DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8ALKM. OREGON FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1007. lljy-igirafr mnzFrfHW 3 i JKtT ,. omen Who Wear Well. t0nshlng how great a change 1 . ,'f.d Hfo often make Stance and disposition of a iLon. The freshness, the " il brilliance vanish liko the ""'ra ft Aon" which is redely sn fro R . nn.. n ,r.m line" . i ...v. nt ihn p.hnrmintf jjoff, den' fo.nt rff vounC women appreciate wk cf the vstem through the ""T . . with mn.rrln.itn tintl jShood. Man; ; neglect to deal with 3C . ...... r1r o dra ns and weak- BBpieu ,,n nmn -m. mnT. Jj motherhood, not understand- ffije.:nt drain la robbing the. v of iU frcslpcB3 and the form of I'lSSas tht gc-icral health suffers rnthcr .iu.!0nBi'WBnto1 "lenoaim n theso irjnna nru muj..u . , . f;.-e rjid form at onco witness the f.V' lni' rcnewcu comeiuiusa. than ft niiun womi:ii ' to 1 l.apjini'sa in the use of Dr. ' . -., . iiTrnr?nHnn. Itmnkes e'" s ' v. "i r. i. ... -. " fl. Ingrcairpia u '"u"-w......0 jJcobul or narmiui iiuuiiuiiuiuc It is Jnado wholly of thoso itiTe, Anvrun, medicinal root most Ut recomrenu"u uy ienuing iucu- ' ' . .....m .til llm onvnrnl aMinnla practice fvr the cure of woman's iliar auinquo. or nursmJ moincrs, or iur uiusu ten-downji licaltli uv too jrequent inz ot enjuren, nio iut mu uaijcui.- - mincr oi babv and make ita nd- Et easy nj almost painless, there is i medicine tune eu kuuu as xuvumu Mcription." It can do no harm in (owrfituH or" the system. It is a ot potent imlRoratinc tonio nnd hntlhen.ii; i.cnine, iiuciy huuihuu woman Mi'ii.ujrjciii u j...,, un of hrje oxperienco in the trcat- Dt cf W' uan 8 peculiar aiuncnis. IBaJ Syrrfitoms. The woman who tlDCr.W. 411' il'.U.I-Ill."', UUVIttlUIIU, Bl'BB 117 -an' '' '.. ' p't or ept'cks floatiiig rda-.: "slf rc her eves, has gnawing iitress or If iy urn icenng in Eioinncn, tot tr "i " Bing-dcwn fueling in iwera'jJ. or pelvic region, easily lirt iorf ted, irregular or painful harmful, or habit-forming drug is to bo found in the list of its ingredients print ed on each bottle-wrapper and attested under oath as complete aud correct. In anv condition of the female system Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription enn dQ-Only goou never tinrm. Its wlioln' elfcct is to etrensthen, invigorate and regulato the whole female svstem nnd especially the pelvic organs. When these nrc deranged in function or affect ed by disease, the stomach and other organs of digestion become sympatheti cally deranged, tho nerves are weak ened, and a long list of bad, unpleasant symptoms follow. Too much must not be expected of the " Favorite Prescrip tion." It will not perform miracles; will not cure tumors no medicine will. It will often ;rcmit thorn, if taken in time, and thus the operating table and the Burgeon's knife may be avoided. Doctor's All Agree. The most emi nent writers on Matcna Meiiiat, whoec works arc consulted as authorities by physicians of all the different schools of practice, extol, in the most positivo terms, the curative virtues of carh ovd every ingredient entering into Dr. Pierce's bolden Medical Discovery. In fact it is the only medicine, put up fur sale through druggets for the cure of nil diseases of the mucous surfnees, as nasal catarrh, throat, laryngeal, and bronchial affections attended bv linger ing, or han-on-coughs that lias anv such jrof"fAsio endorsement worth more than any amount of lav or non professional testimonials. Do not expert too much from the usi of Dr. Pieice'H Golden Medical Dis covery. It will not work miracles. It will not euro contuimuion in its nd vanctd stages. I'o medicine will. Is'o. is the "Discover'" c-ogood fornouddon attack of acute cough, bat foj tho imikitiuk. opsunnie, nang-oneniit;HH, ui..yiiijuiii iiik i.ummui, inrmu. luryn ge.it niulT;roncfiTai a.icciinnH. it uyn- Tno'Tciiir.vMoiis remetly In cases lie companied wito wastinjj of flesh, niKht sweats, weak stomiich and poor digeHtlon with faulty a.iniilntion, and which, if negated or bi.dlv treated lire apt to lead to consumption, tho "Discovery" hns proven wonderfully uccwful in effecting cures. Tho formula is printed on even wrapper of ' (..olden Medical Di-Hjovpry, ntteated an to correct hmm under oath. nnd you enn't afford to accept any snake, and tho motto, "Don't Tread on the 'S,' " tho flag of CouunoJoro Metthew C. Perry, In tho 'CO's, with Its 29 starg, and tho present State flag and national emblem. Thcro Is nlso photographs of tho old Gaspeo com mission, nnd other historic articles taken from the state house, whoro they have boon kept for many yenrs ns a part of tho history of tho tiute. There is sent from tho Frnnkford nrsenal, Philadelphia, a most Inter esting exhibit of all tho machlnory nnd materials needed for tho manu facture of cnrtrldgoa. A specially Interesting foaturo of the exhibit la tho now "S" bullot, rocontly adopted by tho government. It Is nn Im provement on the typo of tho pointed bullet used by tho French nrmy. Tho penetration nnd velocity of thin bullot nro much greater than In the case of tho Krag-Jorgonson or other models. Bosldcs tho numbor of ma chines that will bo In oporatlon, camples of oach stop of tho processes will bo displayed In such n manner ns to shew distinctly oach working necessary to produce tho finished nr tlclo from tho rnw mntcrlnl. A sor loa of tho stylos of machinery used to produce the ammunition forms nn Intorostlng foaturo of the exhibit. The machlnory mnkos cartridges nt tho show. Tho nutomnttc measuring mnchlno is probnbly calculated to at tract ns much attention ns any ex hibit In tho exposition. To nvold any dnngor of nn explosion, raw flax seed, which Is nenrost In weight to tho grain of tho powdor, Is used In demonstrating tho working of tho machine. Tho working forco nt tho nrncnnl Is 800 mon, nnd COO nro em ployed in tho various departments of cartridge mnnufneture. Jamestown Stumps. Jnmostown, Va., April 2C. With tho oponlug of tho exposition en mo the now postage str.'npa nindo ox- fbV,la'V,J7"'''c''w;'0M'',0,' "I 'Prowly to conuntmornto tho oxposl this )ic.i-r art irimny no matter what ;' ... ,,,,,, , !, soMali intcmrta may prompt the dealer tlon' w,1,ch w,u " ' denomliintloiii ipt In fact it i -l J or Mthout nolvic catarrh, i to urie surh v.ium ynu. laffcrm f. i.i wnknessos nnd de- I tui:to your intelligent for him to inttmcr.' : nt Fhould havo onrly nt- ient. n. j' - "' move symptoms are litlr to lb i r : t in any cn& tit one tae. iXeglecttl er I. idly treated nnd such jMcltc) run r.i innmuieH wiiiuu no do sa. You know what yon want and it is ins piace to supp.y i:.u want. Dr. Pierce's PlnaNinV IYIlcU are the oriffinul "Littlo'Llwr Pilla" rlrat put up by old Dr. liercu over -10 years oko. Much imitated, but never enunh-d. and tLiirgjou'8 knife if they do not They cluan, iuvigftrate ami regulato unit fatl.v. f fin mriieme extant, has such a lonn irA nnntp uh rfconi oi cuw in such f i ti fr 1'iert" w i avoriU' rrescriD- .Ni mvUicine hua such u tiruiis Ttttioal indorsement of each of ita ral icrcdients worth moro than any nuiher of ordinary non-profes- Lonai Kisinon'ais. a no very nest in- td.ent known to medicnl scienco for atomach, liver and bowola, curing bil iousiirw mmcoiiftipution. Little sugar coated grr.nuloo easy to tnko aauundy. Dr. Pierce may bo convultcd by letter free of ciinrue. Address Dr. U. V. Pierce, Iinnlids' Hotel nnd Surgical Jnetituto, Duffnlo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser (1000 paces) is sent free on receipt of 21 ono- cent stnmps for paper-covered, or 81 peearthf woman's peculiar ailments fitamp for cloth-bound copy. Addns. iARGAINS InReal Estate Farmhnd city proporty for Bale Raicjt Co. S-roor( modern cottage, on car- . Til proi'Crty la oftored nt a rlflce; Price $1050. Easy'tormB Model cottngo of flvo rooms, all iffitt(and wired, good woodshed 7dby ISO feot, soptlo tank. Ic lf.00. Xltefojm hoine, plastered, clos- i, pitiy, baa. mem, septic tank. ra !S34, woodshed 18x22. This lut threo blocks from court e.'Pr:co J2625. Ii( la c.tv limits, nil In Lognn- rrlej P,,.f 1200. Easy tonus t f", r w ?-room house, now ; o l , s from carllne. Reed sit ('"; e Jl'.'.O, H f e3 .. , tr. cultivation, good 5- oJu-- I ,'n, woodshed, mlxor nlt.re'1 ir.ii, 2 milts from m r i, $i,oo. Ityr 8, l . !u fruit tjood house, I'd ar.J chlcl'an hmmn 1 V, .. v nf rw Valero. Prloo J1200 ' 3lance at C per cou Oregon Official Dates Itntlrond Commission Dates. Rogular meetings on first nnd third Tuesday ot each month. May C Hcnring Men's Association. of Traveling t r e-Stt PMi . ter-l U iftli YH Mei ilth Prfct Mh Ut-h . '. 1'. c. i estivation, balance hong, barn and J'r'gs, good young fruit !'.ciits nud stock goe I nii'.ca from Salem. Ihn SO ncros has at 1 i. In Marlon county a can get good tonus. a cultivation, largo ' iC uil rrons enoft with F od well and windmill, 1 through houso and from Shaw, all Jmple- 'a k and croD eoea with Pr1' $;ooo. T 35 In cultivation, bal ' -'". new 7-rooin house. tfrr i acre3 of hop8 7 mUes p-ea Thfg fa nna nt ITnirall beat farm. prJco $110 per ucsaMe. terms. al h&me8 for rent. Call It H a&rthlncr In Inai.vonna nr ork, LIFF CO.. liable Agents wrts Diock, Salem, Ore, any bank or tuMlaaaa hi the city of Bales. lib OHIl itte.r f. Itirthri rr eat h'm '.5 tree nt te. St n Ivlticnttonnl Kvciita. Corvnllls, May 2, rogonta Stato Ag ricultural collcgo to solcct prosldont. Fossil, May, 8, 9, 10, county Insti tute. Snlom, July 1, 2, 3, Stato Educa tional Association. Los Angolos, July 8-12, National Educational Association. PRKSIDRNT DELIVER ADDRESS. (Continued from pago to.) position. The building Is a oentrnl part of tho grounds, overlooking th wators of Hampton Roads, Is a por manont brick and eoaereto construc tion, nnd is considered one of the moat attractive structure on tho grounds. In nn official statement tho exposition oflloer say: "OwIiib to the fact that the government Is con sidering the adviaablHty of holding official apwMl and endurance teata for motor cars at the exnoaltlon In con nection with the war department and tha poatotllea departweat er- vlcos. great Interest was manifested In ovary part of the country by, manufacturers of such vehicles, nnd of one and two cents. Tho stamps nro In regular form, the ouo cent ho Ing groan In color, and tho two cents carmine. Tho ono cent will hoar n Vignette of Captain John Smith, nn 1 tho date of IiIh death, 1GS0 una 1031. In the uppor left hnnd comer is n prolllo of Pocohontns, nnd In the upper right hand corner a profile of Powhatan. Tho two-cent, stamp boars a lino engraving ot tho landing of tho first sottlors at James town. Tho stamps aro placed on Bnlo nt postnlllccs throughout tho Unltod States today, tho dny of tho oponlng of tho oxposltlon, o FiMiriiiK for1 Title of Champion. Now York, April 2C Tonight representatives of tho Now York Athlotlo club, tho Turn Vorln, tin "Orooklyn Foiicors' Club, and the FoncorB' club, will strlvo for tho chnmploulshlp of tho Nntlonnl Polic ing club, nt the Athletic club. Fan- oer are entering upon tholr busy Mason. Like a gront many other American sporta, fouclng, no mutter how old Its hUtory may be abroad, Is of qulto reoent origin nud growth In this part of tho country It was almost unknown, 50 yoars ago, oxcept by nrmy nlflcera. Now thor nro n, num ber of nourishing clubs In New York, not to apeak of amnller mi ilea nrmea, nnd the aport llnds equal favor with the hull on ns well ns the mon. It Is even said that the Colony club, the now woman's social organi zation la thinking of taking up fencing. The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There is a diea prevailing in this country most dangerous Imschuwso ! p- llve. alum u i'lrit ' deaths aie cunr by it lintrt ill- j en Be, jiicitiii ni.i, - apoples ur-'Hn I th reault ol kil- ' IMEV lllHISI if kliliicy trouble is aIIow0dlouluii(e thukidNey-KjiMii-ed WckxJ will ut- tuck the vital organs, causing catarrh of the bladder, or the kidneys theimwhes break (town aim watte away cell iy ceil. Iiladdcr troubles almcnt always retult from a derangement of the kulne) c ami 1 L-i tWl Vf mxm 2mi ,"VW TbL ri-ss: $100 JlvJZji W J JJLr It has come to our notice that unscrupulous dealers have been hoodwinking- the public by offering cheap and inferior compounds as "Cottolcnc" or "something as good as Cottolmc" We will give 100 reward for evidence sufficient to convict a retail dealer of fraudulently substituting another product when COTTOLENE The Perfect Shortening is asked for. There is only one Cottolcne- That is Fairbank's Cottolcne With this trade-mark on the pail; never sold in bulk. There are many com pounds and imitations of Cottolcne; Avoid them I When you ask for Be " sure you get Do not be deceived by cither dealer or manufac turer, or induced to accept a substitute for Cottolcne. Remember, no substi tute is as good as the original. JsTo other shortening and frying medium is as good as Cottolcne. COTTOLENE L THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago, Illinois MuliiP Cent nil Lmim'H Somerset. Portland, Mo., April 2C On tho call ot Clork Clonvos, of tho Mnlna Control Rnllrond, tho stockholders met today and ratlllod tho ngrootnont made by tho directors to Ioubo th-J Portland & Rumford FnllB Railroad, tho new corporation, of which much has boon sntd ot Into, nnd nlso rati lied tho lenslng of tho SomorHet Rnllrond. Tho Malno Cuntrnl Is tnu of tho unrivalled water power of tho stnto in tho now sections of tho statu adding to tho BUtnmor resorts, In short, In nil thliiKB serving tho stato. It hns bocomo n great liiatltutlon, and it must look to tho stnto for busi ness. Tho stop wan takon to facili tate tho ontrilnro of tho Cnnndu I'ti cllle Rnllrond Into tho state, Instend of blocklmr that purpose, ns some havo chnrgod. It enn build, If It trunk lino of Maine. It bus In tho chooses, by tno I'oriinmi iiumiorii paBt boon n splendidly effective factor Rnllrond nnd Its brnnchon n lino to In tho building up of tho business of Megnutlc, and from that point to . ... . ii...i i ...i n... I... 1. 1 mill In, II In tho stato. Stop uy stop u nas gin.'- i-wmium, " - ,"" , , np Rton0. urUg Btore ,.i,i nnn,i ihn .lovoiniiinont said. 150 miles nearer than Hallfnx.'For sale at Dr. ?"?"? " a.ftj Wllnww'wwgwwtwww'lwwwwwwyll,' nnd 130 miles nonror thnn St. Johtm KURKKAI Ves, I llnve Found It nt Lost. Found whnt7 Why tbnt Chamber lain's Bnlvo euros ccioma nnd oil mnnnor of Itching of tho okln. 1 havo boon nllllctod for mnuy yenru with skin donscB. I hnd to got up thru or four times ovwry night nud wash with cold water to nllay tho terrible Itching, but Blnco ubIub this salvo In Documbor, 1005, tho Itching has Htoppod nnd hns not troubled me. Bldor John T. Ongloy, Rootvnie, ra. t SAVE GOOD MONEY fThis Month Is the Last Chance to Get the Bargain Rates On the Capital Journal for This Season t Save $ 1. 00 a year on the Daily Capital Journal, 0r save 25c on the Weekly Capital Journal, and do it now. By paying up all arrears, you can get the DAILY IN ADVANCE FOR THREE DOLLARS PER YEAR, and the WEEKLY FOR 75c PER YEAR. BARGAIN RATES Good to APRIL 30. T nnlr n ifi tacv on vour oaoer and cav oo to the present, and then pay in, ad vance at $3 per year for the Dally by mall or special delivery, or $5 by carrier TLj ;e a roAiteUnn of SI ocr vear. and will not DC cooa aiier pru au. Call at the journal office and get these rates, or remit by mall at same prices. J Fill out blank below, cut It out and send In with your remmance; a very complete exhibit was brought a cure is obtained quickest by a proper 0U , , iiiu Iwdiy you can make no mistake by Tho Jamestown tor-centenlal com- taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the mission of Rhode Island had made groat kidney, liver and bladder remedy, for tho Rhode Island exhibit at the It corrects inability to hold urine and ' . . . ,.. , scalding pain in paMing it, and over- exposition duplicate of seeral oo- ,, flat uupleawnt necessity of Lemj lonlal flags, and also of the etato Coinjx;llcd to go often through the day, tin., r huinrif nnin In atlk. which awl lo Kct up many time duniiK the .; ui.i. i., to f niKht. The mild and the extraordinary X aro on umim. nu 4-w.w-..- w. effoct of Swan,p.Koot mlMt, Goneral Greene, Commodore Perry. jt ,tands the highest for its wonderful Admiral Hopkins and other cele- cure-s of the most distressing cases. brated Rhode Islanders. Those flag, J &?i& inoludo the red cross flag of England mlc0(iaT size bottles. You may have a under the regime of Sir EJward An- sample bottle of this wonderful ucwdia- drea, tho blue flag of Commodore fuvxry and a book that tclU all about it, .. TT- . ti.. ...i in thn both sent free by mail. Address, IJr.KU- Ollrer Hazzard Perry, used In tho . ,,in,1,hain,on. N. Y. When battle of Lake Erie with tho motto, wntinfj mentlou reading this generous "Don't Glvo Up the Ship," the flag offer in this paper. Ion't make any i of the Revolution with the white field gfeSsKSSsSRSlSaTlS I ana goia fliars. tne xamoui uag ui ,,1,, Biugbamton, N. Y., on estry Admiral Hopkins, with the rattle- bottle. BARGAIN RATE SUBSCRIPTION ORDER HOFER BROS., Publishers The Dally and Weekly Capital Journal, Salem, Oregen: Enclosed find remittance for my subscription up to 1907, at $6 per year Dally by carrier $ At $4 per year Dnily by mall or special delivery $ At $ J per year for Weekly by mall $ . . One year In advance Dally by catrler $5.00 One year In advance Dally by mail or special de iverv a.wr One year for Weekly by mail 1 Total remittance. $. 75 Name Pot tofflce , B i g I ui.annnnnnnnnnniiiinrri " ""' """ '""""-""