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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1907)
IfM 4 HOFER BROS. E. HOFKIt, Editor. THE JOURNAL STANDS POR I'ROORESS, DEVELOPMENT, GOVERNMENT. AND NO DEGUtADBD LAROR. SHALL THE PRESIDENT HE COMMANDED TO KEEP HIS PLACE? Ab President Roosevelt has repoatjdly declared that ho will not again 'becomo a cnndldnto for tho nomination for the Presidency, it becomes n question whothor ho can bo commanded to do so by the sovorelgn people? Tho pooplo certainly have that power, and they can cortalnly reject all Who nook tho honor, AND THEY CAN CERTAINLY SAY THEY SHALL TOR ONCE PILL THE OPPICE WITH A MAN WHO IS NOT SEEKING 'THE HONOR. Tho pcoplo aro tho only dictators in a froo republic. Tho Capital ouruul, which always takos a position on every important matter, lets tho people know right whero it stands, bollovos THE PKO 3LE HAVE THE RIGHT AND IT IS THEIR. DUTY TO COMMAND A SECOND TERM. Tho first duty in tho Presidency nt th hands of Mr. Roosovolt wau with docorum to nil out tho unoxplrd term of the lamented McKInlcy. WHEN ELECTED HE REALLY JIIJlAX HIS OWN FIRST TERM, and Inaugurated un administration as different from thnt of his prcdeceaso, as day Is from knight. Tho fact rotimliis, that thoro has been but one torm of tho Itooseveltlun Administration. THERE WAS NOT A PARTICLE OK EIGHT IN THE 3PK1NLEY ADMINISTRATION, so far ns battling for tho higher Ideal tX Koverument aro concerned. TIhtmmuto no pontal frauds unearthed, no hind frauds prosecuted, no rKlgniidc railroad Iimil grabs stopped, no olVort to raivo tho coal and -mineral land.s for thu people, no stopping fencing tho public domain by tho big rattle barons, no backing of rlKrt investigation of the Insurance muds, no support, of reform governors, ete., etc. Thoro was no prosecution of slaughter -houses and packing houso out Tagcs agaliiHt, public decency In violation of tho puro food lnws, thoro "wub no prortorutlon of Standard Oil trusts, thoro was NO ENFORCE' aiKXT OF THE LAWS AGAINST REIJATING IIV THE MILLIONAIRES AMONG THEIR FAVORITES, and corporations gonornlly rodo rough shod ovor tho rights of tho pcoplo ana trumplod laws underfoot that MARK REPRESENTATIVE GOVERVMENT A MOCKERY. All this has boon rhnngod undor PoohovoH. THE RIGHTS OP THE PEOPLE HAVE HEEN ASSERTED. Public Jusllco has boon prosecutod. Thoro has boon a bold, poraistont declaration that laws shall bo onforcod jignlnBt high and low, rich and poor, nnil, while- ninny things havo boon Hlono that Hounded loud and Strang" to unaccustomed oars, tho air has. boon eloared and THE TRUE RING op DEMOCRACY AND TRIUM 'PHANT REPUHLICANISM HAS IIKK.V HEARD AROVE THE CLAMOR 'OF SPECIAL PRIVILEGE AND PHTECTED INTERESTS. Tho ProHldent has boon President for tho massos, not for tho few. IIo Ih tho lint man, Republican or Domocrat, since Lincoln, to do that. Ono Oregon senator has taken this vlow of tho ProHldont'H sorvlcoB. Ho Ih n Honator by the pooplo nnil for tho pooplo. Ho write to Tho Capital -Journal un follews: "Your valued favor of tho Oth rocclved.. ALSO YOUR ERITOKIAfi .AHOUT THE PRESIDENT. Your approval of my courHo here H vory gratifying. I am doing my host. I SHAIiL CARRY OUT MY PLEDGES, MADE TO Till PEOPLE IN MY CAMPAIGN, TO THE REST OF .MY AIULITY. "I would bo vory gratorul to receive from you your views as to tho trend of public opinion relative to the DKSIHAUIMTY AND NECES SITY OF COMMANDING THE PRESIDENT TO RESCIND HIS DECLAR ATION, AND ACCEPT THE NOMINATION FOR A SIX'OND ELECl'IVi; TERM..?Hio utrugglo Is between tho reactionaries and tho Champion of tho people and tholr rights." Tho Capital Journal hullovott lit tho I'roslilent; while ho has prosecuted frauds that Involved high Oregon oll'rlals wo have novor lost Hight for n luomont OF THE LAIU.'KR DEMANDS OF A PURIFIED PURLIO SER VICE. OraftliiK, IhiwI monopoly, hosslsm. iihIiik the public service to reward private Interests, urw largo piDhloius, and thoro It a hurvost whlto for the reaper, Justice on all those lino. THE PEOPLE SHOl'M), IN OUP. OPINION, COMMAND THE PRESI DENT 'I'D TAKE ANOTHER ELECTIVE TKHM, niul complete his Job of cloanlinc the country up a Uttlu nioro liororo ho Ik allowed to retire to private life. Tho Job he has imilortitkun Ih not half completed. To allow tho coun try to i'vIuuhu Into more partisan innrhiiut rule WOULD HE A MISI'OR TUNE AND DISGRACE. Go on. Senator llouruo, with youigood work. Let tho red blood circu late In the body politic Lot tho nonnmlii of hloodloss, boiiIIosh dryrot In public affair give plnce to good, ifwlth. LET REPUHLICANISM HE 1-X1R THE PEOPLE, not for tho corrupt lonlsts ami the oHloi-holders, not for the lapltallHin and tho plutocrat, or else lot uh havo no such thing hh tuaHqiierftdliiK In the iiamo of tho pa-ty founded by Lincoln. PERSONALS llev. P. S. Knight roturned toda. from a visit In Oorvallls. Mrs. W. 11. Darby has roturned from it visit In Portland. Thoiuua linioo. of Portland. Is In i. .... I....I...W- Suloui on IiiiaIuohsi. Ex0ovrnor J. If. Flotohor, at St. Johns, Is visiting In Saloiu. MUri Jtbialo llottuchanip loft tills morning for a vlalt In Woodburn. Hon. W. C. Hawloy was among those leaving for Ohauipoog this lunrniug. Mr. and Mrs. Hurt I.athrop left this morning for l-'lahor. whoro they will reside. IF NOT ARK YOUR IDLE MONEY IS ItAHNINO INTURHST YOU 1OSING A PROFIT THAT SHOULD HE YOURS. THAT'S THE WAY MEN WITH MONEV MAKE MORE HY MAKING IT HA UN INTEREST, YOUIl'H WILL HA11N THREE PER CENT, PAYAULE SEMI-AN-NUAL1A', IP DEPOSITED WITH I'S. Sartags Department Capttftl Natioaal Bk Publishers and Proprietors A. P. H0PI5R, MuiinRcr. GOOD J. O Ilooth, of Grants Pans Wftu hero yesterday visiting hie fathor. Uov. Ilooth. Mrs. W. H. Luckoy has roturnod to hot- homo in Wiigeno, after a visit in this elty. Mrs. A. Streiit: and (lniii'lita.. t. F!1 'rl,;,Uu,, ,oft Uu,H" '' short lv,8,t '" rortlnml. - "--"r..w. , .,c .Mrs. L. Clark, who has boo'n visit ing hor parents, Judgo and Mrs. J. J. Murphy, roturnod tills morning to her homo lit Portland. Mrs. J. J. Clark, aftor attondlng tho llradloy and Jonos weddings at Liberty, loft this morning for her home lit Woodburn. Mrs. William Tompkins and Mrs. William Mollrido. after visiting hero, reiurnou to itiolr home In Athenn this morning. State Conininnder Mrs, Lamhsou of the I 0. T. M after vlsltlnx the local hive last night, loft this morn- lug for hor home In Portland. Miss Mnrgnrot Lansing loft last , evening for Portland to Join a Halt- I g party for a ten-days' outing on the Columbia. I Dr. IS. A. Pleroo. afUr atteadlug u the graduating oxeroisos of Wll- lamotto University, roturnod tltU morning to Ida homo In Portland. Judgo and Mrs. Burnett and Mr. and Mrs. A. X. Mooroa loft this morn ing for Ohauipoog. Judge Ilurnett will prosldo at tho exorcises thoro to day. j Mrs. Emily Koonlg loft this room ing for Woodburn, whoro sho wld Join hor husband. Aftor a short visit thoro they will leave for a visit iu Portland, A, W. Prescott has returned from Portland, whero ho lias beea In the Interest of tho Orogomlau, sad frill resume his work as Salem corre spondent for tlia paper. DAILY OAPIVL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, YOU ONLY PAY POR WHAT YOU GET AT THIS STORE I fi 1 ffil w xfes&m BALTIMORE iNEWVOR Miss Rena Stlnson, who has boon visiting her mother, Mrs. Mary Stln son, of this city, left yesterday for her homo In Los Angeles. Itov. F. E. Doll and wife havo re turned from Corvnllls, whero they at tended tho East Wlllamotto Asso ciation of Congrogntlonnl churches. Mrs. Nolllo Goodwin, of Orogon City; MIsb O'Koefo, of Albnny; Mls Gusslo Hnndall, of Harlow; Mrs. S. R. Vlncont, Mrs. E. Wood and Mrs C. V. Tlgert, of Tlgortvlllo, attend ed tho graduation exorcises of the medical department of tho Wlllam otto Unlvoralty last night. F. 0. Hnkor and wlfo, of Spoknuo. J are visiting In tho city. Mr. Bnker Is In tho advortlslng department of tho'niors havo played two hard games spokosman-Rovlow, or Spokane, no formorly resided In this city, whero . . , , , , ,, ho litis many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Baker will leave this afternoon for Portland, on route to tholr homo. L. E. Bllvon, who has bcon visit- Ing Snlom rolatlvoB, loft for his home In Portland yesterday. Ho wob ac companlod by his mnthor. Mrs. E. T, G rubor, who will visit In tho motroo- oils aftor a fow dnys. Mrs. M. Hayes, who has boon vis iting horo, loft last evening for hor, home In Portland. She wns acconi - .... -. ... Portland. Mrs. W. H. Parker, who has been visiting hor son, Harvey, and daugh ter, Mrs. C. F. Young, or this city, loft this morning for hor homo In Forest Grnvo. Rho was nccompanlod by Harvoy, who will visit In tho flrovo for a short tlnio, and by Mrs. Young, uho will spend tho summer thero. . o . Tough Inthvil. "It's hard," said tho sontlmontat landlady, at the dlnnor tablo, "to, think that this poor littlo lamb should bo dostroyod In Its youth Just to enter to our appetttos." "Yos," ropllod tho Binnrt hoarder, struggling with his portion, "It H tough," Philadelphia Pross. Do You Think For Yourself ? ur, uq yon open your mourn uuo a round eulp down whitcrer food or tncUJ- uo utioreu you 7 4 t in tntelllffent thlnVlne woman. In ned otwf from weakness, nerToune pain and atrtMJne, then It means much to you that theteJ.n trUtl and nit liono OrtuffUt for''onnof ihhhmi' llli. ' J H' Tho mtkent of Dr. Pierce' Farorlto Tro fcorititlan. for tlio euro of weak, nervous, run down, over-worked, deMlUatwt, iain-raekctl wuiuoii. this mHlu-ui to U uiadti up of InirrtHllont. every une of whUh lias tho strougtot ikiWo tnOorMtu(it ot the 1. ailinc and htauilMt autliorlilvs of tho M'veral mjIkkU or prectU'tf, aro perfectly willing, and in (tot. aiv ouly wo eluit to print, a ihoi U. th formula, or list ot WuirvJU-nu, ot hUii It k cootHied. (a .4a JL'ttottWi, oo evurj bottlo-H kiiKr. 4, H , Tlw forwHlii of Ir. Wree' Pavorttp Pro wrlntkMUI bear the utot crli.oal exaiulaa tton of tnwllcal exptru. for it i-oialn uo alooUul, uareuttos. haruui. or haUt-fonulnc iXtnsx and no o-nt eur. Into it that U nst bUhly roeontB..'nk-t Uj- ttM iuat ailvancU and loailinc nvUloal leather and authvr Itlon of their several Kltoul of nM-,!i- rff "'-ir0-' yro,'on'tt'fl thelncredlenM ot lir 1'ierve , i'axoriie rrvMTJmloii torTTT; cureufgxacr. ilwume ailnu-nu forwtTiTfl Vl i woriu-ian.u tmiiioine l advKetl. ntn: HlioTii V No other medicine for woman's lit ha any uch prof iviilonil endoiemet a Dr 1'lerco Kavorlto Prescription has received, in tho un qualified tvcoiumend.tlou of each of Its several Ingredients by wore of leadm medi cal men ot all tho cbool of practice. la such an cndormoi not worthy of your consldcTtUoa ? A. booklH of iatfredleou, with numeroos aathoratlvn proft!oaU euuorameaU by tho UulUur i4lcl autlwritiw ot UU country. UluUdm ta "r tt laaillnr rnm m& 44r vHk xqn4 toe nuaae. Ai1tm IV, 1TV, Hen Jo, K. Y, -w- pnnied by hor son, Uoywlio Iins boonl'1"" l "" w. . j. iuuiu tloor maniigor of the Auditorium vi It ovor tho rod and black by a rink, or this elty. Ho hns reslgnod .8Coro of s to ! Il1 Portland Sntur hls position, bore to ncoopt an on- '"'. tho S. II. S. hold tho Multnomah ' gagomont at tho Empire thoatro, In tur nlno down to 5 to 2 In favor, 1)1 ru rui 41do max . . v THURSDAY, MAY S, 1007. Good-Clotlics-Mukiug is not confined to n few makers who blow about, their products and expect you to pay for their r music. What's the use paying extra because a certain name is .sewed under tho collar? Tho stylo is no liner and the fabric Is no stronger and the fit (j no lwtter. You only pay what a suit is actually worth when you buy here. G. W. JOHNSON &CO. A WARM BASEBALL FRIDAY Tho high school and Willamette Junior baseball toama will go up against onch other Friday afternoon nt 1 o'clock, on tho Wlllametto field. Both toams havo boon playing good ball this your, and thoro will ,)0 ft hot game tomorrow. Tho Ju- nIrontly thl3 Boason, ono ngalnst tho ... ... . , , , , ., Albany high school, which they won, . "" at Corvnllls, whero tho 0. A. c- woarors of the orango put thorn to "" Tho hlh HC,,o1 hn8 ,m(1 thru(? 8",0a nIrontly and, although they ,mvo W(m 1,t tho' ,,nv t ,J00n l't out, and tho two dofoats aro nothing to tholr discredit, as they woro playing toams out of tholr class. I u tholr first gnme with O. A. I ;C. they won by a scoro of -1 to 0, i l l.. .1.. l n.. - i n i i of M. A. A. C. From this showing It will bo soon that the gumo will be nn lntorostlng one, although It Is said tho odds arc slightly In favor of tho high school nlno. Ah a consequonco of tho scorn mndo against Multnomah sovornl Porhtiid teams havo wrltton for gainoa with tho high school. Two gamos havo boon nrrangod with the Portland high school, ono to bo played at Salem May 18th, and one at Portland, May 30th. Hill Mill tary Acadomy, of Portland, hns writ ton for a gamo horo on tho 11th, and thore will probably bo a return gamo In Portland tho first of noxt month. A largo crowd will witness tho gnnio Friday. A Xarrotv Ksrnpc. -G. W. Cloyd, a morchant, of Plunk, Mo., had a narrow oscapo four years ago, whon ho rnn n Jlmson bur Into his thumb. IIo says: "Tho doc tor wanted to araputato it but I would not consont. I bought a box of Bucklon's Arnica Salvo and that cured tho dangorons wound." 2Gc at J. C. Perry's, druggist. Patronize Home Industry And bu that which you know Is the best. Wo know where It U made ani what It contains and tho ro sults are the best of any Bak ing Powder on the market. If you try Eppley's Perfection Baking Powder Wo will guarantoo It to give satisfaction for there Is no bettor. All Grocers sell It. C. M. EPPLEY Manufacturer Satan, Oregon TAX TITLE WORTHLESS. Important Caso Decided by Judge Smith of Raker County. An Important decision was made by Judgo Smith In the circuit court this morning, saya the 'Baker City Herald of April 30. Tho caso in volved was that of Elsie L. Mount vb. Robert McAuley, et al., a contro versy that has been going on for years, and has cost the contestants mnny hundreds of dollars. Several years ago Robert McAuley and others bought tho I. 0. Sterns property, consisting of 160 acres, on Sutton creek, a mllo north of Norton and four miles south of Baker City. Tho land was bought at a tax sa'p, and held for a term by the purchas ers. Later tho plaintiff offered to buy tho property back, according to tho law regulating the purchasing of tax titles, and the defendants refused to Bell, claiming that tho tltlo had passed to them. Tho decision of tho court is for tho plaintiff. As a prop osltlon of law tho court decided that tho tax tltlo was of no validity, and .that tho defendant waB entitled was entitled to collect tho amount of taxes that tho pleading showed was duo them. H-H-H-M II I II H-t-44-M-H-f-H DID YOU TAKF IT? I If you havo not already done so, get rrom nny good phar macy tho follewing: Fluid Extract Dandelion one half ounce, Compound Kurgan 0110 ounce, Compound Syrup Snrsaparllla throo ouncos. Mix by slinking Nvoll In n bottle and tnko for ouch does one toa spoonful of tho mixture nftcr your moals nud nt bedtime; ulso drink plenty of wntor. This Is tho most simple though romnrkablo prescription T over wrlitc" to cloanso tho blood of Impurities and wnstn mnttor, and now Is tho tlmo to tnko It. It acts as a powerful tonic to tho Kidneys, forcing X them to filter out tho nclds and poisons, overcoming Rheuma tism, Bladder nnd Urinary troubles nud tho hundred and ono other mlsorablo nflllctloiu resulting from sour, impure blood. A well known local drugget statOB that novor to his knowl todgo has thero been nny Riich vnlunblo advlco offered a com munity, and predicts this will t provo shortly ono of the healthiest placos lmtho worl. Mon nnd womon of nil stations of Ufo aro nihkliig up tho pre scription and taking It, which cannot but Insuro bottor health and less dtsonso hero shortly. Show this to your yellow nnd sallow complexlonod ac quaintances, or those who novor fool wo'.l nnd -honrty. It's tholr bnd blood, nnd they will i. thank you for this Information X -t-fr-M-H-l-rf-f-H-H- Salem Fence Wire Headquarter for Woven Wire Fencing. Hop Wlro, Barb Wire, Poultrj Nottlng, Pickets, Gates, Shingles and P. & B. Heady Roofing. All at lowest prices. Walter Morley 250 Court St Salem, Ore. Spent wisely is tho source of much J reasonable. satisfaction. Why not spend a Utue of it wisely now buying groceries ol ( uaT Baker, Lawrence & Baker Successors to Hsirltt Ac Lawrtac. I he fashion tables klsS!fiI Fenaerly siaipsea's Siablec TJp-tc-dste livery and eab Hns Funeral turnouts a specialty. Tally ko for picaisa aad exeurs-ioss. Pho4 U. 0ILAJ3. W. YANKKB, Prof 247 ad 84 Uigk Btr. SALEM WATER COMPAHV oma oar xaia. Fwr waUr rrl fly Bilis fj&l mnMr ia airaa iSsrJ Neve -r out ot Season ml Forger's Golden Gate Sfe J-UHKlira joj51!! Spriej SWNMf Aidsn, WlnUr StlAt V PEPPER Always the Same J. A. FOLfJER&ca, San l-ranclsco. X. LlTTLl UO-PEEl' LOST HER (90 But no ono need fforrriboctns T this tlmo of tho year, It tin; cup dainty and delicious Sprlsjltd an appetizing and nouru&(i mer meal. Wo hare enrnbik cholco meats, and ill tfct dd of tho season la both Ltd e smoked meats that vlll pltutl uiosi critical epicure. i:. V. tliUbS, Slates Street Mnrltt rbw! llUILDINfl A HOnt Wa can sunDlr TOO ilU l hor vniinoedataprlcttidrfl tornllly econorolie la tie f come and see us and " yards. m Vr" 0 C. T. 0 -STEAMERS- POMONA ANI) 0WW; iwinrr.AXU WiSUr, W DAY AND FWMT U M., TUESDAY, "- "... r, .. clTIIRDAV Alw",' P.M. BALD MEALS 1 ATTK Salern Doctauraff 330 OOCKT Jl re ""'r-asa ., furnuo . nut - n,llSTff "JSSSS ww!S5i? .r -iMiv:hirj.j WIDE - TBiife iufcc-'fsr.v ihit( "mzm tmnu Catffc"' I i i mWm