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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1907)
DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, ' SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1007. STOCKTON'S The Old White Comer ff?$A , 31- i5 7c Monday wo will plnco on snlo . -- II..- xnniilnx ll TCry CIlOlCO HUU " liuum patterns In lawns nnd ontlBU3, all new summer goods, tho bolts IM irand Opem House ISO. V. COHRHAY, Malinger. 1'ltlDAY, MAY MIL WAIiKKK WHITESIDE , ihc Moit Itcnmiknblo Tiny of the , Season IE MAGIC MELODY Direction of Lleblcr & Co. Prcw of Iluttc, Spokane, Tnconm Seattle proiioiuico thlK tho best ruul company seen In tho North- la the past live years. B$, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50. it offlco opens Friday 9 n. in. .INGER GRAND! TONIGHT Julia Romaine ""WiSKNTTONiGHTT Till: OCTOROON." ices 15 nnd 25c. IMETHING NEW In Bifocal Lenses t us show you a neat, up-to-date i lor near and far-seeing. It it W u good as tho expensive kind, ult tbe cost. w't throw away your broken Bn. hem to us. Wo can ute any . irt. with little ox- i. 'has. H. Hinges Graduate Optician. cmlal Strict, Bert door to Capital National llaak. J. W. BOLLEN Manager "" Salem Undertaking Co. nneral Director and Embalmer. answered day or night. 70. 383 Court St, Salem utii fai R SALE! 'fT of tho finest land oa S flae 3000 houw, good ' OUt bnlldlne. nloatv nt F-JlyiH xalies from city limits. - wo BUSK IDEM J ,cwty. rorprk Monday's Sale L Beautiful Lawns and Batistes a yard nover opened until they woro put In tho window. Styles for Indies nnd children, j only 7c n yard, for ono dny only Tested Seed Corn Wo havo a cotnpleto Btock ot Field nnd Swoot Corn that hns been tested. No roplnntlng If you plnnt our tested corn. Prlcos nro right. Arsenate or Lead Wo carry tho great summor spray, Arsonnto of Iicnd, In nil slzo pnekagos, ready to use. No 1 danger ot burning tho trees, If you uso tho kind wo hnvo, ns It la mndo right. Our prices nro tho lowost in tho valloy. D. A. WHITE &SON 255 Commercial Strcot. Phono 1G0. A Mystery Solved It Is a mystory to somo why their pastry Is not tho best, and why thoy don't havo tho samo re sults In baking as tholr neighbor, but It is becauso tholr nolghbor uses Eppley's Perfection Baking Powder ylt Is tho best, and Is made hero at homo, and contains tho purest matorials. All grocers sell It C M. EPPLEY Manufacturer Salem, Oregon CASTOR I A Tor lnfaati and Childrfjn. His Kisd Yen Hava Always Seam the Signature of a. 1&c&l BUTTERNUT BREAD It Is worth more ttoaa any other bread, yet the price is bo higher For sale at yoar grocer'. CALIFORNIA BAKKUY. Thomas & Cooler, Prop. HOU.1STC71' Itecty Mwfttafn Tm Nuggets A Sut N12U3 W uy ro!i. fin Qaliia EMU Mi ItodM Vlft. W- . - - 1 r4 i X viHQ fo?0ntipllon. Jo-llg4too. Ll' Mood B4 Utvkth. biiuur&i UovrU. HuUch iSSBaekaehe. U-.KwFrMouBUtaTeAljiUU -. i M mi m. I Kir- Orau. tn vl Bwtbl tZ&ti The Home Crusade. Miss Wood .by reason of her va ried practlcnl experience na'n bread winner and educator, is pre-eminent ly tltted to discuss tho subjects which sho handles In nor lectures. Sho Is a 4 Nina E. Wood, LL. 11. nntlvo ot Wisconsin, and 18 45 yonm nn Through my advlco many of my old. Sho has been a working wo- (rjonda nnvo trlod It and can toll you man over elnco sho was 18. She!jl0W wonderfully It has worked. taught school, homestended nnd pnt-!Mrfl) Sarah A Coi0 140 s. Now St, cntcd n quarter section ot Innd, was Dover, Del. Chamberlain's Pnln secretary of an Industrial colony, is Dnlm Is n unlment. Tho rellof from n university graduate, and hnB prac- lmn Whlch It affords Is alono worth tlcnl . experience In tho prnctlco or ,nnnj. tmca lts C09t jt nakos roBt law and medicine. llor book, nnd B,oop po8an,io. For Bnlo at Dr. "Crimes of tho Profit Furnace," stone's drug atoro. whoro'ver circulated receives tho i 0 . strongest personal reviews and press notices. Sho hns been lecturing for tho Socialists In nearly every town between tho Atlantic and Pnclflc, and Is recognized as ono of tho grent rev olutionary crusaders for tho family and home. Mrs. Vood will deliver hor fa mous locturo, "Crimes Against tho Family and Home" Sunday, April 28, 1907, nt 2:30 p. in., In Commer cial Hall, cornor of Commorolul nnd Contor street. Free. Everybody In vited. o UlCill SCHOOL VS. MULTNOMAH. Tlu Salem High School Imxchnli Team Will Mtvl Multnomah To day In Portland. . .The High School hnsolmll tonm loft this morning for Portland to try a gniuo with tho Multnomah crnck team this attornoon. Tho high Holiool iioys hnvo n strong lineup this sonson, nnd hnvo dovolopod probably tho host tonm over nont out by tho high school. Jones hns recovered enough from his wrenched nuklo to go Into tho gamo today, hut n sub stitute will hnvo to do his running for him. Tho Saloin llnoup will be: Jonos e, Koono p, RobortH bs, On brlolson lb, Farmer 2b, Kay 3b, Carey If, Parkins of, Mooros rr, Dyrr sub. o Mayor on the Water Wagon. One of tho sights of tho city yos tordny nftornoon, nnd ono thnt drow almost nB much nttontlon ns tho cir cus pnrnde today, was that of Sa lom'n mayor on top of tho city's wator sprlnklor, piloting tho nntlquo constor safely around Salem's bars. and guiding It safely on tho Populist plan down tho mlddlo of tho stroot Tho mayor has not "ncceptcd n posi tion" ns chief englnoor nnd pilot for tho wator distributor, but only tool; ehargo long enough to show whoro a woll-educntud sprlnklor Bhould go, and what It should do. Tho only trouble is thnt the sprinkler was not cranted twins, for thoro Is work for at least two of a kind. Of courso. tho mayor cannot bo expected to stay on tho water wagon nil tho time, but oven nn occnslonal ride will ac complish somo good and provent tho city going "dry." Jemingtofi Autoloading Rifle. SOMCTHING We have in stock the new Remington awl Winchester Auto-loading Rifles in all calibres. Wc would he pleased to show and explain their features to you. Wo havo for sale an English Setter dog, ono year old. Oregon Wins from Utah. The debating team of tho Unlvor slty of Oregon hns again mot with success. In tho Intorcolleelnto de bate between It nnd tho University of Utah, which was hold in Salt Lnko yesterday, tho former team was victorious. Christian Johnson nnd R. W. Young. Jr., represented tho University of Idaho, whllo Oregon fair of skin, says tho Kansas City was represented by J. C. Vcntch nm' Journal. Ho led them to a lnko nnd E. V. Calloway, who supported the bado thorn Jump In. Tho first oboyoJ negative of tho proposition thnt "Tho and enmo out of tho wator whiter fifteenth amondment and section two , than when ho onlerod tho waters: of the fourteenth amendment to tho tho second hesttnted, going Into the federal constitution should bo ro- lako whon tho wator was a trlflo pealed It being conceded thnt the muddy, honco enmo out copper color dlftlculty of repealing Bhall not enter ' od; tho third leaped In last and enmo Into discussion." Rheumatic Pains. I hnvo beon n very groat suffo.'or 'from tho dreadful dlseaso, rheuma tism, for a numbor of years. I havo tried many medicines but novor got much relief from any ot thom until two years ago, whon I -bought a bot- tie of Chnmborlaln's Pnln Dnlm. I found rollof boforo I had used all of i whlto man choso tho sack which con ono bottle, but kopt on applying it talned pen, Ink nnd pnpor, nnd this, and Boon folt llko a dlfforont worn- so the Btory goos, Inld tho foundn- V. M. C. A. Juniors Ifc-font Mutes. After a wnrinly contested gnmo of bnsketbnll, nt tho muto school Inst night, botweon tho Y. M. C. A. Ju niors nnd tho muto sohool team, tho Bcoro was 13 to 11 In favor of tho Juniors. Tho gnmo wns fast nnd closoly contested from tho stnrt un til tho whistle blow for "tltuo." Tho boys of tho Salem pnrty wero Leo. Kulser, Alglo Humphroys, lliissoll llrooks, Joo Knlsor, John Carson nnd Curl Hinges. This makes n gamo onch for tho tenniB, nnd another contest will bo nold soon to dooldo tho chnmplonshlp. i I "PiH'umonla'H Deadly Work Had so BorloiiBly nffoctod my right lung," wrltOB Mrs. Fnnnlo Connor, ot Rurual Routo 1, Georgetown, Tonn., "thnt I coughed continuously night and day and tho neighbors' prediction consumption soomod Inovltnblo, until my husband brought homo i hottl'o of Dr. King's Now Dlscovory. which In my caso proved to bo tha only ronl cough euro and rostoror of weak, ooro lungs." Whon all other romodloa utterly fall, you may still win In tho bnttlo against lung nnd throat toublos with Now Dlscovory, tho roal cure. Ouarantocd by J. C. Perry, druggist. 60c nnd $1.00. Trial bottlo frco. Will Speak at JaIIo M. E. Church, nov. H. F. Rowland, of Portland, will pronoh In tho Leslie M. 15. ohuroh, In South' Snlom, Sunday morning. JllHt llCCHUMU Your cough Is only in tho thorat and docs not trouble you now, don't think that It needs no attention. When it hns not had much of a start Is tha tlmo to chock It. Tho slightest cough easily leads to Pneumonia, Bronchi tis nnd Consumption. A bottlo of Dnllard's Horohound Syrup will euro that cough. Tho prlco puts it within reach of all. 8old by D. J. Fry. Gymnastics alono can nover give that elasticity, oase and graceful figure which comes by taking Hollls tor's Rocky Mountain Tea. 36 cents, Tea or Tablots. For sale at Dr. Stono storo. NEW IN RIFLES W1HTI2 MEN SUPERIOR. Queen Indian J-egoml Which Ex plains Why Whlto Mien Arc Superior to Other Races. Tho Sominolo Indians bollovod thnt when tho Croat Spirit created this world ho mndo three won, all out black. According to tho legond tho Crcnt Spirit then led thorn to threo bun dles, asking each to chooso ono. Tho blnck man choso tho heaviest, which was found to contain spndos, hooa and other Implements for tho par formnnco of manual labor; tho sec ond found In his sack a fishing rod, n gun and wnrllko weapons; tho Hon for his superiority over tho othor races. o Kllngor-Grnml. This woek Julia Romnln Stock Company. Coming Attractions. "Dlrd Island," by High School sontor cln88. Pony Show. April 27: Norrls & Rowo's Dog and Pony Show. o Gentle mid Effective. A well known Mnnltobn editor writes: "As an Inside workor I find Chnmborlnln'a Stomach and Liver Tablets lnvnluablo for tho touchos ol biliousness nnturnl to sodontnry llfo, tholr action being gentlo nnd offec tlvo, clonrlng tho digestive trnct and tho bond." Prlco 25 contB. Snmplou free. For snlo at Dr. Stono's drug storo. o Hurled nt Junction City. Tho body of Mrs. A. H. Osborn wn tnkon to Junction City thla morning for Interment. Her husband, Row J. , 8. Osborn, ot Turner, nnd son G, L. ' JohiiBon, ot thin city, nnd wife, go ing down on tho snmo trnln to pay ' tho last tribute of affection to tho iOVOd ono. -o- Doing IIiinIiicss Again. "Whon my frlonda thought I wat about to tako loavo ot this world, on account of Indlgostlon, norvousnoss i and gonornl debility," writos A. A. Chrisholm, Trcndwoll, N. Y "and ,whon It looked as If thoro was no hopo loft, I was porsundod to try Electric nittors, and I rojolco to say j that thoy aro curing mo. I nm now ' doing business ngnln ns of old, and urn ntlll gnlnlng dally." Host tonic ' mcdlclno on enrth. Cunrnntcod bv I J. C. Perry, druggist. 50c. I li Roth & Graber GROCERS (3001) TIIIXflB TO EAT. DRIED 1IEKF IN HULK SLICED ROILED HAM FANCY CREAM CIIEKSE 7 lbs Largo Whlto Roans . , , ,'25 ftltiH Fancy Head Rice i! rumt Mlncel Clams, in, for 'Mc lib can Mluced Chun for, , . .10c 21b ran Minced CIhiim for, , , .UEc H chum Extra Ktaudnril Ofhttsm or 'Mc Don't overlook our stock of hlgh-gradu oannod goods. Wo havo a great variety of nlco goods for your tablo, too numerous to mention. ImiMirtcd SwIkh Clieoae, WUconsIn HUS ClU'4'MO. ' Roth & Graber 410 State Street. Phone 36 Salem Fence Wire Headquarters tor Worm Wire Fencing, Hop "Wire, Barb Wire, Poultry Netting. Pickets, Oatee, ShtHglee aad P. B. Ry Keolsg. All at toweei rUee. Walter Moriey umiminniiiiiiiiiiif' ACID IN THE 11LOOD. A well known authority on Rheumatism gives tho follow ing valunblo yet stmplo anl harmless prescription, which nnyono can cnslty propnro at home: Fluid Extract Dandollon one hnlf ounce, Compound Knrgon ono ounco, Compound Syrup Sarsaparllhi threo ounces. Mix by shaking well In a bot tlo, and tako a teaspoontui nftor onch meal and nt bedtime Ho stntoa thnt tho lngrodt ontB can bo obtained from any good prescription pharmacy at small cost. This nilxturo la said to ro llovo almost any caso of Rhou matlsm, which Is nothing more or less than nour blood too much acid In tho systom, which In damp, cool wonther foriru Into mlnuto crystals about tho Joints nnd musolCB, causing tho T awful pain and misery of Rhcumntlsm. Tho abovo mlxturu U said to forco tho Kidneys to purify and sweeton tho blood, cnustng the Rhoumatlo pnln nml awolllng to diminish with each dose, until pormnncnt rosults aro ob tained, nnd without injuring tho stomach. It la worth whllo giving this u trtnl, anyhow. i T I llllllllllHMillllHHIH If It's "UNDERWOOD" It's GOOD UNDERWO O TYPEWRITER COMPANY 68 Sixth St., Portland, Ore The Sale Still On Tho rmllKii-H "f tho E. L. Irvln Khoo Htoro nro hi-lllng CIIIiDREN'H SHOES Almost it your own prlco. are selling Wo MEN'S GOOD SHOES For $3.50 Ono pair, nuulo over n lroxcar, for I.BO, LADIES' SHOES At $1.05. All otlH-r stapio gooU at great ly rvdurtHl prlcrtf. GEO. W. EYRE TRUSTEE 326 STATE STREET Send the Family Washing To Us and you'll nover bother with having It dono at homo aguln. Time was whon overy family could not aKeri to sond tho washing to a laundry, but Union have changed- so, tee. have the methods and price. Today you cm bolter agora to teas tae family washing here teas aet te. Ask about our prices ea family wask lag, rough dry, er taUd, The Salem Steam Laundry PIMM M. IMlM g. Uhwrty IN. 4) & WWson .(Mllmtxji Dca OorT, UAcm, Wta. 3S . 250 CMMt St Safe, Ore I MLKN NUMETt FM ULLtW PWTU