"SWIWWSSHIWIKBiKSBtWIWllssei 4fSt-o5!J rilEHt F"R TOXIGirr WlTH LIGIfT FOSTS, PAIR TUESDAY AILY CAPITAL JOURNAL. xvii. SALEM, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1007. NO. 105. "!S IGHT HOUR STRIKE he ewey Celebration of Battle of Manilla Bay m CELEBRATES THE DAY Lwehsary of manilia bay STREETCAR STRIKERS CONFERRING MINERS RESCUED AT LAST Itijc uiadi n MIL HUILtf OBSERVES and Otccr Captains Who Were There Arc No More. asblngton, Mny 1. mo years this morning Dewey sailed Into lta bay, nnd Btnyod there, after lort exc.ttincnt "for brttkftt8t." ?bt Dcwcy and his friends ban- la c lrtirntion or uio victory. fler. U whom Dcwoy biiUI: "You tflre wtm you nro ready, Grid- Is dcrJ, Thre other of his alas n ual. Thoso olllccra tro s ill thing will nttend tho QUCt POLICE AND ARMY BUSY ABROAD SPECIAL TRAIN TO THE HOSPITAL The Metal Workers of the Bay Cities Strike for an Eight Hour Day kllmm Going Toward Atlmitic. Lob Ma 1 Tho balloon lr. fch Cr Ji Chandler, of tho U. ;n arj J, 0 McCoy started for MiaR'cn had not reported at 10 k t'U morning. Tho wind Is still south, but tho weather au men say tho upper cur-onts Easterly and will blow tho crnft rds the Atlantic. San Fnrnclsco, May 1. After hear lug u proposition to accept n modifi cation of tho Oakland scnlo of ten hours' work at from 31 to 40 conts an hour tho streetcar men, at a meeting lasting until 4 o'clock thl. morning, loft the matter In tho hands of Hov, Potor Yorko nnd tho oxocu tlvo committee, with Instructions to ascertain tho host tonus tho United Railroads would offer. A conference will bo held with Prosldont Calhoun, of the rallroadB today. It Is believed thnt a permanent sottlomont will be offoctod. Eight-Hour Day Grunted. Stockton, Mny 1. In rospoiiHO to a demand from tho unions nil local shops employing union mon granted an eight-hour day. Several com panies maintaining open Bhops also granted eight hours. IMAGO STO PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE THE CHICAGO STORE LIKE A BIG CITY STORE AMVUS I ILL OK BUSINESS. ISN'T IT A WONDER WHEN H THINK OK LESS THAN THREE YEARS AGO HEING THE ULMXT STOKE IN SALEM. THAT IS WHAT iinvra Ari.rnr. IV HlSINESS CAN DO AND TREATING YOUR CUSTOMERS BE Perilous Rescue by Walking Under ground a Mile Through Water Johnstown, l'n., May 1. At 1:15 o'clock this morning bovcu of tho im prisoned miners wcro taken from the mlno at Foustwoll. Ton minutes later they wore placed nboard a special train, composed of an ongluo and box car, and started for a run to tho hos pital at Wlndbor. Tho men who started to go a nillo through wuter up to tholr necks wore successful In getting through with liquid supplies nnd bringing tho men out with them. Miko Iioyln, n mining contractor, who took chargo of the Imprisoned party, describing tholr terror, says it was worse than being entombod alone, nnd that all tho tales of shlp- wreck and cnnnibnllRin to Bustntn life occurrod to them.. Ho Bald "None spoko of It, but when tho Inst prumbs of our dinner pulls won) gone, nnd hungor began, I saw by the furltivo glances that tho men cast nl each othor that my companions woro nit thinking tot tho Bamo thing." Hnrrlsburg, May 1. Tho loglstn turo today took official cognlznnco of. tho rescue of tho Beven miners nt Foustwoll, nnd directed a resolution to bo recorded In recognition of the rescuorcrB' bravery. -o (M VT I! VKOAINS IN dies' Coats, fuits and Millinery ft Hi V V Coino to our 8toro now and so tho crowds of clorks, milliner and drossmakorH wo employ, all as busy ns boos attending to cus tomers, trimming now hats, mak ing now suits nnd filling ranll or ders. Our buslnoss Is growing rnd idly, owing to tho starling values wo gtvo and ullowlng no house to undorsoll us. Groat bargnlnu of fered this wook. NOONDAY FIRE AT CHICAGO LABOR DAY WITH 'FRISCO UNITED RAILWAYS Father Yorkc Has Been Called In to Make a Permanent Settlement Snn Francisco, May 1. Botwccn C000 and 7000 iron workers, black smiths, mnohlnlstB, bollor-mnkorn, iron shipbuilders, moulders, steam fitters, coppersmiths, electrlclntiB and others ongagod in tho metal trndos of this city nnd Oakland nnd other Ray cities struck this morning fo. an eight-hour day. Twonty-Bovou shops nro affectod. Police ami Army. Paris, May 1. A call for n moot ing of all tho striking tradosmen mado Labor Day ono of drond. A groat crowd began assembling early In tho l'lnco Hopubllquo. Agitators tried to Inclto thorn to riot. Tho po llco arrested many hero and at othor points. Troops nro hold in ruadtuon at alt the barracks. SoclullMH to l'uniric. Chicago, May 1. A parado of ho clallstlrolly Inclined labor men nnd spoochoB by national olllccrs of tho Socialist party marked todny'a coin brntlon of International Labor Day In this city. '"tVtmr Strikes at Sncrnmvnto. Sacramonto, May 1. With tho first of Mny Sacramonto faces four serious strikes. MAYDAY OBSERVED AT SALEM MISS PHOEBE 0LSEN IS THE QUEEN Breakfast Served In tho Open Air by Beautiful Co-EdS Tho students of "Willamette Uni versity nro holding Mny Day exor cIsob on tho campus todny. A Mny breakfast was given this morning beneath tho abundant Bhndco nftoi which tho gontlomeu of tho varloua classes busied themselves In boau tlfylng nnd Improving tho campus. Harly this aftornoon a program nnd May polo drill was given boforo n very largo and appreciative nudlonco Tho oxerclsos woro hold on tho cam pua, which looked Its protttest to ru cnlvo Its queen. Miss Phoebe Olson, of Portland, was crowned May queen, nnd noted hor part with grace and dignity. Her maids woro tho Misses Schlndlor, Stephens, Mcl'oto, Kunoy, Anderson Glttons. Twonty-four glrlB took pnrt In tho drill In winding tho May polo General MncAi-thiir Plans to Ketlro. SHEEP AND STOCKMEN AT WAR A LARGE BAND AT FAIR GROUNDS Track'Mcn Say They Aro a Nulsanco and Slay Use Force -- There In liable to ho a shoop nnd horsemen's war nt tho state fnlv grounds, nnd tho track mon thoro Bay they aro running over their ground, sleeping in their stalls, nnd mnktug a great nulsanro of tho whole promt so, ho that ladles rnniiot walk about tho grounds. Tho horsemen havo hnd n meeting nnd enmo down town today to boo Governor Clinmborlnlii, who promlsod to Invnoilgnto tho mat ter. Tho horsemen sny thoy pay rent tho year round, nnd havo possession, and wilt not bo run out by tho ahoop. No dynamite has boon uuod and no woaponn drawn, but thoro Is blood on tho moon. G1VI2 NOTICE IIY WIRELESS, Earthquake Ciuiho Mm-hluo to brnto Hour Ilcfnrn Shock. Vf. Manila, May 1. Earthquako ox purtn bollovo that It Is posBlblo to bo warned by wlrolosH (olograph olght or 12 hours In ndvnnco of tho shock. i I i K TOji la., ha B . doc't want to get rich v. ' Ladles' coats t,. , -f- '-omos suits irora wr W4i. p a kindly llkine for ok, before you, buy or now Spring coat. Ret our nrlcos. Re- trlmmed hats, from Great Bargains in! Dress Goods and Wash Suitings Wo show tho biggest stock of dross goodd, fine silks and wash drs& goods in Salem at prices you cannot beat on the Paclf.c coast. Chicago, May 1. A lire started at noon nt 2:55 Wabash avenue, tho second lloor of .which building is oc cupied by tho Lotus Club, noon dnv lunch club for women oxoluslvoly. Two girls Jumpod from tho window nnd woro Instantly kitlod. Polio 'sny flvo nre doad, and 25 InJuroJ. Tho first lloor was occuplod by tho Storoy & Clarke Piano Company. J Two women, Cathorino O'Rourke, !" ntwl Ilnirn Will n-. I OJ ,.n,.,l,,.,,l --, ..... ..vidu ii. no. I,, ., viuiiu;.u In tho rotull district, nro known to bo fatally Injured, and 15 aro seri ously hurt. Tho flro started from crossed wlros In tho basemont. The girls fatally hurt jumped during thu panic. Tho Injuries of others woro caused by crowding for windows whan tho stuoko appoarod. Police man Sullivan was carrying an uncoil- j scioiiB girl down a ladder whoa an- ' .,tAN f.tl 4....... l .. It I B w .1 ., .ill iiiiiui hni jui, ii iiiuii iiiiii, uuu nil I hit tho pavomont and wra bndlv : hurt. Wnshlngtou, April 30. aenoral MacArthur was today relieved ,of command of tho Pacific division and tho department of California, and or dered to Milwaukee, for such dytloa TostH nro now In progress nt Mnnll'n as tho department may nsslgn to him "o tlm result of obsorvatlons mmlo at horoaftor. Tho first of those duties tho tlmo of tho last trombWir. At This morning C00;wlll bo to write .up his ruborv of tho Hint tlmo. vibrations in tho wlrolosi laundry workers issued nn ultimatum extended trip through China and In- wore noted eight hours boforo tin to laundry owners, demanding nn 8-' din, which ho nmdo.after tho close of ourtliqiinko wuh fott. Tho phonomo- hls servlco with tho Jnpnnoso army n cnii bo oxplnlncd on no othor hy durlng tho lattor part of tho war ho- Potlioala. twoon Japan nnd Russia. It Is un-l ' - .... dorHtood that Oonornl MacArthur I Congiin Off tor Hmvnll. will write ii very full report of his Rn Francisco, Mny 1. Tho con observations, nnd thnt they will bo Krosslonal party thnt will visit Iln- Iiour day. Tho laundry ownors re fused nnd a strlko will bo called bo foro night. Ilrowory workorB threat- on to striko if a dcmnmU for nn 8 hour day Is not acceded to. Tho ro tall olorks' union Is making demnnds for an 8-hour day, and n tight is on practically tho llrst of tils actlvo ser wn" tho Invitation of tho logtsln- vleo. It has huou known for hoiiio lnr o Hint territory sailed today on tlmo that Gonorat MacArthur wn tho transport Iliifonl, which wl'l, weary of tho dutlos In commnnd of ftftr Innillng tin party i,t Hawaii, tho ?ncino division. Ho felt thnt ho Ko on to China with supplies fur the- was In nn onoinaloiiB position, being fnmlii- strlokon of Chlnji. Tho party In command of a division, ultlinugh H ' chargo of George II. McClollan, tho ranking otllcer of tho army. IC 0I1 wohnlf of tho dolegntoa from Ha- Ojien Htiop Strike. ho had baon unlootor an nhlof of Htnff Wft" "nd mnsistn of Sonntor Saiuuol Los Angslos, May 1. Over 400 at tho tlmo of tho rotlromont of Gon- " ''lies of WnshlnKton, Roproaontn- truok drlvora struck this morning ho- oral Untos, ho would have Iiimii eon- tlvon W. P. Hepburn and wlfo of ohubo tho employers announced tholr tent to remain on nctlve duty until w A. II. Cnpron lutontlon of maintaining an open his rotlromont for ago, Juno 2v 1000. Kl'Odo Island, E. It. to enforce tho domnnd. An nttcmnt Is being mado by union labor icadorj to organizo all workors In tho South ern Pacific car shops horo, nnd a strlko Is oxpocted to dovolop before long. Donvor, May 1. Qvor 600 in in born of tho mill mon's union oin- ployed in lumber mills, woro lookoJ (did wlfo ot Hamilton and L. Ilrluk nnd Graff nnd wife Llttlohold nnd Aoliosnn and 1000 yds. yard . . Wash India Silk !Sc 5000 yds Fancy Lawns, yd . .AMc 1000 yds UoHt Standard Calico, Fine Dress Goods, 2Cc 35c, 49c to 9Sc 1000 yds yard . 12 Vic India Llnon ...8 l-3c SALEM'S FASTEST OROWINQ STORE. McEVOY BROS. MEKCIAI, AXD COURT 8TREKTS. iATJKM, OR. Mjhtorioiiii Suit. New York, May 1. Wilson Mlt ner Is mado defendant in u suit In the supremo court by Mrs. Yeres Miznor. Tho papors aro sealed. Justice Rlsohoff appointed Louis Hasbrouck referco to soouro evldonce Thoro is much mystery and many ru mors as to tho purport of tho papor- O i.i Gould DcfrntfiiK EngiUh CluuuploiiK. London. May 1. Gould today de feated, at tennis, Ponnel) In three straight sots, giving him tho right to challengo Miles for the world's championship. "hop. nut thoro woro reasons why it wn w" '" Michigan, A. not folt by tho Presldont mid Hooro- wlfo of Indiana, J. V. tnry Taft, that tho election would lift ,,f Illinois, Charles K ndvlb. and slnoo congress had w" ' Mnine, IJ. F nmonded tho law so thnt thnrn u'iw wlfo of Pennsylvania. J. Warren out today. Tho men had domundsd nothing for General Macr'thur to do Kulfur of Ohio, H. D. Colo of Ohio, an olght-hour day and n closed shop. ,Mt take cominaud of a division. Charles MoGarvln of illlnolB, W. W. o anernl MuoAjrtlnir'B frionds always Wilson of Illinois, Jnmoe H. Dmld- JjuiglHd Ko IaiiiiI Slio Wuh CViiiNim'd. have contended that ho wns puoullar- "Wn of Wisconsin, (leor(tt L. Llley Now YorU, MHy 1. Tho federsi he had beon selooted as ohlof of staC nn,l wife of ConnectJcut. Arthur I.. court todny acquitted Athol Roader, and have been of tho opinion that no ,J4lw of Pennsylvania, D. S. Aloxan of perjury. His wlfo, Ella Raw's, Injustice was done when ho was not Iw "! wlfo of New York. DenJamiu ohosen for that place. Thoro was ' "ow and wlfo of Now Jarsey, talk that Jt was because of dlttleult Johu FIUkiuIiI of New York, J. which ho hud with Mr. Taft, when he was In oommnnd 'of the Philip pine and tho secretary and civil gov ernor of tho Islands. That was not tho fact, recognized Reader, kissed her husband and laughed bo fervently in court that she wns oeuHiirod. -i- After Mom Railroad. Washington, May 1. The govern ment has started an investigation of over 20 railroad and steamboat line that are accused of discrimination ii the shipment and handling of cotton goods for export. . Mr, Tlutw Helps a Church, Now York, May 1. It Is stated that Mrs. William Thaw has given fiO.000 to tho new Westmlnstei University, Denver. It Is understood sho has promlsod to give an addition al 9100,000 Jf tho defonse of hor son does not inako too groat a drain on hor fortune, o JiiMinuiro Fund Again In Court. .Now York, May 1. Managor Scrugbam, of the International poll cy holders' cominltteo, arrosted with Charles Stirrup and O. I'. Carrlng ton, in connection with tho election of trustees of tho Now York Life, was arraigned this morning aud Im mediately furnished I2C00 ball. Tho hearing will be held Monday. o ARM-HrH Killed 1m Vnrlu, Paris, May 1. This evening a man was killed by a mob for firing pistol at a soldier. Ho was identifled as nn American nasnal Law. P. Conner and wife of Iowa, B. O. Hills and wife of Missouri, G. W. MarrlH of Nebraska, V. V. Campbell of Kansas. Fred MvLaehian of Cull- howover, Secretary Taft, 'ornln, W. D. Jones and wlfo, of clearly the ability of Washington, and J. C. .Nuedham of Genorul MacArthur. and had no California. Tho party will return to feeling because of anythVg that hn-J s"n I'ranclsco early In June, hupponed in tho Philippines. There, .-o woro othor reasons which have novor' May.iiny I atulicy. transpired for not appointing him ohlof of staff. Tho order of tho day Is Issued over tho slgnaturo of Ma jor Gonoral J. Franklin noil, chief of staff, and that fact is an Interest ing commentary on tho often revived aud never Justified story of frlctio.i betwoon General Hell and Goncnl Alnsworth, the adjutant gonoral. over tho Issuo of orders by a junior of bis superiors. Gonoral MacAr thur outranks General Roll far mort than General Aalnsworth does, but ho received hlo orders from General Doll. Of courso tu6 order is issuod. as aro all orders to tho army, by or der of tho secretary of war, and It is so stated, in tho order Itself. Denver, May 'l. William Cottrell, a student of. the University of Den ver, In a May dwy prank, climbed an olootrlc light polo attached to a livo wlro, and was killed. Tho lUllooii Slg!i-il. Anna, HI., May 1. Tho Chandlor balloon was sighted hero at 0:10 o'clock thin morning. Dr. J. P. COOK THH HOTAWOAfc DOCTOR, MOVKD TO 81 LIBERTY ftTRKKT H)R ANY D1HKAKK CALL OX DR. COOK, COXULTATIOX FRIM. -