Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, May 04, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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iv '
The Saving of
Tvlfi'ii'V fcy the use of Ryal
ItW MllMAMX J Baking Powder is con
siderable. Royal is economical, because it pos
sesses more leavening power and goes further.
black withered blotches have taken
their place.
Tho strnwborrlcs and peaches
have- probably Buffered tho worst,
but apples and prunes are also dam
aged to a considerable extent.
Garden aro damaged and will
bo later, as will tho cherries and
prunes. About an Inch of Ico was
fnnnnil Rnt.nrilnv nlclit nnd Inst nlcht
Tho Lowlston Tribune of tho WftJ nonr,y H9 ,)H((
morning of April 29 rovlows tho of- Tho froBt B00lllcll ta lmvo dono
fects of tho freezing wenther in that moro dnmng0 north of tho Btnto Uno
dlBtrlct as follews: ,, an,,,. nn,i u iB MimiL'ht that
A wind from tho north, carrying Uj0 MUon fp,t groworB escaped a
with It over tho Mttor Hoot range :Krontor ,mrt of tUo AamaKQ. Worn
tho wostorn odgo of a cold wnvo that WnUft Wal,ft 80Ulh( howovor oarjy
tlovelopcd In wostern Montana Snt-jfrut floe,1H to ,mvo ,)0on n(mrly
iirday, brought freezing weather to n kUe Ul0Mgl nccorilInB to some
tho Lowlston-Clnrkston valley Sntur- of tho BroworB tho ,nt0 fPUltB nr0 not
lny night and caused considerable ,n fllch ,)m, con(lltlo nH tlmught nt
damage to fruit. It Is Impossible at U(e Btftrt nnJ ft Jmrt of n cro) nmy
this tlmo to oBtlmnto tho mil extent rofl(iU TJQ dnmng0 w, nmoUiit to
of tho damago-the dovolopmontH of ,imifllllll,B nf ,lnllfirB.
. ..- .....-- .-.. .-..
tho next row nays must no uwaucu
to accurately dotormlno that but It
has boon very novoro. I'rogpocts line!
boon favorable for tho greatest ylold
of fruit over turned off In this lo-
First MoUmhIIhI Episcopal.
At 10:30 a class of candidates for
ml it v. and the freeze has thoreforo i membership will bo recolvod. Tho
cmnu as a Iceon disappointment to pastor will proach on 'Philip, tho
tho people. Home orohardlsts roport Lay Evangelist," nnd at 7:30 p. m.
tholr crop practically a total loss; on "Who Is on tho Lord's Sldo?"
Home 2G, R0 and 7R per cent, whl'.o Owing to tho rovlval mooting to b
Homo Hlalo tho troos entirely escaped, 'gin 10 days, under Evangelist
tho cffectH or tho freeze being lii-illaudeuschlold, the hour of ovonlug
lluouced according to location of tho service will remain at 7:30 for the
orchards and thu atnto of udvano-j-inout
of the IiikIh. For thlH reason
It will oiisonllally bo hoiiio days bo
foro a respoiiHlblo estimate can bo
made as to conditions.
Observer Dey of tho U. 8. wuuthur
bureau, said tho loweHt tomporuturo,
present. All aro cordially Invited.
Cornor Cottage and Chemckota
streets' Services at 11 a. in. I'ronch
lug by Row I'uul S. Bandy. All are
Invited, especially thoso without oth
er church alllllatlou. No evening
27 abov zero or live below freezing, sorvlco
was recorded at -t o'clock In tho
morning. From 1 1 o'clock up to the
hour of thu lowest temperature, the
thormometer registered below freoz
lug. Many kinds of early vegetables
such as beans, tomntoe, potatoes
and corn, wore hurt. While no In
Jury litiu l Htm done to the tree them
wives practically overy variety of
fruit and vegetable, from which a
'good lluuuulal return could be ex
pected, lias been ruined In Us entire
ty or cut down to such an extent that
no large prollt can be derived from
Us production.
From Hpaldlug tli Tribune gets
tho ofllowlug Informatien:
Transfers of Ileal Estate.
Tho following deeds havo boon
placed on record In the offlco of tho
Marlon county recerder:
Charles A. Gray, et ux., to Alllo
A. Ash, land In block 1, Rob
ert's addition to Salem, wd, GOO
A. T. Yenton to E. C. Mlnton,
lots 5 and G, block 7, North
Salem Snlum, w d 425
John M. Payne, ct ux., to Paul
Ratzburg, lot 7, block 3,
University addition to Salem,
w d
U. Dolormo heirs to William
Rowley, lota 1 and 2, block
17, St. Louis, w d
C. M. and O. C. Whitney to
Ann Scott, lot 10, block 39,
Scotts Mills, q c d 1
O. D. Purvlno, ot ux., to Mary
E. White, land in block C,
Yew Park addition to Salem,
w d 1
Annie C. Rovclstad to J. and A.
Sovorson, 321. HI ncros In t
7 s, r 1 o, w d 2700
E. and L. L. Maurcr to C. A.
Ogdon, et al., land In Ma
rlon county, b 1 2000
Mary A. McAdams to Elln
Molllt, lot 1, block 23, North
Salem, w d 800
Mary Ann Stauftor to O. C. J.
Hntluud, ot nl., 29. R acres In
t 1 s, r 1 w, w d 72r)
Henry Stnuffor to O. C. . J.
Ilatland, ct nl., 29.5 acres
in t 1 b, r '1 w, w d 7.25
Elizabeth Stauffer to O. C. J.
Ilatland, et nl., 29. fi acres
In t 1 s, r 1 w, w d 700
Tho relay raco between Indians
from Chdmawa and a team from the
Portland Y. M. C. A. has awakened
much Interest here, tho Indians be
ing tho favorlteB In tho betting.
The racers started at 9:30, as per
program. At Chemawa tho Indians
led by 7V& minutes. At "SVoodburn
they were only four minutes ahead.
At Oregon City they still maintained
their lead of seven minutes,
Cut tho Voyage Short.
Now York, May 4. Eugene Huff
cut, said to havo been Governor
Hughes' private counsel, committed
suicide on tho steamer Morse, while
en route to this city.
Ills first namo was Ernest, and ho
was dean of tho Cornell law school
Ho fired a bullet Into his head.
Mnsy Injured in Wreck.
La Junta, Colo, May 4. Over 20
were injured on tho Santa Fo In n
wreck yesterday 28 miles south of
here. Tho train was bearing manv
Shrlners to Los Angoles. The sama
wreck was reported at Raton Thurs
day night.
Ilnnd Concert.
The Sclem Military Dand will ren
der an o;)en air concort In Marlon
square tomorrow afternoon, woather
It's too bad to see petnuc who go
from day to day suffering with phis
leal weakness, when Rocky Mountain
Tea would strengthen them. Tea or
Tablets 35 cents. For Bala at Dr
Stono's store.
Mark Denies tho Rumor.
Now York, May 4 Twain was
amused this morlnlng by the nc
counts that ho was aboard Rogers'
yacht off Hampton Roads. Tho hu
morist says he is allvo "ashore and
paddling his own canoe."
First Congrcgat lounl.
Center and Liberty streets, F. K
Hell, pastor. At 10:30 a. m. and S,
p. in. the pastor will ocopy tho pulpit
Thome for morning heur: "Some dis
tinguished features of Christian Ho
ller." Evenlng: "If." Sundn
school at 12 m. Young Poopls's
moating nt 7 p. in. Prayer mooting
Thurriday evening at S o'clock. Sun
day school teachers' mooting Immedi
ately uftor prayer mooting.
The Life Insurance
Muddle has started tho public to
thinking. Tho woudorful succoss
that hu mot Rallard's llorohound
This morning lew a quarter of nn.Syrim In Us crusade on Coughs. In-
inch thick was In pans of water, !fiuonzn, Bronchitis nnd all Pulmon
ary troubles has startod the public
to thinking of this wonderful prepa
ration. Thoy nro all using It. Join
tho procession nnd down with sick
ness. Prlco 25c, 50c nnd $1.00. Sold
hoavy front was on tho ground and
people felt blue. A careful examina
tion of fruit bloHHouiH and buds
horn Hoonu to show that eherrlort aro
killed outright, apple blossoms that
were fullbloom had their fruit killed ny r, j, ppy.
and thoso wIioho buds wero not open 1 0
wore uninjured, apparently. Ponra i.,, itrokru at Saginaw,
do not Hoem to havo Hiiffwrud an much, w. A. Davidson, of Saginaw, was
uh chorrloH. brought to tho Eugene hospital on
A dlspatoh, dated April 30. glvtw.tho lute train Wodnosdny ovonlug,
the following as the conditions at uiifferlUK with u badly broken lo. It
I " "
Wnllii Walla:
From report that havo coma In
from all pnrtH of this seotton tho
fruit crop has boon damaged to an
onormouH extent by the frosts of the
putt two nights.
Tho bountiful blossoms of tho last
week are a thing of the past and
Cheeking accounts enable- folks
to deposit tholr monoy and ro
oelve a passbook, against thoso
accounts thoy aro ponultted Jio
draw ohnolcs.
Clmok a may be given to parties
for an oh sums as desired, thus
avoiding frequent trips to tho
It Interested call and doo us.
Salem State Bank
I. K. 1'AGE, 11kUt
K. W. HA'AWD, CukUr.
Is vhat Id known us a comminuted
fruoturo. Tho bones were badly
spllnturud and protruded through
tho Hoah. The accident hnpponed
while at work nt the sawmnll at that
place. The attending physicians
think the leg can be saved. Eugene
Clininberlaln's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy.
Thoro Is probably no medicine
mado that Is rolled upon with' more
implicit conlldcnco than Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholurn nnd Dlnrrhooa
Romody. During tho third of n con
tury In which It has boon uso, peo
plo havo lonmod that It Is tho on
romody that nevor falls. When re
duced with wntor nnd swootoned It
Is plonsant to take. For snlo by Dr.
Stone's drug storo.
Hands Go to Logging Camp.
Tho Eugene Lumbar Company Is
obliged to shut down thofr mill for a
good part of oach wook on account
of tho scnrclty of logs, caused by In
ability to get cars. A large num
ber of tho mill hands have gono to
the tlmbr nbovo tho Grove to got
out logs, so that tho company will
havo that much largor drlvo than
thoy othorwlso would havo. Eugene
You're to bo tho Judgo; wo leavo
It to you to dcclde: all wo wnnt Is
your verdict Will Holllstor's Rocky
Mountain Toa mnko you woll nnl
koop you woll? That'B fair. Tea or
Tablets, 35 cents. For snlo at Dr
Stonti's storo.
Soro Nipples.
Any mothor who hns had oxporl-onco-wltlt
this dlsflosslng ailment
will bo ploasod to know that n euro
may bo effected by applying Cham
borlaln'3 Salvo as Boon ns tho child
is done nursing. Wipe It off with n
solf cloth hoforo allowing tho bab
to nurse. Many tralnod uursos iue
this salvo with best results. For
salo by Dr. Stono's drug storo.
Ahw. Molr Dead.
Alex. Molr, sou ot John Molr, ot
this city, succumbed to a lingering
Illness this afternoon nt 1:30 o'clock.
Ho was 31 years of ago and was the
second son In a family of five chil
dren. Tho funeral arrangements
will bo announced later.
For stomach troublos, biliousness
and coustlpaUon try Chamberlain's
Stomach and Liver Tablets.
ronmrkablo cures havo boon effected
by thorn. Prlco 25 coats. Samplos
free. For salo by Dr, Stoae's drug
The Publisher's
Claims Sustained
United States Court of Claims
Tho Put4lliora of Wcbter' International
Dictionary ullOK'Ot hut It ''is in f u-t.tliu pupil
liir l'imhilill thoroughly nMolititliuuMiry
ilotull. imil Hit Iv tuirlotiixl Inoverv mirt. with
tho puriHvm of uilu)tlntr It tn imt-t tho lurtrur
i iiml ourvr txxiulrumoutauf iiiiuihcrKvncru.
I Uon."
J Wo ro of tho opinion that Urn nllonntlon
I most clonrly nixl ucuuniu-l)' th-uUi tho
Avork thut has 1ccii iiviuiilihisi nnd tho
I ItieUlt thutllJilOtini-onuli(tl. '1'Iik lll.lumnrv
h It twvr htuml. tuts Uvtt tlnnniK'hl) iv.
otlltMl In oory ilotHil, Ims Uvn n.rnMiil in
vwtv )utit, umlUuiliiilnill .nUpttHl to nun; t
I ho laiL'ur amt bovorvr rxiiuiivini-ntd r a
KOiMnithiii which Ui'UMntU tu.-rv nt Hpuhir
jihlhtloirkHil Lmivrlptlire than unv (fOliofutlviti
thut thu nrU hu!tovri-ntiml.
It Is lH'rhui iiutMloesi lo H'hl thut wo refer
to tho nlotlutmrv In our tn.li. ml w..rii iu.,r
I tho hlKhost uuthorlty In n urwry of .lollnl
! Iten: util thut In tho ruturousimlieixist it
will bo tho bourco of owttuut ivf;riKv.
bTANTlS J ri'O I.K.
ciutooii a uuwuf ,
The ttN)M rrt r to WKllSTEll'S
ithohlhMtRwunli vraictwn to tho Interna,
tloual t tho WorlU I'olr. St. LouU.
l'ou rill b (Ntrrettrd in cur
nK(lHk JMtfrJ, Mitt tnt,
WtftK.D, MAM.
A Small ICartliqtiake.
Madrid, May -1. An earthquake of
17 seconds' duration shook up Ma
laga Thursdny.
- Ciould In Tennis Champion.
London, May 4. Gould won tho
tennis chnmplonshlp today.
That Spanish stork must be com
ing from tho south, and running by
railroad tlmo table.
K(lllcM'ii Goes Home.
Paris, May !. King Edward de
parted today for London.
I n A ml
I'linious nt homo for I
C'encnttlons past; I
Fainous now all over
the world.
For snlo by A
now mt... . f
an artlclo i T W
are ninr K.-re,."8au1&l
aavertlslng. if .rrh'
p will order ,..&!
because hey caa
lect thnhr... . :.D,Uihi
manufacturor ... rRslil
AiiLEx-s SEi.C!L!?Wr.
For mitn k. ... . tir
lit Jours doei not UtiX
Pacific Coast Factory, sj.,
Eastor rnof, ..,. '"
--v",w, wiu wo'J
uiauawi, Via,
22 acres of the flne&tlulL
lomprairle, floe (3000 tep
barn nnd out bnlldlsp, p'j .
fruit, only 1H miles roads hi
This Is one of the fiittttati
Marlon county. For pries ct
Derby & Wi
M I 1 I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I II I I I HI I I 14-1 1 I 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 111 I I I 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 l I III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHH
Lawn Mowers
Garden Hoes
Grass Catchers
Lawn Rakes
I I H M 11 I 1 1 II I 1 1 I I I 1 11 1 I I 1 I II I I 1 1 1 I 8 1 I I 1 I 1 I 11 9 H-H
W umwwH
si 1 1 n n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 n i4-f 1 1 1 n n
I I I U I 1 1 I 1 I 1 11 1 1 I 1 1 I 1 I I 111 1 1 I 1 I I I I I I I 1 1 I II I H
urn n-m-H
nimi mi i m 1 1 ii n 1 1 1 n i-1 t-n ii 1 1 1 1 ii 1 1 ii