Hi'i IC1 IMIK H D 55 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1007. HOFER BROS., pm P"pto E. HOriCR, Editor. A. P. nOPER, Manager. THE JOURNAL STANDS FOR PROGRESS, DEVELOPMENT, GOVERNMENT. AND NO DEGRADBD LABOR. GOOD UNDER THE BLOSSOMS OP MAY. When the drum's lono boat sotindB the "last retreat," To the Btar-aown floldB o'er head, And the veterans, gray, are lain away In the City of the Dead. ' O'er their chnmborcd town tho sunshine gleamB, And the Sprlng-tlmo breezes play. ' Peaceful their slumbers, and happy their dreams, Under tho blossoms of May. Tho atarB look down o'er their sllont town, Whero tho mnrblo Bhafts gloam white; And flhadowa dim come drifting In Prom tho Btronghold of tho night. Ko bugles can wako them there; Nor banners (kiuntlng gay, Thoro'fl no "measured tread" In tho BtrootB of tho dead, Under tho blossoms of May. Chart A. Pitt. o THE SUIT TO RECOVER PEES. Tho Capital Journal bollovos tho public havo a right to know what Is tbolng done In tho Btilt to compol cx-Sccrctnry of Stato Dunbar to restore Jto tho Btato treasury a largo amount of fees collected by that official slurlng his term of office. Tho Journal doos not tako this position for any personal reasons, or "for any political olTcct It may havo on any party or Individual, RUT B13 "CAUSE IT IS RIGHT TO COMPELTj RESTITUTION OP PEES IL LEGALLY COLLECTED RY ANY STATE OFFICIAL. Tho amount whether It bo $100 or $100,000 makes not tho least dif ference. Tho prlnclplo Is Involved whothor any official may vlolato tho constitution of tho Btato with Impunity to his own profit? So, then, thnt our readers may bo tho Judges of tho caso. Tho Capl lnl Journal proposes TO LAY THE. PACTS OP THE CASE REFORE THEM AS IT PROCEEDS, AND IF THE CASE GOES TO TRIAL AS MUCH OF THE TESTIMONY AS POSSIBLE. Feb. 21 1007, J. K. Soars of Polk county fllod a suit In tho circuit court of Marlon county allOKOdlnc that F. I. Dunbar, its socrctnry of nlnlo, had for tho eight yoars prior to January 14, 1907, collectod and illegally rotnluod fees In tho sum of $100,000. Plnlntlff Soars nB a rosldont taxpayer asked an accounting, that said Dunbar bring his books Into court, AND SHOW WHAT SUMS HE HAD 80 RECEIVED AND ILLEGALLY RETAINED. To this counsel for Dunbar domuirod, nlloglng that Soars had not logal capacity to hiio, ub supromo court ban hold Hitch suit must bo brought upon rolntlon of tho Htato. This demurrer was sustained, as nil know It must be. Then counsel for Sears asked to amond and filed a motion to substi tute tho district attorney of tho Third Judicial district as plaintiff, ON RELATION OF THE STATE AND 1.17V THE SUIT GO TO TRIAL UPON THE FACTS. This motion was resisted by counsol for Dunbar, nud was granted boforo .In (I go Galloway at McMlnnvlllo, and tho court allowod tho motion anil inakoH tho Htato plaintiff In place of J. K. Soars, and Dunbar ap peals. Tho case now goes to tho supremo court of this state, and thnt court lias already decided a Hlmlla. case and cannot well rofuso to allow tho trial to proceed upon 'tho relation of tho state prosocutlug attorney. What counsel for Dunbar Is ronMy lighting Is tho ordpr to compel thnt official to bring his books Into court AND SHOW UP THE DETAILS OF THE FEES AND COMMISSIONS OF VARIOUS KINDS OF THAT OFI'MCE. The Capital Journal hopoB that the whole mnttor may bo shown up und lot tho facts eoiuo out, nud let the people boo Just what tho hired nion of the cointnonwoulth havo boon rocolvlng In violation of tho con utltutlon. Tho Capital Journal In 1902 and for a yoar provlous showed up tho wnormoiiH hiiiuh obtaluad by various stato officials In foos, porqulsltos, und emoluments. Mr. Dunbar was nominated and olootod upon a platform piomlslug to put nil statu officials upon u Hat Hulury. Mr. FurnUh was tho Republican candidate for govoruor upon a lint nnliiry platform, but the Republican nowspapors of that oampnlgn AD VISED IIIM TO IGNORE THE SlMtlKCT, AND HE DID TO HIS GREAT SORROW. Then th loKlulaturu juggled with tho lint salary rofnrm and dofontod It going Into otfeot for four yours. For at loast four- yours Mr. Dunbar cnlloi'tud those feus, perquUlto and omolumonts In violntlon of law, ot party platform, nud by leKlttlutlvo connivance. ICxurtly tho huuio thing Is bolng dono with tho stato printing olllco All tlm other Mtate officials havo bcon placed upon n lint salary AND NONE OF Til KM ARE RESIGNING ON ACCOUNT OF IT. At tho hint sUit election, placing the stato printer on n flat salary WAS MARK AN ISSI'E I1KFOHIC THE PEOPLE and tho constitution whs vxpretutly ainiMided w that the Prlntor might bo put on n ronsonnblo Hulury mul tho foe out off. Tho logUliituro has Juggled tho mutter and tho printer Is to draw iibout 1100,000 more than tho poopie should over pay for thnt depart ment. NEW FEE GRAIN'S HAVE BEEN' INVENTED BY THE LAST LEG ISLATURK, nud this tight In tho courts Is to oompol tho Judlolary to go on rocord for complete nbolltlon of the grafting of lllognl foos by any jiinn while In office. That will be tho termination of this suit If It over comes to trial. Tho I'oustltutlon and tho laws tire so plain, the decisions of tho supromo court ho mandatory, there Is no other outooiuo. Tho Capital Journal bollovos the people have a right to havo this mnttor determined. JUDGE GALLOWAY IS TO BE COMMENDED FOR REFUSING TO ALLOW THEOXSE TO BE JUGGLED OUT OF fOl'UT ON ANY PAUSE PRETENSE. It Is not likely that tho monoy taken In violation of law by Mr. Dun bar uu.l other officials and Mr. Bunlinr has done no more of this than n down other--ran over bo recovered, but let the principle be estab llsheil now and forever that officials ire not to tako nny pocket-money, or fees or shlo-ginfu whntovor. XUW NAME FOR THU 'LUCIN OUT OFF." In addition to this traffic thero are many Bpeclal freight and passen ger trains, overy one of which gains ono to seven hours by tho cut ofC route, which saves 43 miles AND THE HEAVV GRADES OF THE OLD LINE RUNNING AROUND THE LAKE. Tho $4,500,000 that tho Union and Southern Pacific spent on what h now to be known as tho "Great Salt Lake Cut Off," has proved to bo ono of tho most profitable Investments ever made by a railroad. UMATILLA IRRIGATION PLANS. First Application to Lauds Under What Is Known n.s the Furnish , Project. A party returned from Echo where they had been to witness the first application of water to tho lands In tho Inland Irrigation project, gen erally known as tho Furnish ditch. In Bponking of tho event to tho Enst Oregonlan Mr. Adams said: "Tho Page Ranch company, of which J. W. Kylo Is manager, was tho first to apply water for Irriga tion to lands under tho FurnlBh ditch. This company took possession of 100 acres March 15, and slnco then hns cleared, plowed and plant ed to crops 120 acres, tho chango In that time from tho native sagebrush condition bolng marvelous. "Mr. Kylo has 72 acres In pota toes, all of which are up so that the rowB can bo scon from ono end of tho field to tho other; tho remainder of tho land Is In onions, peas, sweet corn, cnntcloupcB and watermelons, and yesterday work began putting out 10 ncres of cabbago plants and nn equnl amount of tomatoes. "A romnrkablo condition of the ground wns shown In tho amount of molsturo contained. Although no water had yet bcon applied, an Inch bolow tho Burfnco tho earth was moist and all vegotatlon Bhowod an oxcollont color nnd vigorous growth This domonBtrntos tho capnclty of tho soil for obsorblng molBturo from tho rnlna of tho Bprlng nnd Its ability of retaining it. "Mr. Kylo has adopted tho corru gated system of Irrigation. Very shallow furrows aro run with thq slop of tho land, two foot apart. At rlghtanglos with tho corrugations a distributing ditch Is constructed and boxes mndo with lath connect tho ditch with tho furrows. Whon tho wntor la turned Into tho ditch check gates aro placed bo as to ralso tho water nbovo tho food boxes, permit ting It to flow down tho corrugations until tho section nbovo tho check has rccolvcd sufficient wntor, whon tho check 1b moved to a point lower down and tho Biimo method repeated Tho corrugations wore mndo about 300 foot long, nnd by tho tlmo tho wntor had roached tho farthor oul It hnd subbod out botweon tho fur rows thoroughly wotting tho entire soctlon, and demonstrating tlio enso with which tho work of Irrigation can bo accomplished. "Thoro woro n numbor of intorost od visitors from Echo nt tho Kyle placo yostorday to boo tho practical work of Irrigation bogun.nmong them bolng Englnoor King nnd Ollvor P Morton of tho roclamatlon sorvlco, and It. R. Johnson, nttornoy for tho Wntor Users' association. Tho gontlo mon mi mod woro vory much plonsod fiMi tlin uiinnqriil in n mini' In which ,1... .... .I nln,l. nml nonemtii. C- Pflrry Hlgglst GOC and 91.00. lutod Mnnngor Kylo on tho oxcollont Trml uotUo froc condition of tho big farm brought about In such a romnrkably Bhort tlmo. "A mllo to tho southwost of tho Kylo farm Is tho tract being farmed by A. W. Norton. Ho has 40 ncros In potntoos nnd nn oqunl aron In spring whont. Ills crops aro In splon did condition, though thoy bnvo ro celvod no molsturo slnco tho last rain. Ho was ongnged with a force of assistants yostorday constructing his sub-lntorals and preparing to Ir rigate. Mr. Norton will donion strato to tho whoatralsors of Umatll la county what can bo dono with tho nld of artificial molsturo nnd oxpocts a bumpor crop that may break nil rocords In both quautlty nnd quality of grain producod." A Valuable Find. Some two weeks ago, M. P. Long, who owns a farm In Richardson Gap was working In one of his fields. Seeing something bright on tho ground, ho stooped to pick it up, thinking It was a brass gun cap box that ho had dropped from his pocket. Much to his surprlBO and delight, 11 proved to bo a California gold ?20 piece. Mr. Long thinks the pleco had been plowed up last year and the rains of tho past winter had washed the dirt off of It. Tho piece Is in excellent condition being but little worn. It was coin ed by Kollog & Co. of San Francisco In 1855. On ono sldo is vlgnetto head of tho goddess of liberty. On tho brow 1b tho maker's namo as nbovo stated. Beneath 1b tho Jato and surrounding tho whole nro 13 star. On tho obverse sldo Is tho American eagle with shield upon the breast. Above and encircling tho eaglo's head aro sunrays, upon which Is a small wreath of 13 stars. On tho outer edgo nro tho words "San Frnnclsco, California Twenty D." Tho milling upon the edgo Is quito good. Tho News has made inquiry ns to who tho probablo loser could be. Some of tho vory old settlors stnto that about tho year 18G8 or 9, a cattle buyer lost n purBO somo whero In tho vicinity of whero tho coin waa found. Others says th.o lato P. O. Smith lost $100 In $20 plocoB there or near there. Still others soy, at ono tlmo thoro wns a raco track In tho Gnp nnd It was posslblo that somo of the habitues of tho track might havo been tho loser. A numbor of yeara ago, It Is said that Enoch Cyrus found two similar plccoa at about tho samo lo cality. Later on u C0-cont Bllvor pleco was also found there. Cortnln It Is that tho pleco has lain In tho ground thoro probably nearly 50 yoars, and has bcon plowed up doz ens of times. Tho Nowb would like for somo ono of tho collectors of rnro coins nnd who la posted In tho matter to Btato what Is tho market valuo of tho pleco nt tho prosont tlmo. Such coins nro scarco and nro worth much moro than tho ropro sontutlvo value. Santlam Nowb. o My Beat Friend. Alexander Donion, who lives on rurnl routo 1, Fort Edward, N. Y says: "Dr. King's Now Dlscovory Is my host earthly friend. It curod me of asthma six yoars ago. It has also porformed a wonderful euro of iu- ciplont consumption for my son's wlfo. Tho flrot bottlo ended tho tor rlblo cpugh, nnd this accomplished, tho other sinyptoma loft ono by ono, until alio wna porfectly woll, Dr. King's Now Dlscovory'a power over coughs nnd coldo Is simply raarvol- ou8." No othor romody has over equaled It. Fully guaranteed by J. " COMMON SENSE Leads most Intclhucnt peoplotousonnt medIdlnes of known composition. There fore It Is .thai Dr. Pierce's medicines, tho makersof wHIch print every Ingrcdtct cnterlngtaAolhcm upon the. bottlo wrap pcrs and attest Its correctness under oath are dally growing In favor. Tho co position ot Dr.) Pierce's medicines is open to ovcrybody.vDr. Pierce being jhgtrmit r """!h l'Mi TaVnii. 'i KVY '" invPSlf "a TT aanwl fit I I linnit 1 l. f .! T 1 f '"' .,""," . - "', "If"" "l:t rmuur. rwlrio conlidenrtnnt thi ix'iHT tin- cm m, ot uipseltncu'lclnos Is known the' mnr? will their tt jLnrajnv7grmcrtj hyfryg: nlzrd. Hclng who.ly maac of the active medicinal principles extracted frosi na. tlvo foreHt roots, by exact processes original with Dr. Pierce, and without tho uso of a drop of alcohol, trlplc-roflncd and chemically pitro glyccrjno being used In stead In extracting and preserving tho curative virtues residing In tho roots employed, theso medicines nro cntlrjy frco from tho objection of doing harm by creating an nppottto for cither al coholic beverages or habit - forming drugs. Examlno tho formula on thdr bottlo wrappors tho samo as sworn to by Dr. Plerco, and you will find that his "Golden Medical Discovery." tho great, blood-purifier, stomach tonic and bowci regulator tho medicine which, while not recommonded to euro consumption in ltd advanced stages (no medicine will do that) yet docs cure all thoso catarrhal condl tlons of head and throat, weak stomach, torpid liver and bronchial troublos, weak lungs and hang-on-coughs, which, If nets loeted or badly treated load up to and finally terminate in consumption. Tako tho rGoldcn Medical Discovery in time nnd It Is not likely to disappoint you If only you give It a thorough and fair trial IDon't expect miracles. It won't do supernatural things. You must exerclso your patlonco and persvnro In Its uso for a reasonable length of tlmn to get Its full bonofits. Tho Ingredient of which Dr. Plorco's medicines aro composed havo tho ungual Iried ondorsomont of scores of medical leaders better than any amount of lay, or noh-professlonal, testimonials. They nro not given awav to bo experi mented with but nro sold by nil dealers la medicines at ronsonabln prices. ?'r 5M uSN&J ' our lumber, and.Ml money. "j! moand8eeni4b08l r. "!( Land v Plaster ;j CHESTERFIELD Psychic, Palmist and Clairvoyant I will toll your nnmo, your ago, nnd tho date of your birth, nlso of changes thai nro In storo for you, whothor or not you should mnko them nnd if you will bo successful. I toll nlso of failures Biiccossos, deaths, travels, mar rlngos, divorces, homo nnd heart nffnlrB, talonts nnd questions thnt portnln to tho future. I teach tho profession to others. MedlumlBtlc porsons dovolopcd. Parlors In tho Hughes block 400 Stato street. I lours 9 u. m. to9 p. m. dally and Sundny. H B m K COMING EVENTS. Aftw bofloniliig famous the world ovr as tho "LuoJn Out Off." tho iiHiun of UiU 80-iull trestle brldgo U to b ounngid to th "CirHt SrII 1U Cut Oir," to ludlcato to tho uninformed Juat whoro the bridf Is located. Four ywira of vero srvlco luiv demonstrated that tho Union Ta fUlc ouslitMini who plnnimd this air lluo ncro thq Groat Salt Lake from l.uclu to Odgon Bl'lhDHD VtULh. It bna stood up undor usago so woll, that today unlosa tho traveler by the ovorlund routo looks out of tho window, ho would not know from tho motion of tho train THAT UK WAS ON A BUIDRK. ThU Is Just ns true of tho twelvo miles of open trestle ns It Is ot the Jlllod parts ot tho lino. Tlod, braced, lloorod and ballasted, tho 40,000 piles that support the cut off high nbovo tho water nro ns sound ns whon thoy were trnns pi an tod from forest to lako. ' tun i.foot lmmni: is stim as LKVKri as a floor. Tho regular dally traffic over tho cut off Is flvo enatbound nnd flvo west toonrnl passenger trains, and aoven aastbound and aoven westbouqd TrelBhts. Have You a Savings Account? IF NOT LUT VS OPKN ONK IN YOl'U NAMK. IT'S AN EXCKL I.EXT MEANS OF SAVING MON- EV, AND MAKING IT EARN MORE. DEPOSITS OF ONE DOLLAR OR MORE CAN BE MADE AT ANY TIME. INTEREST PAID SEMT-ANNU. ALLY. Bids for Wood. Sonlod bids will 'bo received by tho directors of school district No. 24, for Salem, Oregon, at tho ofllco of district clork in tho Murphy block, nt Snlom, Orogon, until tho 18th day og Mny, 1907, nt G p. m. Blda to bo oponod nt tho high school building at 7:30 p. m. of said dato for cord wood for tho different school build ings, ns follews: High school building, 75 corda ot fir. Mny 24 Orogon state grange Hood RIvor. Juno 4-7 Washington State Cranio, Lyndon. Juno 10 Orogon Pionoors' asso ciation, Portland. July 10-15 Intorntnlonnl Chris tian Endeavor convention, Soattlo. July 15-20 Grand Lodgo Elks Philadelphia. July 9-13 Knights Templar con clave, Saratoga, N. Y. o Tho Llfo Insurunco Muddlo hna started tho public to thinking. Tho wondorful success that haB mot Ballard's Horohound Syrup In Its crusado on Coughs, In fluonza, Bronchitis nnd nil Pulmon ary troubles Iiob started tho public to thinking of this wonderful prepa ration. They nro all using It. Join tho procession and down with sick nosa. Prico 25c, 50c and $1.00. Sold by D. J. Fry. o Call for Bids. Bids will bo received by tho City Yow Park school, 70 cds. fir andlnecordor up to 5 o'clock p. m., - 5 cds. al oak. Lincoln school, 34 cds. ot fir and G cds ot onk. North school, CO cds. of flr. East school, 140 oda. fir. Tho board rosorvos tho right to re joct any or all bids. H. A. JOHNSON, Jr., 5-13-Ct. District Clerk. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Capital National Bank Proposals for Brick Asylum Wing. I Salem. Oregon, May 13, 1907. j Saalod proposals, ondorsed on the : outsldo of onvolope, "Proposnls for Brick Asylum Wing,, Salem, Ore gon," nnu nimrossed to w, N. Gat ons, clork of asylum board, will be reculvod at tho oxecutlvo office, stato capital, Salem, Orogon, until 2 (o'clock p. m. of May 27, 1907, for I furnishing materials and labor re Iqulrod to construct nnd completo a brlok asylum wiug with plumbing, hot water heating, gas and electric light, water and sower connections, In Btrlct nccordanco with plans, spec ifications and instructions to bidders, which may bo examined at tho gover nor's office, capitol building, and W D. Pugh, Salem, Oregon. For furth er Information apply to W, D. Pugh, architect, Salem, Oregon. W. N. GATENS. Monday, May 20, 1907, for tho con struction of a coraont concroto walk on Twelfth streot, in Salem, Oregon in front of tho south 45 feet of lot No. 1, in block No. 3, In Yew Park addition to tho City of Salem, Oro gon. W. A. MOORES. 5-9-10 Recorder o Proposals for Painting. Proposals aro hereby requosted for estimates on painting tho roof, windows and metal work on main building at tho stato reform school. All painting material to bo furnish ed by tho stato. Bids must bo sent to tho office of tho superintendent on or vbeforo May 16, 1907. In formation and speplficatlons can be had on application. Ton per cent certified check of amount must ac company bid. N. II. LOONEY, 5-8-7t Superintendent. o CASTOR I A for IfifkQtt and pMldrea. Tki KM Ym Hiyi Always Bugkt Smuts tine 0ig&ararof A Delayed Carload Of the fammij n.. . . Plaster, tho great fertlllw Hi lnnd restorer. Cheiyc better than any klnd'of a, nure. Try It oa yow gardens and lawni. m,, great Investment oa yew ial Special prices In large lcti TILLS0N & CO, 151 Hijh a,1 COMtlit DAINTY COOKS Always prefer our bmIi, taM ouh phono orden rectlt U mt. attention as those ordwed l p; E. 0.CH0S6, States Street Marktt Tim &MM f,i j LNaxV r- f j- a DANGER MLCTKBOBM i,tiirAaa et ttii i.f flPd un with Boden w ....i Rwr m li W f9 . in lntirlhniaK2tL,Vl BWU,,, ..-. p cause ventiiauoo v - x in ward offdliwM by UJ5 omwts. bathroom, We. and water plP Ine and ao " a reasonable prices. - A. L I6"? rhois' Z r.A fiinFflmiiV rr:rnM Wasniii5,w:, Hik! and yott-11 nerer hou itdoneatbooa when every WjJ . K.,d the rtitat w but times bate you can better family w"i""",,l03fr!I Ask about our p- , lng, rouEh " " JS& DVC .-ci- I-T s - .ji0 yox "M ' J5-14-llt. Clerk, gm, piy