daily cam tal journal, salem, oregon. Monday, april 20, 1007. Tonight and continuing until nnd including- Wednesday night, some what of a novelty will bo offered nt this popular play houso. It scorns tho lending lady, Miss Julia Ro uinlne, has written n four-act moun tain play, which sho has not named. As much depends upon tho title, Mlsa Romninc has wisely loft tho selec tion of ono to her audiences. A prize of $5 in gold will bo given to tho ono suggesting tho host tltlo for tho un-named play. Ab soon as tho play has been christened it will bo copy righted, nnd added to tho reportolro of the Julia Romalno Company. MARKET QUOTATIONS "Make Salem n Good Home, Market." STOCKTON'S We Were Happily Surprised LAST WEEK TO RECEIVE ANOTHER SHIPMENT FROM 11AOK The Old White Comer SALEM MARKET. Stelner's Market. Dealers In fish, gaino nnd poultry. Highest cash price paid for eggs, Prompt delivery. Stato street. ORDER OF ft1' lit , Jl'i t ,r 1 1. Si u if; wu Br"1 I " ) ft' W ; Monday's Sale Beautiful Lawns and Batistes 7c a yard Monday we will placo on snlo never opened until thoy woro put .kntnn linn nf nnnitlnr I In llin trlnilnn' a Tery wuui. "- - ' : . " .... patterns In lawns nnd batlstls, Stylos for Indies and children, ill new summer goous, mo 0011s , oniy ic a ynru, ror ono day only J rand Opea Hotise J.VO. T. CORDRAY, Malinger. Fill DAY, MAY a j .Mil. WALKER WHITESIDE l the Most Itenmrkoblo Piny of the Season HE MAGIC MELODY Direction of Llcblcr & Co. i Press of Hutte, Spokane, Tnconm Seattle pronounce this the best djaiid company seen in the North- it In the past live years. flew, GOc, 75c, $1,00, $1.50. bxotflco opens Friday 9 a. m. AMUSEMENTS 4 (LINGER GRAND! TONIGHT Tfc--- -- -- . .t. Julia Romaine Co. HUM NTS TONIGHT 'TIWIVNAMER PLAY. Btglnnl-.K Thursday night "C.i- frIc-3 1", nnd 25c. METHING NEW In Bifocal Lenses Lttm shew ou a noat, up-to-dato for n ar and far-seolng. It l J17 m sxl us tho orponslvo kind, IMlttt. -t. 8a't tire - ay your brokou s. Bring t'i.em to us. Wo can lUate any part, with Httlo ex- M. Chas. ft Hinges urouuato Optician. 1 Commercial Street, acxt door to Capital National Bank. 4 1 1 i i m m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Grand Opera House. Friday, May a. Walker Whitesldo in "Tho Magic Melody." Salem High School. "Birds' iBland," by high school Honior class. First Presbyterian Chiirrh. Friday, May 3. Storooptl con lecturo by Prof. J. II. Hor ner of Oregon Agricultural College. Y. M. C. A. Gymnasium. Thursday, May 2. Unclo Tom's Cabin, In moing pic tures. Bonotlt Hoys' club. Auditorium Holler Kink. Morning, afternoon an. I evening sessions, except Sun-day. I I I I I 1 I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I I I I 5 I t Tho Btory of "Tho Mnglo Melody" in which Wnlkor Whitesldo and an admirable company will ho soon nt tho Grand oporn houso, May 3, la said to ho ono of tho most romurknble nnd Interesting that has boon soon upon n local stiigo hi some time. Critical annlysls of it by thoso com potent to perform such a task has in- Claim .(.lm r...i.. .. n ...i PUUd L ,i V8 xr. xjpnl Is thn A Urfe Proceeding which -,vu r i in rlonnrlmnnt Jn 9 r urt Tho complaint mo parties were mar Itkeer F lorh oa kro , Vh of October, 1901, Tho charges neglecting to pro 1 TIB i . clin . .1 n , atilfn lin i ' ' uusuuuu uuu n iu tvj I, i 7. when cruel and in- r-u , it , , ,.- .i.,i teri ... "' " WMM.M r'. jap- -irnflnrt "" V n A tee ' tnfiff mbii i- .jjliUn iJ, "' UOIVD, 1U uuuuivu ""CO, T , n . Tl- l. n.1 - ' i? T" BriAitttvAlt. MM.I nlart - wi'vkt i w,j uuu mow rrquirlng tho defendant k r sum for the malnto sald children. itc-j - L- cr Jast IWau&e w3Bh Is only in the thorat and t trcobla yon now, don't think tetdl no attention. Wtien It hid much of a start Is tha ' theck 1L Tha lthto.t Much ei to SWmoal, Broachl- lHorehounfl fivmo win cur Uh. The prlc puts it wltaia Mr. Walter Whltclde. variably resulted in a oompleta en dorsement of tho clean, wholesoms properties of the play Itself, and un hesitating approval of the superla tive cast that Llebler & Co. have se lected for tho support of the star Mr. Whiteside's abilities as an actor aro well known, and he has come to bo looked upon as one- of the best of tho younger school of players. His reputation has been gained by careful and conscientious methods and tho present offering Is under stood to be ono of the best things he has offered la tho course of his career. KliafftT Grand. Last night was tho latt perform ance of the ever-popular "Octoroon Tho bouse welcomed It and applaud ci ita atroBX situations. Just as other RECALLS FAMOUS MURDER John P. Dunning, woll known throughout tho country ns a news paper man, died in a hospital nt Philadelphia this weok of tumor of tho brnln. He was 41 yenra old. Ho wan tho man who wrote a graphic description of tho Snmonn hurricane which In 1S80 dostroyed six war ships and lf merchant vcssols, and was with Roosevelt's rough rldors in Cuba. John P. Dunning was tho cause of tho death of two women, his wife nnd her sister, who woro murdored by Mrs. Cordolla Botkln, tho mistress of Dunning. Tho woman, deserted by her lover, with tho cunning of n fiend, plnnncd tho murder of Dun nlng's wife, nnd evidently enred not how many others died with hor. Mrs. IJotkln wus living In San Francisco nt tho time, nnd Mrs. Dun ning was rosldlug nt Dover, Doln ware, with hor parents and her Httlo child. On ono Sunday nttornoon n box of chocolntos woro received ad drossod to Mrs. Dunning, having boon sent through tho postolllce. No attention was paid to tho postmnrK at tho time, and the family nnd somo of tho guosts woro soon munching tho toothsomo paste. Shortly after ovorybody was taken sick, but tho Illness was not attri buted to tho candy. Doctors woro sent for nnd pronounced tho malady ptomaine poisoning. Evoryono re covered but Mrs. Dunning nnd her younger sister, who nftor aovorul days of agony passed away. Tho doctors then discovered that tho women wero tho victims of arsenical poisoning. Tho box of candy was traced to San Frnnclsco, and Anally to Mrs. Ilotkln ns tho sondor. Tho into Cap tain Ix)oh did some oxcollont dotcc tho work on tho enso, and Unally couvlctod tho murdorcss. Tho trlnl developed thnt Dunning was a de generate; and that ho had boon liv ing with Mrs. Ilotkln, nnd off her. Thore were storlM of jilghts of rov ols and days nt tho race and drunk en orglea at nil timet in tint rooms or Mm. Hotkln. The woman wns o wife and mother at the time, but seemed to be un mindful of the existence of husband nnd son. Sho was a ooarso and vul gar person In nppoaranuo, and whnt attraction sho found In tho sight of Dunning othur than ho hud somo money, was not dovolnped during the trlnl. Dunning had boon soparated from his wlfo on ncoount of his dls soluto habits, but tho unfortunate woman agreed to tako him back on his promise to reform. It was In rovongo of his desortlon that Mrs. IJotkln murdorod tho In nocont wlfo and hor slater. Tho trial of tho womnn lasted months nnd was conducted nt nn Immonso oxpoiuo to tho city, but It wound up In hor con viction for murder In tho first de gree This was six years ago, and the murdeross Is still In Jail at San Fran cisco, awaiting tho decision of the supremo court on hor ploa for a new trial. Tho caso against hor wns most completo, the groat detoctlvo, Low, weaving as fine a not about her at cvor guilt was onmoshed In. Suggestions for Motorltn. If your brako falls to work at a critical moment, run Into something cheap. If you desire to make an Impres sion on a young lady, run over her. Common humanity dictate that you stop when the tiros are out of wind. Should your auto overturn, leave your seat Immediately. If a man gets In your way and li run down, ho should apologize. If ho Is dead, demand an apology from his wife. By seating your best girl In front with tho chauffeur you will bare something pleasant to look forward to during the ride Exchange. o Tt' inn had tn spa nmntin who ZO from day to day suffering with phys ical weakness, when Rocky Mountain Tea would strengthen them. Tea or Tablets 35 cents. For sal at Dr Local Wholesale Mnrket. Eggs ISc. Hons 12 c; young chickens, ll&c. Ducks 10c; gcoso, 8o; turkoys, 13lGc. Butter 27 &c; buttor fat, 25 tfc. Local wheat 68 Up 70c. Local wheat 6Sc Oats 3S540c. Barley $22 $23. Flour $3.25. Mill feed Bran, 119.00; shorts, $21.00. Hay Cheat and clover, $7ti$8 por ton; timothy, $10 por ton. Onions $2.00 por cwt; potatoes, GCc per bu. Hops Choice, 10 ((pile; prlmo to choice, 8 9c; medium to prlmo. 8&c Chlttlm bark 5 H 6c. Tropical Fruits. Bananas 0c por lb. Orangos $2.75 0 $3.00. Lemons 4.00 dp $5.00. Retail Market. Oats $1.35 per cwt; whoat, 80c; rolled hnrloy, $27.50 C $28 por ton. Eggs 20c doz. Apples $3.00. Buttor Country, 25c; cronmory, 3Gc. Flour $1 por snek. Bran 70o por sack; $21.50 por ton. Hay Timothy, 70cc por cwt.; choat and clovor. 50c por cwt.; shorts, 95c por cwt. Livestock. Hogs Drosscd, 9c. Cattlo 1100(0)1200 n stoors, 44&c. Lighter stoors 3(iP4a. Cows and bolters 900 fl 1000 lb, 334c. Stock hogs 6c. Hogs Fat, OVic. Lambs 5c. Veal Drosscd, 8c. PORTLAND MAUKITT. Whoat Club, 75c; valley, 72c; blue stem, 77c. Oatn Cholco whlto, 29c. Mlllstufr Brnn, $17. liny Timothy, $15 (?$1G; alfalfa $11.50. Votch $7.50 $8.00. Potatoos $1.75 $2.00 por cwt Poultry Hons, 1516c; mixed chlckons, 14V&15c; drossod chick ons, lfiOHo; turkeys, llvo, 13 14o; ducks, 1718o; pigeons, $1.00 0$1.25. Pork Drossod, C0'6c. Boof Drossod, 5Gc. Mutton C7c HopB 9C10V4c lb, according to qunllty. Wool Valloy, coarso to modlum, 29 23c; eastorn Oregon, 13 18c HUILDINa A HOUHK. Wo can supply you with the lum ber you need at n prlco that will ma torallly economize In tho cost Just como and see us and look over our yards. GOODALE LUMBER CO., Yard Ncur Depot, O C. T. Co, -STEAMERS POMONA AND ORKGONA LEAVK PORTLAND MONDAY, WEDNEH. DAY AND FRIDAY AT 10 A. 3L, TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAYS AT 0:00 A. M. FOH CORVALIS TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY AHOUT P. H. P. M. BALDWIN, Agt. INDEPENDENCE HTAGK. Dally except luaday. Leave Wil lamette Hotel, Salew at I p. w., eoa mcta with wotsr for Monmouth as4 Dallaa at C:1I p. m. Loaves Isde peadeM at 8 a. . Pbeae Haia 17. RALMi BUDLOHO, Ladies' Long Silk Gloves at $1,$1.25, $1.50 and $1.95 And Ladies' Long Lisle Gloves at 65c, 85c and $1.10 GOOD VALUES IN LONG GLOVES ARE SCARCE, SO YOU'D BETTER GET THEM WHILE THIS LOT LASTS. WE ALSO RE CEIVED ANOTHER NICE ASSORTMENT OF NOVELTY SPRING DRESS GOODS, WHICH SHOULD HAVE ARRIVED SEVERAL WEEKS AGO. THERE IS A POSITIVE FAMINE IN DESIRABLE DRESS GOODS AND FANCY SILKS THIS SEASON AND THE FACT THAT WE ARE SO WELL SUPPLIER WITH ALL THE NEWEST CREATIONS IS DUE TO OUR PERSISTENCE IN DEMANDING THAT OUR ORDERS RE RUSHED AND PROPERLY FILLED. EVERYTHING IN FAR RICS FROM Oc MUSLIN TO THE HIGHKST GRADE SILKS Ifl SCARCE, AND MANY OF THE REST KNOWN BRANDS HAVE BEEN ENTIRELY WITHDRAWN FROM THE MARKET, REOAUSE THE ENTIRE OUTPUT OF THE MILLS IS SOLD UP FOR FROM 8I.V TO TWELVE MONTHS AHEAD. WE ANTICIPATED OUR WANTS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS AND YOU'LL FIND US WELL SUPPLIED WITH EVERYTHING FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY AT PRICES FIGURED ON THE SPOT CASH BASIS. Jui. &? S m. a&S&UM a ars'sied fa $. . J&,GrsseS't S&qfi'. cse HOTEL ARRIVALS. Willamette. A. L. Montz, Portlnnd. O. W. Wolf and wlfo. O. II. Pnrkor, Han Frnnclsco. W. Q. Tucker, Billings. Mont, (loo. II. Durham, (1 rants Pass. W. F. AdauiB, Portland. W. 13. Frazlor, Portlnnd. W. C. Bolter, Albany. 13. T. Fay, Portlund. F. M. Mnrok. Salem. L. H. Howo, Now York. John Wilson, Portland. D. G. Ellis, Medical Lake, Wash. A. Rykus, Orogon City, W. Gibson, Hhnw. V. N. Jlalfour and wlfo, Prlnovlllo. Dr. J. S. Scott nnd wlfo, Portlund. J. J. Ilurloy, Gorvnls. Charles Ferguson, Loh Angolos. 13. V. Morcom and wlfo, Wood burn. . . .. it) "" CASTOR! A For Infanta and Children. Tin KN Ytt Have Always Bought Bears tho BItfiaiuro of SIX SlTt-A-XU t jCl yji u A Source of Delight Will bo found by ovory lady In Jacob Vogt'a ahoes. First of all thoy aro extremely elegant In style; second, thoy fit porfoctly and afford tho greatest amount of comfort; third, they aro boautlfully finished, and fourth, they are absolutely the most desirable shoe made, and will keep their ahape until worn out. JACOB VOGT 90 State St. Salem, Oregon Tested Seed Corn Wo have a complete stock of Flold nnd Bweot Corn that has boon toBUd. No replanting If you plant our tested corn. Prices nro right. Arsenate or Lead Wo carry tho groat summor spray, Arsonnto of Lend, In all site packages, ready to uso. No danger of burning tho troos, If you ubo tho kind wo have, as It Is mado right. Our trlcos aro tho lowost In tho valloy. D. A. WHITE &SON 255 Commercial Street. Phono 100. A Mystery Solved It Is a mystery to somo why their pastry Is not tho bust, anil why thoy don't havo tho samo re sults In baking an their neighbor, but It Is bocauso tholr neighbor uses EppleyK Perfection Baking Powder It Is tho best, and la mado hern at home, and contains the purest materials. All grocers sell It C. M. EPPLEY Manufacturer Salem, Ore '-. Sow 7 D. J. ITrr. crows did way back i 'M. Stoae's store.