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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1907)
DAILY CAPITA!; JOUItN'AL, SAL1JM, OREGON. TUKSDAY, MAV 7, 1907. 8 tJkl mA' lii jtfsJt M M s& IN, -ORPORATLD eii&lA TOMORROW ONLY Special 8ftlo No. 331. For our next mid-week special wc offer ,u splendid line of Japanese Tnffeta and Satin Foulard. SILK In pluln color, chocks, plaids and polka dots. Vnluos range up to 83c yard. Tomorrow only. None 38c sold until 8:30 u. in. pliono ordcrd rocolvod,, No tele- READY-TO-WEAR Garments at n groat saving Ilonutlfttl styles, nud materials, thoroughly tailored. ?1G.50 values Spoclal. $18.50 values Special....,' 120.00 values Special .... 2ft,00 values Special .... $28.50 values. Spoclal .... $35.00 values Special. . . . n.oo 12.34 $13.34 16.67 19.00 23.34 Wondcfftil Bargains m Dress Goods llclow wo mention a few of the many bargains to bo found In our Dress Goods Dopartmont. It Is to your advantage to chooso quickly Wool Taffeta 50 to 11 Incho wide in Gray, Groan, Tan and Who plaMs. Hegular $1.25 values. Special sale. . . . 88i PANAMA KUITI.NM 52 luehus wide In tlio popular Uliiclc and White Checks and plaids, Regular $1.50 values 98c WASH GOODS FOR TODAY. I'rotty lloral uffacts In silk organ dies In all donlrahle shades. Val ues range from 35c to 'IC 00c yd. Spoclal 3C Ready-to-wear Clothing Clothing for the Hurri-to-l'lcnsc Hard-to-plcaso people aro tho ones wo aro most pleased to sec, because they aro tho ones who best npprcclato tho features that make our clothes superior to any on tho market. Tho most pains taking work of tho cleverest ex ports In clothes-craft mako our clothing worthy of approval. AN tho nowc?t Btylos in tho fin est matorlals and colors aro to bo soon In our irrand showlne Vnl uos hero arc superior to tliosil shown nnyvhro else for the prlco uskod. Wo want to show you tho nowost styloB and offoctB from $10 up to $35 REMARKABLE HOSIERY BARGAINS Dainty designs In pretty lace and plain hose hero In a variety to ploasQ any ono. Our prices, ns usual, are much lower than oth ers ask for an equal quality. Hore aro sevoral of the spoclal bargains offerod: TAX AND HIACK Laco hose. Hogular 25c V Q quality. Spoclal 'C TAX AND IthAOK Lace hoso la dainty doslgn. Hog ular 50c quality. 3Qr Special OyC 1IOHI2 SUI'POHTKKH Regular 50c pad O C hoso supporters sjJC OIL FOR SALEM'S STREETS THE FIRST CARLOAD HAS ARRIVED Call Up the Sired Commissioner and Tell Him How Much You Need Tho oil Is hore. Everybody sing Wc shall soon have tho streets free from dust. The first carload of oil has arrived, and full preparations have been mnd for putting It on the B-eets. At tho meeting of the city council last evening tho matter was referred to the strot commit tee to direct tho stroet commission er In the mattor of applying it Mnyor Rodgers reports that full ar rangements have boon made to place It on tho Btrects In tho most ap proved mannor, and all who want tho dust laid, cither about their premises or places of business should cnll up tho street commissioner nt once. The cost will bo from 10 to 20 cents per foot, nccordlng to tho j owe, of Portland. local conditions, bub It will bo so! Cadet Jennings, of tho local Sal PERSONALS Carl Abrams left for Portland this morning. Geo. C. Will returned today from a trip to Lebanon. John W. Roland went to Jefferson this morning on business. JJrs. N. H. Loonoy was a Salem visitor this morning. , Mrs. B. Little has gone to Turner to visit friends and relatives. Miss Harris, of Astoria, Is visit ing Salf-m frlonds. Honry Welch, of Portland, spent Sunday with 13. B. Irvln and fnmlly Miss Vina Therman, after a visit here, loft this morning for her homo In Jefferson. Postmnster and Mrs. Squlr oFar rar have returned from a visit In Portland. C. T. Pomeroy and B. Maund loft yesterday for Gates on a business and pleasure trip. Mrs. Ray Gilbert went to Jeffer son this morning to visit frlonds and relatives. Mrs. It. McFarlano, who hns been visiting In this city, has returned to her homo In Jpffcrson. Miss L. Ilundlct loft this morning for a visit with her aunt, Mrs. Gor- I slight that none enn afford to do without It. The street commissioner will figure out Just what it will cost to pay for tho oil, with freight and cost of sprinkling added, and con sumers will get tho wholo thing atj Chapman, of this city. vatlon Army, left todny for Aber deen, Washington, where sho will reside. Mr. and Mrs. John Althousc, of Albany,nro the guests of Mrs. M. M Bicyclin IS AuaKmtmmit RACYCL WK ALSO 1IANDLN THE YAlfc AND COnXELl which IIKAUTIKS, AM) GIVK KXTIltK SATISPACTIOX COME IX AXI) WE WILL HE PLKAsKI) TO Sm, OUIt LIXE ov iur.vri.if cim.,,...,. . '"WlIOl AVOIIKSIIOP IS WKLL KQUIPPKl). miSa Tv ' 1UHAG IX yQrn " "" CB ""OW YOU 7HP V1P I'ltOMPTXKSS AVI) Rfwm .,.. MJHQi """ " ""..SHH, actual cost. Let the good work go Hon Tamplln, of Portland, re- I CITY NEWS A Collect Inn of Important I'ar ngniplis for Your Coimlili'tiitlnii I'Vehliinnn-SoplMinionv . Elocution rontoat, at tho high school, May 10. 7 -lit To Whom II May Concern I This Is to notify you that I. N. Ittdgoway Is no lnniftr looal aguut for tho Oregon Nursery company, and any orders placed with him will not be filled with stock from our nurseries. (Slicnod) Orugon Nursery Comimny. 5-l-2w. HIoIium'm Maikel .Movml From Statu itroct to 321 North Commurclal slru't. Phono 125 Mr. Pratt wishes to thank his cus tomer for their II hers 1 patronage Hoping they will conllnuo with him at his new atnml which Is complete In every ruepeot, and no bettor figh market known In the city. Liquor Lover Attend tho sponklng coutost ntthe high school Frlday'ovonlng. 7-3t KongN of the Bon A unique ontortnlnmont In song and verso doscrlpttvo of life on sea and shore. Illustrated by boautlful colored storoopticon views, panto mime nud tabloaux. Given by tho Epworth Luaguo at Leslto M. 12. church, Tuesday, May 7, at S p. m. Admission 2fi (Wilts. Children 10 cunts. Tiuiiptirniieo Content Snlom high school, May 10. Christum Cltlou Attend tho temparnnaa content at tho high Kchool, May 10. "-lit New Eye Glasses Wo have n now mounting for rlm los eyeglasses. It Is neat In appear unco nud clings to tho uoso good and tight without interfering with tho sousntlvo nerves nolir the oyo and without much plnohlng. Thoy are Ideal mountings for nno who has to wear glasses all tho time. Wo mako n study of fitting the fnco as regards looks and comfort. as vc41 as tho eyes for defective vision. BARR'S JEWELRY STORE State and Liberty Sts., Satem -3t Card of Thank Wo wish tooxt ond to the ninny kind frlonds mid neighbors, our din- icerest thanks for tho many kind ineesee during the lllnuss nud doath of our bolovod son and brother, 'Alex. Mr. and Mrs. John Molr and family. UtHtr and Wlilskoy l,ovrs Are Invited to coma to Salem High school 1'rldny ovenlng. 7-t Ueiuenilier That the only jiluco on State street whore you can got your sup plies of fresh and cured fish and oystors Is at Partington & Van Pat ton's, grooors and mnrkotmon. CluNt lan Seieueo A lecture on this Interesting sub ject will ho dollvorod In this city, at the Grand Opera Houso, on next TuoBday, tho 14th, by Kov. Arthur Vosburg, of Kochostor, Now York, at S o'clock p. in, Thoro will bo no admission fee, and tho public aro cordially Invltod to attend. Mi Car Had Not Stopped Mrs. Gallagher, who roturnoj from a trip to Portland this morn ing, had tho misfortune to mako a mlS'Step when getting off tho streot oar at the coruor of Stato and Com morclal streets, sustaining a severe fall, which caused her to lose con solousuoss for several miuutos. She was picked up by the passengers on the car nud soon revived. Mrs. Gal lagher did uot wait for tho car to Stop, a foolish thing for a woman to do, and for n woman gcnorally disastrous. cars will bo required to meet the do in and. o llnyH Salem Property Rev. B. C. Dlnck, who recently ar rived In this city with his fnmlly from Hamilton, Montnnn, has pur chased the J. J. Morelock property In South Snlom, nud will mako thle city his homo. Mr. Morelock will soon leave for California, where hn will visit for his health. Adjudged Insane Until Barker, a 17-yoar-old girl and dnughtor of Fred Darker, of As toria, was yostorday adjudged In sane by County Judge Scott and or dored committed to tho asylum. The unfortunnto girl has been n muto from birth, mid nbout six years ago suffered an attack of brain fovcr. To Collect Note Tho Elgin City Banking Compnny has begun proceedings in tho Ma rlon county circuit court against Louis Ununinnn and George W. Case, to colloct a cortaln note set forth ns having boon mndo nnd do llvorod to tho plnintlff by tho dc foudnnt. Tho principle of tho note unpaid, is $30, boaring Intorost nt ti por font, nnd was oxocutod In March, 1905. George Blnghnm np poars as attornoy for tho plaintiff. Suffers u Paialyetle Stroke W. F. Boothby, of this city, suf ferod a slight stroko of paralysl yostorday. Ho is roportod to bo much improved this nftornoon. on, nnd It Is hoped that ninny moro; turned this morning to his homo af ter visiting hero. Miss Louisa Uodgors, of Santa Hosa, Cnllfomla, is tho guest of Mrs. B. B. Southwick, of this city Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Moorcs and (Son, Chestor, loft yesterday for a two-months' visit in tho Bast. Miss Coopor, of Caljfornin, who has boon visiting Mrs. Uay Gilbert left this morning for a visit in Cor vnllls. Jonathan Bourne, tho clerk nt tho Southern Pnclfic depot, Is expected to return todny from n month's visit In Colorado Springs. Marion Loonoy, after visiting friends nnd transacting business In this city, loft this morning for his homo In Jefferson. Miss Blmn Sutter, who has boon in tho city for tho pnst four months roturncd to her homo In Jefferson this morning. A. L. Houmnrd, of Indlnnnpolls nrrlvod In Snlom this morning to visit his undo and aunt, Mr. nnd Mrs. L. P. Lnrdon. Mrs. B. C. Bnllcy left last evening for Hnlaoy, where sho was callod by tho llluoss of her mother, Mrs. M. J Allinglinm. Mrs. C. 13. Clodfoltor, who has boon visiting Salem rolatlvos and frlonds, returnod to hor homo In Portland last ovonlng,- Dnn Tnrploy, tho Portland nttor uoy, who has b-on visiting Snlom rolntlvos, left this morning for his homo. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. II. Molr, who nt tonded tho funeral of tho late Alox Molr, returnod to tholr homo lr Portland this morning. Miss Com Blossor, aftor attond lug th? funeral of the late Alox Molr, has roturnod to her homo In Portlnnd. Miss Jean DoWltt Is homo from n yonr's school work nonr Shaw. Sho was accompnnlod by Mr, Lolnnd mid Miss Anna Tato. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Shirloy, of Enstorn Washington, aftor visiting rolntlvos and friends In this city, left this morning for a visit in Southorn Oregon. Drs. W. C. Uobhnn, William Pol Urd, J. Randolph Bnrr and U Hamilton, loft this morning for Or gon City for a fishing trip on the Clackamas. They will transact biu lnosss In Portland before roturnlng Row D. A. Errott loft this morn Ing for Sllvorton. whoro ho will pronch in the First Congregntlonnl church this ovenlng. Tho manage ment of tho church at that place Is holding n series of meetings, differ ent ministers of tho Willamette val ley delivering tho sermons. Rev. B C. Black, who recently arrived In the city from Hamilton, Montana, ac companied Mr. Errott. Best Wotfc at Honest hfa M A A UaIm T tVH1 Don't forget the new No. 447 Court Street e An "I'linijuTyliij;" to Marion. Almlna D. Chamness vs. Joseph Chnmnoss Is tho tltlo of n divorce suit conuuoncod In tho Clackamas county circuit court In which a ehango of venuo has boon granted from tho Clackamas court to the Marlon circuit court. The grounds upon which the change of venue wns asked aro that the parties Involvod in tho suit wore both residents of tho county, and the Marlon county court would be the proper plsco for tho sold suit. The parties woro mar ried In Oregon City in ll0fi. The complaint asks for ay docroe of di vorce and that the plaintiff be per mittod to rosumo hor maiden name; also $10 por month la nsked during tho pendency of 'tho suit, togothor with $600 for costs xatul disburse mouts of 'suit and $6000 permnnont alimony. Strmt berry Crop Damaged. Tho strawberries of tho Chemawa neighborhood were badly damaged on Monday night, April 29. Tho crop Is almost a total loss to all tho grow ers who did not start a heavy smoke of wet straw over tholr patch from 4 to 6 o'clock. Tho Rltchoy patoh Is the only ono that oscnped with but vory llttlo damago. The loss Is n severe, one to tho growers, as tho crop prospects were bottor this sonson than In mauy years. o . Seventy-five Portland merchants aro visiting Eastern Oregon to ostnb llsli friendly relations with tho ros Idonts of tho sagobrush. It Is a good move, but has boon delayed so many years that tho people up that way have discovered they can do business with tho Sound Cities, Spo kane and Salt Lake, and bo treated well, too. HOTEL AIIMVALS. Willamette. George Waggonor, Portland. Dan P. Smytho, Pendleton. T. F. Bllyou. J. O. Newell, Portland. F. D. Derby, Billings. S. B. Nelson, Pullmnn. II. C. Bryson, Wnlla Walla. II. P. Turner, Portland. J. B. Brown, Portlnnd. B. B. Duffy, Portlnnd. B. J. Hcckor, Albnny. W. H. Lytic, Pendleton. B. N. Ilutchlngs, Portland. S. W. McCluro, Pendleton. W. G. Chnndlor, Marshllcld. C. J. Mlllls, Portlnnd. C. U. Rnlston, Portland. II. C. Fisher, Sncto. C. C. Hall, Portland. B. A. McCnrl, Portlnnd. . S. Shlrok, Snn Francisco. D. WormBtor, Chicago. II. 13. HutchingB, Los Angeles. II. Flothmnnn. H. W. Holdon, Portlnnd. II. R. II. Duubnr nnd wife, Port land. Walter Lyon, Albany. II. M. Edwards, Boston. F. V. Ellddon, Now York. M. V. Forrest, Portland. W. H. Barry, Portland. W. U. Samlson, Snn Francisco. Cottage. John Sonvoy. G. II. Bnlrd, Portland. C. Price, Woodburn. O. B. Price, Woodburn. L. A. Crulkshnnk, Portland. J. C. Currlo, Portlnnd. L. Fuller, Portlnnd. U. E. Colwell, Portland. T. Wlgman, Portlnnd. J. M. Rice, Portlnnd. T. IC. Cnmpboll, Cottage Grove. O. G. Sherman, Chicago. D. Wobstor, Portland. A. C. Adnms, KanBns City., Salem. Goo. B. Ward, Elko, Nev. J. O. Booth, Grants Pass. Nick Stlcken, St. Johns. Goo. H. Hall, Elko, Nov. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Putnam. A. Mondolsohn, Portland. James Duano, Now York. L. Allen, Oregon City. -o- STEAMEU A TOTAL LOSS. Tlvo Big Hill Liner Dakota Cannot He Saved. Liverpool, May 7. Tho agent of tho salvage association, sent to Ja pan, reports It useless to attempt to salvo tho Dakota, but It may be pos sible to savo some of her cargo. Tho underwriters estimate the loss at $3,760,000. o SumHU y; IM MMTW Km Wm W C5 -a. m T C3 5L I jpi. a Bm-! tho ? Ito Kind Yog Itaw hmn Bcc$ Sonata Si? . JLCITfi.j- I i! CHASE & j SANBORN'S ! I The leaders of all Coffees 2 J and Teas. The quality speaks for j itself and the prices are to suit the ourse Give I i them a trial. I Moir Grocery I Company 138 Stato St. PliOHC 183. VATICAN GETTIXQ Trouble With IWfttiOl 1 itcvenqt. Tlnmn rH ... -W...V, i,lU I. IB. for I limine nuaicnco today m i iox, of Green Bay, Wli..u, tod. The quarrel bUweta r and the Vatican utmA i (On uie last annual balance thfttttl vauenn. The pope n wonithy coramunlanli .-a frcoly, tho church will mm i poor. Almost Wirckrd Hmk Now York. May 7-TN; bonrlng "Sllonf'Smlth'ilodyit church for funeral itrrica nftornoon barely eicaprf vA a collision with a hmvit Umi Fifth nvenuo and Flftj-Ulrli Tho runaway shared the lam missed tho carriage heirkctWi ow by thrco Inches. Tbi tended tho services at St. 1 mow's, but was too III to go hi comotory. It Is expected tk will be read followlnj the x the rolatlvos from WoodUu.lU widow Is BtroDg ecootti, iti lirouauiy wm oe si Norwich Ualoa Fht Insouaa Frnnk Meredith. Re!itiii Office with Wm. BroniCi,! 129 Commercial street ..MONEY TO LOJUUI THOMAS 11 Over Lndd & Bush's Bibi.! NEW TODAY .. ,..)! For Sale .Gasoline wsiw -v cnu- hpen used six BO11 for Eood team cr d3l Inquire of CL W. Seott. !' Moores blocK, ow - T,t, "'" jjutin .......lInill(li to trsttl ' iBdlos of energy m complete crew or proauci. - ttrfJ liM Hotel. J- B. t J .x - i,.riln.'e,f ForSilo "- w,lUl , White Ue8"u" coks, fine W ,., inhitA Lexbom ls" OIU --.... .IHI na laTiss ..u .nitrxtf house bouih - ,, i Glli0 ton. phone j Mi -- .AW T. For Sal '" jj, ran - . cle. building. 11 -S