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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1907)
.1 DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, MONDAY, MAY 0, 1007. STOCKTON'S The Old White Corner ROYAL WORCESTER STYLE 513 u the tvpc of Straight Front, : ...... Mm Corset which fulfil! II the requirements of the nvor- p, rocrlian ngure, ussm-iug Iteet fit of bodlco and complete jmfort to the wearer. Shoxnx In nperior routine, in wuho mm rab, with an ii-incu num. uiuai-, j,$!:f3from IS to30. Price $1.50. ROYAL WORCESTER STYLf 457 rrerv warm weather require ,ent Is met In this dainty rslght Front, whlto Batlsto cor t for the average long-waist gurc. It Is Btrong, Borvlcenblo nd cool, with graceful Plncess !p effect, and Is tho most popu- irnnd satlsfjlng light weight ?i rct In the world. Wo' cannot Komra nl It too highly. SIzo IS i JO Front clasp 10 Yj Inches pg Trice ?1 25. ROYAL WORCESTER STYLE 453 This handsome Straight Front corset for the averago long waist flguro Is conspicuously tho most popular ever ofTered to discrimin ating dressers. To wear It Is to be surprised and delighted. It shnpes tho figure correctly, moulds tho hips perfectly with tho Princess mode. Is thoroughly stylish, rellhble and up-to-date. Made In white and drab. Sizes aro IS to 30. Has 10 incn front elnsp. Price $1.00. DOWAGER STYLE 592 A straight Front Corset with Hoso Supporters sldo and front; Princess Hip eflect; front clasp 11 Mi Inches long; lace trimmed nt top; boned with double, stnys throughout, and Ib very service able and strong. Ib mnde from lino Coutllle in whlto nud drab. Sizes 21 to 3C. Prlcos, sizes 21 u wv,, v.uv, ... 1U OW, fll A KEEN SENSEOF HUMOR. Crater Say Mizner Is His fluent, lint n Low Lived Pup. Eastern people that Is "sasslty" people evidently have some Ideas utterly unfathomable to wo unsophis ticated denizens of tho pastoral West. It being rumored that Mlxnor, who is nt present tho husband of the relict of the late traction magnate, Yerkes, wnB to marry n pretty blonde grass widow who supports tho prefix of "Miss," and travels under her maiden nnme, Crnter, a reporter railed on her brothor, who Indignant ly denied tho rumor, nnd pnld tho following high compliment to Miz ner, whllo, at tho amo tlmo, showing tho kind of people he Invites to his ner, whllo ath the snmo tlmc,8howlng cempany: "My Bister marry that big, low lived pup!" ojaculated Gcorgo E. Crater, h r brothor. "Why. ho nev er had a chnncc with hor. Ho has. boon hero as my guest, nnd they hnvo boon together, of course, and there Is nothing In tho mnrrlngo story." ct Point In the Civil Wnr. ma crin.l strange to civilian1, tt: t'.M) to students of tho lila cf tint period, to bo told that csl affairs even nt that time not discussed at West Point. dlicttsalon by ofllcors or cndeU lie polltks dividing tho nation In- rtlcs would hnvo Btruck tu g m nn ns crude, nnd totally mlng cling men and old i whoso '.lcs were conaecnitcd e erIc of the country, rcgnrd- of which patty might bo in con- I fully agree that thoro Is Ing mere amusing to tho sllont obicrunt bystandor than a d la Ion ocr politics betwoon two old ii cr two loung ottos. Hut dur crlMcal period wo offorod no diversion The nearest wo caino it was habitually, morning, noon nigh to damn ovory politician econntn, save tho ono who hnd Intel u! Moreovor, tho touslon too ga nnd Inasmuch as wo led M I gcntlemon. wo nntur- refra'n I front touching on d la in r tpcts Ronrosontlnc. t. " i v did, evory congres- ld.-,r' w- wero In mlnlnturo If Tho lottor nnd m homo kopt us no the stnto of public If arJ i i.cp tho conBcIotiHiioHfl iv -a enlB Is nlwnyB con- '3i ' w i not long till It was , ' IMnt Oonornl Morris 3 T ' Mav AMnntln. o . "Rene Hand GIwh Concert. wida-, r" hi i i)nnd concert, snys --6 n Curd, servos to demon- f ha r nlclnns of tho clnun 111 E-E " pofscsaos, can do on net!- Thn Kiiennn Mllllnn- oa t' t organized but a very Ume g the progratn given at fcnd Opera House p0. P. COHDRAY, Manner, Eugene theater was highly appre ciated by a big audience that came, not only for the purpose of aiding a worthy organization but to henr first class music nnd to bo entertain ed. In both instuncofi they wore not disappointed. Of tho bnud numbers "Our Pntrons," dodlcatory march by Director Hood, "Tho Jolly Robbers," "Marltann," and "Flower of Italy," woro Bplondld nnd sorved to show tho musical qunlltlos of tho thirty inon who compos tho band. The apodal numbors by Mrs. Pipes, Miss Yornn nud Profossor Olon complotod one of tho host musical program t ovor given In the thontor. Now that tho bnud is making such Bplondld progross tho tlmo 'is rlpo for beginning tho ovoitlug concerts nnd tho city should nrrnngo n suitable and well llghtod stnnd In East park for tho boys, whore tho townspeople can ossomblo nnd Ilston to tho bort bnnd muslo to bo hoard In the stat. ir r ii M HiuIitV Sttcct'Mir Chosen. Tho position of superintendent of tho Orogon Anti-Saloon League itind vncRitt by the resignation of Rov. Paul Under, hni been Iliad tempornr lly by thtt election of Rev. IS. F. Hint merman, formerly pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church nt Ash land, Or. Under the direction of the I hondquHrters committee the book of J tho leaguo hnvo been placed In the hnnds of an o.xport accountant, nnd its financial nffnlrs nro being adjust od. DIsKatlBfaction with Under be gan from tho tlmo of his alleged sand-bngglng on tho street of Sk- lorn, which brought the gontlemnu into dlsroputo, oven among his own pooplo. Suicide in CJernmny. Tho stntistlcs of suicide In the German empire for last year, which hnvo Just boon published, show that sulcldo Is stondlly Increasing nt n rate nbovo tho natural lucronsc of tho population. The annunl sulcldo rate has ronched 21.3 nor 100,000 of population. In tho years nftor the French wnr, It wns only 17 por 100,- 000. Tho number of suicides among women Increased nt n rnto fnr In ox- cess of the rnto among men, n fnct which Is genorally rogardod hero ns eMdence of the dotorlorntlng Influ ence which competition and the con dltlotiB of llfo gonornlly are oxerels- Ing on numerous classes of women. It may bo of Intorost to noto that the rnte of sulcldo In Germany ha nlwnya boon a high ono, tho nnnunl proportion of Saxony during tho yonrs 17S-S2 being 39.2 por 100,- 000. Switzerland nnd Donmnrk hnvo high ratos, for tho former, during tho yonrs 1S7S-S2, tho annual proportion wns 23.9 por 100,000, nnd for the latter during 18S0-S2, 25.1. In nil countrtoB tho rnto of sulcldo Is In creasing. In England nnd Wnlo there has boon nn Incronso from 8.1 por 100,000 In 1880 to 9 por 100, 000 In 1897. Tho Incronso of tho rato among womon In Gormnny Is eji 'All WA CHESTERFIELD Psychic Palmist and Clairvoyant My only reason for cnlllng you by name nnd what you call for Is inci dentally n chain to road by; what is moro impor tant to serious pooplo Is whnt to do, or what to expect regarding present or futuro affairs. If you aro nmbltlots. If you wish to bo a success; it you nro involved In any unhappy love nftnlr, or If you doslro to hotter your financial condition; If you nro In doubt con corning your futuro nnd wish to nt taln that subtle, potont, magnetic force, that scductlvo, attractive per sonal charm so IrrcBlstnblo In Its power to domtunto and control oth ers, then go nt onco nnd consult with Prof. Chcstorflold; ho is ovor rondy to holn Uiobo with capital to find a snfo and good pnylng Invest ment; this ho can do nnd nsk no too until tho investment pnya n hand Bomo profit. Is this not honest? You henr tho truth nnd nothing but tho truth. Grontost living astral dcad-trauco clairvoyant of tho ngo; adviser on busluoss nnd nil affairs of llfo; tolls your full nnmo nnd what you called fon,, whom you will ntnrry, how to control tho ono you lovo, ovou though miles away; rounltos the separated; gives secret power to control; no long dolnys In waiting, In Salem ono week only. Special ! low foo nil this wook. Parlors 400 ' Stato stroet Hughes block. Offlcu hours 9 n. m. to 9 p. nt. Dally nnd Sunday. male to femalo sulcldos has boon Btendlly throo to four to ono. That tho fomalo rnto touds to npproxl puroly thoorotlc Ideas as to modern son battles. Of tho gront son pow- ors, Japan, nud only Japan, has hnd practical experlonco with modern . Hhips, gmiH nnd armor. Hor matching tho ton 12-Inch guiiD of tho Dread nought with tho Akl'H twolvo 10-lnclt nud four 12-Inch guns, theroforo, 1-j Hlgulllcnnt. Japan's Iuhbou of ex perience Booms to hnvo taught Iter not only that tho torpedo llect Is no to ho counted on to destroy ships of tho lino, but that among ships of thn vory romnrknblo. Tho porportlon of UnuthoiitHolvos tho gun to do tho IiiihI 1108H with tho enumy Is the 10-Inch engine, n close approximate to tho theoretic Idoal of many of our mntii to tho mnlo Ib n subject that Amorlonn olllcorH. Now York Presi calls for Chronicle. Investigation. London v The Value of a Suit DEPENDS AS MUCH UPON ITS MAKEUP AH IT DOES UPON THE FA11UIC. THE 1J. K. & W. LAllKIi IS A OUAHANTEE OF 8U PEltlOH AVOHKMANSHIP. EVERY DEVICE KNOWN TO MOD. EUN TAILORING IS EMPLOYED TO GIVE THE PRODUCT OF THE H. K Ai W. FACTORY AN INDIVIDUALITY WHICH WILL DISTINGUISH IT FROM ORDINARY CLOTHING. IF YOU WANT AGOOD.STYLISH SUIT, LET US SHOW YQU OUR New Spring Clothing WE WILL SAVE YOU FROM2.00 TO 911.00 ON EVERY SUIT. ON ACCOUNT OF ECONOMICAL HUSINESS METHODS AND OUR SPOT' CASH PLAN. a z ju&rweds GadI, jsosfe &.. JocrvtaS, faffe: Z? . S Cfo RAIN NEEDED. ! or came, followed by hIx clear days. For throo moro days thoro woro light Oregon Farmer Complain of Uiincii. rnltiH, nftor which tho woathor clear i ol and has romnlitod so hIiico. The homililo mill Iong Dry Kpell. 1 jtotnl precipitation for tho month For tho past 1 1 days, soys thn amounted to 3.57 Inches. Telegram, thoro linn not been a drop I v"n Boptombor 1, tho hoglnnlnK of rnln nt PortlnniJ, nud as yot thoro ' ho wot period, thoro Is an oxcom Rig xh. Little Nnvnl Giiiih. -As a SHrdnnlo Incldont tn the iimp eongrew. Japan yeeterday launched ,UM,,., .b,,,U n.'ul M00 ptonl. Iinv. Fruits of R'hiiiiatlon Work. Anvirillnp In nlllnlnl lli'iirna kIiipa M,a nln...,.llnn lw w. nnnnlu,l l, I Ih III) I lltllOlttlOIl (if II BllOWOr. Dntll f rulllfnll, llOWOVOf, Of .05 Of nil congreM In 1902, eight towns have ' ii0 woathor bureau ollloo hIiowh ( ,,,0'- May und Juno aro also clasBod l wbi iiiuuiiia, nn i. iiiuy u i j nui ninr.o the Imttle ship Akl, blggent IlrratlnK fortretw In the world. Moro than In contrnst to penoo conventions, though Is the Akl's variance from some re settled on what were deeert land To procure the way for thnte nut Horn 100 iitl'leH of branch railways have been built, 1207 mile of oannln hnve tho lattor part of Aurll was tho lonii- ...,i ....i i... ....... .,..-i,..i ..-..i.. thu Hhowlnc In llm niiittnr nf nriirlnt. uni. luiiiiiiiiiuiin jtui luu tiii,iiw 'l;wii- - -- --.-- - ...w.,.. Itntlnn during that month ulncc tntlon of any of thu prodocosaora. '- - I .. .!.. f ...1. 1-1. I. ..I.. I cent lUndird or nrmument. While "."" ,,,,R, "",:,, "' w ,,B" v,"7 """'"l the Akl, for o.nmpl, haa a displace 1885. Unless rnln coiiih hooii tho early vogetnblu crops Is oxpentod to ho merit of nonrly 20,000 tons as ngnlnst tho 18.500 of tho Drofid- nought, Englnnd's grontost ship of tho line, tho Jupnnoee flghtor will onrry only lour l-'-lnclt guns, as AGDII NT EXTRAORDINARY Oej- N'lght Only WKDNISDAY. MAV H. American New Tragedian WILPRID ROGER fcd Or - - , pArr.ori n- i J i Great Tragody SALOME m.i n .ci r ' F as King Horod. srnery and meohan- "' ui jruducod at tho Co- 'C'J San Prnnnlinn fnr c;l , f f0Ur weeija T i J1.00. 1.50. at u 'x otflce. Wednoadav lD 'NGER GRAND! TONIGHT Julia omaine Co. ttKwroxiciiiT" "CAMILLE" 5 4 tt. Ah tho Twig Is Rent. "I am sure, fathor," romarkod the young man, "that my little son hor Is going to follow in tho footstep of you and mo and be a physician" .... l. .. . ,. . ..H ....' All, poon, wnarittg, now cuu juu mako Biich an absurd statomant about a child barely six months old?" "Absurd! Nothing of tho kind. I know It to bo a fact. I gave.hlm; rivers, nnd 17 tunnels hnvo been ox-1 badly dnmngod. Complaint has boon envatod. It In oetlmnUd that tho 'mndo by somo of tho gardeners nohr territory ombrnced In what Is known thu city Hint If It doos not rain soou ns tho arid regions of the United they will not hnvo enough early vego State) covers 000,000,000 aorw, of ( tables to place on tho market to moot which about 60,000,000 neroM are tho expense of delivering thorn. Ulll.loni Ikiilnnlliiii mIIaI iitoia 1tltll ttlttU ttnftM tt If (II I tl 1 1 11 WHt n1 against tho DroadnoughfB ton. The "" -hu". ". .. "" -,......-,. ., .- Akl, however, will have a battory of I'roproly suppllo. with water, oan be Uhes and similar truck nro begin. "in-i, ..-! w ..",": ! iluotive ub lauds In tho most favored drouth. With anothor wook of dry sections. A bill was Introduced lit weather It Is feurod they will not bo From the way May Is starting off, it Is feared that the month will not sustain Its former roputntlon of bringing weeping HkloH. Though tunny puoplo complain of whnt they are pleased to term thn oxQcsidvo rainfall of this section, it , Is itHHurtod by those who nro In a po sition to Judgu front tho standpoint of tho ngrlotilturlut'thnt ovory hIiow nr visiting the Oregon country U needed. twolvo 10 eight of 6-Inch guns. It tins, long tinnn tunnt nnnatlnn In HtiAt Ia naval war whether tho enormous gun I conrM8 ftt U'0, ,n,Bl H08,,,01n r U,0f wor,l, tho "lirvu-t"'- i.o.i .iw. m.iAn... .i. ...n. purpose of roclalmlng ovorllowed nn I April Is considered ono of thu wet or boro. Thoro is a school in the .8Wn,n" 'amis In Arkausus, Mlnne- inonthB in wostorn Orogon and Wash- turo without precodont In tho Ump Unltod Statos navy whloh hns con-'0,n, ,n(,lnnn' WUconsln. Now Jor-Jlngton. Hut f?ir 20 days in tho'quu vnlloy, hut thla record has boon tondod that bettor results could he'80'' Nort, Carolina, South Carolina month thoro was not a traco of rnln. J mndo this yoar. For tho last 11 Eleven White FroctM. ' 'Elovuit huccossIvo whlto frosts uftor April 20 form a woathor feu tondod that better results could he obtalnod from with batterlos mass of metal in a given time. This Or results COUld he . u,ii,u, nunvn w... .,,.,... iiiuuiii uiurv wu mn a iruuu in nun. ii tho Btnallor horoe, nml ol,lor Btnt08' nn(1 tno" ,,ucJ of,Tio mouth was ushorod In with n it throwing a hoavlei' ' ,l 8ay tMnl ,l w,n '' "ni,BMod" ut lho rtloudlomi sky. Tho following dayjn noxt sesslou. Tho member who of thuru wus u mornliiKa tho ground hns boon liter lly contoil with frost and nil tho vot- slight Nprluklu nnd slmUts have doolnred the fruit killed. tho dictionary to play with, and ho promptly removed the appondlx. Exchange. lloyliooil of a Grout .Man. The suhjeot of this sketch, while a boy went ono dny to vUlt a relative In tho country. "Uncle." ho said ns he followed tho old farmer out to the barn aftr dlunor, "don't you want mo to Jo something to holp you 7" "You can go and water the stock If you want to, Eddie," answered hU uncle. Eddie complied with alacrity. "I'd rathor do It than anything olso In the world," be exclaimed. That boy, now a middle-aged man, Is known to fame as Edward H. Har riman. He has been watering stock ever since. Canby Tribune. o Rockefeller, or the Standard Oil Co., which is the same thing, wants a new trial. He was convicted in Chicago of being 1492 kinds of a rou ter, or ono for each year of the Christian era before Columbus dis covered America. The figures are sngfeatlve, as Rockefeller swiped what Celtmtew t9wU. t srhoni linn held ihnt hn thnnrAHr fored this moasuro roughly odtliitatw nguln on tho third of tho month. Hut uxporlouced farmers doolaro nonn idoal was a nine-Inch gun rather tUa nlU0Unt of ovorllowod and swamp Heglunlug April 4 It rained until of It lias beem hurt and that tho out than a 12 or 13-Inch. 'lands to bo reclaimed at 50,000.000 and Including tho 7th. On tho 9th look for prune nnd upplos In south- Japan "certainly brings Into tho inor08' t,, reclamation of which , a shower occurred and the next day orn Orogon waa novor brighter. - discussion something more that "uu,u i" " mhiu hihu ih' wuh i-iuur. un uuuiuur niuuu bihiw- uuBvuurK kuviuw. Patronize Home Industry And buy that which you know Is tho best. We know whore It U made an 1 what It contains and tho re sults are tho best of any Rak ing Powdor-'ou tho market. If you try Eppley's Perfection Baking Powder We will guarantee it to give satisfaction for there is no better. All Grocers sell it. C. M. EPPLEY Manufacture Sat, Orf than $5,000,000,000, tho annual crop vnluo $1,500,000,000, and If Mitbdlvldod into 40-ncre farm, would supply 2,500,000 families with homos and put 12,000,000 people on lauds now pructcluliy worthless. o John Palmer, of Marlon, was a Salem visitor this morning. SOMETHING NEW In Bifocal Lenses Let us show you a neat, up-to-date lens for near and far-seeing. It U , eually as good as tho expensive kind, ' and half the cost. I Don't throw away your broken glasses. Bring tbera to us. We can duplicate any part, with little ex pense. Chas. H. Hinges Gmfcutte OpUtU. sWP siBswsWiW liVSVf (WHBrw SsWS P CMi4tel Xa4S)esuJ Stuslc. STOnE WILL BE CLOSED TODAY OWING TO THE DEATH OP ALICK MOIR Moir Grocery Co. J