u 1 6 DAILY OATITAIi JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 0, 1007. ;IWWWWfflWWWlWlWWWt ICAGO STORE I5", "M,l. 9 ! v jn "TO induce quick selling we place on sale this week several lines of live new merchandise at prices you will find hard to beat, you can rest assured that the Chicago Store th busiest store in Salem, can always give you the best values for your money. Bright new goods and small profits is what makes the business. Read en: FINE SILKS AND DRESS GOODS I LADIES' COATS, SUITS AND MILLINERY WASH CHINA SILKS AW nre showing n complete line In nil wliltliH, colon and qualities and nl prices that will Induce quick sell ln. JHc China Silk, nil colors, ytl..25 TOo China 8111c, nil colors, yd..49 Me lllnck China Silk, yd 25 7fio lllnck India Silk, yd 497 K.xtrn heavy qualities, at yard 40t t G5 BLACK DRESS SILKS Wo show n grand assortment of lllnck KIlkH In all widths and quali ties. Our it rices you will find hard to heat. 70c lllnck TalTeta Silk, yd. 49 91.00 J I envy lllnck TalTeta Hllk, lino quality, yd GO 4) 1'ard-wldo $1.50 lllnck Taf- feta Silk, fine quality yd. . . .Q8& SJ51.H5 lllack Peau do Sole Silk ex tni quality, yd 89 FANCY DRESS SILKS Salem's Silk House shows the grandest assortment of new dress hIIIch in this part of the world and at prices that moves them out quick. 7c Knncy Dress Silks, yd 49 J?1.25 Fancy Dress Silks, yd . .85 91.85 Fancy Dress Silks, yd . -98i Novelty Silks in every clnss nnd kind, ulso evening shades. NEW SPRING DRESS GOODS If you want the making of a prrt. ty dress come nml take a look through the lilggcst nnd grw&tit ussorttnent in Snlciu. 05c Fnncy Dress Goods milt. nhlo for shirt waist or Jump. er suit, special price, yd.... (555 $1.50 Imported Noivlty l)ro.s Goods, yd., for this snlo...,Q3A We show beautiful lines of light. weight dress goods for evening near. Wm 1 Ik LADIES SPRING SUITS In Silk and Wool If you want a pretty new tailor made suit that Is new nnd stylish, handsomely trimmed and silk lined,. It will pay you well to taku 11 look through our stock. They are going fast ut the prices we usk for them. They are all marked down for this special sale PIllCH. $8.90, $1 1 .90, $1 5 LADIES' JACKETS And Silk Coats Wo show a grand assortment of Ladles' swell Jackets and Silk Coats all the latest production of tho most stylish coat manufacturers In Aincrl ea. Tho materials they are made of Is the newest nnd best. They nro handsomely trimmed nnd tnllormade They come In pretty checks, stripes and plain. Sale prices, $6.90, $8.50 vv v C Y -J 5 MILLINERY M'c show tho most complcto assort, ment of Ladies', Misses' and Chil dren's Trimmed Hats in Salem. "Wo have sl.v milliners trimming every day, and still wo nre sold up to the handle, llusy' Is no uamo for this deMirtment, hut It is no wonder when you consider tho small prices wo ask for beautiful trimmed lints now 011 sale. 1 OK 9 ft KC f3 Q& .V, wr.wfwr I III' 'ilW 3MBP LADIES' DRESS SKIRTS . We show a complete lino of In dies' Dress Skirls In all the latest materials voiles, stripes, fancies and plain shades, also tine silk dress skirts. All new nnd stylish, nnd sold at small prices. $1 .50, $2.50 $4.50 Up PARASOLS 1,000 PARASOLS The swelled line of sunshades ev er shown In Salem. Host quality of silk In plaid, cheeks nnd plain, with fancy borders, Sale price while they 1 SI 25 to S-l-50 Also a llluo lino of white eyelet embroidered linen parasols, Vrice '" D5 to 57 00 Children's white nnd colored fancy parasols, regular price 75e. Sale i,rico 35c r WASH DRESS GOODS Thousands of yards of Cotton Voiles, Morccrlml Oiughams, l'olku dot Dress Linens, 1'ercales, Flowered Organdies, I-awns and Swisses, the most beautiful stock in this city. Also a line Hue of dress Liners in white, pink, blue, green and natural colors, all going at sale prices. 1000 yds Fnncy Lawns, yd 4 l'2& iSIBvt Ladies' Fine Shoes I This department is coming to tuc I front lu lino sluipe, owing to the high class quality of line shoes wo carry. We show a complete Hue in canvas slkoes, nil colors; patent leather Ox fords, fancy low shoes and ladies' Hue dress shoes. Ladles' patent leather Oxfords, llko cut, 9. I""1' ity. Sale price Si. 9S "V k B HH W sj 1 Salem's Fastest Growing Store McEVOY BROTHERS Corner Court and Commercial Streets. SALEM, ORE. iittiVUllillllllliillliilillVfcUIilliWhlhli1iw; iwwnmmwiwmnnnnmmiinnmiinimniim