DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON. FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1007. s STOCKTON'S The Old White Corner iatcnt Leather iring Low Uits cnnoml favorltei Once Boru " BiSs now stylo In glossy rtker. w- Te created a sur uiui.b -" . -r.A tflStC. iake your selections early bo- bre e "n BUUV ; . " -i. We'll Give you a " j -nfi Attention. Wo hoe anu . It your feet. $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 low Shoes That lug the Ankle That's one ot tUo best features the JOHN KELLY low cuis iur iomen. incy i -i ioie fitting lasts, ana uoni gnu i many ordinary saoes ao. 1 Theo shoes nro light and cool, cd are exact fitting. You know ke discomfort of a bndly fitted toe in warm weather. i Let us show you theso shoos ot obliged to buy. JNGER GRAND! TONIGHT Julia IRomaine Co. IMUSKXT TONIGHT. Till: OCTOROON'." Htti 15 and 2Gc. I'i'jR 8THi:NfiTH MAKING. tick its a mutter of moat? MIs- Mli.i'ns of people llvo upon c-or seme thine 1 ko it but. -r ou nro a meat carter or a prian ) j can't got away from Bolcjomnirs3 of Ullom's broad ll Ycur prompt orders prove you c know " CP1T.L 1IAKEUY, 0. ULLOM, Trop. IMETHING NEW Bifocal Lenses t w iho. iu a neat, up-to-date or n ar a far-seclnc. It U ru good as tho expensive kind, lt the cost. 't throw away your brokeu Bring them to us. We can He any part, with llttlo ex- -has. H. Hinges uiauuaie optician. wnmerclal Street, next door to Pltal National Bank. BUTTERNUT BREAD LU orta more than any other tne price is no higher. t ycur grocer's. CALIFORNIA niri?nv oon & cooley, Props. Hit8t J. W. BOLLEN Manager Salem Undertaking Co. "eral Director Embalmer. and answered day or Lll'A" Conrt St, glt K5 Have You a Foot That's Hard to Fit? Then come right to ua and we'll show you tho famous John Kelly sure-fitting turn shoes. This bright dongola Christy tlo with patent tip Is a general fa vorite will pleaso you Buro. Has flcxiblo solo and gives tho foot a stnnll, neat appearance You can't find a bettor shoo at tho price ODD FELU)WS' BIRTHDAY. Is Being Celebrated All Over World April SOtli. the Tho SSth anniversary of tho Insti tution ot Odd Fellowship will be ob served all ovor tho world Friday ov cning, April 2Gth. Elghty-olght years ago an Odd Follows' lodgo was or ganized in Bnltlmoro, Mil., with five charter members, In what waB known as tho Sovon Stars building. This building burned In tho big tiro about threo yenrs ago. Tho original lodgo grew slowly nnd tho order did not Incronso rapid ly In membership for mnny yenrs, but It was founded on tho rock ot truo fellowship, nnd Its ultlmnto tiuc cens wns cortatn. It is stated that tho habit in that first lodgo of in quiring after absent members sw tho origin of visits to tho Blck nnd tho subsequent development of enr ing nnd boneflts for sick members.. From that llttlo acorn of five charter mombors has grown In oulv i 88 years the groatost socrot ordor In ' tho United Stntes, with 22,000 lodgos and ovor 1,700,000 mombois In tho United Stntos ovorolgn jurisdiction. Tho mngnltudo of tho order enn bo 'appreciated when It Is stated that tho second order la hIzo has ovor GOO, 000 fowor mombors than the Odd Follows, tho lnttor being largor than tho noxt two frntorunl onion. Tho numbor of initiations annually Into tho Odd Follows, ovor 200,000. Is Inrgor thnn tho total momborshlp of any but four or flvo other ordurs. Rheumatic PiiIiih. I havo beon a very great Bufforor from tho dreadful disease, rhouran tlsm, for a numbor of years. I have tried many medicines but novor got much rellof from any of thorn until two ycarB ago, whon I bought a bot tlo of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. I found rellof beforo I had used all of one bottle, but kopt on applying It and soon felt llko a different wom an. Through ray ndvlco many of my friends havo tried it and can toll you how wonderfully it hns worked. Mrs. Sarah A. Colo, 140 S. New St, Dover, Del. Chamberlain's Pain Balm Is a liniment. Tho relief from pain which It affords Is alono worth many times its cobL It makes rest and Bleep possible For Bale at Dr. Stone's drug store. . o Baker City has grantod William Pullman and associates a 30-year streetcar franchUo CASTOR I A For Infanta nnd Children. His Kind You Havo Always Bought Bears tho Signature of 20S ! FOR SALE! 22 acres of the finest land on Sa lompralrlo, flno $3000 bouse, good barn and out buildings, plenty of fruit, only 1 V mllea from city limits TblB is one of, .tho finest homea In Marion county. For prica to Derby & WHIson Willamette Juniors Go to Albany. Tho Willamette Junior basobnll team left this morning for Albany, whore they will play tho Albany high school this afternoon. They will stay In Albany tonight and go up to Corvallls tomorrow and play O. A. C.. in the afternoon. Tho Juniors hnvo a good llttlo team, and can put up n pretty stiff game. Tho lineup for tho Albany gamo will be: Jones c, Nnco p, Hobson bs, Booth lb, Moore 2b, Riohnrdson 3b, Jones If, Snyder cf, Clemo rf. In tho gamo with O. A. C. Clomo wll go up behind the bat and Mc Dowell will fill tho pltchor's box. Doing Business Again. "When my friends thought I was about to tako leavo ot this world, on account of Indigestion, nervousness nnd gonornf debility," writes A. A. Chrlsholm, Trendwcll, N. Y., "and when It looked as If thoro was no hope loft, I was persuaded to trr Electric Bitters, and I rejoice to Bay that they aro curing mo. I am now doing business again as of old, and nm still gaining dally." Best tonlr medicine on enrth. Guaranteed bv J. C. Perry, druggist. GOc. o Fourth of July Celebration. Eugene nnd Salem have a hard tlmo gtting up enthusiasm for Fourth of July celebrations. Tho fact Is, pcoplo have lost Inter est in tho commercialized celebra tions. They nro very expensive, and ar systematically grafted by a class that Is growing too numerous. A sliuplor celebration, with liter- nry, musical and oratorical features Is prcforrablo nnd moro dignified. A celobrntlon that costs thousands of dnllnrs and ends In noise, uproar and accldonts Is not tho demand of an Intelligent community, o Mallards Horclioum! Syrup. Immcdlatoly rollovcs hoarso, croupy cough; oppressed, rattling rasping nnd dldlcult breathing. Henry C. Sterns, druggist, Shullsburg, Wis., wrltoB, May 20, 1902: "I have bcon soiling Ballard's Horchound Syrup for two yenrs, nnd havo novor had a preparation thnt hns given bettor satisfaction. I nottco that whon I soil a bottlo they como back for moro. I can honestly rccommond It." 2Gc, GOc nnd $1.00. Sold by D. J. Fry. -o- Quecn Esthor will bo produced by tho Roseburg high school. -o- Gentlc and Effective. A well known Manitoba editor writes: "As an lnsido worlcor I find Chnmbcrlnin's Stomach and Llvor Tablota invnluablo for tho touches ot blllousnoss natural to sedontary llfo, their notion being gontlo and effec tive, clearing the dlgcstivo tract and tho hoad." Prico 25 conts. Samplos froo. For salo at Dr. Stone's drug store. n Kllugor-Grnud. This woek Julia Romnln Stock Company. Coining Attractions. "Bird Island," by High School senior class. Pony Show. April 57: Norrls & Rowo's Dog and Pony Show. o Chicago Markets. Chlcngo, April 2C -Wheat 79 Vi 80, corn 49 flTSO'4, oats UK Roth & Graber GROCERS GOOD THINGS TO KAT. DRIED HEEF IN IlL'LIC SLICED BOILED HAM FANCY CREAM CHEESE 7 lbs Large Wlillo lleans . . . .113r albu Fancy Head Rice H cans Minced Clams, Js, for U3c lib ran Minced Clams for. . . .13c SU) ran Minced CI una for. . . .- 1! oms Kxtru Standartl Oyuters or iWc Don't overlook our stock of blgh-grado canned goods. W havo a groat variety of nice goods for your table, too numerous to mention. Imported SwIj.8 Chetfcc, Wisconsin Swiss Chc. Roth & Graber 410 State Street Phowe 36 TALKING FOREST RESERVES Senator Fulton Opposed to the Ex tensions "of the System La.- Grande Obsorver: Senntor Charles W. Fulton arrived In La Grande and wont on to Union, where ho will address tho graduation class of tho Union high Bchool on "Duties of An Amorlcnn Citizen." When hU duties hnvo been performed In Union ho will return to his homo, but ho hns an extended trip through East ern Oregon planned, nnd In about a month ho will visit La Grnndo and the other cities of tho eastern por tion of tho state in a lolBiircly way. In that manner having moro tlmo to meet his constituents. Talks Forest Reserve. Tho sountor conversed freely with sovernl of his friends this morning on the subject which Is uppermost In the minds of many Orcgonlnns, nnd that Is, forest resorvos. Sountor Fu! ton favors tho reserving of timber Innd under certain conditions, but Is opposed to tho recent nddltloua, on tho grounds that too much laud was put la tho reserved class. Ho tald: "I bellovo In foreBt reserves. I bo Ilovo In reserving timber land at tho hoad of streams, of timber land with a topography that makes tho land useless for agricultural purposes, for tho dny will como when limber will bo at a promlum in Enstorn states, but whon, notwithstanding thnt It Is dotted with splondld timber land, is so located' and of such topography that whon tho tlmbor Is removed It would mnko lino farming land, then I nm opposed to It. Don't under stand mo to sny that I decry forest resorvos. I do not; but I do coutond thnt too much laud was added at tho last rosorve." Roplytug to questions relative to the rotractlng of certain pieces of Innd which nro conspicuously agri cultural laud and not tlmbor laud, tho sountor snld: "Tho theory U pretty, but bus no practicability. Im ngino a tract of land within a largo section of rosorvo which is sultnblo for farming purposes. Tills llttb Island, as It woro, Is sot out and madu odbjtct to homestead entry. Do you suppose thnt tho Intelligent fanner will Isolato himself In tho mlddlo of n foroot, with no hopes of ovor hav ing nolghbors, of having oducatlonnl facilities for his chlldron? It is hnrdly possible? "Wo aro not going to sacrifice Innd sultnblo for agricultural purposes whon once tho tlmbor Is romovod, for tho sako ot New Euglnnd. It Is truo that Now England hollovM tho far West was settled for tho oxprww bunollt of tho Eastern stntos, but vu certainly aro not. Thoro Is now ro- surved n lnrgo quantity of tlmbor land, Kiilllclont to more than supply tho West, but I strongly coutond that timber land In Oregon, which could bo convcrtod Into farming laud by removing tho tlmbor, should bo at tho disposal of thoso who wish to do bo. Thoro is plenty of tlmbor on mountainous soetions to supply tho timber demand. Then, too, thoro are b ctlons rosorvod which would af ford, oxcollont rnngos. These should not hnvo boon resorved." t Just HcmuMo Your cough is only in tho thornt and docs not troublo you now, don't think that it needs no attention. Whon it has not had much of a start is tho tlmo to chock it. Tho slightest cough easily leads to Pueumoala, Bronchi tis and Consumption. A bottlo of Ballard's Horehound Syrup will euro that cough. Tho price puts it within reach of all. Sold by D. J. Fry. A Mystery Solved It is a mystery to some why their pastry Is not the bst, and why thoy don't hnve the same re sults in baking aa their neighbor, but it is beoauso their neighbor uses Eppley's Perfection Baking Powder It is tho boat, and is mado hern at homo, and contains tho purest materials. All grocers sell it C. M. EPPLEY i Manufacturer Salem, - Oregon HOTEL AIUUVALS. WillnmcHo. J. J. Cnznrt, city, E. D. Baker, Portland. J. W. Imlgan, San Frnucisco. W. H. E. Smith, Chicago. M. Mackenzie, Oakland. Win. L. Itlce. , G. G. McCllntock. D. J. Dcakey, Eligone. A. A. Alton, Tacomn. J. B. Brown, Portland. A. C. Smith, Snn Francisco. C. K. Avory, Chicago. E. Koono, Waterloo. C. N. Browstcr, Now Yor. Sam Aaron, Now York City. E. C. Heckman, city. A. II. Dossman, Now York. M. J. Bloom, Now York. G. C. MoorlB, Portland. Cottage. C. C. Light foot. G. W. Reynolds. 13. S. Phillips. George K. Hoffman. . S. G. Carter. Bon Kondrlck. E. J. Nokors. . Corn Flowor. Chris Logan. Bessie Dunn. Paulino Marshall. Peggy Merrill. X ?!' t' !"1C,;?!r T"r,8t Co'" II. T. Booth, Portland. Waynu 11. Stuart, Portland. S. A. Reynolds, Portland. W. Aschnmhnn, Portland. E. S. Pussmoro, Chicago. Salem. Jcanotto Dupro. Derby Brown. J, 13, Teeny. Geo. II. Hucnn. Mr. nnd Mrs. Smnlloy, "Ynnkce Tourist Company." O. F. Cramer and wife, Cleveland, Ohio. James II. Tumor, Oro, A. J. Mlnard, Chicago. W. H. Rosonthnl, Chicago. T. W. Todd, Seattle. J. Monor, Sllvorton. R. L. Smith, Shawnee. D. P. Alexander nnd wife, city. A. Jones, Cnthlam.ot. J. C. Smith, Lobnmui. J. C. South, Lobnnon. Theo. W. Todd, Seattle. I'tices ItlNlng in Europe. Consul General Richard Guouthor roporta from Frankfort as follows on further urfortH In Europo to advance prices on manufactured goeds: Another now German comblno bus bcon established among the mnnu facturors and oxportera of tools nnd stool nnd metallic wares in tho in dustrial roglona of Rhenish Prussia nnd Wostphnlla. Tho objoot ot thin combine Is to secure bettor prices and moro favorable terms of Bale for their productions, oepcclally ns re gards huslnoHH dealings with Russln. Tho lllo mnuufnoturorH of Austria Hungary havo combined upon a prloo Holiedulo and credit terms whereby tholr productiOiiH are onliunopd 10 per cent In price. Hitherto thoro hns been a Hhnrp competition and oonsoqueut divergence In prices ot their goods among tho lllo works of Austria nnd Hungary. Tho syndlonto of Bolglan sho manufacturors has decided upon a 10 por eont advance for all tholr pro ductions In Hhoo wnro. Tho high prlro of leather Is nsslgnod ns tho cause of this action, Tested Seed Corn Wo havo a completo stock ot Field and Sweet Corn that has boon tested. No replanting if you plant our tested corn. Prices nro right. Arsenate or Lead Wo carry tho groat mimmor spray, Arsonnte of Lead, in all hIzo packages, ready to use. No danger of burning the trees, if you uso the kind we havo, as it is made right. Our prices are the lowest In tho valley. D. A. WHITE &SON 255 Cummorclal Stroot. Phono 100. Salem Fence Wire Headquarter for Woven Wire FVHCiHg. Hop Wire, Barb Wire, Poultry Netting, Pickets, Gates, Shingles and P. ft B. Redy Roolng. All a loweet prles. Walter Morley 250 Court St Satem, Ore. DELICATE CHILDREN Ait vice to Salem Mothers Who Have Delicate Children. It wo could only mnko all fathers and mothers In Salem regard what wo say thcro would bo fowor Blckly, dollcnto children on our strcots. Rapidly growing children need ft great deal ot vitality. Thoy grow fast, play hard, and work too hard at school, nnd mnny such children nro tlrod, thin, pnlo and worn when thoy ought to bo robust nnd rosy. Every run-down, growing child In Salem Bhould tako VIuol, our dollc inns cod llvor preparation without oil. It requires almost no digestion at all, nnd cannot upaot dollcnto, wenkoned stomachs ns do old-fashioned cod llvor oil emulsions. Vlnol also contains peptonnto of Iron. It strengthens tho dlgostlvo or gans, mnkcB now vitality, sound flesh and pure, rich, red blood. Vlnol fills out hollow chooks nnd makes thin llttlo arms and logs plump and round. Said a membor ot tho 0. W. Pitt nam Drug Cempany: "Wo cannot rccommond Vlnol too highly for imnv. wonV nml nlltmr flilli1tnn. in build up tho run-down, over-worked, ... . ,,,,,,, , , n. tired nnd debilitated, or to glvo re newed vltnllty to tho nged, and we chootully rotund tho money in ovory caso whoro it foils." G. W. Putnam Drug Company. Noto. Whllo wo are solo ngonts for Vlnol In Fall River, It Is now for salo at tho leading drug storo in nearly ovory town and city In the country. Look for tho Vlnol agency In your town. FASTIDIOUS WOMEN consider Paxttno Toilet Antiseptic a necessity in the hygienic caro of the person nnd for local treatment of feminine ills. As a wash its cleansing;, germicidal, deodorizing and healing qualities are extraordinary. For sale at Druggists. Sample free. AddreM The It. l'axton Co., Boston, Moss, o Gymnastics alono can never give thnt elasticity, cbbo and graceful flguro which comos by taking Hollls- tor's Rocky Mountain Ten, 35 conts, Tea or Tablets. For salo at Dr. Stone ntoro. The Sale Still On The creditors of the E. L. levin Hhoo HtoiM mi) selling CHILDREN'S HHOK8 Almost nt your own price, are selling Wo MEN'S GOOD SHOES Vor $3.50 Ouo Milr, nutdo over it boxcar, for 9i.no. LADIES' HIIOEH At $1.05. All otlxr staplu good at great ly reduced prices, GEO. W. EYRE TRUSTEE 326 STATE STRECT Send the Family Washing To Us and you'll novor bothor with having it dono at homo ngalu. Time was whon every family could not afford to Bend tho washing to a laundry, but times havo changed o, too. have tho methods and prices, Today you can better afford to send the family washiug hero than not te. Ask about our pricos on family wafc- ln, rough dry, or tuished. The Salem Steam Laundry rH M. ltf-lM i. Liberty M. 1 ! 'J