DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1007. 6 RdrAL BAKING POWDER Makes delicious hot biscuit, griddle cakes, rolls and muffins An absolutely pure, cream of tartar powder. f nOYAL DAKINQ POWDER CO., NEW YORK. ' HOW A MAN WEIGHS. On Kc-nrtli 1-10 Pounds, Sun Over a Ton, Moon Not Much. The Jjipancso Soclnllstlc Experiment). Grentness In nations tho power to do things and proservo the regard of tho world chlofly Implies n re spect for law, obediences to authority and tho tnalntcnanco of public order. How much do you weigh? nvurngo weight of man Is 140. in mnltlng tho most of thoso nttrl poundB, hut tho forco of gravity on hutos Japan hns been singularly for Mars 1b so much less than on earth that tho 140-pound man would wolgh only 53 poundB If transported thither. With such light weight nnd still re taining tho Bamo strength, an Indi vidual would ho ablo to run with tho speed of an exprosB train, go skipping ovor 10-foot walls, and do various othor extraordinary things. On tho moon a man would bo ovon lighter. But on tho sum our 140 pound mnn would havo his troubles. Instead of bolng an airy Individual ho would weight n ton nnd three- quarters. IIo probably would havo tho grcatost dllllculty In rnlBlng hh hand, for that mombor would wolght 300 pounds. According to scientific computation n man who on tho onrth wolghts 140 pounds would go to tho other colos tlal bodies with tho following welghts: Moon, 23; Mars, 53; Venus, 114; Mercury. 119; Neptune, 123: Uranus. 127! onrth. 140: Sat- tunato. Possibly alone among tho nations of the world, hor advance mont has chiefly boon brought about by consesslons mndo by thoso In power working downward and not bj revolutionary movements from bo low. No "Ilolgn of Terror" forced tho emperor to pnrt with his tradi tionally Ood-glvon loglslntivo pow orB, or coerced tho noblCB to surrend er their patents to n'oblllty. Whnt happens, thoroforo, when a body of Japancso Inspired by tho oxnltcd alms of occidental socialism break laws, dofy authority nnd turn to do etroy llfo nnd property In ordor to onforco tholr ldcns that wealth, labor and authority nro Inndcquatoly di vldod? Tho rcbolllon at tho Ashlo copper mines near Nlkko, serves a? an eloquent nnswor. Thoso minos, tho proporty of tho Furuknwa family, woro equipped with tho best modern mnchlncry nnd gnvo employment to nbout 10,000 urn, liio; Jupltor, 371 ; sun, ij.kyi. mon. All known modern nppllancos, physical and inontal, woro omploycd I'olnlM on Kntlug. Clcoro told tis long ago tluU wo to prosorvo tho honlth and lives of tho operators and to mnko thorn Imp iihotilil ont to livo, not llvo to oat, py In tholr work. Wngos wero rogiw nnd l'roforisnr Gautior, of Paris, am- latod according to profits. Grlov pullon that wlso pronouncement Ininncos of all sorts woro adjusted by tho course of a very iutorontlng nrtl- n commlttoo of mnnagors represent clo on "How Wo Ought to Kat." Tholng tho property ownors nnd delo professor Is -tho sworn onomy of a'l' gates elected by tho men. JubMco nnd culinary artlflces tho object of which tranquility socmod permanently la to stlmulnto tasto, oxclto tho ap petite, and luducoa mon to oat with out hunger and drink without thirst. Tlioso, ho Rays, aro prejudicial to the of mnlntouauco of health. es tablished at tho Ashlo mines when operators from tho occldont bognn to Introduco tho Insidious doctrines Immnturo Socialism tho pro- Whon on! . letnrlnt iniiRt organlzo and by forco has uu appoUto for plain broad, veg- ,obtnln a larger porcontngo of tho tables or ment, unmodlllcd by any. profits; it must organlzo an a guarnn- Hoasonlng, thou nnd then only can too of Its future supremacy. ono bo said to bo really hungry, An- Tho roply of tho Furuknwa family other imtoniifl rocomtuondntlon is momernblo: Thoy could pormlt which tho profosHor makos Is tho old .no organization of employes which at ndvlco of our grandmothors, tliat wo should always leavo tho tablo with any tlmo might bo usod to ruin tho business nny moro than tho nntionnl a slight soiiHiitlon of hunger not on , govonuuent could pormlt tho pros tlroly uppemaod. It appoars that wo onco of n rebel nrmy ready to briny lose every day from S5 to 100 nbout n rovolutlon tho moment grammes of nlhumenoIdH responding things did not go to suit It. Neither to 420 or 550 grammes of muBcular an industrial concern of a govern- floHli or analogous tlssuo. An In- mont could tolorato a condition of habitant of Paris, for IiiHtanco, ro nrmed neutrality on tho pnrt of its cupnratos on tho nvorage to tho ox omployors or cltlzons. tont of 102 or 103 granuuoH a day,' Tlion It was that Socialism detor Aa u guide to what wo should oat, tho mined to ndopt a policy of fore... professor tolls us that tho best moat Tho mining plnnt, tho property of is that of animals fattened on pas- tho Furuknwa family, roprosontlng turo land hoof and mutton. Thou many millions, was blown up, tho como poultry and pork, fed on prod- homes of tho otllelala woro dostroyod uctH of a voKt'tnhlo origin whether and mmbors of tholr fnmllloa mur- graiu or horbareoiis. One should dorod or driven Into tho mountain... always avoid tho lloah of anlinuls Soon tho pnlotarlato was loft In full fattened to cxcsr on muscular IIomIi, possession of tho ruins. Tho Social- nnd aUo, to a cvrtnln extent, that Istio organization suddenly found of nnlnmla wMchan too young Itself dissolved into a bund of Indl- Voal Is Jot WpdMcufcilthtic gouty, or virtual mastery. Thoso few days wit- AT w , - ...... w - - atk.iM . ' " ' urthrltlw perfftlo. - lrTB not recom- nwuert Japanes civilization rovortlng luondedmdthvr for ptioplo with fro- to ltd prhnnry olamonts, Kilo, Irnttiblv eruptlvo skin. FUhJ At length the govornmout took a uxcellanT lit ltli, whon It U qulto hand. Troops woro sent. Law, au frcHh, Is ousy to dlgMt; but It Is not thorlty and public ordor woro on suitable to oexomntous persons, or forced by bullets nnd at tho point of thoao who havo nny other skin dls tho bayonot. Arbitration was not oaso. Black meats or game oxclto oven hinted at. When thoso thlnss tho kldmys, predispose to gravel, to hnd heu done, tho troops ropnlrort hopatlo connections and to arterlo- as beat thoy could the damage, and soloroals. One may llvo absolutely tho plant was restored out of the without iuet; one cnunoMo without Furuknwa roservo fund. voBotahlojjaltflUjnU. Jssor Gau-, T,10 A8l,,0 oopp()r muo ,g n tier rtoprejatoa all WMggerat Ions, nnd rontly to l)t Qporatoai imtnm, thU ho sums&ip ns tytyjw ,Bell your is Uie most potent lesson of the whole drinking wntdr when an apldtmlo is ,nttor wagos, reckoned as former raging; boll milk, cook boofatonks ly on ft ,)9roontaBo of the profits, sutllclently and sleep peacefully. w,, bo alQUt 40 por cont ,ower Umn imp ot light and savory smelllm; thoy wor0 nml tno Fllnikawaa stn, bouillon, a slice of roast beof propor- Inamtaln their right to conduct their ly cooked, a small glass of Uordoaux i,8os3 unrtor tho law, Insist on and ovon of Burgundy novor killed OUOd!onco to authority and the main any quo. Hat with rogularlty anil tonaneo of public order. New York In ncoordanco with tho domnnda of Tlinoa. hunger bucIi dlshoa ns havo always 0 been regarded na Innocuous, and re-i member that, us a rule, It is uolthor Proposals for Painting. moats nor boulllou, uor wluo, nor Proposals aro' hereby roquostod spices, nor coffoo which poison us, for estimates on painting tho roof. but tholr abme.-London Oloho. windows and motal work on main building at tho state reform school. A Narrow Kscaix Al pttintig materlnl to bo furnlsh- O. , Cloyd, a merchant, ot n.i iv ti,n t..w m.ia mn , . Plunk, Mo., had a narrow oscapo four (0 tho ofllco of tho auporlntondcnt lboforo eaUnS- Our broads yeara ago, when ho ran n Jlmaon bur 0n or before May 16. 1907. In-!only "tho 8tatt of hfe" ,n KuroM?nn Tnulc Hookkccping. Tho British Government's measure affecting company law, which Ib now pending In parliament and which, It Is stated will probably be passed with out any considerable alterations, has for Its main object, according to the memorandum prefacing tho bill, to afford Information to all who mnv seek for It concerning companies reg istered undor the companies acts. Any prospectus Issued must dl closo certain facts which would hi1 calculated to lnfluonco tho minds of lntondlng investors. It. will bo nec essary for every public company which does not on its information lr suo a prospectus to fllo with tho reg istrar a Btatoment containing all the facts required to file annually with tho roglstrnr a Btatoment of Its af fairs In tho form of a balanco sheet and containing a summary of lta capital, liabilities and nsscts. Every foreign company which, after the passage of tho net, establishes a placo of business within tho United Kingdom will bo required to fllo a copy of its charter or statutes and n list of tho directors of tho company, and to fllo nnnually with tho regis trar n statement of Its affairs, Bticli as la required of companies establish ed In tlio United Kingdom. Tho scientific methods of trndo regulation In Germany Is exemplified In tho Impcrlnl lcgnl codes. In call ing attention to tho need of further British commercial legislation in tho control of trading nccount books, tho London Financial Times has tho fol lowing description of ' tho Gorman commercial code: Tho code consists of 900 articles, drafted with tcrsoncss nnd clearness. Tho subject of trado books nnd ac counts Is trcnted of In sovornl chap tors, whon dealing with ordinary traders, with brokers, with firms, nnd with compnnlos. With regard to tho ordinary trador, It Is onnctcd that ho is obliged to keep propor books In which to record clenrly all his business transactions, nnd Hint ho shall proservo copies of all business communications which ho recolvos; all tho letters rccclvod and copies of letters dispatched must bo prosorven for nt least ten years, and nil books or account for tho llko porlod from tho dnto of tho last entry therein. It Is expressly provided that nil en tries must romaln legible, and that nothing must bo erased, and nil alter ations must bo so mndo as to show clearly tho original entry. Every trador must, on commencing busi ness, draw up an nccurnto invontory of his proporty nnd a balance shoot showing his assots and liabilities, and Nursing baby? It's a heavy strain on mother. Her system is called upon to supply nourishment for two. Some form of nourishment that will be easily taken up by mother's system is needed. Scqlt'j Emulsion contains the greatest possible amount of nourish ment in easily digested form. Mother and baby are wonderfully helped by its use. ALL DRUGGISTS 60c. AND $1.00 & -icr $0$$$$00&&&$G$$&4$$$ c -i Prrim .-.- . . "US to Dm.. 18 ued in the h. J tt f r lumber, Md "' monev. comoan,lieeBl u"uu.le LCJtti, Mul V"..V.. s s rrrr.sr , fti'y 7 S S wzlcj A Ilk hAjrmj s'Bfci mmm wwsmw WWy 'd Hardwood Floors In Cans lyWlfWwWMert'V JlWllM Spread them on your old floors with a good brush, and ' have an up-to-dite reception room, dinlns-room, hall or parlor. Natural wood finish, tough, elastic and durabtfc, 1 Lone! Varno-Lac exactly Imitate all fine woods, no matter how otd the surface to be stained, The only article made that requires no skill 19 produce good results. Avoid disappointment by remeraberln to ask for Varno-Lac. Mimkr Aetna Whltt Leid & Color Works, Detroit, Mlcfil iMfttmmn GEO. B. JACOB FRONT AND PINE STREETS. NORTH SALEM, Phono 104 A Dela Carload 0' tho famom Oraul Plaster, thogrtitftrtll!n una rctiorer. 04 oouer man any WUtd nuro. Tryltoamrai gardens nnd lawsi aJ srcai inTcsimentoafcsatl special prices In urn at TILLS0N & COJ 151lliSkStj The Publisher's Claims Sustained United States Court of Claims Tho Publishers of Webtter' International i-I Dictionary iiIIoko that it " K In fut-t.tlio iopu itlvonrluliud In uvorv m tho )tirioso of mhiptlnif It tn tneot tho lurwor nnd rororvr rt'ijulrumeuta of nuothor gcucro-Hon." nt tho oml of onoli hnnlnnRR vnnr lm o nro or tho opinion tlmtthlH nllofrntlon HI mo onu OI tncil OUBinCSS oar IIO I 0 t clcnrlv nmr nccurntelv ilcscrlliT.,1 the nuiBt mnko out u slmplo Invontory work tiint iina tioon nccomiliiiioi nnd tho nnd lmlnnco sheet for such year; tho bnlnnco shoots must ho mndo out in tho Btnndnrd currency for tho Etn piro, and proper provision must be mndo for doubtful debts whllo bnd debts must bo written off, nnd tho lnvontorlos nnd nblnnco Bheots mitit bo BlRtied by tho trader nnd by nil pnrtnors In tho enso of n firm. Itmvnro of Ointntcnts for Catarrh That Contain Mercury, ns morcury will surely destroy the sonso of stnoll nnd completely do rnnso tho wholo system wlfbn ontor Ing It through tho mucous surfncoB. Such nrtlclos should novor bo used oxcopt on proscription from reputn blo physlolnns, ns tho dnmngo thoy will do is ten fold to tho good yon enn possibly derive from thorn. Hall's Catarrh Cure, nmnufacturod by V. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. contains po morcury, and Is taken In tornnlly, ncting dlroctly upon the blood nnd mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cliro bO SUra VOU COt tho cannlnn. It is tnkon Internally nnd mndo In I Tostlmonlnl froo. Sold by all druggists. Price, 75c por bottlo. Toko Hall's Family Pills for constipation. result tliiithaa boon rcnchinl. '1'hn lllcllnnnrv. an It now Btaiuli, jnia lccn tlioroiiKhly ro- vuiit'u in uvvryuuiuii, una dccii corrcoicu in nvury pnrt, uml Is mlmlnibly mliiptiM to meet tho Inruor and ooveror rcqulrouicntR or a Kt'iierutlon which dpinnnds mora otpopulnr phllolpKlcnl knowloriuo thnn nny eoiiurutloii Hint tho world luisovcr contained. .THE NEWI-1ST SHAPES ItlspcrhaiMinvedlcra to nM that wo refer ' Ztj. . ., .., ,.. to tho dlotlotmry In our Judldnl work na of l FOR YOUNG L.VDIES tho hUfbeat nutfiorlty in uccunicy of dotlnl tlon: and that In tho future uu In tho past It wiU bo tho eourco ot constant reference. CIIAULU3 O. KOTT, CkI.fJa.tlM, L.lwnKSCT. WKLPON, JOHN IIAM8, hTANTD.V J PEKI.tK. C1IAULKS K JtOWMV. JoJcM. The above rtftfto WEBSTER'S INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY I- THE GRAND PRIZE fthohlirhttnwAnl) wm irlvon to tho Interna tional nt tho World' l"nlr, St. I)h1s. GET THE LATEST AND BEST S 1 J'ou utJI he nterttl in our prc(me papw, nt free. Q.&C. MERRIAM CO., PUBLISHERS, SPniNQFIELD, MABS. wcavrtRs liNTUis.amNU. kwenovurry ' -.1 ib The Fashion Stables Formerly Simpson's Stable. Up-to-date livery and cab Una Funeral turnouts a specialty. Tally to for picnics and excursions. Phont 44. CIIAS. W. YANNKE, Prop 247 and 249 High 8treet. PYRI0HT WHEN VMX1'S HllKAD IS liKLU EKED at your homo it is always tempting by Its froahiK'ss and doliclous aroma aro not quality, luto his thumb. Ho says; "Tho doc- formation tunl specifications can blbutavo tht advaotago of catering lor .lr 2 .SPu It but I ud on annllcatlon. Toj nor cent.1." luu ." Vmo and aro In uomauo. d- evoryono. Our hot roll.i for breakfast aro most tempting, W2X&?JS. l-5SS2SJl ? J.i. plication. V& per ot BHklw,, Arulc 84t ttntkatjeowjMijiy wd. must ao- ;twiiimnMiimnMiM m J. W. BOLLEN Manager Salem Undertaking Co. Funeral Director and Embalmer. Calls answered day or night. Phono 70, 383 Court St., Salem 118MaegB8M wo'ro talking nbout shoes now aro to bo hnd horo. Mnybo we ought to say styles, for tho young woman of today is athlotlc enough to look out for hor own shape. For Tall and Winter wear, thon, wo will show any mnldon n shoo to rival In daintiness hor own foot, and It will bo comfortnblo, too ovon ns to tho prlco wo'll ask. JACOB VOGT Opiwslte Patrons' Hook Store 345 State St. Salem, Oregon & (1U1IIM DAIXTY WOB Always prefer onr ee - ouh phono orderi realnai attention as thoMcracrMBi E.C. CR058, Qtnti Rtrtet HuM ! go oawaiag i Gold Dtjst Flout I ! i Mado by THE BYDNITY POW- i EB COMPANY, Sidney, Oregon. , Made for family use. Ask jour j grocfr for It. Bran and ihorti always on hand. P. B. Wallace AGENT 9&9999m9iawoai V "ijnW" Salem Fence Wire Headquarters for Woven Wire Fencing. Netting, Pickets, Gates, Shingles, P & B. Ready Roofing, Screen Doors and Adjustlblo Window Screens All at lowest prices. Walter Morley 250 Court St Salem, Ore. CASTOR I A 7r la&ats and CMUxnl Tk.KW Yn Havi A!wtS BKkt txzaxsam ' fJJinAllfl MAIWIFREKCH FMAL ji.iiYMiim PILLS. s CrrrJ ftuuv toiarnuViwei'1' n'TFi riawa ta nil s-w -: liwr4mi UMrr(BHCMCU.CO.,OXT4.tiiASTa.rA. AXY3RR U MSD" When rour blhrcC! Un't fitted up wtowj gcroush winter tn cause yc . , .. t..,MVa. W. closer, i-""" BU" """ .urd1 in and do It KtotlW . reasonable price. a T E M. Li, . if 238 ft 8 pfcoJ cA fhv fdfAs Washiflf flndyoulUrko!!;, KWJ&S lxs2J tt1 when every tn send tb mtLui family 1,v:f-iip" m tZ. um " umV . OX PJW- SAUJjSf- ' p ! www i aanceroua woi," is N, ft. LOONBY, CAPITAL BAKKRY, ikm M . O, Parry'a, drugtUt, t a of SoU In Sakm by Dr. S. C Stoac uLMVZSgv