1 DAILY OATIAI, JOVRXAT,, SALEM, OUKGOX, TUKSIUY, APRIL 30, 1007. " rrTTti F5f iisp 8 Half Price VI I, THIS WEKK THE FOLLOWING GOODS WILL HE DISPOSED OF AT EXACTLY JE JLafi dScxiJb Jab JiJLfc Sale Beautiful Decorated Cake Plates Beautiful Decorated Spoon Trays Half Gal. Glass Water Pitcher Beautiful Decorated Chocolate Sets Beautiful Decorated Fancy China Plates Beautiful Decorated oaiau oeis ' willCll l1 T,SS THAN VIIOLUSl.K COST. THESE GOODS MUST GO, AS THE DIG STOCK MUST )J iinlCl-D, AND XEXT WEEK THERE WILL HE AXOTIIEH LIXE OFFERED AT A SACRIFICE. ' ,,i" M'W M WAGEMEXT IS DirTEHMIXED TO CLEAX OUT SEVEHAL CARLOADS OF GOODS AT r!,iiZYM)S. CALL AXD LEAHX OUR OTHER GHEAT HARGAIXS. Liy-viXli A A M A TEA PTAHC E. C HECKMAN iYUfUI IAIVIA I LR 3 1 UKL, Proprietor hNGERS CIRCULATE REftRENUUiM millUN (Continued from page ioac Ldlturcs wore submitted and ro- d to committees. The Afternoon bessum. tltr a grand dinner of chicken , and net coffco thoro was a splon- nregrnni. Song by Mncieny bee CUraJi, "Childhood," waa tea In a very effective mnnnor. IVm. M, Illllcary spoko on "The kjltiis In tho Grange" Ho paid r.iut 1 to the grand old man of the sag: t.e uu " . L Crr.I:i- riclted "Ovor tno I'.i ta t! Poor House," In costume w.'h ir .it effect u tragic plc- he l( an u.l person nbnndonod to ir, It wns a groat lesson of at : 1 ! .!i an hopes and tho way , pL !c n- f- 'tni times ubnndoned :fc ;ti 'iu org I 3!.ii.L ay grange. ri. "..''' n was adopted thaulc- :.l' ( r i i on legislation for ;g thn law doing away with It' cf cjutt-y. Under tho old sj wor..an could will any of her a,i i.i It . 1tllit.m ttiltfi liAH fUU IU (1 I V.IIIIUI V!ll I1IIIIU iV, tbind lived, Xow womnn hns ill property rights with men in POiIdr of their proporty by will. n a great reform in tho Intcrost the women of Oregon. resolution wns also Introduced utabllah a short couroo nt Cor till In tin behold sclunco and do ttle art Prcf Hca'I of Shaw, delivered an IQient aldrcss on this resolution. It was r solved that tho inhorlt- tax bo added to tho common c f "1 fT nununl apportion EL RrtcLUcn vas offorod opposing rlng changes In public school pccki r f Heal, of Shaw, deaaa' r J dress ngalnBt chnng- " a !i-ntlon. -Mr;, -j was offoroil making -T S n'rr 20, grnngo day nt -' f - They also endorsed MV.sai KJiiRo for favoring F ' ef ( z nthlp. :c -J n Tftltions woro dla- N'M n o'l i,rts of tho county. pa k inthuslnsm for this re i ango work r'o Kneral condemnn- ef A s ' Ron's nmendment to fwffc-T - ,v,v. Mr Myorsanld F'"''ul 'm.ttilnir ilmin thnr.i '- i "inflm.i laff Tht I iuK Session. r 1 Ut..ti Mia T)yrinn !" . i ,-tired to 2R candt- f- -' a r vhtful soclnl tlnm --J hfia navi fmnn n - Pomona grange r " 'ho rountv. '"", (,(),,d iMI(ls iteform. r - r ' 1 discussion was had r t c.f good roads and - m of worklnK tho 1 ,v" ; itlntivo road suner- In T1- L fii has nlu'nva hann "T ' i: ran e nnci It filtn. f"S I . . Vnr.u-n nlllliwln nf " ' i.in nf Blinnrvtanril ' ' " of tho rond ilia. F ct Ma- t county was read 'ifi a r at daal of Burprls) PUWf r ,, ,., . . f' ' Tranters nrsont that ""' " " eollerilng part of the " lea J !". n mnnh hJ t ep and buggy In which "' 'M work. ' "- f f enmn . aca t.U1a ' li7a f - th Jtmlzed ac- " r"1 Ptrvlsor, who gets - -f i r suporvlslng" ten ' 1 ami hnnllnc -v k. a day r "suporTls- J" can doing "dirt" work. - -"0 ft dav tfy Ugnnnnila. nan drlrlng one teamr per- kZ " n lrara' nl 2-50 a day ;;rTU-K ' one man and one 7 Tolunteer" work. H th Purity $2.50 for "mak ing report and posting notices of meeting." Of the 195 days work performed, 106 days was work done by convicts under gunrds. After considerable discussion fol lowing was reported from tho com mittee on resolutions and adepted: Itoiuls nml Assessments. Itosolvcd by Marlon county Porno na grnngo thnt wo reiternto our de mand to which wo have adncrcd for yonrs pnBt, that road suporvlors bo elected by tho electors residing in the road district, and that all tnxos lev led for highways, whether In labor or ensh, ho cxpendod In tho district whore collected. Wo favor as compensation for rond supervisors n commission not to ox coed nftoon por cont on tho dollar ox pendod under his dlroctlon. Wo de mand that contracts on public high ways bo lot to tho lowest responsible bidder, whoro sucli contracts nmount to $50 or inoro. Wo renow our demnnd thnt pre cinct nssossors bo elected by direct void of tho pcoplo. KihIoi-m." Clean Orclumls. Wo commond tho labord of tho county fruit Inspector in enforcing tho law requiring orchnrds to be cleaned nml sprayed for tho purpose of destroying fruit posts. Resolutions were ndoptcd In hon or of tho Into It. P. Dolso, nnd n mcmorlnl servlco wna hold nt which many who woro prcsont delivered short ouloglstlc addresses In review ing his chnracter. Tho resolutions will bo published later. Aftor n full discussion a number of Important resolutions wero adopt ed which nro given bolow. They woro propnred by tho cpmmlttoo'on resolutions nnd nftor bolng rond, discussed and amendod woro ndopt od as follews: 1'iivor HwovcrliiB Foes. Whoroas, Tho constitution of Ore gon provides thnt state oflloors shnll rocolvo curtain salaries for tholr sor vloea, nnd thnt they shnll rocolvo no foe or porqulsltlos whatovor for thf porformauco of nny dutlos, connected with tholr rospoctlvo otllcos, nnd Whoroas wo nro creditably Inform ed that somo of our stnto olncors have boen taking moro than thoy are constitutionally entitled to, thcrofore bo It Resolved that wo bollovo tho stata of Orogon through Its propor logal reprosontntlvos Bhould bring action ngatnst nny of its offondlng offlcera, past or prcwwU, to colloct any foos lllogally and wrongfully retained. Thank Legislative CoiiiinitUc. Rosolvod, that Marlon county Po mona grange extends Its gratitude and appreciation to the executive and luglslntivo commltteos of tht stnt grnngo for ovory offort put forth to pass tho law reducing the courtsy right ono-hnlf and making It Just oqu&l to the dower right In Oregon. The resolution to labor for that end was pnRsed In thle grange. January, 1903, nml was eudonted by every county grange. In this way a public sentiment wa created which after four years brought a ireeXtt! ter mination of our work. AH honor to tho grange! Marion County Affairs. Whoroas, The current expenses of Marlon county except for roads and highways for tho past five year has beon as follews: 1902. $46.8-19: 1903. $41,520; 1904. $44,743; 1905. J4C.05G; 1906, $F9.GG4, and Whereas, Tho average ourront ex penses as above fchown from the county records for four years prior to 190C was $45,000 por annum, and as there are no extraordinary de mands for county expenses above the ordinary netdB of the county, bo It Resolved by Marion county Pomo na grange, that we believe tho cur rent expenses of this county, except for roads and bridges, should be kept down to $45,000 per annum, and that the Yarious department of our county should be adjusted upon such a basis of expenses as will ac complish this result. I Resolved that wo regard tho rapid Increnso of curcnt expenses with dls l trust ns nn indication of encronch- 'nient by tho ofllcc-holdlng class, In creasing the burdens of tho taxpayer without authority from thoso who : have omployed them to do tholr work undor promises of economy and with out nny promlso of Increased emolu- mont. j Rosolvod that wo condonm tho tax (levy of nlno mills In Marlon county I upon n valuation of $28, GCC.CSO in j 1907, ns ngalnst tho tax levy of lSVd mills on n valuation of $9,S24,774 In 190G, showing that whllo tho valu ' ntloii of property hns Incrunscd ovor j 200 por cont, tho lovy wns roducod but 100 por cont. WO demnnd thnt next year there be nn levy tunde for county purposes above nctunl propor tion of valutlon to tho nctunl noads of the county nnd stnto government. Course in Domestic Science. Rosolvod thnt Mnrion county Po- imonn grango roquost tho stnto grango to oxert its Inlluouce to se cure nt tho Orogon Agricultural Col logo n short couivHo nnnunlly in housohold sclunco nml domestic, hygonic and snnltnry conditions In the homo life for women, which shall bo similar In chnracter to tho Bhort courses In ngrlculturo and dairying now maintained. . Inheritance Tax. J Rosolvod that tho stato grango uso Its Inlluonco to hnvo tho inheritance tax put into tho school fund whore It may somowhnt rollovo a painfully nppnront doflcloncy of funds. I Grange Day at Fair. i Rosolvod that Marlon county Po mona grango request tho state grango to nppolnt Friday, Sqptombor 20, 1900, as grange day at tho Oro gon stnto fair, nnd to see thnt nil noceesnry dotnlls aro sucoeeMfully car ried out. Public SrhiMil Textbooks. Whereas the state textbook corn mleslon will convouo In Salem on Juno .1, 1907, to select textbooks for our public Rnhools for tho ounulng six yonrs, and, , T-?"y Whuruas in 1901 this commission after careful consldorntlon adopted tho books ii()w In use, thereby saving to tho proplo of Orogon oyer $109, 000 In the past nix years, and Whoro as tho demand to change toxt books hns not como from the pooplo genernlly but from n fow In structors only, and i Whorens tho coBt to tho pooplo each book changed oxoeptlng in writ ing, drnwlng and music, will bo nbout $25,000 onch, nnd Whereas, tho price of material and labor having so grontly increas ed it Is not probable that the con -mission can obtain books any cheap er thnn at prosont rates, theroforo he it Reeolved that Marlon county Po mona grango opposes any great change of text books In any ono year, unlasB tho pooplo generally demand auoh a change. TJio state grango was requested to ondorse the notion of the national grango in taking a stand in favor of equality of oitlzenshlp. nounced years ago, tho people thon too little regarding, nro now taken up nnd ndvocntod in high plncot amid the plaudits of tho people. He was wiser than wo knew. His Interest In public affairs did not wither with ago, nml, notwith standing his length of yonrs, ho seems to thoao who hoard him but lntely, to have boon called away too soon. The simple, plain life of tho farm always appealed to him. In deliver ing the annual address boforo tho Or egon Pioneer Association in our con tennial year, ho roferred to tho tlmo when tho people lived In log cabins, nnd on summer evonlngs sat In rude chairs on tho outside nbout the door when none wero rich, but nl' Bcomrd well-to-do, nnd abindnnce, soclnl equality, ponco on good will rolgned In tho land. "As tlmo glides on," he told his contomporarloB of those days who hoard horn, "nnd wo grow old, let us not forgot tho olden time. Let tho warm sunshtno of the younger days llngor In our memor ies." Ills Master's nddross boforo the State Orange In 1S94, deserves tob'o printed ns n textbook for tho ordor. Ho offered to tho fnrmor no ovnslvo or palliative solutions. Ills nuUca' lsm wns tho rndlcallsm of thought and fnr-slghtcd vision. Ho probnb'y would hardly have dissented from tho statement of Thorenu that you cannot educnto tho Boldler without making him a dosortor. Ho cleany saw that nothing could help tho farmer but education In tho broadest sense. Only then would ho censo to bo tho victim of tho. exploiting class es, ns ho had boon through nil tho ngoB of th past. Rosolvod, That thoso resolutions bo placed upon our rocordB nnd i copy sent to tho press nnd to tho bo roaved family. J. 11. WALDO, 7.12LLA S. FLETCHER, J. VOOR11KHS, Commtttci Occasionally one hns tho fortuno to meet women who hnvo Idonl looks nnd Ilguro. Xlnoty-nlno tlmo out of n hundred you will llinl they tno Holllster's Rocky Mountain Ton. T ft or Tablets, .U cents. For snlo at Dr. Stone's store. o How to Htm n Newspaper. Whon a man goos astray Keep It out. Whon n critic roasts n play j Keep It out. Whon two men In nngor clnsh; Whon a morchnnt goos to smnsh; When n cashier steals tho caBh Keep It out. When thoy quarrel in a church Keop it out. When n tonohor wields tho birch Keop It out. Whon nlno womon fair to boo Whispor something ovor ton Print It? Goodness gracious mol "Keep It out." When two stutosmon mnko n doal Koop It out. Whon nnothor trios to Btonl 1 Koop It out. Storios thin and Htorlos tnll; Good and had and big nnd small- Anything Hint's now nt all . Hoar'om sheut: , "Keep it out," Pacific Outlook. THE 3 I! J) U NEW f l d . OIL STOVE 11 Ni 111 Just the Right Heat No matter what you may wish to cook, 4lin Mnm 15rfrfttntl Oil Stove will give you just the right degree of heat instantly. No uncertainty with this stove. It's the perfected oil stove embodies new features, new principles. On washing and ironing days the NEW PERFECTION Wick Blue name 0B Cook-Slove will cut the work in two. Gives quick results with out overheating the kitchen. Made in three sixes. Every stove warranted. If not at4 your dealer's, write our nearest agency for descriptive circular. The I. ... . T-J JR&y& Lamp 13 the best lamp for all-round household use. Made of brass throughout and beau tifully nickeled. Perfectly constructed; absolutely safe; unexcelled in light-giving fiower; an ornament to any room. Every amp warranted. If not at your dealer's, write to our nearest agency. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (IMCUKt'OKATKU) ca People Who Are "Meat Wise." SBBuT IbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbTbT T7 ii"K r?rHBTH I Will ntmrcrlnln lit nncn llm flno crftrt.l of meat wo sell. Chotco cuta of Uoof, Lam, Vonl, Mutton and Pork for masting. Delicious, Juicy, tondor Steaks, oxcdlont Cutlets nnd Chops, etc., and oar prlcos nro always very reasonnble. F. A. Kurtz Phone 205 Coiu. st. CORN Shelled Corn Wo hnvo a oarlond of sholUd corn thnt was dolayod in ship ment, nnd In ordor to clooo It out wo will mnko special prices on samo. Call nnd soo it, Splondld for foodlng stock. All Other Feed In largo or smnll quantities nt closo prlcos. TILLSON & CO. 151 High St I Dmtli of Judge IJoIm!. ' The following resolutions upon the death of Judge R. P. noise wor also passed by Marion county Pomo na Grange, at Macleay, on Saturday Whereas, Since tho last meeting of the Pomona Orange, our venerable and honorable ptttron, Judgo It. P. Boise, has departed this life, be It Resolved, That In thU doath the Grange has lost tho nostor of our ! order. Judge Oolse was cradled In the principles of liberty and carried ulth him to tho close of his days a firm faith In the principles of democracy- Ho believed, practically as well m theoretically, in the famous doctrine enunciated in the Declara tion of Independence, Views he an- parsing Mothers and Over-bunloncd Women In all stntlous of life, whmo vigor and vltnllty may have lxwn untnrmlinl nnd broken-down by ever-work, exMtliu social duties, tho too frequent hearing "I rhlldruu, orothor cauium, will find In Dr. Plerco'a Kavtuita Prcrlitlon tlio nwist potent, Invtgoratlng rMiratlve strength giver ever Jevil for Uwlnpoclal burxi fiL Nurtn((rmoUirs wllUlnl it e-pcclj!-ly valuable itv uulnlMgtM'ir utrt-ng ih and nruisotlr.tvn tinlnt Tmrllieni for tho child. i:pWuntjWtfHtprs too win una iui ii im.-.-UiVH'iTj uwanKSt ins trstem for uiby' c,w j and rSi(lng the on! re! oomparaUvfiy jwinl . Ji jy if.i, or rom-iuon J. W. BOLLEN Mnnngor Salem Undertaking Co. runoral Dlroctor and Hmbnlmor. 1 1 Calls answered day or II lllSlii- ' ; Phono 70, 383 Court St., flalom ifjiii ma99 mltlS I t I V. ' ' Mn,iQJV)h."r;fl.tfiiii nr)oiriie, urfroatr )ollaii). MTVtliK: ttiic vtotnrn. wne . . ' w - . . . . ". Tf minor from irwiwiut Iiijui.vimi. acltu, dra8lr(-iwii itUtn- J'.w dowa In the aMotarn, or from inintiil ir irr(t ular UKHilbly fr!, Ktiawinj or n. tritM'-a ytotuKU'A In t nnch. dlrif ft faint spoil, iwvi Imnpl.-ia' y -'- w nt Uoatlng bc(fe e). t. C tmrtxilM, Ilvje eaUrli-.) Imi, -h i .t. ante viinlon or n'rovertim or i,'!kt dUiila: menu of womanly ununs fomt watMiH of irU will, wlielUr Uiy fiprtn many or only a lew of Um above sym(x to m s, find il, of a fed a perinam-nt cure by uttn faltlf ;'.ly awl Ulrly prnbuuiily Dr. Plorcr Kavoriu PiwrrliHw. This werkl-taim-U i- nc I . woMan'4 HMlknMta ai.d p-cu.i.r ailrimt I a pure Rlyerie cximct of the eu li-m na tive, medicinal rnwU without a drop el alcohol In Iu malo-up. All IU inr-Ul-enuprlntfd In lilaiu Kwgltehon IU Umim vrrapnir and twn.tl uodr oUt. Dr. Pinrce thus l:viU- the fullwit ntUu' ton of his formula knowing that it will U found to cuutiiin only ike tt aKnu Lnown to U. m)t ailvarwad n.iu-l science uf all t'lfldlfferont tclwjoUor iru tk for the cure of woman's peculiar woakriftw? trui allnicntt. If you want to knuw mora about tho coinpultlon and prufMlonal undor mont of the " Fvurflu Projcnpt'on." wnd wtal card rjuet to Dr. R. V. I'lrrce, ltuttalo. N. Y., for bh Jt4 bookUt Ut Ins of fame You can't afford to accept a a inbttl tute for this reijiy of known cumpotltion a vxiti itoiirara of w&wjwn winye tttm. JtoB't e IU Send the Family Washing To Us and you'll never bother with having It done at homo again. Time wat whon ovory family could not afford to sond tho washing to a laundry but times have changed so, too, havo tho methods atid prices. Today you cau bettor afford to send tho family washing here than not to Ask about our prlcos on family wash ing, rough dry, or finished. The Salem Steam Laundry Phone 'M. lild-lllO H. Mhrtr Hi iltiH KTHI'.N'GTH MAKINO. Think It's n matter of meat? Mis take. Millions of people live upon broad or something like It but, whothor you nro n meat carter or a vegotarlan you can't got away from tho wholosomaneus of Ullnm's broad and rolls. Your prompt orders prove thnt you 'know," CAPITA' IIAICI'UV, (J. UMO.M, Prop. Salem Fence Wire Headquarter for Woven Wire Fencing, Hop Wire, Barb Wire, Poultry Netting, Pickets, Gates, Shingles and P. & R, Ready Roofing. All at lowest prices. Walter Morley 250 Court St Salem, Ore. eyj. fir' -'mww'. . "-. MTTLU UO-PKI'P LOST II Kit 8IIi:i'P nut no ono need worry nbout mutton this time of (ho year, It they can got dainty and delicious Spring lamb on an apputl-lug and nourishing Bum mor meal. Wo hafo everything In ohoice meats, and all tho dellcaotoa of tho season in both fresh and smoked meats that will please thi most critical oplouro. 13. O. CltCkSg, ftUtcs Street Market Phee Mt