9 i s Salem's New Electric Firm DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, ORKGOX. SATURDAY, MAY tl, 1007. aJft LgLV HVVQWvV HB ssVP HssbbsbbW sflrifc sassBM lfe bbbLbV .sSv sbbbL. Jri.1 sMsfcakW slsJsfcaUsa " sbm Ba w rrnK .r fwH tMr EflltfHBhEliVd asjsasP 1 JXH 1 Who will wire your old house or your new house or furnish you any kind of Gas " or Electric Fixtures. All wiring done by us will be strictly according to underwriters' rules. We have opened our office and display room at 245 N. Liberty St., occupy ing both floors with a new complete line of electric and gas fixtures, best ever seen in Salem. The electric globes that we handle are the best made in the United States. We will soon have the Packard lamp which has taken all premiums from all exposi tions both foreign and domestic and has no equal. We also carry a line of general electric supplies, phone supplies and gas sup plies. Our mantles we guarantee for three months. We sell you ,a celebrated Welsbach burner with globe and mantle complete for $1.25. We have a full line of reading lamps, portable desk lamps and the celebrated American Flat Iron. We will contract to install complete farmer phone lines. We also install complete systems of fire alarms, burglar alarms or light plants. We do motor work and mechanical wiring. The public is cordially invited to inspect our fixture rooms. We change coal oil lamps to electric portable lamps. i Q m mi m Gamble, Hyde & Co., 245 N. Liberty St. Salem, Oregon WBBBBBBBBBBBB toBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa mum ii i mi i ii in HAL GOSSIP ii Hi 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 III 1 1 1 la Honor of Mrs. Gray. ery pretty soclnl ovont of the reek was a progressive lunch- Ten Thursday aftornoon at tho of Mr and Mrs. Werner Broy- M their daughters, Mrs. Brown and Mrs. W. 11. tt Mrs. Chas. A. Gray, who to an, to Portland to make permanent home, was tho of the affair. ; decorative scheme, lllllos nnd M cleverly carried out. The fere covered with Manila cm. red d?i''cs over grey satin -lC3 of tho valley and grey ftrr-d tho centerplecos. w rarJs were bandpalnted wd Ea-er llllos tied with grey . ca wN-h were written the M v rrst table, where Mrs. F i v i lay a bunch of Eas- "1 .'h grey illusion. Tho ai a f-j carried out in the ie-M tf ico cream being c ", with a letter "L" in tC W f ... tnltlna In nnmtmp k1 "i rrogrossed. two at a pfct.l T. , V-it ficAm eaa(a4 bot c- roarse, at tho guest A-' i twenty were present l" a r-rry party for several ... V. SL C. A. IrcwcU recepMon given for . Frederick Wiggins, Tealng by tho local Y. M- fcatther event of tha -week. ;tfen ia the club rooms. A projrita was rendered on 'e numbers by tha Stalwart W'.o by Mrs. Cha. H. reading far yiu Ansta ter hlch Mr. W. X. italey -PProprlate addreaa pra- sentfd to Mr Wiggins a Y. M C A watch charm. Both Mr. and Mrs WlggliJH wero active workors In tho Y, M. C. A. and auxlllory and will hu keenly missed. Tho ladles sorved punch during tho evening, and made tho event a succoss In ovory way possible. Sonp Rubble Party. Tho homo of Mrs. B. B. Watorii ou Summer street was tho scono of a morry Juvenile party last Saturday aftornoon In honor of little Miss Loueruma Waters and Master North rup Wntors, her grandchildren. Tho affair was In tho form of a bubble and bundle party and created no end of amusement for tho lltt'.o people. Tho spacious veranda of tho Waters homo was turned Into a play room and assumed a very gay ap pearand with Its decorations of red, whlto and bluo drapery, and flags of nil Blues. Tho main nmusoment of tho afternoon was tho soap bubble blowing contest. Across tho porch jworo hung presents for each child. mi 11 l.t.n..a mlnltlira ineso wero suiau imuuui., wtuin" kitchen set, pictures, etc., for the girls,' sets of dominoes, tools an J many things to delight tho boys. Each child was provided with a bubblo blower and requestod to blow tho bubblo at tho lino of gifts, the one which It hit belonging to tha. child. Mrs. Waters was assisted by Mrs. Frank Waters, Mrs. George Water. Mrs. Fred Waters, Mrs. Oeorge L. Rose and Miss Claudlne Rose, who spared nothing in tho art of enter taining to mako tho afternoon a happy one for all. The guests were Luella Patton, Halllo Hinges, Margaret Livesley, Helen Rose, Helen West, Margaret Rodger, Mary Mllner, Llnnie Chat tin. Mary Jane Albert, Rath Schultz, Mary Scbult, Pricllla Fleming, Myrtle Rlchardsoa. Mildred Klaton. Joaepblae Baavgartaer, Salt, Ann YnntlB, Knto Ynntls, Lou emmn Waters, George Weller, Hussell Jnmos, Hroyman Uolse. Konnoth Moore, Don IMrd, Enrl Chnttln, Ralph Johnson, Andrew Joiioh, Reed Jnmos, Kylo James, Konnoth Smith, Sonrlo Penny baker, Kenneth Ponnybnker, llyron Vonslypho and N'orthrup Wntors. to m Mrs. Cross EutcrtnliiH. A pretty affair was glvon by Mrs. K. C. Cross yesterday nftornoon at hor homo on Chemokota street in honor of Mrs. Chas. A. Gray. Itwai In tho nature of a "COO" party, and Mra. Frank Hughes carried off the honors. ' Whlto clematis and Dankshlre roses formed tho decorations, nnd wero most effective Mrs. Cross was assisted In sorvlng by Misses Ryth Gatch, Harlo Hofor, Veda Cross Nelllo Thlolson and -Mrs. C. L. Dick About 40 ladles wero present. m Woiiuiii'h Club. The Salem Woman's Club will hold its monthly mooting at the First Methodist church parlors next Saturday afternoon, May 18th. A full attendanoo or tho members U doslrod. ... ArtiaauH' Open MocUiik. The Unltod Artisans held their regular open meeting last night in their hall on tho corner of Court and High streets. A large crowd of loy al Artisans and their friends wer present, and a most enjoyablo even ing was spent. After an excellent musical and lit erary program the guest repaired to the dining room where a delicious luncheon was spread. The program was as follews: Music, orchestra. Reading, MUs lone Fisber. Piano duet, Blanche Knox and Maud Hill. Vocal trio, "Bird la Hand," by three youag ladle. Music, Flour do Lis Hiirmony Four. Roudlng, Mildred Ilngloy. Vocnl nolo, Mrs. Dunn. Rending, Winona Suvngo. Piano duet, Joy Turner nnd Evn FIshor. Music, Flour do Lis Harmony Four. , Music, orchestra. Hand Concert t Itiuk. Tho Salem Military Hand gavo a concert at tho Auditorium rink last night, which was tho farowoll con cort In tho rink this season, A largo crowd was present to spond tho ov onlng on rollers, nnd enjoy tho mu sic Tho rink horo will closo to night for tho season, and It Is not without regrot that tho lovers of the llttlo wheelB boo tho sessions of the onjoyablo sport como to an end. The rink has boon well patronized, and will doubtless hnvo thu samo attrac tions and interest noxt soason as It has shown In tho past. ... Dlino Social, A very pleasant entertainment was glvon last night In CommeroUl Hall, In tho form of a dlrno social An Intoroatlng musloal and literary program was given as follews: Overture. Violin, 0. E. Whltnoy. Organ, O. E. Whitney. Select reading, 0. F. Sherwood. Vocal solo, Miss Fay Hutchlns. Recitation, Mrs. W, n. Harrlt. Vocal solo, Mrs. G. Lachcllo. Recitation, MUs Ollvo Rlddoll. Vocal solo, Mra, F. J, Goodnough. Vocal solo, Dr. R. A. Horltagu. The program concluded with re marks by H. H. Waro, in tho Inter ests of the Salem Debating Club, af ter which light refreshments were served. WagHM Ifcegriii, The prlMipal Mtlec aad choruiw, of Wngner'H beautiful opera, Lo licngrln, will bo sung nt tho iioxt rogulur mooting of tho Womun'rt Club, to bo hold In tho First Meth odist church noxt Saturdny, May 18. at 2:30 p, m., to which tho citizen of Salem aro cor-llnlly Invltod. The Hololsts will bo Profossor Horltag Mrs. Hugg, MrH. Hoyt and Mr. J. F. Hughes, with Professor von Josson nnd Professor Roberta nccoinpanlstJ Tho wedding chorus, "Faithful and True," will bo sung by u ladles' doublo qunrtot. Tho weird logond of LohoiiKrln will bo road by Mrs, Ar thur Rociichon. Mrs. J. F. Hughes has arranged and planned tho pro gram. J() KltNOIt TOOK A CAUT. Ho Hail to Cnuit tho l'lrt 'IVhIii for ItlrlimoiHl, A I'uvored Section. Tho Dalles suffered very llttlo by tho frost of a wook ago, n com pared with other localities, "There is ono portion of tho city which li oxompt from killing frosts," said L L. McCartnvy today. "I hnvo boon raising fruit In Thompson'u addi tion for 15 years, and wo havo nover had Injury by frost." Mr. McCart new attributes this to tho fact that tho warm Japan current coiuos up tho river and strikes that portion of tho bluff. Frosts aro two weeks lat er in making tholr appearance In Thompson's addition In tho winter and two woeks oarllor In leaving In the sprlng.r-Tho Dalles Chronlolo. If You Don't Succeed tho first tlmo uso Horblne and you will get lustaut rollef. Tha greatest liver regulator. A positive euro for Constipation, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Chills and all liver com plaints. Mr. C , of Emory, Toxas, writes: "My wife has been using Herblno for herself and children for five years. It U a sura curs for coa stlpatloa aad malaria fovw, which 1 substantiated by what It baa doaa for y faially." geld by D. J. Fry. Norfolk, Vn., Mny It. Governor Claudo A. Swansou Wodnosdny tin derwunt tho humiliation of having to rldo accompanied by his wife, in n dirt enrt from tha exposition grounds to tho boat In order to re turn to Richmond. Not a carriage was to bo had. Tho governor haJ pressing engngomontu and could not afford to miss his train. So hailing a passing dirt cart ho and Mrs. Swan- son climbed In and took seats with the driver. .. An exposition official exctalmed: "What! Tho govt-rnor of- - Virginia and Mrs. Bwausoa in n whkph?"- "That's nothing," ropllcd tho gov ernor. "If I was an ofllclnl of tin exposition I would bo riding in a mirrlngo, as all of you do, but, being only tho governor of Vlrglnln and not an Influential official, I must no (tept with thanks evou tho dirt wagon wliloli you aro kind enough to furnish mo. I am thankful you do not requlra us to walk aud carry our trunks." Good Worth for Chamberlain' Cough Ilonittly. Pooplo ovorywhero take pleasuro In testifying to tho good qualities of Chamberlain's Cough Romcdy. Mrs. Edward Phillips of Barclay, Md., writes: "I wish tcrtell you that i can recommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. My llttlo girl, Catherla, who la two years old, has beea taking this remody whenever she baa bad a cold slnco sho wa two Moatba eld. About a month ago I ceatraetad a dreadful cold Myself, but I tk Chamberlain's Cough lUaaady aad wax soon as wall a ever." TbU rem edy Is for aala by Dr. Mfa drug aitrt. a