DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON', WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1007. K STOCKTON'S The Old Wbite Corner kpecialof f erings the feature this week CLOTHING SPECIALS. MENS' SUITS $12.50 up to 910 Values. $11.50 ..... Suit in tho houso that for- ..- .M for S12.50 to $16.00 rtl be sold this week for $11.50, We have tho cleaneBt stock or clothing In the city. Evory suit is ne and Btynsn. omu uuu U,cm; we will show you tho best nluc3 you hare ever seon. THIS Wisisii. unw. WASH GOODS HALF PRICE. ca ntoces of wash goods rang- ... in nrire from 10c to 75c a jui will be on sale all this week it JUST HALF PRICE. HENRIETTA, 20c. roa tho display in our. Court ttreet window of now Henriettas In fancy printed grays, plnld anil tripe, cream, plain blue and plain fcrown colors. LINGER GRAND! TONIGHT Julia Romaine Co. In tho thrcc-nct fnrco comedy, "MY I'.VLB FROM JAPAN." Beginning Thursday night, "THK OCTOROON." I Prices 1 5 and 25c. rand Opera House J.V0. V. CORDRAY, Manager. j AX UNQUALIFIED TRIUMPH lUENRY W. SAVAGE OFFERS RAYMOND ilTCHCOCK line New Three Act Comic Opera Yankee Tourist. Book by RICHARD II. DAVIS Lnles by WALLACE IRWIN i Mnslc by ALFIIED G. ROBYN TIlK.SI!SOVS REST SHOW jm, BCj, 7:c, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00. U on rale at box offlco Thursday 9 a, in. METHING NEW In Bifocal Lenses jUt us it -v you a noat, up-to-date ' for n-a, -d far-seeing. It U Hyti good &i tho expenslvo kind, ! klf tho ccst. at throw away your broken " Drlnc thorn in n. Wn can iUttte any part, with little ox- Chas. H. Hinges Graduate OptlciaH. 1 inerclal Street, next door to capital National Hank. ilem Fpnrp Nro limners for Woven Wire L Fencing. PJJ Wire, Barb Wire, Poultry JT wcu GateB Shingles aid . Rea,jy Roofing. AH t lowest prices. Walter Morley m. Salem, Ore. hfli i - . cj maun tam t m.uma.4 L0Ui Hiti -a jii.J Yim,. K&SS3SSkS L.it? I "" to TMhub PETTICOATS BLVDE OF SILK HEATHER BLOOM, SATINE AND MER CERIZED LUSTRE. $1.25 to 18.50 A big stock of petticoats camo last Friday evening, and out of the lino wo selected a lot for In troductory specials. They are tho regular 3.00 values, and will bo sold nt that next week, If any aro left. But this week thoy go at $2.25 Just this week only. LINEN ETAMINES. COc and 7Cc i".7.ec ir l mlnos In tho now block checks and plain colors. Special 35 YARD. FANCY SATINES HALF-PRICE. Twenty-two pieces on salo this week. CITY LIGHT AND WATER. May Bo the Future Policy of Inde pendence. At tho city council meeting, under hca dof "communications," Recorder Mooro road tho following offered by Mayor Paddeck: Imlepondonco, Or, April 20, '07. To tho Hon. City Ceuncil: Firmly believing in municipal ownership of our water system, which has been so emphatically en dorsed by our citizens nt tho ballot box, and having tho nBsurnnco from Mr. Hall, assistant mnnngcr of tho WHIamctto Vnlloy Company, that thoy will noil their plant horo, I rcc ommond that you take Btich action as may bo deemed advisable to as certain at what prlco said eystum here can bo purchased. Respectfully submitted, B. E. PADDOCK, Mayor. Tho communication from tho mayor was not acted upon, but mny bo consldorod at a future mooting. Through blood poisoning caused by a spider bite, John Washington of Bosquovlllo, Tox., would hnvo lost his log, which becamo a mass or run ning sores, had ho not boon porauad od to try Bucklsn's Arnica Salvo Ho writes: "Tho first application rollovcd, and four boxes healed all tho soros." Heals evory soro. 25c at J. C. Perry's, druggist. Will Bo HeM'ntenced. Shorlff L. J. Hadloy and Doputy Robort Odell, of Vale, Oregon, who camo to Salem to tako chargo of Oliver Mogordon, who was sentenced from Malheur county, on tho charge of murdering his wlfo, loft this mom Ing with tholr prisoner for tholr homo. Aftor Mogordon was sen tenced there was an appeal taken to tho supromo court. This appeal was donlod, and tho prisoner Is bolng re turned for res5ntonco, o i The KicdYcs Han Atari BM)t m Diamond Chick Feed There Is no bettor chick food made than tho kind wo have. A Ig statement, but a fact beyond a doubt. Cortalnly the host food to vtart tho chicks with. Remember wo havo a full line of poultry supplies of all kinds. Bee Supplies Wo havo the largest Btock of bee supplies In the valley, and can All your wants. Now is the time to put on the supers and get the bcos to work. Our prices on hives, supers and extras Is the lowest In Jio city. !W A full line of smokers, sections foundations, veils, etc., on hand. D. A. WHITE &SON 2KS CommtrtM 9trt. FbM lit. It Is Im possible to keep healthy If tho diges tion Is bad. Tho Hitters, being abso lutely pint, will tono tho dlgestlvo Byi tem nud euro Poor Appe tite, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, CoHtivcncss or Female Ills. P CEU8RATED U Dealers Worried Over Finances. New York, April 24. Now York coffco dealers aro worried ovor por slstent rumors of troublo with the Brazilian valorization plnn. Tho lo cal trade hns presumed a great dea) upon tho success of the scuomo, and if it goes wrong it will mean n whole lot to tho big houses. Tho minora were thnt tho South American ro public hnd exhausted Us funds, nnd will soon havo to atop buying coffee. This rumor was strongly denied lr. somo quarters, and rcndlly credited In others, nnd llko many of tho re ports thnt havo been circulated since Brazil began to stock up with cof fco wenned n few frelds away from tho plan of valorization. It has boou snid during tho pnst month thnt somo of tho big houses In Now Yor.k aro spending on tho Brnzlllan gov ernment to a groator extent thnn they would bo willing to admit. Conversation on this subject along tho "street" brings out tho atntTJ niont thnt thcrd Is working undor Btnnding wheroby Brazil hns In hands tho locnl market control, and tho dotormlnod efforts to boost up coffee vnluos by ofllclal means, hnvo caused the abolition of premiums on dlstnnt options, nnd tho strength In tho mnrkot which hns beou notnblo In Bplto of tho almost total cessation of demnnd. In such a condition ru mors nro siiroly abound, but theso Htorles of trublc with tho financial Bldo of valorization havo been more porslstont than over of Into. "Brazil has boon having troublo with tho monoy Bldo of tho iucstion," said a Front street broken, who Is known ns being on tho fouco as ro gards valorization. "Thoro havo boon many storloB regarding tho dllll culty of money to flnunco tho gigan tic donl, nnd from my own obsorvn tlon I am Inclined to bollovo this Inst Btorj'. I expect to boo tho buy ing of coffoo stop down thoro nuy minute, nnd It will probably mnko troublo ho re. Stock In Santos Is now a llttlo bolow 3,000,000 bags 2,000.000 bags to bo exact and tho plain dotormlnatlon of govorumont agents to keop tho figure low, hIiows that thoy aro afraid of tho moral In fluence of a Inrgo stock than thoy havo alnmdy." o Married. At high noon todny, by Rov. P. 8. Knight, at Salem, B. J. VanTuylo to Amanda T. Bvott, both of Sllvtirton. . Tho Price of Health. "Xho prlco of honlth In a malar ious district Is Just 25 conts; tho cost of a box of Dr. King's. Now Life Pills," wrltos Ella Slayton, of No land, Ark. Now Life Pills elennso gently and Impnrt now llfo and vigor to tho systom. 25c. Satisfaction guaranteed nt J. C. Porrys' druggist. Roth & Graber GROCERS GOOD THINGS TO EAT. DRIED REEF IN BULK SLICED ROILED HAM FANCY CREAM CHEESE 7 HH Largo White Ream 23( Ulbs Fancy Head Rice 1! cam. Minted Clams, )i, for 23c lib ran Minced Clams for. . . . 13c 'Jib ran Minced Clanis for. . . .IWo ii cans Extra Htundard Oysters or 23c Don't ovorlook our stock of high-grade canned goods. Wo havo a great variety of nico goods for your tabic, too numerous to mention. Imported Swiss Cheese, Wisconsin Swiss Cheese. Roth & Graber 410 State Street Pfete 36 ill STOMACH Gutters JKFFERON SIDING CASE. Aupperlo Mill Application Before Commission. John A. Aupperlo, of tho Jef ferson sawmills nnd flouring mills, was given a hearing boforo yesterday In tho matter of his appli cation for a skiing, which has boon ponding boforo tho Southern Pacific authorities for somo time. Ho has onlnrged his plant nhd wants to han dlo soyeral million foot of logs nnd lumber In nnd out of his mill, and tho commission went over tho whole matter In a very painstaking manner nnd havo promised to mnko further Investigation. ' It Is likely that ono of tho commissioners will go on tho promlsos boforo giving an ordor In the case. Mr. Aupperlo has Invested a great doat of money nt Jefferson, and his business hns outgrown his shipping facilities, and befools that ho Is entitled to bettor nccommodn tlons. Rheumatic Pains. I hnvo been a very groat BUfferor from tho drendful dlsoaso, rheuma tism, for a number of years. I havo tried many medicines but novor got much rollof from nny of thorn until two ycnrB ago, when I bought n bot tle of Chnmborlntn's Pain Balm. I found rollof boforo I hnd used all of ono bottle, but kept on applying It nnd soon folt llko a different wom an, Through my ndvlco many of my friends hnvo trtod It and can toll you how wonderfully It hno workod. Mrs. Sarah A. Colo, 140 B. Now St,, Dover, Dol. Chnmborlain's Pain Balm Is a liniment. Tho rcllof from pnln which It nffordB Is alono worth ninny times Its cost. It ninkos rest nnd sleep possible For salo at Dr. Slono's drug ntoro. o CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tho Kind You Have Always Bought Blgiaaiuro of CxTcU&id Send the Family Washing To Us and you'll novor bother with having It dono at homo again. Time was whoa ovory family could not afford to send tho washing to a laundry, but tlmos havo changed so, too, hnvo tho methods and prlcos. Today you can bettor afford to sond the family washing horo than not to. Ask nbout our prlcos on family wash ing, rough dry, or finished. The Salem Steam Laundry IMiouo 2ft. I.'MMIMI H. Liberty Rl. .MEN'S OXFORDS AND TIES 3.00, :.o, l., . WOMEN'S OATORDH AND TIES 91.BO, $2.00, ga.OO, $1.00 CHILDREN'S OXFORDS AND TIES 73c, OOc, !.00, ffl.Ti ACCORDING TO SIZE Tho Foot wear you buy hero will look well, feel Kir l rttuso you to como again for shoes, SALEM'S BIG SHOE STORE OREGON SHOE CO. THESHOERS Summer Lino Dcmnml. Now York, April 24. In rovlow of tho market situation inndo by com mission merchants, It was a con census of opinion that demand still runs in excess of tho supply In cot ton goods, woolons, llnons and dross silks. With such a situation to bo met buyers nro compelled to ontci tho mnrkot with prices rigidly main tained. No amount of prossuro has been ablo to secure concessions on goods for any dollvory this sldo of tho Into fall, oven on heavy, coarso cottons. With regard to knit good.i In both undwenr and hosiery tho fall bookings nro steadily Increasing, and tho mills hnvo stood out for the highest advances and those which nro making goods oqunl to those of laBt year In quality nro tho ones furthorest sold ahead. A consider able volumu of recorders camo to hand by mnll for dress goods In woolons nnd worsted nnd on cortnln lines of many men's fancy overcoat ings for fall. In tho jobbing trade thu oponlng of a largo quantity of fresh morchnndlso In wash goods by tho II. B. Clnfllln Compnny nnd tholr announcement thnt tho goods will bo sold In tho regular way and not held back by a special May sale, caused a largo Influx of local buyers to visit thlu department. Tho ndvantngo to retailors to got spot Biippllos of wash fabrics during tho closing fortnight is fully npproclatcd hnd It Is expect ed that tho out of town trndo as boou ns tho details of thu Chimin an nouncement reach thorn, will bo ! quick to avail thomsolvos of thin supply. Wholosalo clothiers state that thoy nro now receiving Btrong recorders on two ptcco sultB for youths nnd men In grny worsted! nnd fancy woolons. Tho next host soiling summer goods In buIIr nro tho two ptoco crash nnd homespunn which nro bolng ordorod in Inrgo sup plomoutnry quantities by westeru and southorn retailors. Prices on tho final business for tho light wolght Benson rule firm nnd on cer tain lines of high grndo fancy goods worstod suits Bhow advances two to three per cent over oponlng priced nro bolng secured. o - University Art Loan Exhibit Open. Now York, April 24. Tho annual free art loan exhibition nt tho uni versity Hettlomont closos todny. Many distinguished artists loaned pictures, besides numerous prlvato parties. Tho exhibition was glvou uudor the Joint auspices of tho Worn oii'b Auxllllnry nud tho Art Club for Women. Thu exhibition was a great success. n iip. EUREKAl Yes, I Have Found It nt Last. Found what? Why that Chamber lain's Salvo euros cczoma nud all mnnnor of Itching of tho skin. I havo boon ndllctcd for many years with skin demon. I had to got up thros or four tlmos ovory night and wnsn j with cold wator to allay tho torrlbla Itching, but stneo using this salvo In Docombor, 1005, tho Itching hns' Htoppod nnd litis not troubled mo. Eldor John T. Ongloy, Rootvlllo, Pn. For salo at Dr. Stone's drug store. HHHHMMHMM OXFORDS Everybody will bo minting Oxford for tho next few week, for they aro certainly tlio most comfortable nud satisfactory Hiiiiiiiut Shoes known. Wo havo mi immeiiso assortment of Oxfords in nil tho styles that aro now In vogue. Oxfortfs la Lnc, Blucher and Button styles, Ribbon Ties, etc., etc. Oxford for Men, Women, Roys, Misses nud Children In nil sizes nnd widths. Oxiotds iot Cool, roinfurliildu nnd easy Ox ford Oxfords mndo on honor and sold on their merit. leathers, making uml styles abso lutely correct. Now Bridges for Oregon. San Francisco, April 24. B. H. Harrlman, with Julius Kruttschnltt and his other assoclutos, has decided . to construct this summer 21 steel bridges in Oregon for tho Southern Pacific nnd Its associated lines, the Orogon Railway & Navigation com pnny and Orogon Short Lino, It Is snid. Tho now Southorn Pacific bridges will bo along tho lino of tho Mount Shasta routo botweon Port land nnd tho northern California Btnto line. By this means tho rond bod will bo greatly Improved, so as to permit fnBtor tlmo botwoon San Frnnclsco nnd Portland. Tho nggro gato cost of tho now bridges will bd $3,000,000. o Why Havo a torpid llvor whdn Horblne, tho only llvor rogulntor will help you? Thoro Is no reason why you should Buffer from Dyspepsia,. Cos stlpatlon, Chills and Fovor or aay llvor complaints, whon Horblne will euro you. F. C. Wnlte, Wostvllle, Fla., writes. "I was sick for a month with chills and fovor, and after tak ing two bottlos of Horblno am well nnd hccUhy." Gold by D. J. Fry. BUTTERNUT BREAD It is worth more than any other brond, yot tho price Is no higher. For sale at your grocer's. CALIFORNIA BAKERY. Thau & Cooloy, Props. J. W. BOLLEN Managor Salem Undertaking Co. Funeral Director and Embnlmer. $ Calls answered day or night. Phono 70, 383 Court St., Salem t; EVERYONE MICKS 'EM. Our Gorman coffoo cakes havs nindo friends whorovor tried. Thoy nro mndo tho old-faHhloued way bettor (you will pardon uu fur say Ing) than you can haku thorn nt homo. "You can novor toll till you try." Horo's hoping you'll try the flmt time you're hungry. CAPITAL BAKERY, O. ULLOM, Prop. Everybody -5!l M yv 2