DAILY CATITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY", APRIL 25, 1007. m i- j IR EJi P HOFER BROS. Ptfblishgrs and Proprietors E. HOFER, Editor- A. I HOFER, Mnnngcr. THE JOURNAL STANDS FOR PROGRESS, DEVELOPMENT, GOVERNMENT. AND NO DEGRADED LAHOR. GOOD THE APRIL GIRL. Ill tho morning call mo early, call mo early, mother dear, .For tho whlrly, pearly, twlrly April "beautiful" Is here. 'Tuck my feet In goloshes with tho dawnlng's first faint flush, And I'll haaten forth a-wadlng and parading In tho slush. Whllo the airy snowllakcs sprinkle on my fairy, blue-tipped nose, f.Aiid tho sleet taps, tinkle-tinkle, on nfy gauzy Easter clothes.' Oh, I lovo April, mother, whon the mercury shoots down, And tho blizzard's Uttlo brother comes careering through tho town; Whon ono'a modish Easter bonnet, with Its smart Inverted brim, ' A'nd a market garden on It, from the apex to tho rlm, Looks, boneath tho sifting, drifting shifting snow of ono brief day, Llko broiled lobstor served with croam sauce, or tomato soup frappo. Let the morbid mollycoddle by tho radiator stew; Ab for me I'm going to toddle up onDralnstorm avenue, Whoro tho motor cars aro sneezing In the lowering, gloworlng dark, And ono hears tho robins freezing In tho purlieus of tho park. Whoro tho trees, In forms fantastic, bow boneath tho straining storm, .And tho weather Hag sarcastic, signals: "Wednesday, fair and warm." ovory- Oh! It's April, April, mother, tfnd lt'B gontle, balmy spring, Through tho knee-deop snowdrifts omothor fiathouso, Btrcet and thing; Though tho skies are not tho bluest, and ono could not call It hot, DrosB mo In tho poek-a-boo-cst raldlant raiment that I'vo got. .And whon I'm gone romombor tho refrain of that glad song, "In November or Dccombor Summortlmo Will Come Along." James J. Montague. o THE PEACE CONGHESS. temperance kept looking directly nt him and he knew that he was mak ing a personal application to him, and he resented It. Moreover, ho said that most of the largo audience kept smiling and enjoying tho predicament that tho preacher was putting him In, and that made him fighting mad, and he wasn't "goln to let no preucher hold him up as a horrible example." The preacher on the contrary was able to provo that he had never seen tho man before, and did not know him, and had no reason to bellovo that what ho said on temperance had any personal application to tho oysterman, and members of tho congregation testified that tho smiles noticed on their faces were smiles of approval at tho statements of the minister, and nt the telling blowa tho was administering to tho drink ovil. In Bhort, tho oysterman was another victim of a pricked conscience, only ho wouldn't take tho lesson home, but wanted to fight tho man who even by prccopt and exhortation wanted "to interfere with my personal liberty." Ho had tho right to drink all tho Intoxicating liquors ho wanted to, nnd ho was not going to have any sky pilot lntcrfereing with his right not to his face, anyway. IF PREACHERS WANT TO PREACH AGAINST EVILS THEY SHOULD E CAREFUL TO PREACH AGAINST THOSE WHICH NONE OF THE MEMBERS OF THEIR CONGREGATION INDULGE IN. Tho fact that this means no preaching at all, wouldn't affect many of tho sinners who fill tho contribution baskets with tho blggesta wads of money, however. MARKET QUOTATIONS SPECJTT "Make Salem a Good Home rv M,kc'-" Bargain1 SALEM MARKET. IlM WH Tho Peuco Congress which has boon In session in Now York this weok annol fall to glvo an impetus to a movomont in which all nations nro In terested.. Ono of tho features of tho congress wns tho Intensely practical letter written by President Roosovolt. Tho Prosldont rocognlzos that thoro aro cortnln conditions obtaining .iimong tho varlotiH peoples, of the oarth which must bo tnkon into consid eration IIEFORE THE DItEAM OF THIS IDEALIST CAN UI3 HEALIZKD Reformers aro apt to bo aoiitlmontiillats and overlook practical facts. It would bo Inviting disaster for u mnn who has a thlof for a neighbor to leave his door unlocked at nights, and bo long, urged tho Prosldont, .us an Inequality of civilization exists nmong tho nations an Ideal peace -Imslrf Is Imposslblo. Tho Proflldont, however, showed that much Is poBslblo toward tho at tainment of tho end Bought, and his ndvlco to tho congress was evident ly sound. RoproiiuntatlvoH from all parts of tho English-speaking world wore .present and every phaso of tho ponco question was discussed. Tho result cannot bo otherwise than bonellclnl. It must not bo forgotton, howovor, that ponce congresses and similar tgnthorlugH fall of their 'purposo uuIohs they glvo to tho rock-bottom work of Investigation a now llfo or Impulse. Wo mean by this tho promotion of education, religion nnd sclonco by each nation. That govornmont which Is doing tho most for tho olovatlon of Its own people, making tlium a blutwlng to mankind, rnthor than a monaco, nnd Inculcating tho spirit of tho golden rule, Is uIbo doing tho most for tho ruiiBu of unlvoranl poao. Tho holding of a ponco congrosB li n demonstration of tho fact that this work of enlightening and civilizing tho mnssos of tho nations In progressing. n UrtK.i'HT ill"!' VIW.U THAT THE GOAL WHICH THE PEACE ADVOCATES AIM! STRIVING KHi IS BEING VEUV RAPIDLY AP-PltOAail-m and will bo ultlmatel) attained. Thu lliuo In coining whon tho Integrity of each nation will ho such that a compact untorod Into by thorn will bo as binding as n law whloh has Mhlml It a standing army to secure (H ohodlonot. o HOOHKVELT TDK ISSUIS. It Ih evident Hint Secretary of War Taft U the choice of Prosldont Hooiiovttit uh IiIh suoooswor In tho Whltu IIoiiho. Tim Tlmen has frequently referred to Mr. Taft as a man of prosldon. tlal proportion, and thoro Ih no doubt THAT III-: IS ESPECIALLY WELL FI'ITIM) TO FILL THE IM.ACK OF THE INTHKIMD ROO.SK VH1P. He I. for one thing a Msclplo of the Kooaevalt school, and would fol low the course mappud out by his predoootwor If tlocted. There Is miaou to believe also that ho, In the porfornmnco of his duty, would uxori'Uo that tact wliloh count h for bo much In doallng with men nnd In trammeling the public business, the laok of whloh In Mr. Itooso volt has made the career of tho hitter at tho White House somewhat tu multuous. That Prcwldont Uocwovelt Is putting Mr. Taft forward os his choleo thoro Is Uttlo reason to doubt. Thufight botwoon Taft and Fornkor in Ohio Ih tho first skirmish In thu gonoral campaign that is to onsue. If Mr. Tuft It suuaassriil in his hoiuu Htate ho will havo won a prostlge and -vantage point that will enable him to pursue his courso with court, donee. ' In llghUi .for presidencies, as well as for lessor considerations, the man who draws first blood Is nsAoolutsd In tho popular mind as tho ulti mate winner, Tho opposition is busy olroulntlns a report that Mr. Itoosovolt Is ad vancing Mr. Taft as a decoy, and that ho has'an ulterior motive tho se miring of another term for himself. But no utterance made by the Prosldent affords a basis for this ns. Humptlon, and tho whole proceeding Is doubtless conceived for campaign purposo. However, TIIKHK IS NO DOUBT WHOEVHU MAY BK THE CANDI DAT1IS FOB THE UEPUBLU'AN NOMINATION mil PRESIDENT THAT HOOSKVItl.T WILL BE THE ISSUE. Tho battle will bo fought betweon those who opposso and those who nuvoonie mo noosevon policy, ana tue question of whloh will bo the nominee will depend largely upon widen sldo wins, All the Indlenllous point to ono of tho huttewt nnt'convntlon fights In tho history of the Republican party. I. .i i i i o JUDGE BENSON ITALKS SHALL TRUSTS CONTROL Porltnnd Telegram: Judge II. L. Donson, of Klamath county, wouldn't rofuso tho Republican nomination : for governor of Oregon at tho pri mary election, nohow, but ho Is mod est in his pretensions. Ho isn't tank ing any long, loud holler for it, but says ho would like tho nomination If it woro offered him. This may bo Intorprotcd that ho will muko tho raco, muybe. As much ns ho would say this morning was simply: "I would llko to bo governor. I don't deny It, but I guess It Is out of tho question, lunsmuch as my brother Frank Is sccrotary of Btato. It would look ns If tho Donson fam ily was trying to hog nil tho ofllco If I ran for govornor. I don't think, for thnt reason, that It would bo wlso proper for mo to ask for such ' an honor, so long as Frank holds hU presont ofllco." "And nftor that, what, Judgo?" ho waB asked. Judgo Uouson had a fnraway lool. In his eye, as If ho saw far beyond, In tho InBcriitnblo futuro, beauteous vIbIous of tho governor's mansion, but ho smiled and said: "That's1 a good wayo 6ff yet.'" Discussing tho long nnd critical Illness of his brothor, Frank, Judgd Uonson said: "Wo fool very much encouraged about his condition. IIo has loft San Dlogo, whoro ho ha3 boon for some 1 1 mo. nnd when I hoard from him a day of two ago, ho was at Los An golas nnd said ho was fooling mud: hotter. Ho had wastod away to a more shadow, but has gained 2ft pounds, nnd w. now hnpo ho Is out of nil danger. "In enso ho doos not return to Sa lem to assume his duties na sccrotary of Htato In tlmo for mo to go on tho bonoh for tho May torm of court In my district, I havo arranged with Judgo Uurnott, of Marlon county, to chnngo, ho going to Lnkovlew to pro sldo whllo I will romnln in Snlom on his bonoh, bo thnt I may bo ablo to look after such work la tho ofllco of soorotnry of state as may bo urgont until Frank doos como back." Wvor alnco Frnnk Donsou was taken 111 InBt wlntor, Judgo Benson has been acting as socrotary of stnto In his placo, merely ns a courtosy on tho pnrt of tho stato board. Ho has no right to voto ns a momber of tho board or to ulgn documonts as secre tary of stato. Hear Geo. M. Gocbol discuss this question at Commercial Hall,' Thurs day, April 25, 1907, at S p. m. Como out and hear, from ono who knows just what Socialism is, and its rela tions to tho problems that now con front tho nation. Mr. Goobol sorved his tlmo and worked for years aa a carpentor, tho last five years being a traveling salesman, thus understand ing by actual exporlonco tho ques tions which ho discusses. Mr. Gocb ol has spoken in 38 states, two terri tories and British Columbia to in tensely Interested and appreciative audiences. All Intelligent men and women rocognlzo tho growing im portant of tho Socialist movomont. If you want to henr a clear-cut, Intel ligent exposition of Socialism, what It Is, and what it is not, delivered in a mannor frco from personalities, and nt tho samo tlmo embellished with witty and npt Illustrations, you should hear him. Eight million pcoplo bellovo In So clnllsm! Can you afford to bo lgnor nnt of what It la? 4-23-3t Stdnar'a Market. Dealers in fish, came and poultry Highest cash prico paid for eggs, Prompt delivery. Stato street. Local Wholesale Market. Eggs ISc. Hens 12 &c; young chickens, llVfcc. Ducks 10c; geese, 8c; turkoys 13lfic. Buttor 27 c; buttor fat, 25 c Local wheat 68 70c. Local wheat 68c. Oats 38 40c. Barley $22 $23. Flour $3.25. Mill feed Bran, $19.00; shorts, $21.00. Hay Cheat and clover, $7 $8 person; timothy, $10 por ton. Onions $2.00 por cwt; potatoes, G5c por bu. Hops Choice, 10 lie; primo to choice, 8 9c; medium to prime. 8c. Chittim bark 5 Gc. Tropical Fruits. Bananas Gc per lb. Oranges $2.75 $3.00. Lemons -1.00 $5.00. Retail Mnrkct. OatB $1.35 por cwt; wheat, 80c; rolled barley, $27.50 $28 por ton. Eggs 20c doz. Apples $3.00.' Buttor Country, 25c; creamery, 35c. Flour $1 por sack. Bran 70c por Back; $21.50 por ton. Hay Timothy, 70cc por cwt.; cheat and clover, 50e por cwt.; shorts, 95c per cwt. Reduction of 2 ?,, t0 1. 19071 C.n'r Dally CanltM t"Tu M - " vuurrii -. or special de Qan;a!n rate n Z'W Journal, per mr "H - All il'i' mst bo Pald u Y n GOOD UP TO nr,."-"! MAY1ST. aWBD , Day. by carrier, ;, , J in advnni-n ' ""Krji arrears in Euh.ortMi.-. T " nal $4.00 a Zl. delivery. ,w ftf.nn c.. ., oull0 ft Big I -o- Smiles Frnnk Loslle, tho accommodating owner of tho Stnyton hotel was In tho city yosterday on buslnoss. Ho oamo down In his now "Ford" auto. PERSONAL IMM'UOHING. Raak In Maryland an old oysterman took n notion ono Sunday morn ing (0 go to uhuroh. Accordingly ho drossod up In hla "host" and took his seat in a pot down near tho proaehor, whoro ho might hear all that was satd, and whoro ho might cot tho full bonotlt of tho day's devotions. Ho got tho full bonoflt all right; ho hoard uUl that was said, and it rnndo him exceedingly angry, Iw fact ho got bo mad that ho waited Jiut outside the door until the preacher camo along, and THEN HLMUMPED ON HIM WITH ALL THE VIM THAT HE WOULD SHOW ROWING FOR THE SHORE TO ES GAPE AN APPROACHING STORM. Ho lamnoouoil tho preacher to hla ontlro satisfaction. Thou ho answored a suimuous to .appear boforo a juatlco to answer to tho cliargo ot tko assault. Tkoro ko explained that Ue iracker all durlug a loa serwoa o Rainy Days ENTER INTO EVERY LIFE. NO ONE CAN HOPE EO RFAIU WEATHER TO THE JOURNEY'S END. CLOUDBURSTS OF ADVERSITY COMB TO A.LL SOONER OR laTER. Hope for the Prepare for the Worst BEGIN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT NOW. IT WILL PROTECT YOU AND YOURS AGAINST FI.VAN CIAL ADVERSITY. Editor Geer has not yet told which sldo of anything ho la on. k Sllns says: Tho "opon" dealer accumulates enough trash to start a Junk shop. Orogon City Star. Ilarrlman soonis to think tho lum ber trust can stand n ralso. Tho fodorol grand Jury hna roturn od an indictment against Lizzie Caugholl, postmistress nt Gold Boach, Orogon, for wlth-holdlng mall. Per haps It was a loud postal card that sho wna required to road. o Not Ire. Blda will bo rocolved at tho olllco of tho Portland Qonornl Electric Com pany up to and including May 5, 1907, for tho construction of n brick building adjoining tho Btonra plant of this company In nccordanco with bluo prlntB, specifications and con tract terms on file In tho ofllco of tho company In this city. Bluo prints and othor Information can bo 60 curcd from tho undersigned aftor Thursday, tho 25th instant. ROLLIN K. PAGE, 3t, Local Manager. Livestock. Hogs Dressed, 9c. Cattlo 1100 1200 lb steers, 44c. Llghtor steers 34c. Cows and holfors 9001000 lb, 34c. Stock hdgs Gc. Hogs Fat, G M c. Lambs 5c. Veal Dressed, 8c. PORTLAND 1VLRKET.. Wheat Club, 75c; valloy, 72c; blue stom, 77c. Oata Choleo whlto, 29c. MUIstuff Bran, $17. Hay Timothy, $15 $1G; alfalfa $11.50. Votch $7."50$S.OO. rototoos $1.75 $2.00 per cwt Poultry Hens, 15lGc; mixed chickens, 1415u; dressed chick ons, 1617c; turkoys, Hvo, 13 14c; ducks, 17 18c; pigeons, $1.00 $1.25. Pork Drossod, flG&c. Beef Drossod, 5Gc. Mutton G7c. HopB 910Jic lb, according to quality. Wool Valley, coarso to medium, 2923c; eastern Orogon, 1318c. PURE FOOD LAW How many people arc tltnl you who know what It r: an artlclo Is pure, the Biuhfc aro rnoro than pleated taii Mm InKnl, f 1L.I. 9 advertising, if ther am w ated, they will i, BolklJ lurccu 10 uy law. Apl.ia ers win order tbo adnttenslj eocauso hey can mile txsii on them than It possible to i wholesome, puro foods, gu get puro food, yon will kw Icct tho brand and hilitcii It from your dealer crwll manufacturer for yoar ii. ALLEN'S SKLF.RISIX0 BROWN lUIUADFLOURIi ALLEN'S SKLF.niSlXQ H CAKE FLOUIt IS For salo by all first eka g If yours does not hire ft, us. ALLEN'S B.B.BFI Pacific Coast Factory, 8u J Easter Factory, Iittls Wdt! Manawt, Wit Savings Department Capital National Bant Notlco for Bids. Tho county dork of Marlon coun ty, Orogon, will recolvo sealed bldi up to 1 o'clock p. m May 3, 1907, proposing to dollvor forty cords ot first class grub oak or old growth onk wood, also forty cords of first class second growth or old growth fir wood at tho county court houso In Snlom, Orogon, on or boforo Septem ber 1, 1007. All bids must bo accompanied with a certified check In a sum equal to io por cont of tho amount of thi bid, conditioned that said sum bV forfolted If tho party bidding shall fall to entor Into ei written contract In accordance to tho torms of said bid within flvo days from tho date ot tho acceptance of Bald bid by tho , county court ot Marlon county, Oro gon, and glvo an annrovod bond conditioned that tho party bidding will faithfully carry out said contract In nccordanco with tho terms there of. Tho county court reserves tho right to reject any and all blda. Sld blda will be opomed at 1 o'clock p. ra May 3, 1907. JOHN H. SCOTT. 4-19-5t. CoBEty Judge, i MEALS 15c AT THE Salem Restaurant 3.10 COURT STREET. Call nnd try our 15c meals. Wo will glvo you a 25o meal fi? 1 Ka In flret.iMnixa nrfnr. W W Mfc-VMM V.-w. HMtMMH Suent wisely Is the srwM satisfaction. Wbr not if of It wisely nowDOjlsfl uat Baker, LawrcKfii Successors to Kin ' "38: mM DANGER IS LURKING IN IT. When your bathroom or lavatory Isn't fitted up with modern sanitary plumbing. Sower gas la rnoro dan gerous in wlntor than in summer, be cause ventilation la not so free. You will ward off disease by having your closer, hnthroom. kitchen, sinks, and water pipes overhauled. "vo make a specialty of sanitary pluD Ins and do It scientifically and at reasonable prices, A. L. FRASER SUM State Street. 1'beae 135. uiTiT.ni.VG A i i...vmmeedtsPrKVi terallly economic to cemeandseeB ards- oooiutfisa in- i Goii JH ... L- T JiaJ -' m&L rr L1 - " o R.Wl " iflL