.--. . .-.fTiiim ivn nmnni... BARGAIN RATE OX DAILY AND WEEKLY JOURNAL EXPIRES WITH TIMS RATE. ijigiit- AIL Y CAPITAL JOURNAL. rot xni. SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, APRIL rtO, 1007. NO. 101. oulcl Impeach the President ,-jjFJl' FA 1 1 .--.-. ..--. ma.u.mw.ijax. JjIUHT FROST ditor McManus Not Guilty, So Say the Jury iRANGERS CIRCULATE REFERENDUM PETITION MUDS A LIMIT ON' COUNTY EXPENSES rfon County Pomona Grange Endorses Present Public School Textbook Adoption-Opposes Many Changes LEADERS RADICAL JURY SAYS HE IS NOT GUILTY 'FORMULATING SERIOUS CHARGES MURDERER OF ESTES GOES TREE Unlay wns a busy any wita tlon wna given to public matters Ion county grangers. It wus u"i) "" smie. sona daywith a program cover- T'" social Bldo was not neglected. ii never is at .Maeicay. Tiioro was llllltiln Immiltnlltv anmn I'nrwl num. be grangers endorsed the fight , tl fnr f,lft vnlltin, ccorcr 100,000 feos collected by , ., nnil .n(l,r(nlnmnf , ... lecrctnry of stnto the paBt eight ...,,. ,,. ..,. ,nv nvn ..., In tho foronoon thoro was a gon oral discussion of county affairs, from road suporvlBors up to salaries of county officials. A number of dp tailed statements of county nnd road :u mo present, auuo hjxiuuuk. fcptlon, and protesting against cx- fcslre charges In toxtbooks. to Is customary nt tho last county nona grange beforo tho Btato lae nuts nt Hood Hlvor (the week In May), much coiiBldern- (Continued on pago three.) i Tumps Working to Savo Miners.! A rescue Is possible today. "If the (ohn&town, I'n , April 30. A man aro not saved thero Is likely to 1th pump wns added this morning bo trouble. Friends, of tho families those pumping water from the' threaten vengennco, and tnuttur oitwcll mine Tapping shows tho ngalnst tho men who sot off thu i are .till alive, I blast that Hooded tho mluc. niCAGOSTOE PEOPLES BARGAIN HOUSE THE CHICAGO STORE IS LIKE A BIG CITY STORE AIAW.S I ILL OF HUSINKSS. ISN'T IT A WONDER WHEN VOL THINK OK LESS THAN THREE YEARS AGO HK1NG THE MALUVT STORE IN SALEM. THAT IS WHAT HONEST MET1T- l HININLSS CAN IK) AND TREATING YOUR CUSTOMERS MIIT. V LUMBER BLOCKADE UP NORTH TWENTY-F1YE THOUSAND CARS UP Indications That There Is Trouble Greatest Criminal Trial in Umatilla llarriman and Hill Lines Refuse to Ahead for the Strenuons President County Comes to Surpris ing End Mako Through Rates or Ex change Cars DANGEROUS MAN IS ARRESTED PAROLED MAN THREATENS A LlfE Mike Logan, Ex-Convict, Threatens Life of Tom Fitch Yesterday TAIT TALKS CANAL. 'I (III T ItARGAINS IN Ladies' Coats, Mts and Millinery : I V Coino to our storo now nnd bo tho crowds of clerks, milliner and drcssmnkorB wo employ, all ns busy as boos attending to cus tomers, trimming new hats, mak ing new buUm nnd filling mall or ders. Our business Is growing rnd Idly, owing to tho sterling values wo glvo and allowing no houso ti undorsol! us. Groat bnrgnlnB or fored this week. Chicago, April 30. Radicals i Pendleton, April 30. (Special to Washington April 30. Tho long- among tho Chicago Inbor lenders aro Tho Capital Journal) John P. Mo threatened suit of tho lumbor Inter ngltatlng to securo presentation to Munus was found not guilty by n Jur esta of Wnshlngton stnto against nl tho sennto next wlntor of a petition this morning at 9 o'clock, nnd a fow legetl ratlrond discrimination, wn for tho imponchment of President minutes Inter ho loft for his homo at bogun todny boforo tho interstate Roosevelt. Some lenders, with So-. Pilot Hock, a freo and nnd happy commorco commission, ChargOB wore clallstlc inclinations, aro nt tho num. Tho vordlct Ih genornlly con- filod ngalnst 23 rnllrond llnoB by the bond of tho movement. Whothcr tha ceded to be tho grontost nurprlso ov- Pnclllo Const Lumbor Mnnufactur petltlon will bo filed with tho Bennte or sprung in a Umatilla county era, Southwestern Lumbor Mnnufnc doponds upon tho rocoptlon it is glv- court room, When tho words "net turlng Association and tho nhlnglo on by tho main labor bodies when tha guilty" fell from tho lips of tho mills. Tho bureau claim tho failure commlttoo complotos Its' preparation,' olork, his wife, who was Bitting tonse- of tho Hill nnd Hnrrlmnn linos to on upon which tho lognl commlttoo hna 1" by tho Bldo of hor husband, throw chnngo cnrB or glvo through or Joint boon working. Tho Inbor committee hor nrms around his nock, and with ratfB Is tho cause at tho prosont time hns boon working two weeks propnt- tears of Joy Btroamlng down hor fneo of 15G.O00 rura awaiting shipment. lng tho chnrgoB. It Is cousldorod m hold him In a oloso ombraco for bov a bnBls that tho Presldont hns sought, oral minutes. Tho crowd In tho court rocolved or caused to bo received voom roso ns ono man and hold ItB mm iibvu corporation mucin lor cam- uivhwi. iiiu juugo una mo unr kim Cincinnati, April 30. "If thn palgn oxponBos, In promotion of his In Btuplfied Bllenco. Tho nttornovn Panama cnnal Is not completed with own candidacy. Thoy charge that ft 'or tho dofonso turned nnd wiped u 0ght yearn, I nhnlt bo, greatly quarter or a million wnB contributed tears from tholr oyoa. Tho Judge dlsappolntod. If It Is completed In by Hnrrlmnn and others reprcsontlng wnB tho Ilrst to rognln possession of CHH tmo than that I shall not be corporations; Hint ho violated nil himself, nnd rapped loudly with his greatly Burprlhed." proprloty by expressing an opinion Knvol lor order, vhon thero wan no n,B Btatomont mado Inst nlght'by prejudicial to Mover, Haywood and nolso to quiet, and announced that Secretary Tuft beforo tho HusIucbr reuniona; mat no is gumy oi ro- jno uoienunnt is cusennrgou. iMun'u Club, of this city, wiih loudly poated meddling In atuto pqlltlc;-j 'After District Attornoy PholpB rBpilauflttii.J)y m, inoomombors of that ho exceeds hla authority In seek- closed his argument to tho Jnry Into tho club leathered nt tho bnnquot lng tho defent or politicians opposed yesterday nftornnon nnd tho court nnll. Tho banquet tendered tho.sec to him. Another churgo grows out hnd glvon Uh Instructions, tho uttor-i rotary by tho HiihIuohh Men's Club of tho pnrt cabinet officials Joolc In neya of tho dofetiBc, nH woll ns ovorv ! CIUI10 ns n c)nmx to tho last or throe tho gubernatorial campaign or New ono oIbo, folt that If ho rocolved xmy- iinys of his Western trip, and it wat" York. i thing loss thnn murder In tho find;-mtnB culmination to 'tho Ilnttor- ciogreo. nowouwuo extremely lucky nnR reception that Iiuh b.on oxtoud- Muia AiiHwor an Result of 1-Vuds. In'orv'ow wi" nearly nil tho Jury- 0d to him on ovory oldo by his Ohio Loxlngton, Ky., April 36. W!.- "lon HUOW umi uw cnnrnolor or "'frlonili. Tho hull wns packed to lt limn nrlttnn, ehurgod with tho niur- "mn klnu'1 wnH whoU' reionHlliloj utmaHt eiipnolly. nnd more than .00 ball In tho Hum of " "" "v,h,,t """ "" "' Ho will bo Immediate- nwwI to K boforo lho i"- der of Jim Coekrlll, onoe ronvleted nnd later let off by a hung Jury, was admitted to $7500 today ly ronrrostod to nnswor nn Indict ment for a Ilroathstt county murdoi, Dr. Cox. who was nlso sunnused to bu a victim of tho Hnrgla brothors. All tho crlmus which form tho busts of tho ehargos aro tho rouult of funds. Xil4 Mr , t K n.t 4 r- a kindly liking for k efor you buy r ctu Spring coat, i f iur prloos. Re- "i n t want to got rich I1fllAa Mint, ' 1 lol . ' -.v - -a s w. ".4 1 TfT7 suits from 'Mtnmod hats from Great Bargains in Dress Goods and Wash Suitings Wo bhow tho biggest stock of dross good., lino silks and wash dross goods in Salem at prlc" you on n not boat on tho Pacific coast. I ItoluM'o Still IMIch Tlicutn- TniNt. Chlcngo, April 30. David Dolus co suys tho effoct of tho Klaw & Erlangor combination of capital In theatres Is Inoronsod dogrodatlon of tho drama In this country, whloh al- roady has had tho life nlmo.t j crushod out or it. "Tho syndlcaU offorod mo prlvllogos, but I scorn tholr offers. I will give my plays In linns and cnurohus, If noQaHnry, says IlelnsQo, o TnuiKiort for Clilnu. Promptly at noon tho transport for tin vordlct, iloiluotlona drawn '....iicnntH for tlokntu .,r n.imi.Hinn from ovldonco not admitted having to tho banquot woro deollnod boouuiHt thero Klin no room for tho lute appli cants, Tho last day of tho Boorotnry's trip wrs full or work for him and crowd od with recuptloiiH llattorlug to hlnj, both us uu orator und a man THE WORLD TENNIS CHAMPION Mtko IOgnn wns nrreated thia, morning under u warrant sworn out In th'o city court by Tom Pitch, ou thu chnrgo of threatening to kill. Tho warrant wns aworn out ror Johu Dee, nnd whon the mnn was taken to tho city Jail thlB morning ho gave his nnmo ns Mike Lognn. Lognn admitted that ho Is oji ox convict, nnd la out on parolo, Ho wa.i Bald to havo been drinking yestorduy nnd met Fitch in tho Court saloon, ou Stnto street. After mooting Fitch, Lognn la said to havo becomq bolstorous, and vowed that ho would kill tho man whom ho had JiiRt mot. and Hint ho would bo glnd to go back to the penitentiary ror killing such a man. Fltoh, fearing that Logan would carry out his throats, Immedi ately swore out n warrant for thu mnu'H arrest. Logan has boon em ployed at tho tmwmlll, whoro ho wns found this morning. Chnpluln St. Plerro, of tho Htnto's prlHon, visited Logan thin foronoon. Tho prisouor has 0 hours In which to plead, and ir round guilty vlll probably b e turned to tho pen.- - 'FRISCO STRIKE SITUATION London, April 30. Jay Gould, boh or Georgb Gould, already tho Amorl enn tonnls champion, todny won In tho third round or tho contest ror con furred Ban Franoisoo, April 30. Neither tho cannon nor tho United Hallways olllolnlB took any ntnp today toward arranging for confuromtm for tho ptirposo or noKOtiatlnu ronf.irmmim In theiiutweun them. Tlm.-o nv.rt. i,..n. morning ho delivered an addrosM to ,(,,, ll0W Ulllt notlllnK cnn Hinp n tUo students or tho law school or Olu- vote ou tho question r Ktrlklug to olnnat Unlvorslty. whore ho Mill ,Kt. lloMl ,,, nr) ,, paf holds his position a dean or tho law Tio outlook Ih gloomy. Tho sltua aohool Iator ho appeared on tho Hon regarding tho .rolght handlor. Iloor of tho Chamber or Commorco, took n rnvorft,)Io tllrn tMlt morn,ni. and mado a brier address. jT,,oro w, ,, aMkQ toinorpor III- Political Loiifm.nr-0. !Tho H. ,,, om,jaltt aro rac0,vlnB tl( Yosterday uftornoon tho secrotary ,ini,mn,i ,,r m.a ,,m u,m --.. with N. O. Wright, of Clovo innnodliitM (1onMl.irniin.. n,. ,..,i,.i tho Kngllsh championship, dofoutjng land, roKardlng tho Ohio political sit- tradosmou aro rartlior apart than ov Pago In throe strnlght sots, two be- nation. Mr. Wright told him -or the wr lnilnyi ,, tll0 ,,,( -ro tJmt lng with Lovo. Gould Ih picked to position or tho leading Republicans OVory foil miry In tho city will closo dafwil Pmn1I. A oomrNltte may In the northern part or the state. ,om, tomorrow. A compromise on ahooso Mlloe. Inst year's champion, 'et night's banquet was ono or tb ut- if;it-liour demand Is said to bo to dorqnd tho tltlo In the final. ( 'ot pretentlotm affairs of tho kind 0,t f the quuellou. i ii .. . j ever seen in wie oily. Tho appear- Tho PI(mI((1 Mluc Hiico c(f Mr. Taft wus th'o slgnul far 1000 yds. yard . . Wash India Silk :c 5000 yds Fancy LawnB, yJ . . . c 1000 yds Rest Standard Calico, Fine Dress Goods, 2&c 35c, 49c to 9Sc 1000 yds 12 Vic India Llaon yard 8 l-3c SALOl'S FASTEST GROWING STORE. McEVOY BROS. V"HMERCIAL AND COURT STREETS. BALEM, OR. Johnstown. Anrll 30. This iiflo- an outburst of nmilauuo that aantln- . i - - I II u ford, with a great oargo or sur- noon rour mon started Into the uilis9 ed for scvornl mlnutoe, piles for ramln-strlokon Clilnu. sailed ror China, amid tho blowing of whistles, ringing or bells and wav ing or flags. Just boforo sailing di- si- PoiiimI Guilty of Combination, Kiiusus City, April 30.- Tho circuit ,tkllll l.l.l.ltf flltku1 .tflfll,.. .... n . I ., ...un .Winn, 1,111117 niur til vim in an orrort to wade turouRa and re- juiiko iiornoo h. burton, 01 Wnu- inrgaet Ice compaulos, triad on cuo tholr entombed comrndeH. The vlllo, former colleaguo of Secretary ohttrgee of combining tn'rugiilnto out passngo was only four foet high, bare Tart upon the federal bench, Intro- ly enough spaoo between the Burrace duood him. SocreUry Taft nn- vlno sorvlcos woro hold aboard the' of tho water and tho roors for their nounoed that he would speak on th put and prlcoH. Four other compai I cm woro held not guilty. vessel, Rov. Frank Talmngo closing by blessing tho oargo. heads.. Slung across their should- . "Panama Canal." and nuratloulurly - , - ors thoy woro water-tight cans brlmc- upon the improvement! and rapid lng wator and nourishment In liquid progress In this work. He suld: form. As tho men havo a mllo to! It is only by a comparison or the oraw In a most awkward position conditions existing at tho tlmo or my before thoy reach tho heading whoro two visits that I am uble to glvo an William January Get Ills Frwclom. Washington, April 30. The Presi dent decided to olthor pardon or com mute tho sontonoo of William Janu-itho men aro supposed to bo looatod. 'adequnto idoa of tho work accom ary, so ho will bo reloaded at onco Tho mines closed down today. Ono pllshcd and of the prosont condition January was rearrested to completo j or tho reeouerers Is a brother of of tho jvork. I would Ilko, In pasv lloiiilt Tin on it at Prudent. Washington, April 30 An ofllolnl oablegram recolvo.1 by a Latin-Amor-loan diplomat today says a bomL wus thrown at Presldeut Kstruda, of Guatemala this morning, whllo ho was driving, seriously Injuring him. his term In tho Loavenworth prison, aftor living years or a respootable lire at Kansas City. He raarriod and bad a daughter. o Mull to Wtxl Cory. Pittsburg, April 30. Re-elected president of the steel trust it Is now supposed that Corey will marry Mabel Gllroan. It Is believed sho has been merely waiting ror bis ro election, to show that his builne associates bad confidence In him. Mlohael Iloyla, the foreman, who Is lng, to pny a trlbuto of Justice to the Imprisoned. Convicted oh Short Order. London, April 30. Tho Jury to- day found "Pcdlor" Palmer guilty of manslaughter In causing the death of a gas houso stoker on April 24th. n GerHMH-AHUTlruM Tariff. Berlin, April 30. Tho federal council today parsed the Gorman American tariff arrangements. French peoplo for what they did down thero has never been propcrely appreciated by tho American peo plo. Tho groat danger of the work of this character under tho auspice, of tho American people Is that tho work of construction will bo undor takon beforo tho work of preparation is omploted. I do not think that the preparatory work of tho last two years has been productive of any thing but tho most beneficial results. RiimIiiii Crlkls Avert..!, St. Petersburg, April 30.- The low or houso today adopted tho govorn mont's bill, averting for tbo present the threatened dissolution or parliament. Dr. J. F. COOK THH IVOTAMCAL DOCTOK, Moviio to at te LntKimr hthkkt FOR ANY DIHKAHK OALIa ON DR. COOK. CONiUITATION FRKR.