While tho number at tho present tlmo Is not known definitely, It seems nssured that thoro will bo fully 100 boys and their leaders from other places In Salem on May 25 and 2G to attend this conference. The local association Is to provlda entertainment for thoso delegates and Is now cnnvasslng Its friends for this purpose Tho peoplo aro re sponding generously and many homos aro being thrown open to tho visi tors. Entertainment has now boon assured for about half of tho total numbor needed, and as tho associa tion wishes to hnvo tho list comploto this weok, all thoso who can enter tain ono or moro boys aro requested to notify G. A. Forbes, secretary of tho local association, as soon as po siblo. Tho progrnm of tho convention O,, pale children is magical. UIsfon It make them plum?; roy; acl. .V It contains Cod Liver Oil, HyS'l . jwviuic, iu mane tat mj r "TFWtei All druggists boo. am ... S MK5. 5AKAH X'Z r ''- - -- ,cu -,, , aCQ l)nAn. . .,, 1V : 'Met, Eltfej L. OYllln ton8)weev; is DEAD sr 3?s "c unsanltarr aa which mo. ?Z carried n JL ""' "e "" WU The One of the Few Remaining Oregon XT'0:" Pioneer Women Passes to the' Grcat Beyond 2L"-53 .ir"w"ta,!i Ufl IV rnrlm l . . . . " ' .',:, .&u imsin carried. Tho reaper death has seen fit to pr0DX " imovn from n.ir mi,tD ..., , "sparing stufffor h... ,.' wurnuim ... .unarm luvor, w.iu p. (0,OBio; many lodges will send m.batantlntod by what It has done , Jf (,0Mn Qr mQtQ rorOHontntIv08 for my family." Sold by D. J. Frv. , 200 ,,0l0K,ltM to th0 Transfers of Ileal Kstuto. Tho following doedH hnvo boon tiled for record In thu olllco of tho Marlon county ruoerdur: J. F. and 10, Short to IC. and G. Grogui'Hou, 1.15 aoroA In t rH, r 1 w, w d $3000 Kuuto GrogoiHou, ot iix., to J. F. Short, IB acroB, t R b, r I w, w d 1000 Same to Haute, t B h, r 1 w, w d 15300 Jacob Siuulor, ut ux. to Levi SaitiUir, BB.ti2B aorua, t 0 , r 2 v, ii o il 15 John YorkoH, ot ux to I.ovi Snudor, unmo iih nhovu, qoil 90 Sophia WuIhh to John WoIhb, lutH 1, 5, (, 7 nnd S, block 71, GorvalH, i il 1 O. O. Koovoh. ot ux., to V. J. VanPatton, lotH Uutvorfilty addition to Salem, w d.... 2300 onenmpmeut and Ilobokn lodges which nro soiinrnto from tho rogular Btato grand lodgo. It 1b ronsonably oxpocted thnt thoro will bo noorly an many visitors aa thoro nro olllclnl roproHoutntlvos, Inasmuch as thcro le a railroad rato of ono fnro for tho round trip granted, and thoso rntoa nro ,ln effect from all pnrts of tho ntato. The expectation la thnt thoro will bo upwnrdH of 1000 visitors In La Grando during tho BOHHlon or tho grand lodgo. Arrangements must be mado whereby tho visitors nnd at tendants may be propoiiy cared for A girl who hits fallen heir to one of thoso Kooky Mountain Tea com plexions h to bo envied. Glrla whoso mothers and grand moth era took Hoi llator'H Uooky Mountain Ten convoy ed a bltiHBlng on tholr children. For ealo nt Dr. Stone's store. CAN DRAW CHECKS. . . Checking accounts ouablo folks to depoalt their tnonoy and ro colve a passbook, against thoso nccouutd they nro permitted to draw chocks. Chookd may bo given to parties for such sums as desired, thus uvoldlug frequent trips to the bank. If Interested call and see us. Salem State Bank L. K. PAGE, rrWt. K. W. KA1ARO, OMkW. Soro Nipples. Any mothor who has had oxporl onco with this distressing ailment will bo pleased to know that a euro may bo offocted by applying Cham borlaln'a Salvo as Boon as tho child Is dono nursing. Wlpo it off with a Bolf cloth boforo allowing tho bain to nurso. Many trained nurses mo this salvo with best rosults. For salo by Dr. Stono'rdrug store, If I 'MXmf!!e&S&5zlm$s- - vaw?SK!l5?Sw' JiSBSSmBSr , vi i rMMmSmL U: c fif x ytxs romovo from our midst another of Oregon s beloved pioneer women. Mrs. Sarah E. Smith is no more. Death camo last night at 12 o'ctock after a lingering Illness of a few weeks. Somo tlmo ago Mrs. Smith had an attack of grip, from which alio novor fully rallied. For tho past week sho has boon very fcohlo, but was not thought to bo In a crit ical condition until yestordny, when sho was takon with sinking spells and gradually lost consciousness and closed her oyes In death, as If alio was in natural Bleep. Mrs. Sarah Smith was horn In Vir ginia in 1829, and crossed tho plain ns Miss Sarah Craft In 1815. She Is ono of tho few who romnln who camo by tho Meoka cut-off. After enduring mnny hardships tho party Anally arrived In tho Willamette val loy, and Miss Craft Bottled with hor rolatlvcs In East Salem, in what Is now known na Watt addition. Sho was married In 18-1 C to Joseph Wnt'. who for many years conducted n fur nlturo fnctory in Enst Salem. Tc tho union was born tho following surviving children: Jnmcs Watt, of MarBhflold, Or.; Charlos L. Wntt and Elizabeth Watt, of this city, and George Wntt, now of Now York City. Her hiiBband, .Tosoph Wntt, died, and sho married Hon. Fnbrltls Smith and until his donth In 189S sho re sided on tho Smith fnrm In South Salem. Slnco this dato sho hns re sided in tho "Watt addition noar Fourteenth and Chomokota streets, In this city. Sho has been n dovoted Christian nil hor life, and nt tho tlmo of hor death sho was tho oldest living mem ber of tho First M. E. church of this city. Sho wns n Bister of Mrs. Goo. P. Lttchflold, of this city. for t..7H nrosorvn f.i.... '"Ml lcle. ( Tno Tom flj Cures an kldaej, JyL rhoumatlo tn,M.. .... !.. :: .r:"""'.."""! D...U, UJ lWQ ffl0alil. . t : .:?.?? u u Three ppoftiB-i, ii Governor Chamberlth UNt4 Frank C. PohI a meAttJZ Stato Doard of Pnsw l fnu ...... .. 7 T u"'"l u yru Ptfct, nraos wiiklns, of Eoteu t or mo second District At Society, that holdi a filr SwJ uurg. Dlotchcs, plmplei, Mi black heads, are uiljbiijmi noto Impuro blood. niuuuiuiu ica win ariTtuaiMi wan nib I'vuiMocirariauiBii ot health and happlneji. Id Tea or Tableti ror!ii Stono's etorc. i . a ' Xollro to Ccstnctai i SENATOR ASSOCIATE eOUNSEE J the STATO. OAWTORXA. Smi U A U Kind Ym Haw Alwm BMitt lUauj T2r s Vs . st- Marvelous Results To thoso who use Porfoctlon linking Powdor. Somo using It sny there is no hotter, whllo others say lt has no equal, so glvo It n trial. Lay away your mnny complaints by using ' J Eppley's Perfection Baking Powder It la manufactured on Stato streot and contains tho purest mater ials. Sold by all Grocers, nnd put up In all altos ot glass Jars which nro forovcr useful. C. M. EPPLEY Manufacturer Salem, Oregon Somo ono has said that a band of music is of moro potontlal for good In u community than a brjgado ot policemen. Music, by Us refining inlluonco tends to oncourngo order nnd refinement, nnd thus promotes tho dovolopmont of tho higher sent. moats to tho exclusion of lawless nous and crime, whllo tho martla. Idoa moroly prosorves order by fear. Among tho highest typos of music aro tho harmonies ot the bund and orchestra. Salem has ono ot tho host bnnds In tho stato, of which tho communi ty Is justly proud, and tho manage ment of tho band has now proposed to onlnrgo tho organization to 30 or 35 niombors, If tho propor matorlal can bo obtained. To accomplish this and creato au intorost among the young men of tho city, who nro mu- will bo of especial Interest nnd tho mootlngs will bo open to visitors. During Snturday, tho morning ses sion will bo takon up with discus sion of boys' clubs and their work. In tho afternoon an excursion to Chemawa Is planned, returning from which tho "High School Club" and "Summor Camps"wlll bo tho subjects of discussion. In tho ovoning Rov. H. A. Foulkes, of tho First Presby terian church In Portland will deliv er an address on "Tho Future Clti zon." On Sunday a short session of the conference will bo hold at 9 n. m At 3 o'clock tho delegates will meet In tho woods near tho city for a Blblo. conforoncfj and in tho evening a public meeting will bo held In ono ot tho churchos. Tho boys attending this conference slcally inclined, sovoral of tho beat- as delogatos will bo picked boys from musicians ot Salem have offered to !i tonch, without charge, thoso who aro qualified to become niombors of tho band on tho various Instruments needed. Tho band at present Is com posed of young men who aro anions Salem's best citizens, socially and progressively, and tho two first qual ifications for a momber to tho organ ization is soberness and a good moral charactor. Each must provide him self with a good instrument, and agree to attend tho regular rehear sals of the band.. Young tnea who are perfomers on other Instruments aro desired,, et thoso who show tho dlfforent Sunday schools, Y. M C. A.'8 and boys' clubs, and thoso en tertaining thom may bo suro that thoy will bo entertaining young gon tlomi in tho best sonso of that word. Delegates from the north will arrive Friday night and thoae from tho south on Saturday morning. For stomach troubles, biliousness and constipation try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Maay remarkable cures have been effected by them. Price 2 5. cents. Samples tree. For sale by- Dr. Stoae's drug ktter, Jt, Hani Labor Conditions In Hadcn. Tho fnctory Inspectors of tho Grnnd Duchy of Dadon hnvo publish ed n comprehensive roport on the homo industries of their country which has attracted much attontlon becnuao of tho plcturo It paints nt the .misery nnd destitution In which a largo portion of tho population lives. It Is recognized besides that tho plcturo is only that which might bo drawn in any other Gorman state. In these homo industries in Baden thoro aro over 20,0'00 persons em ployed, of whom 64 per cont nro fe males. Among tho thousands of children employed many aro under 6 years old. Tho report says they look pale, emaciated and serious They aro described also as timid nnd as generally complaining of their school work. Among numer ous examples of precocity among theso children it is related how boys of 14 direct tho work of their young er brothers and slaters. With regard to tho number of hours worked by theso people, the roport says that days of thirteen and fourteen hours aro by no means rare, and it not infrequently hap pens that sixteen and seventeen hours nro worked. There Is no reg ular tlmo for meals. Theso are eaten anyhow, In odl intervals. In tho brush and china Industries women work usually until 11 o'clock nt night. Cases aro recorded where work begins at 3 or 4 o'clock in tho morning in summer and 5 in winter and lnsts until 9 or 10 at night sometimes till after midnight. Wom en havo como to tho factory Inspec tors weeping to complain of their in sufficient earnings. Even men in the watch industry of the Black Forest work for 14 pfennig (a fraction over ld) an hour working 15 hours a day. This makes a daily wage of something over two marks (2s.) In several other industries wages run from 3 pfenalge (one-third of a penny) to 20 pfennlgo (2d) an hour, and la the coacertlna, orcbei- Scaled bids will be receipt Iloard of Capital Bs!ldli I bIoiici's, State of Orefoe, tttWl ccutlvo Ofllcc, Salem, OrtfM, i 1:30 p. m., Tuesday, luj 11, 1 for furnishing all Ubor ui i nls required Id itaoltbt changing tho old llbrtrrwM Capitol Building, lito rooa! i cordanco with plana ill tions, which canbeiait Executive Offlcc, Salcn.0r. at tho offlcoof DloiD.Sf.i tect. 133 M FlMt iut. Orogon. Alio blank lowr I Ing proposals can l Ud it i ofllco. A certified check la & ten (10 per cent) pfw" drawn to tho order olF.w.i secretary of state, bur M i with pitch bid: tteMWfc' felted to tho State of OfP thn tnwpit or accepted K' qualify with acceptable foe" ..n cum of tha contract P- ten days (10) after W "' awarded. J No bid will be reteml specified time, m bo considered unleiw" certified check. Attention Is eipM n....,i nmirks" la IP nv order of thBoarfJ Building ComaU! Ck' Oregon. May 4-7-U-1M'- SOMETHING In Bifocal U iS Ionsr0r LtkeW1 AMflllrasgooiMtw' , and half ttt Doa'fthroira'tf ,... Bring tMT. duplicate any P pense. Chas. H. H - '-u ,.i ommO" IMC""" .., 0 Cfrf f Pifea U!tlk UHftH sw ZZZi It.