-iHERt FA1R TOX,G,lT COOR! SATURDAY, PA1H, WARMER AILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. 31. XVII. SALKM, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 51, 11)07. NO, 107. RIFIC POWDER EXPLOSION ysterious Murder of a Three Year Old Baby IS NOT THE BODY OP WALDSTEIN SAMPLES HUNDREDS OF EASTERN KILLED OR WEATHER INJURED NEBRASKA COVERED WITH SNOW MANY BUILDINGS ARE WRECKED Wintry Weather Prevails As Far Fire Breaks Out In Debris Adding South As Missouri i to the Horror of the Scene H IDENTITY STILL UNKNOWN 1cr Has Corpse Exhumed But biplySaid "That's Not Bill" Francisco, May 3. The story led In a morning paper to the ef Itbat tho man killed Monday , by a posse at Willows, Califor- hras Count Otto von Wnldsteln, JuJtrla, was glvon llttlo credence The body was oxhumed yes- ay, at no request or a san kIico newspaper man. After o- ling tho teeth ho Buld: "That's Bill According to his story nan thought possibly to be fof a band of robbora. Wnltl- Is well kntwn to tho Austrian ul, but the latter thinks it n ciiae New York, May 3. With Unbill hli'okcn Iduitlty. According to tlos of $191,330 nml no nssots wn Ham S. Alloy, n stock broker, Lincoln, Nob., May 3. Four Inch es of snow, over tho entire stnto this morning, and it la flvo degrees below the freezing point. Chicago Cold, cloudy and wintry. Wichita, Kan. Sleet horc nnJ toinperaturo bolow freezing. KnnstiB City Thoro Is snow Northorn Missouri. HORRIBLE CRIME AT CLEVELAND LITTLE BODY HIDDEN IN A BARREL Three Year Old Alox lloenlg Mur dered in Ills Father's Store Canton, China, May 3. Hundreds , Cleveland, O., May 3. Alox. Hoe wcro killed or Injured by the explo- nig, nged 3 years, child of a grocer, slon of a gunpowder mngazlno here was found do ml In a barrel In tho laBt night. Thcro is enormous prop- yard nonr his homo this morning. orty loss. Twenty-ono corpses havo Ho had boon missing sluco Mondny, boon taken from tho ruins, which Is and tho police worked on tho theory believed to bo only a smnll per cent that ho had boon kidnaped, of tho doud. Flftoon buildings were I HIS ASSETS NOTHING. Rut His Liabilities Made Him Quite HcipT(nbk. In dostroyod, and hundrods of others , Cleveland, O., Mny 3. Tho boy's damagod. Flro attacked tho debris, body boro ovtdonce of murder. Tho adding to tho horror. Roscuorors nro nock boro a long rod lino, hb If mad" at work. jwlth a rope, and tho sldo of tho neck I was caved In, as If with a stone. Tho unnion, uninn, .Mny a. tiio prop- Hkln on tho bronst was looso, nud ablo oauso of tho oxploalon wits ro- thore wa8 n ,.... i,,nc,i, mnrk OI1 0II0 out. tor), Wnldsteln, who had lost Wortutr, camo to America red the reclamation ho recently quit. fllod his petition In bankruptcy today, ono of tho principal creditors being Wm. Borvlco, orthrout, of Pasadena, Cnl., to whom "" Is owing tho Bum of $23,275. and HICAGO STORE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE 9 venlod upon tho dlseovory of tho do- ,0Ki Tj,0 body was found In tho hot cnpltntod body of a magazine guord, tolM of a whlskoy bnrrol in tho roar his hand clasping n plpo half smoked of tl 8toro two joorB from navld LIoonlng'B grocery, by Mrs. M. Loo pold. It wnB covored with rubbish. Tho outor clothing hnd boon removed only tho stockings, shoes and draw ers remaining ot. Thoro woro hov oral minor bruised Alex. wnH 3 years and i months old. Ho wna playing Monday afternoon in front ot IiIb fathtjr's storo with hla slstors, nnd was jnst seen nt 3 o'clock. Tho In dications nro that ho wn murdered Home tlmoWodnesdny or early Thuri day. l ' THE CHICAGO STORE LIKE A BIG CITY STORE AI.WVIS III I, OF HUSINESS. ISN'T IT A WONDER WHEN h"0l THINK OF LESS THAN THREE YEARS AGO REIN'G THE LUXIsr STORE IN SALEM. THAT IS WHAT HONEST METH- IN" Ul SIN ESS CAN DO AND TREATING YOUR CUSTOMERS WT. o I eiitV. Am NiRI4Uk KUROKI LANDS IN SEATTLE EMINENT JAP IS GUEST OF CITY Party Receives Many Invitations to Visit Other Cities Seattle, May 3. Owing to tho lntc arrival yestorday of Kurokl, his plans to atari East this morning worn changed. Tho party will leavo Sat urday morning instead. Ho Is the gucHt of tho city today. Tho party Is In receipt of many Invitations to visit HURRICANE VISITS MEXICO LOSS WILL REACH INTO MILLIONS Thcro Has B?cn Much Loss of Life t But No Details Aro Avallabio Moxlco City, Mny 3. Tho gulf coast of tho Gulf of Cnmpcacho wau swept by deotructlvo hurricanes last night, nnd moro than 30 pooplo woro killed nnd many injured. Tho prop erty loss will be sovornl million. Tho j coast country below Vera Cms is ro other cltl", but owing to his short (markobly fortllo nnd thickly Bottled. OKI VT IIAIW.UNS IN idies' Coats, lits and Millinery fii V 'G I i vv 'I f IV Coma to our Btoro now nnd scs tho crowds of clorks, mllllnors nnd drossmakors wo employ, all ns busy as beos nttondlng to cus tomars, trimming now hats, mak ing new suits nud filling mall or ders. Our business is growing rad Idly, owing to tho atorllng valuta wo glvo and allowing no houso to undersoil us. Great bargains of fered this week. MK3 1j., a klndlv llklnc for F PC f i, V hftfnrn vnu hliv a tat or new Snrinir coat. bt. d get our nrlrtaa. Ri. lf don t want to get rich Trr Ea.P Ladles' coata " j lit). I.nillfva' niilta frnn Lid. fa trillimo.1 . frw.. P ? Great Bargains in Dress Goods and Wash Suitings Wo Bhow tho biggest stock of dross goods, fine silks and wash dross goods in Salem nt prices you cannot boat on tho Pacific coast. 1000 yds. yard . . Wash India Silk !Cc 5000 yds Fancy Lawns, yd . .i Vic 1000 yds Boat Standard Calico, Flno Dress Goods, 25c 35e, 49c to 9Sc 1000 yds 12V4c India Llnon yard 8 l-3c DAVID DlT B. (JAILLAKD. Major in tho United Stutos nr my and first assistant to I.iuuton- ant Colonel Oootlmls, ohiof ongi neer of the Piinnnm cannl. o Liiiiii Park Opens Tomorrow, Now York, Mny 3. Aftor an nl- inioHt superhuman work, tho manager of Luna park announcos that ho will open that notod rosort tomorrow, witn a very strenuous program Tho work of getting tho plnco roady was enormous. Ono little Horn bIiows this a novel way it takos moro than $1500 worth of looks for tho doors within tho onaloBuro. Enough print od forms, roporta nnd record sheets havo been proparod to fill two large storerooms. An unusually large number of purely social ovants are sot down this soason in addition tn rounlons, plcnlos nnd outing. Mimv churches and lodged huva planued bljf outings and reunions at the park, o To Hum Out Huhliii 1'nlr. Dublin, Iroland, May 3. Tomor-, i row Is tho day set for tho plots to burn down tho buildings of tho Dub Jin International fair, to culminate,, Cleveland, Mny 3. Tho police are working on tho theory that tho boy was drowned in u vnt In tho roar of tho store used for washing bottles, nnd that tho body was carried to tho barrel. Tho chief of pollco says ho will dotnll ovury mnn on tho foreo tn find tho murdoror, If necessary. time allowance, It will bo Impossible to comply. HlotK lit India. Allnhabnd, India, May 3. Anti European riots nt Rawalpindi, In tho Punjab, resulted In tho entry of tho troops to pntrol tho city. Tho Hin doos dostroyed ninny Iiouhos and much property was burned, Including a gnrago and all tho motor oavu It contained. o Tho lnck or howh from Vura Crua in dicates that tho Btorm hna put tele graph lines out ot business. CUT OUT HIS TONGUE. HohmI, tho Fiiiiioiin Tnmr Will Him; No More. Clovolnnd, May 3. It Iiiih dovel opod today that tho body was not in tho bnrrol Thursday night, detootlveft having then oxnmlnod It for posslblo olti(M. It must, thoroforo, have boon placod thoro during Inst night. SW Milan, May 3. Arcangolo Rossi, tho tenor, who wna with tho Conrleil Opera Company In Ban Francisco during tho enrthqunko, and who, nu tho roHiilt of fright ho experienced, had not sluco been well, tried to commit suicide hero yesterday. Recently ho lost his voice. Thh cnlamlty wolghod so deeply on lu mind that ho wont craty, nnd today ho jcut out his tongue with n pair df 'SclsVors. Ho was taken to a hos pital In n critical condition. ' -J o L WOOD TO COME HOME. WiiIIm In tho Philippine Until Tuft (Win Then?. Washington, Mny 3. OrdorH wero IhnihM today transferring Wood to tho command of tho Department of tho East. Its oxaoutloii will bo de ferred until after Tnft'ii visit to thu Philippines, where ho wishes to con for with Wood. Tho cruisers Donvor and Clovolnnd have been ordered to tho Aalatln nit- Who is perfecting hit airship tlou to rollovo tho Raleigh and Cln projmrntory to milking uothur at- 0'ntl, whloh go to llromorton to bo WAUJ'KH WEI.UIAN. Cleveland, May 3. The ohlof of pollco bus dotalled dotuotlvos to watch siispoo)s In tho Immcdlnto nolghborhood. Ho says tho hoy was probably strangled, placod in the wutor, and removed to tho bnrrol nf tor tho oftlcor's examination Thurs day night, Tho voronor mya the olothing on tho body was sonkinc wet. tocijit to rt-nch tho north uole. overhauled. DENIES HE USED INFLUENCE COMPANIES IIUV EQUIPMENT. The I-'nct ReuuiliiN That tho Pwiplo MiiNt Pay tho Hill. Cleveland. Mny 3. Tho coroner announces thnt tho boy's nose, thront and lungs were (Hied with sawdust, nud ho wait undoiibtwlly murdered by burial in sawditet. o Clilni'M) Olllcirrs Duo TiMlny. San Franetaeo. My . On tho Siberia, duo horo about today, nro Washington, May 3. Judge Hoat ty, of Idaho, who is horo, says ho did not Influence tho grand Jury to Indlot Ilorah. Ho nays tho dlstrlot attor ney told him ho was Inutruotud to Investigate land frauds, and the Krnud Jury was Inutruotod in the law, the Instructions convoying no In timation ns to who might ho In volvud. "I told thom," says the Chicago, May 3. As n result of tho iiiunlolpal election nud the dafeat of iiiunlolpal ownurehlp, contrnctt woro today hIkidnI by tho traotloti companlns for now oqulpinunt worth 13,000,000. o i i i ..I.. TIIK IIUKd COMIfH HACK, KorvoN Niitlco That In DIvKhm Alone Thrru In Strength, Cincinnati. May 3. Ohio having two onudhlatoH for President hif , , , , . ....... Judge, "to make no dlstlnotlous in brought ox-IIohh George H. Cox back ,m,nB BtfrrR, ...e. urner. pn(0nJ.. ,nU) Ul flKj,ti ,e ,m8 lm NO ".VUMIIKIt, PLHAHE." have beon detailed by their govern ment to attend the Jamestown expo sition, for tho purposo ot studying mlllfnrv nnd nnvnl rnnUara. Tho " but it is considered that the dlscor-1 do,ugaUon nojullos Ln 8ung Chang, '' Vrnmhco Hollo fllrle Go t-ry of them in time has frustrated outoniin. Mcond rmlo KUnnory in- Ktiiku This .Morning. ...... ce" of tho Chlneso warship Hal Chi; fight. Ho has itteued n man- date that tho national nud miinlolpnl hMijCvi must bo fiogrogated. or tho Re publicans will Inuo this ally. -- o .... on SALEM'S FASTEST GROWING STORE. McEVOY BROS. HHERCIAli AND COURT STREETS. SALEM, OR. 4 IxktHl on Senator. Mnitlunn- Win Mnv n trim Itilnl t Iia nnfrndikiin 1 fkJ I llii- iilitfl n sA h h . . ' ,w.. ..- ... . !..- .- cer of tb0 ChlnMO warsi,P Hal Chi; wan i-'ranqisco, May j.-tuo sirme WMk ot fcnllotlng for souator oiosoJ lattrlbuUd to the advanoed polltloiil CoJono, J0 TnK Hj,n ,ructor of 0f tho tojophono girls went Into of- nt nooH, Tb(l ullgnment ot tho log sections In Iroland which, ndm tted- coaHt i1ofongo for tho norln. MttJnr feat at 7 o'olook this morning. Kv. jttmtro is prnotloaliy tho samo na on ly. aro vlolontly opposed to the Inter- nc JCaJng Cl0I) commanding nrt ory lino In this olty and tho lonC'dl tho first ballot. nauonai xniumuu, hiuuiiub "" - battalion, first Manchurlan division, taneo linos huvlng oouneotlon horo; u,u u" u",ar " "- and Captain Wang Yen Hln, deputy are sllont. play tho products of tho highly de- Mq do onn to Uj0 cominamler of velooed Industries of othor nations . . j,,.i , i mi uriiiiiin in viHiiin i . -. hk . j Han Fran0lBjO my a tiio o la competition with natlvo product which aro not so highly porfeoted. u Warehouse IJunied. Hamburg, Germany, May 3.- Attrv You, AlplioiiM. Btookholtn, May 3. An heir to thu Swedish thro.io Is expected. -Sev- I Ban Francisco, May 3 Tho lino men's unlou which pledged It sup- , , Coloration Papers Plh-d. port to tho operators when tho latter , -- . - Mandlus Olsfrn, T. W, Nordby and organUed, ineelu tonight to tako I f 1 - f if 11 b-- m m m xv-Bm Nathan D. 8lraon havo filed articles action. They will walk out. era! warehousts about ,he harbor, of Incorporation for the Qold Modal It is reported uiai gins aro ooing were dostroyed by flro today, with a Shingle Company with head ofllco In Imported trcsx PrtLjiU Lo Ange TIIH 1KTAN10AL IKKTTOK, MOVKII TO 810 LIHKHTY MTKKtCT loss of a million dollara. Tbo lo I Portland and, a, capUal stock of UQr lea and other coiut olUca to tako the, FOR ANY DIHKASiS CALL ON DR. is mostly cotton and raw sugar. (000, places ot tbo strikers. COOK. CONSULTATION I'RKN. itionm jdLoviftiuMt. Derby & WiHsoal tm Xz JiOf '12f KltoT CAJJUHMXIA HAXmX,