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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1907)
iTHElt: OCCASIONAL RAIN TONIGHT AND SUNDAY. AILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. fOL. XVII. SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, M VY 11, 11)07. NO. 1I4 UGHES NEW YORK'S CHOICE an Francisco Is Only a Slumbering Volcano INT LIKE THE LOOKS OP TEXAS WANT TIM1JKH LAND. ECTS TO TRIAL FOR PERJURY kefeller's Side Partner Afraid of Texas Law and Methods lit. Louis, May 11. Arrangement? mado In tho federal court here ay in the habooB corpus proceed' In an effort by II. Clay Piorco to rent officers from taking him to kas to answer chnrges of perjury onncctlon with tho Texas ouster against tho Wntors-Plerco Oil opany. o Hut Courts Hnvo Already Decided ComiMiny's Rights. BOOMING HUGHES FOR PRESIDENT To Examine Spanish Claim. ft'ashlnRton, Mny 11. Lloutonnnt irernor L. Y Sherman, of Illinois today appointed a mombor of : nwn,tlniI tho rogult 0f tho spanisu cinim commission, to gtn09 coed DIckmnn, of Michigan. Frost In Manitoba. Vlnnlpcg, Mnultabn, May 11. ere was frost lost night nnd furth- tlon of tho railroad grant In Orogon. as announcod In recont dispatches, In tho monntimo they nro lonvlng nothing undono to bp first on tho ground In case n ruling of tho do- damnRO to wheat. Thoro Is pnrtmont is mndo that Is favorable rthcr nlnrm over u posslblo crop to a rovorsion of tho valuable? Urn- 'rtage, Uor land to tho govormnont. IIICAGO 5T0RE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE o Odell Presents Name to Gommlttcc But They Say It Is Too Soon Dallas, Or., May 11. Tho deter mination of the Polk county citizens to get some of the Southern Pnclflc's holdings in this vicinity has not abated In the least. People are NOTHING CAN STOP ITS GROWING leaving Dallas ench morning in hacks nnd carriages, on horseback nnd even, on foot to post notices on tho timber lands selected by thorn. They nro meroly going upon tho chosen quarter section and potting ti notlco claiming they hnvo mado ap plication to purchaso that particular pleco of ground, undor tho net of congress creating tho grant original ly given to tho compnny; thnt they nro both bona fldo sottlors nnd claim tho prior right to purchaso tho land by reason of posting notices on tho land. In somo cases tho "squnttors" havo out four polea and laid the foundation for n cabin, as under tho old preemption law. Somo 200 locators nro anxiously United attornoy-gonornrs investlgn- LID OFF THE GRAIN PIT. Wheat Jumps Five Cents a Hushel in Twenty-four Hours. IGARS ARE Now York, Mny 11. Thoso oppos ing Odell'a resolution gnvo only one reason, "It Is too soon-," but thcro Is Hughes talk on every sldo. Tho con census of speculation filling tho nil at headquarters Is that "nothing can stop tho Hughes boom. It has co mo to him without effort on-dilM pnrt. Tho people will not allow Roosovolt to nnmo, nomiuato or elect tho prosldont." Tho predominance of Hughos' Influonco In tho commit too was shown by tho resolutions endorsing prnctlcnlly ovory roform monsuro proposed by tho governor. theyalF HARVARD MEETING Chicago, Mny 11. A mad market obtained in the wheat pit this morn ing. Tho oxcltomont became fierce nB advances wore tacked on. Mny Bold at S714, July at 88 589 ft. September at 90 VI nnd then 91ft showing nn advance of 1 U to 1 V cents over lost night'B cioso. The trndo was enormous, brokers switch ing from one sldo to another. Tho big trndorB predict a dollar and a quarter wheat, lly 11 o'clock July wheat reached 91 c. Tho moBt conservntlvo traders nro Infect ed with a general spirit of wild spec ulation. Everybody la buying, tho only selling being by thoso who sold nt a profit on tho rebound for hlghoi prices. The riotous scenes cqunio.l tho Letter Jnys. Reports of frost In tho Northwest increased tho Bky rocket tendency Flour ndvnuccd a dollar a barrel this morning MOVINNG IN 'FRISCO RUN THROUGH BURNED NSTRIGT Strikebreakers Aro Hissed. But No Acts of Violence San Francisco, Mny 11. What Cnlhoun characterised ns tho crlBl of tho car strlko was reached nt 10 o'clock this morulug, when curs woro run simultaneously from tho Onk ami Turk Btreut burns to tho burned district down town. Cnlhoun lull mntod thnt on tho results of tho of forts this morning would depend kJW Ihoittag e of Goods Does Not Wotty Us Much IAVI.NG SICH HOUSES AS MARSHALL FIELD, OF CHICAGO. IM) MILLS & (311)118, OF NEW YORK, TO FILL OUR ORDERS KI SHIP THEM I1Y EXPRESS OH FREIGHT, AS WE DESIRE, HUES IS IN A POSITION TO HE ALWAYS AHLE TO HAVE FOR nt CUSTOMERS THE NEWEST GOODS SHOWN IN AMERICA M AT PRICES THAT NO HOUSE ON THE PACIFIC COAST CAN LIT. GIIKVT HARGAINS IN ES' COATS, :S, DRESS SKIRTS MlLLlNhRY ni wat new, up-to-date. 7 tj ar enrmnnta. or a nret ! t, t-xo to the Chlcaco Store kka a look through. It will fJ C.l if von wnnt in linv I1 lets cf business we want, not t pronu. T hau from $1.50 to $3.50. coats from $3.50 to ?S.50. B salt from $8.50 to $15.00. Bwru from $2.50 to $4.60. GREAT HARGAINS IN Fine Silks, Dress Goods And Wash Suitings IVices Cut Down for tills Sale. 5000 yards India Llnons, 8 1-3 and 10c yard. 5000 yards best calicoes, 5c yard. 3000 yards 95c fancy dross goods C5c yard. 3000 yards 39c wash India silk, 25c yard. 1000 yards 29c Persian Lawn, 18c yard. New Haven, Mny 11. Tho nth lotlc moot botwoon Ynlo nnd Hnr vord today may bo productlvo "of nv International Intorcolloglato moot, during tho coming Hummer between America nnd England, with Ynlo and Harvard on ono sldo and Oxford nnd Cambrldgo on tho other. Tho propo sition which wns orlglnnlly mndo by tho English colloglnns. to alumni of Harvard nnd Yalo residing in Lon don, wns thnt Oxford, as winuor of tho Oxford-Cnmbrldgo dual moot, compote against tho winner of tliOj Ynie-llarvnru moot to bo hold today. TIiIh howovor did not moot vlth the approbation of tho Amorlcnn unlvor-. sftlos, and tho counter suggestion wns mado that tho two English uni versities Join and moot Yalo nnd Harvard team. It is on this basin thnt tho International meet Is llkoly to bo nrrangod. Tho gamos, If ar ranged, will bo hold in this coun try as tho last intornatlonnl meet wns hold nbrond. They will un- Tilt! IBr"""''.! 'V- ' " ,Hf! BBr'! miK HE LIKES MOTHER'S COOKINff. And Hum Concluded to Hoard Home for tho Present. H Madrid, Mny 11. Tho quoon to day po' tonally nursed tho prlnco, up sotting nil precodent, nnd disregard ing tho protests of tho court. The royal nurso wns ready, but tho quoer would havo uono of hor, and Insists that shu nlono shall nurso hor off spring. Everyone, seeing hor deter mination, was no proud of tho moth or that they acquiesced, and really lovo hor moro for exerting hor wilt. On trows Hnrviml. Boston, Mny 11. Columbia woi tho bont rnco from Harvard. Tltiu,. Columbia 0:1G; Hnrrnrd, 9:18. (txtf or ooKttwaa vrrtaaxaxxo miputcosmxa cmosx jjvmcaxth UHTJiC ZKXUJ JtJLTi.CKCO 3CAXVCJUM rKAWV OOWWSM OTJ'JCXr. FIENDISH GRIME IN 0LYMPIA 5000 ytrds 8 l-3c 4 He yard. 5000 yards 18c 12 He yard. fancy lawns, cottoa voile, Olympla, May 11. Whilo return lug homo InHt night Hope YuntlH. ngod 18, was ahokod Into IiibudhI billty and assaulted by C. A. Dur phuy. Ho has boon arrested, and claims ho wns Intoxicated. A double guard has hoen nlnood nroniul tho doubtedly tnko place on, tho Stadium JuJ a t , foarfl(, an attoinpl l0 at Cambrldgo, nB tho most suitable ,ynch ,,,, w b nm(Ju place for holding collogo track moots. Now York city Is out of the " question owing to tho lack of suit- 1AI IAWAFQ able grounds within easy roach of VULvAllUCv tho city proper whero a good traok and facilities for .handling a big crowd aro available whether troops. or not ho would nsk for San Franolseo, Mny 11. All tho Turk Htroot ears carried pnsMongors, one car at one tlmo having 12 aboard. AH brlolc pilBM nro bolug alosuly guarded by tho police in the burned district. HAVING A BLOW OUT Serlew of Gospel Meetings. Tho First Methodist church ot Stilem lins engaged tho oorvlces of n-woll-known ovnngollot to conduct sorloH of goBpol mcotlnRS at thnt churoh, boglnnlug on Wednesday ev ening noxt, Mny 15th. C. R. Hnml ouschlold will come to Snlom from Montana, whero ho has boon having wonderful success for tho past thro months, Rev. W. II. Bollock, tho pastor or tho churoh has boon working hard! In propnratlnn for thoso sorvices, nnd tho preliminaries will begin to-morrow evening, During tho com tluuauco of tho meotlngt. tho ser vices nt tho church will ba hold at 7:30 p. m Instead oD H p. m.'nH Is tho custom af ter Mny Int. -Thlrf is to allow motti tlmo for tho vory'lnteruullH closriuK exorcises that nro hold nftor ecli, proafhlng period, nnd to which lr)r minibeifl gcuernlly wish to remain. During tho pus( few days a larx number of personal invitation carda havo been issued to ovoryowe that could hn reached, asking thorn to attend thoHit services, nnd expecta tions nro for n largo gathering on tho opening night. Mr. Ilaudetv nohlold, in addition to his cupnbtlf. ly as a proaoher and ovnngollntlc worker, is a splendid organiser, and bolloven In advertising to lot tho peoplo know about tho meetings that aro being hold. For tho first time In tho history of evangolUttc work In Salem, tho advertising cob omtiH of tho dally papers nro to be used In announcing tho rnontlng, tho first advertisement In tho sorloa appearing In thlri paper thi after noon. Mr. llaudenschiold Is n vory force ful Hpenkor, and thoso who hear hiir Hull Dog Show. Now York, May 11. A special dog show is being hold in tho McCroory building by tho Hull Dog Club of Mosslna, May 11. Now craturj Amorlca. A largo number of prUo4 jmvo fOrra0j n Mount Aotnn and are offered for Amorloan doga in tho stroinbcill. and tho oruptlons nro In various clasaos. Mr. Richard Crokor, oroaslng In vlolonoo. Tho popula- jr.. s presiuont or tuo oiuu, wnicn tlon of tho Snn FrHiioliMO, May 11. Tho oar" from tho Turk itroot barns mado tho trip down town without ucoldcnt. Thoro was no brlok-throwiug and no obstructions woro plaoed on the tracks. Tho crowds nt various points along tho route hlsBod the strike-breakers, hut no ovort acts once nro always ready to hour him woro attomptud. tlmo nnd again, Thoso Horaces come Cars from tho Oak stroet barn did nt n tlmo when slmlinr work in tha not faro so woll, rouks being thrown other Sulem chu relies is over for th at a number of places, and thoro soasou, and thus nil effort nlonj; woro sovornl nrrosts. A brlek wni ovangollstlo II1104 will b centered at huriml through tho window of u on' the Mothodlst thuroh, corner of in which Assistant Prosldent Mul- State und Churoh streets. Mr. tally was riding, narrowly missing Hnudousohlttld will preach his first his head. Instead of making tho sermon on Wednesday evening. run Into Market Btreut it was decld-t o od to end tho run at Koarney atroot. wuiroy Acqnltled While the turn was bolng mndo ' Aftor ft ,10nrlnH , JuiIbo Wuli workmen on a building threw Btor.H caurt 7mlwfoyf oeorgo U pleooa of rook on tho car. This was McBIroyt wll0 W(lll 0,,nrK0(1 w,u, followed by a fusliado by tho crowd lnrwilonnK to k b, fam,ly, WBS whloh was quickly soattored by the UC(JuUlal for lnck of OVdenoo. At- lulnnil In Ih AHtri jlillitu nn.1 I m j All a.. - J A... At... f ..I. .. A .. 1 cm u ii li is iiiuiuuii ikii wiJiiuu. iiii ciirs irciiii iiiii ljuk Hiram ...... vrkvi... n . a . . . . -.-- --- .- ,..,. - if w lii.-ii ii iiiiii iiiirifiiriJi inr i nn Zughout tho United StateT and T' , T ! T'T ?? tl0lX n- "" "! dofen'so nnd W. H. Koyos represen od throughout tno united states anu onUor JjaB faon , i,loroa8nK jtg i,0nR ono yoUng woman. A num-,,i,a nronDnuiion club to hold two of thoso exhibition. aotlvlt bor nf tm ' lorah ,rorn tho1r .0flin,lt,,e Prosecution. yeany ror tno. cauoation or tno puu- Arrctd for Forgery. on tho track, but tho police quickly! forced thorn to drlvo ahead. At noon, Ilnn-on-HIII Muslin sheetings and all kinds of white goods at sale prices. SALKM'S FASTEST GROWING 9T0KK. McEVOY BROS. HMKRCUIi AXD COURT aTKKKTO. SAL9U, OR. He as to what is the proper typo of buU ao- j Ghlcago, May 11. A youth of 20, tho numbor of cars on tho lino was County Clerk Allen this morning 0 of military bearing, bIx feet two, and Increased to ten. Although there '""""'l ft arrlugo Ilcenso to Morton Strlkcre Attack Dagoee. claiming to be Harold Knisson, son was no sorlous outbreak up to that 8l I,u(,n ' Btayton, aged 28, and New York, May 11. Seven bun- of general In tho dcrmaii army, waliour, the Incroased number of care Anna H,,, of Stayton, aged 20, H. dred striking longshororoen drove arrested hero today charged with made It Impossible to glvo good pro;!' ,l8U"n witness. Italian nou-union men from tue the forgery of a $25 check on the toctlon to all, docks, whero they wero loading the Marsh Drldgo Company, of Poorla, Campania, this morning. Many were Illinois. Injured, but the police drovo the strikers away, and escorted the Ital lans back. Not Kdy Yet. New York, May 11. Former Gor ernor Odell introduced a resolution at the meeting of tho Republican state committee today, endorsing Hughes u the sext Republican can didate for President. The resolu tion was tabled by a rote of 22 to 4. Alarm Ik-Ik for (Voting The Southern Pacific Company I, . morn wiring tbe rails on Twelfth street. San Francisco, May 11. Four hundred additional strlko-breakorfc .from the cast arrived at 4 o'clock preparatory to tho Installation of alarm bells at the crossing of Stato should bo absorbed away frew Umh ad Twelfth streets, Thoso bells bowels, spoils your blood and com will ring when the train is within pi ex! on, causae anemia and dlse. several hundred yards of the cross la, as4 will Jeiibtte be a greater proUctloa tbas. the rigid enforco tueat of a six-mile aa hour law. Kogulatea your bowola with Hc-UI-ter'a Rocky Mouataia Tea and keep well, 35 ceata, Tea or Tablets. 8eM at Dr. aXoaVj aiore, -The pipe of peace has beea smokeo! by'Kayor McClellan and Dig Chief Murphy, but the warmth or affection In the bowl won't tot tho wigwam aflro. Dr. J. F. COOK TRR ROTAXIOAIj DOOTORv hovho to 4 ummwrt strum FOR ANY imXAMX OAIL ON K. OOOJC COMrVXffAnOM HUM, M