DAILY OAPI TAL JOURNAL, 8ALKM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 24? 1007. li II Special Bargain Snlo Number 320. H For our mld-wnnlt nnnr.lnl nnln wn nttnr n lino nt whlto TODAY ONLY i Embroidered Belts fitted with patent ndjuBtablo buckle Thoy come in a great variety of pret ty patterns. You'll want one or two for the Bummer season. None sold until 8:30 a. m. this morning. No pho"o orders received. 20c Duress Gootfs Our stock is 6"orflowlng witn tho newest and bout in both Anorlcnn nnd foreign weaves and nffords n range for selection that is most satisfying. You'll find our prices, too, nro qulto modest for fho qualities dliown. KIHST FfiOOR. Long Kid Gloves Wo havo secured tho exclusive agent for tho celebrated SPEAR POINT CAPE GLOVES And nro showing a full rnngc of sizes in tho 12 nnd lC-button lengths in the colors wnntcd. . Nun TniiH. Alii hIzch. $3.75 and $4.50 Ready-to-wea Stsi He trlfl With all thoso small detnlls worked out in tho most fashion nblo mnnnor. You'll find our ns Bortmont tho best, tho values bol ter for prices nuked, $J J-85 to $40 1x7 y ml ' I s I Mi. A 111 1 SALEM POLICE COURT Wins Out in Ellsworth Nich ols Case 81'ltI.Ntt CLOTHES Wo nro showing a flno lino of tho correct models for this sea son in slngli and doublo-bronstcd Htylon, Look today. $10 to $30 Chief Justlco Bean, of tho suprcm? court, afflrmed the decision of Judgo Galloway, of tho circuit court for Marlon county, denying the petition of "Chick" Houghton, for rcleiise from tho penitentiary on habeas cor pus proceedings, which means that ho will havo to servo out tho re mainder of his unexpired sentence in tho penitentiary. In tho case of Elsworth Nichols vs. tho City of Salem, Justlco Bean also affirmed tho decision of Judge Galloway, and holds In effect that a city not only has tho right to define vagrancy under Its charter, but also has tho power to provldo punishment of tho crime as doflnod, tho nuthorlty to punish being confined solely to common law vagrancy. Tho principal point involved in tho Houghton habeas corpus caso was whether tho governor has authority, u n dor tho constitution or laws of the state, to grant a conditional commu tation of a pnrdon. Chief Justice Bcnn rules that under a constitution like that of Oregon a pardon is a moro act of grnco, and tho pardoning power may attach to any condition, prcccdont or subsequent that it is not illegal, Immoral or Imposslblo of performance, nnd if tho pnrdon lrf accepted by tho prisoner ha will be bound to n compliance with tho con ditions imposed, nnd hns no right to oxpect that tho pardon 1b absolute M.JJleu&M 6 A INCOGPOffATZO CITY NEWS A Collection of Important Parr gnipliN for Your CoiiNldk'ratlon. CHESTKHKIEL!) 1IEHE. Tho CVIcurutMl MliuMtvadcr nml Clairvoyant in Town Will Itc- lltlllll u 1VV I)JI)H. Enlarged Our mont market on East State trcot has been dnuhbid In bIzo nnd wo aro hotter nrepnrud than ovor to sorro customers. Prompt sorvlco nnd tho bout of montH our motto. Cnli or phono 199. 11. E. EdwurdH, Prop Wo Htlll lluvc A fow of thoHo oholco sugar-cured hnniH at 10 cent pur pound. Harring ton & Van Putton, tho grocers and mni'kotiuuu. Omit Playing on SI;ii((n, Tho basketball gaiun IrnU night at tho skating rink hotwoon th,o "Pigeon Wings" and tho.tonm from tho Kuguno rink roaultod In n fn-vornblo- scoro for Salum of 1 1 to 8. Tho game wiih doluyud until nftor 11 o'clock, on account of tho train being Into, hut .tho spectators, who walled to hc-o It, mw somo groat play ing on skates. Those who loft bo foro the guiuo. and who wished it, wero refunded tholr money. Grnnt Chestorllold, tho mind render nnd clairvoyant, arrived in Salem yesterday. Tho nnnounco mont Is mado by his secretary. Seen this morning at his parlors, 4GU Stnto street, in tho Hughes block, tho colobrntod onlgma was surround ed by u throng of peoplo anxiously nwnltlng to learn what was In storo for them. It Is said that ho actually tolls you your nnmo, ago and dnto of your birth. In Eastern cities ho Ib looked upon ns a prophot, by oth ers jib a mnu of superhuman powors. During Chostorflold's stay In Port land It Ib snld that fully 3000 pooplo pnwttt through his pnrlors. Ho re mains In Salem hut a fow day. One-Half the World Wear glnnsos, but not half of that bait wear tho right glasses, Tho wrong glasses nro ofton worse thnu nono; thoy nro n roustnut strain and a pormnuout Injury to tho oyea. Only ttclontlflo examination can detormliu what glasses your eyes require, you can't toll by tryln-j on glnssos. Bo on tho snfo. side; lot our op ttclnn gtvo your eyes careful examin ation. It doosn't cost anything ho cun loll you Just what you uoed dolnys aro duugerous. Our prices nro rea sonable, and we gunrautco eutlstac-tlon. H HUMAN HAIUI, AT Optometist BARR'S JEWELRY STORE State mm! Liberty Sts.f Satem Dried IWr in Salem A now product la ndvortlsod In Tho Journal, which tuny muko Salem famous, to an oxtont sho knows not of. Of eourso, tho rogular Salem boor has a wldo reputation already iih n bttvoriiHti. hut now comoa a Sa eom husluew houw and ndvortlsoa "Dried Hwr In Hulk." and thoy havo alrotuly Imd n good domand. Hoth & Grnbrtr, the Stnto stroot gro cers, hav had many calls th past fow days for thin nw bovorngo or nrtlolo of food, whatever It may be, wi'd thoy nro at thulr wits' ond to fill tho onlars. It Is needless to say that th advertisement Hjiould have ' road "dried huof In bulk." nnd that tho Intelligent compositor could not road tho French manuscript, so ho sot "boor" for "hoof," vory nntur- ' ally. Tho firm now want It under stood that thoy can tnkt no moro orders for Immediate delivery of "driud boor." hut that thoy still have a supply of tho superior "dried hoof," which is just as good as Jerked venison. " . Jh'orgcr (Jets Vivo Yours. Tillnmook special: J. L. Arstlll, who was arraigned by Deputy DIs- trjet Attornoy Cooper, on tho chnrgo of Issuing and cashing forged chocks, pleaded guilty, and whon asked bj Judgo Galloway If ho had nnythlnir to say, told tho Judgo that It was hfo first offonso nnd asked to havo a light sentonco. Tho Judgo told tho prison er that It was not tho intention of tho court to linposo a heavy sontoncc whoro thero was n disposition on tho pnrt of n person to reform. He told tho prisoner that It wns n most serious crlmo ho had committed, which wns punlshnblo In tho stn& ponltontlnry from ono to 20 yonrs, hut the law must bo vindicated and tho officers of tho court must do tholr duty, who, It npponrod, had shown tho prlsonor somo leniency and friendship, and ns ho had brokon Jail on two occasions, Judgo Gallo way Bontoncod Arstlll to flvo years In tho Btnto ponltontlnry. Shorlff Cron Bhaw left the noxt day with Arstlll for tho penitentiary, probably glad to got rid of his prisoner, who had tried to commit suicide, that Is he protondod to do so, tried tho Insan ity dodgo, nnd on two occnslonn broko Jail, only to ho roenpturod by ChorlfT Crenshaw at tho point of a gun on ono occasion uul by tho In dlan'pollco on nuothgr occasion. CHESTERFIELD Psychic Palmist and Clairvoyant My only reason for calling you by nnmo and what you call for Is Inci dentally a chain to rend by; what is more impor tant to serious peoplo is what to do, or what to expect regarding present or future affairs. If you arc ambitious, if you wish to be a success; If you are Involved In any unhnppy lovo affair, or If you desire to bettor your financial condition; If you are In doubt con cerning your future and wish to nt taln that subtle, potent, magnetic force, that seductive, attractive per sonal charm so lrrcslstablo in its power to dominate and control oth ers, then go nt once nnd consult with Prof. Chesterfield; ho is ovor rendy to help thoso with capital to find a 8afo and good paying Invest ment; this h6 can do and nsk no fee until tho Investment pays n hand some profit. Is this not honest? You hear tho truth and nothing but the truth. Greatest living astral dcad-tranco clairvoyant of tho ago; adviser on business nnd nil nffnlrs of lifo; tolls your full numo and what you called for, whom you will marry, how to control tho ono you love, oven though miles nway; reunites tho sopnratod; gives secret power to control; no long delays In waiting. In Salem ono wcok only. Special low foo all this week. Parlors 4GG Stnto Btrcct Hughes block. Ofllcc hours 9 a. in. to 0 p. m. Dally and Sunday. It's Bette to Btt y a RACYCL Than to Wish Yoa Had COME IN AND TAKE A RIDE ON nvp , ItACYCLES 840 AXD TIP. nTin.-t. ,r TOSvRCH " .u,uuiS 3B ASD IT'S A GOOD TIME TO HAVE YOUR. Vinr..rnM,,r """ "j.iwkvcJjKI). LRMiiiu. WP Tin rrtTW TlTCn li'nn.r 'l 'V .. w . xi MWAUV AM) HAVE TT,r. itviiiniw jjuii xius muiCLE. ALL KINDS OF' ETC. FITTED. YOU. hEst or t,Res,iii Personals Miss Edna Jones, of Brooks, Is in town todny. Mrs. L. C. 'Matthcs, of Brooks, is visiting in tho city. Miss O'Koofo, of Albany, wns vis iting horo yesterday. It. G. Hunter loft this morning for Lcbnnon on business. Itev. G. O. Oliver camo down from Jefferson this morning. Miss Honrletta Savago has re turned from n vIbIL In Portland. Mrs. L. S. Lyons loft this morning for Portland, whoro sho will reside. Mrs. A. G. Perkins loft this morn ing for a two weokB' visit in Port land. MrB. Molvln Burdlck returned Innt evening from an extended visit in Portland, v Mrs. D. A. Hardin, of Stayton, nf tor a short visit horo, loft today for Portland to visit relatives. , I Best Wotfk at Honest Pi ices, F anfc J, Mooe, Don't forget the new No. 447 Cowt Strict left this morning for Newport on h,nslncs8. They say that tho lumber for tho now skating rink at Newport is on tho ground, nnd that tho con struction will begin immediately. It Is their Intention to opon tho rink about tho first of Juno. Debate Tonight. Tho Whitman College debating team arrived this, morning, and will moot tho representatives from "Wil lamette University this evening. In tho University chapel in what prom ises to ho tho most interesting do bnto of tho season. George Wood ard, II. T. Davonport and E. F. Ma son will roprcscnt tho Washington school, while Willamette's honors will bo upheld by Wnltor Wlnslow, J. Relchen nnd II. L. Parcel. Both teams nro composed of nblo mon, who havo spent much time and nblo thought upon tho subject to bo dis cussed. Tho Biibject will be: "Ro Bolvcd That tho passage of tho fif teenth amendment has not bcon Jus tified." Wlllnmotto will uphold tho ninrmativn side. Governor Chnm borlaln will prosldo at tho evening's ontortnlnmont, which will not only consist of tho debato, but also of novoral musical and literary num bors. After tho debnto tho Wlllam otto BtudontB will glvo a reception Cumnt ETeotsl Mrs. L. Anderson, nrrlvcd thlsiftt tho collogo of music In honor of morning from Jefferson to visit her tho visiting dobators. grand dnughtor. Cured ItheiimntlNin, Mr. Win. Honry of Chattnnoogn, Tonn., had rheumatism in his loft nrm. "Tho strength Boomed to have gono out of, tho muscles so that It whs usoIbb for work," ho says. "I applied Chamborlnln's Pain Balm and wrapped tho arm in Hannel nt night, and to my rollof I found that tho pain gradually loft mo nnd the strength returned. In throo weoka tho rheumatism had disappeared and has not ulnco roturncd." If troubled with rheumatism try a fow applica tions of Pain Balm. You nro cer tnln to bo plenscd with tho rollof which It affords. For Balo at Dr. Stone's drug ntoro. Mrs. Chnrlos Cnlvort left this morn lug for Collins Springs for a fow weekB' outing. Hon. W. C. Hawloy loft this morn ing for Albany on businoss. Ho will deliver nn address at Brownsvlllo on noxt Friday evening. Fred A. Wiggins, who Is now on. of tho loading businoss men of Top ponlBh, Washington, arrived In the city this morning to visit his family. Mrs. W. II. Philips wont to Jeffer son hits morning, whoro sho wns called by tho Ulnoss of her niece, Miss Ethel Trunx. Mrs. H. R. Schouarmnn wont to Portland this morning to nttnd tho Woittnn'a Missionary convention, which wlli bo hold thoro today. Mrs. Geo. E. Chamberlain, of Portlnnd, Is visiting hor husband, Ai-knnsns Federation of Women. Forroat City, Ark., April 24. Elnbornto preparation woro mado by tho Forrost City club for tho onter tnlnmont of tho Arkansas Federa tion of Womon's clubs, which is hold ing its annual convention here. Throo rccoptlons woro given and an afternoon ten. Just Because Your cough is only in tho thorat and doos not troublo you now dou't think that it noeds no attontion. When it has not had much of a start is the tlmo to check it. Tho slightest cough easily leads to Pneumonia, Bronchi tis and Consumption. A bottlo ot Ballard's Horehound Syrup will euro Truntifom of Ileal Estate. Tho following doeds linyo boon placed on record In tho ofllco of the Mnrjou county recerder: A, R. Pratt, Ot ux to M. 0. ' Dale, lot 9, block 17, Scotts ' Mills, w d '.., 100 II. J. O, Lund, ot ux., to Ernest Shonnoson, 73 acros In t 5 s, r I w, q o d , , . E. H. and B. Cowles to Q, W, Waterbury, land In , Murlou . eouuty, q o a ..,... Opening Day The Red Cross Phar macy starts their foun tain today. Pure and wholesome SODAS AND ICE CREAMS are what you will find. RED CROSS PHARMACY that cough. Tho price puts it within Govornor Chnmborlaln, In this city, reach of all. Sold by D. J. Fry. .. i uimim iuii lino minimis iui Portland where ho has securod a po sition ns travollng salesman with the' United Carrlngo Co. i Judgo and Mrs. W. C. Hubbard left this morning for a visit In Port lnnd. Thoy woro accompanied by Mrs. Hubbnrd's slstor, Mrs. Uotz, of Ashlnnd, who has boon visiting In this city. William Loobold Is oxpectod to ar rive la tho city today from South Dakota, whoro ho has been settling up his businoss affairs, preparatory to moving to Oregon to i Ido. Mrs. Loobold nnd children are already lo cated hero, Miss Adollo Hayes, of Baker City, Is tho guest of her frland, Miss Em raa Crablll, of O. A. C.Corvallls Garette. Miss Hayes now resides iu Portland, and hns many friondB in this city. i Mr. aud -Mrs. J. F, Goodo, who ' havo boon visiting tholr daughter. Mrs. John Steelhammor, la Wood burn, returned homo this morning rMrs. Steelhammer. who has hwn qulto ill, is reported to bo much bet ter, i. ueorge Myers and Harry Albert; Garden Spot of Salem. Whero you will find tho very best aud freshest of vegetables and fruits. Look at tho list and then place your order early. ASPARAGUS CAULIFLOWER CAHBAGE FRESH TOSIATOES GREEN PEAS GREEKS LETTUCE RADISHES YOUNG ONIONS RHUBARB Saturday Special LEMONS, 20c PER DOZEN. Moir Grocery Company 456 State Phone 182 A convontlon will beheldlste Bono Saturday to start a botch 10 Dunu a canal from Eujeneisoi vauis. ! A 500-rallo railroad li tobV from Denver to Snyder, OMi. The Baroness do Masse; Is ctfaJ for murder In New York. Tho body of the cook ol Hi & fated steamer Arcadia caoa t& at Ludlngton, Mich. $ Miss Jeanncss, a Quaker hi Philadelphia, has given a &13 dollars for tho education o( Ut w grnes ot tho South. Prlncoss Camilla von Wrcdi 1 been declared ins&no beaut stolo a great deal of silver froa I tcls In Borlln. il Hcront earthquake la Sla! rovcnlcd a cave filled with Uw t uro In coin and old arrcor oli3 Ish buccaneer ot tho lt ttir7.f I Westorn Montana is torerti snow, and frost Is killing tie frttt: Tho government Is Mild to i ato between tho emploieull managers of the Deaiert Grando railroad, n BORX. RUDOLPH. At their hoBtoarwl toonth street. Tuesdsj, Aprfl I 1907, to Mr. and Mrs. foo.fi dolph, a son. Thn hannv father Is trsrtlkji .. ,- n. .1 hi. tt tit man for une u w., oi w Is woll known through tk a Thn mnthor and child are wtf lv. Mrs. Rudolph Is th ! daiiBhtor of George GriiM,Mw city. na'i). ,,., thfl heel. 11 v,., Pnnrfh street, thliw nt 5 o'clock, Mar; Au W aged Si years. . Tho funeral arranseoesu " announced later ..MONEY TO Ug THOMAS tr. 0verLadd4Dnih'iBMk.SM Norwich Unioa Fire Frank Meredith, OBice wiia "" I.I .,FL 129 Commercial - NEW TODAY " ...a Fr Ront-Roof nsJT and bouscno.u - cheap. i lUU" .ml4 544. For Sale-Serial ana 4"" , , w.i. nt Capital KJSlM1 . ....lB J Aro lou m -- . , W .V 1 UJ vkLl . J-iM.1 .kkc r:.. n onDortunlty .- . mr fallW .n mr resUurUt. j v,Venr at Its worth. Tl .. -.i.nKf.W' w4 monW O?! ThaABgelu,w,-li .1 proprltor, "ft '- 38. 1