Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 11, 1907, Page 7, Image 7

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' w n
A Most Valuable Agent
t..rin employed in ur. Jf Jerca's
ji!ini crcatly onhances tho medicinal J
. ia trnicu ii cam. .v iiuiiyu
2inl roots and holds in solution
i better in KUUV" "uuiu u
jsei medicinal properties of Its own,
, ysluaoie acmuiccnt, muruivo,
kptlc nd antlfermont. It adds
I U to tho efficacy of tub Black Cherry-
RU7 7 -A nl.lnn Citnl w.a C... .
t BIOOOTOOl, UUIUIU uuai iwk, Obuut)
, ' .nH Queen's .root, contained In
Vi.n Mrdical Discovery "in subduing
Knlc or lingering coughs, bronchial,
jtatuMUngnucuuuus, iui unui winca
.ixronta aro rocommunaeu uy nana
jncdleil authorities.
n til cases Avnero muru la a wusiing
i of flesh, loss of appetlto, with weak
bn thcro can bo no doubt that gly.
'.. .- n vfilimhln ntitrlMvn M
no; w " t, ;, ,; -rr:4
h's rct and Black Chcrrybark In
JngAlgCSUOB ana uuuuing up mo
lBHaSMc"'il"' "" . i ;B "" YUSU
I brlrif p g aooui a ueaitny conuiuon
IthA VVhtiO system, ui luuisi-, ib must
k k. Atf'lTlPU LUtfUin IllltUVJCt 1WYTIII
ii'f r...i. ... i ii.--tt.M
I tUTO VOnSUinpnoii vtvJk in lucanicr
it wm
, nne
vMtn lioiirai'iif'. jiii utuiu tuuxas
rSTin piTT'cii ve. iris in tno I niter nr
sir-on coughs, or thoso of long standing,
that it has performed its most
mWJJF&u--. I xr t, .r.
01. riHJ rjiiiiiK"uw, it i., ui .uni-
lt JICU. l mirgu, V.UICUBU, an 3 ui giy-
inc: ... .....
Mndrif' scire an cTccueni purpose
Cm 111 St.IUtlOn.lt IS OtlO Of till) tOHt
Cifcluiwl product orilio present tlmo In
i Ktlotl ii rniccuiuu, msurucreu stom-
BVfP"-'a,,J " ""- " uitiii-aiiiui or ca
Tali (Tisiriin iLuiuiiiini iiuiHiiiuiBvion 01
,.MV it M a most cillclcnt nronsmtlnn.
ti-ii b- II rcllovo many cn.csof tivroln
Etrtburn) and excessive castrlc btomach)
W. ...... , .
Ooldtn .ucuicni ui'cuvcrjr" enncnes ana
rtSH too ikkki curjiiK uioiciifs pimpics,
ntloDJ, Krutulous snelllnn and old sores.
knd to nr it. I'icrcr. oi uuiinio, (. v..
frte liooUlct tt'llluir nil about tho natira
dKlnai rx u coiiiKinff tins wouuohui
lilclac. There ' no oleobol In It.
this lino, and also with regard to DO YOU GET TTP
new devlnon fnr ,,lm.. ,i I V XJU KxXX UJ
.. uUuiub luia uuy
ruol. Speech of Secretary of Agriculture.
-o .Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable
Grange Fire Insurance. Almost everybody who reads the news-
Tho Lower Columbia Flro Relief .P3 ,3 suru to kow of the wonderful
mon oTccpt in its earner
our Vfirv ?f vere. ctbtlk
ronlr cniltrliv limpctiln
iutilPA..ani1 clironlc snro
csu soritci op
association, operating under tho I
nuspices of the Oregon state grange,1
ma just issuea its nnnunl report.
Tho amount of risks in forco nro
$S14,130, showing n gain of SG7..
529. That the grange flro Insurniico
Is a good investment and the ver
lowest in existence is shown by tho
report that only $3220.50 were pnlri
in losses during tho past year, cover
ing tho adjustments on thirteen pol
icies of members who sufTcrcd by
Arc. Tho total expense of running
tho association was only $657.79.
Thoro is sufficient money In the
trensury to pay two or threo losses
promptly, assessments being levied
abend so as to keep such n balance
on hnnd. The ofllcors of the associa
tion are Thomas Jaulson, president:
A. F. Miller, vice president: Jacob
oorliocs, secretary; S. A. Dawson,
treasurer. Tho association wna or
ganized 12 years ago and hns been
growing ever since, its growth keep
ing pneo with tho growth of tho
grange. None but grnngo members
mny insuro with it, a fact which
makes It a conservntlvo and safe in
stitution to bocomo Identified with.
Grange Bulletin, Mny.
s Hi I B
' Tho Snnkes of Indln.
Last year tho numbur of mon,
women nnd chlldron who mot a tcrrl-
bio denth In India from tho blto of
poisonous snakes amounted to 25,-
837. Besides thin thnrn wnrn nlinut
LIGHT AND FUEli4r.0O killed by wild nnlmnls, chloilyJ
ngors, 10 say nothing about 60,000
cures made by Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the grcnt kid
ney, liver and blad
der remedy.
It is the great med
ical triumph of the
nineteenth century;
discovered nfterycars
of scientific research
by Dr. Kilmer, the
eminent kidncv and
bladder specialist, and is wonderfully
successful in promptly curing lame back,
uric acid, catarrh of the bladder and
Bright's Disease, which is the worst
form of kidney trouble.
ur. Ktimcr's iwamp-KOOt is not rec
ommended for everything but if you ha'c
kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will bo
found just the remedy you need. It lias
been tested in so many ways, in hospital
work and in private practice, and has
proved so successful in every case that a
special arrangement has been made by
which all readers of this paper, who have
not nlrcady tried it, may have n sample
bottle sent free bv mail, also a book tell
ing more about Swamp-Root, nnd how to
findout if vou have kidney or bladder trou
ble. When writing mention rending this
generous offer in this paper and scud your
address to Dr. Kilmer
& Co., liinghamton,
N. Y. The regular
fifty-cent nnd one-
dollar Size bottles arc Bom of BwunpRoot.
sold by all good druggists. Don't make
any misinKc, nut remember the name,
SwatntvUnot. Ilr. JCiliiwr'u Hu-nmn.Unit.
Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
and the address, lUughamtou, N. , on
everv bottle.
o more coal is being made, our
pd fuel Is getting nenrec, and tho
Iply of minerals oils will somo day
he. It is high tlmo wo wcro look-
about for so.urccs of light, heat
power. Other countries nro do-
this. Alcohol meets tho roq'ulro-
nts, and stnrchy plants yield nl-
bol. Ono of our oxplorcrs Inst
ir found tho Siberians at ToiubIc
lng a largo vnrioty of potato for
alcohol It yields. Ho brought
(tk half a ton of them, which wl'l
distributed this spring nmong tho
pcrlmcnt stations. Tho southern
sava, ynina and sweet potatoes
1 yield alcohol, no will tho sugar
K. Corncobs clvo cloven cnllon
alcohol to tho ton nnd sweot-corn
Iks geven. Many roftiso nlnnta
bo used and much unmnrkotahlo
lit and vcgctnblo matter. Tho
Is ready to supply heat, light
fuel when other sources fall.
ny localities in tho wost suffer for
1 la winter whon Btorins nro eo-
po or cars aro scurco. Wo hnvo
llslatlon to permit tho making of
ohol wlM'out pnymont of taxes
lea mix -il with somothing to pre-
ftt Its u: i ns n bovorago wood nl-
fol r rlai'i Tho tlmo is auroly
nlng wh n tho pooplo romoto from
oJ. c .il or oil will nrrnngo to
f far.M rich In starch for their
W'r rT light, boat nnd nowor.
PK" inquiry is nlong tho linos
;Kono:-ul production, ns in nl.
en'n rises. Tho cornstnlks of
corn I U that nro not usod for
pdrw, i'.i ninko vory largo quan
P cf n'tohol, which would bo ox
ted and tho rofuso roturnod to
oll cr uml for feed to maintain
tcisary rrranic matter, alcohol not
Pe a frrtlllzcr. Tho department
Sric-rturo is oxperlomnting along
cnttlo. Every concclvnblo measuro
hns been taken to mltlgato this ap
palling annual destruction, but with
llttlo avail.
Tho venomous snnkes of Indln
most dostructivo of lifo may b
placed in tho following erder: First
of nil comes tho dondly cobra,' re
Bponslblo Tor nonrly nlno-tenthn of
tho fatalities, nnd then tho krnlt,
kuppur, RusboU's viper, tho linma
dryaB nnd RnJ-snmp. Tho wutor
Bnnkos kill a good many, but they
nro comparatively raro. A regular
organized warfnro Is wnged upon
India's myriads of roptlles, nnd in
each district a regular head tax Is
paid upon oaeh cobra and other
Btinko killed.
Last year tho number of Bnnkos
dostroyed wns 702,221 for which To
wards amounted to nonrly 57,000
rupees woro paid. Tljo greatest
destruction to llfo appears to have
boon in Bongnl, whoro 11,131 peoplo
woro klllod nnd nearly 1000 cnttlo.
In this provlnco nlono 55,054 poison
ous snnkes woro dostroyed.
Tho officials chnrgod with this
curious work wcro scattered over
tho wholo vast area, from tho Hlmn
layos to 8outhorn Madras, including
Bombay provincos, tho northwest
provlncos nnd Oudh, tho Punjab,
contrnl provlncoH, IJurmah, Assam,
Hyderabad ajid othors. Tho wrltor
follows this with an Interesting nr
tlclo of somo length upon tho moth
ods pursued by tho snnko extermi
nators. -W. G. Fitz Gorald In Toeh
nlcnl Worhf Magazine.
Beantlia IlflKinJ YoaljirtAlwiJ Bwfkt
E vol 11 (ion of tlu Hiiugulow.
In tho beginning wub tho barn.
Porsons of small means when thoy
llrst enmo to California often found
It deslrnblo to put nil their money
Into land nnd tho young orchards
which woro to mnko their fortunes.
Thoy decided to llvo thcmsolvos In n
smnll Btructuro which should be tho
barn of tho futuro house. Those
barns wero at first constructed with
onBtoru solidity, with heavy posts
and beams, and complctoly finished
on tho insldo ns burns, with stalls,
mangors nnd other like llttlngs. Tho
human tonnut gonornlly dccoralcd
tho carriage house with burlap or
"Old Government Java" coftoo bogs,
held In jdnco by Bpllt bamboo strips
and this with a rough flroplaco, n
fow nico pieces of furniture, and
tho windows of tho rafters overhand,
mudo n roally delightful living-room.
Tho grcnt bum doors woro gonornlly
loft opon, giving an outdoor offoct
very grntoful to tho lovers of tho sun
nnd space.
Tho noxt atop wns to build only
tho outsldo Bhull of u bnru, dividing
it Into rooms with tompornry parti
tions; nnd thin gnvo tho housokeopjr
proper accommodations which was
lacking In tho first form.
Lntcr, travelers from distant lands
noticed tho resemblance botwoou
theso wldo sprondlng, ono-story
hoiisos and tho East Indian "bunga
low," nnd thenceforward theso dwell
ings consui! to bo tompornry hut put
ting on wide verandas nnd u dignified
iinmo, sprang up in ovory direction,
ns Intoutlniial homes. M. II. Lazoar,
Indoors nnd Out.
A Grcnt Engineering Ern.
Never boforo has tho world soon
an mnny colossnl onglnoorlng pro
jects under way as aro now going
forward within tho boundaries of the
United States. Nor nro tho Pannina
cnnnl and tho irrigation works com
bined tho Inrgost In point of cost In
monoy. It U stated on good author
ity thut In New York City alono, out-
fsldo of ordinary butldings nnd gov
ernment appropriations, $000,000,
000 is called for by tho largo under
takings in chnrgo of civil engineers.
Two-thirds of this amount has been
nlloted to tho Improvement of trnns
portatlon torminnls, including tho
river tunnels to reach them. Tho
city Is building threo bridges over
East river at a cost of from $15,
000,000 to $20,000,000 ench. Six
teen tunnels nro in progress undet
tho broad waterways that surround
New York, comprising six tubes un-,
dor tho Hudson, eight under East
river, and two under tho Hnrlom.
Twelve moro tunnels nro actively
projected, and tho day Is nonr when
Manhattan will bo reached on all
sides by unbroken lnnd routes. In
onglnoorlng tho work at Now York is
far moro difficult, as well as moro
costly, than nny In sight at Panama
or In tho rcolnmntlon sorvlco.
Recont visitors to Panama come
back impressed with tho iden tlmt
tho canal is a simpler p rob loin than
hns been supposed, nnd that It will
bo completed within tho noxt deendo.
Somo doubts romnln ns to tho de
tails of tho largest dam nnd tho locks
connected with It, but tho main labor
nhend Is that of moving masses of
earth and disponing of thorn. Prob
nbly tho Fronch would liavo hnd tho
canal In oporntlon by this tlmo If
their funds hnd been sufficient nnd
rightly managed. In order to got
cash tho Fronch hnd to go to the
stock market, nnd flnnnclnl trouble
would liavo nvortakon them nt Pana
ma oven If freo from speculation.
But the United Stntos pays ensh
readily for everything It needs nt
tho Isthmus. It enn borrow nt 2 por
cent If Its presont Immouso treasury
bnlnnce Is depleted. Should tho cost
of tho cnnnl exceed tho cstlmnto,
which Is not unlikely, tho flow of
monoy will contlnuo unehockod. Tho
pooplo of tho United Stntos have
long wanted tho link hotweon tho
two oconns, nnd willing to moot Us
cost on un lionot, worklngmnnllko
Not much loss than a billion dol
lars Ih called for by tho vast Amorl
cun onglnoorlng projeots now in
hnnd, and to tho llguros mentioned
must bo ndded tho $85,000,000 re
cently npproprlnted by congress for
wntorwny and harbor Improvement.
Theso enterprises represent progress
on a vast scnlo nnd their workings
will bo an object lesson to all civili
zation. Irrigated lands on tho basis
planned In tho United Stntcs will
opon now possibilities In tho onrth's
nrglculturo. Tho Pnnnmn cnnnl will
fncllltnto tho world's commorco. Now
York's torminnls, reaching Into th
crowded biiBluosi) henrt of tho city,
will point tho way for othor doiiBoiy
populous centers. Improvod water
ways will glvo tho country tho trans
portation demnndod, nnd tho main
nnvlgublo wutor of tho Mississippi
vulloy will bo mudo nrms of tho son.
Thoso nro not uncertain visions of
tho futuro. Thoy aro in active head
way and tho monoy Is rondy for
thorn The onglnoorlng dovolopmont
of this country has ontorcd upon a
golden ago. St. Louis aiobo-Doino-crnt.
ill 1
4S2!1 " ja
.. K
---. --. ltWffi
1 he -uonncctinff us y-rflral
Links In The Si jj-
Chain of Health S ryiON !
y 1
Gate D
Folder's Golden
Coffee Tea
Spices Extracts
BnKing Powder
Sold on Alerit
11 1 1 mi
elated to nnd no "nds" In same. The
next Sunday ho distributed tho
books, tolling tho membership of his
good fortune, and requested them to
sing on pngo 120. Ills chagrin mny,
bo Imnglnod whon thoy sang us fol-i
lews: "Hark, tho heavenly angels
tdug, Johuflon's pills nro Just tho 1
thing; tho nngelle voices mcok and !
mild, two for n mnn nnd ono for n
My llrat Friend.
Alexanuor Bouton, who lives on
rural routo 1, Fort Edward, N, Y
Bays: "Dr. King's Now Dlscovory is
my host earthly frlond. It cured mo
of nsthmn six yonrs ago. It hns also
performed n wonderful euro of In
clplont consumption for my son's
wife. Tho first hottlo ended tho tor
rtblo cough, nnd thin nccompllBhod,
tho othor Binyptoms loft ono by ono,
until slio was porfoctly well. Dr.
King's Now Discovery's powor ovor
cougliB nnd colds in simply marvel
ous." No othor remedy has over
equaled It. Fully guaranteed by J.
O. Perry, druggist; 50c nnd $1.00
Trlnl bottle free.
n 'jU ""'V H
Got tho AdvcrtltM'iiii'iit.
A mlnlstor down In Missouri found
his people too poor to ' purchase
hymn books, and being offered thoso
books by a patent tuodlcino houso,
provldod thoy bo allowed to Insert
their udvortlBomont, Ordered threo
dozon for tho congregation. Ho was
IlSj sL40 nH
I'linioiiM nt homo for I
GcucnitloiiH piiNt 1
FniiioiiM now nil over K
tlio world, I
For snio by
Qrentest known remedy for heaves
Prlco $1. To oxprosj officii away
from Salem I pay 25 cents on oxprosi
Highland, Oregon, Oct. 31, 1002.
This Is to certify that I gnvo my
ninro ono hottlo of "Stono's lloave
Drops" nnd cured nor of Iiorvos,
This was liiBt winter nnd sho has not
bocn allllcted bIuco. G, Wnllaco.
Dr. H. O. HTONE, Halem, Ore.
For snlo by .nil druggists.
I fr &SMs3L i1 v 'SH
ALL-v'hiEi 1
Do they ntt It they'r not ISX
ACTLY rlsht, Ut un mako thorn o,
Whn w. nt you. w flt you AC
UUIUT15L.Y. Lon exprlnce,
vary ntccaaary clnllflo apparn tui
nd tht required knowledice en
abltnjr ui to correctly u the umi,
our own oompUt workihop, with
very facility aven to the grinding
of apeclal Utuea re all at your
dUpoMl her, Miurlng aervlc
not poiilbla with other lea fortu
nately equipped. Aalndo your
)MunseI Optical Cb.
Great Trio
Two for 25c
10c Straight
0ur Champion
5c Straight
Operatod by a man who knows his business whon it eomea to ci
gars and good tobacco; who la not connected with any trust; who buys
his tobacco wboro be .can get tho best for tho money. He has ample cap
Ital In tho business, and bought a big supply of tho choicest leaf be
fore the prlco of all tobaccos advanced. Ho is now in a position
mako hotter cfars for tho monoy than any trust or manufacturer who
makes large Quantities of cigars, and buys his tobaccos as he used them
and he Is doing that vory thin.
Salem Cigar. Factory cigars can't be expelled for the price.
Lay aside jour prejudice and give thoso cigars a Mr tost.
If so, horo l.i th reason; The cigars you siuoko wro madti by tho
great cigar trust. Ovor ono half tho prlco you pay gnos for onormouo
salaries to high officers; to pay dividends on watorod stock, and
to pay profits to a half dozou inlddloiuuu and wholfMalu dcKilent before
tho olar over roaches your retail dealer. RHHUII' A very smull por
tion of tho price of the cigar goes for tobacco and ohuap httlp.
Six to olght skilled cigar mukorn are constantly omployed ut high
sularles In tho Sulom Cigar Factory, thoro I no manager to pay who
does not hiuuolf make cigars. Thoy pass through no middleman's
hands but direct to your retail doalor, who inukos u louuonuble profit.
Tho balance Is In tho cigar.
Smoke Salem Made, Union Made CigarsThe Best