DAILY CAPITAL JOUKtfAIi, SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, ATRIL 20, 1007. f Ready-to-wea GARMENTS At a Geat Saving Spring styles In Ladies' ready-to-wear that contain the stylo feature? so dear to women know. Tho materials nro tho most fashionable In wnnted shades and colors. Read the List Fist Choree is Best Sf'IXAL MKNIXGIT1S CASK. SPRING In light ehudos In mixtures and chccKs-fitled hacks fashionable garments well tailored and lined. Sold regularly at $5.00. Special... JACKETS $3.98 Frliflii Grrlflcr Succumbs (o Mala dy After One Week's Illness. Death came to relieve tho suffer ing of Miss Frieda arelfler, at the homo of C. Frlckey, on Asylum av enue, Thursday afternoon, after a six-days' illness. Frieda Grelfler was 1C years of ago, and was tho daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grelfler. She was tho grand daughtor of C. Frlckey, and was, up to tho time of her recent Illness a studont In Wil lamette University, whore sho wnB popular with her class matos and loved by her teachers. Sho leavos a largo circle of frlonds In this city. Tho funeral sorvlcos will be conduct ed by Rev. W. H. Solloct at the gravo in City View cemetery at 3 o'clock tomorrow. I Spting Suits and Coats In light and dark shades somo with fitted backs popular Etons Prlnco chap nnd box coats Btrlpes, chocks and plaids, also plain colors. All neatly finished in tho best fash ions. Values rango from $10 to $35. Less 25 Per Cent Silk Rain Coats HnnduomcHt styles shown In this city full length box and strapped backs tho best values you can find oven at rogular prices. Prices rango from $25 to $30. Special Less Frlodu Grclller Memorial Service. A memorial service for Frlodo Grelfler will bo hold at ,the First Methodist church on Sunday aftor noon at 4 o'clock. The funeral ser vices will ho conducted tomorrow nt 3 o'clock at the gravo In City View cemetery. Rov. Sollock will conduct the services. . c. Cuttent Events flffl 33 i 3 Per Cent! IS RI2MXAXT DAY. Short longths of sonsonnblo and do- HALF pendablo goods at PRICE TODAY i Jll 6& t . . M INCORPORATED CITY NEWS A Collodion of Important Parr Ki-mpIim for Your Consideration. ClrciiH Day Wo Hliull havo plenty of spring lnrnb, chicken, beof, pork, mutton and voal, also cold iiiuiitn for your lunch at tho parade. Farrlngton & Vnnl'ntton, grocora nnd markotmen. Itiiiiimugo Hale Continued by tho Ladlus Aid Ro cloty of tho First Congregational church, at :2t North Commorclal Htroot. All persons having rummage to give call phono No. 013. Lorturo Postponed Tho locturo that wa to hav bcon given tonight by Prof, llorimr, t CorvalllH, In tho Proebytarlan church, hart luwn postponed until noxt Friday night. 'Tho Octoroon'1 Julia Homnlnu, of tho Kltngor Grand theatre yofltordny returned from l'ortland, wharo sho went to purchase new costumes and othor paraphernalia, which will bo usud to present "Tho Octoroon." Sho also brought with hor thrco now pooplc especially for tho production of "The Octoroon," which will be given nt tho Kllnger Grand tonight, Saturday nnd Sunday nights. Htnvoptlcon LrcOiro Postponed Prof. Heritor's storeoptlcon lec ture, which wns to havo been glvon tonight at tho Presbyterian church, will not be given until noxt Friday Xot a Uivivery Htrlko. There was no strike nt tho Salem browory, os might hnvo boon infer red from a uowb Horn in Tho Capital Journal Thursday. Two employes of a tinning and rooting linn mado tho demand for higher wages, nnd got it. not browory omployos. o Circuit Court. Judgo Duruott made tho follow ing doakot outrlou in department No. 2 of tho circuit court teday: In tho accounting suit of Roscoo 0. Thomas vs. A. T. Gilbert, ot al., tho motions of Potor Durfy, petition er for appolntmont of special rof orooti was withdrawn. Tho potltlon ar's motion to Htrlko out supplement al answer of receiver was sustained The dlvoroo enso of T. J. Lupor vs. Lizzie Lupor is being heard before tho court on testimony this nftor-noon. One-Half the World Wear glussos, but not half ot that half wear tho right glasses. Tho wrong glasses aro often worse than none; they aro a constant Btraln and a permanent Injury to tho eyos. Only eloutlilo examination can determine what glasses your oyes require, you can't tell by trying on glasses. Do on the safe side; let our op- tlclau glvo your eyes careful examin ation. It doosn't cost nnythlug ho can tell you just what you need delays ro dangerous. Our prices aro roa onnble, and we guarauteo eatlsfac-tlon. HKUMAX W. HAltH, AT Optometlst BARR'S JEWELRY STORE Sttc and Liberty SU. Satan Sues for Account. Tho Rothouberg Company, a cor poration In business In California, has commenced nn action In depart ment No. 1 of tho Marlon county clr eult court to eolUct $243. SO from M. J. Spanlol for tho balance of nn ac count nllogod to havo boon run by tho defendant. Tho complaint, In addition to tho $24 3. SO, asks for tho costs and disbursements ot tho suit. P. H. D'Aroy appears as attorney for the plaintiff. c n Xo Otalnrlo to Hawley. Tho Albany Herald, referring to tho frao looks and canal project at Oregon City, says this: Mr. Hawloy's return to Washing ton for a second term is blackonod Just now by a dam at Oregon City, Mo may bo, successful in romoving tho obstructions. Albany Horald. No obstacle at all to Mr. Ilawley, or any of tho Orogon delegation. They will simply Join forces and put through tho bill. Tho deadlock In tho election of nn U. S. senator to succeed Spooner, of Wisconsin, continues. Tho now Shnh of Persia is tho first head of a constitutional monarchy In any Mohnmmcdnn country. Tho British Columbia miners and initio owners havo been unnblo to ugreo, and tho government may havo to sottlo tho strike. Tho Czar of Russia will today re colvo a largo deputation of tho peas ant members of tho Russian parlia ment or doumn. A special Instructor In rond mak ing Is to bo sont by tho gonornl gov ernment to Orogon, to glvo lossons Ir road building. Chile Btiffcrod throe shocks of earthquako yostorday. Ireland Is to bo grnntod a local leglstlaturo, with on oppolntlvo up per chnmbor. It Is snld Hint tho Hurrlmnn sys tem plans to lay a doublo track be tween Portland and Tnconin. Tho lumber handlors nnd carpen ters nro on strlko nt Vancouver, I). C. Hrlof Telegrams. Dr. Gordnor, with J. Martin up, 3 to 1 shot, won tho $10,000 Excel sior handicnp at Jamaica. At San Francisco today a warrant wns issued for Gus Burt, George nussell, Gus Smith, Harry Sullivan, Jack Young, Jack Morris and M. Car mody, mombcra of tho cloctrlcnl workors' union, recently oxpollod from tho nulldlugs Trades Council for ordorlng a strlko without tholr sanction. At Los Angeles In tho Unite! Stnto3 circuit court this morning Judgo Wellborn ovorrulod tho do murror of tho Santa Fo ofllclalu to the complaint charging rohatlng. Tho olllclals then plondod not guilty. Xoz Perce Fruit Xot Hurt. "Y.ou enn say that Noz Porco and Asotin counties nro going to havo tho blggost fruit crops In their history nnd that 100 orchards in nnd around I.owlston which I inlnutoly oxnmlnod Hhow no plgn of Injury from tho heavy frost of Thursdny night. You might Bay further that frosts can bo oxopcted from now until tho 10th of May, but thero Is llttlo ned to bo frightened for tho peaches. apricots, almonds nnd ahorrles nro formed and able to withstand any cold to which thoy nro llkoly to be subjected." Thoso wero the statements made I Inst evening by Horticultural Inspoc tor in. Mohl In response to a query as to the offocts of tho rocont frost. LowUton Tribune. CHESTERFIELD Psychic Palmist and Clairvoyant My only reason for calling you by name and what you call for is inci dentally a chain to read by; what is more impor tant to serious peoplo is what to do, or what to expect regarding present or futurs aS3-.' affairs. If you aro ambitious, if you wish to bo a success; if you ore Involved In any unhappy lovo affair, or if you desire to better your financial condition; If you are in doubt con cerning your future nnd wish to at tain that subtle, potent, magnetic force, that seductive, attractive per sonal charm so Irreslstablo In its power to dominato and control oth ers, then go at onco and consult with Prof. Chesterfield; ho Is ever rendy to help thoso with capital to find a safo and good paying invest ment; this ho can do and ask no fco until the investment pays n hand somo profit. Is this not honest? You hear tho truth and nothing but tho truth. Grcntest living astral dead-trance clairvoyant of tho ago; adviser on business and all affairs of Ufa; tolls your full nnmo and what you called for, whom you will marry, how to control tho one you lovo, oven though miles nway; reunites tho sopnratcd; gives secret power to control; no long delays In watting. In Salem ono week only. Spcclnl low fco all this week. Parlors 4CC State street Hughes block. Ofllco hours 9 a. in. to 9 p. in. Daily and Sunday. IF YOU RIDE X 0 tcvci WHY XOT RIDE A TOP-XOTCMFP crrif FOR ACTUAL SERVICE, DURA 1HL1TY v, AS E WCtttf QUALITIES, THE RACYCLE HAS No v'nvl ASl" Gq2 PACE THE WORLD OVER. vl'11 BIT SLT$ JJ WE CARRY RACYCL vat.i.-c mnvmio ,vr nnT..n.. OX A XEW UIOYCLE THIS YEAR, LEf US ,,,1 JE et IN THE MEANTIME rr. IF YOU WAXT AXYTHIXG IX THE WAY OF IlPPim,. BICYCLE, WE'RE RIGHT THERE WITH TliF riJ22PT CALLED FOR AXD DELIVERED. UTH THE GOODS. Best Wok at Honest Pic Fanfc J. Moon Dont forget the new No. 447 Court Strt Personals ruli-flntAoH JUST RECEIVED. Tho iliivtit lino of Cuulitlower (hal over came to Siilom. FRESH TOSLVrOES O iVOXLXJk ,Wt)hilth4t JM sf . 15c iHr pound. I Moir Grocery Company 456 State PlMne182 Mrs. Edward Weller Is visiting In Portland. George Gray left this morning for Seattle on huslnoss. Trod Dowo, of Portland, Is visiting In this city. Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Smith nro visiting frlonds in Hnlsey. Mrs. E. M. Vandorvort wont to Drownsvlllc yesterday to visit rola tlVOB. Frjuik Hull, of Mcdford, Is tho guest of Frank Lltchflold, of this city. Ed. Hcrren, tho Aurora hop man, nttonded tho M. W. A. rally horo last night. Mrs. I. Vineyard loft yesterday for Thrall, California, to visit frlonda and rolntlvos. Mrs. E. Sanders returned to hor homo In Woodburn yostorday, after a visit in this city. Mrs. E. Snoll, who has been visit ing horo, returned to hor homo in Drain today. Mrs. J. 1). Myors, after a short visit In Salem, has rcturnod to her homo in Marlon. Mrs, A. L. Conger went to Marlon today to visit tho closing oxorclsos of the public schools nt that place. Al Naco wont to Albany this morn ing with tho Wlllnmotto Junior base ball toam. Dr. Z. M. Parvln loft this morning for his homo In Portlnnd. otter a businoss visit in tho city. Chostor Pugh arrived from Port land lust evening for a short visit horo. Chaunooy Bishop, of tho Salem Woolen Mills Storo, is homo from Portland. Mrs. Charlos K. Spauldlng nnd daughtor aro in th city for a few days. Mrs. Eranklo Campbell, of Port land, Is visiting hor pnronts, Mr. and Mrs. Jamos E. Godfrey, of this city. Mrs. S. M. Fleming, who hns beop visiting hero returnod to hor homo In Corvallls today. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Charlton left this morning for Albany to visit the formor's fnthor, J. K. Charlton, who is very 111. Roy Knotts, tho medical studont, loft this morning for his homo In Portlaud, whore ho will spend the summer. Mrs. W. A. Rutherford, of this city, Is oxpoctlng hor niece, Miss Lena Hustings, of Boblnett, Nebraska, to urrlvo today to spend the summer hore. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Rowland left last ovonlng for Eugene to visit the rormors parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Rowland. Mrs. E. Sasse, of BUboe, Arizona, aftor a short visit here, left thte morning for Sllvorton, to visit her brother, Allen Huddlesou, and her mother, who is very 111. Mrs. C. O. Huelat and llttlo son, who havo been tho guests of Mrs. Edward Weller, left yesterday for their home la Heppner. Mrs. JP, S. Blaachard. and mother, Mrs. M. A. Keysor, who havo boon visiting relatives near Liberty, left this morning for their homo In Jof forson. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gale, of Baker City, who havo bcon visiting tho lattcr's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gnus, left this morning for Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Gnlo aro woll-knowu horo. Both nro former students of Wlllnmotto University. Mr. Gnlo hnn boon a student In a Portland medical college for tho past year. o AhIch Divorce. Doniol GIggor has filed divorce procoodlngs In department Xo. 2 ot tho clroult court asking a logal sepa ration from Magglo GIggor, to whom ho was married In this city a yonr ago. Tho charges aro cruel and In human treatment. o OH Prospects in Wohco County. Prices of proporty In tho vicinity of FIftcon-MIlo creek, flvo miles from Dufur, Or., nro soaring as tho rosult of tho petroleum excitement there. A company has been orga nized to sink wells, a largo' propor tion of tho capital stock being owned by roaldonts of that section. "Thoro Is ovcry indication that oil will bo struck," said J. B; Labor, sec retary of tho Portland board of trad. yesterday. "In tho matter of pricou It is now a matter of minutes and dollars. On a quartor section which changed hands a few days ago tho prlco advanced $1000 in nn hour and) a half aftor tho first offer was mado Oil Is to bo found floating on many of tho creeks (lowing eastward from the Mount Hood wntershoad nnd hud been declared gonuino minoVal oik. It Is expected that a good marketable oil will bo struck In this section." BOIIV. DALP.YMPLE.-At the tub in r-ngiowood, Frldif, Apr3 1907, to Mr. andlin.W,H. rymple, a daughter. DIED. OSBORX. At the hone ci C ' Johnson, 1395 South Hlrti this morning, April !,!, Ann Elizabeth Oiborn,irt yonrs. i Tho funeral notice via um lator. Tho body will boshlyptltih tlon City tomorrow, where tlif al sorvlcos and Interment rat place. VAX SCOY. At a hospital !a I don, from an operation f t dlcltld, Paul Van Sec;, ipH years. Ho was tho only ton ot Mil Van Scoy, of tho itate torsi!.! has many friends in 0rfi body will bo brought to Ortpu hurled nt JnckeooTllle. Why Havo a torpid liver when Horblno, tho only liver regulator will help you? Thero is no reason why you should suffor from Dyspepsia, Con stipation, Chills and Fover or any liver complaints, when Herblno will euro you. F. C. Waite, Westville, Fin., writes, "I was sick for a month with chills and fevor, and aftor tak ing two bottles of Horbine am well and healthy." Sold by D. J. Fry. A Source of Delight ForH.t-RoonUlflilJ' and household 8c cheat). 415 Court " 544. !T . . ... lf Mi 1 . .. In IIUSWO- " ;irn xuu ... ---- .. .,.. "r2JS.' ,D?. l" r : nit cod- sen WJ """' ,.!; and bakery at 1 " us i.u..-. - v. fltJ.M live, mowj"""-' j,ii "ease for '- p00, . T- $t moutDr gw.f.s The -- 0r(jl proprietor, Sales, v 3S. rr -rXVork la Help Wanifu .- -m , tn lire la- wrJl on Hop LW Oh ' etreot. r Ti i.ri i Lost. Wir .". ' between Saie - journal ofle- .J Will bo found by every iaur . . k ti -a. r nn jacou vogi'8 snoes. irv ui -i , . ,n' thoy are extremely elegant in stylo; For Sale.--"..)!"' and tara vrt ft a TatUBHI - fanlttl P . Uk -r ..MONEY TO THOMAS tl Over Ladd h Buih'a Bb1t.Si. Norwich Unlott Fke Inscrasce. Prank Meredith, ReilJeUJ Oince with Wm. Brnwalft,!1 129 Commercial rtrrtt newtS For Sale 21 toils. MP . v.i viftMBth rat !"t: V..T. 1411. rr..iT9mteri to tnl quire at 602 Church it of Ferry. !. 4-H' second, they fit perfectly and afford tho greatest amount of comfort; third, thoy aro beautifully finished, nnrl fniirHi thnv urn nhsnlutclr thO I WM.M, MVJ W - w . . ... .. . j- -a win rHur s. n. raosi aesiraDio snoes muuu, uu .... - ., mn .m our -- "r keep their Bhapo until worn out. JACOB VOGT 9 State St. Satem, Ore en street h jtoif-j L-mri wa ra W r - w F r9S4mK 'I PBOIW