ITIIEB: OCCASIONAL RAIN TONIGHT AND SATURDAY, ' FUKSII SOUTHEAST IlllKKZK. AILY CAPITAL JOURNAL SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, "M Y 10, 1007. NO. Hit. AYS MOYER IS EX-CONVICT 0 uatemalans More Fiendish Than the Apaches TEN ALIVE 5Y ANTS J Into division of the supremo court today nfllrmed the conviction of Abu Hummel, nnd sentenced him to c. year in Sing Sing for conspiracy. He has been out on $ 10,00 ball pend ing tho appeal. I FIENDS TORTUS PRISONERS FORTY-EIGHT LOST LIVES. it Family of Ten Murdered by Guatemalan Troops herto Cortez, Mexico, May 10. erlcans arriving hero roport that ; Guatemalan government is com- ling unspeakable outrages, and women nnd children aro not tti His family of ten waa uacrcd by soldiers near Guate- Clty, when Jose OUIzcrn, n jthy planter incurred tho enmity he gournment. Olorlzn showed kit, and the soldiers killed tho pie fau.ll . Abllioz Grccnrc, un orient cf Cabrera's, was tied to n Latest Reports About Wreck of the Stoumer Poltou. Marseilles, Mny 10. The lateBt roport received here concerning tho loss of the French steamer Poltou which was wrecked off tho coast of Urugay, aro to the effect that 40 nnd eight members of tho crow lost their lives. Montevideo, May 10. An official roport from tho government uuthor itlos on the spot Bay that nil the passengers, moBtly Spanish emi grants, of tho French stonmor Pol tou, wrecked off Snn Jose Ignnclo were rescued with tho exception of 13. Sovon or those nre known to hnvu boon drownud and six uro classod ;is missing. Anothor roport says that22 por- c In the midst of a hill of pol- BOtm ,,0rlshod. Somo of tho dead us aula, thnt stung mm to uoath. BMUW uiiot wounds, nppnrontly ro- oolvod during n dospornto struggle for Bafoty. ,' THE STRIKE SITUATION OMINOUS LOCAL BUSINESS IS BADLY HURT Crowds Inflamed by Calhoun's Threat to Demand the Militia report that two Americans, C. Lullcn, of Arkansas, and Marshall ant, of Ohio, nro In Jail at Guat- ila CV. ni cased of conslprlng U fcsjlnatc Cabrera. HuiiKsl tho Jap. Toklo, Japan, Mny 10. Fifty olght lives wero lost in n conllngrn San Frnnclsco, Mny 10. Although tho street car strike Is as far from settlement as ever, tho general InboV situation is considerably clarified by tho action of tho nuildlng Trades Council ndoptlug a resolution call ing upon tho 35,000 men atllllnted with that body to assht In prosorvlng order, and' denying thnt tho plumb ors, structural Iron workors and car punters nro preparing to stlko June 1st. Tho action of tho linemen In doforrlng tho voto on tho matter of striking In sympathy with tho tele phono oporntors has also helped tho situation. Loca't rotnll trndo has rat ion off moro than CO par cent ub n result of tho BtrlkoB. Reports from other cities in tho state Indicate tho blow Is bolng folt thoro. Shipmonte into this city show n doplornblo fnP- IW'ns Witness Against Tluuv. Few Urk Mny 10. Tho nmiel- of Hokkaido, today. i nwpw""' ' i ii..i..:i'.'"'""' flICACO STORE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE o tlon at Sapporo, cnpltni of the island 'B on mnu unou except uiuiuing material, wnicu u Doing used as rap Idly ub it arrives, showing that In , tho building trnrioo, at loaBt, thoro Is no diminution of onorgy. San Frnnclsco, May 10. The usual crowds of pickets nnd sympn thlz?rs gnthorod In tho vaclulty of the car barns thM morning but their frnmo of mind wnB not of thnt qulot and Rubmls8lvc nature thnt marked ( their conduct Wodnosdny and Thura , day Thoy plnlnly showed that thev resented Calhoun's announcement that ho Intended to rush the gover nor to call out stnto troops. Tin . union mon claim troops nro no.. needed, and If thoy nro sunt It will hnvu n tondonoy to Inflamo tho hood ' liuiiH, who liavo no connection with tho union, nnd whom thoy nccuso or being rospousiblo for tho acts of vlolenco commlttod. Tho Oak street liarriw nro again promising to ho th. florin contor. A crowd of soverni thousand gnthorod thoro ns oarly o uWtage of Goods Does Not Wotty Us Mttch AVifl SICH HOUSES AS MARSHALL FIELD, OF CHICAGO IN'U MIII.S At G1HIJS, OF NEW YOHK, TO FILL OUR ORDERS M SIIII THEM IIY EXPRESS OH FREIGHT, AS WH DESIRE, jHWrs IS IN A POSITION TO UK ALWAYS AIILI. TO HAVE FOIt I'll (IsTOMF.KS THE NEWEST GOODS SHOWN IX AMEHICA W AT PRICES THAT XO HOUSE OX THE PACIFIC COAST CAX T. Maybe Submarine Ytilriino. L'Orlent, Francb, Mny 10. Sover ol trawlers enmu In hero yestordny, roportlng nn extraordinary phenom enon at sen. which would nmienr to i. ' - . have been n Bubmnrlno volcanic eruption. Tho occurronco took place nt a point 44 miles south west of tho island of Grolx nnd GO miles west of Hollo Isle. Tho mon on board tho trawlors noticed bright (lames nnd intense smoko rising from tho Boa. Dellov ing that somo vessel wnB on flro, tho trawler Kcrnevol worked her way In thnt direction for tho mirnoso of rendering nBslstnnce. Sho could, however, discover no Bhlp on flro. Tho flro nnd smoke, from no np pnront cause, continued throughout tho night, nnd beenmo mora violent toward morning, the Kernovcl steamed nwny to liiBiiro her own snfety. - o ISPANISH HEIR HAS ARRIVED STORK MADE- AFTERNOON VISIT All Spain Rejoices Over tho Birth of a Big Boy Baby 'Madrid, May 10. Spain Is atlamo with emblcma of Joy this afternoon. The Prince of Asurns and heir to tho throne of Spain was born shortly before l o'olook today, Within five minutoH tho announcement was llnBhod to every point of tho kingdom whore wires wore strung.. As tho royal Hag wns flung to tho mnot head top on the palace tho guns In To T! Virgin Conl FIchR Pittsburg, Pa., Mny 10. Complotu disruption ot tho community of In- torestH which for yonra has existed thu fortross begun to fioom n Hnlitto between the VnndorblltB, Goulds nnd to tho new monarch, and every por Ponnylvnnla roads In relation to sen In Madrid Htopped at tho first the coal territory south of Pittsburg abut, nnd brothleasly wnltod. Would Is threatened. Ignoring the com- the gunner lire 15 and stop, anuoiiur pacts made by tho Into A. J. Cassutr, ing n girl, or proceed to 21, nn Jnmea McCren, president of the nounclng u boy At tho end of tho resontntive of tho news association "What? A son? Flno, lllno, fline. I haven't received tho iuhvh front any othor Bourco yet. If It is ronlly truo, It is flno, nnd brings much Imp. phic8B to me." Madrid, May 10. A. bulletin post ed at tho palace tonight says tho queen and young priuco nro doing, well. SERVED ' TERM IN PRISON Chicago, Miy 10. Tho Journal today prints a statoment thnt Moyor, proHldont of tho Wostorn Federa tion of Minora, lu nn ox-convict nnd former hold-up man of this city. Tho Journal says Moyor nerved (Into In ' 111 ' iKSHHi ' " " 1 iB I fill! T HAKGA1XS IX ADIES' COATS, IITSf DRESS SKIRTS MILLINERY iff A0 la -.. LAV JOtl Wnr-t now ,n.n.1itn y tj ar carmpnfs ni- n nret . W"- - -., w. wm J-- w Cl C r O to tha Pl.lrnpn Rtora M o a ,ook throuch. It will V Tea wc i if y0U want t0 buy '"'J ct business wo want, not r haj from II. KO tn is. 50. Nil ecv from IS Krt o Kn rl5 !3P from 8.60 to $15.00. Sk'rs from J2.60 to $4.50. GHEAT HAHGAINS IX Fine Silks, Dress Goods And Wash Suitings Prices Cut Down for this Sale. 5000' yards India Llnons, 8 1-3 and 10c yard. 5000 yards boat calicoes, 5c yard. 3000 yard 95c fancy dross goods C5c yard. 3000 yards 39c wash India silk, 25c yard, 1000 yards 29c Prslan Lawn, 18c yard. fancy lawns, I 5000 yards 8 l-3c 4tfcyard. 5000 yards ISc 12 He yard. cotton Tollei, 9 o'clock. Tho UHiial squad of po lice Is on hand. , Hnllrond oinolals had a confer ence last night, and decided to run cars Into tho dawn town burned dls i trlct, but tho chief of police Informed them ho could not givo thsm protec tion In that dlstrloU Tho plan wa ithoroupon abandoned. Up to noon J no offorts woro mndo to run tho can I Throe hundred additional strike broakors aro oxpootod from tho Hflfct this evening. First Steoiiicr for Xoiiie, Soattlo, Wash., May 10. The stonmor Corwln, owned by tho L. N' Grny Stoainshlp company, left thU port today for tho north mining towns. Sho is tho first votuwl to mako the trip this inaon. Although the Corwln Is tho first boat to laav tho soason will practically open with tho sailing of thi steamalilps Ohio Victoria, Pleiades and Senator, which depart on Juno 1. Th Ploludea Is tho only steamer that Pennnylvnula inllroaJ, already hni, iirtm-nth Bhot the great city hud the started to work to build a Pennsyl- Jqtili iih of a grave. Would tin vanla lino Into tht forblddnu trrl sixteenth come? A nfomuiU of sl tory. This lino will bo an exteiulon j lenro wuh broken by the ennnou'v of tho Pittsburg. ChurtlorH A j roar, and u sliout iih tho ronr of all Youghloghouy railroad, and will b ortMitu rollvd Into onu wave break known ns the Chartlora Hoiithorn lng on Gibraltar, roso from the ully It will be 18 in lie long, and wHI.Thu ptopl did not wait to count 21. tap tho Virgin coal land of Wash-; They knew thu child was a boy a Ingtou, Fayetto and Green count lt soon ns tho slxtuuuth gun was fired .Immodlatuly all Spain (MIAHLKS l. MOYKU. I'rHidnnt of tho WcHtoni Foil erntiau of Miurrs, indicted for tlio nlli'gvd murder of ox-Governor Stoimimborg of Idnlio. Jollolt prison from February 4, 1HMI, to January I. IR87, being notit up from ClilqiiKo for burglary under thu name of Cliurlos 8. Moyer, atlaa Fred Ilakur. After his dUoliargo Im went West. After u short porlod ho dlsnppoarod from public view nnd reappounid In Cglorado as a labor leader, uvontintlly becoming nroal- broko into (1"1 ot tho minors. rorlry with all tho baudon of tliOi New lMioftjilmti' Mining Conipmij, itttln nco. Victoria's future hap-1 Moyor wnn arrested by Policeman Ml. PlwaBnnt. Tonn., May 10. Th plnowi In awuirml. Hud tho chlltt . Hnrtnwtt with onu John KoatliiK now Middle Tonnewiov Phosphato bn a girl tho puoullnrltlo of their 'ftKnlnst whom thu umno ohurgen oompany Is making good progrosa to- rixw would hitvo iiiude hur hiiHband' woro ,1,Ju- Tlircuigli Kuatlng tho wanls ontoring upon nn nctlvo Imal-' people turn tholr unlmolilty toward lH fix a number of hold-up noss. Slnco It wan Incorporated tun nr, now siio Is thu IdulUod qUeen of '" "HrKinnw on .nuyur. ino prin- work of dovolopmBnt haB boon puttliBlr hearts. I Jlint ohargo was tho burglary of In- well under wny. A fapur track ha been built to the property on th farm of II. G. Kltrell, and prepara tions nre well under way for tho In ' I I'll r l.!irlM'w llfitlllllir ulnfn nt I film f Wf"' -.M.. H W........n Jltl', mv ltinu Thu babe will bo nauidd AlphoiiRO, and Lincoln streets. Moyor awi and will so be ohrlstensd. ( Keating broko into tho place two During thu iiluht the Klvlnu of wooka beforo tho date of their r- stallatlon of n rotary dryor. Tho algna of npprouchlng ovontB causod " n'1'1 attempted n second burg- tram oar system twill he used and It ! moesongora to bo dlspatciied to thj '' of the same place the night will not be leni: boforo this will be a prlino mliilstor'a court, and the dlu- "wrtuett caught thorn. busy portion of tho mining Industry of onu of tho largest nhoHphnto flelJa lu tho world. Wlimt Ttikca n Jump. Chicago, May 10. In the boar uooa uov carry mm.Kur, nu .. patjc 0 J(, ,)0an, q( lra,,8 today available space on tho other thre- Jy wbwt BdvanMd rrom 8Cyt to J steamers has already boon ongagftd R8 The b(KWt ,nVMtora ar0 ,Tho Corwln has tho distinction of bHyJnR hQ Rt hwo g n l(jm,. ; having been tho first vessel into Qncy fQr thj mnrkot tQ mm agnfJ i .vorno every season ior ino iai B,i tomorrow years, i no nrei vessel to arrive hi Muslin sheetings and all kinds of white goods at sale prices. BALEM'g FASTEST GHOWIXG 81' ORE. McEVOY BROS. OttClAIi AXD COURT OTRKirrH. IALKM, OfL Nome is always greeted with gret enthusiasm. o Mothct-'e Congrt-fcK. Los Angeles, May 10. A special train bearing tho main body of the delegatos and officers of tho Nation al Con gross of Mothers arrived here this morning. Tonight a reception will bo tendered the officers and del egates. Tho reception will mark the opening of a four days' session of the congrexs. Woiium'm Club Milling. The Salem Woman's olub will hold Its regular monthly meeting at tho First Methodist church Saturday afternoon, May 18th, at 2:10. KWcd Kvlt attri Huhy. PJttiburg, May 10. Despondent from III health, Mr. Carrlo Single ton, aged 31, killed Iter 18-rnonths-old child and cowMltteil suicide by skootlng tbU wornlBg-. ultnrlea gathered at thu paluc!0.tDur ing the uarly morning hours thu duo (ors announced thu queen'H condition Tho Chicago Journal oorroapond out ut lloone. Iowa, telegraphs that Frank B. Moyer, chief of police ut normal nnd satisfactory. The king nno tor rour years, but now con remalnwl at bur bedside At X(luetor on tho lloono street cur lino, o'clock this morning tho king can-,HU,,,: "Yo" Nnnl onco thut Chnr coled a meeting of tho couuoli oti"0 Kot Into trouble, and waB arrost ministers. Uy 10 o'clock tho func- "' Chicago, but tho lent) auld ubout tlonarlaa roproaontlug tho power au.1 ,l tho waiter. Charlie never told uu nobility of Spain hud gnthorod In tho:"1'0"1 " apartments sot opart for bucIi oHJclalj Harnett, who mndo tha arrost, la ceremonies, tijo cmki was norn at 12:t5. Announcement was Imme dlatoly made to tho assemblage. Ah soon as tho child was dressed ho was placed in n little basket upon a golden salver. Tho klug bearing thu precious burden presented his con- to tho prime minister, who officially an nounced the sex. American Mlcltter Collier wa4 among tho officials present. Washington, May 10. Tho Span ish minister was flrt Informed of n birth of a son to the queen by a rep- now a pouco neuionnut, in com mand of tint West Lake street sta tion. Ha says tho arrest was jundo when he saw two men running. Hurt uett caught up with them. Moyer tried to draw a revolver, hut wa (Continued on page elgkL) Dr.J.f. COOK THH BOTANICAL IMK7TOR, MOVKD TO U UMKWV WTHUWt FOR ANY WHAM OAU, OR R, COOK. COXUULTATIOK PRRK.