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About Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1903-1919 | View Entire Issue (April 25, 1907)
DAILY CAriTAL JOURNAL, SALTOI, OREGON, THUKSDAV, APRIL 2,-J, 1007. 3 A XKW SIDE OF LIXC01.X. or tmmm wmm IgraEjjf For Every fy Cooking trl Purpose lit kitchen. It's new. This is the stove you should have in your it's up-to-date. It's different from other oil stoves. It will rive you best and quickest results on baking-day and other days. The flame of the NEW PERFECTION Wick Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove is always under immediate control. If you use a New Perfection your kitchen will be cooler this summer than ever before. Every stove warranted. Made in three. sizes. If not at vour dealer's, write to our near est agency for descriptive circular. mS hoi the best lamp for all-round household use. Made of brass throughout and beautifully nickeled. Perfectly constructed ; absolutely safe ; unexcelled in light-firing power; an ornament to any room. Every limp warranted. If not at your dealers, writo to our nttrtit agency. STANDARD OIL COMPANY UNCORD) HATED) For Four Yenrs Many of HU Wak ing Hours Passed In the Wat1 Telegraph OtUct. OSTEIN & GREENBAUM'SI RICES ON STAPLES HAVING I10UGIIT HEAVY IJEFOHE THE TREMENDOUS AD VAXCKS I.V WHOLESALE COST, WE AltE A1JLE TO DUPLICATE ALL IX) KM Hit PRICES. heavy twilled shirting. . . .10c yd ullco, largo lino Gc yd DrcM gingham 8 l-3c yd Checked linen toweling. .. ,9c yd Itfiry Daisy cloth 10c yd Fincy lawns, D, 10, 12c yd But unbleached muslin 8 l-3c yd Ucdlum weight muslin. .7 c yd Beit bleached muslin .... 10c yd tfdlum weight muBlln. ,7cyd Euadtrd oil cloth 18c yd mlde corset cover emby..2Ccyd Fincy cotton suiting ....10c yd arktih towols unblcn . . lOccnch torklsh towels largo blen lCc each I doz. good pearl buttons . . . . Cc Childron's undorshlrts ...... lCc Ladtos' honvy gray Ijobo ..lOcpr Childron's heavy black hoso 10c pr Children's never wear out 3oso 15c pr Children laco hoso 23c pr $2.25 corduroy pnnts for men $1.50 12.00 wool pnnts for men.. $1.40 $1.35 Cotton pants for mon $1.00 $1.25 cotton pnnts for mon 90c Hoys' short pnnts 25c Doys' long pants 45o Mon'a gray ovornlls 75c Men's blnck and whlto shirts 40c Men's ncgligeo shirts 45 nnd CGc ROSTEIN & GREENBAUM 140-246 Commercial St. Salem, Orccon (From Dnvid Homer Bntoa' Lincoln In tho Tologrnph Office," in the May Century.) Abraham Lincoln has boon studied from almost every point of vlow, but It Is a notable fact that nono of his biographers has ovor seriously considered that branch of tho sorvlce with which Lincoln was In dntly personal touch for four yonrs the military tologrnph; for during the clll war, tho President Bpant more of his waking hours In tho war de partment telegraph ofllce than In any other place except tho Whlto House. While In tho telegraph ofllco ho was comparatively freo from otllclnl cares, and therefore moro Inclined to disclose his natural traits and dis position. During tho last four yonrs of Lin coln's till to brlof public career, ov o until tho day boforo his tragic ending, tho write wns most fortu nnto In bolng nblo to soo him dally, nnd usunlly sovoral times a day; for ho visited tho war department tele graph ofllco regularly, morning, af ternoon nnd evening, to receive tho latest news from tho front. Ills tall, homely form could bo seen crossing tho well-shnded lawn between thu Whlto Ilouso and tho war depart ment with unvnrled regularity. In cool woathor ho Invnrlnbly woro n gray plaid shawl thrown over his Bhouldors In careless fashion, and, upon entering tho telcgrnph ofllco, ho would alwayn hang thin shawl over the (op of tho high screen door opening Into Socrotnry Stanton's room adjoining. This door wns nearly always opon. Ho Boldom failed to como ovor Into In tho ev ening beforo retiring, nnd when re turning to tho Whlto Ilouao fre quently nccompnnlod by Mnjor Eck hnrt, our chiof, nnd nearly always by a Hiunll guard of soldlors, Hu sometimes protosted against thin latter precaution as unnecessary, but Socrotnry Stanton's orders to tho guard woro Imperative. Iking I OF I THROAT I AND LUNG KEhItI"1 EDIES DR. KINGS NEW DISCOVERY for COUGHS A" GOLDS CURES . THROAT - LUNG DISEASES SAVED HER SON'S LIFE My son Rex was taken down a year ago with lung trouble. We doctored somo months without improvement. Then I began filvlngf Dr. IClog's New Discovery, nnd I soon noticed a change for tho better. X kept this treatment up for a few weeks And now my son is perfectly well and works every day. MRSi SAMp RiPPEK, Ava, Mo. 50o AND $1.00 SOLD AND GUARANTEED BY PUT HANK OF 1IAIK IN HIS MEDICINE. Snood Floors En flano v jr-y j QBE ULMIIU i$ AlftJMfc I' Pr i if ' 1 V F M WBV Spread them on your old floors with a good brush, tnd have an up-to-date reception room, dlnfnc-room. hill or pirlor. Nitural wood finish, tough, clastic and dunbk, Varno-Lac r lucd)' Imltitt all fine woods, no matter how old the surface i he tattned. The only article made that requires no skill tot' ' J-. food results. Aoid disappointment by remembering tot Varno-Lac. Mill t? Acme Vilslie tcJ & Color Works, DctroMlJcfc GEO. B. JACOB FJIO.VT AM) PINE STHEETS. NOIITH SALEM, Phono 401 lb TB HBbEJeS Oregon City Star: Accusing his wifo of putting u bunch of hulr In hit modlclno when ho was sick, and divers and sundry other offenses culminating In tho desertion of him nbout n year ago, W. P. IMhorn hnJ brought milt for divorco from Cord'i lllhorn, to whom ho wns married In Ohio, In Octobor, 1901. Tho husband says ho lay nick In bed, only four or llvo months after their happy marringo, nnd that Cordu dollboratcly put Into his mcdlelno n bunch of hair, whether hers or ; whoso tho plnlutlff does not Hay, nnd that sho tried to induce hint to swallow tho aforesaid bunch. Ho nlso complains of her licensing, fnlscly of course, of unduo Intimacy with other wo mon. Cord a also be rutu.l him bucnuso ho didn't niako moro tnonoy, and In fact carrlud on In such n high-handed manner that tholr nuarrollng boenmo common talk among tholr nolgubom. Final ly Cordu left him on Juno ? 190C, nnd hnsn't roturuod slnco for which ho Is probably thankful, though he doosn't say so, for it gives him good grounds for tho divorco ho aooks. J. C. PERRY'S DRUG STORE What KooM-volt Snlil. In n lottor addressed to Honoro Jnckson, of Chicago, chnlrmnn of tho Cook count)' Moyer-IInywood con foronco, which wns mado public President Itoosovelt ropllCB to the criticism of his recent lottor, In which ho roferrod to Moycr nnd Ilnv wood, tho olllclals or tho Western Fodorntlon of Minors, who nri chnrgod with Implication In tho Stounenborg murder, us "undoslr nblo oltlzons." The Prosldont Hays ho rogrets that nny body of men should bo far forgot tholr duty to tholr country ns to, by tho formation of societies, or In othor wnys, en deavor to tniluouco jiiRtlco nnd co orco a court or Jury; that thoy, not ho, nro trying to Inlluonco Justice, nnd ho condomns what ho calls the'r flagrant Impropriety In tho mntter. Ho says ho Indicated no opinion as to tho guilt of tho arreBtod per sons but that It was simply absurdi ty to nsmtnio that because a man Is on trial ho Is froo from criticism at to tho manner of his llfo. Ho sayc ho might as well bo accused of try lug to Inlluonco tho suits agalusl Harrlmnn, Home of whoso frlonds had nlsn crltlclBud htm. Ho said Moyor nnd Hnywood Htnnd iih roproscntntlvoa of those mon who liavo dono ns much to dis credit labor movomonts as tho worst spoculntlvo llnnuclorH, or tho most unncrupulous omployors of labor and' dobnuchorn'of legislatures hnvo dono to discredit capitalists fair doallng biiBluoss mon. Ho Hiild that Moyor nnd Haywood stand n roprosontntlves of those who habit ually appear guilty of Incitement to or npology for bloodshed and via-loneo. Oregon Official Dates llttUroml CoiuinlxNlon Dates. Regular meotlngs on Ilrst nnd third Tuesday of each month. April tO Conference with Travol Ing -Men's Asnnolntlon nt Portland. April 22 Hearing nt Portland, Keystone Lumbor Co. vs. Sunset Logging Co. April 23 Lumbor rnto Hcsslon at Snlom. May C Hearing of Traveling utid Von's Afiaoolatlon. Ediimtlouat Event. ABtoria, April 21, 25, 20, county Institute Corvnlllfl, May 2, regonts Stato Ag rlcultural collogo to soloct prosldont.. Fossil, May, 8, 0, 10, county instl- llu added that hu Is profoundly in- dlfToront to tho condemnations of tuto, him for his criticisms of tho undo- Bnlom, July 1, 2, 3, Stato Educa- alrablo types of cltlzons, ronardlosn tlonal Association. of tho powor of either labor or capl- Lou Angolos, July 8-12, National tnl. Educational Association. IWWWWWWIIWlWtiWitlitiltiWWWtWWIwll)llilllfcl SAVE GOOD MONEY This Month Is the Last Chance to Get the Batgam Rates On the Capital Journal for This Season -o- C T. CO. -STEAMERS SfA AN OUKOOva t.vxvu -d aioMiii- ..., Au lltlll ''H VKUNES- I The Fashion Stables Formerly Simpson's BUblea, Up-to-date livery and cab lint Funo-al turnouts a tpecialtj. Tally bo for pienlcs and excursion. Phos 44. CHAJB. "W TANNKE, Prop 247 and M9 High Street. li,!ilY' TUltSD4V AXD WTUtDAY ABOUT P. H. p- M. BALDWIN, Agt. CAPITAL COMMISSION 267 Commercial St CO rwiE.vcB8raaE. "otej. Salpm . , 1 " .. ' aoHmm ama 4t 8 a. to. Pkoia Mate RALPH BDpioNCT, XllMgW l Plwne 179 Cash Purchasers of Poultry, Eggs, and All Farm Produce. POLK COUNTV MOHAIR imiNftS TOP PIHCHS. Tho Independence Hntorprls ha ; f tho following roport of the Dalla mohnlr Bale: Tho Polk county mohnlr pool of 50, 000 pounds of hnlr was sold to Hormnn Motzgtr, of Portland, to day at 30 conts a pound not to tht growors. Sonlod bids wro first mlled for. but tho largo numbor of buyors proa out did not saum to favor that plan of sailing, nnd only ono bid wns re ceived. Tho bid was rojectod by tho' selling commltteo, nnd tho balr was thn sold nt auction. Tho prlc paid by Mr. Metzger is prnctlcallv 30 V-, as the cost of handling tho pool will be about one-half cent a pound. The next lowost bid wai Dernheim, of Portland. Uy an arrangemont between the buyer and Secretary H. L. Fenton tho growers will receive 30 cent net. The growors deolded beforo ro oelvlng the bids to reject any offer below 30 cents, and to ship tho mo hair dlreot to the Eastern mills In tho event that a loss figure than 30 conts not was offered. Shearing Is about finished In Pell: county, and the mohair Is being de livered at tho various warehouses. The growors are welt satisfied with the price received for the pool whloh is three-quarters of a cejtt higher than was paid for other Ore gon pools this season, and a full cent more than mohair has been selling for la the open market. Save$.00aycaronthe Dally Journa', or save 25c on the Weekly Capital Journal, and do It now. By paying op all arrears, t yoa can get the DAILY IN ADVANCE FOR THREE DOLLARS PER YEAR, and the WEEKLY FOR 75c PER YEAR. 'JBARGAIN RATES Good to APRIL 30.1 Look up the tag on your paper and oav oo to the nrpsenh and tfwn mv in arf.l vancc at $3 per year for the Dally by mall or special delivery, or $5 by carrier, f This Is a reduction of $ 1 per year, and will not be good after April 30. J , .1. lhe :J?afnal 0,"cc and get these rates, or remit by mall at same prices. Hill Li , LMf.H. A il ..t t 4 i ... F uui wjrtuat teiow, cm ii out ano scna in wiln your remittance: O co O. BARGAIN RATE SUBSCRIPTION ORDER HOFER BROS., Publishers The Dally and Weekly Capital Journal, Salem, Oregen: Enclosed find remittance for my subscription up to J907, at $6 per year Daily by carrier $ At $4 per year Dnlly by mail or special delivery $ At $1 pet year for Weekly by mail $ One year In advance Dally by carrier $5.00 One year in advance Dally by mall or special delivery $3.00 One year for Weekly by mail 75 Total remittance. $ Name , Postofflce i f i? w ? i a 1 o rr a i R s 1 iwwiiiitiniiWMwiwiwiiwtiiwtiiwMilnmiHiw