o DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, APRIL SO, 11)07. STOCKTON'S The Old White Comer Family. SUMMER HOSIERY Summer stockings are usually made thin at the expenao of wear. To keep your feet cool and com fortablo and still have stockings that will last, ask for Wnyno Knit full-fashioned. You can get them In fancies, In open work of attractlvo designs, or In the thin lisle, but what ever you buy, If It benrs the Wnyno Knit trade mark you know that It will last. They are dyed as well as science knows how, and aro guaranteed JJ,aincJlhik mimmm HOSIERS TRAM t-UKrt look for this mark, It means quality, you'll find It here. 25c to $1.50 a pair Humpty Durnpty Stockings A new lln- of Hosiery iur o..u. 1 5c and 25c a pair Our 15c Humpty Dumpty Hoae wear as well as ordinary 25c hosi. . iw.Hi tinninn nnil phUilrnn. They are mauo mi ""-,., . ,. . ,. .. . Mlrt The white-foot nose ior iuuiu? w & i " - - price is only 1 5c a pair PETITIONS ROLLING IN VERY FAST People's right to Refer Half a Million of Excessive Appropriations Ml ani MUSEMENTS John (iow Case Decided. The caso of tho City of Woodburu vs. John Gow, for keeping open nf- itor hours, on rehearing boforo re- ?cooczzxzz? cordor J. A. Knight, was today do- WII1IMIHWTT chIod a Annul ODVI'll llOUSC. Friday, Mn' 3. Walker Whiteside In "Tho Magic Melody" . . , , Salem High School. 'Birds' Island," by high ichool senior class. Flr-t Presbyterian Church. Frldny, May 3. Storeoptl eon lecture by Prof. J. B. Hor ner of Or. gon Agricultural against detoudnnt. T Ho wns nnod $25 and costs. Gow T i claims that tho back part of his bs- loon wns not part of his saloon, but 1 1 tho recorder docldod that it was part of tho snloon, whethor tho front door was lockou or not. ..i uow was nrsi iriou ooioro j. c. ; Hall and found guilty by a Jury. It was appealed to Judge Gnllowny, I!1 who allowod n rehoarlng on grounds Tom's Cabin, In moving l'c turcsc Urn lit Iioys' club. Auditorium Holler Rink. Morning, afternoon nnd evening Hcsslons, excopt Sun day 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 I I I II H College. i n A r!.,ii,ifiultiiii ThVralinv. Mny 2. Undo ', , of Irrogulnrlty In drawing tho Jury. .........-., , - ---. . , ... . 4 .... ' Tho caso wont oacK ami was siouuy contostod. Tho rosult Is n victory fo tho law and order elomont. o irand Opera House ISO. I CORDRAY, Manager. Stnto of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lu cas County, ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that ho Is sonlor partner of tho Arm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in tho city of Toledo, county and stnto aforoEald, and that snld firm will pay tho Bum of ONE IIUND11BD DOLLARS for onch and ovory cnBO of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by IKIDVY, MAY .1 Mil. IKi:il WHITESIDE i Utc Most Rinmrkablo Play of the tno us0 0f Hall's Cntnrrh Cure. Frank Season J. Cheney. Sworn to beforo ma and subscribed HE MAGIC MEL0DYll'Tr18ls,;,.,Cl,'dyotD Direction of Lleblcr M Co. Ibel'roM of Unite, Spokane, Taconm bJ wattle pronounce this tho best r and company seen lu tho North- Ft la the patt llvo years. , 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50. excOcocr'ns Frldny 9 a. m. LINGER GRAND! TONIGHT n C i ilia Romaine Co. (Sonl) A. W. GLI3ASON, Notary Public Hall's Catarrh Quro Is takon In tornnlly, and -cts directly on the blood and mucous surfneos of the Bystom. Send for totlmonlnls froe. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75c. Tako Hall's Family Pills for con stipatlon. . r o Albany hopos to liavo that woolon "mill soon. Jacob Voorhees, of Woodburn, has beon designated to receive tho peti tions of tho Stato Grnngo ngnlnst tho odlclal pass bill. They nro coming In fast, but thero Is still need of sev eral thousand names. George ,Poarce, of Salem, Is ro celvlng tho petitions of tho Linn county council to refor tho $125,000 annual tax for tho Stato University. They nro coming In thick nnd fast, but sovernl thousand nnmes nro still required. Blanks for all those roforondum petitions, with full Instructions, enn bo hnd at Tho Capital Journnl of fice. Also free notarial nttostntlon. (Albany Herald.) According to C. II. Walker, Uu1 roforondum movement ngnlnst tho University of Orogon appropriation ,1s progressing most satisfactorily, i and thoso mombcrs of tho Linn coun ty Grnngo in chnrgo nro confldont of securing tho roqulrod number cf nnmos to tho petition by tho tlmo l necessary. In Grant county, whore, a short jln unio ngo, county school superin tendent Mcintosh Issued a stntomeut thnt tho public sontlmont wna against tho move to rofor tho Unlvorslty ap propriation, Mr. Walker says oyer 75 signatures to tho potltioti woro so- cured In nn hour's tlmo. All tho prin cipal buslnosB mou of Canyon City Blgnod tho potltlon, nnd It wns found that tho sontlmont wns In reality with tho Linn County Grnngo, During Eugene Pnlmor'a trip through Eastorn Orogon, ho socurod over 1000 namoB to tho potltlon nnd thoro nro now persons workliig with othor petitions throughout nil tho ditto rout towns In tho custom por tion of tho state. Word was rocolved yostorday from Clacknmas county that many slgnnturos woro being so cured, nnd moro coplos of tho pe tition worn nskod for to onnblo tho persons circulating tho potltlon to sociire additional nnmos. According to tho Linn County Grungoru, tho po tltlons will bo signed by moro than onough to got tho appropriations bill roforrod to tho people. (Albany Democrat.) Eugene Pnlmor rturnod this noon from EnHtorn Orogon, nnd reports general oucmirngomont In securing mimes for the reforouce of tho U. of O. appropriation bill, nnd ho think thrr In no question hut what thore will bo plouty of name on tho po tltlon. H declared thnt tho roports of the OregonlRii of his meeting with discouragement are nbsolutely false. At n big moetlng In Enst Portland ovor throe-fourths prosunt voted In favor of tho roforondum, nnd yot tho Orogonlnn reported that tho peoplo nt tho m-otlug didn't wont tho rofer-oudum. -l-H-H-8 IIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIH' SAYS THIS IS REST. A lending health Journnl in answering tho question, "What is the bo3t prescription to clean and purify tho blood?" prints in a recent Issue tho following. Fulld Extract of Dandelion one-half ounce, Compound Knrgon one ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparllla three ottneos. Shako woll and uso in teaspoonful doses nfter each meal and nt budtlmo . A well known local druggist states that thoso aro harmless vegetable Ingredients, which can be obtained from any good prescription phnrmacy. This mlxturo will clean the blood of all impurities. In Just n fow days tho skin bo gins to clear of soros, bolls nnd pimples. It puts vigor and energy Into rundown, do blllatcd men nnd women. For ninny years Sarsaparllla nlono hns been considered a good blood medicine. Hut whllo It built up nnd in a do now blood, tho Impurities remained with in nnd tho good accomplished was only tomporrv Sarsapa rllla, however, when used In combination with Compound Knrgon nnd Extract Dandelion works wondorB. ThlB combl nation puts tho kldnoys to work to filter and sift out tho wasto matter, uric acid nnd othor Impurities thnt cnuso dlsenso. it makoB now blood nnd rollevos rheumatism nnd back and bladder troubles. IlllllllllllilllllHIIIIII We Were Happily Surprised LAST WKKIC TO RECEIVE AXOTIU3II OUDEU OF SHIPMENT FROM HACK HOTEL ARRIVALS. Willamette. Geo. II. Durham, Grants PaHs. W. 13. Frar.lor, Portlapd. Waltor Lyons, Albany. A. L. Montz, Portlnnd. C. II. Pnrkor, San Frnnolsco. 13. Moyor, Portland. C. V. Dolph and wife, Portlnnd. Titos. O'Dny, Portland. W. F. Jeffries, Portlnnd. F. P. Hownrd, Portlnnd. Jay Dunn, Chicago. C. K. Patterson, Philadelphia. G. E. Austin, HoBchurg. W. 13. Guorln, Jr., Portland. W. McCnmnnt, Portland. J. II. Anthony, Portlnnd. II. W. McLcod, 8an Frnnolsco. H. P. Tylor, Now York. W. A. Ornisby nnd wife, Portland, i Ladies' Long Silk Gloves at $1, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.95 And Ladies' Long Lisle Gloves at 65c, 85c and $1 .1 0 fiOOD VALUES IN LONG OLOVES ARE SCARCE, SO YOU'D RKTTER GET THEM WHILE THIS LOT liASTS. WE ALSO UK CEIVED ANOTHER NICE ASSORTMENT OF NOVELTY SPRING DRESS (5001)9, WHICH SHOULD HAVE ARRIVED SEVERAL WEEKS AGO. THERE IS A POSITIVE FAMINE IN DES1RARLE DltESS GOODS AND FANCY SILKS THIS SEASON AND THE FACT THAT WE ARE SO WELL SUPPLIED WITH ALL THE NEWEST CREATIONS IS DUE TO OUR PEHSISTENCE IN DIULXNDING THAT OUR ORDERS HE RUSHED AND PROPERLY FILLED. EVEHYTHING IN FAR. RICS FROM He MUSLIN TO THE HIGHEST GRADE SILKS IS SCARCE, AND MANY OF THE REST KNOWN URANUS HAVE REEN ENTIRELY WITHDRAWN FROM THE MARKET, DEOAUSE THE ENTIRE OUTPUT OF THE MILLS IS SOLD UP FOR FROM SIX TO TWELVE MONTHS AHEAD. WE ANTICIPATED OUR WANTS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS AND YOU'LL FIND US WELL SUPPLIED WITH EVERYTHING FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY AT PRICICS FIGURED ON THE SPOT CASH RASIS. Card of Tliaukk. Mrs. Grolslor and rotative wish to oxpross tholr hoartfolt thanks to Dr. W. Q. Ilrnxton, Hillings, Mont. Edwnrd M. Ilrnxton Tuokor, do. J. W. Hrlslow, I'oorln. F. J. Durham, Portland. W. C. Camp, LouIbvIIIo. Salem. Dr. J. 8. Scott nnd wlfo. Portland J. J. Hurloy, OorvnlH. OIirs. A. Forgusou, Los Angolos. 13. P. Morcom and daughter, Wood hum. Hoht. McGrogor, Kansas City. Geo. C. Payno, Campbell, Gal. O. R. Wlllard, Coqulllo, Oregon. O. C. Prlco, Albany. Jos. DomogAlIn, Mill City. Frank Domngnlla, do. 8. O. Door, Portland. G. Gnruor, Drain. -o Annual Met'tlug In CorvnlllH. Tho annual mooting of tho East Wlllamotto Assooiatlou of Congroga- PltLSI TS TONIGHT "THE I V.XAMEI) 1L.Y. .m8.!311 "' Thursday night frftt 1" and 25c. Ca- IMETHING NEW In Bifocal Lenses kt qi Rb' w you a neat, up-to-date " fsr n ar and far-seeing. It U T at g:3d as j,e expensive kind, 1 talf the cost. uoa't tbrcw awav vour broken . Bring them to us. Wo can NUeat acy part, with llttlo ex- Chas. H. Hinges uraaat OfKieUs. CtoerdI Straet, mat Oeer to fiMul Natloaml BaaJc A. S r. ca - a. . l lteliVMMMMMMlaril tz&Mi WlMwping Cough. I havo UBod Chamberlain Cough Remedy in my family In cases of whooping cough, and want to toll you that It is the boat medicine I havo over used. W. F. Gaston, Pasco, Ga. This remedy Is safe and sure. For salo at Dr. Stone's drug storo. o Buslnoss raon aro paying for street sprinkling at Eujeno. -o- Tho Texas Wonder, Curoa all kidney, bladder and rheumatic trouble; sold by all drug, gists, or two months treatment by mall for $1. Dr. E. W. Hall, 2326 Olive street, St. Louis, Mo. Send for testimonials. Bold by Stone's drug store. dw-lyr . o Albany claims three spinal meningitis. -, o deaths from Gentle and Effective. A well known Manitoba editor writes: "As an Inside woncer I find Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets Invaluable for the touches ol biliousness natural to sedentary Hf. their action being gentle and effec tive, clearing the digestive tract and the bead." Price 25 cents. Sample free. For sale at Dr. Stone's drug store. 9- tho many frloiuls for tholr kindness. tlonnl ChtiroheB nnd Ministers con and loving sympnthy shown during tholr rocont boronvomont. u voned in Corvallis today. Tho session will continue today and tomorrow m, .... , . .,, 'and a most inlorostlng and protltablo ThrmiL-h blood nolsonlntr causod i x i.io. i.u ti, w.,icnn meeting is promised. Rov. P. S. 11 RlUUf M.fcV, UUft.M . , .... .o.- of Bosquovlllo, Tox., would havo lost his log, which became a mass or run. nlng soroa, had ho not been persuad ed to try Bucklon's Arnica Salvo Ho writes: "Tho first application rellovod, nnd four boxos healed all tho sores." Heals every sore. 25c at J. C. Perry's, druggist. Senntor Fulton has mado an ex- Knight, of this city, will address the convention tomorrow morning on "Pastoral Corporation In Evangelis tic Sorvicos." Mrs. It. J. Hendricks will conduct a discussion on "How to Stimulate Missionary lu tores ts In tlio Wholo Church," nnd In tho nftor noon Hv. F. E. Doll, of this city, will spoak on "Pros nnd Cons of tho Trl- Federation."' Tho ontlro time of tho .1 tended roply to tho criticisms of Sun-' moating will bo tilled with oxcellont ator LnFoliotto on his vote on the nddrossos, muslo nnd business per railroad rata bill. tninlng to the work. o Those attending from Salem ar JIIbv. P. 8. Knight. Rev. nnd Mrs. F H. Dell, Mrs. William Htatger, Mrs. AHoo Dodd, Mrs. It. J. Hendrloks and Z. C. Ilnttoy. Tho Prlco of Health. "The prlco of hoalth In n malar ious distrlot Is Just 25 cents; tho cost of a box of Dr. King's Now Life Pills," writos Ella Slayton, of No land, Ark. Now Life Pills oleanso gently and Impart new llfo and vigor to tho system. 25c Satisfaction guaranteed at J. C. Perrys druggist, o Threo men entered an auto Sunday MJhs RoiiuiIiio'h Play, Thoso who attended tho Kllngor Grand last nlg.'jt saw a play no ono olso hnd ovor soon. It was put on as tho "Unknown Play," and was writ ten by Miss Rom a! no, the talontod ,.M. I I SPECIAL . BARGAIN OFFER Reduction of 25 Per Cent Up to May 1. 1907 Up to, but not Including Mny 1st, bargain rnto In ndvanco for Tho Dally Capital Journnl, por year by mall or special dollvory, 3.00. Bargain rato on Weekly Capital Journal, por year, 75 conta, In ad. vnnco. All arrearages on Woekly must bo paid up nt 11.00 por year, GOOD UP TO, HUT NOT INCLUDING MAY 1ST. Dally, by carrlor, $0.00 por year, In ad vnnco. Rogulnr raten by car rlors 10.00 por yoar, Rato for all arrears In subscription to Dally Jour nal $4.00 a year by mail or special dollvory, (1,00 Shvo h IUk Dollar $1.00 $ Help flic Horse No ariiclo ii mora menu if. Ritoill me llama man ucn Ale Citrate. I'll! a Utile oil His aiilmllra lirfotp voil "hook li',"- II will help Hie liore,ftlil lung the loml hunit quicker. MICA AXLE GREASE wtttn w'ZZbcltrr than any ollirr srcHM! Cuali Ilia nle Willi lianl, amootli mrface of owilcrcl mica which rrtlucra Irlcllou Ak the ilrnlcr lor Mica Aile Oitbm. tumMW.tmUft luNnM: PILES ITO. suppository ilikUl SkMli, HuiMtllu, N a.liMi )Im; Ik.f d all mStim Ht U.a.' bt, 8. M t.IM,. Ht.taHnt, V. Tt-.vrlwil 'Yi.f ilr, tllXMlttU, luOu. Ir M. P. H.OIII, C1mi.", T..,ilU4i "U a t4fiit f H ;". I lt4 M fmait M v4i (nn" rMt, m om. aaiiM rtM. iu VriMUU, MANTIN MUOV, LANCAtTCn. fA.' Sold In Salem by Dr. S. C. Stout o call ran rate sample Minim tf at Portland avd drove away. It Is leading lady now at tho Kllngor tbo first case of stealing a machine In Grand. Miss Romalno hat' loft tho Orogon. naming or tlio play to tlio auuionco. -.i and has offered a prlio for the host tltlo suggosted. Tho play will bo on tonight and 'tomorrow night. It t really a clover conception, and shows that Miss Romalno has not only the power to portray, but also tho ability to create, and lasi night's play sug gests that It U ft talent she sbouM not allow to rit. You're to bo the Judge; wo leava It to you to decide: all we want Is your vordlct -Will Holllster'a Rooky Mountain Tea mako you well an J keep you well? That's fair. Tea or Tablets, 35 cents. For sale at Dr. Stone's store. The rural letter carrier of Clack amas couaty kaT orgaaU4. Selling Out Dishes H. M. nranson, at his now t grocery storo, 433 Btato street, Is selling out all his dishes, crockorywaro and glasswaro at Jess thun cost. Going fast Bottor hurry If you want somo. I H. M. BRANSON i Phone 131. 432 State St. A Mystery Solved It Is a mystory to somo why tholr pastry is not tho best, nnd why thoy don't havo tho same rt suits lu baking as tholr nolgubor, but It Is bocause tholr neighbor uses Eppley's Perfection Baking Powdr It Is tho best, and Is inado hure at homo, and contains tho purost materials. All grocers sell It C. M. EPPtEY Manufacturer Satem, Oregoit