Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919, April 27, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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lalem Social 3o$sip
II rs.
j, Mrs
ii..1 Mra
I, u v i;ui, -
Alice H
t . Rlciinruson anu
Virf,n wcro thu jMtc";
"' .,(,i ctlvnn Inst
3a " nt Mm Elks
El-lav asn'u" -
Mr J- J i"M,I",,, """"
' ,-,r.il on the Invitations,
i 1r tiVnannt nml
, . i , t' i- receiving lino was
' I 1 Mil Milt AM
cnariuwib uuub"""i
of Portland, who
tiT ha
i r. C.ark
l..1- nml inn nl
Cl '.,,,. mnrM nf nhlthne
Uy p-1 l "
flfri:Us. ,
is'5fns t!i " ll0SteS80S wns n uovy
Eminent b3ticty ladlos, exqulslt-
30wb i nnd Pffsentlng a vory pic-
Mne . arance, amiu iuu iru-
. ni,rlnr- hloSSoniB Wlllcll
Inn Ci oi"h
Lr0ed th? reception room.
n ik.j.ations wore exceeuingiy
Ltr Dog wood and mnplo blooms
yfi a rich scmng ior m muit-
bate apple blossoms, which wore
In Er.at quantities, in inc.
fo room the decorations wero of
tame flowers. Kerrcsnmcnts
. ierred at small tables, the floral
bterpiccca of which wero tho pretty
de- stemmed marguerites, ar-
(Sed In vases.
he Peencss orencsira iurnisneu
i!c during tho n.ternoon and Mrs.
Hie Parrlsh Hinges Bnng Bovoral
cctlons, a rare treat at any time.
About 250 ladles called during the
n Honor of Mrs. Chamberlain.
Mrs. A M Crawford gavo'a bronk-
t Thursday at 12 o'clock in honor
Mrs. G"orgo B. Chamberlain
tfecf the governor, who In spending
(lew das in tho city.
!u Crawford homo was a pro
blem of Illncs nrranged in ovory
ncelvabb place. White clematis
I also used with good effects. In
dlDlng-rootn tho color schomu
in pink and white, pink cnrnntlons
irmlng a pretty conterploco while
Iran of the dainty mnldcn hair fern
pre scattered over tho cloth.
Cover wcro laid for Mrs. Cham-
rtiln, Mrs. Ilarr G. Leo, Mrs. J. II.
Merman, Mrs. E. C. Patton, Mrs.
trollno D. Sholton, Mrs. B. B.
tiers, Mrs. T. C, Smith, Sr., Mrs.
L. Stockton, Mrs. Robert Bnkln
Mrs. Crawford was assisted by her
let, Miss Suo Watson.
"300" Club Entertained.
The 1?07 ' 500" club wnB pleas-
itlr entertained last Monday ovou-
by Mr, and Mrs. R. B. Houston
I their homo on Commercial street.
lie first prize was won by Mrs. T. C.
Kith and Dr. T. C. Smith cnrrlo-1
rT tho flrrt honor for tho gontle-
This wni the first mooting of
club that Mr. nml MrB. Smith
vt aUenJcd slneo roturnlng from
dlforala whe e thoy spent tho wln-
Covcrrr Chnmborlnln, MU
Hen nni Mr nnd Mrs. Wall were
nt3 of t - ilub. Mrs. Cooko Pat-
Is isl M Candlno li. Sholton will
Rtcrtaln o , f Ju nt Jt8 noxt moot.
M L I.f of Mra. Pnttnn.
l'p Corn Social.
Tb' " Mnent nml baskot &o-
S . 1 ; h Summit koIioo'
l la" t clir. under tho ntiHnlot.
n band, was one of
tit and proiltnblo af-
' ' f-n slven thore for
Nell Thielsen received tho Indies'
first prize, it being a hnndsomo
bouquet of carnations. The first
gontlomnn's prize was captured by
Oudln Roberts. Dancing wns thy
feature of the lattor part or the ev
ening, aftor which light rofrosh
monts wore served.
Salem Guests.
Miss Louise Brynnt nnd Hnzol
Humphreys, two chnrmlng Eugno
girls, who are the guests nt tho homo
of Mlas Barbara Enkin, nnr Rlckre
all, have been moro or less Informal
ly entertained by a number of Salem
young people. Thoy nro students at
the University or Oregon, and have
boen spending tholr spring vacations
here. Thoy return homo this oven
Ing. l)r. Straw .Mnrried.
Dr. E. E. Straw, tnnyor of Marsh
field, was married last week In Santa
Rosa, Cnlirornln, to Miss Sara C.
Lnkemnn. Miss Lnkcmnn wns for
merly In charge of tho Marshflold
hospital, and is a well-known and
popular young lady. Dr. Straw Is n
highly educated gontlomnn, known
throughout Oregon for his activity in
development work. Thoy will resldo
in Mnrshfleld.
Last Meeting of Club.
Tho "Gaiety Hill" flvo hundred
club will bo entertained tho last time
this 8onson by Mr. and Mrs. Bauerlln
"Prlscllla" Club.
Tho "Prlscllla" Bmbroldory club
mot Inst Thursday aftornoon with
Mrs. A. L. Ilrown, tho coming wool;
thoy will moot with Mrs. D. A. Dins-moor.
tho r .
16 Er t
W ty I
After t
1 ieh- '
"oaa ' x
W .i
a th k
te ,;, -
toaat ,
' '"1 had rndrod an
' in the grovo nnr
1resnt woro trtt
t' literary and muilc-
v .ih was glvon In th
i .te hour tho baskets
atabloa, nnd ranging
i to angel cako,
i, and somotblng ororwa8 ,a8t HWl80n
a by tho salt. The
"d In tho treasury of
Now York, April 27. -All Btylcs
point to olognnco. Evening drcsB
nro, particularly notlconblo in this.
Thoso drosses nro not to docollotto,
and' pretty trimming runB around tho
edgo of tho dross. Skirts for ovonlng
and dinner gowns touch tho floor gon
orously all round nnd nro qulto
round In longth. Thoy nro mado of
tho iluniest matorlnlB not, gauz.
tulle nnd so on.
Any numbor of tho now tailor
mados show tho tunic offccU Al
though tho stylos hns not yot boon
ndapted to flguros as has the prlncoaa
and ompiro modos there Is no ronton
why tho tunic should not bo mndd
to fit grncofully nnd It will lator on
wlion tho modistos have got tholr
hnnd In. A now shape 1b seldom
troated corroctly tho flrat few woeke.
for it has to bo trlod many many
tlmod beforo tho doslgnor uudor
stands how to mnko thing suit tho
Sonio of the tailor toilets employ
slooves of coarse lace, forming a
doublo volant. A "bow nnd gnrtor"
as decoration nro mnde of velvot the
been In fashion for some tlmo. They
are very smart, and would seem to
have boen chosen with reference to
the individual wearer, rather thnn to
tho groat majority. Thoy nro short
but extend below tho waist lino nnl
have nothing of tho bolero or eton
model nbotit them. A look of some
old fashion Is notlconblo in somo of
thoso coats they outline the figure
nnd soom at first glanco to bo mnde
In rnther too scant an nllownneo of
material. On tho othor hnnd, onc
ngaln Is to be soon n stylo that wns
so fashionable three or four years
ago, that had a fitted yoke across
tho shoulders and tho body pleated,
a style that Is ospoclally fashionable
In tnffota or pongeo, but the neatest
of Jackets nnd tho smartost aro tho
queer shaped ones, trimmed with
narrow brnld and pipings of satin or
narrow black velvet ribbon put on
around tho fronts or In linos on the
back. In tho description It does not
sound as though thoso Jackets would
bo becoming; but as a mnttor of fact
thoy are becoming to nlmost every
figure. It Is notlconblo that all thesfc
Jackets aro collarlcss, intending to
show tho collnr of tho wnlst under
neath or to bo worn with a full
ruche. This Is n very becoming stylo
especially now that tho soft laco col
lars and tics aro again fashionable,
for laco against tho throat la always
far softer and moro becoming whon
worn thnn when mndo of somo RtlfT
material ns that In the dress, nnd
especially 1b this truo of silk which
has n most hardening effect nnd
really requires tho softening of not,
laco or chiffon.
All sorts of llttlo silk or cloth
Jackets or Jacket effects, ofton
BleevcloBS, to wear over tho laco
bodices aro covered all ovor with
nattorns In flno Boutncho brnld. A
bluo silk gown has a jacket, sleeve
loss, In dark bluo cloth literally cov
ered with Boutacho of tho samo color.
Tlo ompiro coat Is much effected
this spring nnd nil tho fashion load
ers aro wearing It. It Ib a coat that
looks vory woll on certnln occasions.
For driving nnd tho opora It Ib tho
qnly coat worth considering In the
opinion of many. And, If well
shnpod, It is bo'coming to wonr ovon
J on tho street in tho day tlmo. nut
' tho wnlst nuiBt not bo too short nor
must tho coat bo too long or tor.
lnoso. It should bo Boml-fltted tr
tho figure
A gront number of tho now model"
worn by fashionables aro Indeed
showing tho lines of tho cut more nr
tho princess ordor. Ono stylo n'
coat that Ib vory attractive has plaits
clusters of them that fall from n
fitted yoko. This modo Ib much
shorter In tho back than In tho front,
tho dip In tho yoke that Ib thus oh
tallied almost unlvorsnlly becoming
No mnttor how light wolght a clot'
or how thin a silk, providod it Ib of
good quality, It has more Biibstancr
to It than any of tho thin materials
and at the same tlmo nllover laee cai
be mnde up without being plnltnl,
mid that Is decidedly thin material,
but then, thote art the Deeming con
tradictions that exlHt in the world or
fashion today. Lonso coatH and nl'
thin mntorlnla are this year lined
with hb often colors iir with white,
land k moat olmrmlng effect Is gn Intnl.
Whllo In tho heavier mntoriaU
soft taffeta in used more than Mtln,
Inter on In the seweflii poime cot
will bo mnde on tho same models Mi
ready doocrlbod, and will bo In all
tho dlfferont colors, for although
pongoo hnH boen worn a long time
ittvv uiouuvcni
"Two years ago a severe cold settled on my lungs end to completely prostrated me that I was
unable to work and scarcely able to stand, I then was advised to try Dr. King's New Discovery, aad
after using one bottle X went back to work, as well as I ever was."
W. J. ATKINS, Banner Springs, Teaa.
embroidery enn bo black or cream,
ns preferred; nnd blnck put over a
lining of white chiffon is newer than
cream, nnd chnntltly laco hns onco
ngaln como Into favor for this pur
pose. Thon thoro aro tho ombrold
orod nets nnd chiffons that nro used
instead of laco.
Silk Ib n material that thU year Is
to bo worn moro than ovor, nnd those
with tho soft flulBh aro In tho lend,
Tho sort finish taffeta Bilks In
black or light rIhuIch aro tho ones
most often choHeu, nlthough thore
aro a groat many white ouos as woll,
bolng mndo up for summor wonr.
Tho elmngonblo offocts nro tho onea
that are ospoclally now, nnd nro ul'
foctlvo In the old fashlonod pinks,
mnuves, nnd pnlo bluo. Thuro Is the
old shado known ns "ashes of roses"
thut Is most nttrnctlvo and said to be
becoming to tho majority of w -i
Tho soft llnlah Is noun on all fab
rics this season, on clotlm ns woll as
silk, and Ib moro notlconblo In tho
light colors thnn In tho dnrlc shades
but thon It must bo romomborod Hint
tho dark shadca aro not so much
used for coat suits. Smooth finished
woolcnu In soft mixed colnringu ot
light tnn Boom to havo elbowed tho
rnughter tweeds and homoripuiiB
nsldo and of check nnd bar and plnld
attorns thoro Is no end. A majority
of tho Intter show n whlto chock on
dollcnto or neutral ground, crossed
off by hnlrllnoH of black or of black
or blue, and tho vest or braidings.
I harmonizing with tho color lino In
I the cloth twoods, chovolts nnd thw
erKOM nro tho tuntorlnl In ovldonco
this Beftson with BtrlpoH. Trim stroot
ultfl of tho nklrt nnd cent variety
nro much Been, tho Htrlpos placod
vortlcally for tho main portion nnd
depending for tho npproprlnto d ador
ation upon the unique dluposnl of tho
linen. The only troublo about thowo ,
strlpee and oheckH Is thu necoBulty I
of the 11 rat clam) tailor and drew-1
maker, for to look "JiihI right" they
must pee through their hnndrf n
the manner of making hooidh beyond
tho ordinary fitter.
Heavy twilled shirting. . . .10o yd
Calico, largo lino Cc yd
Dress gingham 8 l-3o yd
Chocked linen towoling. . . .9o yd
Heavy Daisy cloth ,10oyd
Fancy lawns, 6, 10, 12c yd
Rest uublonehod munlln 8 l-3o yd
Medium wolght muslin. .70 yd
Host blenched muslin ....10a yd
Medium wolght muslin. .7 io yd
Stnndntd oil cloth 18c yd
Wldo corsot covor omby..2rcyd
Fancy cotton Halting ,...10c yd
Turkish towolo unbloa . .lOooach
Turkish towolu largo bloa ICo each
2 doz. good poarl buttons ....no
Children's undorshlrtB Ida
LndloB honvy gray Iiobo ..lOopr
Chlldron'B honvy blnck bono lOo pr
Children's novor wear out
loso IGopi
Children lnco hoso 23opr
J2.25 corduroy panto for
men fl.GO
12.00 wool panto for mon..$1.40
91.3G Cotton pnnU for men $1.00
91.25 cotton pants for mon 00c
Hoys' short pants 26o
noyn' long pants 46a
Moii'h gray ovorallB 7Co
Mon'u blnck nnd white shlrtB 40o
Men's nogllgeo shirts 45 and 65u
240-246 Commercial St. Snlcm. Ofccon
samb color. Tlila comnosoe n ohnrm
lug sloovo and takos somo of the so- none the loss, it has provod an at
vorlty off tho genornl tnsomblo. tractive matorial, for sumnlor wear
Tho Jnpanose stylo In Bleevos Id that It Ib dewtlnod ngaln to attain
tMtlng wldoly copied for costumos of popularity this summor, consequent-
Wdhuiuttf Howjition.
venlng. aftor the
1'i.ette dobato at tho
"" " was a recoitlon
' at LouBunno Hal!.
ni,,gt enjoyablo etent.
x acted as chairman of
T'd, after a few voll-
- Prof. Coleman tave
' lcorae. Mr. Hjrry
" 'he Whitman tearc ro-
college, and U a
"Ti te and his school nany
' Walter WlnBlow 8oko
aftte team. The tthole
1 to bring the two col-
'W rrelatlonship, not
fiku- wrioai nne, uis in
--. ' j
'scbo. '
i t6CP.-
rWh .,
ttf .
en r
other department! of
Kiut A
Cu0Z Uoores tery
all descriptions. Tho ofTect Is quite
limp. Tho little coat in Japanese
style Is also one of the Innovations.
A glnnoo nt tho new gowns will
rovenl tho 'fact that tho sloping
shouldor is moro a la modo than It
Now evorythlng U
exaggerated to reach tho pictur
esque. The klmona sleeve Is now
and ontlrely rantlatlc. If not boautl
fill. Silk coats that are now being wort
with certain plaited skirts aro ntlro
ly dlfferont from anything that has
ly It will bo soon in all the dlfferont
shade. The model originally In
tended for a cloth coat made with
side pleats la ospoclally good In white
pongoo, whllo tho longor modola that
ar moro olaboratoly trimmed with
laco and embroidery are also very
effective In whlto pongoe with heavy
ombroldery or lacol
The soft black Milks make up very
effectively in all aorta of garment
from the short Jackets to the Ion
coats, from the Jumpor suit to the
flno princess dross. Tho tare and
ii ii M I i m
o.e cm . it
i H-v--- '
Folger's Golden Gate
Baking Powder
Is composed of the following"
ingredients and none ether:
Pure Cream Tartar and
Pure Bi-carbonate Soda
J. A. F0LGER 4c CO
Sm Francisco
klr .
Cured Ithuiimntlsni.
Mr. Wm, Henry of Chattnuoogn,
Tonn., had rhoumatlsm In bis left
arm. "Tho strongth scorned to havo
gono out of tho muscles so that It
was uhoIrs for work," ho says, "I
appllod Chamberlain's Pain Halm
and wj-npped tho arm In flanno) at
nlsht, and to my rollof I found that
tho pain gradually loft mo nnd thu
strongth returned. In three wooks
tho rhoumatlsm had disappeared nnd
has not ulnco returned." If troubled
with rhoumatlsm try u few applica
tions of Pain Iinlm. You nro cor
tain to be pleased with tho rollof
which it affords, For snlo at Dr.
Stono's drug store.
' rw y
m X
t 'ftfKSBKr
j w y
1 .fe . - j
od Floors
m Cans
Spread ihem on jour old
Noon v, lih a jjocxl bruxh, ind
hac n urHo-dito reception
reom, dlnlnc-room, hall or Pirlor.
Natural wood flnltli, tough, clastic and dunblt.
Imltitc all fine wood, no miner how old the turfaea
mined, The only article made that rcoulret ho tklll m
rftxieet ksou reauits. Avoid diuppolntrntnt by rtmeraNrlaf
io ask for Varno-Lac.
Acmi Vliiie Leid & Color WoU, Dtir&Ii. Mlclii
Phono tot
Mrririt .i:fi
IXoUrttn ctve iht avery w- mar
moat dealrei perfect compitalon
It brtnjf that aofi imouth litnh
clear tint to th chtk that tVnote
youthfuIoeM. It will brlnir beauty
(o those who lack it. It wilt retain
It for tbo who already poiaeia It
It will anatla you to uicfully
combat tho ravagM of weathar and
time, tton't doubt-dori't ar'J Ju
try RoUrtlna. Your drugsut win
sty you a fret Mtnple. All drus
Ktrta kp Kobertlaa.
. asBsTOijfiHL
Ilut no ono need worry about mutton
thl stlme of tho year, if tboy,can got
dainty and delicious Spring lamb on
an appetizing and nourishing Sum
mor uioal. Wo havo evorythlng in
cholco meats, and all tho delicacies
of tho season In both fresh and
smoked meats that will pleaio the
moit critical eyicuro.
K. O. CKOfiti,
Will treat you with Orlonla
and euro any dlsenae without op"
or pain.
Dr. Kum Is known eyoiywti-r
9aletn, and ba euroi many prom
pooplo bfre. Ho has lived Id h
for 20 yeraa, and can be truatr
uaua many modlclnea unknown I w
loetora, aud with tbeui can
Mtarrh, aathuia, Iudjj trouble .
tnatliui, atomaeh, Uytr, an.1 kidno
Dr. Kum makes a specialty of dr&pa
aad female troubles. Hit rcrat
eure prlvato diseases when everytbln
else ails. lie has hundreds of Utt
moniala, and flvM eosseltstioa ttt
Priees for medicines yery wodetate.
Persons ia toe eountry esa writ for
blank, Bead itassp.
If yoa waat seae wtra fae tea, gt,
K froaa ss.
117 feeta Mlt ekeet, SU, 0.
iT, V 50 Wednesday ercilns
cnj6 on ChemekeU stieet.
fUU gtreet Market lkoe Ssit