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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1907)
itiier: fair tonight, Wednesday fair and warmer. AIL Y CAPITAL JOURNAL lb. XVII. SALES!, OREGON, TVKSDAY, MAY II, 1007. NO. 110. arriman Returns Coal Lands he "Beautiful Snow" Is Falling in Three States IISGO STREETCAR STRIKERS n. c SAVED A CORPSE. Sailor Jumps Overboard Alarm. on False i HAYWOOD Chicago, May 14. Honry Dubar Bailor on the steamer Colllgan I heard a cry of "man overboard, I and saw what ho thought was n struggling passenger. Ho leaped In- BECOMES CAREWORN v.ubB....B ,,..00v..0v.. .. " .'rtrerr nc inwr. ittU'f FAR A fiFNFRAI STRIKE t0 th0 wntor KraBUOd tno n,nn nnu uilui Ul Limu RlllUllU I VIII. ..... - IMPRISONMENT swam until a lino was thrown from i uio snip. no lounu nu uuu uyi-u u, u-tnn Nu. Thm ftn d"0!"""'1 cori"0' u "" no1 Ulllc Doubt Left That Moycr Had a "" ...I"?,'' i "Z, JTr.0' -"-" Prison Record In Chicago IHUiiuujr mummy ( -" o Francisco, May 14. Cars Several Now Strikes. Now York, May 14. Six hundred on Boise, May 14. Defendant Hay t,i tnvtn, .innB nf nn wood Is beginning to snow tno oi- e icnt out this morning on the fltrlko tody a BJ.raimtny wlth the focts of his long confinement. Wor 'lines operated Mondny and a num longshoremen. ' of sddltlonul lines, and met with opposition. All cara carried Llttlo rioting today iengcrs. ry lines about his mouth and eyen aro becoming moro clearly donned dally. Haywood Is still pursuing the Btully of law, and, according to his Blnghnm Junction, Utah, May 14 Ovor COO Americans cmnlovcd In tho United Slates smelter walked out , nttomoys, Is making oxcollent pro- mnrnln- fnr lilehor WflBPS. SIX grCSB. HIS yOUngOBt daughter IB lllH " " "- "- . ..... , ... . .... ... furnacoB were shut down. Tho men conswni companion, nnu m uu . by hlB Bldo tno ontlro Bcssion. ord of a criminal carcor, makes H much worse. There Is no doubt about Moycr be lng the man who sorved In tho Jollet prison. Tho record 1b complete, also tho Identification. Ho was n mem bor of a hard gang In Chicago that committed many crimen, and tho record has risen up to confront him now and strlko terror into tho henrtu of thoso who aro defendants with him in this murder case. Tho state has had the record for a year. o HARRIMAN RETURNS THE COAL LAND MARRIED AFTER MIDNIGHT Mabel Oilman and Her Ancient Spouse Flco to Europe CHICAGO BULLS PUSH JULY WHEAT General Strlko Favored. It Is reported on good authority 17. tQ .3 Q0 nnd .nt a GO-cont ralso all around, which is higher than tho wageH granted the unions Is reported Is reported by Murray Btrlkors Friday. moralnK that n mass moot- of all unions 1b reported by fcploycs of tho United Rallwnya will i held soon for tho purpose of vot on a general strike. If a il strike 1b decided upon bl iths, InBldo nnd outsldo elect les and cnglneors nnd mnsonB i effected. Tho grent majority a gcncrnl strike, and many n Httlng already. gear wjm lijii vBr Knocks Out Moycr'n Alibi. Dondwood, S. D., May 14. Harry Orogg, who during tho continuance of Its opcratlonB wna Biiperlntondont of tho Castle Creek Gold Mining Up Took Public Money. niilnnrn. Mnv 14. Tho nnnolltltO court todny affirmed tlio conviction' Compnny In Pennington county, do- and prison sontonco or jonn a "" n ". - Cooko. former clerk of tho circuit tho books of tho company, thnt ChnB court, found culltv of embezzling H. Moycr, proaldont of tho Weatorn public monoy. flo 14 years. Tho Bcntcnco 1b one Washington, May 14. Tho Union rnclflc Coal Company, of which 13. II. Harrlnmn Ib president, liaa roturncd to tho government about 2000 ncrca of mineral land In Wyoming. The nttomcygcncra,l and Interior depart ment says this dooa not menu that criminal proceedings could not bo In Btltntud. Now York, May 14. Tho Corey Balled at 7 o'clock this morning. On tho pier Mr. Corey wiib enraged at tho nowBpnpor men nnd photograph orB, and threatened to break their cnmornB. MIsb Oilman, to whom ho waB married nftor midnight, calmed him. To tho mon oho said: "1 wUli you nnd nil Now York good luck." Later Reports On Spring Grain Aro Moro FavorabrO MT. ETNA FURNISHES EARTHQUAKES CHICAGO STORE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE We Are Now Showing THE GRANDEST ASSORTMENT OF LIVE, NEW UP TO DATE MERCHANDISE SHOWN IN SA LEM AND AT PRICES YOU WILL FIND HARD TO BEAT. YOU CAN JUDGE BY THE CROWDS THAT VISIT OUR STORE DAILY THAT WE ARE DOING THE BUSINESS OF SALEM. Bar gains in every department greater than ever Read en: . i He Miow tJio best values on ! the Pacific Const In tlio following : Goods; FINK SILKS FINK DHKSS GOODS M SII DHKSS GOODS- WHITE GOODS UW.V8 DIMITIES DOMESTICS Of nil kinds lunnoNs IMllHOIDKIUES I f IIS DHKSS THIMMINGS Ml SUN UNDKHWK.tR COHSETS HOSIERY INDIES' SHOES NOTIONS IX).NG GLOVES FANCY GOODS Prlcpjj dlotU auay -down on tlio following goeds: LADIES' COATS, SUITS, ?8IL- L1NEKY, DKESS SKIICTS, SIITHT WAISTS AND PETTICOATS. Xi fa jhi in " rln u m ItMBW All vA Ladtes' Suits. $8.50, $11.50. $12.50. Ladies Coats. $3.50. $4.50, $6.90. Dress Skirts. $2.90. $3.90. $4.90. Two Suli'ldPN nt lU'ddlng. lteddlng,,Cl.,'Mny 14. TWo buI clilea In thlB vicinity laHt night. Joo Andoreon. a miner at tho Clnrk mine on Cnnyon crook, blew out hlH brains. Do)i Nolton, tt tho Dig crook mine, hot hlmheU through tho henrt.. lib AvtiB h61dliig n baby on hlB knoo. Ho hnndrA It to hla vlfo nnd then Wiled hlmolf. Federation of Minors, wbh nn om liloyo of Uio CnBllo Crcolt Gold Mln lng Compnny during tlio yearn 188II SG, tho tlmo ho (Moyor) nllcgcn ho had been working Tor tlio company Moyor'B utntemont to thlR effect was mndo In rofntat'lon or'thoYlogn HWtUH lHHlIl llltl I HIHUU llfll i Clitistian Science Lectwte i HV J Rev. Arihut R. Vosbttrgt, C S. B., OK IVOCIUCSTEH, NTW YOHK. Moinbor of tho lionril of LectureBTilp of the Firm Chorch oT J Chrlut, ScloifUBt, Doston, Mbb, nt tlio Grnnd theatre, TONIGHT ADMISSION FRISK. ! 4 tH1lif 8IOIC1ll 1KIM tltm tlurt ho hwl served a term in I Jollet iivaltontlury durliiK tho yii 188C.S7. Mr. Orogg, wlion fotind ! tldi aftornoon. doclnreU t'hat the rvo I ordB of tlio company nlttiw that tit? flrut tlmo Jloyur workwU ttor tho ccm. pany wnn Soptoinbor 18, 1888. MoBHlnn, May 14. Earthquake Bhocks contlnuo throughout this tors rltory. They nro contlnuouH nt Mt Aotna Blnco Monday noon. Thai iBlnndorn nro lloolng. Chicago, Mny 14. Wheat opened In tho Chicago pit this morning In wild, Irregular and unsettled man nor. Thoro woro frequent prcdlctlona that before noon Bomo large flrnw would nnnounco aBslgnmentB. One broker, caught Bhort yeatorday'B crU for marglUB on ton per cent, wrh forcod to buy n hnlf million bUBholii on tho market, Tho greatest oxclto mont provalled. Hoporls nbouiul of big houaeu tottorlng. Trading U light, brokers fearing to got In. The movomont Is concentrated on July, which oponed with a niBh at 00 Wi Bhot to 97 V6, but broko boforo 10 o'clock to 0(1. Liverpool Ib lowor, and roportH from Hprlng wheat dls trlctH aro moro encouraging. Onta and corn aro stronger. All flrma paBsed tho clonrlnK houflo Hafoly, which U unprocodont. od, eouBlderlng thu wild market tho paBt fow (lays. Tho market Ib Btoad- lor. May cloned at 03. July 95 and uuMottltll. ' v -' HoIbo, May 14. It la poBaile change haH "boon brought alwu throiiKh tho Tvolatlono mudo ro- Bpectlng Moyor. Though tho story of tho latter's enroor In Chicago ml hi ncnltcntlury aontenco haa not ' been puhlUhofl here, It Ib gonorally 'known, outsido papers "having ar ' rived carrying It In full, Mo much of ' a confirmatory character. This Is all known to the dofenso, and there havo boon more numerous confer ences botween tho mon nnd their at torneys, nnd these havo lasted longer than boforo. Effect f MnyiT'K IUrortl. It Ib usBiimod that theto revsla tlons nnd tho effect they will havo upon tho public aro tho oaiito at Haywood's changed countenance and nlso of moro or le norvouiness ob served among persons closoly Iden tlflwl with tho defense. This Infbr. matlon came as a great surprUo to tho public hore; It waB not known that Moyor bad ever lod a criminal life. Ho has been regarded o tho beit man of tho three, and It Is not too much tosay that tho general SALEM'S FASTEST CROWING STORK. McEVOY BROS. 00R- COUUBBCIAI. AND COURT 8TRKBTSt EALKH, OR. nrtivnv)c, Invent 1k:i( n. Tlrownlivlllo, Toms, My 51. The rultod fltntoH ounato luvfhtlRntlug cunimlttoo iviib to have not horo to fliry for further Investigation, "but hau concluded to change tho visit till fuTl, whon b trip will bn made nrounJ. ho town mid boo tho committee for iboiiiHolvea tho mark of hullotH in thu vurlouv buildings. It Is not unw liftvnded tu oxamlno wltuesaes Jn an' pluco "boHldoH Waihlugton. SN0VMFALLS IN KANSAS AND NEBRASKA Concordia, Kan., Mny J-I. Quito a fall of Hnow hrc, and front Is predicted. Lincoln. Nob., May 14. A heavy FIREMEN SUFFERED FROM FUMES Hall for Europe -Washington May 14, CouVit and, .......... ....-.- ...!... i L-OmiH'HH iiniHlluiu, Aiiniriiin nimmr- Bidor to thlH country, nailed today for Ktiropo, to tako a flhort vacation nt tho homo court. Thoro Ib n gon oral scattering of tho diplomatic corpn fur tho Hummor. Mr. Lngor rrnntn, tho now Bwvdlsh inlnlator, who arrived IiibI wook, Ih tho owner with IiIb brother, of tho Blrobro Btenl l v i- .... ..s...i ... f Htviwin,,.' ow orK, May n. T. i i V i, - ,. ;,,nri nft Jwo ovorcomo today lighting ouo of and ho Ih , onji. .y ng 1 1 n r-l oi per lon h department ha ah a d plomatlBt. Ho Iuih, hqwovoi, ' uM ,,, ,i wldo oxporicmco In tho builnou '"' , t,on,oml w th, 'or1 J" J 2" world, In tl.ot.roiy. whero ho gained ",l "",. o c ..pled by ho Ron . rank of Hocond lieutenant, nnd "'-" ' ""' ' " 1.l ... tw.u-nl'flll M.ll". I. m tv..- -f -- WIW HII'S j'wnwiiiM Flffy il rum vin tlio lio comoH of nn Halvntlon nrmy, and with his wife did heroin work In tho slums of Lou don. lJit(ir ho did social work India. o mon will dlo of tho dffects of breath .. 1 1 Ifn. iiuli)iiiiil fi-nm li hrlilt .. iJch , .!.,.,. u iu'n 1K tho fumoH. Tho llnmoN Mtartodt III innii ,,i huiiihi ." ""l. .i i . ..II.... n ill iiiu uuiiiir, wuuru nn;m. imun us oarhou paper woro stored. Tho pap 'if j0'wnH oniy sinouiuering, nut hoiiuiuk pounuous i n in oh turougu tno uppor iloorn, Increasing thu duiigor iih the water wnM poured on. Tho flro waa confined to thu lowor part of tho building. Thu property Ions la not great. o i . (I. A. It. Kiiniinpiui'iit. Colorado Springs, May 14. Tho O. A. H. onenmped In this olty this morning for a throo days' Htay, and (t bids fair to bo tho moHt sucroBHfulj onoampmoni in uio iiinwry i uiu ur ganlzallou. About 400 veterntiK from Donvor aro horo, and other en campmuntH In tho Jurisdiction nro woll reproHontvd. Tho tlmo for tho oucnmpmunt Is thought to ho Qvpe- Htliiilyfii Vrrln. , Qhnrloston, B. C, Mny 14 Tho Bnhutzenfout of tho National Bchut. xunhuud will oIono tonight. J. M. Schmidt, of Now Gloria, was crownod king of thu Hohuetzon. Los Angeles urlll firitkii liltr tin ttlnf il im Iia unvfr dally favorablo from tho fact that It moolj)K JilftQ(j cloBuly follows tho receipt of pen along by moat of tho boya. Then tho pensions havo boon Incroaaed late ly, and thin onnblott many of the volorans who would otherwise be un able to attend to bo horo. Tho elec tion of omoors will ho tho principal matter of business to attend to. Shriller,' Funeral Train. Buutn Barbara, May 14. Tho spe olal train bvurlug tho dead and thodt. lnjurd vlollnii of Baturday'n wrocL" of tho Shrlneru' special at Honda who aro nblo to trnvol, departod from hero this morning for thu oust. 1 f stn - XVf i ann t9 flvaolnv lis ttT ' ., , .. ,' , Vii. . - A Htl waa made nt Ban LuU Obispo aldorcd tho strongest eandldato fori ..,.' .......... ' dopartmont commander to suoeeod I brnska to -flay. Freoxlng In north parts of tho state. - o KltTtfou Jn Han Antonio. Ban Antonio, Texas, May 14. Th olty (jlecUon Is In full prograsH today and every citizen seems to bo Inter public has felt he was naturally on'ested. Tho Non-Fartlsan association, a higher plane than tho others. Hut taking an actlvo Intercut In tho this rovelatlon knocks out all of tho contest and nominated a ticket of underpinning of that platform, and Us own. The Non-Partisan assocla leaves him In a bad position. Furth-jtlon has secured a strong number of er, it necessarily prejudices the members, and Is making a bold show ran or snow, which win oenoni iobi0(1I)OT ,)nnu Tho Woman's Hollof wheat, Aoverixl most of Haatern NV .corns la nlno In sasslnn. others, though tho old offense can lb nowlso enter Into this case unless Moycr should go on tho stand In his own behalf. Morels Mc Utjr IlyoMl DouU. The fact that the offenses were not hasty sets, committed under stress in tho contest. SHi-pctte I'artr After tho Theatre. Denver, May 14, Chas. Rathry and wife, on returning from tho tbea tro. met a burghw la the bouse, who raVtal ikvot a.f lESft sd una 11a- of circumstaaces, but part of tk r mQvA aHI wc. I-'i-dcral f'ourt AHtM'iiiblcH. Rochestor, N. Y., May 14. The fedoral court assomhled hero today. It Ih expeotod that the case of Harrl son Hill, tho Indian, who sometime ago, it Is alleged .killed his brother in-law, will bo tried at this session. whore bodlos of half a score moro killed woro taken uboard. All thu coaches of tho funeral train uru bountifully decorated with roses. Genera! Strlko nt Bcatllo. Beuttlo, May 14. Unlcaa tho de mands mndo by tho riggers' and stov edorcs union for higher wagon U granted by midnight, a general strlko will ho declared. Tho om ployors declare they will not pay the Hill Is charged with having killed, . WBg()a demanded, and aro orooarod hla brothor-ln-lnw by shooting him to fight tho Issuo, as a strlko of this several weoks ago on tho Indian kind Dractlcally ties un shlnnlnir all ovor tho Bound, with tho possible ex ceptlon of this port. reservation at Datavia. His case was put over tho last session of tho federal court. O ' ' Hufo IIIowh OpH, Hates City, II!.. Moy 14. A safo In tho bank In this city was blown open and tho robbers escaped. Tho safo contained 928,000, but the amount takes Is not learned. Dr. J. F. COOK T1IH BOTAXrOATi DOCTOR MOVKI) TO 8141 UHKKTY iTWOrt FOK ANY DiiJSUUM CALL OM ttt. COOK. CONffUXiTATIOK