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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1907)
DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1007. naMMiw -m r THE STERLING QUALITIES OF ALL GOODS OFFERED HERE AND THE STIRRING PRICES THAT GO WITH THEM, ARE CHARACTERISTIC 01- ""? Rfc. OUU UTMOST SATISFACTION WITH A STORE COMES FROM THE FACT THAT THE THINGS YOU WANT CAS. J;1 ""T IN IT. IN OUR DAILY ADVERTISEMENTS THE 'STORE NEWS' COULD RE RUT MEAGERLY TOLD, HIT THE , IIEST THINGS ARE AL. WAYS HERE, AND STOCKS ARE EVER FULL AND COMPLETE. YOUR WANTS CAN REST HE SUPPLIED HERE. ill, Wedneeday Only For Wednesday only wo offer a line of Special bargain day No. 330. Spring Garments At Less Prices Protty gnrmontB nt unusually nttractlvo prices. Rnrgains ev ery ono. All tlil saBon'B Btyloa and fnbrlrH. Spring Jackets In protty Htrlpos, checkB and J5.00 valueB ChJ Qfl mlxturoB. ipJ,sO Suits and Coats In plain colon) plaids, nnd ohocltH. PrlcoB LESS rango from ?ir.00 to ONE I3C.00. Special durliiK FOUUTH this aalo Silk Rain Coats Hcautlfully niado, ub- Holutoly rain and diint proof, Holld colors, box lmekH. During tblH Halo wo offor them at New For Monday JiiHt received a full lino of new chatnbray and gingham pottlcoata also Him glium and Heathurbloom lli;Ut weight pottlcoatu. PEARL BUTTONS That soil everywhere at 5c dozon. Coming at this time, during making up season, thoy arc tho most oppor tune, as It onabloB you to lay In a supply at Just half regular prices. Nono sold until 8:30 a. in. Wednes day. No telephone orderB will bo rocolvcd. 2 DQZEN 5c a intu v r rvn"TTi fLtw i " " V" ""- I yx-s"-! , Is '.A, M l SB I she I IIS THE ONLY RICYCLE MADE IN Wllint ,. THE CRANK HANGER RUN CONSTAXT V i v as J ING SUFFICIENT OIL PUT IN vih?v VfJi " THrr.?! RLE!) TO LAST FOR lo.nnii Mtn "' "HEttiM GL"! DRESS GOODS NEW DRESS GOODS UNDER PRICED. Tho opportunity to aolect Just tho color of pattern or weavo doalrod appeals strongly to overy woman. Hero's tho oppertunity: Novelty suitings In plaids and chocks In all desirable shades. CO and GCc OQ Values. Special 7t Jap silks In protty plaldB and checks, In Black, Rluo, Red nnd Grcon 50c and C5c values Special 39c LESS ONE THIRD WASH GOODS Tho most comploto showing In this city, and prices most reason able. Marguorlto organdies, 27 Inchc? wldo In dnlnty doslgns In OQ wanted colors 07C Voile HtiltlugH 27 Inches wldo In Horn! checks and plaids Afn and protty new shades. . "C t HO IERY "Onyx" hosiery appeals to all lov- era of flno hosiery who valu? jnuty of design, durability, elasticity. Suitablo for all occa sions. Thoy como In all tho new spring shades, in plain, lnco, em broidered In all tho now designs. Your taste and purso can bo satis fled from this flno collection of desirable hosiery. 25c to $3 DRESS SHIELDS The celebrated "Omo" Zouave. Absolutely lmporvious, positively odorless, free from nil poisonous suhstancos, and will not irritate tho most dollcnto skin. Contains no rubbor, can bo washed. An Ideal hot' weathor shlold, invis ible when worn with thin sleeves. Specially designed for CZfn Burnmor Bhlrt wnlsts. . . . 3vJC ,'. tt'JIK v!hAl V"iil i arsrsa2rrc2rf I U .ii&w't frr K,l!ttl '' i m;.ih m tW. zmn ii. a i 'mf w JpllL W ll?lllPC I ?MM .- COM15 IS ASH SliB TUB IMCVCMi AND m, rosVB" fKiiN'Uii l ON $25 CORNELL $30 YALE $35 led Uln.l.K.un eu&i4 sA INCORFWATCD Copyright 1907 by Hart Schafihcr it Marx Good Clothes Fo Spring Wear Isn't thero so mo satisfaction In knowing that your suit Is abso lutely all wool! It will glvo bet ter satisfaction, wear better, hold Its shnpo bettor, look better, nnd Is hotter than mercerized cotton goods. Wo keep tho bettor sort In a full rnngo of bIzos and In tho newest cuts, colors nnd pattornB. Prices aro quite reasonable. Best "Wotfc at Honest Prf ranK j. moon Don't forget the new No. 447 CowtStriet Personals inn I it CITY NEWS A Collection of liiipnitaut l'art UrapltM for Your CouNlolfrutlon. Clmngo II on it of HKatlu On account of tho warm uoatlior, Uio Audllorliitn rlnlc will dlscoiitluiio tlit'lr day hkMoiin, with tho cxcoptloii of HalurtlayH.. KUiiIIiik iih uniuiI ev ery ovmliiK from 7::tO to 10.. Knlur dnyH 10 to VJ. a. in., 2::t0 to n::i(, 7HU) to 10 and hpcclal mshIouh from 10 to It! p. in. that can ho mndo from tjio best bo lectod llnlshlng lu'inbor, If gotten from Hanson's pinning mill. 4-27-3t Still Doing A big biiBlnods nt tho family supply Htoro. Why? Hocauso you can or der a complete lino of grocorlos, moats or flsh of Karri ngton & Van Patton, tho grocers and markotmon. Aiidlloiliini lllnk Skating iih uMiml tonight 7::t() to 'Hits ..0 0 io p. in. Milrimmnt Wins Over JefTei'soii. Tho Fnlrniount rluli nf flninm ' played a close and exciting gnmo of nan at Jonorson Sundny. Tho scoro, nt the end of 11 Innings, stood G to G In favor of Fnlrmount. Tho Fnlrmount battory, Kooton and West, did excollont work, Koo ton striking out 14 men. Riunnusson played good hall at llrst baso, while Jerforson'o starB wore Itussoll with tho big stick and Phelps In tho Held. Fnlrniount. Huns . rl 020000010 2 fi Ilcllo Then- Hnve you any ucoud-hnud goods to soil? Call clal Btrout or will call and hoo you. O. I. Mo l'ook, 4-25-ood3t Mt'iiioiinl Srvlr An Impresslvo momorlal sorvlco was hold In tho First M. E. church nt 170 South Couimor- to1n,n jnomory of tho Into Miss ,,, iti ..,,,1 t VrioAn Qrlealor, wlui was tho unfor pnono 1-jj, ami i tuimto victim of aplnttl monlngltlB. Hurry 1 lltiiTy You will luivo to hurry If you want to dknto tiny 111010 tlili t,easoii. Tho Miss Orloslor wiib a Btudont In Wll lamutte University. Sho wna popular among her clasttmatoa, and had many frlondH In this city. A largo mini hor of rolatlvoH and frlonds woro prusont yoHtorlny to pny tho laat iriuuto or arrocitou to tho momory Autlltorluiu link will noon oIom for 0f ono who wjib lovod by all she mot fun imnimiu, iipen rvvry i-vuiuuk from 7itlO to 10 p. 111. Your now Iiouho will ho tho boat One-Half the World Unfortunate Accident C. P. Lloyd nnd son, Poroy, of East Snlom, who woro out driving yoHtorday. had tho mlsfortuno to hnvo a llttlo runaway, which proved a o rloua acoldont to Mr. Lloyd. In some mannor Mr. Lloyd was thrown from tho vohlclo and sustained a painful frarturo of his right leg. Tho limb whb Injured Just above tho nnklo, and both hone were broken. Tho In jured mouther recolvod modlcal at tention, and Mr. Lloyd la reported I fn tin rrmHnir nnallv tlilu umrnlm. lluys Hops and fiiMs VUhlng Honry Hubbard, tho popular young man, who buys and. boIIs hops, loft this morning for Mill City to spend a fow dnya with tho flsh and frogs of that vicinity. Incidentally Honry 11000030 1 G JeflvrMiii. Runs,.. 2 000001010 1 u HUB ..00300010 3 0 1 7 Struck out by Kooton, 11; by West. 11. IlnsoB on balls, off Kobton, 3; off Went, 3. Wild pitch. West. Loft on bnHos, JefforBon 13; Fnlr mount, 8. Stolon bnsos, Jefferson, 5; Fnlrmount, 5. o- Skating! Skating! At tho Auditorium rink overy ov onlng. Open evenings only, with tho exception of Saturdays. 0 Tlmo Extended. The plaintiff and defendants in tho I. N. Maxwell vs. P. L. Frazlor and Fred Hurst suit hnvo nrgrcod to ex tend tho tlmo to Juno 1, 1907, in which to fllo a transcript In tho su preme court, nnd an order to thnt of foct has been Issued by Judge Bur nett. C. L. McNnry nppcara for tho plaintiff and Caroy Martin represents P. L. Frazler and George 11. Hlng hnm Is nttornoy for Fred Hurst. FARMING PAYS HERE. Some Figures Which Show the. Prof. Its of Farming in the WIN . latuette Valley. Wear glnssoa, but not half of that half wear tho right glasses. Tho wrong Klanaod are often worse than none; thoy aro a ronstaut Btraln ami a pormnnont Injury to tho oyoB. Only selontlno examination can detormlno what Kineses your oyoa requlro, you can't toll by trylns on glasses. Do on tho safe aid; let our op-, wlll nlau a j,op transaction In buy tlclan give your eyes careful oxamln- lug tho William Randolph lot of 85 atlon balos In Fox Valley. Tho hops ar It doean't cost anything ho can ! ."''"'"'l l"!;?a:?0URht . ., . . lit lu iiuuiii uiunu iur i uumtj ou you jiiBi wnni you neeu uoiwy ro dangerous. Our prlcoa are roa onablo, and wo guarauteo eatisfae tlon. HKRMAN V. 1IAUK, OptOHwtkt AT DIED. MII.L13R In Snlom, Saturday, April 27, 1007, of tuliorouloals, Mrs. Ella M. Miller, aged 30 years Tho funeral services woro con ducted from tho FlrBt Baptist eluiroh yostorday at 3 o'clock. Tho burial took place In tho City View cemotory. o DIED. IIOSS. At tho family homo. No. 1204 Lee street, Snlom, Oregon, April 28, 1907. at 7:15 p. m., of heart trouble, Clyde Hosa, aged 19 years. TIlA ll1v will ttd& !kt.ln.l a rmn- Woodburn If tho true farming conditions of this soctlon wero more , widely known In tho oast thero would ho thousands moro coming to Orogoti regardless of whethor thore aro spe cial railroads rates or full fare. Horo Is only a fow Inatnnces of how farming In this vlolnity pays, rofer enoe being mado to recent snlos of 190G creps: P. J. Andorson, ten ncres of pota toes, sold for $10-13. Martin Rorgan, blx acros of pota toes, sold for $750. Ronnor Rroa., ono and three fourths aoroa of potatooa, sold for $317. Homshorn Rros., four acres of on- BARR'S JEWELRY STORE CHESTERFIELD Psychic Palmist and Clairvoyant My only reason for calling you by name and what you call for Is inci dentally a chain to read by; what la moro Impor tant to sortou? pooplo Is what to do, or what to expoct regarding prosont or future nffalrs. If you arc ambitious, If you wish to bo a success; If you aro Involved In any unhappy love affair, or If you desire to hotter your financial condition; If you are in doubt con cerning your futuro nnd wish to at tain that subtlo, potent, magnetic force, thnt seductlvo, attractive por soual charm so irroslstable In Its power to dominate and control oth ers, then go at once and consult with Prof. Chostorfield; ho Is ever roady to holp thoso with capital to find a safe aud good paying Invest ment; this ho can do and ask no fee uutll tho Investment pays a hand some profit. Is this not honest? You hear tho truth and nothing but the truth. ' . Greateat living astral dead-trance llrVOVant Of the nun- nrlvlnn nn en of big profits being mado hv nro- business and all affairs of ilf? -- - ---, dUCerS In UOtatoOS. nnlnno hnna tolls yOUr full nunn nnrl u')m) vn clover seetl and other outputs, anl called for, whom you will marry, tho futuro looks so exceedingly now t control tho ono you love, bright that our farmers aro propar- ovea though rnllea away; reunites ing to increaao their acroage. The tno separated; glve3 Becret power to markets aro all that could bo de- control; no long delays In waiting. I sired. In Salem one week only. Special o . (low feo all thla week. Parlors 4G6 t . Stato street Hughes block. Office Mrs. O. Stephens, of Portland, ar- boura 9 a m to 9 n m rtaiw . 1 rlvl tkia momlnir tn vUi im- ,i,. l,our " ' m l0 a P m "MV d Fred O. Haas hatt returned from a week's vlBlt In Sheridan. John Auppcrlo, of Jefferson, Is In tho city today on business. Miss Emma MuthB returned to day from n short visit In Albany. A. M. Uttorbnck and family wlll go to Eugene Wednesday to rcBldo. Fred Caroy returned this morning from nn ovor-Sundny visit in Albany. P. N. Lathrop roturncd today from Roy Rcan spent Sunday In Salem. Ho loft this morning for Portland on business. Fred Lcgg, after visiting his fam ily horo, returned to his olllco in Portland this morning. MIbb Clara E. McDormald, after visiting horo, roturncd ycBtordny to her homo In Portland. Mrs. Knto Dashor and daughtor, Miss Chloo, and son, Elmer, loft this morning for Portland, whoro thoy will reside Mrs. F. Vnn Pntton loft thla morn ing for Portland on buslncuB. She wlll visit Spoknno nnd other Wash ington cities beforo returning. Mrs. W. O. Wlndlo, of Indiana, who has bem visiting her brother, C. Unruli, of this city, loft this morn ing for a visit in Portlnnd. B. N. Lyman, formorly of Salem, u business trip in Southorn Oregon spent Sundny In this city, returning to his homo In Portlnnd this morn ing. Mrs. A. F. Hofer, of Chicago, ar rived Saturday night for an oxtonded visit with hor sons, 13. Hofer nnd A. F. Hofor. Mra. E. A. Bullock and daughtor, Mrs. D. E. Jones, who hnvo boon visiting horo, returned to tholr homo in Orogon City Inst Saturday. Mrs. Saddlo Lang, nfter visiting Mrs. George Gibson of this city, has returned to hor homo In Portland. Attorney John A. Jeffrey, who has boon In tho city on legal business, has returned to his homo 1h Port land. F. C. Hyde recontly arrived from loin, Kansas, and will" make Salem his homo. Ho is a trombono player and will doubtless bo a valuablo ac nulsltlon to tho Salem MUltnry band. Qovornor Chamborlaln addressed i tho Inmates of tho soldiers' home at Roseburg yesterday. Ho Ib In Drain today attending n meeting' of tho board of regonts of tho central Ore gon stato normal school. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Savago left this morning for Portland, whora thoy will attend tho graduating ex orcises pf tho Portland Medical Col lego. Carl Griffith, a nophow of Mr nnd Mrs. Savage, Is a member of the graduating class. Fred Kurtz returned today from a buslnoss trip to Portlnnd. R. M. Gilbert. t,B ....,. rived from California, uTM oiuub uis Boa-m-iix. Dr smith, loft this nnr.1,. ..::. at his former hnmn In h-.. Gilbert has mlnlnR taterests bt 1 uuiuun amie. Profosaor Wasbbournt today from Tho Dalles, lOT preached Sundor. MrB. Jos. WlflBlni, of PortXi ntcu hub morning lorattwn visit at "Hillside" ferm, wi cuy. Judgo Burnett left this iur jiiuuil-, n 0 A PrcllmjMrT. A newly Imported .Vormtiai 1 who had been tent upj'ainul form tho master of the howl dinner was awaiting discount! gontlotnan In the act of brsjihu teeth. "Howjoon will Mr. -U I tho mistress Inquired Va returned to tho dining rooa. "Right awny," answered "ho ia Joost sbarpenlzg M I Harper's Magazine. n HcaUM. ri.i m..t iiAiii.. XI At! uiu uium nut mu .. that "Winter Song" was It carried mo back to the din I childhood. Tho Singer I am m !i 1 liked It. Old niunt Wb. I coU i hoar tho cattle bftllot 1st ti 1 windmill creaking and the i winds howling about the TIt-BIts. 0- Tho IMco of iWii "Tho nrlco of health la5 lous district Is Jot ! cost of a boxofDr.wtp Pills," writes Ell SHjtca,' land, Ark. New wi nr goatly and Impart new WiJ"" .l.n avarnm. Z3u - guaranteed at J. a Perns' Circus ions, sold for SS00. - u -l... MVHM tl Innumerable Instnncos can bo glv- clairvoyant of the ago; adviser And its allractrons arc gone but wo arc still fiere with our attractive line of gro ceries. Our goods are al ways fresh and the quality Is the best. Moir Grocery Company 456 State Phone 182 MAN FY TO LC THOKiSU Over Ladd k Push's xt .i.f, TTalati nK Uutfiacti Frank Meredith. R-M-Jj . .ih WnLBrO!1- umcc ' ' ,i 129 commeraai NEW T0DA1 4 n,iiM from .p'cri,1MH -tftris , anu " vUNii, row-' Island, on WaH" I Tl ifirf 8 to " 00 sell vol r1" ta nnd bakery U .to worta. '. iUi ,..a reoney-wTali leas'efor7ijf 115,000 Igfjijij month. Crir.JaA "ftii-K 38. " - " t, SUtt WMl L)brty SU SaUm ko City tomorrow for burial. or, Mrs, A. Thosnas, of thla city, , B3r