DAILY OAPITATj JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1007. HOFER BROS. Polishers anc? Proprietors B. IIOFKIt, Kdltor. A. F. ITOFEHi Manager. TJ1E JOURNAL STANDS FOR PROGRESS, DEVELOPMENT, GOOD GOVERNMENT. AND NO DEGRADHD LABOR. HOMES FOR CONSUMPTIVES. Boforo tho MnagcchUBottB log!.laturo is a bill Introduced l: the public charities commlttco appropriating ?300,000 TO CONSTRUCT THREE HOMES FOR CONSUMPTIVES TO UK MANAGED 11Y THE STATE. Ono hi to bo In tho northeast part, ono In tho southeast and the third In tho Connecticut valley. It Is not proposed to make living at thoao homos free. Tho coBt of board is fixed In tho bill at ?4 a week. Each Institution Is planned to accommodate 1G0. Consumption is regarded as a contagious disease. At loaot It Is thought to bo DANGEROUS TO THE HEALTH OF OTHERS TO LIVE IN THE SAME ROOM WITH CONSUMPTIVES, and tho atalo homos are designed to afford consumptives ploafiant quartern, whoro they may havo tho best treatment known and may feel thoy aro no) a sourco from which tho disease may spread to others. It is wlso In tho creation of stato Institutions to provide for pay pa- tlonts. Now institutions aro needed to caro for Increasing classes of tho afflict Cfl or delinquent, and every now Institution Increases tho burden of tho taxpayer. o AIJOUT CANADA. Early In tho week Sir Wilfrid Laurlor, tho ablo premier of Canada, made a speech In London at a banquet of tho Canada club of tho British capital, following tho meeting of tho colonial rulers of tho empire. Ills topic was tho relations of Canada to tho empire and to her neighbor, tho Unitod States. Ho assured his hearers that THERE WAS NO LIKELIHOOD OF CANADA REING AMERICANIZED a consequence that a few English men droad, but only a fow bollovo In by tho Immigrants that are -crossing tho border. Tho Amorlcans, ho said, who nro Immigrating to Canada arc quitting tho Unitod States bocauso thoy bollovo that Canada Is a bettor country "with bottor laws, which nro admlnlslorod ton-fold hotter than tho laws of tho Unitod States." ALL OF WHICH, WHILE EXCEKDIXGLY FLATTERING TO THE CANADIAN PREMIER, IS HARDLV CONSISTENT WITH ACOL'HACV OF REASONING AND THE LOGIC OF THE FACTS. It is true that Canada Is obtaining a vory doslrablo clas of agricul tural emigrants from tho United States. It Is truo, furthomoro, that nho is offering most oxcollont Inducements !n tho way of lands and prlcoH and ratos of transportation. Thoro, howovor, It Ih tlmo to tnko Ibhuo with Sir Wilfrid. Our agricultural community, which Is by far tho largost and wealth- loBt division of our olghty millions of population, IS QUITE satisfied with tho lnws under which itu puoplo llvo. Tliolr freedom and pergonal safoty aro nssurod. Tholr lovo of tho co nntry nnd of Its instiutlone is unqualified. THOSE WHO IMMIGRATE TO CANADA ARE SIMPLY SEEKING THAT WIDER OPPORTUNITY IN A NEW LAND which has Inspired tho soul of tho plouour In nil ages Thousands and tons of thousands como to ub; a fow hundreds have gono chlufly because thoy nro confined by tho limitations of a populous section and hamperod by prices that aro boyond their moans. Tho newer country hns its nlluroinonts, and whon this is Bnld all is said that marks tho differences bo delicately and Ingenuously drawn by Can ada' premier, . .. o CALLS MR. STEAD A CAD. Blood Humors Persistent Eczema Druggist Advised Proper Medicine-Another Complete Cure. Ifc mnkes no difference how severo or long-seated a case of bad blood, humors, eczema or scrofula may be, Hood's Snrsaparllln cures just tho same. It has tho greatest record of any medicine ever made. Has received tho largest number of testimonials 10,300 in two years. It is the one above all others for you to take if you need a thorough ly good medicine for your blood. Head the following from Mr. C. C. Bailey, a well-known pump manufacturer, of Champaign, 111. "When I asked tny doctor vrbat that eruption was which came under my right car, and which hud refused to yield to home treatment, ho said It was a bad caso of eczema and that It would tnko a long tlmo to euro It. Another doctor said It was about tho worst caso he over snw. I fol lowed their advlco for 10 months, and still tho eruption would not heal. "Ono day I asked tho druggist If ho had anything he thought would do mo good. Ho Bald It auythlng would cure mo it was Hood's Sarsaparilla C. C. BAILEY. Hood's Sarsaparilla, nnd advised that I buy thrco bottles, watch tho results, nnd bo governed accordingly. Thoro ,wns such decided Improvement at tho end of that tlmo that another bottlo effected n complete cure." C. C. Ilnlley, 40 E. University avenuo, Champaign, 111. Will convince and euro where given a fair trial. Buy a bottlo today. BnrsntabS nro Hood's Snrnftpnrllln In tab- Sold by nil drucKlsts or sent promptly by lot form. Hnvo Identically mail on receipt of price by C. I. Hood Co., tho saiuo curativo properties. 100 Uosua 91. 1 Lowell. Mass. Guaranteed under tho Food and Drugs Act, Juno 30, 1000. No. 324. "William T. Btond, odltor of tho Urltlnh .lluvlow of -llovlowa, hns nrousud tho "MlHiourl" In tho Knuvmi City Joumiul. Btond, In tho Journal's opinion, Ih a cad, a moddlor a colnor of In milts, and cousldera hlmuolf thu udjuttur-lu-ohlor of tho world's dllllcul- tlQH. Whim ho ml foot on tho uttdiimhlp to will for England tho Journal will b highly plounad. Stwid hoIdH tho Aninrlonii pimple In coutompt, Insults us right and loft nnd w alt allontly by. Thu Journal fools thai thu tlmo tuiK oomu to talk back. "I'lftwu ywira ino." amy thlH overwrought Mlanourlun, "Mr. Stoad vlaltad Chicago In MMt'oh of nmtwrlnl for(iMJlf-ttxplltutlon, and tho romill of hla riiraory glance at tho Windy City wtm u book that wns never much of a itcreM. for the good and aiilllvlont ronaon that it was not worth rending. "Title time he criiiu ncroea tho Atlnntlc to roguluto tho affairs of our poaco conference, and because ho was not pormlttod to draft tho rosolu tlons, or for some othor uqunlly trivial roiuon, ho played tho baby aol and tttriiutl tho vl ,1b or his wrath against the Amorlcnn pooplo. "One of the Ili'Ht things Mr. Stoed did on his prosont visit was to ub Hiiro a tHiniimny of wonion that the Ainorluan mon Mid not rospoct wnnuiii. Thoy treat thoni llko children," contluuud tho Ilrlltali critic. " 'Hurfnuu courtoay Ih not truo chivalry. 'And that U what tho Amorlcnn man offers to Amorlcan women. " 'Bupi)OHo n protty woman approaches a group of mon and announcos that by adding two and two Hldowlio alio has demonstrated that the sum la llvo. Do thoy oall hor an Idiot? ' 'No. Hut a person who had real rospoct for hor would toll hor she was making a fool of herself so that bIio would discontinue the oxhlbl tlon.' "Ueautlfylng reasoning this. Of course, ttmlor Blmllar olroumstuncos tho ohlvalrous Mr. Stoad would call tho woman an idiot and chuck headed fool. "Mr. Stead addressed the Methodist proaohors mooting In Now York, nnd while discussing his boats' resolutions blandly said 'Nobody caroa n damn for your resolutions. "Of course, this shocked tho good mlntstors, but thou it was Mr. 8toad, and the Incident was allowed to pass. "Although Mr. Stoad Iuih boon nccorded tho courtosy duo an honored guost in this country he has demoii3trntod that ho Is an Ignorant and narrow-minded boor, and Amorica will bo well rid of a suporclllous cnl when ho Iwivos." WEEKLY NEW YORK LETTER What Is Going On in the Country's Great Metropolis songors and operators, who aw guarding tho property all ntgift long, and It would bo simply Impossible for burglars to rob tho concern. Tho Pennsylvania Railroad com pany Iuib raised tho chargos for its cabs. It has boon losing money on It, nnd consequently tho prices have had to bo put up. In fact thoy hnvo been doubled. Hereafter Hlnglo fare from tho West 23rd Btreot ferry to tho hotel district will bo CO cents Instead of 25, as heretofore Former ly tho rato of a hansom for a mile nnd a half or loss with ono or two persons was 25 cents. It is now fiO cents with nn extra 25 cent faro for Now York, May 11. feomo of the ' y additional mllo or fraction rgo city bankH whon thoy under- thoronf. Pnrm0Piv this nxt chnmo G HUMAN' KXPKUIMUNTS WITH SMllKJI.NC! Replying to an Amorlcan Inquiry, Consul CSonoral A. V. Thaoknrn, of Herlln mtikos tho following reporl ralntlvo to tho Gorman use of Rinudgtw In tho protection of fruit trees, vluoa, oto., from frests: It Is the opinion of all thoao from whom I huvo hoard that tho protec tion of trees from damage which may bo caused by lato frosts, at least In Germany, is by no means In tumoral use, and tho method may still bo considered In tho experi mental stage. For lustanco, In "Wordor, about 25 miles from Berlin, tho cetttor ot a largo fruit-growing Industry, tho president ot tho fruit growers' association writes xu that tho method ts vory little employed. In Isolated cases the growers have uie4 dried leave, weeds, sawdust or somo othor cheap mntorlal which will produco smoke, with moro or loss favorable results. In tho vine district of tho Rhine and among the fruit-growers of Wurttomborg, whon a uiimbor of tho neighboring own ers unite and make a concerted movement to uso the smudge mothod, a certain dogreo of succesi has boon obtained, but tho method Is not In gonornl uso In Germany. It ts not Intended to glo tho Impres sion that tho question of tho protec tion ot fruit trees and vines from frost by means of sinudgei Is not ot interest to tho agriculturists ot this country far from It, Many exhnus tlvo experiments havo boon mado by exports and othors, and are still being mado, nnd, while the result havo not yet boon as favorable as were wished for, a satisfactory so lution, which would mean millions ot dollars probably to those Inter ested, Is still keped tor. 111! tnko to reconstruct their banking housos adopt a now plnn. The Ghomlcnl National bank has just como Into occupancy of Its greatly beautified building nftor a temporary occupany of a largo room lu a sky Bcrapur In Dunno stroot. This bnnk lug room was built for temporary occupancy by banks, and tho banks can movo nil tholr portablo proper ty Into tho spacious banking room specially constructed to meet tho wants of a banking , Institution. While tho Chemical bank was rocon structlng Its old building n work oc cupying many months, It hnd n line bHiikliiK room all tho while, with no differences lu Its facilities oxcopt that It was situated a couple ot blocks away from its old site. Whon tho work was dona, In movod tho Chemical bank with all Its accumu lated millions. The olllcors and clerks and customers found In tho reconstructed banking room the lluost arched window In tho city can boast of and tho largost tho city has to show. Tho National Park bank ers havo a wondow almost ns large and handsomo, but tho Chemical's stnuds at tho hoatl. And now tho Importers & Trndors bank, which owns n largo and handsomo proporty on tho corner of Murray Btreot and Broadway, has moved Into tho Daune roady-mndo banking rooms, nnd Is tearing down Its old building and preparing to put up a skyscraper. Tho apartmonts ot tho Mercantile National bank, In tho Wostorn Union building nro tho handsomest In tho city, bolng really ologant. This bank Is protected In n romarkablo do groe. In addition to Its hugo and lmprognnblo vault, nnd watchman It has also a corps of telegraph raes thoreof. Formerly this extra charge was fifteen cents. Tho fnro for four-whcolora has been Increased from -10 to CO conts for ono nnd n halt mllos or less, with an Increase from 15 to 25 contB for ovory cddl tlonnl poraonn, and an lncronso from 20 to 25 conts for every oxtra mllj or fraction thoroof. Have You a Savings Account? IF NOT LKT US Ol'KX ONE IX YOIH X.YMK. IT'S AX KXCKL- IiKXT MKAXS OF SAVIXG .MOX- KY, AXI MAKING IT KARX MORK. DKTOSITS OF OXK DOLLAR OR MOllK CAN UK MARK AT AXY T1MLK. INTEREST PAIR SEMI-AXXU- ALLY. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Capital National Bank Tho mnrrlago of a nogro In the fashionablo Holy Trinity Prostcstnni Episcopal church, Lenox nvenuo nnd 122d stroot, crontcd qutto a stir in fashionablo circles, and In church clrelos ns well. Tho coromony was elaborate and tho church was crowd od with nogroos, tho only whlto por son present bolng tho Rov. E. II. Henson, usHtstnnt roctor ot the church, who porformod tho . coro mony. Ho said that tho woman wns a mombor of tho church, having been duly conOrmod n fow wooks ngo. "Wlll'lloly Trinity oncourngo the mnrrlago of nogroos In tho church?" Doctor Donson wns asked. "It will nolthor oncourngo or dlscourngo col ored pooplo from bolng married within Its walls," ho roplled. "Hello, hello," shouted nn uptown grocer; ho hold tho rocolvor to his ear for a momont, whllo ho frowned slightly nnd lmpntlontly. Then n smllo transformed his features. "Oh," ho said, "Androw Carnegie's houso, nil right, I'll hold tho wire?" A brlof pause, eight or ton women who woro waiting, flggotod. "Yes, Mrs. Carnoglo," shouted tho grocer Into tho phono. "This morning's order. Yes, and tho goods havo been sont; thoy should bo nt your plnco now, It won't bo long boforo thoy arrive. How Is Mr. Carnegie feeling today? Good. I'm glad to hoar it. Yos, thank you. All right, good by." Ono of tho customers who hnd boon waiting for tho pro prietor to wait upon hor whllo ho was busy with "Mrs. Cnrnelclo." said, sarcastically to a woman who stood by hor slde: "That makes mo trlod, ovory tlmo that man gets n storo full of customers, ns ho frq- (juontly doos nt this tlmo of day, he always has a call from somo wealthy person In tho neighborhood. No, of courso thoy don't trado here that' what I am gottlng nt. Thoy aro fake calls, and ho never talks to those whoso names ho speaks so loudly. Why does he do It? I suppose It Is to mako his patrons think that the swollest persons In this part of town buy at his store." figures. John W. Gates bccnm known in financial circles as a man who wa3 ready to take any kind of risks, and from him camo tho phrase "bet a million." He has been an unhealthy influence, disturbing to an alarming degree at times, and appar ently guided with an utter lack of principle. Tho houso has always been noted for its extreme bids in tho market and Wall streot was quite ready to believe, althought Gate3 & Co., might. have boon heavily loaded up with stocks during the high prices of tho market and fall of 190C, that thoy had taken the' op portunity to switch during tho las month. Those who held thr hniu that the Gates crowd had been heavy losers bo far as to Ox the amount of their losses at $0,000,000. Tho op erations of tho Orm havo been of first magnitude and it has not been unusual for tho houso to carry at times over $100,000,000 In stocks. Tho principal actor In a protty lit tie romance that began somo yeari ago In tho sleepy old town of Oxford England, and hns ended hero with n wedding, arrived hero on tho steam er Celtic, after a Journoy of more thnn 10,000 miles. About six years ngo Morris Alexander was a student at Oxford. Prof Schechtor, his wife and protty daughter, Ruth, lived near tho university. Young Alex ander nnd tho girl fell In lovo with each othor, but ns ho could not sup port a wife at that time, It was do elded tho pair should wait until Alexander should establish hiniBclf After flnlBhlhg his courso at Oxford ho wont to South Africa to mako his fortune. Tho woman promlsod to wnlt for him. Thnt was six years and a half ago. Moanwhllo Profes sor Schechtor, left tho university and camo to Now York as president of tho Jewish Theological somlnnry In East 100th street. Tho young man workod hard, nnd wns soon mado n mombor of tho Capo Town municipal council. Then ho became an ndvocnto and took a prominent plnco in tho legal fraternity of the city. Ho nnd Miss Ruth correspond ed, but snw nothing of onch othor Tho third of last month young Alox- nnuor snucd from Capo Town for Southhampton on tho Konllworth Castle. Ho arrived at Southhamp ton, Just In tlmo to board tho Celtic for Now York. Whon tho ship horth- od thnt ovonlng tho young woman nnd hor pnronts woro nt tho plor to greet tho young Inwyor. Tho profes Bor and his wlfo romalncd only n fow moments nnd then hurried away, loavlng tho couplo by thomsolvos. Ernest E. von Ihno, court archi tect to tho Gorman emperor, who camo oyer to hoar Mr. Carnegie's poaco talk, bollovos that tho llmlti of high buildings horo will soon, bo ronched and that tholr multiplication will coaso. Ho thinks that lmmenso Bkyscrnpors hero and thoro may be all right, but ho doos not tnko klndb to tho prospoct of "groat canyon Hnod with solid blocks of towers,-" when tho quostlon of daylight will bo prnctlcallyboyond solution. Mr von Ihno, says that wo aro earnest ly "striving to moot tho pnrtlculnr probloms of buildings fittod for dwolllngs, biiBlnoss housos nnd pub lic hnlls In Amoricn probloms dif ferent In mnny rospocts from maiy hlthorto attackod by nrchltocts." And you nro meeting thoso probloms with n surprising dogreo of success." ho continues, "considering how brlof has been tho tlmo during which you havo beon at It. Now York Is most Impresslvo In tho daring nnd untrammcled spirit In which it is thrusting up Its gigantic fabrics Into tho nlr." o Bishop Potter's Question. A young clergyman In n remote country district wrote onco to Bishop Potter, saying that ho was about to take a wlfo, and nsked If, to save somo othor clergyman a long anu wonry Journoy, ho could not many himself. Tho bishop's roply was marvelous ly concise. It said: "Could you bury yourself?" Exchange. Difficult 1 Breathing Short breath. Lll Iwve Mi. n.". Si - w jiiiiwr Wood in nCP' P'ww .vuiaiWn k rr." wwies. "in '1 t. r uearc tia.. heart action. Cure curtd mrwJ?Us! touiu ao for m :, Sf tiT done. Mi 'cm " ?t Sft could C J. M tfiifo Renins my & LttafiM at at tlm th?5 ?T.llrtwi S-iK-T?SJ.S' D, M ., 8 KmPSSS5 " reruns ywr .: -"i. Miles Medical Co Eam? TL i iiumpsons Rose the joints tWt W ?, .ia rncA.ciM r m SJ3-i-l 4 . -- ttMra.-w .-;-,.,, trtm hot npfl.ni's ?iaKe haded ww ";;. w --. . I'MBHM-11' .i, odor anu - MtlJ(S" ivius pmnt insectB oa b fruit trees, vines or rep and VEltMLV On human body, dogi uU,W nnd In tbc home. Colorless, OdorlfH, &UU, rricc, zb and 60 ccctj u FIll"S DHUQ STOKE, bin, Headquarters (or ill thi spray materUlt Ask for booklet, "Hot to Plant Insects and Vers!.' - DR. KUM Wonderful CHINESE I Will treat yon vita OrM! I and curs any Usmm witinl i or pain. Dr, Eum is knows (Tern! Salem, and has eared EUjpfNN people here. lit his utej li R for 20 yeras, and hs U trjU uses u&nj medie!BMBthvitii doctors, and with ttta (M i catarrh, asthma, Inaj ItmVi matism, stomach, Utm, uliifrj eases. Dr. Kum makMaipwiiltlrf and female trouble. Bj cure private diteisei wi else falU. He Uf KitkH monials, and gives ic!4ii Prices for medieJBM vw; Persons in h eooatry tu i blank. Send staisp- If you want MtrtSMHIfl It from ns. TJE.KUMMWTTBW, J! 167 Sooth nigkstfHt,8H "'APPETITE CfilATMf, m That Is tho name ones keep the bowels open, the liver regulated, the kidneys active, the stomach well, the blood pure, the sleep sound, the brain clear with eedam'J wme-jsi-oj--. ..-.. tin tatlon In io -7; trtm j,.w close atten cure A" our m" harlty. because . - & andtheWe. JJ gl Tho greatest sensation In a finan cial way that tho streot has had for somo tlmo, has been tho rotlremont of John V. Gates, and bis son from Wall street. Tho pair were aulae generous, no other speculators being exactly llko them. Tho houso always I dealt In largo amounts and losi I and gains were marked by klsli Sold everywhere. Inboxesl0cand25c. HOLLISTEIVS Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A 5uy X4iehu fcr Baiy t epl. Sriafi W BtAlih 11 Ks(v4 Vigor. A pcJa for Constipation, lDilitton, IJn Mi Kldnr Troubles, hinfile. Ecmta. Ixapur o0. Bad BfMth, 81uirKth Boaete, Hwulch4 J.4 Bckcfe. .U" Rocky MouUloTe Ub lt farm. 36 cwti a box. QtaulMBUuk tf Hmxwtes Dbps Caurxxr, Mdlon, WW. MtEM NVMETS FCW SALLtW HW Vl and jets, ana 11- r.A. ,.... MS 2V rtHHrc '- - Hail' M, . '"Jiti RT!fV2i In aow ness of riTr. 6-lO-l-A W