Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 27, 1907, Page 4, Image 4

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BaKing Powder
absolutely pure
It does not contain an atom of phos
phatio aciti (which is ilto product ofhonos
digested in sulphuric acid) or of alum
(which Is one-third sulphuric acid), un
heallhful substances adopted for other ha
klng powders because of tlietr chespsiossm
cal profession. In this bo goes a Btop
farther than thoso two greatest
pulpit lights of tho last contury, on
both Bltlos of tho Atlantic, Henry
Wnrd Bocchor and Charles Haddon
Spurgcon, neither of whom would nl-
low hlmaolf to bo dubbed doctor, but
did not rojoct tho tltlo rovorond.
Mr. Aked preached his first ser
mon In tho Fifth nvonuo Ilnptiat
church to which ho has boon called
Inn aiimlnv 1'tin ilmrrOi in tll(
Now York, April 27. That somo I pnfltorato of which Mr. Alcod suc-
nlthough many have pleaded to be
1 admitted only as spectators. Tho
best of music Is provided, games such
as "Snnp tho whlni are played and
many of tho most dignified young
women and chaperons onjoy the
Some of the stouter members of
tho club havo .assured frlendsthat
they havo taken up roller skating on
tho advice of the physicians, that It
Is an cxcollent reduction reglmo, but
It Is an open secret that tho younger
women at any rate, tho attractive
personal qualities and surpassing
skill of ono of tho Instructors has
something to do with tho cause.
Although only 20 years old, ha
haB already wrought havoc In bo
many young hearts while gracofully
gliding their possessors over tho
smooth surface, that several of tho
matrons aro on the verge of protest,
while certain erstwhile society ca
valiers aro threatening to havo such
a dangerous rival removed from his
position. '
Jlr. Walker Whiteside.
When Walker Whiteside make?
his appearanco with his now play,
"Tho Magic Molody," at tho Grand
opora houso, May 3rd, local theater
goers will bo given an opportunity lo
see ono of tho strongest organiza
tions that tho ilrm Llebler & Co.
Coming of Norris 4 Rowc's Big
Shows Makes Even Old
Age' Get Busy
I saw tho circus and smclled the
I didn't leave out anything In the
program of a whole, long, fllled-to-the-brlm
with excitement, glorious
circus day.
If I havo breath enough loft in m
I am prepared to toll you all about
it. Norris & Rowo Invaded this city
this morning. I followed tho parade
as It pnssod through tho streets.
Oh, I turned back 25 years of my
Hfo and was a boy again.
Tho band was playing, tho lions
roared, tho callopo screamed, the
bagpipes squealed, tho Russians and
Cossacks smiled and chattered, t,he
ponies and horses ambled along, tho
chariots, tableaux and glided cages
hulled majestically along on their
way, and I plodded with tho side-
Undertaking and
Embalming !
On'y White Hcarso and Whito
Horses in Mnrion and adjoin
ing counties.
I. 0. O. F.Bldg. 466 Court St
universal merrlmont; as elephants
did stunts; as trained ponies drilled
like soldiers; as dapled horse
jumped high hurdles; as tandems
wera raced; an four-horso chariots
went at break-neck Bpeed well you
can bo suro wo wero living over
again somo delicious hours of happy
childhood. I don't bollevo David
Harum, when ho was a boy and went
to his first circus, thought the
sound of tho candy vendors' voice
moro wonderful and welcomo than
I did. Circus day, don't bo ashonmod
of It. Go and enjoy it. Read David
Harum's description of tho day when
ho ran away and wont to tho circus
that ono day in all his littlo
starved, cramped, cruel llfo as a
country boy, whou ho broko over
tho traces and stood by tho entrance
and longed to go In, when tho only
tform should bo mado In tho form of
legal proeoduro In this country U
tho bollef among tho mombors of tho
Now York bar. Novor, to their
.minds, has tho noed boon moro elonr
ly hIiowii In tho Thaw trial. Tho fact
that Midi a largo porcontago of tho
Uiurdor trlnlrt In this city havo ended
In Jury dlrtagroomont ban convinced
those men that it Is ImposHlblu to got
u body of 12 men to ngroo on a ver
dict. Several moinborH of tho Now York
bar havo uxprosHod tho opinion that
something might bo douo to hnaton
trial proceedings by conducting them
in a maunur fashioned aftur that of
the lSugllali courts. John l Mcln-i
tyro, formerly an atwlututtt district
attorney, Is among tlioso who advo
cate reform llo thinks that Jurlea
In this city are often lulluuucud in a
coeds Is ono of tho Inrgost and
wealthiest of tho Hnptlst denomina
tion In this city. It Is popularly
known as Mr. Rockefeller's church.
Hut tho Bonlor John D. ltockofollor,
although ho attonda It whon In tbli
city and prosumnbly contributes
largoly to Its Hiipport and bone
ilconcos, holds his church member
ship In Clovpland. Tho-promise line
boon mado to Mr. Aked that ho shall
bo haniporod In no way In his pulpit
uttornno(eH horo, but that ho Hhnll
fool fro to wiy or do what his cop
nClttiioe dictate.
lOnstor weddings havo this year an
element of novolty so far as tho
present aro concerned, which the
talent of n French medalist now in
this country had made potiBlhlo. The
wedding murlnl has Just been put on
Miu mni'lrnt liv n Arm nf liMfHi nvnnim
wont moMiiro by oiiUlilo Ho.it I.not. J Jowc,lorHp nml .t many of tho spring
I miirrlngoB there has been such n gift
1 on tho tnblo of presents. It Is usual
ly glvou by the bridegroom to the
, bride, or by tho bride to hor bus
i hand, although it may bo proaontcd
t by any frloud or rolutlvo In lion of
an ordinary gift.
and that ono of tho nouded reforms
is an adoption of the English rule
permitting a Judge to ohargo tho
jury on tho fuctn In tho case aa well
as on tho law. In nearly ovory emu
In ICngland, riaya Mr. Mclntyre, tho
jury is KUldod by the tenor of tho
Juduo's change out of tho maze Into i
wlllrii Mm ..ri.nni.mt. nf II... nmwwln,. I TllW HUIITlng lltOdllll lirO IllfldO
counsel havo led Ilium, precluding
mistrials and tending to malto tho
verdict In uvory catio Just.
ICiiKono IMillblu, former district
attorney, mild that In his opinion
there wore a number of reforms thnt
of silver and aro about two Inchon In
dlnmoter. On ouo Hide Is a pair of
figured In chiHHlcal fashion, and on
tho other la n wroath of laurel bear
ing tho words "Souvonlr do Mar
riage," and after that aro tho niimoi
could bo mado with advantage. He Ul u,u """' iirnwn wuu uw
mid Hint at tho proHoht time tho.,,,Uo' mul tho W(m, "ProiiporUo"
teohnloal rules of evidence wero ho ,uu1 ""onhour." Tho silver Is frost
etrlct In favor or tho defendant that J0'1 nrt l,, workmanship of tho mo
thoy prevented a speedy disposition , ,m,"08 oxqulsltoly fine,
of tho caso. Ho said that any reform Mou vo asked why Mark Twain
that would oxpodluto tho duoldlng of,l adored so widely by woman. Tho
n case of this kind would bo of gront nimwur Isn't hard to find. Everybody
advantage. J who has soon tho whlto-hnlrod author
in ovory club or placo whoro law-. their society could supply It. Tho
Jefferson, Oregon
CaPW $25.000 1
Best facilities bl
Cnlfnnn T.ff
good towa, Ls J
stores, good ma2J
oanK, and god ?
Come and sce,
0"gon State 1
Hcrni from (lu "Magic Melody."
yarn meet tho mistrial in tho Thaw . anawor Is that tow
caso has boon tho aubjoct of argu-.thorn with such marked
.... ... . . i
nieiKi ami inu aocu oi some reiorm
baa been freely acknowledged.
The city baa secured a noteworthy
addition to Its pulpit forces. Tho
now comer to tho ranks of mertopoll
tan ministers is Charles Frederic
Aked, who not only dcalred to dls
ponuo with tho tltlo of doctor, to
which ho is untitled, by hla reoruo
of doctor or divinity, but ovon with
that of rovorond, which is universal
ly bestowed on members of tho clorl-
Checking accounts enable folks
to deposit tholr monuy nud re
ceive n pnl)ook, against thoso
ucoDiints thoy aro permitted to
drnw ohioks.
Chook4 may b givon to parties
for aiioh sunia as desired, thus
uvoldlng (rqquent trips to the
If Interested call and neo us.
Salem State Bank
It. K. PAGK, YemUU
Amorlcaus tront
na that Invariably shown by tho
creator of Huokloborry V'lnn. Ho
isn't tho least timid of them. On the
contrary ho approaohea thorn with
manifest confldouco, born, doubtless,
of his unfailing succosa In fascinating
them. Hut If ho Is conscious of hW
popularity ho conconla tho conscious
noss admirably. Women admire
men most whon mon appear unaware
of admiration. There was a bonollt
a yonr or two ago In tho Casino, nt
which Sarah Hornhardt appoarod.
Mark Twain followed tho gront
Froneh actross, and ho began by
complimenting her on hor French,
saying, "Whenever I hear tho bona
tiful language of Froneh rippling so
rhythmically from such lovely lips,
1 am so entranced that aftur a while
I almost think I'm going to under
stand it." Tho laugh ho cnuse.l
placed him Immodiataly In sympathy
with his nmlleueo, whloh consisted
chlotly of women, and evory suceod
Ing sally waa greeted with outhus
Inatlonlly feminine applause.
Sooloty has taken up roller skat
ing. Tho lure of tho littlo whooia
has uropt into tho innermost circles
of tho Fifth avenue set, and dinners,
dances and thontor parties aro second
in popularity to tho nowest fad.
Since tho cud of Lent tho fad has
bocomo so widespread that Lenuox
Lyceum, Madison avenuo and Fifty
ninth Btroot, has beoa hired, and
what Is known aa tho Friday ulght
club meets aa often aa its namo indl
ctca, Thcro is a momberahlp ot
from 75 to 100, and oa tW8 occa
sleua outftlden are atrktly rr4,
havo yet sent forth In n modern
play. Whllo Llebler & Co. aro
known for tholr artistic production
nud tho oxcellonco of tho casts thoy
supply for tholr vnrlous plays, thoj
ft'ol thuy havo furnlshod an array of
talent thnt should appeal to tho lov
ors of tho host In dramtic art, and
aro satisfied that fow of tho produc
tions that como this way havo sur
passed Mr. Whltosldo's company In
point of artistic possibilities. Each
and evory mombor of the company
Is nn oxporloncod player with a
woalth of stage history, and oach
hna como to bo known as among tho
best in hia or hor branch of endeavor
on Broadway, whoro after all, the
bulk ot tho critical annlysls, na far
as tho managora aro concerned, Is
It Is unusual to find such aitlsts
as Miss May Buckloy; Miss Olive
Wyndhnm. Miss Martha George, Mr.
Henry Borgman and Mr. Howard
Gould In ono organization, ovon when
such a star as Mr. Whltoaldo Is to be
supportod. and Lleblor & Co. take
prldo In tho rosult thoy havo achlov
od. Mr. Whltosldo's ongngomont
with tills firm is for n term of yoars,
nud during that period ho will bo
soon only In modern plays, as he has
doclded to abandon his classic nnl
romantic portrayals for somo time to
como. Ho snya ho regards hia work
in that lino na tho surest roundatlon
for tho work ho is now attempting,
and It can bo said that hla managora
havo glvon him ovory opportunity
with tho splondld cast that has been
Ralhmls Horchouud Syrup.
Immediately rollevea hoarao, croupy
cough; oppressed, rattling rasping
and difficult breathing. Henry C.
Sterns, druggist, Shullsburg, Wis.,
writes, May JO, 1902: "I have been
soiling Ballard's Horehound Syrup
for two years, and havo cover had a
preparation that has gives better
MtJttacUoH. I notice that whea 1
Mil a bottle tkey come back for mot
I fa fceaettly recommea4 K." nt,
Se aa l,t. 8oU by D. J. Fry,
walk mnBsos, shouting with tho boy?
llko all-possessed.
At 2 p, m. I was on hand at the
main ontrnnco drinking pink lomon
ndo, watching tho finishing touches
being put upon tho sldeshoV tents;
llstonlng to tho mnny-toned crlos of
tho men as thoy told tho crowd which
way to go for this thing and that.
In wo wont Into tho monngorlo en
closure, bordered on all aides with
animal cngea, carpotod with a sooth
ing mnss of human bolngs. Wo saw
tho IJongnl tlgor, and wanted to
strok'o him. Wo led the elephants.
Wo laughed at tho monkoys, Bhud
dored at tho soa lions; admired tho
horses; petted tho dogs; screamed at
tho camels; stood nwo-strlckon be-
j roro tho lions; Joined in tho chorus
"aron't they cuto" over tho ponied
until wo woro ushered Into tho "big
tent," whero a concert was being
glvon preliminary to tho exhibition.
Wo gained seats near tho top row so
' wo could soo It all. I hugged the
girl noxt to mo, bo that sho might
not fall down through the benches.
I bought hor a red balloon, hor mar
rled frlond n violet ono, and the
friond's littlo daughter another. Wo
all munched ponnuts, stuck up our
flngora and mouths with molasses
dipped popcorn, and roallzod that w
woro strictly In It when it camo to
participating in tho Joys of circus
day. As the stately parade of mar-
Itlal spectacle went on. showlnir In
rovlow tho mass or performers and
' attractions thoy had along with them
as tho rlnga filled up wltlr various
specialists; as the passage ways wero
dotted with clowns in weird nnd mar
volous rogalia; aa animals and at
tendants and paraphernalia became
apparently mixed In a hopeless tan
Jglo; aa a wonderoua fairy In yellow
'silk Sailfid nlnft lll-n n rnl.lnn n.,n.n.1
in a cavorting trapez; as queens of
tho arena stood up and rodo in regal
magrdflcenco on milk-white Bteeds;
aa- tumblers tumbled: as gymnasts
flew; as bicycles executed tholr Intri
cate flgurea on tho elevated stages;
1 . ..v.s.t, unn ieir Ul
sy llago and spread tbe aplrlt ot
Greatest knowa rcmed; lorl
Prlco 1. To aprcn olll;
from Salem I pay !5 ccntiosi
Highland, Oregon, Oct U,lHi
This is to certify that I pn i
mnro ono bottlo of "Stosi'i
Drona" and cured her ot Is
This was last winter and lie in i
been afflicted slnce.-C. Wilto.
l)r. S. C. STOXE,SleB,0it
For salo by Ml druju'iu. .
man who had over boon kind to him
In nil his born days camo along and
took him into tho circus.
Jlmlnl, I onjoyed ovory peanut
I ate. Good for Norris & Rowe;
thoy havo a nlco, genuine wholosomo
circus, nnd thoy mado mo fool young
ngaln. To fool young again la worth
Shelled Corn
We havo a carload of aholLd
corn that was delayed in fihlp
mont, and in order to closo It
out wo will make apodal prices
on same. Call and boo It.
Splendid for foedlng stock.
All Other Feed
In largo or small quantities at
closo prices.
151 High St
Kills nlant Insects cb
fruit trees, vines or re,
On human body, do "
and In tn w
Colorless, 011, "
Price, !5 and 50
tor w "
spray materia!.
Ask for boojci.f ""-"a?
Plant Insects asa i lj
an t1
rnii n trv them. Meals
Z 15c. Board per week 2.75, 1
also furnlahed rooma very
ITOK.1 .,
ruiuoa t M
General .
ri ' "" i
nTlf. J-! il 1
feu a .
IrMt '-
jDk. afll,,""v5v.