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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 26, 1907)
DAILY OAPITAIi JOURNAL. SALEM, OKEflON FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1007. 0 4099$KWW$$$$$&$$f' Girlhood and Scoffs Emtzlsicn are JgJ linked together. & The girl who takes Scott J? Emxxl- r jon has plenty of rich, red blood; she is jfc plump, active and energetic. J? The reason is that at a period when a girl's digestion is weak, Scoffs Emulsion provides her with powerful nourishment in easily digested form. It is a food that builds and keeps up a -, girl's strength. ALL DRUQGI8T3I GOo. AND $1.00. ),$$M&'0'),&Q i iv OB -VTCjjlA jC Ik Ml KILLING gkhms. ,1 IMjhi That Slaughtered Them Jiiterentliig Experiment at tliu Collect.'. Conns woro slaughtered with dead ly effect In a dlHlnfcctnnt oxporlmont by tho bacteriological studonta at the collogo tho othor dny. Tho mlcrobos got a doBo of fumes that stayed thorn nB effectively ns Japs slaughter fooB In a koii fight. One bunch of llttlo common gorms survived tho ordeal, Jm tfcey, were too badly handlod to nmko off with any of tho baggage. Tho oxporlmont was by Calvin Inglo and Arthur Uormnn, students In tho department, .nnd tho young mon who ongnged In a germ foray uovoral wookB ago, accounts of which appeared in tho Times and othor state papors. Prof Pcrnot supervised oporutlons, but tho results nchlovcd belong to tho young mon whoso pur suits of mlcrobos hns attracted much attention. In tho former experi ments formaldchydo was used, the gas being mado by a generator In which the prlnclplo for tho manufac ture of fumo was application of heat. In tho now, experiment, the heat was omitted and tho fumes mado by chemical process. Tho scheme was originally discovered by two Mnlno men, but It hns not so far come Into wide use. The collogo experiment Indicates tho chemical plan to bo tho bettor. Permanganate of potash, 1? ounces, und a quart of formnlderyde was tho mixture, brought .togePthor In a five-gallon earthen vessel. An effervescence resulted In which tho fumes that Issued wero extraordi nary and long continued. Anthrax and pus gorms, pathogenic by the way to man, and that survived one ordeal under the former plan died Hko sheep under tho now plan. Not one of thorn lived through It, and but one of tho hnrmloss gorms, several ( which escaped with tholr liver In tho former oxporlmont, survived the latest tost. Tho oxporlmont demon strates beyond a doubt that the chemical process Is tho more effectlvu ns well as considerably cheaper, and moro Blmplo In application. Corva' Us Tlmos. A SQUARE DEAL AND A FAIR TRIAL OF OUR FAHM IMPLEMENTS AND MACNJNEUY OK ALL KINDS. IF" YOU AMU NOT SATISFIED WITH A FAIR TItlAL YOU NEUD NOT HUY. I NELL TRACTl'ION AND BTAT10NEHY ENGINES, XICIIOL'S AND HIIKPAItD'H RKD KIVEH HEPAKATOHS, HAY HALEKS, STKEET AND UOAD (WADING MACHINEKY. VM NANDLK Til 13 RYHD WAGONS, 13NGI3U ItUGGIES, HACKS AND CA HIM AGIOS. WIS AHE AGENTS FORTIUS ADRIANC13, HUC'KEVE MOW HUH, CLIPPEH PLOWS AND IILUI3 ItllHION CULTIVATOHS, ALSO H0.MI3 SECOND HAND FA KM IMPLKMI3NTH AND WAGONS VI3KY CHEAP. PAINTS. OILS AND VARNimiKS AT WHOLESALE AND RI3 TAIL, GLASS ND STAINS Oh' ALL KINDS, AND PAINTEH9 Sl'PI'LIKS. HUGGY TOPS, DASHHOARDS, WHIPS, HOURS, ETC. COUUESPONDENCE SOLICITED, CIRCULARS AND DESCRIP TIVE CATALOGUES FURNISHED ON APPLICATION. GEO. B. JACOB, Pop. Don't Put Oir For tomorrow what you can do to day. If you put off buying a bottle of Dnllard's Snow Liniment, when thnt pnln comes you won't havo any, buy a bottle today. A posltlvb cur. for Rhoumatlsm, Burns, Cuts, Sprains, Contracted Muscles, etc. T. S. Qrahnm, Prairie Grove, Ark., writes: "I wish to thank you for tho good results I received' from Snow Llnlmont. It positively cured mo of Rheumatism after others haJ fnilod." Sold by D. J. Fry. O : AN OLD TIMEPIECE. SUM Ticking Oir the Minutes After a Hundred and Ten Years. PHONE 101 MAIN COR. FRONT AND PINK STREETS MHHHHWHIIHHHaH PTTPTyflTTTPF Several Good Second Hand sets, Low Prices Show Cases ScTaI nicc sccond ; fhand imtaaw tv -wwjvj show cases reasonable. SinV! an an8cs A ncw ft second-hand C7 vU V to stoves and ranges at a bargain Folding Bed A hish- f bed for J. N. SHANTZ. Court st., Salem. mmmmmmmmmmkmmmMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmMammmmammt wmmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmi STOCK FANCY GOODS AT BIG SALE Just received his atoek men's underwear SOo up to $2.50, Neii 'a fancy how 15c to 75c n pair. Mon working Shirts. 60c to 11.00. Mou's droas Shirts, 76c up to $3.00. Men's White Handkerchief, 10c nuuleo. or 3 for 2tt, Dig lot of Overalls Just received from 40a up. Rig Hue of Hustor Drown Stockings, S8o up. Lndlea' long black and whit Glove;, G6o up, I.tulltV fancy Hum, 2io pair up to $2.00 n pair, I.wdU'H lawn ombroldorod Walata. $1.16 up to $-1.00. Uuli.a Milk embroidered Wntt. $3.26 up to $1.00. r; I .nd I oh muslin underwonr going at low prloos, ' ladles lawn Wrappers, $1.00 to $7.50. Ladles' calico Wrnppurs, $1.00 up to $2.05. l.ndla' Short Kimouna, 50c up. Ladle silk short Klmonns, $3.00 up to $G,50. Tndlia' Japnnoae cropo Klmonns short $1.00, long $3.76. Truuks, telescopes, valises and notions going nt low prlcos. HUIE WING SANG CO. Chinese and Japanese Baaa? 346 Cowt Stmt Sakm, Otegoa With the nnmo of 11b nmkor. dead theso hundred yonrs, written In hit own hnud ncross Us faco, n tall oil corner clock stands In tho library of tho homo of George IJ. Ynndes, 121 East Michigan stroot .ticking nway tho timo ns It did In tho dnys boforr Indiana wns a ntnto and whllo In dlannpollB wns yot a llttlo frontier scttlemont of a fow log cabins. Tho clock, which has boon In tho family of Mr. Ynndos for 85 yea,rs, and which was hammorod and carvod out by tho hand of August Hoft, n clockmnkor of Lancaster, Pn., per hapB u qunrtor of a century boforo, Is well proservod, and although none of tho wheels or othor plocos of mcchnnlsm has over boon replaced it keeps timo almost aB accurately as It did tho dajH wlion Qoorgo Washing ton was prosldont of tho Unltod States. Drought across tho mountains and plains from Pennsylvania to lndlium in 1821 by Mr. Yundos' fnthor, tho old clock hns ronmlned In Indianapo lis over slnco, wltnoBsIng tho growth of tho HooBlor metropolis. It hns ticked off tho soconds -consumed In erecting tho nionumont, tho state house, and practlcnlly nil of tho pub lic and prlvato buildings now stnnd Ing whoro a wlldornses of forostB trees stood In tho days whon It wns perhaps nlrendy n gonorntlon old. In bringing tho clock from Penn- Qvlvntitu lt T.ul lt..i..rit -- F 1--. father carrlod tho works on horstf bnck, guarding it m cnrofully ns ho wouia a cuiid. Upon reaching horo, ho hnd a caso built for it by Cnleb Scudder, tho first cabinet maker that over settled In Indianapolis. This old enso of chorry ritlll contains th original works brought on horse back across tho mountains. Tho clock la one of those rnro old pi. cts of mochnnlsm. wrought ontlrn- ly by hand, which show not only tlw nours or tuo any, but the day of tho month tho change of the moon nnd tho ohb nnd tlow of the tides, on its fnco. Tho dlnl is quaintly ornnmont ed with gold trnery and a beautiful bird. The signature of Hoft, to gether with his native city, Lnu castor. Is written legibly above tl Roman numeral "VI" on the dlnl. "The old oJock Is perhaps the strongest recollection of my child. , hood," said Mr. Ynndes. who was CS , years of age a fow ovenlngs ago. "I wu romomber how I thought la thoso days that tho man who used to tinker with It to keep it In good running order was tho most ful of mon. Tho sound of the oil clock's gong in striking Irj unllko that of any 1 hnve ovor heard, nni to mo It hns a pooullar suggestions. It has tho snmo sound it had In my boyhood days, although sometimes I fancy It has grown woakor with ; yoars." J In tho samo room with tho old , clock Is a quaint rocking chair that hna been In tho family fn- .),., three-quarters of a century, and a side board of solid mahogany? also an heirloom, which is used now for a bookcaBO, Mr. Yicndea prlte all of the relics highly, but takes especial interest In tho old clock. Pendleton Tribune. CIRCUS COMES TOMORROW. Wonderful Mld-itlr Acts AVIth tho ' Greater XorrJs & Rowo Circus. Norrls & Rowo aro celebrating tho 20th yenr of their partnership and for the present traveling season have engaged moro nnd varied acts than they havo over before. It Is pro posed that tho tour will mark a now epoch In tho history of this populnr organization. It Is a fact that no other circus hns as loyal a following as have thoso young showmen. For almost a decade now they have steadily grown In size and upon every sldo ono hoars murmurs of the re markable progross of Norrls & Rowo. Probably the hlghost salaried mid-nlr acts' In tho business today are thoso of tho celebrated four fly ing BanvardB nnd tho noted Loffel troupe of nerlallsts. Tho former consists of two young men and two young women, nnd tho latter of three daring athletics ncrobnta. Both acts aro porformed nt tho very extremp top of tho hugo tent. Tho llanvars havo what is called a "fly ing" act and flying It Is. Tho grace ful daring nerlallsts fly through the air from bar to bar, tho men cast tho young women from ono to tho other nnd they turn slnglo and doublo somersaults in ro-passlng. It is ono of tho prettiest as well us the most g'JiiRatlonnl numbers that has ovor boon accomplished. Tho Loffol trio perform upon aerial horizontal trlplo bars. Tho act Is hard enough to do whon tho bnrs aro on the ground, but placed high In the air make It moro dllllcult nnd hazard oils, but tho cloan limbed nthlotcs do an astonishing number of seem ingly imposslblo fonts, It Is with n (loop drawn sight of relief by tho audloncos whon tho fonrless and In trepid skillod norlallstn accomplish all their foats and como down from thior dizzy heights t osmllllngly bow tholr thanks to tho tumultuous np plnuso that s groots tholr efforts. Theso nro but two of tho host of notod acts that will bo scon whoi Norrls & Rowo exhibit nt Snlom, Saturday, April 27. Whooping Cough. I hnvo usod Chnmborlaln Cough Rom'ody In my family In cases of whooping cough, nnd wnnt to toll you thnt It Is tho bcBt mcdlclno I havo ovor used. V. F. Gaston, PnBeo, Ga TIiIb romody Is anfo and sure. For snlo at Dr. Stono's drug storo. -. i Hundredth Anniversary Celebrated Ithaca, N. Y., April 26. Tho hun dredth nnnlvrsnry of tho birth of Ezra Cornoll, tho founder of Cornoll unlvorslty, Is bolng colobrntod hero today with a vory olabornto pro gram. Tho celebration will also continue tomorrow. Today Androw Carneglo, ono of tho trustcos, do llvorod nn address, sponklng on Ezrn Cornoll. Ex-Presldont Androw D. Whlto spoko for tho faculty and Sonntor Fornkor, of Ohio, and David Starr Jordon, prosldont of Stanford unlvorslty, roprosentod the nlumnl. On the following day tho now build ings of tho stato collogo of agricul ture will bo dodlcntod. Governor C. E. Hughes making tho prlulcpnl nd-dross. What Do Thoy Ctiro? - Tho nbovo question Is of ton nkl w cernlng l)r l,crci's two loading nutii clue, "Uori-j Medical Discovery" and "Favorite inscription." The answer Is that "Gulden Wwllcstl Dleeovory " l h ntott 'jtotetit alterative oi blood-purlticr, ami tonic or lu I(rurtra and v e ?ln!y fuvornMy In u eur the way ii - till tho timeout, lining si.r faoee, hs of thu nusal patge, throu' tmnichial t ci, bU'taach, boU a. lilKJdeft."ur' ? a larpe percent, of caU' rhl e-'i ,i . tlier-vhu (lipase ullucU tl imsjtl p!f.i. -. the ftMsotit, larynx, breu chla. ekiRu. . via ca'.jrKal oyiria bowel (u -:ui4hN&)TA bladdc. uterus or o. pnTlo orTT- Evu ' tiyclirji', i - nu-tf,"ivf ti...igjJ2jffir r.uet'tnTii. -: wucceiul in tfect in run . yyrlnttpn'ls a.UU- tsaPOsvirfiT .; iA,iifvjr?tnri?TiTr?yr- ln tonU a' i' n-rln. For vi-insk worn put, oveMvoi Wed women no matu-r w ha', has chichi me hreak-ilown. "FaVrltf l,rebcrirr.)nMwir. oo fouml mot eiTivtl-1 In buikl'iig qu tue Ueitgth. n'sulutin." the womanly functions, subduliiif pal. and bringing, about a beahhy, vfeorou cowlltlou of the wlm'e 8icm. A book of partlculurs wrapj each botth giving the fof'uulseut both medicines an. qnottng what s.-nres of oienient n.ii leal auUion). v'mw works aro consume by phyicUns.if .- i the schools of ur.u-ti'w as enidee In r -.rUing, say of each Ip grejllent wit Into Uim medicin lbe wt.r.N ii rai bet-jwtl on tb feveral In.-- -i, entering Into Doeto Pionw's u. . . . . I uch writers should have m.fH . . . t.:in nny amount o noil i - pn.. . i -v. moniala. becaw such men -re ; . 4 (or the guldauce OS tholr wial.i a t rei..v 11 aud know whureoi thoy feak. Roth medicines are non-alcoholic, non secret, ami v uuiu no harmful habit foruiln; drnt . u'n composed of glyceric cutracuof ih- roeuof native, America--medicinal fo-wt planu They are boln sold by de!. rs in medicine. You can't afford to accept as a substitute for one o, these medicines of knowu composition, anr secret nostrum. Dr. Plereo'a PclleU. small, sug-ar-coa ted, easy to take as candy, regulate and t tUorau stomach, liver aad bowels. NATURE PROVIDES SICK WOMEN a mora potent remedy In tho root3 and herbs of tho field than was over produocd from drugs. In tho good old-fiishionod days of our grandmothers few drugs wero used in medicines nnd Lydia E. Pinkham, of Lynn, Mass., in her Btudy of roots nnd herbs and their power over disease discovered and gave to tho women of tho world a remedy for their peculiar Ills moro potent and efficacious than any combination of drugs. nuiA E.Piwv.-n Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable ComZi cures of those serious Ills peculiar to women, entmi. r 5? 15,t kW person and every thinking woman. wncn "'rjhlrsisJJ LUI111M ..rl... n w ... ... . ... . "c ,wmij uiu uuuuicu wuu irreirnlar or 1 weakness, dlsplncements, ulceration or inflamm ?i H bl& flatu ency, general debility, Indigestion or aewMiH,V5 should rcmembor thero Is one tried ami , ll" .Pt2,tSa.iLl . rceajiLTd!E tG ham's Vcgetnblo Compound. XT n(1.nH UAM..l.. f.. XI. . u umui iuiuuuv m iiid counirv una eiml. . .. . fomalo ills, and thousands of women rcsldhKr In ori.rW2 ...Cffl States bear willing testimony to the wonderful HoWrf Mrs. Pinkham invites nil sick women to writaher fnfju guided thousands to health. For twenty-are years jhlW sick women free of charge. Sho Is tho daughUr-In-kw 5ft? tfft ham and as her assistant for years boforo hordefi.. .".ilJTt.? Immediate direction. Address, Lynn, Mass. " Wi CIRCUS DAY AT SALEM SATURDAY, APRIL TUrk DFDFADMAMrPC AT 1 a .rw .. I TTV 1 uui IVIVin.LO A I . fWV 0 V. M. tl --TTHC jw sjLjs-; , ytz4T&r3jrz- j Ui 7 nwSafcrnfllL ( t-Ivl lit vlT"' LHreHs ll oiw u rm ."K 1 rs lt.wTy iiiv vi 1 !; z:kizA.tAC r li rLi' vvj Ji m a i t W - I I -ATV JB ill mM srcUM rRfc, n.."cTt ix w -f SM&i M 100 -Circus Champions and Celebrity- 22 Famous Equestrians II Arabian Tumb 18 Onrlnir AorlcillntH 90 ao, UU4LLJ BLl IO Rechlems Rough RiUern Z3 M0n " 7 Hussiaa t Cossacks 8 Seaa&tioal IquflWH 20 Astonishing Acrow , A tinmulat Jlltllllll I iW"" yk. Superb Carlmd XaW OX x Scores of Trained Wild 1 Horde of Pcrlwrmks Cnmols, Llnmas and Bojl Ecluccitod Soalo aad &n ' Highest Jumping He Thunderlnij Roman Chanel I Trrfnd Imojrld trtUM MS . Onlv Lady Japanese Artiiti a Ai ft, inn Shotand Pv 6 I w - . I Cake Wolklnc He Marvelous Picards JCelebralcd Stipk (UBBfl i'-.zjm i"-'.. r?v TY s l Xii?eS Vf iEfi'i k JtPlJ&C WWMdlvW v 1 W5 IX. UKl.,) K3 Le Fieurh .-'&- Pretty Edna Mart Grand Sireet I m., Rr s.onn fintslflp the Gar's vM nuYU a-iui- w , r-i Newskuoff Troupe of Kuf1' MELNOTTE LE NOLLE THO Scnsalional Comedy Wire utw LEPf EL TRIO Trampol IN BAK Atu 100 New Novel reatur. THE BEST ROAST THE FAMILY J3VE11 HAD Can bo obtained frem our prime tender and Juicy beef, mutton or pork. All our meats are selectea from tho choicest, and prepared for tho table to suit tho demands of the fastidious. Our prices are lower for quality than you can find at any place In Salem. E.O. CROSS, Pheae 1. 1 COR Shelled Cor We bave . $ corn that wu-,,1 OUt "-- tf' Splendid for ttM Othefn .MtMtS Tn urg8 r cloie prlf- -riiicnM k !