DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1007. 3:. ' ri" rl flVCWS hol,th.ese days. They prefer strong tonics UL LI ty, KJLJ and alteratives. This Is all In keeping with yfM 1070 V'"s oarsapanllaMs now made entirely free tho Two-cent Fares In France. . . . Ii.i f 1 fntinnlllrtn am. (When tnc cuj i "'" ,P'i wlh the Compagmo uenernm fonea s- &? Tramwoys for tho con duct! a pi i complete electrical unslt s t'cm, tho terms or tno con ss(lC3 r.'racted wldo attention, as nW.l J fer: First, 2-cont fnres 0 ccntiH-iSi; second, an annual Inlmum pament to the city oC 19,300 plus 1 per cent of the an- tat rcc 1; s wiicn utn rucuipid ,onU ex. ted ?i,yau,uuu, mis per- ntae. to Incrcnso with each million addltK r.al receipts until tho tot?l lrts wcuici amount 10 $-',aiu,- o, at which timo tho city's sharo ould rtiiMln stationary at 3 per nt, third, reversion to tho state of rlshti nnd full proprietorship as tracks, wires and other mnterhl copying tho public thoroughfare?, the expiration of tho concession- period of 50 years. The company possesses Blmllar Incesslons at Marseilles, Nancy. avre, Orleans and Tunis, but the irsellks s8tem Is by far tho most portant. Tho company, which was ipltallzed at $4,825,000 In i8ni,u"P"cauon as mucu ns Mr. uryce now increased Kb capital to $8,- 6,000, divided Into 84,000 shares 196.50 each, and has also Issued ,967,300 In 4 per cent bonds and 05.641 In 3 per cent bonds. Tho per cent bonds aro now worth In open mnrket $95.44 nnd tho 3 r cent bonds $81.44. Tho shnres tiro paid Interest rogunrly for tho it seven years bb follews: 1900, I.S6; 1901, $4.34; 1902, $4.34; 03, $4S2; 1904, $5.31; 1905, LSI, 190G, $5.31. Thoro Is now no talk of n $5.79 dividend for 107, but this Is hardly likely. Tho nrs nro now Quoted In tho opon irket at $123,52, which shows that io enterprise has beon ontlroly sat- 'factory from tho Investors point ' view. fho results to tho public have en these. Tho city enjoys tho use a street railway system which Is obably as comploto ad any in irope. Tho rolling stock Is by no uns ns elegant as In ninny Amerl- cities, but tho .cars aro substnu- klly constructed and answer nil ictlcal purposes. Tho tracks reach In every dlcotlon and converge to the heart of tho business dis ci While not transfers nro nl cd, tho fnres aro uniformly 2 Bti, with tho exception of ono clr- far excuralnn routo along tho sea at, upon which 3 cents aro collect- Very general uso Is inndo of th? nice, nr.d owing to tho low faros, re aro taken for distances so short t otherwise thoy would bo cov- on foot Electricity roplaco.l car3 nnd omnibuses In 1900, tho new systom was not com- a unMl 1902. Consular Re ft Anii rli-aa Placo "Samoa. Jnila -.It Dryco is moro fa- t'Tho Kind You lliivo Ahvnys Bought, and which has hcen. U USO lnr nvtr Itfl vmiM. linu -. .... . r .... n and has &Cfc Al' Ccunterfclts, Iinltntlons and Just-nK-froodar" hub Experiments that trillo with and endanger tho heo i of "ifauts nnd &!.ndi;n Experience against Expeo tut. Wnat is CASTOR I A Caston.; 1h n Imnnless stihstltuto for Custor Oil, Paro Krl , Drops uiid Suothlutr Syrups. It Id Pleasant. Ifc contains neither Opium, Morphiuo nor other Xareotlo 5ditance. It ajo I its guarantee. It destroys Worms d allays FovorUhness. It cures Dlarrhoja and "Wind 'Hc. It x'elloves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation I Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Uuimhand IIowcls, t'ii liif,' healthy and natural sleep. ' ( blldren's Pauacca Tho aiother's Friend. K.VINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS J Beara tho Signature of f A v X e kk You Haye fin Uc For Over 30 Year. f Doctors prescribe very little, if anv. alco. f i. 1 modern medical science. It explains why from alcohol. Ask your doctor. formal, ef .11 our prepirntlom. liw.lf.MM.: miliar with the American constitu tion than with American place names. He has recently discovered that there are too many duplicates that thore are numerous Washing tons, while thoro should bo but one. Nor does he approve or tho miscel laneous borrowing of nnmos of old world cities. He thinks thoro should bo but one London In tho world, and that it is In bad taste to have a Canndlnn London. Adam gave names offhanded to tho bonsts of tho field and the fowl of the air, but the settlers of this country nnd of Canada have not found It nn oasy tnsk to givo nnmvp to all tho stroams, cltloa and vll- lngos. Mr. Dryco tayB tho Indlnns have provided an unlimited suppply of musical nnmos. Perhaps If there woro to bo a general rennming a hoavlor draft would bo made upon tho Indian tongues, Borne of which, however, nro anything but musical. It would be well If thoro woro not qnlto so many Iilnck, Whlto and Clenr rivers and fewer "forks" and '""ranches," but If all Britons hated U008 l"oy woum not have bo many Avon rivers. Their multiplicity Bomeumos perplexes Americans. Tho first settlors of Now England did not think they wero guilty of any impropriety when thoy founded a now Exetor, Dradford, Plymouth. Hoston or Ipswich. Tho loved the old famillnr names and would not havo exchanged them for uncouth unmonnlng Indian designations. When omlgrnnts from tho onst made homos for thomsolvoB In tho Missis sippi vnlloy thoy olthor borrowed tho nnmos of oastorn towns, or bolng moved by pntrolllo Impulses, used tho nnmos of Amorlcnn ttoldlors and statemon. As tho supply was not Bufllclont, nnd nB thoy had boon too busy driving on tho Indlnns to loam tholr language, thoy boldly stolo placo names from Europe, Asln and Africa, Thus, In Illinois, ono can find Paris, Pekln, Naplos, Venlco and Cairo. It would bo bottor In BOtno re spects If thoro wero not bo many Sprlngflolds nnd Washlngtons In tho Unltol States. Tho number of lot tors that go astray because tho state Is loit off the euvelopo would not be so great, lint tho duplicates can not bo weeded out without local con soiit, and that will not bo given. Tho most euphonious of Indian nnmos would not Induco the citizens of Springfield, 111., or London, On tario, to mako a change Chicaflo Tribune. Don't Vnj Alimony To bo divorced from your appendix. Thcro will bo no occasion for It If you kcop your bowels regular with Dr. King's Now Llfo Pills. Tholr action Is so gentlo that tho appendix nevor hns cnuso to make tho least complaint. Guaranteed by J. C Perry, druggist. 25c. Try them. I 1 vxxwxsxvvga lirfmin inn ulfrTintTirn flf .. W. . w . ., w been inudo imdor hla pcr- honnluperl.slou kIuco it Infancy. Allnwiio onii todeecivo you In tlilH. yAu&JU44 Always Bought HISTORICAL INDIAN. Participated In Untile of the Alamo 111) Years Old. You often hear of a good Indian being a dead Indian. A fow days ago an Indian died at San Antonio, who, while he might -not havo beon a truly good Indian, was a prominent character In history. Felix Rod riguez, nn Azote Indian, died ro contly nt the age of 1 19. Ho was In tho battle of the Alamo in 1S3G ad a toamstcr In charge of tho paymas ter's wagon of the Moxlcnn army. After the Texas victory ho returned to Moxlco, whore ho lived until four ycjnrs ago, whon he removed to San Antonio. Ho died without family. lllllllllllllllllllllilll' i i; THE MARKETS, jj Make Snlcm a Good Home ! ! Market. ' ! Illlllllllllllllllllllllh SALEM MARKET. Stclttcr'8 Market. Dcalors In fish, gamo and poultry Highest cash price paid for eggs, Prompt delivory. Stato street. Local Wholesale Market. Eggs- 14c. Hens 13c; young chlckons, 11. lie. Ducks 10c; geoso, 8c; turkeys, 133lGc. Dutter 22c; fat, 20Wc Local wheat C870c. Local wheat C8c. Oats 38400. llarloy $22(0' $23. Flour $3.25 $3.50. Mill feed Uran, $19.50: uhortp, $21.00. Hay Chont and clovor, $7 por ton; timothy, $11.00 $? $12.00 per ton. Onions $2.00 por. cwt; potatoes, SOc por cwt. HopB Cholco, 10 lie; prlmo to choice 8 9c; medium to prlmo, 8V4c. Chlttlm bark 5 V, Gc. Tropical Fruits. Rananas $0.75. Oranges $3. 00 $3.75. Lemons $6. 00 $.50, Retail Market. OntB $28; whont, 80c por bu.; rolled bnrloy, $27. Eggs 18 20c doz. Apples $3.00. Hutter Country, 18 20c; cream ery, 30c. Flour $1 per Back. ISran 05o por eucIc; $21 por ton. Hay Timothy, 75c por cwt.; cheat and clovor, 50o por cwt.; ihorta, 95c per' cwt Livestock. Hogs Fat, 7c. Cattle 11001200 lb stoora, 44tfc. Lighter steers 4c. Cows and helfora 900 1000 fc, 34c. Stock Hogs Go. Hogs Fat, 6c. Lambs Cc. Veal Drosscd, G7& PORTLAND MARK17r. Whont Club, 78c; valley, 77o; bluo stem; 80, Oats Cholco white, 29c. MIllstufT Dran, $17. Hay Timothy, $15 $1C; alfalfa $11.60. Vetch $7.50 $8.00. Potntoos 85c $2.10 per owt. Poultry Hons, IBIPiC'o; mixed chickens, 14 15c; dressed chick ens, 16 Vice; turkeys, live, 13 14c; ducks, 17 18c; pigeons, $1.00 $1.25. Pork Dressed, 606&C Roef Dressed, 50c, Mutton C 7c. Hops 910,4c ID, according to quality. Wool Valloy, coarso to modlum, 2923c; eastern Oregon, 13 18c (i Stop Grumbling. If you suffer from Rhoumatlsm or pains, for nallard's Snow Liniment will bring quick rellof. It Is a sure euro for Sprains, Rhoumatlsm, Con- traded Muscles and all pains and within tho reach of all, Prlco 26e. 50c, $1.00. O. R. Smith, Tenebs, Tex., writes: "I havo used Ballard's Snow Liniment In my family for years and havo found it a flno rem edy for all pains and aches. I rec ommend It for pains In tbo chest." Sold by D. J. Fry. An Orerlooked DUtlnctloa. "Mlas Yellltt! Miss Yelllttl" et- claimed tho music teacher in despair to bis shrieking pupil. "Remember you are aiajtle as 'Invitation to Summer." You are bfilug it to come sot dariaf It," Kxchasge. JOURNAL'S SPORTING LETTER' National league Notes. Now York. May 11. Well as the Giants have overhauled tho Cubfc, and tho Americans are picking up New York boglns to swell again. Boston was pretty onsy picking last week. In ono gnmo thoy wore beaten to a frawlo nt tho end of the second Inning. The CltnnU piny od shnrp, snappy baseball, Dummy Taylor wns tho Btlont horo of one of the battles with Hoston. Ho let down tho llonnoators with five hits, and ho didn't make any brag out of It either. The Cubs havo beon tearing each other apart in tho west, whilo wo hnvr- been trilling with tho Dodgers. While the Giants would llko to dec the Cubs Jammed as much ns pos sible, It wltl tickle us no matter which way It goos. Sparks was a little too brilliant for tho Dodgem A few of them mado a gallant at tempt to start something In tho ninth but thoy could only get Just enough runs to prevent n shutout. Wo aro again compelled to nsl; If you havo been watching Dill Dahlen's willow work thoso days. Dill led tho team hitting, ngaliiBt gottlng two singles nnd ono double. The PtttBburg ontry semed to fall all around on Thursday. Howard, Doaumont and Rlchoy got only one hit between them, nnd Flaherty was found for enough singles novon to win tho gnmo. At thnt ho hnd onlv ono bnd Inning, but that 1b whoio tho Giants Inndcd on him. Dnhlon'8 Holding dnon not nny whoro nonr koop p'aco with his hit ting. Tho only two orrora charged to his club In ono gnmo woro duo to him. It wns n plonsnnt surprtso to no tlco thnt while tho Glnnts woro mak ing n procession of tho Rontons, tho dosplsod Rods woro npnnklng tho chnmplonH.to tho tuna of 3 to 1 That Is what brought tho Giants up so nlcoly. American League IlrlefH, llnl Chase wnH tho big man In the deal with tho Hoston. This Is tho first tlmo wo havo had an opportun ity to say thnt this Benson, but It wns tho dally dope Inst season, which only goos to show thnt all out Yan kcos nro getting back Into their stride. Wo hnvo to got tho jump on the Athletics boforo tho long Jump out woBt. Every gnmo tho Ynnkees can cop will holp when they go ngnlnut strong-going tontnn around tho lakes ant) rivers on tho othor side. Evory ono oxcopt tho battory chaps hit tho ball In Thursday's gaiuo of tho Yanks, nnd bosldou Laporto, Chase connected with two safo ono, nnd Hoffmnn did tho enmo. Ono of Chase's was slushing double, on which afterward scorod tho tlolnv run when Wld Conroy pnBted his lono hit out the plnah. j It will cortnlnly bo bnd it Hilly Hogg Is out of the game for any length of tlmo. Chusbro will not he nblo to go on for a DiiIhIi light for some tlmo yot. and Oith will bu Griff's only sure boxmnn, unlout some of those youngsters hit a steady , gn'lL I Hborfolil made three mUtakos In tho, Hoston garno, and ono of them wns a throw thnt oven Ohasa noulil nut con newt with for nn out. It nlo nut Hoston In tho load, and might have loat the game If the gang hntl Highest Cai.h Prlro Paid for chick not got buey with tho bat In the oua at Wlllomotto Hotel. 4-10-tf eighth. Ohnso stood tho Hostons on tholr heads, After hitting In Heeler nnd Hoffman Mtth the runs that broke tho tie and won th game, he stole and scored on Lnporto'H grouudar. MlM-ellaiiMiuii. "Fighting Dick Hylnnil nnd Hilly Flnnooane, are matchwl to tnot at tho Auditorium Ih Denver 17. Tho men ttr to go rounds and will weigh in on May , twenty at 123 pounds ringside. Young Carter, the looal feather wolght, Is training hard for his com ing bout with Danney Hlokoy of Brooklyn, which la to be decided In prlvato In about two weeks. Tho boys to go twonty rounds at 12 i pounds, and will meet for a guar- antecd purse of $500, which will bo split 75 por cent wlnnor and 25 loner. Harry Lewis, the Quakor City lightweight, is training a fow miles outsldo of Philadelphia for hla -15 round fight with Jimmy Gardner, which la to take placo in Denver on May 17. Jim Bonner, of Summit Uilla, Pa., has been matched to meet Billy Mack, of Hcranton, lu a 10 round go hefpro tbo National A. C, of Ply mouth, Pa., o May 14. mmimtmmmt ; -j. OIilflSftl8llf4t-tllti CLASSIFIED Bf4WllMH - TOR HALE em-ludcpenilonco-Motv mouth stngo lino, fully equipped. Inquire of Capital Commission Company, Sntom. 4-5-tt For Sale Team, wagon and harness, Enqulro It. S. Clark, N Commer cial and Grtivo Sts. G-4-lwk FOR RENT For Rent A sulto of rooms. In qulro nt 20S Capital stroct, or phono 12 SO. 5-7-lwk For Rent Ilduso nnd four lots, gar don and' barn. All kinds of fruit Apply nt 345 Union street Phouo 591. 4-4-tf For Rent Sovon-room houso, hot and cold water, electric light, bath room. Inqulro of Aug. Schrolb or, GliO North High street. 3-25-tt MUSICAL. irtuur von aiwcn Teacior oi ano; touch, tochnlch, Interpreta tion. Thorough preparatory course Advanced students prepared for publla npponranco. Rosldcmco 0b 8 Conter St. Tel. Main 52 6. 2-28-tf. IX)3T. Lost Ulnck, part spanlol dog. An swora to nnmo of "Don." Roturn to E. Hofor, South Salem. 4-17-tf Lonar.8. "orestent of Anierlm Court 8h,r wood Forostars, No. 10. Meoti Tuesday In Hurst hall, Stato atreol Loo Abblo. O. It; A. L. Drown, P. 8. Central Lodge No. 18, K. of P. Castle Hall In llolmnn block, cor ner Stnto and Liberty stroota. Tuesday of each wook at 7:30 p in. Oscnr Johnuon, C. O.; E. 1L Andorson, K. of 11. and 8. Modern Woodmen of America Ore gon Cedar Camp No. 5240. Moot every Thursday ovonlng at 8 o'clock In llolmnn hall. W. V Hill, V. 0.5 P. A. Turner, Clerk. Woodmen of World Moot every Fri day night at 7:30, In llolmnn hall J. A. Dlckoy, C. H.; P. L. Frailer. Clork. Lincoln Annuity Union, Sick, acci dent and ponslon tnsurnnco; $2, 000,000 plodgod; ovory claim paid Good agonts wnntod. J. H. O Montgomery, aupromo organlcor Hox 432 Balom, Oregon. R. R Ryan, aecroctnry, 540 Btate street WAKTBD. (llrl Wnntiil To work In store Call Snturdny afternoon at 379 Court street. 5-10-3t Wanted I.nco curtains washed and Ironed. Will call for and roturn all orders. Mrs. Wnltor Ross, Phono Suburban 94 5-10-lwk Wanted.-To lonso dairy farm for cash, pnrtles buying cows. Rent payable In advance. Address W. C. Duncan, Turner, Orogon. 5-2-tf Wanted To borrow $1000 on tho best of ronl ostato security, Ap ply to "J. P.," caro Journal ofllce. 4-20-tf PLUMMBW9. Tlu.0 j, lu -PJumblug, hot wt ...j Btoam heutlng and tlnnlni 104 Commorclal street. Phom Main 193. 9-1-ly M. J, Petrol Plumbing, tew tw gas fitting. Hueeor to Koox t Murpby, 220 Commercial itrri 'Phone Mala 17. '--- - ORAYMeN Cmmiiliii) liros.' Transfer Company All kinds of transfer work done. Furniture and pianos boxod roudy for shipment. Prompt sorvlco Is our motto. Stand and ofllce at 253 South Commorclal stroot. Phono 210. Ro'sjdonco Phono 968. 8A8H AKD DOOX rAOTORrE rtank M. Browa. Manufacturer of &ab, door, vooMlugt, All kinds ef bouM flnlib and hard wood work Front street, bet. State and Court Make all rnmpHInt h tfli MINIfl. Jnventor Wlahes to purchaso mln log claims, undeveloped or par tially dovolopcd, but Indication must be good. Will also Jlaaace one or two cood propoeitloni. What hare your Addreee P. O, Box 161, Oraata Pa, Or, DEPARTMENT -HeHaii(Ha MISCELLANEOUS. lauo xaner u. u. woods, nlano pert tuning, repairing and polish ing, Lcnvo ordors at Goo. O. Wills' niUBlc store, Salem. 2- 9-lyr Concrete Work. Got my prlcos o sidewalks, curbs, septic tanks and cement work of nny kind. All work guaranteed first-class. M. Ward, Highland add. Phono 569. v 2-11-tf Uutto tt Wcnderoth Flno wlnos, liquors nnd clears. Wo handle the celebrated Kellogg and Castle whiskies. Cool nnd refreshing beer constantly on drough. South Commarclnl streot 9-3-lyr Snletn Iron Works. Founders, xna chlnlsts nnd blacksmiths. Manu facturers of nil kinds of sawmill ninohtnory. Hop and fruit drying stoves, etc. Manufacturers of the Salem Iron Works Hop Press. Salem Rex & Lumber Go, Removed from South Salem to 14th street, near the B. P. dopoL Doxes, Berry Crates, Fruit Trays and Perfection Fruit Evaporators. Phone 201. Enlarged Our moat market on Enst State stroot has been doubled In site and wo aro better propnrod than ever to sorvo customers. Prompt service and tho best of moats our motto. Call or phono 199. B. E. Edwards, Prop. HnhMii Iudcpcndcnro MohhwhUi Btago lino. Leaves Indopoudoncn dnlly (oxcopt Sunday) nt 8:00 o'clock a. m. Returning, loaves Snlom from Wlllamotto Hotel at 3 p. in., arriving at Indopondonc? In tlmo for (1:15 motor for Mon mouth and Dnllns. Phono Mala 170. Wo Aro Coh Purchaser Of poul try, eggs, and all kinds of farm produce Horry crates mado up In unlimited quantities. Capital Commission Co., 207 South Com mercial street, Salem. Phone Mala 170. 1'J AcreH Flno boII, hnlt timber, half cultivation, l'j miles from Salem, flno unobstructed vlow of Salem, river, mountains, etc. Kn tlroly onclosod with now wire fonco, Houso and barn old. Ap ples, pears, plums, prunes, peach es, chorrlcfl, borrlos full boarlng. This Is for you, Mr. Bargain Hunt er. Call on or write to "II.," care Journal. 5-10-3wk (leneml Hohhc CIcahIhk Aho car pet cloanlng and window washing. Furniture packing a specialty. T. A. Button. Phono 97 Suburbau. 5-ll-3t BUHCRNUT BREAO It U worth more thnn any other bread, yot the price Is no higher. For salo at your grocer's. CALIFORNIA IIAKKUY. Thomea ft Cooley, Props. MIIIIHHHMIIIMIIIIW MEALS 15c AT TIIH Salem Restaurant :il COURT HTRKET. Call and try them, Meals J ibc. Honrd por week $2.75. I aUo furnUhed rooms vory reasonable. HMI O C. T. Co. -STEAMERS POMONA AND OREGO.VA LEAVH PORTLAND MONDAY, WKDNKH- DAY AND FRIDAY AT 10 A, 31., TUK8RAY, THURSDAY AND HATURDAYH AT fltOO A. M. FOl CORVALIH TUESDAY, THURHDAT AND HATURDAY AHOirr I. M. P. M. BALDWIN, At. gpoat wleely la the source of muU Mtlsfactlon. Why aot epea4 a liUle of K wUely row buying Rroeeriee of aT &ktr, Lwrenc & Baker