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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1907)
3 The CIGAR TRUST VS. YOUR NEIGHBOR WHICH ONE GETS YOUR CIGAR MONEY? real Trio DAILY CAPITAL JOUKXAI, SALKM, OHKfiOX. TUKSIIAY, MAY 7, 1007. TASHMOO Two for 25c LA CORONA 1 0c Straight lur Champion 5c Straight THERE IS A CIGAR FACTORY IN SALEM Opornted by n man who know his buslnoes wlion It comoa to ci gars and good tobacco; who Is not connected with any trust; who buys his tobacco where ho can gt tho host for tho nionay. llo has ample can ltal in tho business, and bought n big supply of tho cholcost loaf bo foro thi pries of all tobaccos advanced. Ho U now In a position nmko better cigars for tho monoy than any trust or manufacturer who makes largo quantities of cigars, and buys his tobaccos ns ho uses thorn and ho is doing that vary thing. Salem Cigar Factory cigars can't bo oxcellod for tho prlco. Lay aBlde 'our prejudice and glvo thoso cigars n fair test. HAVE YOU BEEN VICTIMIZED BY BAD CIGARS? If so, horo Is th reasen: Tho Vlgars you smoko vro made by tho groat cigar trust. Ovor ono n)t tho prlco you pny goos for enormous snlarlia to high offlcors; to pay dividends on watered stock, and to pay profits to n half dozen middlemen nnd wholosalo dortlors boforo tho cigar ovor roachos your retail doalor. RESULT A vory small por tion of tho prlco of tho cigar goos for tobacco and cheap help. PAST A81HK YOt'lt PKUlUIHCli AdAINST A 1IOMK AUTICLU. Six to eight skilled cigar mnkors at" constantly employed at high salaries In tho Salem Cigar Factory, thoro la no mnnngor to pay who does not hlmsolf nmko cigars. They pass through no middlemen's hnnds, but direct to your retail dealer, who makes a reasonable profit Tho balanco is in tho cigar. niiadSHBCSfl Smoke Salem Made, Union Made Cigars The Best SALEM CIGAR FACTORY, AUGUST HUCKESTEIN MANUfACTURER IME SUPPORT WILL BUILD UP INDUSTRIES thlB city haB given satisfaction where .overused. Salem has a soap factory. ! woolen mills, nursery, wngonmnk- or's cstabllshmonts which turn out only the best of goodB and at price that enter into successful competi tion with thoso mado anywhere. Tho Salem Flour Mills employ a largo force of Salem people and make nn excollont quality of Hour. Thece, as all othor Salem Industries, should have the support nnd patron age of overy cltlron. Tho monoy spent at home r cumins hero and U distributed In the community to tho growers, tho merchants nnd to tho omployos. Tho cllmnto of tho Wlllamotte vnl- Ua UCII Dnlurn In Vnn ' cnn l " OXCOIIOll IOr IIIO Money Will Return to You Browth of VOKOtatlon nm, tll0 ,nn lt 'fertllo nnd productive. N'nturo has rlrlilv nnilnwnil this localltv with li the growth In population Is tho ntlt,.rnl ro80Hrco8 nocossary peljr dependent upon tho Indus- for nmnUfncturlng and tho progrosa JUnlvorslty, with a .view to settle for spcrous factories Mean a Thrlv Rj City, Increasing Business and a Growing Population s Best of Goods Arc Manufactured Salem Buy Them and the Win N. Crow, et ux , to Jna. Ilellamy, ct ux., land In Sa eom Garden fruit trncts, w d 1500 0. ShonneHon, ot nl., to A. L. JohUMon, land In t 5 s, r 1 w, w d 3000 J. V. Aldermnn, ot ux., to Los llo M. Ultnoy, 7.3S noros In Woodburn, w d 2800 Coolldgo &. McClnlno to 13. C. Which glVO employment, SO . Qnm mnlntv rnstn nnnn hn fln tho growth of tho Industry do- ory nmj i0yft!ty of It's citizens. Id uvn tl.c pntronngo nnd sup-j n .olthclMxcn. Salem will tiavn KlXfj HANHKLIOX. irgo rrI ulaHou when it dovolopoij uitrKS to maintain thnt popula- Kl.,1rn irof..SM,r Discover Solution local press nnd public-spirited citi zens generally, nnd wo would espe cially express our grntltudo to tho worthy master nnd members of Hurt-! son flay Orango, No. 3C1, for tholr moral support, onthuslnstlc resolu tions and lmmodlnto action In circu lating nnd filing numorous potltlons to refer the $125,000 IT. of O. appro, prlatlou to n vote of tho people. Wo nlso oxpretts our appreciation! Knlpper, loth 1, 2, 3, 4, R, of the good work done by tho loonl 7 nmi S, block 3, Prntum, papers at Albany and ndjacont town q c d 375 nnd commend the stnnd takou by The L. M. flllbert, ot ux., to Hoso Capital Journal In championing the: dale. Oregon, Prune Co., IS cause of tho pooplo. t I aeros In t 8 s, r 3 w, w d.. Iteiolvfd, Thnt wo urge our rtolo- W. II. Illnck to City of Indo- gates to tho Stato Grango, which con) pondonce, 10 noros, in t 8 b, renos nt Hood Hlvor Mny 23, 1907, r 1 w, w d to use ovory ondonvor to assist in Grant Corby, ot nl., to 8. II, Ll formulntlng an Inltlntivo hill to rcg-1 ma, 11.00 neroo In t 0 s, r ulnto tho appropriations of tho stnto 1 o w d 1 normals, tho O. A. C. nnd tho Stnto L. I). Hero to Frank P. Fnr- rlngton, 5 noros In t 8 s, r 300 320 300 SALOME A GREAT CREATION This development cnn bo nc- npluhctl t-nl by a hotter patron- ff IM'istrles that aro ostab- led hcv it present. Which Will Kill Him. ct fa 't oufa ' en f line-1 ' tho - rto s t Thn Knock-out Ulovr. Talk about a yellow post. If ovor thnro was n formidable onemy thnt m 1m n ftrst class clgnr fac-' ,ng pnln0(1 n ho,(, ,n th!g C0Untry and M,h f.irnlshoB omploymont -Ul , ,,,,, ng wo a8 ,ow ,)lacos, mjpy r ir mnkors nnd nnnron- ., ..,.. .. , .... i., ,.n,i nMtmr. UVIjlllf, UAlWJIIIIUMHWlt .w. In M c . lunms of Tho Journn! ,nR 8 Med l)rett(icn,t Ovor the land op 1 -ir 1 mo auverusemont 01 u B tno ,)MkVj ,neniy, doflant dnn- 1 -Mr factory wnicn give llBon jf you overlook him for on ' nit the oxcollont good. (,ay ther0 ,g smBll ,opa for yo, 1 bore In Snlom. The ,nwn Tne reVnlence of the woed li I" enjoying n goo I' , i)0CominK obnoxious In s could be Increased ... ,..., farmer nrft iftrined ovor Mipport of cigar amok- j ItsJ ncr(M,chment 011 their land, drlv- ling out nlfalfa. Injuring graea and 1 i Paint Factory, of genorally.a nuhwnco. is manufacturing nn I c..tann i.n t lanptii taken tha iw : 1 reality of paint. BnileylluMto1 , ,ian,,( Hm, (0 a rofe.or '- " ' nil I' 1H JUL UN III ... .. An11Aoa 1o u volt tlia 111 Mil HMIIIII II Itllll'k BktlWia -w credit of furaieblng the weapon o( destruction. Hie formula is Mid to be not only effective, but quite sim ple and Inexpensive. Here It li: DUeolvo two pounds of sulphate of Iron In a Rallon of water and add about two and one-half ounces of sulphuric acid. Place the liquid In and ordinary sprlskllag can and get busy. This imtlon will serve to send an ordinary slad lawn to wither land. If the pest has poweMlon of n largo tract of laud and It Is dealrert to kill hlm.head. body and roots, use tho follewing: Add a qunrtor noud sack of sul phato of Iron to a 7-gallon barrel of wntor; mix thoroughly and add 10 pounds of sulphuric acid. Mi a regular spraying machine and th dendolinn Is a dead one. Sulphuric add being a dedl poison, considerable oart should be caerclsod not only In Us use, but u Its handling bofore It Is usd-The Dallea Chronicle. HV w r ha , ' fur h?i v irtt Hk, r It ' ra . r is: u ', 1 locked out Corbet! ' 'o tho prlzo fluhton. ' days of tha rintf the 1 aimed for the Jaw, , julurvoln. Stomach ' r vn In to worry and " ut if a seluiitlHc man ' 1 fichmrs thttt tne , t;i lun roglon of 1 i iv- Ifiugh-Hl at him Dr. 1 ,crce U brinclng i rallel Met; that ost ulner- le organ " ra , tu'iiit, We i- i iroats, ir et u..! lungs , are utterly 1.. HfTcr- v i rJs th olar i.'extt$ -r 1 ivtu TttI Mwli il 1 i j.ti4 h," i"llgt.t,w-:, or 4 -. bai thin nu lm- 1 r dltt." t,' the or- .w. ..iai t)Isco ry " has a t iTf-t nnnn k I minvini "iCt - , . ,. -- ....l. nn ii're 1 tI or what sUge it IV r 1 .1 In Vol U l 10 tha .,.Id.... wllh TV- h I'm...lJi.1 .. 1.11. ..,1 .r M4VIJ Mum IIUIID UAIHf .rrjM a conJtltutionsl rem- , " " .utn MKllcal DUcot- ! "" ) mMaP n,) lt,.P,lvU Fa V l r .m 01 --... if .... u.ill - n-1 autborttles, b- 7 Dmnenu and eiplalnlnj con Te It U itiiIIaH eT'T' ,u Addrew Dr. R.V. Plorce, j . Tu t booklet gives ill the - r-icrrj jDto Dr. Plerca's "nll . h It will Wo iun thit 'wtu -1 rt a droo of alcohol. tur. r:J limine twlng uaed loswki. i&?J ft thottad-p lUu- HuS frtt PPr-boud, for 81 o 1 - im rirmin. rvi wt m n m 1 ci kv SOMK fiHAXOK HRSOLUTIOXS IJiin County I. of II. SUiid by H Polltlcnl Opinion. Tho following rtwolutlons worf pawed at the meeting of the Linn County Business Council, P. of 11.. Saturday evening: Resolved. That Linn County Busi ness Council, P. of H.. doos hereby express by vote of thanks our ap iircciation for the assistance and support rendered to our representa tive while In Eastern Oregon by tbe good thoHO voxod questions, and to stop the prosont method of log-roll lug In our stnto legislature. o 300 UOO Hon! Kstiito Trmifii8. Tho following deeds havo placod on rooord In tho odlco of the Marlon county rocerder: Rosodnio, Or., Pruno Co. to L. M. Gilbert, 17 noros In t 8 a, r 3 w, nnd part of lot 10, S 8 F F No. 8, w d . . . . ?2600 N. Mlokol, ot ux., to N. G. Mlckel, 39.30 acros in t C a, r 1 w, w el F. IS. Stttte to Henry Stnto. land in Marlon county, w d Kphralm Owing to W. I). Grolg, et ux., 10 ncro in t 7 8 r m Wa W (1 eseseeeee G. ShnntiMon, et ux., to A. h. Johnson, lfi nor In t S 8, r 1 w, w d F. S. Hlanchard, ot ux., to Wont and Miller, 2 acre In t 10 8, r 3 w, w d F. W. Stnhlmnn, ot ux., to John Outerson, land In t 10 e, r 5 0, w d Walter 15. Mlnler, by gunrdlan, to S. II. Limn, und. 1-fi int. in 11.06 acres In t G 8, r 1 . d 00 F. W. Stahlman. et ux.. to John Daly, land In t 10 s, r 6 0, q c d GO 36 3 w, w d W. L. Toozo, ot ux., to Z. T. Hognrd, lots C, 7, block 1, Goodman's first nddltlon Jo Woodburn, w d 200 boon J. nnd M. Ilutsoh to Hoscno Langloy, laud In Sllvorton, wd 200 I-:. C. Knlpper to J. J. Crnhnno, lot 8, block 3, Prntum, w d Julius G. Vogot to It. L. Groor, land in Capital Park addition to Salem, w d Lonta I). Westaontt to I). II. Steevoe, iwrt of lot I, block I 0, Salem, w d 1K0O N. Mlokol, ot ux., to N. G. N. G. Mlkel, ttfi.38 noros In t (1 h, r 1 w, w d 1260 a. J. Johnion, ot ux., to F. li. Pnddook, 3.27 noroa InTuxo do Park ndddltlou to Snlom, iWd 1000 O. F. IlHHkoll. et ux., to J, F. LqwIb, land In Woodburn, w d J. M. HHger. ot ux., to L. I). Plnnto. lot B, block 31, Ox ford addition to Snlom, w d L. Propp, ot ux., to M. M. Pat terson, land In lot -I, blook 20, University addition to Sn lom, w On noxt Wednesday ovonlng, Mnv S, "Snlonto," Oscar Wilde's greatest tragedy, with Wilfrid Honor and n uolablo company, will bo tho nttrno tlon ut tho Grand oporn house. Com ing direct from Its rumnrkablu run of four works ut tho Colonial theator In San Francisco, this groat play will no doubt provo one of the most Interesting and Honsntlonal plays Huou In this city this eonson. "Snlome" Is eroatlng n great Htli tu oastorn themtrlcal circles and since tho osoulatory "Snpho," no play Iuih nrnusod the Intnrost ot tho public ns has this awe-inspiring tragedy of Oscar Wlldo'a. This Ik tho first and only dramatic produc tion of tho play In America, and tho patrons of the Grand oporn house are nffordod a rare opportunity ou ui'Xt Wednesday of Huulng this great play o Don't Neglect It It is n serious inislnko to neglect n weak lieart. It ia siu'h a short step to chronic lieart discaso. AN' lien you notico irregu larity of action, occasion ing short breath, palpita tion, fiutterint?, jmin in chest or difficulty in lying" on left side, your heart needs help a strengthen ing tonic. Thoro is no hot ter remedy than Dr. Miles' lieart Cure. Its strength ening influence is folt al most at once. "I hnvit ucd 10 lvottlwi of Tr. Mlttn' llMirl Cure nnd cuii truthfully any It linn Oone mo mom good tlimi nii)'tliliiir n 1 Imvo evir uno1. anil I hnve trim: iifirlr orrythKis thnt I know of. Til' doctor whu nttonilfU ma nnkrd nt what I vrni tnklnir anil I told lilm Dr. Mllak Ilrnrt C'urn. ho raid It wu not lining tu do rnr nny Reed, but It did. I Imvt ncit tukrn utiy for n yar now, rtnd while tlmr la orcnalnnnuy u mlrht aymptom of the old trouble. It la not rtiounh for mo t rontlnun tb urni of tliH mdiclna. If I rhuiild wot wnrim I wo'.'d kno-v vrtmt to do. TVo nr. MllrV llufirt Cure nn I did bfor. 1 ooriHldoi' tnvvflf jiructlcally cured oC my liturt t hi b' ,r to, li. PIJNNAM, LMngaton, Toxiui. Dr. M.'Ua1 Hrt Curt li aold by tha Oritljottla wilt buntflt. It It fall your riruqaM, who will ouarantce that xiia nr uaini win Dontni. ha will refund your menry. Miles Medical Co., Elkliart,Ind 1000 100 75 aaaamMBaaaaHHMaBHaaaaBaMaaaaaaMBBi Folger's Golden Gate Spices Have Sold Individuality on Pungency Merit Snap Pck4 la TINS Have no ",,h Adulteration Handy Sifter 1 TPS jItKIS J. A. Tlu 0uiliig of Caniiilii. j Tho Hudsnu hay roulo as ono of tho groat ohannolH of tha world'1 frslght tralllo Is a posHlhlllty sug Htwtod hy A. P. Low, thu director of tho geological survey of Canada who has rontly mado an exptulltlon through that region. Thu mi coots of tho Wwatorn Canadian whoat IIoMh dspttiids on (,'hoap tnimiiortatlon 1 profurahly hy wntoi. Tho firrtliur " IliopulHtloH ptnetratoa Into u:por a Q.ntrn rtf rknlsfylif 'SashatohtWHU and Alhorta tho long- r DOUFCii CJT llillllL ' r th rail hauls, and consequently the ulowar Itx dwvalopuiout. All. that Is uoodHd to upon llti Ison hay 000 to oonunorolHl limn la a lino ot rail to carry freight to one or It porta. At prtMMnt tho Hudson Hay company and tho Itovllton I'ur company have 700 ships that nmko lis small trading ports a few tlnios a year. On tho score of duUnuco this Hudson hay route has much to offer. Iloglua d 07ft the capital of Sakarohownn and an G. M. Ioase to L. 11. I'lnnto, ItniwrlMHt town on the Canadian Pa lota 1 to C, Oxford adtlldtlon clfle. la Just as near Churchill on to Salem, w d C00. Hudson my, tha point propogod for Kwald Co. to Adolph O. I.ajiu', la port, as It Is to Port Wltllnin on lot 33, Iftwakl fruit farm, Lake Superior, and a thouuind nill w d BOO. shorter than the dlatanca front ll A. P. Hofor, ot ux., to A. H. Aufranoe, loU 1 to 0, hlook fi. Falrmotmt addition to Salem, w d KlH to Montreal at tho hoad of n navlvHtlon on the St. Lawrence. The dlntnnc from Churohlll to Liverpool 500. u almoat the aamo aa that from Mon tr en I to Liverpool. Hanco there la a wtvlng or dUtnnoe of 1000 mllea of rail or wntor carrlaKO In favor of thla uorthorn route AutomobllliiK, It 1b aald, haa quickannd tho markot for furii and made the quet for thorn oven moro zoaloua than tmual thU yoar. Tho whalo fluhory aUo sup Iludnon hay. ont at tho My IlttHt 1-VleiMl. Alexanoor Ilonton, who Uvo on rural routo I, Fort Rdward, N. Y say: "I)r. King's Now liiacovory is my hot earthly friend. It ourod mfj performed a wondorful ouro 0 f lu- ,,our f(jp ugo Qf (,wo oipioni coniumpuon jor iy " - n.m ,.,. ,.,.. v nu, ----1... wfe. Tho fln,t ho J. h.10 from Wn.poB hy way of rlhlo couRb, and thla accomplUhod Jf wore tho other imyptomi loft one by one, jrown ihQ o chufch until sho vra perfectly well. Dr. , KInB'a Now DUcovery-a power ov-r U- Ufge armi flf wow pulp and morohantable spruce would ba tappad. Iron oroa and copper. bearing rock have aUo boon founl In various place, bedded a valuab.o mica mine. couKhn and colds la simply marvel oui." No other roraedy has over oqualod It. Fully guaranteed by J. C. Perry, druggist; 50c and $1.00. Trial bottlo roe. O" Now Is tho tltno to call up Han don'o planing mill, and order your screens before tho spring rush they znuko ull kladi, 0-43t a j. m kc o re, x jx. Bwttk lb m Yw A!1? NX C&ytf Will be found by overy ludy Inc Jacob Vojjt'a shoes. First of nil thoy are extremely elegant In stylo; seaond, they Ut perfectly and afford tho greatest umouut of comfort; third, they aro beautifully flnUhed, and fourth, they are absolutely tho most deslrnblo shoes made, nnd will keep tholr ahnpo until worn out. JACOB VOGT 99 State St. Salem, Oregon BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth moro than any other bread, yot tho prlco Is no higher. For sale at your icrocer's. OALlFOIt.VIA IJAKKUV. Thornus k. Cooley, Props. UiniUBMIWFKWHrauu 4WUfliiyWMIIlPILL.l 4 tut, Cnn urn ttuit ht hnuiua Mum wtrni. MMMUi, rBIH4UMMul4,toUMir! M Um m jmiV( m li' W " wiilTIMCB4ltae..aaf4.U.ata f. SUlS9lm by tk. 5. C 5W j