DAILY CAPITAL JOURXAli, HALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1007. bucfhs . .. "uviHiHainH Hannrt'lMtr n nhl .... u- m . c,r...H.7 .b.,i v.uugus. nature neeas a fl little help to quiet the Irritation, control the j a uiuammauon, cnecu tne progress of the dis- ease. Our advice is -ve the children Ayer's 4 t y wicnyremorai. ask your doctor If this Is his LitHyrt advice also. He knows best. Do as he says. , hilar en J,ar iarak; Xa7,t. swackhanner. Led "Brother" HnB Bail Opinion Ol curimiKM HOW TO BE A MILLIONAIRE iphabctlcal Swackhannor Is In . ,i fhin tlmo ho car- 0ble apusu mi crlef to the Oregonian. no raninlng arounu uorvnms, the students of tho collcgo city ron him line nu.-s ""'u "- ,011"' , ... , t,f ttin -, barrel, ami mm . ..imrer" writes to tho Ore- oreo " E,0n" .. jii.. TJiIj la hnw I IiTo tne r.uuu"-"- " U treated in uiu Icon at tho College. There wero 9 young women biuj. .-n. v lor that I nna given na uu. n public school ana muy iiiuukiu. Tt. An Alt tnllnirn fn L i was eoing ui iu ." w.v0w w Ek la the Y. W. C. A. but then 1 L Just going UP to seo mnjor Ed Lj and there wero in tho lot of jlams hoys That anm moy urn like to SCO niggura uwiwiJB w Blte women, so moy ium mu i Air the campus thoy woum auow- I ne ten tnlnuts To got of, tho col- cround, and tho hair or tuni bo was gono Already So thoy said 4t could not como to tho school id talk to Tho Whlto girls, tho Mldent ald to them, that It no t:a howling At thorn and If thoy I not care for that thoy woro notu- but onc-horso students. So lie fcd to them that you cannot Bother t roan bo then i did not hold you ln this thing so let you Alone this as for ho Is not nothing bad If ley want him to bo Punish thoy will ae to tho one thnt linvo something i do with It So you cannot bother In If you do you will hnvo trouble i your hands So they worochnstns lout tho streets of corvnllla at mid- cht and the sknto rinks until Into ban of the night and It you call at Decent than I do not want any ! that So then I woro coming down bC. E. R. It. track, April tho 11th, bout dark, 1 met 2, couples going own tho track playing Just llko no ! they were All boya and such llko they call that nico Do you thou that nlco then 1 do not enro for anything hnd, So thon t will closo on bt for that I would not llko to hnvo liter to go thcro In that collcgo. tit Is how they dun mo soino thorn looJlums want to bo bnd,-that nil 11. A J. Swuckhnnnor West In Baa Lecturer Traveler Exploror of fee Most part of tho World. Ex. I Through blood poisoning caused a ipldcr bite, John Washington ' Bosqtieville, Tex., would havo lost filts, which becamo a mass or run Hf sores, hnd ho not boon porsuad to try Hucklen'8 Arnica Salvo ft writes' "Tho flrst nnnllcntlnn !lred, and four boxoa healed all te sores" Heals every soro. 2Gc JC. Perry's, drucclst. Whltninn Collcgo News Letter. Tho railroads havo granted a ono nnd one-third open rato for .all per sons who wish to visit Walla Walla at tho time of tho trl-stnto lnter scholastlc track moot and declama tion contest on May 2and 3. This tlon contest on May 2 nnd 3. This 3, returning on May 4 or earlier. It will mako It possible for a great many people in tho adjoining towns to como and form a part of tho Im monso crowd which is expected for tho meet. In addition to this a spe cial train from Spoknno will bo run on May 2, stopping only nt Garfield. Colfax and Starbuck and tho Spo knno high Bchool nlono promises to bring 200 on thnt train. A list of places of ontortnlnmont is being care fully prepared by tho committee of tho Commercial club, nnd strangers arriving In town will bo provided with comfortablo plncoa of lodging. Tho qunrtcr milo track hns boon put In superb condition. Tho 200 yard straightaway has been broad ened so thnt now ton runners car. competo at onco without crowding, or eight courses of hurdles can he used. It is absolutely lovol, and U regarded by exports as tho finest running track in tho northwest. Fast timo ought to bo made nt the com ing moot. Tho freshmen clnss won tho lnter elasa moot Saturday, and thus ho como possessors of tho solid silver trophy cup which a friend of tho col logo has offcrod as a prlzo to atlmu Into Intorost in track athletics. Thoy won forty-BOVon points ncnlnst tho fourth year nendomy clnss thlrty-nlno and sophomoros twonty-soven. Owing to tho bad wonthor no special record wero tnndo excopt In tho discus throwing, won by Phllbrook '11, with a throw of 112 foot 8 Inches. Tho spring meeting of tho chornl union will tnko plnco on Mny 22, singing Gounod'a "Redomptlon," with a cliou! of 200 volccji. Pro fessor Jnckuon hnB beon vory sucoss tul in building up tho union na nlso In dovoloplng tho volcnl depnrtmont of tho conservatory of music. Tho gleo club ended its sonsoii with a fine homo conenrt njid J 200 prollts. A valuublo collection of flno photo graphs has jitBt beon received from Prof. Louis F. Andorson In Athens, Groeco, whoro lio hns spent soveral montliB of his year's loavo of nb sonco. Thoy will bo mounted nnd ex hlhltcd permanently. Tho collcgo chnpol has nlso boon Improved by the recent hanging of somo flno stool engravings of Wnahlngton, Hamil ton, Jefferson, Marshall and Lin coln. Wages No Object if Principle of Saving is Ignored Gymnnstlca nlono can novor glvo that elasticity, caso and gracoful flguro which comes by taking Hollls tor's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablots, For salo nt Dr. Stono store. As! it ; fci ZM, !ho Kind Yon linvo Always Bought, nnd which has bcea "so lor over 30 jenrs, haa horno tlio sltfiiatnro of and has been mado under IiIh pcr sonal supervision hIiico Hslnnuicj', Allrkwnrt mm tt1ffIvn vnn In thlH. All Counterfeits, Imitations and" Just-ii8-irool"iir but IerIments thnt trlflo with nndcndniifjertho heo.i of "-"tuta and CiUlicu Experlenco ngiiinst l&cperi -iU Wnat is CASTORIA Caston.j is a harmless suhstitnto for Castor Oil, Paro Sorie, Drops mid Soothing- Syrups. It is Pleasant. Ifc contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Xarcotlo auuMuiieo. Its ago Is Its guarantee. It destroys AVornm id allays Fovorlhhness. It cures Diarrlioja and Wind olic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation d Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho , ,tu,ft'hnnd Howlds, gh lug healthy and natural sleep. ' Cllldrens Panacea-Tho Mother's Friend. e,WNE CASTORIA ALWAYS jj Beari the eijrnature of vn The k!nu You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. Vim tm MwuM. rr imnuuv Mrr, hn rm tm. tZ -cucleM One evening last week coming out of the Hotel Oregon, Mlsa Itlvorlns asked to bo introduced to Henry Howltt. Sho begged Mr. Hewitt to toll her how sho could becomo a mll llonntre. Miss Itlvorlns Is a stenographer who camo hero from Portland to mako her home. Sho has aome money nnd hns Invested in ton acres on tho west sldo which will bo vnlu ablo town property. Mr. Hewitt In reply to hor ques tion said, "Havo good counsol al ways, nnd mnko no bad bnrgnlns. Then mnko It a rulo to Bavo a half or two-thlrda of your Income, nnd do this dlo dog or cat a hatchet. You aro suro In tlmo to bo a millionaire " Mr Howltt Is a plain blunt man. Ills fortune has been accumulated by tho cxorcUo.of good horso boiibc. Ho points out tho plnln rond tor nl1 thoRO who wish to become rich. Too many people nro waiting llko Mlcnw bcr for something to turn up, for their ship to como in or a rich unc'.e to dlo. Thoy do not rely upon tholr own efforts. Tho principal of snvlng la a suro nnd fast road to wealth. No matter how small a man's salary mny bo If ho begins to snvo a llttlo he hns laid the foundation of fortune. Many a hnrd working mnu Ignores this prlnclplo of saving whon it Is only u dimo to bo laid aside. You mny look nbout you In tho mills nnd note thnt tho man who gets $5 a dny is Just as poor as tho man who oariiB but $2. Tho man with tho higher wages has no moro wants than his loss remunerated brother, but he hns not learned to econo mize, to save. Tho man with n hoo Is n man with tho hoo bocnuso ho isn't cnpnblo of doing nnythlng elso. Ho hns tint yet learned to oxorclso his brain. Thcro Is n auro ladder for any man out of tho depths It ho Is willing to climb. Many an Imposed upon hard worker lias been led to bollovo thnt the only wny to rollovo his condition is somo now fad In legislation llko soclnllsm. Tho man who has not learned to snvo would tint bo benollttod with a wngo of $10,000 a yonr. That Is, ho would ho as poor nt tho end of tho yonr as his nolghbor who works for n dollar a day. Moreover this mnu who has nut lonrnod to snvo ovon nt the close of bis nllotod tliroo score yonra and ton la crowding away the newor gonarn tlon of Inhorors. Tho man who doos not save nnd romnliiH down In th depths Is tho working man's grontost foo. It Is a wIho povlslorof nature to koop tho man down, tho man with tho hoo, who hna not lonrnod to snvo, the man who dlsslpntos a month's enrnlnga In one night's carouse. Na ture dooa all things well. Mr. Howltt might hnvo nddod ono other precept to his oxcollont for mula and that la to havo atondy em ployment. Thousauda of ill ndvlsod crcuturos will remain Idle bIx days In a wook It on tho seventh thoy car, obtain a double wago. Tho strlk) thnt compels men to romnln out of employment for months nnd month la always n bnd polloy for the la borer. Tiila la why bo many working men prefer not to Join tho unions. A strlko Is not tho wny to settle la bor probloma. Coos nay Harbor. o JIIkIi Hc1mo1 Tcriipcrunru Context. Tho Bllvor medal declamatory con teat At tho Salem high aahool will b hold on Friday ovonlng, May 10 It protnlsoa to be a warm and Intor oatlng contest. Tboro aro six con tostanta olected to spuuk on this spa elnl occasion. Three will represent the froahmen and three tho sopho mores. Doth clasaoa deal with some phaso of the tomporanco queetlou and tho whole program la calculated to arousb a lively enthusiasm foi oloan government and olean home. Thero should bo a largo audience to hear tho young people speak for tho right. May 10th. MRS. W. J. WEBEIt. Contest Superintendent. o iHIIIMIHIHMI. ""J'gi.fiiaaattJUiBoaf itiiwiiiiBu.iililitii v tr- . - I A ..w.-r. -, umuAL DIRECTORY CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT h m n i m n 1 1 1 1 1 n a i n I- Delegation In Congress. Sonator Chas. W. Fulton, Astoria. Senator Jonnthan Bourne, Jr., Portland. Representative W. C. Hawley, Sa lom. Ropresontatlvo W. R. Bills, Pendle ton. Stnto Oniclnls. Governor, George E. Chamborlnln. Sorotary of State, Frank W. Ben son. Stato Treasurer, George A. Stoolo. Superintendent of Public Instruc tion, J. II, Ackorman. Attorney General, A. M. Crawford. Stato Prlntor, W. S. Dunlwny. State Labor Commissioner, O. P Hoff. Supremo Court. Chief Justlco, Robort S. Bean. Assoclato Justlco, Frank A. Mooro. ABsoclato Justice, Robort Eakln. Commissioners, W. T. Slntor, W. R. King. Clerk, J. J. Murphy. Roportor, It. G. Morrow. Bnllirr, P. H, Raymond. Circuit Judges, Goo. II. Burnett, Salem; Wllllnm Gnlloway, McMlnn-villo. District Attorney, John II. Mc Nary, Salem. Other Stnto Oniclnls. J. W. Bnlloy, Food and Dairy Com missioner, Portland. J. W. Baker, Gaino and Forestry wnrden, Cottngo Grove. Roht. O. Ycnny, Stato Health Om cor, Portland. J. II. LowIb, Stnto Engtnoor, Sa eom. E. Gllllnghnm, Stnto Librarian, Sa lem. II. G. Van Duson, Stato FIbIi Com missioner, Astoria. Chns. V. Oalloway, Stato Land Agent, Snlcm. W. W. Eldor, Commnndor Soldlors Home, Roseburg, Marlon County Olllclnls. John H. Scott, County nnd Probate Judge. . R. D. Alien, Clork of Courts. W. J. Culver, Shorlff. ' W. Y. Richardson, Troasuror. E. T. Mooros, Suporlntnndont of Schools. F. J. Rice, ABBCssor. B. B. Herrlck, Jr., Surveyor. J. G. Needhnm, W. II. Goulot, Com mtsslonora. A. M. dough, Corouor. D. G. Drngor, Rocordor. Kiilfiu City OniclulN. Geo. F. Rodgors, Mnyor. W. A. Mooros, Rocordor nnd Police Judge D.'W.'aibson, Marshal nnd Chlof of Police Frank Meredith, City Trensuror. A. O. Condlt, City Attornoy. Jns. W. Martin, Street CommlB Hlonor. Mnrk Savngo, Chlof Flra Dopnrt mont. W. C. Smith, Houlth Olllcor. City Ktandlng Coiiiinlttco. Wnys and Moans Jacob, Wnldo, Churchill. Ordinances Greonbnum, Low, Goodo. Accounts and Current Expenses Churchill, Rndcllff, Dayno. Streota Downing, Stockton, Stolz. Public Bul!dlngs-Btockton, Stolz, Gosnor. Soworngo, 8to, Jacob, Low. Plumbing FrnBor, Downing, Gos nor. Flro nnd Water Low, Radcllff, Goodo. Brldgos Geanor, Churchill, Fras or. Health and Pollco Hans, Jacob Waldo. Lights Goodo, Hans, Grccnbaum. Printing Itadollff, Huns, Frasor. Public Parks Dayno, Groenbaum, Stockton. Hoard of I-Murntlou. W. H. Byrd, Chairman. A. A. Loe, H. C. Epley, E. M Crolsan, Directors. II. A. Johnsou, Jr., Clerk. J. M. Powora, City SupL Schools, o t4nniiiiieiui leieieiettmmm,,,,, FOR 8AU5 Vw Sale 6D head of goats, mixed", or will lot on shares. Also sovor al good Jorsoy cows, giving milk, brod to prlzo winning Jersey bull nt 100G Btato fair. W. J. Crawford, Zenn, Polk county. Phono Farm er 23. 4-20-Gt For Sale Thirty-four acros of Innd adjoining fnlr grounds, 10 ncro.i cast of road, all In cultivation, all kinds of small fruits, $2000 houso, outhoUBos, etc.; 24 ncrca west of road, 9 acres In hops, small im provements. Will sell all togothor or In part. Prlco for all, $CS00. Seo or address C. W. Ynnnko at Fashion Stables, Salem, Oregon. 4-22-lw. For 8k -A flvo and a six-room houso, with from ono to six lota with each, woll locntod In East Salem. Good bargains. Isaiah Schonoflold, 21st and Mnrlon 8tB., Salem. 1-28-tt lii Acrco Flno soil, hnlf tlmbor, halt cultivation, lYi miles from Salem, flno unobstructnblo vlow of Salem, rlvor, mountains, etc. En tirely onclosod with now "wire fence. Houso and bnrn old. Ap plos, penra, plums, prunes, peach es, cherries, borrlcs full boarlng. This Is for you, Mr. Bnrgain Hunt er. Call on or wrlto to "H.," caro Journal. 4-19-md-lw For Sale Salom-Indopoudonco-Mon mouth Btngo lino, fully oqulppod, Inqulro of Capital Commission Compnny, Salem. 4-C-tf For Hnlo 233 acrou, 150 under plnw, balanco timber ?3G per hero; 1G1 acros, good house, barn nnd windmill, host farm In vnlloy, $10, 000; 21 acres, good houso, barn, 0 long by 100 foot wtdo, $3500; 80 cowb; 10 acros, wagon, buggy, nil tho farm implomonta nnd houso furniture; 21 ncrca near town on tho iBlnnd, good 0-room houso and barn, $0000; big lot 200 foot ling by 100 foot wldo, $3500; 80 ncroB 3 miles south of town noarly nil In grain, $05 per aero; 8 acres 2 mlloa west of town with houso nnd bnrn, $800; 90 acres, 12 mllos "aat of Salem, $40 por aero; 1& acres, good house and Imrn, $850; lacro with flvo room house and bnrn, $700; 5 ncros with good 0 room hoiiBo nnd barn, $1000; 4 ncrca with good houso nnd wind mill In town, $2200; 4 ncrou with houso nnd bnrn in town, $2000; Also from 20 to 30 good housoa from $000 to $4000. For snlo hy J. C. Schultz, 747 South Twelfth St. Salem. 4-1-lmo. MISCELLANEOUS. Carpets Cleaned Flno volvot, Brus Bola nnd Ingrained carpets cleaned. Just as thoy aro on tho door. All Bpots nnd dirt romovod. Work guarnnto'd. W. R. Spccco, 142 Court atrcot, phono 1474. 4-2 0-1 w . Praising Parlors Pressing, clean ing, xopalring and dressmaking dono by Mrs. E. W. Jnmoa 484' Court Btroot. Phono 477. 4-4-lmo DreflanutkliiR Plain or fnncy drees maklng dono by Portland lady of oxporlonco. Mrs. A. N. Munwy, 350 Sovontoonth atroot. Phon 1171. 4-3-lmo. Vour Stopmothcr ib still hore busr na ovor cleaning, dyolng, prosslaic and ropnlrlng nnythlng from a pair of glovo to tho moat elaborate Bilk gown. Goods called for and roturned. Mrs. C. II. Walker, 221 South Commorclal Btroot. Phone 12-G. 4-1-lm Piano Tuner L. L. Wooda, piano ei pert tuning, ropalrlng and polish ing. Leave ordora at Geo. O. Wllla' mualc Btoro, Snlom. 2- 9-lyr Concrete Work Got my prices on Bldownlks, curbs, Boptlo tanks and comont work of any kind. All work guarantood flrat-claas. M. Ward, Highland add. Phone B89, 2-11-tf Hutto Ai Wenilaroth Fine wlne, liquors and clgara. We handle tk colobratod Kellogg and Caatle whiskies. Cool and refreshing beer constantly on drough. Koutk Commorclnl street 8-3-lyr Salem Iron Work. Founders, ma chlnlatR and blacksmiths. Man facturors of all klndB of sawmill machlnory. Hop and fruit drylig stores, oto, Manufacturers of the Balom Iron Worka Hop Pre. Salem Box A Lumber Co. Removed from South Salem to 14th rtreet, near the 0. P. depot. Boxes, Berry Cratoa, Fruit Traya and Perfoctlon Fruit Evaporators. Phone 201. PLUMBUM. Thco. M. Barr Plumbing, hot irate and steam heating aud tinning, 104 Commercial street. PhOM Main 102. fl-l-ly M. J. Pfttzel Plnmblnif. ( .J ftna fltting. 8ucaeior to Kmox M Itfurphy, 226 Commercial tttfX, 'Phono Mala 17. VOH RENT For Rent Sovon-room houso, 134G Court atroot. Modoru Improvo moiitB, wntor furnlshod. Will lonso for from ant to four years Inqulro nt 2000 East Stato street. 4 -20-lwk For Rent Houso nnd four lots, gar deu and bnrn, All kinds of fruit. Apply nt 345 Union atroot. Phono 591. 44tf For Ik'tit Sovon-room house, hot and cold water, oloctrlc light, bath room. Inqulro of Aug, Schrelb or, 500 North High atroot. 3-25-tf Lonans. Foresters of America Court Sher wood Forostora. No. 19. Meets Tuosdny In Hunt hall, State atreet Loo Abblo, C. R.; A. L. Brows, F. B. Central Ik)(1o No, 1H, K. of I . Castle Hall In Holmau block, cor ner Stato and Liberty street. TuoBday of each Wook at 7:20 p. m. Oscnr Johnson, C. C.J E. H, Andoraon, K, of II. nnd S. Gentle and Effective. A well known Manitoba editor writes: "As an inside worker I find Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets invaluable for the touches ot biliousness natural to sedentary life, their actios being gentle and effec tive, clearing the digestive tract aad the heed." Price 25 eeats. Banylee free. Far sale at Dr. Stoae's drug store. Cuml lUiciimntlHiu. Mr. Win, Henry of Chattanooga, Tenn., had rheumatism in his loft arm. "The strength soemed to have gono out of tho musotea so that it was usqIbs for work," ho says. "I applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm and wrapped tho arm In flannel at night, and to my relief I found that tho pain gradually left mo and the strength returned. In three weeks the rheumatism bad disappeared and has not since returned." If troubled with rhosmatlsm try a few applica tions of Pain Balm, You aro cor tals to be pleased with the relief which it affords. For sale at Dr. Stone's drug store. 0 VOKXJ.. DRAYMEN. C'liiiiinius llroa.' Transfer Company All kinds of trnnBfqr work dono, Furnlturo and pianos boxed ready for ahlpmont. Prompt servico la our motto. Stand and odlco at 263 South Commorclnl stroot. Phone 210. Roaldonco Phono 908, MUSICAL. Arthur Von Jvoii Tcncaer of pi ano; touch, technlch, Interpreta tion, Thorough preparatory cotimo Advanced atudonta preparod for public appearanco Roaldonco 058 Center St. Tel. Main 520. 2-28-tf. Modern WooduicH of AmericaOre gon Codar Camp No. 5241, Meet every Thursday evonlng at 8 o'clock In Holman hall, W, W. Hill, V. 0.; F. A. Turner, Clerk. Woodmen of World Meet every Fri day night at 7:30, In Holinas hall. J. A, Dickey, O. H. P. L. Frailer, Clark. Lincoln Annuity UhIoh. Hick, acci dent and pension iuiurance; $2, 000,000 pledged; every claim paid Good agonta wanted. J. II. O. Montgomery, supromo organizer Box 432 Httlom, Oregon. R. R. Ryan, socrectnry, 540 Stnto street. SALEM WATER COMPANY ' omOE CITY HALL. For water service tpply t elle Bill pnyablit monthlr Id Ivb liOST. LoMt--Black, part spanlol dog. An swors to namo of "Don." Roturn to E. Hofer, South Balom. 4-17-tf MAMK AKD DOOK FAOTOEIM. rrsak M. SUrows. Maaufteturer i uk, doors, saouldiajj. All kiads ef boo Islak aad hard wo4 werk Froat Um4, txt. State asd Cevri Ifake all seafijaists at the eJUt, WANTED. Wanted Bright, ambitious Jady to roprosoiit manufactiiror. Pleasant work, short houra, good salary. Adflrew ). A. Erlok, Balom, Ore. 4233t Wanted To borrow $1000 on th best of real oatnto socurlty, Ap ply to "J. P.," caro Journal oHice. 4-20-tf Wtihi'Ht Cash Prlco Paid for chick ens at Willamette Hotol. 419-tf HOLLIOTCT.'lfc Rocky Mountain Tn Nuitt A Bair Mwileiat Ut Bmy Pwtli. SHt QcUit Kclib tn4 Htai4 Vlfr. nU Kiilny TrouUM. 1'InidUm. Yjuwv. Irnn WJ KI BfMth. gWiHitj How.U, lieAjZSX ad UMktcta. IftK!kylou8tlaTttaUli lt fprw. M c8U m hot. Mmiiii.ii muf tr RoUJ.TIt f)lCt OOMtAHr, X4tKM, WW. M.KH NUMCT8 FWt VALltW rf-