DAILY OAPITATi JOURNAL, SALEM. OltKGON. FRIDAY, MAY 3, 1007. 6 CATHERINE TINGLEY ON THE UNWRITTEN LAW Lecture of thd Eminent Thcosophlst in Discussing the Thaw Murder Case tind Evelyn Ncsbitt's Mother (Cntliorino Tlngley, of Point Lumn, California, on "Tho Unwritten Law.") Much as I lovo my box, I know from personal experience that tliorc nro ninny states or degrees of moth erhood, and that tho young nro growing lit) nil wrong because of tliOHO woaknoBBOB. It Is easy to hoc that Evelyn Nofihlt's mother loveil tho world 'h way loved ease and pleasuro nnd money that Bho seems not to luivo had one iota of regard for hor daughter's rcnl wolfnrc. How dead sho BcomH to all that is highest nnd noblcqt In woman. At that pur tldulnr tlmo when her Innocent child vna budding Into womanhood oho should hnvo given hor tho protection of homo; sho Bhould hnvo provonted hor from contracting tho exciting condltjons Into which sho was push ed. If this mother was as cnrolcsa of hor daughter's moral wolfnro as tho testimony in tho court shows, sho Is tho ono that I would recom mend for special sanltnrium trent- mont. I would ho tho flrst to sign a potltion to that effoct. Alas! there nro mothers who no indirforout sot about to outllno tho lives of their children, and ofton somo of tho most unhnppy marriages hnvo rusulted from such mlHtakes. Judging from tho testimony given (about Eyolyn NoHblt's mother sho ignored nil tho higher liiHtlncts of truo womanhood, nnd sncrillced hor daughter. Indlfforont motherhood Is n horod Itnry taint, nnrtj it Is being passed on to an alarming degrou through tho blood nnd marrow of our civilization Tho nccopted forms of conventional llfo tend to strengthen this tendency. There Is something)' bo uncanny ami unnatural In Evelyn KobuU'r moth- from tho vory pooplo who often ap pear in public places holding high positions, recoiving tho favor and tho adulation ,of tho multitude? Such ns theso would bo tho flrst to condomn poor Thaw, Evelyn Nosblt, nnd nil such as hnvo moved beyond tho palo of tho law. Why, nro such ns I refer to bo bereft of common sympathy for their unfortunnto fel lows? Tho reason is that they have lost tho, light of their own divinity, they forget that all humanity Is God's great family. What a mighty change would come to tho world If tho men ,nnd women of means nnd lnfluonco would find tholr strength, their henrt, and begin to work conscientiously, to kill out vico and In its plnco plant love. Think of such an lnflvonco being brought into the church, Look nt tho plcturo, my friends, of all tho churches In tho world opening their doors oyery dny In tho week to Bn crodly lead tho unfortunnto to a sonso of righteous living. Think of tho splendor of nil theso churches being illumlnntod by tho spiritual light of Christ, shedding its gonor ouh radlnnco upon those who nrc dospnlrlng. Yes, I sny open wido tho church doors, koep them opon from morning until night every dny In tho weok;- bring tho unsnlntly and dis counted to partako of knowledge, tho rodemptivo quality thnt will lend thorn to find strength nnd hopo In tholr own honrts. If this woro done what a glorious trlbuto It would bo to tho llvos of tliouo glorious teach ers of tho pnBt who hnvo sacrificed themselves thnt humanity might be blest. Depend upon it that thoso who nro to bo holpod would not ho nBtmrod by moro profosslon of good A CURE FOR INFLAMMATORY RHEUMATISM Even the .Most Obstinate Cnses Yield to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and Health Follow.s When Pois oned Wood Is Made Pure. i I I I I I 1 1 I I I H- OFFICIAL DIRECTORY or's llfo that tho unfortunnto woman wm. ny nravors. nor bv Blblo rend who Iihh lost her way In tho world Ki or by bclnB ,0inlndod thnt they Booms clenn In comparison. Such n nro Hnnors. Alas, through Buffering ono wo ofton And has drifted nway lhoy ,mvo ionrnod to read human from tho path of righteousness blind- ,mtro too well, they know tho dross ly nnd Ignorantly, n victim. Hut fr()m tho trno colni To ronch thojr how many romlndors Evelyn Nosblt's honrts substantial proof must bo givou that tho path oponod up to them loadB to a roal regenorntlon, nnd not to moro ridicule, criticism and falluro. Strenuous sorvlco nuidt bo given Biich ns thoso, nnd those who nro to Borvo must ho fortified from tho light within tholr hoartB, Intuition must direct nil tholr nets. To do tho ChrlstoB work for hu manity cno must be filled with n su perb and abiding rnurngo, nnd nbso Into love of Bncrlllcc. mother had of hor duty to hor child, dnlly in contact ,vlth hor In hor In iiocouce. Ohl tho pathos of that sad Htutomout of Hvolyn Nosblt In court where she stntod that Stanford White had told her that all women wore llko herself, and that he persuaded hor to bollovo that tlilB was really ho! I think I report corroctly. In this fact, alone have wo not proof thnt tho child was nlmoluto' neglected in her moral training by tho ono who should hnvo huon hor guardian angel nil along tho way? Wluu young Thaw Bhowud to Hvolyn Noublt tho shocking errors of Stan ford White, his Immoral philosophy and acts, who nroiio in hor sweet womanhood; unconsciously strength ening her moral nnturo for the awful ordnV sho was to pntw through When tho time cumo nnd sho was ohullangod by hor gratitude and lovd for Thaw to help him, sho huroleu'. ly met tho Iseutt, uuulo u woniunlj nuorllleo,dld an heroic net, by InyluK bare her snd llfo to tho world. AP this must prove to any fair-minded person that tho royal forces of that girl's higher nnturo were hoglulng to blossom. ijWhuu wo so this roal nobility of character mnulfustlns. wo can my boldly that had tho moth or done her wholo duty by hor child n thousand million Stanford Whites could not hnvo marred hor llfo. My subject Is not nn entertaining one. Indeed It Is loathsome In many nspocta. Hut may It not be that some groat lesson niny lie Ionrnod from this simple dljjeat? Cannot the strongest and wisest of wonwnklnJ bostlro themselves to nrotoct not onh their young, but tho Innocents 0r;niv of Ointments for Catarrh It Is n startling fnct but truo novortholosB that tho majority of humankind nro living In a psycho logical Inlluonce of Inortla and of slow moral and spiritual docay. This corn! not he so If tho dlvlno n.ituro of man woro active and tho Intuition woro tho directing powor In human! life. Intuition discerns ovll, nntlcl pates its lnfluonco nnd wards It off. Intuition is tho lost chord, yos the lost word In human llfo. it la tho tar, tho oye and tho voice of tho Chrlatos In man. Mark you, the higher nnturo of man cannot bo evoked nnd developed until there Is an recognition of tho Dlvlno Law guiding man's dentin?; until thsro Id nn nbsoluto surrondor to that law, made in tho snmo spirit ns Jesus mnnlfented when ho said: "Not my will, hut thine be done." Humanity can no longor feed on husks; Up prnyor Is of no nvnll. It Is tho energizing powor of tho hoart prayer in service; tho soul prayer in love, that can mvo the world. ThU Is tho Unwritten Law. -o tho wholo world by now efforts. Tho cry of tho suffering ts cloao at our That Contain Mercury, as moroury will Buroly dostroy the doors, and wo nro chnllungod to'sonso of small and complotoly do- sorvo humanity in suoh a way that tho ovll In the world shall losson range tho wholo system whon enter ing it through tho mucous surfaces Well we know thoro its Httlo In tho Suah articles should novor bo used Konoral aspect of ovoryday llfo that 'except on proscription from roputo.- can hold onb nt onso or nt poaco How startling are the IncousUton clo8, the marked evldeucea that wo hnvo of man's Inhumanity to man. Hvory largo city In tho world tolls n bio physicians, as tho damngo they will do is ton fold to tho good you can possibly derlvo from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., story of sin and shnmo, on tha stroets' contains no mercury, and is taken In- iu (housoa of lll-fnmo, everywhere wo boo tho mouator vice, growing In Ha lnfluonco while careless and in different mothors, women and par ents, move along In tholr soltlsti en vironment rojclclug In their security, tkejr ikKo, tholr ownership ot their children. What clju of tkeople curtains such tornally, noting directly upon the blood und mucous surfaces ot the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure bo sure you get tho genuine. It Is taken internally and made In Toledo, Ohio, by F .J, Cheney & Co. Testimonial free. Sold by all drutgUt. Price, 75c par botti. It is usoloss to try to cure rheuma tism by rubbing liniments nnd oils on tho Bkln. External applications are of use In securing temporary relief frorn pnln tho euro of rheumntlsm lies In purifying and enriching tho blood. Tho ono remedy thnt has cured moro cases of rheumntlsm that any other Is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and nn InBtnnco of Its powor Is found In tho ense of Mrs. Frederick Brown, of 10 Sumpter street, Snndy Hill, N. Y. Mrs. Drown, who Is now in the prlmo of llfo nnd tho mother of a family, wns a sufferer from inflam matory rheumatism from tho tlmo sho was Blxtcon. Sho snyB: "It first appeared in my kneo Joints, then in my hips nnd waist. It becamo a regular thing that I would bo laid up all winter. Tho rheumntlsm affect ed mostly my hnnds, hips, feet nnd Bhouldors. My hands woro nil puffed up and my feet bocamc deformed. I lost by appetite, couldn't Bleep nnd sometimes I wns compollod to cry out, tho pnln was so intense "For sovornl winters X wnB under tho doctor's caro nnd whllo his medt clno rcllovcd tho pnln for a Httlo while there scorned ho prospect for a pormnnont cure. I wns confined to my bed, off nnd on for weeks nt a time. My limbs swellod drondfully at tlmos nnd I was reduced nlmost to nothing. "In tho spring of 1901, upon tho ndvlco of a friend, I bognn to use Dr. WIlllnniB' Pink Pills. At thnt tlmo I wasn't able to do anything nnd could barely oat enough to keep nllvo. I felt a chango for tho better in about a month. I bognn to cat heartily and I suffered less pnln. Of courso I kopt on with tin.1 trontmont, using caro in my (Hot, nnd In about thrco months I was cured. I am entirely woll today nnd do nil my own work. Ono of my dnughtors was also cured of rheumatism by tho uso of Dr. Wil liams' Pink Pills nnd my othor daughter has taken thorn with sue- coss for debility. Sho tins greatly Improved hor strength, nppctlto nnd spirits nnd Is n walking tostlmonlal for tho pills." Dr. Wllllnms' Pink rills hnvo nlso cured such blood dlscnso as anacmln, doblllty, scrofulous conditions, nftor-offocts ot tho grip nnd fovera. Owing to tho Intlmnto relation bo twoon tho blood nnd norvos, tho pills hnvo boon found Invnlunblo In such norvoiis dlsonsos as dlzzlnoss, ner vous doblllty, nournlgla, St. Vitus danco and ovon partial paralysis and locomotor ntnxln. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills nro Bold by all druggists, or sent, postpaid, ou receipt ot prlco, r0 cents par box, six boxos for $2.50 by tho Dr. Williams' Medloluo Company, SchnecUdy, N. Y. o Tho Ono Ho Got. "He went to Washington expecting tlutt his senator would get him nn easy berth." "Did ho?" "Not exnetly; but ho gavo him n wide one." New Orleans Tlmoe Domoornt. -o (Jood Words for Chamberlain's Cough Homed)-. Pooplo ovary whoro tnko plonsuro In testifying to tho good qualities of Chnmborlaln's Cough Remedy. Mrs. Edward Phillips of Barclay, Md., wrltes: "I wish to toll you that 1 can recommond Chnmherlaln's Cough Romcdy. My little girl, Catherine, who is two years old, has beon taking this ramody whonovor sho has had a cold sluco sho was two months old. Abont a month ngo I contracted u dioadful cold mysolf, but I took Chnmborlaln's Cough Remedy and was soon ns woll as over." This rem edy Is for sale by Dr. Stone's drug storo. Tho Firt Edition, "Have you tho 'Autocrat of tho Breakfast Tnblo'?" asked tho guest, looking at the books In tho library. "You'll think so when you em him propped up In his high chair at tho breakfast tablo tomorrow morn ing." answered tho young fathor. For stomach troubles, biliousness and constipation try Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablet. Many remarkable cure have been elected by them. Price 25 cents. Samples j-H 1 1 3 I I H-M-fr-frM-M-fr-H-M-H" Delegation la Congress. Senator Chns. W. Fulton, Astorln. Senator Jonathan Bourne, Jr., Portland. Representntlvo W. C. Hawley, Sa lem. Representative W. R. Ellis, Pendle ton. State Olllclala. GoveVnor, Qeorgo E. Chamberlain. Seretnry of State, Frank W. Ben son. State Treasurer, George A. Steele. Superintendent of Public lnstruc tlon, J. H. Ackormnn. Attorney General, A. M. Crawford. State Printer, W. S. Duniway. Stato Labor Commissioner, O. P. Hoff. Supremo Court. Chief Justice, Robort S. Bean. Associate Justice, Frank A. Mooro. Assoclato Justice, Robort Eakin. Commissioners, W. T. Slater, W. R. King. Clerk, J. J. Murphy. Reporter, R. G. Morrow. Bnillff, P. H. Raymond. Circuit Judges, Geo. II. Burnett, Snlem; William Galloway, McMInn vlllo. " District Attorney, John H. Mc Nnry, Salem. Other State Olllclals. J. W. Balloy, Food and Dairy Com missioner, Portland. J. W. Bnkor, Gamo and Forestry warden, Cottago Grove. Robt. C. Yonny, Qtato Health Oflt cer, Portland. J. II. Lowls, Stato Engineer, Sa lem. E. Gllllnghnm, Stnto Llbrnrlan, Sa lom. II. G. Van Duson, Stato Fish Com missioner, Astoria. Chns. V. Galloway, Stato Land Agent, Snlem. W. W. Elder, Commander Soldiers' Home, Roscburg. Mnrlon County Olllclals. John II. Scott, County nnd Probntu Judge. R. D. Allen, Clork of Courts. W. J. Culver, Sheriff. W. Y. Richardson, Tronsuror. E. T. Moorcs, Superlntondont of Schools. F. J. Rice, Assessor. B. B. Hcrrick, Jr., Surveyor. J. C. Needhnm, W. II. Goulot, Com missioners. A. M. Clough, Coroner. D. 0. Drngor, Recordor. Snlem City Olllclals. Goo. F. Rodgors, Mayor. W. A. Mooros, Rocordor and Pollco Judco. D. W. Gibson, Marshal and Chiot of Pollco. Frank Meredith, City Treasurer. A. O. Condlt, City Attorney. Jus. W. Martin, Streot Commis sioner. Mnrk Savago, Chief Flro Depart ment. W. C. Smith. Health Officer. City Standing Committee. Ways and Moans Jacob, Waldo, Churchill. Ordinances Greenbaum, Low. Goodo. Accounts nnd Current Expenses Churchill, Rndcllff, Bayno. Stroots Downing, Stockton, Stolz. Public BuildingsStockton, Stolz, Gosnor. Seworngo, Stolz, Jacob, Low. Plumbing Frnsor, Downing, Gos nor, Firo and Water Low, Rndcllff, Goodo. Bridges Gesner, Churchill, Fras er. Health and Pollco Haas, Jacob Waldo. Lights Goodo, Haas, Greenbnum. Printing Rndcllff, Haas, Frasor. Public Parks Bayno, Greenbaum, Stockton. Hoard of Education. W. H. Byrd, Chairman. A. A. Lee, H. C. Epley, E. M Crolsan, Directors. II. A. Johnson, Jr., Clork. J. M. Powers, City Supt. Schools. o My Host Friend. Alexander Benton, who Hvos on rural route 1, Fort Edward, N. Y.. says: "Dr. King's New Discovery Is my best earthly friend. It cured rae of asthma six years ago. It has also porformed a wonderful euro of in clplont consumption for my son's wife. Tho flrst bottle ended tho ter rible cough, and this accomplished, tho other Bmyptoms left one by one. until sho was perfectly well. Dr. King's New Discovery's power over coughs and colds Is simply marvel ous." No othor remedy has evor equaled it. Fully guaranteed by J. C, Perry, druggist; 50c and $1.00 Trial bottle free. o Illilm TIRED AND SICK YET MUST WORK "Man may work from sun to sun but woman's work is nover done," In order to keep the homo neat and pretty, tho children well dressed nnd tidy, women overdo and often suffer in silence, drifting along from bnd to worse, knowing woll that they ought to havo help to overcome tho pnins and aches which dally make life a burden. It is to theso women that Lydia E. Plnkhnm's Vegetablo Compound, made from nativo roots and herbs, comes as a blessing. Whon the splr- Ifa mn rlnnrnaqwl. t.hn linnfl nnd tmnl. aches, there . aro dragging-down pains, nerrousnL !i , N rnlnotiinoo to act nnvwlinro. ,i Iousn!SS. MttnW . heeded, aro soon followed by tho worst XoriJoRSlSeafcS Lydia E. Pinkham's YeveUhu rj . keops tho fomlnlno organism Inn strong and 1ipiU, ,. . fWt Inflammation, Ulceration, displacement? ami SoW- " Si" ftfc 7tls most cmcicnt " WmCD saf $ Mrs. Augustus Lyon, of East Enrl. Pa . n... ham: "For a long time I suffered from feniidi. ,!.- J." Kl of aches and pains In the lower part of back 3 M- "J""11 sloop and had no annotlto. Sine1 ti.u. CT. ffi.??- ! & i Compound and following tho advice which you w iSi tt now woman and I cannot praiso your mcdiclno too hlriSt Mrs. Pinkham's Invitnt?nn i n xuJ' Women suffering from any form of femalo wealtn J! i .. ,. write Mrs P nltham. at Lvnn. Mn n - 7" Hl"lt norlenco sho nrobalilv ban fhn i,i.j.. .. .. TS8'''J( MRS.AUG.LYON case, nor ho probably has the vcrv knowledge that t$ $, advlco is frco and always helpful. w'i Real Estate For Sale or Exchange Hnvo you anything for snlo or trado7 Wo havo sovoral properties that aro offered for exchange In city and farm property. Wo havo city property to exchange for llvo stock. A fi-room houso, ono lot 80x150 ft., good fruit, small barn. Will Bell for $200 down nnd bnlanco nt $10 por month. Prlco $050. A 4-room houso nnd 1 lots, two blocks from enr lino, good gnrden. for S00. EnBy tonus. A 5-room modorn cottngc, one block from enr lino, built ono year, a snnp nt $1G50. A 0-room modorn houso closo in, good barn, for $2000. Four ncros Just outside of city limits nil sot to Lognnborrles for $1200. Two acres nnd now houso and barr good land, for $1GOO. Ten ncrco, good houso and barn, for $1800. Forty-ono acres, flrst class im provements, 1C acres of good apple orchard, sold 3000 bushols of apples Inst year. Sco Radcllff Co. for price Sovonty ncros, CO ncres in cultiva tion, 40 acres of prunes, D miles from Snlem on good rond, for $3000. Six acres all In cultivation, good Improvements, 3 acres of mixed fruit, 4 miles from Salem on crushed rock rond for $1250. If you want hop ranch, tlmbor, grain, fruit or grazing lands bco U9. Several houses for ront. Call If you want anything In insuranco or notary work. RADCLirT CO., Reliable Agents Room 11, Moores block, Snlem, Ore. Reforonco, nny bank or business houso In the city of Salem. PURE FOOD LAW How many pooplo are there among you who know what it means? If nn article Is puro, tho manufacturers aro moro than pleased to say it ou the labels of their goods and in their advertising. If they were adulter ated, they will say nothing until forced to by law. Again, many deal- era will order tho adulterated goods because hey can make more proflc on them than is possible to do on wholesome, puro foods. So, if you got pure food, you will have to se lect tho brand nnd insist on gottlng it from your dealor or seud to the manufacturer for your supply. ALLEN'S SELF.RISIXG BOSTON BROWN BREAD FLOUR IS PURE ALLEN'S SELF-RISING 3-B PAX CAKE FLOUR IS PURE. For sale by all flrst class grocers. If yours does not havo It, write to us. ALLEN'S B.B.B FLOUR CO. Pacific Coast Factory. San Jose, Cal Easter Factory, Little Wolf Falls, Manawa. Wis. L -MJ COIUliil DAIXTV COOKS Always prefer our moult ouh phono order receive Of i attention as those ordered fat K. 0. CROSS, States Street MarXet tml BUILDIXQ A BOW Wo can upplyjoo!tiJ ber you need at a prlrttW fornlllv PtonomlM lH' .V .1! come and see uiscaw' yards. Ji GOOP.UEUJWT rM' . S LJV 1 lru VM JKj i9 nil vb H a"22S WDenm,7ttoii isn't fitted up - 0i Bo.ahwIterOXl wll!wardodl' closets, ra-- f-ll M ana wi '' j-jjifi ing ana u reasonaoie p T P CASTOR 1 A ?er JjAaU kU Ckildre. Tiw KN Yn Kw Ahwys MV tlM TBeFJfj TJp-t Fur J t " t r: '""Citr iL ttlf 0 SAl w!Si