DAILY CAMrATi JOUKNAL, SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, MAY 1.1, 1007. wwmqwwwtuiunmwmgwwiiiH nntniitmwiwiwitiiwniwtnimmnimnitiii wiwwmwmnwwmwwiwwwwwuwiwiiiiwwwwwin 4tf J7 (pfj 1 " vl WW ' mlSwU 1 I rV JIKAUTIFI'L TAILOUKI) SUITS Now on Sale $3-50 to $11.95 & .StjlNIi trimmed, now on salo co Kn mi. 1 o nn 1.WUU " ijIO'UU' We show a Hwcll Line of LndksV lress Skirts In nil materials. Price from $2 90 to 9590 ,v,'lk 1? ..i.uiicrbloom Kklrts nof on Halo SILK SKIHTS .,.., ..S3-95 HFTHKimi.OOV from 2-50 l Ladies' Jackets $3 50. 9450 and 9090 1 imnw ! imaiMiw i Salem's Fastest Growing Store McEVOY BROTHERS III, vD BARGAINS IN EVERY. DEPARTMENT LADIES' GOWNS Mado of Fine Muslin nml Cnmbric Handsomely trimmed. Sale Price, 49c, 75cf 9fic. CHICAGO STORE Higb Class Merchandise Now On Sale at the Lowest Prices Ever Quoted by any house on the Pacific Coast. LOOK CAREFULLY THROUGH THIS WONDERFUL CARNIVAL OF BARGAINS OXFORDS $:.00 Patent Leather $1.98 Dress Ginghams Wo show ix unuid assortment In plain and fancy checkN, PJJiic Chain breys. Salo price, yard 9. 15c Fancy Dress Ginghams yd 10 Wash Dress Goods We show a wonderful variety In I I'lincy voiies, i-nncy iuwns, colored and White Dres LIiiciih, Dimities. Swisses, Mulls and every kind and class you can think of. Halo price. '1 1-2S 8 1-3S 15S Wrappers, Kimonos and Dressing Saqucsj Wo show nn lmineiiM' stock of I those goods, mid our price) you will Hud hard to lieat, :ic Dressing SnopieH 25 00c Dressing Sacques - ..35r $!.!I5 Flim Heavy Percale Wrappers, Sale price 95 $2.00 Wash Suits. Solo prlco 91.49 $1.11) Kimonos, cry fancy. Sale Prlco 08 25s Hun ltonuetN 10 (i Children's rcrcale- and Windham Dresses. Bale price 25 nillt 35 Mexican Hat 15 Colored and Black D.ess Goods We show u wonderful collection of Colored nnd HJuck Dress Goods. We can show you any class or kind you ask for, also miy shade. 75 swell New Dre.s GckxLs in pretty Hiring and Plaids. Yn--d J9 lleautlful Pauaiiuis and Voltes in all tho nuw shades. YAKi) 75. 85 anl 98 It will iay you to look through this stock. iai)iiis Swiss iiiiiiirii Vests Ik'autlfully trlmmwl nil sixes. Prlco 10S 12 1-2S 15(i 25 Corner Court and Commercial Streets. LITTLE PROFITS AND QUICK SALES OUR MOTTO Corset Covers Trimmed with rino Inco nml Em broider'. Great values. Price, 25c, 35c and 49c Swell Spring Suits - r i In all th latent wool fahrlrn and Hllk, liaudNomely silk llncl and trim, med. Halo prltv. $0.50, $15, $8 FINE SILKS The Chicago Htor), Halem'H Hllk House, can certainly hhow you a Krand aKNortment. of the newest silks Special price for this wile. INDIA SILKS .Jr ALL COLORS yOC Fine Black Silks at Sale Prices Yard 47c, 69c, 85c, 98c Swell dress silks, In plain shades, tho checks, strip1 nnd pretty fuuey designs. Kale price, yard. 49c to 85c EMBROIDERIES Thousands of yards to select from in nil kinds Hamburg, Swiss and Nainsook Prices ttom 3 i-3c Yadto i5c WE ARE THE GIVERS OF BEST .VALUES WE SHOW ONLY UP-TO-DATE MERCHANDISE Muslin Drawers Handsomely Trimmed with Fluo Ynlcnclennes ldico nml Dainty Km broideries. Special sale prlco 19S 25S 35. 19. Laces We nIuiw iih complete a lino of Luces In every cIiinm nnd kind iin you lean Had In biff City Hlorcs. Torchon Laces VAitn 2. 3, ??, S 1-3. 10 VAL12XCI KXNKS I.ACKH. YA1II) 2, 3 5 ami S 1"3 HlliK LACKS AT HMALIj PIllCIW. Parasols and Umbrellas They uro Junt. nfter urrlvluK. They are beautiful, uud the nNNortmcnt In Kirat. livery cIdhm and kind xllk linen, poitKV fcy denlKU and cm broldered. They nro now on Mile nud will be Hold nt very close IlKures Price. 0S, 91-25, 91-50 9108 "I" to 91000. Noti ions We pride ourselves ou having the most complete notion stock hi Sa lem.. See the prices. Ho Tooth finishes t Sans Hllk, Hall ! U00 Hpool Cotton . .1 l2c Ht (?u!k Pins - 4f Safety plus, tfoi',en . , . . ; 2 Plus, Packajjo lv Shoe Ibices, ii for lc- Ifte Dih-hh Shields ). Hest HHHil Silk H$ Hose Supporters 10 Hair Plus, M pkp for 1 Dressing Combs 5 Long Gloves hi Kid, Mh Thread and Silk, nil odors, also black and uhlte. Sale prlco 05S 85. 08. 91-2fS, 91-50 i GHKAT HA I (GAIN'S IN Hosiery and Underwear We show tho most complete stock of ladles', MIssin' and Children'! Undfinvenr and Hosiery in Halem ami you can nst assured that tho prices are rlnlit, Indies' Hosiery Kvvry kind you ask for hi Cotton, Silk nml I.UIo Thread. Special sale prlco 10. 121-2. I5(S 2B nl D to 81-50 Plr. Children's I'mlenwar and Hosiery at tho sumo ratio of low lido's. Ribbons Wo show u Knuid nssorttuent. liv ery wldtii nud every shade uud at small prices. SALEM, ORE, FERRIS WAIST Straight Front. Style 525. 5i.oo ntn nnntittt r.ontli. Biaspattems. Sllchtly boned with light flexible steels. Sizes 1910 joincnu White nnd Drab. WK HKIjL Tlll-J WAUNKlt Rtist Ptooi Gotsets Perfect MndclH. l'rlc 49c, 75c 98c 1 IMS lonr' 'ff-vZ&mBBRMv LAD1KS1, MISSUS' CHIMJUKN'K HATS NOW ON KALIS. J5c, 35c, 49c, 95. $t25, $J.50, $J.98 We show a iH'autlful Hue of la dles', MIsncn and Children's Muslin Underskirts t'blldom's 35 nnd 50 Misses .... !() nml (J5 l-idles from 1J) to 91.50 ladles' Kiitit Dress SHOES Kohl ut the Ion est prices hi Salem Indies' Wl.Tn Patent Leather Klnes, Price. $2.98 MMWnilWUlHHUHMIiWII ,lIIWfcltWfcWIMIIWhWW